I nontinuittiOn of our sad journey to some instant shore. 4 " . Even the Ambassadors of England and France, to whow I ventured in the name of humanity to appeal were so kind as to assure me of their full sym pathy. His majesty the Sultan, was also so ;• gracious as to give a decided negative to the inhuman pretensions of our ex ! tradition demanded by Russia and Aus tria. But a fresh letter from his majesty the Czar arrived in Constantinople, and hi consequence was the suggestion sent to us by an express messenger of the Turkish Government that the Poles and Hungarians, and in particylar myself, Count Casimir, Bathiany, Minister of ~,Poreign Affairs of Hungary under my .., Government and the Generals Meesaros and Perczel (all present here) would be intrenclered unless we choose to adjure the faith of our forefathers in the relil grod of Christ and become Mussulmen. : And thus five thousand Christians are placed in this terrible alternative either of facing the scaffold or purchasing their lives by abandoning their faith. So low is already fallen the once mighty Tur key, that she can devise no other means to answer or evade the derhantis df Rue - sia. Words fail me to qualify these aston ishing suggestions such as never have been made yet to the fallen chief of a generous nation and could hardly have been expected, in the nineteenth cen tury. _ • My answer does not admit of hesita tion. Between death and shame the choice can neither be dubious nor diffi cult. Governor of Hungary and elected t - to that high place by the confidence of fifteen millions of my countrymen, 1 ' know well what I owe to the honor of my country, even in exile. Even as a private individual 1 hatre an honorable path to pursue. Once Governor of a generous country—l leave no heritage to my children—they shall, at least, bear an unsullied name. Gods will be done. I tun prepared to die; but as I think this measure dishonorable and injurious to Turkey, whose interest I sincerely have at heart, and as I feel it r. duty to save my companions in exile, if I can, from a degrading alternative I hare replied to the Grand Vizier in a concilatory manner, and taken also' the liberty to apply to Sir Stratford Chan ;fling and Gen. Aupich for their gener ous aid against this tyrannic act. In full reliance on the noble sentiments and generous principles of your excellency, by which, as well as through your wis dom you have secured the esteem of the civilized world, I trust to be excused in inclosing copies of my two letters to the Grand Vizier arid Sir Stratford Chan. hing. I am informed that the whole matter 'is a cabal against the ministry of Res• chid Pasha, whose enemies would wish , to force him to our extradition in order to lower it in public estimation, and ren • der impossible its continuance in office. It is certain that in the grand council held on the sth and 10th of September, after a tumultuous debate, the majority of the council declared in favor of our extradition ; the majority of the Minis. ry against it. No decision was come to in consequence of the altercation which took place; but, notwithstanding, the Ministry thought fit to make us the revolting suggestion I have named. This mode of solving the difficulty would not, 1 am convinced save the min _ istry, because a protection only given in contradiction of the Sultan's generous feeling, at the price of 5,000 Christians abandoning their faith, Would be revol ting to the whole Christian world, and prove hardly calculated to win sympa thy for Turkey in the event of war with Russia, which, in the opinion of the most experienced Turkish Statesmen is approaching fast. As to my native eountryi 'turkey does, I believe, already feel the loss of the neglected opportunity of hating giv en to Hungary at least some moral help to enable it to check the advance of the common enerriy. But it appears to me that it would be a very ill advised mode of gaining Hungarian sympathy by sen ding me to an Austrian scaffold, and forcing my unhappy companions to ab jure their religion, or accept the same alternative. No friends to the Turkish Govern tnent would spring up from my bloodshed , by her broken faith, bdt many deadly foes. My lord, your heart will, lam cure, excuse my having called your at tention to our unhappy fate, since it has now assumed political importance.