Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 13, 1849, Image 2

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The "HUNTINGDON JOURNAL" is published at
the following rates, viz : $1,15 a year, if paid
in advance ; $2,00 if paid during the year, and
$91,50 if not pail until after the expiration of
the year. The above terms to be adhered to in
all cases.
No subscription taken for less than six months,
and no paper discontinued until all artearages
are paid, unless at the option of the publisher.
(C, The McMurtrie Real Estate to be offered
for sale at the Court House on to-morrow, is
located on Shaver's Creek, not Spruce Creek,
as we erroneously stated last week.
NEW STAGE LINE. -W 6 are rejoiced to learn
that the new Stage Line from Jackstown to
Chambersburg, established by our totvnsman,
Mr. A. Issnuoc•r, is already attracting public
attention, and doing a good business in the way
of carrying passengers. We have been infdrm
ed by those who have travelled on this line, that
the coaches are very fine, the drivers pleasant
and attentive, and that the trip between the two
points named is quite a pleasant one. See card.
l37'Our neighbor, Mr. M. Clabaugh, it will
be seen, has opened anew Oyster Saloon, where
he is prepared to serve up Oysters and other
good things in the best style. give him a call.
gcr Those of our friends visiting Illintingdon,
who desire to make purchases in town, would
do well to first consult our advertising columns.
Those who advertise are selling on the modern
principle of "quick sales and small profits"—
those who do not, are adhering to the old sys
tem of high prices.
Our Borough.
The citizens of this borough, we are pleased
to observe, are awake to the importance of se
curing the advantages held out to them by the
Railroad Company. During the past week, two
public meetings were held, relative to sectfring
a suitable location within the limits of Our
borough, for the erection of the Depot, Ware
house, &c., contemplated by the Company. Ow
ing to the indisposition of one of our citizens
owning the property best adapted to the purpose
in question, to make any definite offer of the
same to the citizens and the Company, nothing
Nof'll definite character has yet been accomplish
ed. gtiii this should not discourage us. We
should persevere in our efforts so long as any
possible chance remains to benefit permanently,
our borough.
At the Meeting lield 'On Saturday evening last,
Committees were appointed to wait on the cit
izens generally, and solicit subscriptions to se
cure the erection in this horoushof the Railroad
improvements in question. We hope that all
will evinces Liberal spirit. Now is the time to
act. There is danger in delay.
CoLt.Ecroa AT PLIILADELPIIIA.-Some of our
contemporaries are calling DM* the removal of
Wm. D. Lewis, Collector at Philadelphia.—
What fort Is not Mr. Lewis honest and capa
ble t Before we can make up our mind to op , -
pose the Administration by asking the rejection
of its appointees, we should like to have ennui
good reason for so doing. Mr. Lewis was not
our choice for Collector, but since he has been
appointed by Gen. Taylor, we do not approve
of any Whig opposition to him unless for good
and substantial cause. Thus far we believe it
is admitted by all that he is making a good ofß
Good Appointments.
We learn from Washington, that lion. JOHN
W. FARRELLY, of Crawford county, Pa., has
been appointed Sixth Auditor of the Treasai y
Col. S. W. PEIRSON, of Somerset, Charge to
Buenos Ayres.
These appointments are of the right stamp,
and will give great satisfaction to the Whig
party. Mr. FAAULLLY was a member of the
last Congress from his diet, ct, and served for
many years in the State Legislature. He is a
gentleman of enlarged intelligence, great per
sonal popularity with all who know him, and
is a Whig of the right sort.
Col. PIERSON has alk•ays been a hard work
ing Whig, and a more clever fellow a hris nev
er been our pleasure to meet. We congratulate
him on his promotion, and wish him unbound
ed success and great good luck while filling the
station assigned him.
It given us pleasure to applaud the Adminis
tration for both the above appointments. We
hope a "few more of the same sort" may soon
be announced.
ccr Our friends of the “Blair County 11%i g"
will please consider us as having touched our
beaver and made our best bow, for their kind
and too flattering notice of us last week. If
the Whig receives half the support we wish it,
it will be one of the best patronized papers in
the interior. It cannot receive more encourage
ment than it deserves.
State Treastiteri
To show how sincere were their denuncia
tions of Gen. Taylor for making removalt, the
locofocos intend removing the present efficient
Whig State Treasurer, Mr. Ball, the coming
Winter. We do not however complain of this.
Mr. B. and his friends ask no favors at the hands
of Locofocoism. Whigs are not afraid of star
ving when they are turned out of , office. Sev ,
out locofocos have been mentioned as Mr. Ball's
successor, and among them we observe the name
of Wm. D. BOAS of Dauphin county. As a
- change is determined on, we believe the selec
tion of this gentleman would be the most pop
ular that the Locator° party could make. He
is competent and honest, and personally very'
popular with all who know him.
