toutageous effects of A Mother's Fear. First impressions made on the fears of a child, are as apt to be enduring as first impressions of any other kind. Hence the mischief of frightful nurse ry tales. Wirt, in his recollections of his first ten years, thus describes the lasting effect of his childish sympathy with his mother's fear : On the evening that 1 am speaking of, there was one of the most violent thunder storms 1 have ever witnessed. My aunt got down her bible and began to read aloud. As the storm increased she read louder and louder. My Moth er was exceedingly frightened. She was one of the most tender and affec tionate of beings but she had the titn idity of her sex in an extreme degree— and, indeed, this storm was enough to appal the stotttest heart.—One flash of lightning struck a tree in the yard, and ripped off a large splinter, which it drove towards us. My mother shriek ed aloud, flew behind the door and took me wiilt her. My aunt remained firm in her seat, and noticed the peal in no other way thdn by the increased energy of her voice. This was the first thun der storm 1 remember. 1 never got over my mother's contageous terror until I became a man. Even then, and even yet, I am rendered much more uneasy by it thunder storm than, I believe, 1 should have been if my mother had, on that occasion, displayed the firmness of my aunt. 1 could not have been more than five or six years old when this hap pened. The incident and its effect on me show the necessity of commanding our fears before our children." The Perils of Falsehood. In the beautiful language of an emi nent writer—" When once a conceal ment or deceit has been practised in mat ters n here all should be fair and open as the day—confidence can never be restored any more than you can restore the white bloom to the grape or plum which you have once pressed in your hand." How true is this! and what a neglected truth by a great portion of mankind.— Falsehood is not only one of the most humiliating vices, but sooner or later leads to more serious crimes. With partners in trade, with partners in life with frends, with lovers, how impor tant is confidence! How essential that all guile and hypocrisy should be guar ded against, in the intercourse between such parties ! llow much misery would be avoided in the history of many lives had truth and sincerity been guiding and controlling motives, instead of pre varication anedeceit. "Any vice," said a parent in our hearing a few days since "any vice, at least among the frailties of a milder character, but falsehood.— Far better that my child should commit an error and do an error and confess it, than escape the penalty, however severe by falsehood and hypocrisy. Let me know the worst, and a remedy may pos• sibly be applied. But keep me in the dark—let me be misled or deceived, and it is impossible to tell what unprepared hour a crushing blow—an overwhelming exposure—may come." THE FIRESIDE.—Wearied with the fatigues, or, what is worse, the imperti nences of the day, how pleasant it is to retreat to one's own hearth. Disguise and restraint are here laid aside, and the soul as well as the body, if tolerably well formed, always appears more beau tiful in dishabille. The quintessence of earthly happiness, which, in warmer climates, was expressed by sitting un der one's own vine, is here more sensi bly felt by one's fireside. There is something in the tempers of the English which the fire softens, as it does the metal, and renders fit for use. How of ten has a room full of visitants been un able to furnish out an hour's conversa tion for no other reason but that they were seated in stately order at long-an gled distance from the fire. Bring the same assembly into a cozy semi-circle round the grate, and they prove wonder fully good company. Tell us not of the convivial bottle, with its riotous folly and fevered worshippers ; but commend us to the cheerful household fire, the altar of freedom and the focus of hap piness. GOOD HUMOR is the clear, blue sky of the soul, on which every star of talent will shine more clearly, and the sun of genius encounter no vapors in his pas sage. It is the most exquisite beauty of tine face—a redeeming grace in a homely one. It is like the green in the landscape—harmonizing with every col or, mellowing the glories of the bright, and softening the hue of the dark; or like a flute in a full concert of instru ments, a sound not at first discovered by the ear, yet filling up the breaks in the concord with its deep melody. MATRimosv.