— Abandoned in this unsocial land by the whole world, even the first duties of hu manity give us no promise of protection unless, my lord, you and your generous lalition come forward to protect us, What steps it may be expedient that you should take, what we have a right to expect from the well known generosity of England, it would be hardly fitting for me to enter on. I place my own and ' my companions' fate in your hands, my lord, and in the name of humanity throw myself under the protection of Eng land. Time presses—our doom may in a few days be sealed. Allow me to make an humble perional request lam a man, my lord prepared to faoe the worst ; and I can die with a free look at Heaven, as 1 have lived. But lam also, my lord, a husband, son, and father ; my poor true hearted wife, my children, and my noble mother, are wandering about Hungary. They will probably soon fall into the hands of . those Austrians who delight in torturinc , even feeble women, and with a l ' whom thinnocence of childhood is no protection against persecutions. I con jure ydur excellency, in the name of the most High to put a stop to these cruel ties by your powerful mediation, and especially to accord to my wife and children an asylum on the soil of the generous English peojile: As to my poor—my loved aid noble dountiyudust tile , toe, perish for ever! Shill stip, unaided, abandoned to her foie, and unavenged, be doomed to anni hilation by her tyrants !—Will England once her hope, not become her . consola tion. The pblitidtil interests of civilized Eu rope, so many weighty considerations respecting Engldnd herself, and chiefly the maintainance df the Ottoman Em. plrb, are tod intiniately bound up with the existence of Hungary for me to lose all hopb. My lord; may God the Almigh ty for many years shield you, that you may long protect the unfortunate, and live to be the guardian of the rights of freedom and humanity.-1 subscribe myself, with the most perfectrespct and esteem, (signed) L. KOSSUTH. Sessinta.—The New York Tribune has an Oregon correspdndent, who shows himself to be a sensible Cello*. Speaking of gold in Oregon, he says " I am informed that some persons, deficient in p-inciple, and for the parpose of directing a portion of the California immigrants into this country, have sent to the United States reports of gold discoveries in Oregon. lat first be lieved the story of these discoveries, but the whole affair proves to be a fable. Nothing of permanent good is gained by a departure from truth. For myself, I most sincerely hope that a grain of the precious metal will never be found in any part of Oregon. The iron and coal of either Missouri or Pennsylvania is worth all the gold mines in the world. The evils of robberies,murders, stealing and gambling of Cal ifornia, can never be outweighed by the gold of many such countries. Thousands are going there to lay their bodies prematurely in the dust, or to lose a fair fame irrevocably amid its profligacy and general wickedness." &ELVER MINES IN TUE WICIIITA MOUNTAINS. —The Little Rock netricicrat (Arkansas) gives an account of the return of a portion of the imr ty of 80 men, who left in August last, on a gold hunting expedition to the Wichita Mountains. fhey had brought back no goldiitit 'aver ore of extraordinary richness, which was found ill a high prairie ridge, and the quantity is said to be inexhaustible. THE MARKETS. Pnicsusr.eitis, Nov. 9 1 1849. The receipts for Flour are increasing, but they are yet moderate. The demand for shipment continues limited, and only 4a500 bbls common brand sold at .5,00 per bbl. For city consump tion, the sales are