THE JOURNAL, CORRECT pßlNcitLEs—stirroßTED BY TRUTH.] HUNTINGDON ; TUESDAY; NOV. 27. 1819. TEItIIS: The "Huxxisni,os louriNsi..• 3 is published at the following rates, viz 1;1,15 a year, if paid in advance ; $2,00 if paid during the year, and $11 3 30 if nbt pail AIN after" the expiration of the year. The above terms- to be adhered to in all cases. , . No sb'scriPtiu'ri taken for less than siitruinths, and no 'diseontintied unlit all aricarages are pith!, unless at the option of the putlisher. J HOICK-KEEPERS would do well to look Off C eNGIIIAVg new GROCERY, opposite the Post °Kee. Sortie of the excellent articles fo be had there are noticed' in but advertising O:7*A new trial has been granted by our Court in the case of the Commonwealth vs. Dor sey Saban,. The indictment, it will be re collected by our readers, is for fornication and bastardy, and a Jury at our late term returned a verdict of guilty. The case will be again tried at January term. tic- Members of Congress are now wending their way to Washington. Hon. SAartigL CAL. YIN, representative from this district, passed through this place on Friday" ejenitt last, on his way thither. Mr. C. we' Were pleased to observe, was enjoying his Usual goad health and fine flow of spirits': We predict that he will make us an efficient and able representative. Adjoilnied An wilt/tuned Colin of Co'tnmOh Pleas Will be held in this plaedi i:Ndi'mencing on Monday next, to continue one week. DelawarC City Bank( Rumors affecting the' i6l;eNciof this institu taon have been in circulation for some time.— They are now believed to be entirely unfound ed. Nine stockholders, rvresenting nine-tenths of the stock, have publishes a card, guarantee ing the payment of the notes in gold and silver, on presentation, and also the entire soliiency of the institution, and that its capifai stock is un impaired. These gentlemen are represented as men of wealth and good character. Our busi ness men here take these notes freely: We will take all that is offered either for near sitirscri tions or old debts. Charge to Naples. We learn with pleasure that Janes M. Pow en, Canal Commissioner, has been appointed Charge d'Affairs to Naples, in the place of T. W. Chian, resigned. We record this appoint ment with more than usual satisfaction. Mr. Power is a gentleman well fitted for the post assigned him, is a good Whig, and possessed of as kind a heart as beats in the bosom of any man In Pennsylvania. This appointment will be welt received by all parties throughout the state, and afford peculiar picasura to those who enjoy Mr. Power's personal ncquaintance. The Railroad Company and the Cu - reucy. A writer in the last Hollidaysburg Standard justly complains of the great amount of foreign paper. on banks hitherto tinkhoWn to us, that has recently been put afloat in this section of the State. But the writer, we think; unjustly places the responsibility on the Wrong shoul ders, when he charges the Railroad Company with giving circulation to this trash: is it not generally understood that the Railroad ComPa; ny places par money in the hands of their Din= burring Agents ? And is it not also as well un derstood that these agents buy up with this par money "all sorts of stuff," which they pay out to the contractors, and which now forms almost our exclusive tirctilating medium ? This is the way the matter is understood in Huntingdon if, not in HollidaysbUrg. If our understanding is correct, theft, the much puffed private Bank ing Honse in Hollidaysburg is responsible for putting afloat this flood of foreign and unknown notes in this section elf the State. And the pro prietOtS ate enriching themselves by the opera tion, at the expense of the ptiblic at large. True, if acquainted with the facts, the Company should put a stop to this reprehensible tondikt of their agents. A respectable company should not al low the laborers, farrters and bfisiness men along the line of their road, to be Ails fleeced and annoyed, that their disbursing agents may be enriched. And we do hope that the officers of the Railroad Company will see tti this mat ter at Once, and save this community from the curse of any more carpet bags full of deprecia ted, foreign trash, purchased with their par money, being put in circulation in our midst. SHOCKING ACCIDLINT..-.-WO learn from the Hollidaysburg papers, that a young man named George Wilbur, lost his life very suddenly at Duncaristille, last Week, by attempting to get on a train of cars that were passing. Frat.--r-On Tuesday etening last our citizens were aroused by a cry of fire, which proved to be the burning of shavings in the cellar of anew building, not yet completed; in Allegheny street, belonging to Mr. A. Willoughby. As there was no fire about the beilding, it Was thought , by many to be the work clan incendiary. The fire was subdued before any iejdry Wes done the Vailding. Some carpenter toole, belonging to Mr. bi. Glazier, were destroyed. 