—When a young trades man in Holland or Germany goes a courting, the first question the young woman asks of him is— "Are you able to pay the charges'?" That is to say in English, arc you able to keep a wife when you have got her 1 What a world of misery it would prevent if the young women of all countries would stick to the wisdom of that ques tion! -'Marriage is not made of mush rooms, but of good round cakes," is one of the pithy sayings by which our an cestors conveyed the sums rule of pru dence. [O..A tradesmen wrote to a hard cus tomer as follows : "Sir, your bill for dry-goods has been standing a long time, by settling it you will much oblige, Yours, &c., T. S." To which he received the following laconic reply : "Mr. S , when the bill you speak of is tired of standing let it sit down. Yours, G. I." RETORTED DEATH OF TUC. KING or NAMES. —ln a letter dated Voris, 14th ult., Mons, Gail larded, writing to the Courier des Etats Unis, gives the following startling report, which we have not seen mentioned elsewhere : "The steamer Tartar, which has arrived at Toulon from Civita-Vecchia, has brought intelligence of a revolution having broke out at Naples, in which the King, Ferdinand, was killed by the people. Such an event would change the face of atlbirs in Italy ; but the news has not been confirmed from other sources, and it bears but slight appearance of truth. However, as times go, the impossible is now quite possible." HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. It. C. 1111'Gill!and W. Si. Zeigief. lil - IE subscribers have now started, and will have on hand a general assortment of cast ings, consisting of Cooking Stoves, Air-tight, Parlor, 'Pen-plate, Wood and Coal stoves—all of which are new patterns not before introduced into this section of country. Also, a Variety of Plough patterns of the kinds cow in use. A general assortme.,t of Hollow-ware castings, con slating of Kettles, hutch Ovens, Skillets, Pans, &c., &c. Miscellaneous articles, such as Wag on Boxes, Sled and Sleigh Solos, Smoothing Irons, hoeing Mill and Forgo castings, Win e dow Grates for cellars, Isintles and sills for hos, ses, Seals Weights and Water Pipes ; also Sweg Anvils and illandrels for Blacksmiths, made to order on the shortest notice. We will sell eve ry article its our line on the most reasonable terms for Cash, and will take all kinds of coun try produce and old metal its exchange for cast ings. The Foundry is situated wt the Southern mid of Huntingdon, along the canal, where one of them can always be found, or at the Tin and Stove shop of W. lit Zeigler, North East cor ner of Market Square in Huntingdon. One of them being a practical Moulder, and experienc ed in the business, feels confident that they will render satisfaction to all who may favor them with a call. R. C. McGII,L, W. B. ZEIGLER. Huntingdon, Oct. 2, 1849-Gm. NOTICE. To Farmers and Others. Philip L. Fox Esq. is duly authorized to con tract, as agent of the company, for the delivery on the line of the Penn. Rail Road, of all the cross ties that may be required, betweed Hunt ingdon and the upper Tyrone forge. Persons disposed to furnish ties in small or large qnantities, are requested to confer with him upon the subject—by letter directed to Huntingdon, or by personal interview. J. EDGAR THOMPSON Chif Engineer Penna. R. R. Co. Oct. 2.1 d 1319-1 me. Executors' Notice. Estate of C./1771.11RLVE .dUR.RND, late of aforris township, dec'd. NOTICE is hereby given that letterstestamen tary have been granted to the undersigned ontho notate of Catharine A urand, late of Morris township,deceased. Persons knowing themselves indebted willcome forward and make payment; all thosehaving claims willpresentthcm duly au thenticatedforsettlement. 