limited at previous rates. RYE FLOUR, is but litte inquired after. Sales of lu2oo bbls. at $3,00 per bbl. PORN MEAL continues dull at $3,00. GRAIN-Sales of 5a6,000 bu. good and prime red at $1,06a1,07, and white at $1,13. RTE—But httie offering. We quote Penna. at 62c. and Southren at 60c. CORN-IS dull. We quote yellow at 65 and white and 62c., but no sales have transpired. OATS Bel; slowly, Southern at 28a30c, and Penn's. at 35 per bu. Wumsn is scarce. Saks in bbls. and hhds. at 28c., with further sales. AWFUL DESTRUCTION Broke out in a New Place ! MICHAEL CLABAUGH respectfully Hi forms the citizens of the borough of Han tingdon and vicinity, that he has opened a new OYSTER SALOON, and Confectionary, in the basement story of A. WillOughby's Clothing Store, one door west of T. Reed & Son's Store, and two doors cast of the Post office, whete he is ptepared to accom modate all who may favor him with their cus tom. Thankful for past favors, he still hopes ford continuance of public faVOr, Mid will use all efforts to accommodate his customers. Who is this Clabaugh Why, dont you know him ? It is our old friend. Oh yes, I know him ; I'll go to see him sure, well I will. I'll go too, for he keeps the best Oysters, Tripe, Cold Fowls, and a 'variety of good things, in the town. Step in Ladies And dentlemen—Oysters are featly. MICHAEL CLABAHIIH. Huntingdon, Nov. 13, 1810-31. NEW STAGE LINE. Tfil subscriber respectfully informs the trav el c iting public, that to meet their wants, he has established a fle a' line of MAIL STAGEs,,be tween Jackstown, Huntingdon county, and Chambersburg, Pa. The Coach leaves Jacks town at 4 o'clock, A. M., on Monday, Wednes day and Friday df each week, and Chambers burg at the game hdiir on Tiiesday, Thursday and Saturday. It reaches its destinatiod at 5 o'clock, P. M., on the same days. THE ROUTE through which the line pass es, over a good road, is celebrated for the beau ty and picturesque character of the country. Leitiing Chambersburg, the coaches stop for a short time at Strasburg, Fannettsburg, Burnt Cabins, Shade ap (the neat of Milnwqod Aced .l4, tinder the direction of Messrs. McGinnis) Orbisania, Shirleysburg, Mt. Union—where It intersects the PentisYlvani a canal—to Jackstdwri. At the last named place it connects with the Packet and Stage Lines between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. At Chambersburg, it connects with Daily Lines to Philapelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburg, Ha gerstown, Mercersburg, and intermediate pld- CeS. The wants of the people at the extremes of the road and throughout its whole length have indu ced the subscriber to embark in this enterprise, and as the Fare has been fixed extremely low, and every arrangement made to insure the safe ty and convenience of passengers, he trusts to be liberally patronized. ABNER ISENHOUR. Oct.. 18, 1840 STRAY ItiARE. CAME to the reshlehco of tho v;! subecriber, residing hi West town . ship, Huntingdon county, on or . 4 .11 1 Ar about the 13th or 14th day of June 1849, a BLACK MARE, about 16 or 17 years of age, with a white stripe on her face, on each side of her neck small white marks, occasioned by the ester, the left fore and left hind foot are white. Said mare is about 14 hands high. The owner is requested to come forward, prove pro perty, pay charges and take her away, otherwise she will be disposed of according to law Nov. 13'0849 ANDREW SMITH, PUBLIC SALE OF VA,LUABLE REAL ESTATE. THE.Subscriber will sell at Public or private Sale, do or before the, 28th day of Novem ber 1819, all that Valuable Real Estate, situate in Woodberry township, Blair cpunty,ab out two miles from Williamsburg, 1. mile from Sorriek's Mill, containing Eighty Acres; and part is first rate lime-stone land. Of slid land about 50 acres are cleared and Under toler able good fences and in a tolerable state of cul tivation. The wood land is well Set with thrif ty timber, and a quarry of first rate stone for lime burning, with a draw kiln to it, and a pros pect of iron ore. A variety of thriving, choice Fruit, and a well of water ; a two Story log House with back building, and a tolerable good log barn. The above land is joining lands with Springfield, north-west side ; Valentine Sorrick, south-west; A. Patterson, on the south east ; R. Martin, north-east side. Any person wishing to purchase tan have_ further informa tion by applying to the undersigned on the prem ises. SAMUEL LO WER. November 13, 1849. Aldmiitistrator's Notice. Estate of DiIVID EBY, late of Shirley township, Huntingdon Co., dec'd. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration on said estate have been grant ed to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make irkitheiliate pay ment, and those havingclaims or demand. against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement to JACOB EBY, SAMUEL McVITTY. Nov. 19, 1849-6 t. Administrators. WATCHES. CLOCKS, wO, 1 , 1 ',"..\"'"'. r :, c" - ) . t, • -.... JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS 6 JT. SCOTT has just returned from New • Yorkand Philadelphia with a large and brilliant assortment of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, consisting in part of Gold Patent Levers, Silver Patent Levers, Gold Hunting do, do. Hunting do. Gold Anchor do. do. Anchor do. Gold Lepines do. Lepines. and Verge Watches of all sorts and qualities in endless variety. . . _ _ Eight day and 30 hour bras; Clocks. Also, Bteant Pins and finger ,rings; Gold Fob, Vest and Guard Chains. ; Gold Medal chains ; Gold Pencils and Pena ; Ear Rings ; Bracelets, and other Jewelry in great variety, which for beauty and excellence, cannot lie ex celled. Also Silver Table, Tea and Salt Spootie; and Butter Knives ; Silver Specks ; Rodgets' fine Pen-kives ; Accordeons ; Pockt Books; Perfumery ; Envelopes ; Note Paper ; Wafers; Port Monies; Combs ; Hairand Clothes brush es ; &c., &d. This stock we can assure our friends and Or e public has been purchased unusually low, and will be sold at a small advance. Give us a call and judge foi yourselves. Huntingdon, NoVember 8, 1810. Another Flag Hoisted! ituzza.! nutzAtt OUR SIDE AHEAD !—We have the best Stock of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, &c., in the place, and prices nothing at all ; why, neigh bor, we give these articles away. Remunera tion.! pshaw, who thinks of it. Our aim is the public benefit and not our own. Only give us a cal!, and We know you will laugh at every thing in the shape Of ti rival. NEFF & MILLER, thot Market Stiliarei Htintidgdon,Nob. 0, 1819. ifilisOlutiOn of Paktnership. milt partnership heretofore existing between 1 H. K. Nefrand Bro., is this day mutually dissolved. Persons indebted are requested to call and make settlement by the November Court, and those having claims will present therri properly authenticated to the undersigned. The business will be carried on as before, in the name of Neff & Miller, as will be seen by their advertisement. H. K. NEFF. Oct. 16th 1849. za ur W:3 U a 2 ~ AA FINE assortment of Violins, Flates, Ac cordeons, Banjos, Musical Boxes, &c., with Preceptors for each instrument ; for sale at Father Timo's office. Nov. 6, '49. NEFF & MILLER. GOLD PENS. tiLD PENS, with diamond points and sil ver handles, can be had at Father Tithe's office for the small sum of 75 cents. Who'd a thank it? NEFF Si MILLER. November 6, 1845. S A DDL ES. AGOOD assortment of well fi nished Saddle. now on hand and for lisle at the Saddle and Harness Manufactory of Wm. Glasgow, oppo• site the Poet Office, Huntingdon. Huntingdon, August 7, 1849. FISH .d SILT, Foß.a% et the Cheep Store of Oct 16, '49.] 640 OWIN VALUABLE FARMS. THE Subs6riber will Sell, at Private Sale, his Woodcbck Valldy Farms, At the (loose 119 ADA, in Poi tei and Walker town ships, HUntingdon county, viz i No. I—Now occupied by Major James Porter, containing about 276 Acres ; 225 of which are cleared and under cultivation, With a well finished Two Story Brick tit TIVITEILLING ELOUSII, Wash Itonse, Spring House, a completely linighell Bank Barn, Wagbn Shed, Corn (lib, Hog House, and every other need nary building, No. 2.