Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 27, 1849, Image 3

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By the arrival here yesterday of the
steamship Galveston, Captain Crane
from Galveston, the sth instant, we
have received the Civilian and the News
df that port, and other papers from the
interior of the State.
The Civilian of the 30th ult., states
that a company is about to be started in
Galveston and Brazos Navigation Com
pany, for the purpose of cutting a canal
from San Luis or West Galveston Bay
to the Brazos river, with the privilege
also of connecting by canal the waters
of the Brazos river with the San Bernard
Peach Creek add Colorado. It is mten-
Aed to apply to the Legislature for a
canal charter. The capital stock will
de $150,000, with the privilege of in-
Creasing it to $300,000, to be divided
into shares of $lO each.
We take the following from the Vit
toria Advocate of the 2d inst.
The editor of the Western Texan has
been a letter to Major Babbitt from an
bfficer of the army, dated at el Pasodel
Norte, dated September 16, The wri
ter states that the government train had
hrrived there on the Sth ult., having
been fifty-three days on the march. The
writer adds :
6 , Report says that Americans in the
employ of the State authorities of Chi
huahua have entered our territory, at
tacked, killed and scalped peaceful In
dians, near Presidio del Norte. This
will produce among the various tribes
hostility towards all white men. Chi
huahua is now literally besieged by the
Indians because of this outrage."
News from El Paso dated the 16th
September had been received by Major
Babbitt, Assistant Quartermaster Gener
al. The Got ernment train had arrived
after being out 110 days, but only fifty
;hide were occupied in marching. Corn
is Worth $3 a bushel there, and beef is
not to be hadt Fifty dollars per yoke
had been offered for the tender footed
attic belonging to the train.
A fight had taken place between a
detachment tjf American troops coin
mended by Major Stein, and a party of
Apache Indians; about ninety miles from
Dona Ann, in the direction of the Gila.
COrpdfill NorwoOd and Sergeant Snyder
Were killed. Major stein was slightly
woundbd. The loss of the Indians was
not ascertained, but forty horses and
mules were retaken. The Americans
were from forty to fifty; the Indians
fifty to sixty, but the latter wets strong.
ly posted in almost impervious thick
The San Antonio Western Texan of
the 20th ult., says.
A train of about 175 carts is now be•
ing fitted out from this place for the
pass by the way of Las Moran, and will
probably leave in ten days.--.7r. 0. Pic
ayune November 8.
Pia PEN NvisAncas.—The law against
treating or maintaining nuisances of
this character was clearly laid down in
the Philadelphia Court of Quarter Ses
sions on Saturday last, by Parsons. In
charging the jury empannelled in the
case of a man who was on trial for keep
ing a pig pen—
The Judge took the broad ground that
no man has a right so to occupy his prop
erty as to incommode or annoy his neigh
bor. It had been decided, he said, in
the Supreme Court of this State, by
Judge Sergeant, that the keeping of one
pig In a pen in a thickly populated neigh
borhood, was per se (of itself) a nuisqe
ce. Fornfty, it was supposed, trial.
it must be proven detrimental to the
health of a neighborhood to make it a
nuisance; but within the last 25 years
a more liberal construction had been giv
en to tl►e law in relation to nuisances,
and it was now sufficient that the busi
ness complained eshould be annoying to
the citizens residing in its locality or
who were in the habit of passing along
the high road near which it established.
of Quarter Sessions of !Jerks county,
last Week Catherine Eisenbise was con
victed of being a common scold. This
offence was formerly punished with duck
ing and as late as 1824 the Court of
Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia, seri.
tenced a certain Nancy James "to be
placed in a certain engine of correction
ailed a ducking stool on Wednesday,
the third day of November, then next
ensuing, between the hours of 10 and
12 o'clock in the morning, and so being
placed therein to be plunged three times
into the water ; to pay the costs of pros
ecution, and to stand committed until
the sentence is complied with." The
Supreme Court decided, however, that
this punishment, so far from being cal
culated to reform the offender, would
only make her scold to the end of her
life—and that the only punishment was
fine, or fine and imprisonment, at the
discretion of the Court.
tional Intelligencer of Monday learns
from an official source that in the amount
of revenue which will be requisite to
meet the expenditures of the Govern
ment for the fiscal years ending the 30th
of June, 1850, and the 30th June, 1851,
there will be a deficit of between fifteen
and twenty millions of dollars. This
deficit. it says, will not have been occa
sioned by any insufficiency of the cur
rent revenue to meet the ordinary expen
ditures of the Government, but by the
extraordinary expenditures growing out
of the Mexican War and the late Treaty
of Peace With that country.