13:7" Thursday next is the day appointed by Gov. Lonuevon to be observed as a day of thanks giving throughout Pennsylvania. 117 A State Education Convention is to be held at Harrisburg on the second Wednesday in January next. Will not the friends of Educa tion in our cousty send a delegatinn I It seems to us that the School Directors in the borough should move in the matter. Locofocoism and the Banks. The failure of every bank is made the occa sion, by the Locofoco editors of this state, to spin long hoinil l ies against banks, arid especially the banking system' as it exists in Pennsylva 'nia. Arid in doing so they affect to consider their party entirely without responsibility, and very modestly attempt to shift on to the shoulders of the Whigs all the sins of these his , rally institutions. These Locofocti editoie must calculate largely on the ignorance and cre dulity of their readers, if they think they can be made belieVe that the Banks of PennsYlitania were chartered by the Whigs. lias not Loce foceism; smell within a few years, held undis turbed sway in' the Councils of Pennsylvania And were not the Banks of the State created by that Party I No' argument is necessary to prove the affirmative of these inteirogotaries true. Yet thelate failure of the Susquehanna County Bank, located in a Locofoco region's* chartered by locofotti votes, antl managed by locofoco officers, is attempted to b'e Matte rise of as an argument against the Whig! The Easton Ar tgoof to Atiedkiffg df the faildre of this rotten concern, puts forth the following unblushing sentence : "If this Bank had been established on what is known as the SHUNS policy the public would never have been swindled out of a single cent, and the rotten concern would long since have been out of existence." The Shtnik pcflicy;i' in the language of a cotempbrary, consisted merely in the individual liabtlity principleand the practical working of that plinctple is, in all cases, when a bank gets intda critical situation, to throw it entirely in to the hands of irresposible men ;—the respon sible men seeing the storm coming and taking care to escape in time. The Lehigh county Bank had this principle incorporated in its char ter in the most approved form ; yet its unlucky note-holders never got one cent on the stellar ! And if the Susquehanna Bank had all the pat ent "democratic restrictions" ever dreamed of, incorporated into its charter, its notes would not he worth one cent more than they are now, and that is just nothing at all. , . The dnly plan by which the note holder can be rendered entirely safe, is by requiring the circulation to be based on State stocks. All other contrivances--and especially those of the locofoco bank doctors—have resulted in disas terous failures. This principle would probably have been adopted by our Legistattird seieral years since, had it not been for the dogged op position of Jesse Miller and Gee. Skunk. They clung to the individual liability principle, which experience has proved to be worthless as a means of protecting the public, and prevented the adoption of the' only safe system of banking. 'they, therefore,. are in reality responsible for the evils caused by the late failures. t , The Huntingdon folks are talking about builling a Market House. It is not long since they tore one down. They, seem to have got into a great notion of trying to keep in the wake of Hollidaysburg." rg Register In the wake of IldllidaYsbiirg Why friend Jones, it is perfectly evident you have net vis ited Huntingdon for some time. If you would come here and see the new brick buildings that are going up, the improvements riiairing in our streets, the bustle and activity of our Merchants and Mechanics, and the briskness generally that pervades our town, you could hardly believe it to be the same old town you used to visit when frAidaysburg belonged to old Huntingdon coun ty. in the wake of Hollidaysburg !" How ridiculous! In all the essentials that make a town prosperous, Huntingdon is decidedly in the lead of Hollidaysburg at this moment. 0:7 - The " Ifollid,ysburg Register" says "the editor and proprietor' of a country paper, not a hUtidred miles from HuntLigdon, wrote to a friend in Hollidaysburg a few day.? ago, whom he was crediting to attionnt of $5, that he taas in hi harry aho,it the paY," and thereupon Our friend of the Register adjudge! the Huntingdon man crazy', and recemniends that he be caged.