—Occupied by David Enyeart, contain. ing 280 acrea, 200 of whic h are cleared and Un. der cultivation, with a large New Two Story Dwelling II I 4-u-taDuasoClis A TENANT HOUSE, a large Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Spririg house, hog house, and every other necessary building. On this tract is an extensive Bed of FossiliferouB Iron Ore. No. 3.—Called the "Onose ROADS," now oc cupied in port by John Nail. containing about 150 acres, one hundred of which tiro cleared and cultivated ; with a 'r Lot hweiting M ~ use SMITH SHOP, VWStable dee. The whole is first quality of LIME STONE LAND, in a good state of cultivation; and well fenced. The meadows are very fine, a sufficient portion of which are attached to each farm. The most of the buildings are new and well finished. There is a good Spring of water at each house, and numerous Springs so distributed as to afford water in almost every field. Each Form hes a sufficient :4-4„ ORCHAJEUi " OF Cholct Fruit, The property is in one of the best settlements in the county, within 4} miles of Huntingdon, the county town—the same distance from the Warn of Alexandria, and within 3} miles of the Panay!youth Canal, and about the same dis tante Mini the Pennsylvania Central Railroad now making, which Will bring the properly with in 12 hour. ride of Philadelphia. 2 public roads cross about the centre of it, within convenient distance to several Houses of Worship, Public Schools, Mills and mechanics ; affording alto , gether very desirable situations for those wish ing to purchase good farms in a flourishing set tleitieht. Other divisions may be made of the property to those wishing to purchase. The terms will he, One third of the purchase money io bo paid on the tat of April next, and the remainder in annual payments as May he agreed on, with ihthrest, to be secured by the bends and mortgage of the , purchaser. The subscriber lios also for sole a few hundred acres of WOOD-LAND, in the immediate neighborhood. Any' infor mation will be given by Major Porter and Mr. Eoyeart, on the premises, Gen. A. P. Wilson and Mr. George Jackson of Huntingdon, or the subscriber in Harrisburg. DAVID R. PORTER. November b, 11149. AOK STRAYED ! •s„ Yolk vim (I' OTRAYED from the subscriber living at Ju -3 nista Forge, on the 15th of October, 2 Steers, about two years old ; one black and the other red and white, with horns turning towards the eyes. Any person finding said steers, or sending wcirdi. will be reasonably rewarded. For EDWIN F. SHOENBERGER, • JOHN H. KAUG. November 6, 1819. AWFUL DISCLOSURE! MHE Ilungarians not satisfied! an. 1_ other Grand attack on the agent's OYSTER H011;3E! ! Thousands aro slain nightly ! ! The Excitement Still increasing, notwithstanding the Agent's great efforts to allay their thirst for Blood ! ! Hundreds are attracted to the scene of action to see this brilliant establishment, and all have come away satisfied that it is the finest Oyster Saloon in the world ; and ih addition; Agent's Oysters are of the Most superior quality. lie has just received this day an entire stock of. Confectionary, to which the attention of the Public is invited; Thankful for past favors he still hoped for a dm tinuante. If you want to know *here this fine establish meat is, just step down into Railroad Street, one door above William Stewart's Store, you there will see the sign of the Red Curtain—That is the place, HENRY AFRICA. Huntingdon, November 6, pH% NOTICE. XTcSTICE is hereby given that the following jl/ described property', sold at Constable's sale Septdmber 8, 1819, as the property of Joseph 3i Stevens, of Petersburg, Huntingdon county, Pa, has been purchased by the undersigned, and loaned to said Joseph M. Stevens, viz : 1 Cook Stove ; 1 sett Harness ; 1 Side-sad dle and Bridle ; 1 Buffalo Robe ; 1 small Case ; 1 Ward-robe; 3 setts of Chairs and 2 Rocking Chairs ; 4 Tables ; 2 Wash Stands • 1 Stand ; 1 Bureau ; 150 yards of Carfiet ; t Looking &saes • 1 Settee ; 1 Secretary and Book-case; 1 Mode Clock ; deinei Cupboard; 2 Sleighs. All persons are hereby forbid interfering in any way with said property. ABRAHAM RENNER. November 6, 1849.