IRELAND.—Letters, from this dhhappy
country state, that ttlseS of general suf
fering were never runre severe than at
present. The absent land proprietors,
(that class of absentees who have deri
ved their Main Suriport from Ireland, and
spend little or nothing in the country,)
have been called together by the Govern
ment, under t h e pressure ,of events to
see What could be done. The result is,
after visiting their landed estates and
seeing for themselves, a general surren
der of the rents due; and in addition', a
reduction of relit equal to, q 0 per cent.
Quite one eighth part of the populrition
of Ireland are now living upon charity.
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 23, 1819:
The flour market has been nearly at a stand
during the past week. The demandf or shipment
continues limited, and only 4a500 bbls common
brand sold at 5,00 per bbl. For city consump
tion, the sales are limited at previous rates. ,
AYE FyliTa, is but litte inquired after. Sales
of la2oo hbls. a 153,00 per.bbl.
CORN continues dull at 0,00.
GRAIN-Sales of 501,060 bu. good and Pritile
red at $1,06a1,07, and white at $1,13.
RYE-Alit little offering. We quote Fiala.
at 62e. and Southron at 60c.
COON-Is dull. We quote yellow at 65 and
white and 62c., but no sales havr transpired.
OATS sell slowly, Southern at 28u30c, and
Penn'a. at 35 per bu.
. . . .
WHISKEY is • searce. Sales in bbls. and hhds.
at'2Re., with further sales.
SEEDS—There is very little cloverseed
coming in, and the market is firm at old rates.
We quote at Via 14 for old and new seed. Tim
othy is in steady demand, with sales in lots at
s2a2i. Flaxseed is selling nt 145 cts. mea
11101 V—The market continues stagnant and
dull, and prices in the few sales making are
within the range of $19a20 for Anthracite, $2l
for Scotch, and $25a20 for Charcoal Pig, on
time. A small sale of northern Blooms was
made at $l5 cash.
In Brady township, this county, on Tuesday
the 13th inst., Mrs. MARY, wile of Mr. S. K.
Herz, and daughter of the late George Rung, in
the 3jith year of her age.
El.a.a= czooDumiceests.
A GENERAL assortment of groceries just
opened and for sale at CUNNINGHAM'S Gro
cery and Confectionary establishment, directly
opposite the Post Office, Huntingdon.
November 27, 180.
T)URE Concentrated Extract of Lemon, a
r genuine article for sale at CUNNING
HAM'S, opposite the Post Office.
November 27, 1819.
LiA PRIME article of Black Ten, Young Hy
son, Imperial and other Teas, just opened
November 27,18-IS.
A SUPERIOR article of Cheese jast reeeiv.
11 ed at 'CUNNINGHAM'S.
November 27, 1810.
VINEGAR, of the best kind, for sale at
Nov. 27,1819. CUNNINGHAM'S.
lezitizzo oiviazz•
/TIRE undersigned assignees of Blaitand Mad
den, will sell on the premises, on Wednes
day 19th day of December, 1849,
Melinda Iron Works,
situate on the Aughwick creek, in Cromwell
township, Huntingdon county, Pa., and within
a few miles of the Pennsylvania Canal and Rail
road. The works consist ofa Charcoal Furnace
and Forge nearly new, and Saw Mill, all in good
order, and the usual and necessary houses and
buildings attached therero, together with dbout
520 acres of land adjoining the works, about 70
acres c!eared and in a good state of cultivation,
and the remainder of the premises is timber and
woodland upon which some iron ore has been
found convenient to the Furnace. To any per
son wishing to engage in the iron business, the
above works offer great inducements ; they are
located in a healthy and thriving neighborhood,
whore labor and materials are comparatively
cheap, Good ore can be had convenient to the
Furnace, and timber at very moderato prices ;
the Aughwick creek gives ample water power
at all seasons of the year.