— And in eencliiding hit remarkable stdit, refers the matter to out consideration. Well, after Weighing this affair With all the deliberation which its importance demthide, we conclude That, generally speaking, a country editor who would silk; but a bill with the re-' mark "that he was in nd hurry for the pay," might fairly be set doWn as rip'prOaching luna cy, if not absolutely in that deplorable state. But that in the case under consideration, it has been intimated that the letter was sent to the "etli! for and proprietor Of a country paper" not a hundred miles from Hollidaysburg, and that for the Huntingdon than to have expected the pay in a "hurry," would only have subjected him to the mortification of being considered drrreaa 'un by the whole fraternity; and to have demand ed the pay in a "hurry," would have been throw ing away an opportunitj , at making a show of generosity, entirely too cheap to be resis ted by any sane man. That's our decision, neighbor of the Register. DO you acquiesce, or will you appeal to the fraternity at large I Huntingdoit COtinty Medical Society. We neglected last week to notice the second meeting of this society, which was held in the SONS of Temperance Hall in this place on Tues day, 13th inst. Dr. Jour McCuLt.Ocit was, at this meeting, elected President of ehe society; Drs. Wm. Swoops and J. B. Luden, Vice Pres idents; Dr. Mathew Miller Corresponding Sec retry, and Dr. °flatly, Recording Secretary and Treasurer. The committee appointed at the last meeting reported a Constitution and By. Laws, and Fee Bill, which, after being amend ed were adopted. A resolution was passed in viting all regular physicians to attend the next meeting.--;The Society after disposing of some other buaiaess adjourned to meet oh the first 'roesday of Janu'ary Court. D7' The savage attack made upon Governor Johnston a few days since by Judge Parsons; of Philadelphia, charging him with pardoning ri oters as fast as they are convicted, has been ef fectual& met by the record, which shows that the Governor has pardoned but Owe, and those on the beet grormds. New York Election. Our neighbor of the Globe says that his 'male chicken' claims the victory in' New York for the Democrats. Why don't he crow, then, as he promised he would 1 The truth is, the poor chicken knows his party is shamefully used up in New York, which tenders it impossible for him to make good his promise, and he has there foie wisely determined to retire for the season. Some of our Locofoco cotemporaries complain that the colored voters of New York refused to faVor the coalition of Locofocos and Free Soil ers at the late election, and cast their votes for the Whigs. Well, this fact, if it be a fact, only goes to show that the colored voters believed the Whigs to be truer friends of free soil than their opponents. They saw that the Van Bu ren free soilers were willing to sell their prin ciples for a share of the spoils, and they could not so far forget their self-respect as to go with them ! The late Van Buren party must feel their depredation sorely, when they reflect that they have sunk so low that their colored allies are constrained to abandon them! The efforts making by the Locofoco press, to crow over the election of a portion of the State officers in New York, is all sham. The whole patronage of the great State of New York re mains in Whig hands. Last year the locofoco and abolition vote, in the aggregate, exceeded the Whig vote by over sixteen thousand. This year, in the hope of securing the spoils, the lo cofocos and abolitionists formed a most unnatu ral coalition, but the people promptly rebuked the disgraceful alliance and elected Whigs to every office where patronage is controlled. It is now settled that whether the opposition be united or divided, New York is a Whig State. The Next Congress. The N. Y. Tribune gives a table arranged to show as nearly as possible the actual sympa thies of the members as between the two great parties dividing the Union. In it are placed Messrs. Booth, of Connecticut, ..Tii!an of In diana, Preston King of New York, Wilmot of Pennsylvania, and Durkee of Wisconsin, (all distinctive free-soilers, it is believed,) in the Locofoco column, because they severally lean that way. Messrs. Mann, of Massachusetts, Sprague, of Michigan, Tuck, of New Hamp shire, Campbell and Hunter, of Ohio, and Howe of Pennsylvania, are placed in the Whig col umn, because they were elected mainly by Whig votes, are in feeling and principle Whigs, and it is supposed will vote for a Whig Speaker whenever called upon to choose between a Whig and Locofoco. In the Tribune's table, Mr. Allen, of Massachusetts, and Messrs. Gid dings and Root, of Ohio, are not classed. It gives the whole Whig strength on this basis 111 votes, and the locos 116. It classes with the Locos three Taylor republicans from South Carolina. The Tribune thinks that the Loeoco- Con cannot elect the Speaker, but that they will almost beyond doubt, elect the cerk, Sergeant at-arms, Doorkeeper and Postnibter: Game. The folitiwing good news for sportsmen, we clip from the Lewistown Gazette: We expect soon to gee bear meat, venison and wild turkeys in this Markei if the Gazette's attriylle true : • _ _ “fici'eral heats have licen seen within the lim its of oar county during the past month,. one within three or four miles of Lowistowd, and wild turkeys are said to be abundant along Jack's and Shade mountains. Deer, too, are represen ted as numerous in parts Of this and adjoining counties-Call which afford a fine field fer sports men to exercise their skill with the rifle.” NATIONAL THANKSGivino.