—• $6O REWARD. BROKE JAIL do the night of the let MAL, three prisoners named Wm..McKtstc, Wee. ,and Anaintot Munasi. s s, who were cotifined arid awaiting their {dale en crim inal chargeS. The above reward will be OW for the arrest and delivety of the three to the Jail of Huntingdon can*, or $2O for each one so arrested and delivered. McKim it a young mdn abdut 6 feet 3 or 4 inches high, bldck heir, badly clad, and had no coat when he escaped. He appeals to be soznewhat defeCtive in intellect. STuarzmAN is a young man of about 5 feet 10 inches high, stout built. Color of clothes not recollected. MURRELS is a colored man, upwards of six feet high, wearing cross barred pants. Color of coat not recollected. M. CROWNOVER, Sheriff. P. S.--Two of the above named prisoners— Sturtzman and Murrela—havo been arrested. Nov. 8, 18d9. ZE>ficis. - ...?? LVila.rzia 2 2 NEFF & DULLER u - AirE this morning received, at the old H 1; stand bf H. it NEP, & Bao., an entire ~,, --.. new stbck of •,' , \ Clocks and i'Vatches, i :- 7 ) Jewelry, Cutlery, Stationary, st. --- \`' Perfumery Soaps, ere., ~, i ,'' which is piisitiVely the largest, best ( and most fashionable, and cheapest assortment ever offered for sale in the place. Having in their employ one of the best work men in the State, they can most cOnfidently en gage to repair Clocks and Watches ai chepp and as well as it can be done in any of the Eastern cities. ptiblic are politely requested to call and test the truth of our declarations. The protif is jri trying. N. B. The highest prices given for old gold and silver. Remember No. 1001 Market Square, Hun tingdon, Pa. October 30, 1810. The an-Pio-Saxons hare Come .dgain GRAND EXHIBITION! THE Public are respectfully informed that sz have just received the largest and best aasnit meat of Fall and Winter Goods ever brought to this place, comprising all the various articles generally kept at other stores, with the addition of a great many articles nev or offered for sale in this place. Their stock con sists of CLOTHS, CJISS IMERES, Sattinetts, Vesttngs, Tweed cloth, Kentucky Jeans, Canton Flannel, Flannels of all colors, Table Diaper, Muslim!, Calicoes, Ginghams, Mouslin de laines, Cashmere., Merinocs, A Ipaccas, Silks, Mull Jacconet and Cambric Muslino, Linen Cambric, Silk and ccittdn handkerchiefs, Fut riiture check & calicoes; gloves, Shawls and Trimmings. LADIES' SHOES, Alga's and Boy,' Boots and Shoes, Cloth and Glazed cape, Cravats and Suspenders, Looking Glasses, bed Blankets, Carpets, &c.— 'l'hey have also an extensive assortment of Groceries ) ilardWare, and Queensware, They haven lot of Bonnets of the very latest style. They have also a great variety of Cedar Ware, such as Tubs, Buckets. Baskets of all kinds. SALT, FISH, and PL ASTER. All of these articles will be sold as low as they can be bought at any other establishment east of the Alleghenies. They are determined to sell off their old stock of Goods et and under cost. Look out for bar gains ! Huntingdoh, October 30, 1849 Chair and Farniltire `3P'entraas)QZU.sapcomtasza Up Stazrs above Peter Swoope's Store and Sheriff Crownover's office, and three doors east of McKinney's Hotel. THE undersigned has again COM * itfinced the above business in all its (41 various bunches, and is now pre -1-7 / Faavroer d a ccommod with ate cutt l um o who may Cite moat reasonable terms. He intends keeping on hand all kinds of CHAIRS and FURNITURE, from common to the most fashionable style, and made in the most durable manner, which he will sell low for cash or couu!ry produce. All kinds of Lumber talon in exchange for chairs or fbrnilure4 COFFINS will at all awe be kept on