1811AEI. GRAVIUS, October 16, 1849.] Executor. Andlior's Notice THE undersigned auditors, by the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, to distribute the proceeds of the Sheriff's sale of the property of William Johnston amongst those entitled thereto, hereby give notice that they will attend for that purpose, on Saturday the 10th ,lay of Noventher next, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Prothonotary's office in Huntingdon, when and where all persons inter ested can attend if they think proper. T. H. CREMER, JOHN SCOTT, JACOB MILLER, October It, 18.10. Auditors. Leaves have their time to fall, And IloWers to wither at the north winds breath, And stars to set; Unt all— Thou halt all seasons for thine own, 0, Death I CatinTl 301 Orsiantentin MARBLE YARD. T H tri . at s t lb e s y cr4) v e e rs ju t s v t is r l e i c t o o ive it d if, f t i r o tn in theblic Philadel phia, a large stork of the Pure White American Marble; and are prepared to execute any orders for Tomb Stones, &c., in the neatest and most workmanlike manner, and on the shortest notice. Persons wishing to procure stones &c., will make application to A. W. KINNEY, only trav elling agent, or address KINNEY & SELLER, Williamsburg, Pa. KINNEY & SELLER. Williamsburg, Oct 16,18.19—nm. aD.4IINISTRIITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of JaiIIES ILIMSEY, late of the borough of Jilesandria, Hunting don county, deceased. voTicß is hereby given that Letters of ..LN Administration on said estate have been granted to the undersigned. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment and those having claims or de mands against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement to J. SMYTH READ, Deli 9,1849-6t.1 Administrator. PRIVATE SCUOOL, lilol2 the Intellectual and Moral trainin g of young persons and children of both sexes, kept by J. A. HALL, in the new Academy buildin g , Huntingdon, Pa. The fall session will commence on MONDAY, THn BTH DAY ON Omni., iksT. For par ticulars apply to the Teacher. J. A. HALL. REFERENCES. He, John Peebles, James Steel, Esq., Dr. A. M. Henderson, Mr. James Maguire, Maj. W. B. Zeigler, lbw , John Kerr, Maj. 1). McMur brie, Hon. Jeorgo Taylor ; sod James Clark. Watches!Watches!! THE subscriber has just reclTveiirom Phila delphia, another choice lot of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, which makes his assort ment again complete. If you want a good watch et the very lowest price,now is your time. July 17, 1840, J. I'. buorr. A PURELY VEGFTABLE MFDICINF, WorstlelPs Vegetable Restorative Pills HAVE been gradually but surely coming into favor, among the families of this Country for some years past. They have done this entirely through their great worth no a FAMILY MED ICINE:. Agencies have been appointed but no pulling and humbug such as is resorted to by quacks to sell their medicine has been done. The pills are of foil sale and have and will continue to be sold by all the principle store keepers. The proprietors chirp for their Medi tine the following advantages willr all others— viz: They aro PURELY VEGETABLE.— They are CERTAIN TO OPERATE. Their operation is FREE from all PAIN. They can be used with EQUAL BENEFIT by theyoung est INFANT and the STRONGEST MAN— Their efficiency in Fevers, Ague, Headaches, Habitual Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Cholera Mor bus, &c.. has been proVeh upon thousands.— They are a Ceitsih Cure for Worms. The pro prietors pdsates a certificate from a gentleman in St. Louts who was cured of a TAPE WORM by the use of them. Try them they willnot fail. Travelling agent for the State of Penney Iva nia—CitANLES 1. AIME, For sale, price 25 cents a boa containing FIFTY PILLS, withfull directions by the following agents in Huntingdon County: Thomas Read & Son. Huntingdon. Thomas E. Orbison, Orbisonia. J. M. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg, Blair Co. A. WEEKS & Co. Proprietors, Laboratory N 0.141. Chesnut street Philadelpnia. Jantraty 23,1849-Iy. Juniata Cabinet TVlanufacturing listablishment. JOHN H. WHITTAKER, Respectfully begs leave to inform his friends and customers and the public generally ,that ho has built a large and commodious shop immedi ately in the rear of the public house of John Whittaker, Sr., on the bank between the river and canal, where he will constantly keep on hand furniture of all kinds, of the best quality, embracing all descriptions, kinds, styles and vu. rieties of parlor, medium and plain household furniture, which will in offered for sale at the very LOWEST RATES• In order to accotinnotinte the public with all kinds of work In his line of husiness, ho has just supplied himself with a largo lot of the bast quality of Cherry, Walnut, Maple, Poplar, and all kinds of Veneering of the most popular fashion. He will offer neither botched or half finished work for sale, and will at all times sub mit his work to the most rigid inspection. Merchants, Professional men, Farmers, Me chanics, Hotel Proprietors, Laboring men—all, are invited to call and examine his furniture, be ' fore purchasing elsewhere. "Seeing is believ ing." Coffins will be mode on the shortest notice, of either Cherry, Walnut or Poplar, as may be de sired, and funerals attended. Ho flutters himvelf that by industry and close attention to hisbusiness, he will be able toplease all who may give him a call. Old furniture will at all times be repaired in the neatest and most durable manner, at low rates. All kinds of country produce will be ta ken in exchange for furniture, repairing, &c. Huntingdon, May 29, 1849. N. S. LAIXTRENCE. ilgent for the sale of Southworth Manu faceuting Cu's We icing Papers. Whorehouse No. 3 - Minor St. PHILADELPHIA, 100 cases of the above superior Papers now in store, and for sale to tho trade at the lowest market prices, consisting in part of thick Flat Caps, 12, 14, 16, and 16 lbs.. blue and white. Superfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue and white. Extra super and superfine Folio Posts, blue and white. plain and ruled. . Suporfino Commercial Posts, blue end white, plain end ruled.. Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain and gilt. Superfine and fine Bill Papers, long and broad. Superfine and fine Counting-House Caps and Posts, blue and white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, plain and ruled, blur and white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, gilt. Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts. Superfine blue linen thin Letters. Extra super Bath Posts, blue end white, plain and ruled. Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes. "Lawyer's" Brief Papers. Superfine and tine Caps and l'osts, ruled and plain, blue and white, various qualitlca and pri ces. Also, 1000 reams white and assorted Shoe Pa pers, Bonnet Boards, white and assorted Tissue, Tea, Wrapping, Envelope, assorted and blue Me diums, Cap wrappers, Hardware Papers, &c. July 10, 1849.-6 m. Wake up, Citizens S Wake up I Wonderful Reduction in the Prices of , Clothing at the Hall of Fashion ! ! ' CALIFORNIA GOLD Does not produce an excitement equal to that of cheap Ready-made Clothing now opening at the , HMI of Fashion.' by H. & W. SNARE, corner Room of Snare's Row, opposite John Whittaker's Tavern. Thankful for past favors, we respectfully in errs our customers and the public generally that we have just received and are now opening a splendid assortment of Fall and Winter Clothing, Our stock consists of fine black French Dress and Frock Coats, Drab French, Beaver and Mackanaty Over-coats, Tagliona and black cloth Sacks, Cloaks of all kinds, Business Coats, Pea Jackets, &c. A fine assortment of cassimere Pants, consist• ing of fine black, medium, fancy French of dif ferent styles—and cassinets, A great variety of Vests, such on line satin, silk velvet, plaid, cash mere, &c. Pine Shirts front $l.OO to 2.50. Woolen and Cotton, knit under Shirts, Drawers and Stockings. Bosoms, collars, French and other Suspenders. A fine assvortznent of boy's clothing. Netvstyles of Hots and Cope, Boots & Shoes, Umbrellas, &r., in fact every thing usually kept in Ready-made Clothing Stores, and of oolitic. calculated to please and accommodate the puhltc. If you wish to keep up with the times and fashions, call