—:l i resident Taylor having been addressed by a gentleman of New York, upon the subject of appointing a national thanksgiving, replies that "while uniting cor dially with the universal feeling of thankful ness to God for his manifold blessings, and es pecially for the abatement of the pestilence which so lately walked in our midst, I have yet thought it proper to leave the subject of a thanksgiving' proclamation where custom has so long consigned iv—in the hands of the Govern ess of the several Siztes. This decision has been strengthened by the consideration that this is the se'dio'n usually set apart for that purpose and that seVerul Governors have already issued their annual proclamations accordingly." The Measure of Proscription. The.Loce Fo'cciS haVe kept tip a terrible hut labalodlikkout the proscription df the Adminis tration. The correspondeM of the Philadelphia North American, gives the record tif g; the do ings of the Post Office Depattment, from the .Ith of March to the 30th of October, inclusive, by which it appeats that within these dates there were-- ns Post Office established. 278 discontinued. 161 « changed sites, E 37-1 Post Masters removed. 1863 .. resigned. 139 « died. thus out of an aggregate a between eighteen and nineteen thousand post offices, there Were but 4871 changes by removal, resignation, death and other causes, and only 2874 removals. If there is culpability at all, it is for the apparent injustice of fetaining en large a disproportion of political opponents—of men who lira notorious ly active electioneerers, and wtio haVe used their official positions for the purpose a embar rassing the action of the Administration. It is high time this disparity was reformed, and the Post offices distributed upon some equitable principle among those who have Veen so tong and so unjustly ostracised. A Tanocnir ty Vinairvis...-A Man named Bowen, residing in the neighborhood of Dan ville, Va., was killed a few daps ago in an at tempt to resist with fire-arms the officers of the law who had been directed to take higi in cus tody for attempting to kill his wife, br shoot lag at her with a rifle through a window at the residence of his father-in-law. He confronted them in the yard of his own house ; fired a rifle at one of the Shetiff's party; advanced On them with a revolver, when a volley of pistols and I musketry brought him to the ground. Sixty Cents per Day. We are rapidly approaching the Buchanan and Le'cdfiico standard of wages in this country. From $l, and $1,50 the wages hive fallen to 60 cents ; and if any one can inform us how our laborers can live comfoitably and educate their children as American children should be educa ted, we will yield our protective principles. Sixty cents per day ! for Americdn laborers to receive for a hard clay's toil, is beyond all rea son and justice. But such are the effects of Democratic (! !) principles, and we agree with the Lancaster Union, that the only wonder is that persons are able to pay even sixty cents a day to laborers, under the state of things pro duced by the Taridof 1816. The present stag nation in the iron interests of Pennsylvania has been the consequence of that act—an act passed by men who defrauded the people of this State into the belief that in voting for POLK and DAL LAS they were voting for the tariff of 1842. It is estimated that upwards of seven millions of dollars are annually taken from the wages of the colliers, miners, furnacemen and other la borers, lependant upon the iron trade, by the pernicious operation of the tariff of 1846. Pig iron, which was in demand in 1815 at $37 per ton, is now sold at s2o—when, at the same time you cannot buy stoves, Ploughs, and hard ware any cheaper than you could when iron sold at $4O. Railroad iron, which was worth $ 67 ,- 50 per ton, is now reduced below the price of profitable manufacture, and as a necessary con- sequence a number of the works heretofore en .aged in making it, have suspended operations, thus throwing out of employment thousands of hands.—Miner's Journal. An Honorable Exceptions The Sunbury American, edited by Henry 13. Masser, Esq., who, although an uncompromi sing Locofoco, has yet ever been a firm consist ent advocate of the protective policy, thus speaks to those belonging to his s e wn party who are in favor of the tariff of 1816nd opposed to the protection of American Industry. The Keystone is down upon the odious and obnoxious doctrine of protection to American industry and says if the Democratic members of Congress will adhere to their integrity the country will be safe"—from a modification of the tariff.