hand, and funerals attended in town, and shortly in town and country, as he is getting a splendid hearse made for tho accommodation of the public. - House AND SOON PAINTING attended to ad !Mal: THO. ADAMS. Huntingdon. October 30, 1849. MILXWOOD ACADEMY. A Boarding School for Young Med, Shade Gap Huntingdon county, Pa. my. J. Y. BeGINNES, A. IU., AND J. W. De- GINNIS, A. Di., ritNctrALs. THE Winter Session will commence on the first Wednesday of November, and continue five Months. The enures of ihstruction embraces all the branches necessary to prepare young men either for the higher chosen in College, or fot the Studies of a profession rind the active burl noes of life. The Academy building is new, commodious. and in every way adapted to the accommodation of a large number of boarders, The Ideation is distinguished for its healthful ness and religious character of the surrounding community. It is easy of access, being on the stage route connecting Chambeisburg with tire Central Railroad at Drake's Ferry. TER3IB eta SESSION.-For Orthography, Reeding and writing, $5; Arithmetic, Geogra phy, Grammar, Composition, Natural Philoso phy, Astronomy, Phisiology, Chemistry, &c. $8; Mathematics, Greek and Latin Languages, $l2 ; French and German, each $5. Boarding, exclu sive of fuel & light, $1,25 per week. For reference or further particulars address JAMES Y. M'GiNNES Shade Gap, Oct. 30, 1849. 137Blair'eouaty Whig please copy 4t WAR WITH FRANCE TS not now very generally expected, still great excitement has recently been produced Hi Huntingdon by the arrival of a moat splendid assortment of Fall and Wintele Goods; at the old and popular stand of QICOGCDo ti~i JS,iNEI3 Market Square, Hautingdaai _ Hie stock comprises Dry Goode; brocerios, Queensware, Cutlery, Caps, Shoes, Boots, Muffs Umbrellas, Bonnets, &c. He has a splendid as gamma of Ftenbh, English and American CLOTHS, C✓ISSIJFIERES ✓iXD VESTIXGS, _ . . Camille. and Jeans.in great variety. Also, Ready-made Clothing, of all kinds, A carefully Matted variety of Silks, hterinos, • Alpaccee, Cashmeres, Detainee, Prints, Ribbon., Laces, &c. as well as every variety Of Ladies Dress and Trimming Goods : All of which will be sold at prices to compete with anything in the plea°, es he is determined that no one can or shall undersell him for cash or approved country produce. Those desiring good goods and Brie style., at low prices; are respectfully invited to call soon at hie store where they will find the above fully Vertfied. GEO. GWIN.• Huntingdon, October 9, 1840. Notice to Claimants. ALL persons having claims for materials fur nished from Januery 1846 to February 1849, far the tippet Division of the Pennsylva nia Canal extending from McVeytown to Holli daysburg, will fiend in the date, amount and na ture of their claims to me immediately. This hake is not intended to include claims for pro viitions, horse feed, &c. Persons haying check rolls in their hands will send in their amount and date. J. P. ANDERSON, Sup. Upper lB D 4 i 9 v . . Pa. Cana': Huntingdon, October NEW GOODS. CHEAPER THAN EVER ! TbOttitg se: plataittre. HHAVE just opened at their old Stand a new and splendid assortment of rill and Winter Goods, The stock embraces Cloths, Cassimeres, Sati nets, Vestings, Croton Cloths, Cashmeres and Cashmeretts, Tweeds, Mohair Cords, Drillings, Velvet Cords, French Cassimeres, Doe Skin do., white and fancy Marseilles; tire. A splen did assortment of Ladies Dress Goodi. An elegant assortment of striped, figured and plain Silks, Bareges, Chalky, Muslin de Lakes; Alpaccesi Lustres, Ginghams, Lawns, Mulls, Jaconets, Bombazines, striped and plaid .Mus lins, &c. Also a large and elegant assortment of Calicoes and Muslins. A large and carefully selected aSsortmetit of RE4DY M./IDE CLOTHING which will be sold at prices to suit purchasers Besides this they have Hardware, Queensware, Glassware, and an unparalleled supply dt GROCERIES. All df hith will be sold at a small advaiirs do bit—at the Cheap, Stand of DORSEY & MAGUIRE: Huntingclan, Ote. 9, 1849. CITY HOTEL. 