at the "Hall of Fashion." B. & W. SNARE. Huntingdon, Sept, IS, 1849. PM: California Gold wedding tines for sale by NEFF & MILLER. Oct. 30, 1519. THE GREAT CHINA STORE OF PHILADELPHIA. /THANKFUL to the citizens of Huntingdon I and its vicinity tor their increased custom, we again request their company to view our large and splendid assortment of CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSW ARE Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, and tin gle pieces, eithea of Olasa, China, or Stone Ware, sold in quantities to suit purchasers, for less than they can be had elsewhere— In FACT AT LESS TITAN WIIOLESALE PRICES. AMERICAN AND ENGLISH BRITANNIA METAL GOODS In greater variety than ever before offtred in the city. FANCY CHINA in great variety very cheap. We would invite any person visiting the city to call and see us—they will at least be plea sed to walk around our beautiful store, and to view the finest china and the cheapest the weal produces. Very respectfully, TYNDALE & MITCHELL, M. 219 Chestnut Street. Philtt. Sep. 25, 1849.—1 y. J. & J. IVI. ROWA Broom dc Wooden-ware Store, No. 63 North Third Street, ONE DOOR ABOVE ARCH, EAST SIDE, PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEAL ERS in all kinds of Brooms, Brushes, Cedar-ware, willow and Preneh has , kets, shoe and wall Brushes, Dus ters, Scrubs, Mats, Blacking Eastern-made Wooden-ware of every description, &c. at the lowest market prices. Cash paid for Broom-corn at the factory: Sept. 11th 1849. AgrAtr Will Fever, Dural3 AO e:lnter anittent & Remittent -Fevers & ; all the •various _forms 9 f , r-,-, =-- Bilious Diseases ------•- 15PkEDTLY BcTHOROUGHLY b,, ' ' C'= If R E D -------- 0. .- I , • oso- ' ' lito v, , ,, s . . • . i This excellent compound, which never fail in the ewe. of Fever and Ague, is for sale by tire proprietor's agents, T. READ & SON, Hunt ingdon ; L. 0. KESSLER, Mill Creek. Ea" WHAT IS THE MATTER with me, Doctor I What is the cause of this sallow complexion, jaundiced eye, depression of spirits, pain in the side and shoulder, weariness of body, bitter taste in the mouth? Such is the inquiry, and such the symptoms of many a sufferer! It is the liver which is diseased, and the Cholagogue is the remedy always successful in curing It. Try it, and judge for yourself. For sale by above named agents. [D -- - BETTER DIE THAN LIVE, if I am to be tortured from day to day with this horrible Ague, exclaims the poor sufferer whose lite has become a burden from the racking parox ysms of an intermittent, and whose confidence in human aid is destroyed by the failure of rem. edies to produce the promised relief. Such has been the situation of thousands who are now rejoicing in all the blessings of health from the use of ]Jr. Osgood's India Cholagoguo. In no instance does it fail to effect a speedy and perma nent cure. For sale by above named agents. "How few who think aright among the thinking few, How many never think, but only think they do." Or THE SENTIMENT IMPLIED in the above exclamation is on no subject more fully exemplified than on that of health. But few gave it a single thought, and fewer still re. fleet upon it with the observation and good sense which matters of minor consequence receive. As observation teaches the tact that Dr. Osgood's India Cholagogue is a never failing remedy in Fever and Ague, good muse would surely indi• cats its prompt and immediate ass. For sale by the above named agents. June 26, 1849. ALEXANDRIA FOUNDRY. rIMIE subscriber respectfully announces to the I public that he Is prepared to do work of all kinds connected with the Foundry business, in the best manner, and on the most reasonable terms, He has constantly on hand wagon boxes, ploughs and plough castings, hollow ware, and stoves of various kinds and sizes. l'he cooking storeswhich he manufactu res are inferior to none in the country, and are warranted to perform the various operations of cooking and baking in a manner equal to any, and superior to most.