—Such sentiments, Mr. Keystone, were the cause of the defeat of the Democratic party at the October and November elections of 1818. The sycophancy and recklessness of many papers of the same party in changing their opinions in reference to the tariff, immediately after the passage of the bill of 1846, disgusted and drove into the Whig ranks so many Demo crats, that the scale of the balance was turned. The tariff question was sedulously excluded from the contest of 1819, for fear of a like re sult. The doctrine of protection is not a feder al doctrine. This county and this Congression al District are in favor of a protective tariff, and no one be he Democrat or Whig, can re ceive their suffrages who is avowedly opposed to this policy. We believe this State is in fa vor of the same doctrine. Every Legislature has passed resolutions in its favor. Let a Dem ocratic candidate avow opposition to this pol icy, and his defeat is certain. The time has gone by when the people of Pennsylvania could be whipped into the traces and mounted upon any platform the self-constituted leaders chose to erect. It is the press, we are sorry to say, that now wheels, and doubtless under the lash of executive patronage." HONOR TO THE DEAD. The grand military funeral in honor of the illustrious dead—Major General WOUTII, COI. DUNCAN, and Major GATES -took place in New York city on the 14th inst: The pageant, says the Pest, presented a solemn and very imposing appearance ; the various military companies with their officers wearing the insignia of morn ing, and the slow and solemn peals of martial music that reverberated through the quiet, though densely crowded line of march, rendered the spectacle exceedingly impressive, and wor thy of the occasion. On the 15th, at 16 o'clock, the remains of Gen. WORT!, were to be conveyed from the ci ty Hall to Greenwood Cemctry, escorted by the regiment of National Guards, and accompanied by the municipal authorities of Brooklyn. A Deplorable Case. A woman, the mother of four children, was committed to prison in Philadelphia, on Wed nesday, by .the Mayor, on the complaint of her husband, for being habitually intoxicated; The North American says The statement made by the almost distracted husband was heart-rending. He had used eve ry means to produce a reformation, and for ye a rs has borne the shame and mortification consequent upon her conduct, in the hope that she would see the evil of her ways, and be to him and her children a wife and a mother. Ev ery art failed, all moral persuasion proved fruit less, and almost broken in spirit, and ruined in business, lie was compelled to ask the interpo sition of the law as the last resource left him. It was a melancholy spectacle, and excited in all who witnessed it, the mingled emotions of gotrow, pity and regret. lIELIGIOES TOLERATION IN TURICRY.,AB a proof of the religious toleration enjoyed in Tur key, a firman has been issued at Constantinople, inviting the communities who do not profess Ma homedanism to choose their own members for the divan (Municipal Council.) Jews and Christians are the Participatorsin the civil priv ileges. scoundtel at the Boston Muse um; when the etbwd were passing out, on Thursday evening, deliberately cut off three or four ringlets from u young lady's neck. Hearing the click of the scissors, the young lady quickly turned round and uttered a screw* but the perpetrator of the outrage had fled. FINE SuitEr.—The New York Tribitne, says: The ship Louisiana, arrived from Bremen, on Friday last, brought twenty-five Saxon sheep, imported by B. W. Catlin, of this city, and C. B. Smith, of Litchfield county, Cond., and are intended as an addition to their flocks in Tor rington and Harwinton,Connecticat. They are from the flock of Maximilian Baron de Speck Leitchena, near Leipsic, Saxony. They com bine every requisite in a fine Sheep, fine form, good constitution, compactness and weight of fleece, and fineness of fibre. A shepherd accom Parties them, with a well trained Sheptierd dog, with a view of intiOducing, ag (Sr as practica ble, in this country, the system of raising and training sheep, as practised in Oermany. Hungarian Refugees--Georgy's Treachery. We have intelligence by the last arrival from Europe, that Cen. Klapka, and other distinguish ed Hungarian refugees, had reached England, 'where it was expected the gallptit Kossuth would shortly arrive. While at' fiarnburgh on the 20th October, a banquet was gii+en in hotter of theme gallant patriots, and muci' indignatiOn was excited to hear from General Klapka, teat the trench Government had refused an asylum to the FlNeriatf emigrants ; thegti f , b7ltichl refiigees from that C6Vniii were welcomed in France ifftcler the Government of Louis XI V.— One of the speakers at the banquet used the phrase : 'Hungary is crushed to death.' 