41 & 43 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA: A. H HIRSTi Would respectfully inform his friends and the travelling public generally, that he has leased the above large and well known Hotel. The location is one of the very best ftir Uudiness men in Philadelphia; arid he flatters himself that by giling it his ent,ire attention, that he will be able to render perfect satisfaction to all who may favor him with their custom. lie returns thanks for the very liberal slip port already extended to him by his friends of Huntingdon and the neighboring counties, and begs leave to assure them that he will spare no pains or expense to render the Ceri How. worthy of their continued suppcirt. Philadelphia, Oct. 30, 1819-Iy. COVERLY'S HOTEL. ZEARAISSIURCI, E Proprietor of this large and well known I Hotel, would respectfully inform the public that it has recently been enlarged, repainted In side and outside, newly papered, and thoroughly renovated throughout. This has been done at very large expense, and with the view of keeping pace with the improving taste and splitt or the age. He now flatters hittiself that he Lan ac commodate his friends in e style beyond the abil ity of any other landlord at the'Seat of liovetns scent, He has in his employ attentive and obliz gingservants, Cooks of long experience, and he is determined to spare no expense to furnish his table with the very best that can he procured in the market. It is with great confidence in hid ability to tender entire satisfaction, that Ito in vites members of the Legislature and others to make his house their stopping place while in Harrisburg. He would beg leave to return his sincere thanks to hie friends on the Juniata. for the very livers! aupport heretofore extended to his house, and respectfully solicit a continuance of their pa tronage. W. COVERLY. • Hthistilliir, Obt. 30,1849-3 m. PUBLIC SA LE Of Valuable Real Estate. THE subscribers will sell at Public Sale; it the COURT HOUSE, in the boroiigh of Huntingdon on Wednesday November 14, 1840; All that valuable Real Estate situate in Barre& Township, Huntingdon county, about seven Miles from the Penn'a canal, and Central Rail Road, and on the main road leading from Peters burg to Pine Grove, containing about 700 cres of Land and about 400 of which arc cleated find in a good state of cultivation, the woodlark! being all first rate Timber Land and heavily timbered; and there is an excellent site for a Saw Mill, on a never failing stream. Theta bre erected on said land two houses and two Darns, small, but in a tolerable good State of repair. The above Tract of Lapd will be divided in to. m two, three or ore parts, and sold seperate ly; or it will, be sold altogether, as will best suit those desiring to purchase. Tzugs,--Nti.money Will be required for five years, provided good security is given by the purchaser or purchasers. An indisputable title will be given. The property will be positively sold at the aboite time and place. Any further ihformation can be had by apply= leg to eithet of the undersigned. DAVID IlfallißTßlE, BENJ. E. MeMURTRIC, ROBT. A. McMURTRIE. WM. E. McIVIETRTME. , Oct. 16, 1841—ts. Ladies and Gentieniell WALE IN and see the best assortment of Goods in our place. Beet quality of Merr's Boot. and Shoes, fine and coarse. Fine cork-soled inin'§ call skin boots. Men's watet pica boots. Men's guilt And buffalo socks, best quatty. Boys ind. Children's best quality of boots. Ladies Morocco shoes, half galore& low boots best quhlity. Ladies best quality of gum shoes and' also men's silk hats and cloth caps of hest quality & lateet fashion, and also a variety of other articles: Noctographic paper of sit color., for sale cheap: ''Kt WESTBROOK. Oct. 23, 1819. MACKEREL, SHAD, SALMON, HERRINGS, PORE, HAMS AND SIDES, SHOULDERS, LARD & CHEESE, Constantly on hand and for sale by J. PALMER, & Co. Market St. Wharf, PHILADELPHIA. Sep. 11, 1849.•3m