Also—On the same day, ono Tract of Land
in Springfield township, containing 75 acres
well improved, and a good quality of land,lytng
on Aughwick creek.
Also—Will be sold on Thursday the 20th day
of December 1849, one tract of slate land, con
taining 150 acres, in Dublin township, well im
proved and in a good state of cultivation.
Also—On the same day will offer for sale a
n'tmbor of lots of ground in the village of C lays
ville, in Dublin township.
Also—On the same day, about 70 acres of
timber land in Cromwell township, part lying
Shade Clap, where there is a good seat for water
works, and good water power.
Also—On the same day, a tract of limestone
land, in Dublin township containing about two
hundred acres, well improved and in a good state
of Cultivation.
Also-95 acres of timber land adjoining the
above 'ram.
Attendance given and terms made known on
day ante, THOS. E. ORI3ISON
Nov. 0, 1849,
Estate of Daniel Rudman, &c.
NOTICE le hereby given to the Heirs and
legal representatives of Daniel Kurfman, dec'd„
late of Union Ip. Huntingdon coned to all others
interested, that by virtue of a writ of Partition
and Valuation, issued out of the Orphans' Court
of said county and to me directed, an Inquestwas
held to part and divide or value and appraise, all
that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situate
in Cass township, Huntingdon county, adjoining
lands of Lewis Stever, Philip Rudman, Conrad
Kurfman and rotor Kurfman. and Shirley , .
Knob, containing about two hundred and sixty
acres or thereabouts, being the farm upon which
the said Daniel Kurfman resided at the time of
his death— and that at the November term ofeaid
court a Rule was granted on coil heir., &c., to
appear at the January term of raid court, on the
second Monday (14th day,) and to show cause
if any they have, why the Real Estate of said
deceased should not be sold.
Nov. 27, 1849-6 t.
Ifteihkf of the Grand Jury,
On the subject of a FREE B4IDGE
across the Juniata River, , Horiiirig
don, .Voveinber 1849.
"The opinionof the brand .Idri is, thhi it
would be too burdensartie for the County at
present to build a Bridge where the viewers
have reported ; but the Grand Jury would re
spectfully recommend the County Commission
ers to appropriate from the funds of the county
Bum the Bu of Fifteen fithidied Dotla'ts for the pur
pose of assisting the petitioners to plirehase the
Toll Bridge at the Turnpike, now built, for the
purpose of making the said bridge ,free."
JGHN R. HUNTER, Feteman.
In pursuance of the above proCiedings, on the
part of the Grand Jiity, g number of the stock =
holders, owning a majority of the stock of the
Juniata.Bridge 6ic., met, and on due consider
a tide; adCfpferf Mb) wing res,gititidii .
. Resolved, That Wturk.l ChtaiStht, Esqi,
Pigaident of the Juniata Whip: Coinpank, be
midis hereby Authorized, on application being
made to him friini a proper source, to enter in
to a contract for the sale of the stock of the;
ataidsidsd to made it free for trav-.
el, anti iii c a se - tlie Vanes disagree as to terms , .
he is fdriher authorized to refer the subject to
threw disinterested persons, to be chosen by the
parties, whose decision shall be accepted by the
Reie/vcd, That the foregoing prCieeedings be
pdblished ior the information of those concerned.
Signed by order, CONRAD BUCIIER,
November 27, 1849. Chairman.
OAME to the premiere of the subscriber, living
kJ in Porter township, Heart's Log Valley,
sometime in the month of October, 2 STEEBS',
one between 4 and 5 years old, red and white
spotted ; the other is black, between, 2 and 3
years old, and having a slit in the right ear and
a hole in the left. The owner is requested to
come forward, prove property, pay charges and,
take them away, otherwise they will be disposed
of according to law. JOHN BLACK.
November 27,1849.