— He has these stoves calculated for either wood or coal. He has lately procured patterns for wood and parlor stoves, which for beauty end excellence cannot be excelled. Also, stoves for officer, shops, &c., such as egg stoves, cannon stoves, and others. He invites persons desirous of purchasing to give him a call, as he is deter , mined to sell as good an article and at as low prices as can be obtained at any other place. WILLIAM GRAFFILS. May 8, 1846-Iy. C. Z. ENEEDLEIR, Tf'holesale Boot, Shoe and Bonnet Ware house. No. 136 North 3d St., (opposite the Eagle Hotel) PHILADELPHIA, T now receiving about 3000 CASES Frinsit I FALL Goon., direct from the Manufacturers, —such as Mmvs and Boys 'Faux Kir and CALe BOOTS and BROGANS, with a great variety of WOMEN,, LACE BOOTH AND SHOEH, troth city and Eastern Manufacture. This stock is got up expressly for country trade and will ho sold cheap. MEnciti,Ts aro invited to call and examine. August 21, 1849-3 m. Administrator's Notice. Estate of JOHN BORS7', late of West township, Huntingdon Co., dcc'd. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad. ministration on said estate have been greet ed to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate ore requested to make immediate pay. meat, uud those havingelanns or demands against the same to present them duly authenticated tar b Allement to BENJAMIN HARTMAN, Ott. 2,180-6 t, Adminiutratur. LIFE INSURANCE. The Girard Life insurance Annuity and Trust Company of Phhiladelphia. Office No. 159 Chestnut Street. Capital $300,000, CHARTER PERPETUAL CION'FINUE to make Insurancee on Lives on aJ the moot favorable terms, receive and execute Trusts and receive deposits on interest, The Capital being paid up and invested, to gether with accumulated premium fond, affords a perfect security to to the insured. The pre- mann may be paid in yearly, half yearly, or quarterly payments. The Company add a BONUS at stated peri ods to the insurances for life. This pldn of in surance is the most approved of, and is more generally in use, than any other in Great Britain, (where the subject is beat understood by the peo ple, end where they have had the longest expe rience,) as appears from the fact, that out of 117 Life insurance Companies there, of all kinds, 87 are on this plan. The first 1 . 101 , 1 US was appropriated in Decem ber 1844, amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum insured under the oldest policies ; to 8 3-4 per cent., 7 1-2 per cent., &c. &c. on others, in pro portion to the time of standing, making an addi tion of $100; $87,50; $75, &c. &c. Id every 1,000, originally insured, which is an average of more than SO per cent. on the premiums !mid, and without increasing the annual payment of the company. ' I ho operation of the BONUS will be seen by the following exemple6 from the Life Insurance Register of the Company. thou: I Amt.ofpol.and Insured. Bonus or bonus payable Addition at the party's ,deecace. No. 58 r 1,100,00 2,750,00 4,400,00 2,175,00 5,437,50 ;1,000 $lOO.OO 2,500 250,00 4,000 400,00 2.000 175.00 5,000 437,50 Pamphlets oontaining the table of rates, and explanations of the subject ; forms of application and further information can be had at the office, gratis, in person or by letter, addressed to the President or Actuary. B W. HA RES, President. JNO. P. JAMES, Actuary. May 8, 1849.-Iy Wholesale and Retail CLOCK STORE. No. 233 Marta St., above Seventh, Soutk PHILADELPHIA. A LTHOUGH we can scarcely estimate the II value of Time commercially, yet by calling et the above establishment, JAMES BARBER Will furnish his friends, among whom heincludes all who duly appreciate its fleetness, with a beau tiful and perfect INnr, for marking its progress, of whose value they can judge. His extensive stock on hand, bonslantly chan ging in conformity to the improvements in taste and style of patern and workmanship, consists of Eight-day and Thirty-hour brass COUNTING HOUSE, PARLOR, HALL, CHURCH and ALARA( CLocos, French, Gothic and other fancy styles, as well as Wain, which from his extensive con nection and correspondence with the manufactu rers he finds he can put at 010 LOWEST CASH FIG URE in any quantity from one to a thousand, of which he will warrant the accuracy. Clocks repaired and warranted—clock trim mingson