'No, no" etclaimed Gen. Klapka, 'Hungary is not crushed to death; she is but a little relaxed from her horrible struggle With two cieet'Ael ming powers : but verily she wants only a' bieatli to inflame her again to a second heroical insur rection.' In his subsequent remarks he char terized Georgey as a real traitor, and common place egotist, destitute of all lofty aspirations ;for the holy cause of liberty. He further be lieved that Georgey, who had been overrated, may not have despised Russian Gold, and no doubt existed that he frustrated the plan of Kos suth for annihilating the Austrian Government at Vienna, which was a matter of no difficulty before the inroad of the Russians, as the Aus trians were at that time entirely touted. Geor gy also anxiously concealed from the Hungarian army the report of tie gloi loos sally of the gar rison of Comorn on the 3d of Angtist, under Klapka, and it did not become known till after his defection on the 18th of August. The dis astrous catastrophe at Vitlagos was to such a degree peiplexing, that every hope from resis tance vanished. Klapka was at that time re cruiting 5000 men, and preparing fcr an inva• sion of Styria. He paid the highest veneration to the genius and greatness of the character of Kossiith, who at any time was worth 100,000 Hungarians ; but Kossuth arrived at two much at once, and was too decided for the entire independence of Hungary, and for a republican government.-- But for this, Klapka did not doubt the most fa vorable conditions would have been agreed to, in the spring, by Austria, under English and French guaranty. There were with Klapka at llamburgh, 100 Hungarians ; and the most lib eral collections were made for them. The banker Heine, for instance, subscribed for him self alone 5,000 marks banco, equivalent to two thousand dollars. DREADFUL CASE OF fIYDROPItOBIA.-A young man named Henry Batchelor, aged about twenty-two years, who resi ded with his mother in Black Hotse Al ley, Moyamensing, died on Saturday night, of hydrophobia, after suffering for two days the most excruciating ago ny. The deceased was bit in the hand by a dog, in his mother's house, about six weeks ago and the hand was lacera ted in a most shocking manner. He went to the hospital and had the wound dressed, but did not remain in that in stitution. The dog which manifested symptoms of madness was at once shot. The young man did not stiffer much pain from the wound, and had almost forgot ten the circumstance or the bite up to Thursday last, when the premonitory symptoms of hydrophobia began to be apparent. In a short time the spasms came on, and from that until Saturday evening he was, with slight intervals, a raving madman. When the violence of the spasms were over he was quite sen sible,- and warned his friends against coming too near him fearing least he should do them some injury. He fre quently snid that he felt as if he could " , bite through a brick." Dr. Duffey was the attendant physician, and every thing was done that his skill could suggest to relieve the sufferer. Chloroform was tried without success. It was thought, at times, to put an end to his pain by suffocation but this was not done;—Phil adelphia GEOROEY, THE TRAITOR.—A corres pondent, writing from Presburg, says the following : "Haring the month of November last year, Gorgey often tra versed our streets quite unostentatiously and unattended, wearing on these occa sions a brown overcoat ; lined with white fur and trimmed with red chords across the chest and frog buttons, a cap drawn down over both his eyes and spectacles, he looked more like an adjutant, than the commander in chief. But when he mounted on his enormous steed, his hat richly embroidered with gold,. and reach ing far above any of his staff, being hinnself exceedingly tall, then he looked truly imposing. Such, howeVer, was seldom the case, for though he was six weeks among us, but comparatively few have seen him. It is said that a painter here desired to take his portrait ; when Gorgey said : "Not yeti my friend ; for I have as yet done nothing to deserve any superior notice at the hands of my countrytten ; call on me a year hence and,' wilt then talk to you about it." He has obtained notority now, but it is rather a dubious one. KIENTUCKIN-A proposition pending, at last accounts, befeire the State Convention engaged in revising the Constitution of Kentucky, fo lim it the representation in the Legislature from cities where the anti-slavery interest is predo minent, lest they should ultimately, by the in crease of population, control the policy of the State, gave rise to a spirited and eloquent de bate. The Louisville Den'iocrat very justly says, that the Convention will nurse staVery to death, if they don't quit each tomfoolery. Pro jects of this kind will help emancipation more than all efforts of their own. EICrDr. BRANDRETII, The great pillman, has been elected a member of the New York State lie is an ' , Old Hunker." California Free from Slavery! I As was expected, California has set.' tied the "Free Soil" question, as far as herself is concerned. The Convention to frame her Constitution, has unani mously resolved, that "Neither Slavery nor involuntary Servitude, except for the' punishment of crime, shall ever be tol erated." In