COLEFJLV - ZlZll s _= - 0
For the Purchase and Sale of
THE undersigned, believing that an
Agency of this character would be
an accommodation and an advantage to both the
purchaser and seller of Real Estate, has conclu
ded to open one at his office in Huntingdon.
All business of this kindentrusted to him, and
all communications sent to him, will receive his
prompt and diligent attention. He will adver
tise when requested, either in his own name or
in the name of the owner, as may be desirable,
in ohe or both of the newspapers of the county,
and in any other newspaper that may be desig
nated, and endeavor to procure purchasers
' and
sellers, and communicate between them.
A full and mini..;.e description of the property
—its improvements, supply of water, conveni
ence to markets, schools, chnrches,ad the terms
of sale, must accompany the request of any per
son who wishes his real estate advertised or of
fered for sale ; and some description, as definite
as possible, of the quality, kind and value, of
the premises desired to be bought, must be giv
en by those who wish to purchase.
All communications relating to the business
of this Agency will be confidential if desired.
The subscriber is in communication wills a
similar agency in Lancaster, Pa., and wilt be
able through it to bring property offered for
sale to the immediate notice of Lancaster coun
ty purchasers.
BY - Postage must be paid on all letters sent.
P. S.--Several desirable properties are now
offered for sale. For further particulars inquire
of the subscriber. bAVID BLAI,II,
Attornej% at Ldd.
Huntingdon, Pa., Nov. ffo, 1819.
Broke out in a New Place l
MICHAEL CLABAUGH respectfully in
forms the citizens of the borough of Hun
tingdon and vicinity, that he has opened a new
and Confectionary, in the basement story of A.
Willoughby's Clothing Store, one door west of
T. Reed & Son's Store, and two doors east of
the Post office, where he is prepared to accom
modateall who may favor him with then cds
torn. Thankful for past fabors, he still holies
for a continuance Of ptibllc fairdr, and will dee
all effOrts td acccinimcidstli his edstomers:
Whd is this dlababgh 1 Why, dont yonkikiw
him 1 It is Mi . ]. old friend. Oh yes, I know hint ;
I'll go to see him sure; well I will. I'll go
too, for.he keeps the best Oysters, Tripe, Cold
Fdvki6, and a Variety of good things; in the
Step in Ladies and Gentlemen—Qysters are
Huntingdon, Nov. 13, 1849-3 t. •
BY order of the Orphans' Court of Hunting-
D don County, the undersingned, appointed
Trustees by said Court, will expose to sale on
the premises, by public vendde or,otiterk, be
tween the hours of 10. o'clock A. M. add g o'-
clock P. M. on
Monday the 17th day of December, 1849,
the Real Estate of John Miller, dec'd, consist
ing of a tract of land, situate in Union township,
Huntingdon county, containing
339 ACRE,, •
and the usual allowance. Said land adjoins
lands of Matthias Miller, Henry Dell, John
Chilcoat's heirs, Michael Querry, &c., having
thereon erected a cabin house and log barn, a
small stable and granary. There is a good ap
ple orchard on the premises.
TERMS.—One-third of the purchase money
to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and one
third in one year thereafter, and the remaining
one-third in two years after confirmation—with
interest, to be secured by the bond and mort
gage of the purchaser. By the Court,
M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Nov. 20 1849.] Trustees.
61-4 Cents Ilieitrard.
RAN AWAY from the eubeeri
ber residing near McConnelstown,
Huntingdon county, on the 12th of
0„ . ad indentured apprentice to the
Farming business. Said Hamilton
—• is about 16 years of age. All per.
sons are forbid treating or harboring said boy on
my, account. HENRY J. SWOOPS.
Nov. 2d, 1849.
0 0 - #: so
t'' ; STRAYED 001'
QTRAYED from the subscriber living at Ju
l.) niata Forge, on the 15th of October, 2
Steers, about two years old ; one black and the
other red and white, with horns turning towards
the eyes. Any person finding said steers, or
sending word, will be reasonably revi•arded.
JOHN H. Kilda
Novembei 6, 1816.
T T, SCOTT has just returned from New
Yosik and Philadelphia with a large and
brilliant assortment of Watches, Clocks
and Jewelry, consisting in part of
Gold Patent Levers, Silver Patent LeVern
Gold Hunting do, do. Hunting dd.