hand. Call and see me among them. JAMES BARBER, 2:38 Market St. Phila., August 28, 1819. Manufactory of Pocket Books, etc. No. .52 Chesnut St., above Second, PHILADELPHIA. rrHE subscriber respectfully solicits public at tention to his superior and tasteful stock of Pocket Books, Pocket Knives, Banker's Cases, and other fine cutlery. Bill Hooks, Gold Pens and Pencils. Dressing Cases, Seger cases, Card eases, Chess Men, Port Monaics, Back Gammon Boards, Purses, Dominoes, &c. His assortment consists of the most fashiona ble and modern styles, of the finest quality and excellent workmanship embracing every desira ble fancy plum, which he will at all times be prepared to exhibit and furnish wholesale or re tail on the most pleasing terms. ay - Purchasers who desire to furnish Them selves with articles of the best quality will consult their own interests by calling at this establish ment. F. 1 - I. SMITH, Pocket Book Manufacturer, Aug. 28, 1849.—Gm. 52i Chesnut st BILBRILNGIIAIII Female Boarding and Day School. 1118 School is now ,in successful operation. 1 The Rev. least . , W. Wenn, Pastor of the Spruce Creek and Birmingham Presbyterian congregations, g e r get: female ' a e ci a l c m h M a ss ist edse A b 3' worthyit I' tr This School is located in the borough of Bir mingham, county of Huntingdon, Pa., one of the most healthy villages east of the A Ilegheny mountain. The course of instruction is full and thorough, embracing all the English branches nasally taught in SelectSehools. It will be con ducted on Christian principles. The Bible to he the text book. Parents and guardians who attach any value to the religious training of their children and wards will fond this school worthy of their patronage. The Pupils may board with the Principal. and will be treated as members of his family. Tuition and board will be moiler ate. For further particulars apply tc the Prin cipal or to any of the undersigned, who earnest ly recommend his school to the patronage of the public. Tho second quarter of the present term will commence on the seventeenth day of July inst. John Owen., W. Caldwell, John (luaus, Goo. Guyer, Bey, John K. &Peahen, James Clarke, Thomas M. Owens, 8.8. Dewey, James Bell. Birmingham, Aug. 21,1840. JACOB SNYDER, MERCHANT TAILOR, Wanld respectfully inform his old friends and the Public generally that ho has resumed busi ness as I'iIERCHAN'I"PAILOR, in the room next door to C. Colas' Hotel, foimerly occupied by the Globe Printing office, Huntingdon, Pa. He has just received from Philadelphia a splendid assortment of CLOTHS, CASSI MERS and VESTINGS of the best finish which he ie prepared to make up to order at prices that cannot fail to suit the views of all. A perfect fit will in all cases ho guaranteed. Work will also be c done for those who profer purchasing their cloth elsewhere. May 1, 1819. TOB PRINTING NEATLY EXECU- J TED AT Ttus OFFICE' GREIEX 7 B OXYGENATED 1311"FERS, FOR THE CUBE OF DYSPEPSIA, GENEEAL DEBILITY, &c., &c., PLC This medicine is an excellent tonic. It im parts health and vigor to the digestive organs and thus strengthens the whole system. Hence it is just the thing for Spring, when so ninny need something strengthening. Let every ono read the following cases, and if you have one or more symptoms like those mentioned, don't fail to try this invaluable Medicine. Scs•cre Case ofDyspepsia. From R. P. STOW ; Esq., ✓lost. Cler k U. S. House Representatives. WASHINGTON, D. C.,June 15,1840. Dn. (Ito. B. II irons--bear Sir—l feel it not only a pleacure, but a duty, to make known to you and to the public, (if you desire it,) the sur prising effects of the Oxygenated I3itters," in relieving me from that most discouraging dim , der, Dyspepsia. I hate been afflicted for about seventeen years with the usual attendant symp toms, vie: constipation of the bowels, headache ; pain in the chest, flatulence, acidity of the stout ash, and severe nausea; and fur months at a time nut the least particle of moisture would appear on the surface of ihe chest or limbs, and most of the time I was ettremcly bilious, I have used various remedies, have been strict is my diet, have been