view of this important fact ate Tribune asks the candid and intelli gent to consider the charges which have bccn made, that the National Adminis tration MIS intriguing & managing to es: tablish Slavery, its California. It says —"Was ever charge more causelessly made or more conclusively refuted 'I— Who belieiei thrit if the Administration had really wielded its influences and its' patronage with the purpts'seitlleged, that it would have found no single voice in favor of its darling project in all Califor: nia / If Gen. RILEY,'BiITLER IKING, and the many Southern friends of the Ad: ministration in CalifoVert; had really' desired and labored to Make' her a Slaver State, or failing in thnt, to keep all anti: sion to Slavery out of her Constitution; does any man believe that they could' ' have elected no single Delegate faVora- - ble to their ends 1 Can anything beyond the notorious, palable facts in the cause' be needed to convince every candid mart' that the Administration has not inter-' fered in this controversy, at least, not on the side of Slavery I"—Daily Sun. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT.—The re ceipts of the post office department, for the quarter ending 31st October last," show an increase of a little over 14 per cent.., compared with the corresponding . quarter of last year, but about half of this increase, it is supposed, will have' to be paid to Great Britain, under the Postal Treaty, upon the settlement of• , last quarterly accounts with that gotk eminent, as the department will fall con siderably in debt. This result is ascri bed to the reduced postage established few years ago, and it is said the Post master General will recommend in his report to Congress, that a uniform rate be established for letters from all dis tances. This is the system in England where letters are carried any distance . for a penny, and under which the reve nues of the office have been greatly in creased. A Great Gold Mine Discovered. A letter in the Tribune, dated Montery Oct. Ist says : "By far the most magnif icent discovery is that recently made upon the ranche of Col. Fermont, on the Mariposas River. It is nothing less than a vein of gold in the solid rock - -u bona fide mine, the first which has been found in California. Whether it was first detected by a party of Sono mans, or by the company which Col. F. organized last Spiing, and which has since been working in the same locality is a disputed point though [ believe the credit is due to the latter. At any rate . 1 the gold is there, and in extraordinary 1 abundance. I saw some specimens which were in Col. Fremont's possession. The stone is a reddish quartz, filled with rich veins of gold, and far surpassing the speci mens brough from North Carolina and Georgia. Some stones picked up on the' top of the quartz, without particular se lection, yielded two ounces of gold to eyery 25 lbs. Co? Fremont informed• me that the vein had been traced for more than a mile. The thickness on the surface is two feet, gradually wid ening as it descends, and allowing larger particles of gold. The dip downward is only about 20 deg., so that the mine can be worked with little expense.— These aro the particulars first given me when the discovery was announced.— ,Still more astonishing facts have just ,come to light. A geologist sent out to examine the., ,place,.arriVed here last night. He re ports having traced the vein to the dis tance of twci . leagues, with an average 'breadth of 150 feet. At one extremity of the mine he found large quantities of 'aritiVe ilver which he calcutates will fully pay the expense of setting up ma- - chienery a-ad working it. The rancho upon which it is situated was purchased by Col. Fremont in 1846 from Alvarado former Governor of the Territory. It was considered nearly worthless, and Col. F. only took id at the mordent of •teaving the Country, because disappoin ted in obtaining another property: This discovery has made a great sensation throughout the country ; yet it is but the first of many such. The Sierra Nevada is pierced in every part with these priceless veins, which will pro duce gold for centuries after every spot .of earth from base to summit shall have been turned over and washed out. A Heti: STOPPED.—A Private letter from Carlisle; Pa., says that last week a quarrel occurred between an officer at the barracfcs at that place, named Ander- , Ison, and a young gentleman named Wil liam Henderson. A blow was given lir I the latter, when Anderson challenged him. The challenge was aecepted, sec onds chosen, and rifles selected as the weapons. The borough officers of course got wind of the affair; arrested the par ties, and held them under bonds of $lOOO to keep the peace. [1:7.." There is a time for all things," said a crusty old fellow to his wife.—. "I'll believe that," answered his wife in a sharp vinegar voice, "when you pay for your newspaper." Hit him again, old woman, we'll stand by you.