Gold Anchor do. do. Anchor dd;
Gold Lepines dn. Lepines.
and Verge Watches of all sorts and qualities in
endless variety.
Eight day and 30 hour brass Clocks. AlBO,
Diamond Breast Pins and finger rings ' • Gold
Fob, Vent and, Guard Chains. ; Gold Medal
chaids ; Gold , Pencils and Pens ; Ear Rings ;
Bracelets, and Other Jewelry in great variety,
which for beauty and excellence, cannot be ex
celled. Also Silver Table, Tea and Salt Spoons,
tad Butter Knives ; Silver Specks ; Rodgers'
fine Pen-kives ; Accordeons ; Pocket Books;
Perfumery ; Envelopes ; Note Paper ; Wafers;
Port Monies; Combs ; Hairand Clothes brush
es ; &c., &c.
_ ,
This stecic we can assure our friends and the
has been purchased unusually low, and
will he Sold at a entail advance. Give us a call
and judge for ythirselves.
Huntingddri, November 6, 1819.
Another Flag Hoisted !
( t 7,
Au k ,
oo te`
s •
OUR SIDE" AHEAD !—We have the best
k./ Stock of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, &c., in
the place, and prices nothing at all ; why, neigh
bor, we give these articles away. Remunera
tion l pshaw, who thinks of it. Our aim is the
public benefit and not our own. Only give us
a call, and we know you will laugh at every
thing in the shape of a rival.
NO. 1001 Market Square.
Huntingdon, Nov. 6, 1010.
CAME to the residence of the
aew It it subscriber, residing in West town
'dam a ship, Huntingdon county, on or
r about the 11th or 14th day of Juno
1849, a BLACK MARE, about 16 or 17 years
of ago, with a white stripe on her face, on each
side of her neck small white merits, occasioned
by the color, the left fore and left hind foot are
white. Said mare is about 14 hands high. The
owner i.soquested to come forward, prove pro
petty, pay charges and telt° her away, otherwise
she will ho disposed 01 according to law.
Noi. 13; 1943.
Estate of DaVID EBY, late of Shirley
township, Huntingdon Co., dec'd.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad
ministration on said estate hove been grant
ed to the undersigned. All persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims or demaods against
the same to present them duly authenticated for
settlement to JACOB EBY,
Nov. 19, Adminiatradore.
OT,cE is hereby given that the following
described property, sold at Ccinsiable'd sale
September 6, 18-19, as the property of Joseph
M. Stevens, of Petersburg, Huntingdon county,
Pa, has been purchased by the undersigned, and
loaned to said Joseph M. Stevens, viz :
1 Cook Stove ; 1 sett Harness ; 1 Side-sad
dle and. Bridle; 1 Buffalo Robe; 1 small Case;
1 Ward-robe ; 3 setts of Chairs and 2 Rocking
Chairs ; 4 Tables ; 2 Wash Stands ; 1 Stand ;
1 Bureau ; 150 yards of Carpet ; 4 Looking
glasses ;. 1 Settee ; 1 Secretary and Book-case;
1 mantle Clbck ; 1 corner Cupboard; 2 Sleighs.
All persons are hereby fbrbid interfering .in
any way with said property.
Ndvember 6, 184E4—*
tween Jackstown, Huntinlidon county, and
Chambersburg, Pa. Tlte Coach leaves Jacks
town at 4. o'clock, A. M., on'Monday, Wednes
day and Friday of each week, and Chambers
gurg at the same hour tin Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday. It reaches.4# de • n at 5
o'clock, P. M., on the same days ~ , • '
THE ROUTE through which t q line Pass
es, over a good road, is celebrate (,r the bead
ty and picturesque character o e' country.
Leaving Chambersburg, the coaches stop for a
skirt time at Strasburg, Fannettiburg, Burnt
Cabins, Shade dap (the seat OfkihileorpiAead
emy, under the direction of Messrs. McGindis)
Orbisonia ' Shirleysburg, Mt. Union—where it
intersects the Pennsylvania canalto Jackstovrn.