dosed with calomel and emetics day after day by physicians, but all to no gord put. pose. Hearing of the wonderful effects of (hi Oxygenated Bitters," in the cure of Dyspepsia, I procured some as a last resort, have used foul bottles of the medicii e, and find the bad synth • toms all restored, and myself once more in tll7 , enjoyment of health. None but the Dyspeptic sufferer, who has felt all the horrors of the dis. ease, tan at all appreciate the value of the medi eine. I moat sincerely hope that all will make trial of the medicine, and with rue be able to re joice in the return of health. Lady Cared of Neora From Rev. 2110.41d1S KIDDER, of Vermont. Wirllison, Vt.,Aug.8,1846. Dean Si n :—lt gives me great pleasure to in form you ihat the " Oxygenated Bitters," with which you furnished my wife, has wrought a cure in her cave. About two years since, my wife was violently attacked with neuralgia int the face, through the chest, in the wrists and ankles. So violent was the disease, added to a general derangement of the female system, that her strength was completely prostrated, her flesh wasted, and she rendered miserable indeed. I feel grateful for the restoration oilier health, and in duty bound to give publicity to the above facts, that others similarly afflicted may know whero to seek for cure. Truly your friend, THOMAS KIDDER. Front Hon. MYRON" L.dWREXCE, of' Mass. "For some twenty years I had suffered severe ly from !tumoral Asthma. I was compelled to sit up one-third of tic night, and the rest of the time toy sleep was interrupted by violent fits of Coughing and great inflict By of breathing. In all toy attendance upon our courts I never went to bed in Northampton in twenty years but twice, i and then was compelled to get up. Now I lif4 in bed without difficulty, and sleep soundly. took the "Oxygenated Bitters," according to directions. The violent symptoms immediately abated, and perseverance in the use of tl c I enn etly has removed all its troublesome consequen ces. Fite value of such a remedy is incalculable, and I hope its virtues may be widely diffused and its beneficent agency extensively employed." GREEN & FLETCHER, General Agents, No. 26, South Sixth St, Philadelphia. Sold wholesale and retail by Tnomes IlnAn Sins, Huntingdon, Pa. -- i i ricc—sl.oo per bottle: six bottles for $5,00. May 8, 1849. BLIND MANUFACTORY. llr CLARK 'tenet ia n Blind IllanuftiCturer, Sign of the Golden Eagle, .I''o. 139 & 143 South 2d Strut, below Dock St., PHILADELPHIA, TjEEPS always on hand a large and fashion. 11 able assortment of WIDE and NARROW BLAT WINDOW BLINDS, manufactured in the hest manner, of the best materials, and at the lowest cash prices. Having refitted and enlarged his establiehment, he is prepared to complete orders to any amount at the shortest notice, Constantly on hand an assortment of Olaitonting jrnyuftttre of every variety, manufactured expressly for his own sales, and purchasers may therefore rely on a good article. i7' (Ipen in the evening. Orders from a distance packed carefully, and sent free of porterage, to any part of the city. H. CLARK. Philadelphia, Aug. 21, 1849-Iy. CROIVEZILIEN dr. BROTTIMR, Commission Merchants, lIIIVORTERS OF 7 0 1 1 31. 1 n011 COGNAC BRANDIES, HOLLAND GIN, AND DEALERS IN Teas, Se gars, ‘Ve. .No, 11 Walnut Street, cO . - Consignments of Western and Soulhour Produce solicited.C:o Juno 12, 1.42. 14istIir Tllll Subscriber will offer at public sale of the Court House, on WEDNESDAY THE 15t11' 1)0Y or NOVEMBER More, at 1 o'clock P. M., the House and Lot upon which she resides, sit uate at the west end of llill street in the borough of puntingdon. The Lot fronts 75 feet on Hill street. The improvements consist of a large two story Mick house with a basement story, stabling and all necessary out buildings ; and are such as to rea der the propel ty a convenient and comfortable place of residence. TEIII,I will be made known at the sale, nr may be learned in the mean time, by application to George Taylor. MARGARET MOORE Huntingdon, October 16, 1849. FRESH GROCERIES () F all kinds, very elioap, for sale at the Storrs of UEO. (I IN, Oct. 16,1818,