At the last ndmed place It connects with the
Packet arid Stage Lilies between VhiladelPhia
and Pittsburg.
At Chirtibetsburg; ilittinects With Daily
Lines to Philapelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburg, Ha
gerstown, Mercersburg, and intermediate Pla
The atiants of the people at .the extremes of the
road and throughout its whole length have indu
ced the aubseriber to. embark in this enterprise,
and as the Fare has been fixed extremely low,
and every arrangement Made to insure the safe
ty and convenience of, passengers, he trusts to
be liberally patronized. .
Oct. 18, 1849.
OLD PENS, with diamond poi& and
ver handles, can be had at Father'Xima's
office for the small sum of 73 cents. Who'd a
thwik it 7 NEFF & MILLER.
Orphans , Court gale of
' rpHE following described Real t state,
I late the property of Abrahana Long;
dec'd, in pursuance Of on order of the Orphans'
Court, will be exposed to public sale on • the
premises, at the following times and places, viz:
On Wednesday, the 20th day of December
arm, at 10 o'clock A. M., there will be offered
for sale on the premises, near the residence of
William McLain, in Dublin township, Minting
don county, the four following tfacti, to wit :
All that valuable
of the first quality, situate in Dublin township;
Huntingdon county, near the Burnt Cabins, and
knoWn as the Cabins Farm, containing 197 acres
and 28 perches more or less ,• the said tract hav
ing about 125 acres cleared, and under good
fence, and in the highest state of cultivation—
having thereon a Lo l .tDi+eiting House and Sta
ble, and two never failing skimp cif watei.
ALBO—A small Tract of Land, situate iii,
Dublin township, Huntingdon County, former-
ly owned by Samuel Findley, and lately occu
pied by the widow of said deed, containing
ing about 28 acres, neat ly all of which is clear
ed and under good fence, and having thereon a
Log Dwelling House and barn, and an excellent
Orchard of Fruit Trees.
ALSO—Two contiguous and adjoining tracts
of Land, in the said township of Dublin, in said
county, bounded by lands of Thomas W. Neely,
Esq., and others, containing 80 acres more or
less, and having thereon a good stone Dwelling
House—a small portion cleared and cultivated.
The whole thereof will be sold as one tract.
ALSO—A Tract of Land situate in said
township and county, bounded by lands of Sam
uel Findley's heirs, Franklin county line, lapds
of William Phillips, and others, containing lOU
acres, more or less—being well timbered.
Oa Thursday the 27th day of Deeember, at 10
o'clock A. M., on the premises, at the house of
John J. Harman, in Cromwell township, in said
county, the following tracts of land, to wit a
valuable tract of land, a good portion of which
is of the first quality of limestone, containing
niore Or legg, about 100 acres of which are clear
ed and cultivated, aboqt 1 mild frdiri Rockhill
Fuinace, and abdut 1i Miles from Orbisonia,
and on the main road frOni Hiintingdon to Chem
bersburg, and having thereon a large two story
log house, stone spring house, and a new frame
bank barn—a never failing streamdf water runs
through the farm. . . .
ALSO—On the same day, at 3 o'clock P.
on the premises in Orbisonia, a frame dwelling
house, blacksmith shop, and log stable, and the
lot of ground, now occupied by John B. Stains.
On Friday the 28th day cf December next, at
10 o'clock A. M., all that large and valuable
tract of land situated in Black Log valley, Shir
ley township, in said county, well cultivated,
containing shoot 290 acres more dr less, a large
I portion of which is cleared and under good
fence—having thereon a log dwelling house and
barn, and an orchard. Black Log creek runs
through the premises, and affords a first rate
water power for a Saw Mill or manufactory,
and surrounded by an abundance of the best tim
ber. The said tract of land is about two miles
from Shindig's Tannery. Also—a tract of
Mountain Land,
well timbered, lying on the Black Log moun
tain, in Shirley township, adjoining lanes of
Samuel H. Bell and others, containing 86 acres
more or less.
TERMS.—One third of the purchase money
to be paid on the confirmation of the sale, one
thirdin one year with interest, and the remain
ing third at the death of the widow, with inter
est theretin during her life, td be paid annually , ,
and to be secured by the bond and *Hide of
the purchaser. Any infOrtnatitin Will be given
by William McLain of llubliri township, John
J. Harman of Cromwell township; Samuel Long
of Shirley township, or Gen. A. I'. Wilstin tit
Huntingdon, or by the subscribers at Shirleys
burg, Huntingdon county.
By order of the Orphans' Court,
M. F. CAMPBELL, Clark.
NOV. 20, 1819.] Trustees.
1818 riot now very generally expected, dill groat
exciteMent has recently been produced in
Huntingdon by the radial of a moat splendid
assortment of
Fall and Winter Goode,
at tho old and popular stand of
Market Square, Huntingdon,
His stock comprises Dry Goods, Groceries,
Queensware Cutlery,Caps, - Shoes, Boots, Muffs
Umbrellas. Bonnets, &c. lib hzik a splendid as
sortment of French, English and A mcrican
Cataineta and Jeans in groat variety. Also,
Ready-ma* Clot/sing, of all kid*,
,fully selected variety of Silks, Merin,*
Ipacces, Cashmere., Deldines, Prints,
Ribbons, Label, Ste.
as well as every variety of
ties Dress and 'trimming Goods :
/f which will be sold at prices to compete
lything in the place, as he is determined
one can or shell undereeli high for cash
roved country produce.
iso desiring godd goods and fine styles, at
low prices, are respectfully invited to call soon
at Ida store whore they will find the above folly
verified. • GEO. GWIN.
Huntingdon, October 9, 1849.
rpHE Hungarians not satisfi ed!
j_ other Grand attack on t he.9gent's
OYSTER HOUSE! ! Thousands aro slain
nightly ! ! The Excitopent still Increasing,
notWithritrintling the Agent's great efforts to
allay their thirst for Blood ! ! Hundreds
are attracted to the scene of action to see this
brilliant establishment, and all have come away
initialled that it is the finest Oyster Saloon in the
world ; and in addition, Agent's Oysters aro of
the most superior quality. He has just received
this day an entire stock of Confectionary, to*
which the attention of the Public is invited.—
Thankful for past favors ho atilt hopes fora con
If you want to know where thia fine establish
ment ia, just step down into Railroad Street, one
door above William Simon'. Store, you there
will see the Alikri of the Red Curtain--That is
the place, 191 , HENRY AFRICA.
Huntingdon, November 6,1849.
, A GOOD assortment of *all finished Saddles
ti now on hand and for sale at the Saddle and
Horne.' Manufactory of Win. Glasgow; oppo
site the Post Office, Huntingdon..
Huntingdon, August 7, 1849,
LYcissz , " ElMamma 4 9
HAVE this morning received, at the old
stand of H. K. Nary & Ilao., an entire
•,.. new stock of
Clocks and Watches,
A Jewelry, Cutlery, Stationary,
Perfumery Soaps, 4.r.,
\ which is positively the largest, best
and most fashionable, and cheapest
assortment ever offered for sale in the place.
Having in their employ one of the best work
men in the State, they can most confidently en
gdge to repair locks and Watchesas cheap and
as well es it can be done io any of the Eastern
The ptibtic ate milady requested to call and
test the truth of our declaratiuns. The proof
is In trying.
11. B. The highest prices gittett fbr old gold
and silver.
Remember No. 1001 Market Square, Hun
tingdon, Pa.
October 30, 1819.
41 &
A: II 11111314
Would respectfully inforth his friends and the
travelling public generally, that he his feused
the above large and well known lintel. The
location is one of the very best for business
men in Philadelphia, and he flatters himself that
by giving it his entiro attention, that he *ill be
able to render perfect lafislitction tO all *ho
may favor him stud) their custom.
lie returns thanks for the very liberal sup::
port already extended to him by his friends of
Huntingdon and the ndighbdring counties, and
begs leave to assure them that he will spare no
pains or expense to lender the CITY HOTZL
worthy of their Oniiiiiied support,
Philadelphia, Oct. 30, 1.819-Iy.
rilfTE Proprietor of this large and well known
1 Hotel, would respectfully inform the public
that it has recently been enlarged, repainted In.
side and outside, newly papered, and thoroughly
reuo'eated throughoht. This bus been done at a
very large expense, and With the view of keeping
pace with the improving taste and spirit of the
age. He now flatters himself that he Coil ac ,
commodate his friends in a style beyond the 81 , 0.;
ily of any other landlord at the'Seat of Govern.;
meat, He has in his employ attentive and obli
gingservahts, Cooks of long experionce, and he
is determined to spore no expense to furnish his
table with the very best that cah be procured in
the market. It is with great confidence in his
ability to render entire safisfaction, that ho
vites members of the Legislature and others Ili
make his house their stopping place While iii
He would hog leahb fo return his
thanks to his friends on the Juniata, for the very
liveral support heretofore extended to his house,
and respectfully solicit a continuance of their pa
tronage. W. COVERLY.
Hatrieburg, Oct. 3.0;18194m.
Chair and Furniiiire
(t) talcs
Up Stews abote Peter Sicoope's Store
and Sherif Chwnover's office, and three
doors east of McKinney's Hotel.
THE unearsigned has again corn.
menced the above business in all its
;, a ,. various branch., and is now pre
pared le accommodate all who may
'.` favor him with their custom Oil thb
most retiaonable terms.
lie j,ntends keeping on hand all kinds of
CHAIRS and FURNITURE, from common lb
the most fashionable aty'e, and made in the meet
durable manner, which he will sell low for cash
or country produce.
_ _
All kinaof Lumber token in exchange fot
chairs or furniture.
COFFINS will at all tunas be kept on hand,
and funerals attended in town, and shortly in
town and country, as he is getting a splendid
tome made for the accommodation of the public:
Horse AND SION PAINTino attended to as
usual. THO. ADAMS.
Huntingdon, October 30, 1840.
A Boarding School for Young Men,
Shade Gap Huntingdon county, Pa,
REV. J. Y. M'QINNES, A. M., AM) J. 11. W. 31.%
THE Winter Sessieti will commence on tho
first Wednesday of November, and continue five
Months. The ct arse of instruction embraces all
the branches necessary to Prepare young men
hither for the higher classes in College, or for
the studies of a prolbssion and the active buss
ness of life. Tikb Academy building is new,
commodious. tiinl in every way adapted to the
accommodation of a largo n anther of boarders,
The location is distinguished for its healthful
ness and religious character of the surrounding
community. It is easy of access, being mr trio
stage route connecting Cliambeisburg with tiro
Central Railroad at Drake's Ferry.
Tr stars cell Sassios.-Fur Orthography,
Reading and writing, t.:5; Arithmetic, ar,gra
phy, Grammar, Composition, Natural Philoso
phy, Astronomy, Phisiology, ChentistrY, &c. $8;
Mathematics, Greek and Latin Languages, $l2 ;
French and German, each $5. Boarding, excleu
sive of fuel & light, $1,25 per week. for reference
or fur thee particulars addres,i •
Shade Gap, Oct. 30, 1849.
07 - Blair County Whig pleaae celiY 4f.
THE Subscriber will sell at Public or priva le
Sale, on or before the 9.Sth day of No, f'lll
- IS-19, ail that Valuable Real Estate ' situate
In Woodberry township, Blair cpunty , ab uut two
miles &Om Williamsburg, 1 mile from Sorrici's
Mill, containing
and part is first rate lime-stone land. Of said
rand about SO•acres are cleared and nude, toler
able good fences and in a tolerable state of rid
tivittiori. The wool land is well set with thrif
ty timber, anda quarry of first rate stone for
lime burning, with a draw kiln to it, and a pros
pect of iron ore.. A variety of thriving, choice
Fruit, and a well of water ; a two Story log
House with back building, and a tolerable good
log barn. The above land is joining lands
with Springfield, north-west side ; Valentine
SOrrick, south-west; A. thtterson, as Übe south
east.,. K. Martin, northeast side. Any person wishkng to purchase can have tinnier informa
tion by applying to the inidersigned on the.prem
isee. SAM 1.1 EJ. J,OWI.IL
November 13,1819,