Handsome Compliment to Governor
At the last •liiversary of the First Baptist
Church Sunday School, West Philadelphia, the
Rev. Mr. Hamner, in the course of his remarks
mentioned that the Governor of the States
through which he had recently travelled, had
been constittited Life Members of the Ameri
can Sunday School Union, by the liberal contri
butions of Sunday School children. At the clOze
of the services, a collection of more than $5O
was taken up for the benefit of their own school,
and just as the benediction was about to be pro
nounced, some one who did not believe that
charity should end at home, very unexpectedly
rose up and Said, he realty thought they should
do something to aid the American Sunday
Sehdol Union in planting schools in destitute
places, &c. &c.—lle proposed to make the Pas
tor of the Church, and the Governor of the State
Life Members of this Society, and at once the
necessary amount, $6O, was secured.
The following letter from Governor Johnstbn
accepting the pcisition assigned him by the kind;
news and respect of his young friends, will be
read with great pleasure by every good citizen.
Harrisburg, Pa., July 27, 1819. I .
R.. T. L. IIAmNER,—./lle Dear Sir
have received your kind letter, communicating
the gratifying fact, that the Sunday School of
the First Baptist Church, West Philadelphia,
have procured for me a Life Membership in the
American Sunday School Union.
This act of generous kindness, I shall ever
cherish and remember, and more particularly so
as being the UneXpected and voluntary action of
those who can have no impure motives, but
whose thoughts, like themselves, partake large
ly of the Kingdom of Heaven.
In early live it was my fortunate lot to be
come a scholar; and subsequently a teacher in a
Sunday School. The impressions there receiv
ed of the value arid importance of Scripture
!earning, have increased with my advance in life:
In the dark hours of worldly trouble,in the midst
of the storms of human existence; in the hustle
of life's affairs, or the turnidils bf political
strife, the good man finds in his Bible a conso
lation and contentment that the unlearned in its
holy teachings cannot possess. In the day of
our tribulation, when the anxieties, thoughts,
purposes and designs of humanity are closing—
the angel of death stands ready to usher the
spirit into the spirit-land, it is then the devout
reader and follower of the Bible precepts, tri
umphs in the calmness of his death, under a
blessed hope of a bright futurity; while the
uninformed writhes in mental agony ovef the
doubts and shadows of an uncertain destiny.
'1 he Almighty Father conferred upon his re
bellious children no greater blessing than the
Holy Scriptures, and man can be employed in no
higher or holier duty, than in their diBtriburion
and teaching to his fellow man.
I accept, - with great pleasure, the position as
signed to me by the kindness of my young
friends; and shall feel obliged by the commu
nication of such acceptance to them. With
sentiments of sincere regard, I remain mbst
truly yours,
Since our last the Steamship Hibernia has ar
rived bringing one week later intelligence from
The Russian Autocrat has as yet made no
espouse to the Turkish refusal to surrender the
Hungarian refugees. The French Ministry
have determined to adhere to the views on the
Roman question laid down by Napoleon in his
letter to Ney, and both Falloux and Thiers are
balked. Mr. Thiers has made an elaborate re
pOrt to the Assembly, in which he is said to ar
gue that the organization of the Roman Catho
lic thiirch and the so-called Rights of the peo
ple are ificdmpatible with each other, and that
the latter Ought to give way; and Mr. Falloux
is going to leave the Ministery because it says
it will not act further on the same doctrine.
The question of a central power for Germany
has been provisionally settled by a treaty be
tween Austria and Primate, so that the wisea
cres who expected a war in that quarter are dis
appointed for the present. The Illingerians who
were at Comorn are coming to America with
Klapka at their head ; and those whd are at
Widden are about to be transferred to the isle
of Candia by the Turkish Government. From
there they can easily get off to England. The
report that Item has turned Turk is confirmed,
And it is said that Dembinski and others have
done the sante, and are now officers in the Turk
ish army.
Og"The New York elettion take's Olace in
November. Our chicken cock has his jaws set
for a strong crow.—lrantingdon Glo;ie, Oct. 3d:
Well, let us hear Lim crow. Why, neighbor,
out' Coos instructs us to say that he dares your
male chicken to look at the returns from New
York, and even give a genteel yawn, in place
of the "strong crow" for which he had his "jaws
The New York Election.
The union of the (lid lldnker Locofocos and
Free Soilers of New York, it was thought,
would certainly defeat the Whigs of that State
on the Gth inst. Not so however. The Whigs
met the unprincipled coalition fearlessly, and
overthrew it. In the City of New York the
Whig majority over the coalition is about 2000!
The Whigs have also carried their four sena
torsi and 14 out of the 18 assemblymen. In the
common council the Whigs have 11 aldermen to
the Democrats 7, and the assistants are classed
in the same way. Three cheers for the gallant
Whigs of the Empire City.
The Whig majority in the State over the two
combined parties will be about 5,000. The
Legislature will be close but it is thought the
Whigs have a small majority in both Houses.
This is important as aU. S. Senator it to be
/lima for the Jersey Blues!
As usual the Whigs of New Jersey again tri
umphed over Locofocoism on the 6th inst. The
Locofocos made a desperate effort to secure a
majority in the Legislature, but the ever trde
Whigs of Jersey, although no excitement pre
vailed amongst them, rallied and carried the
Legialature by a majority of nine on joint bal
lot. The House will stand :33 Whigs to 25 lo
cos. Senate 10 Whigs ton locos.
Cholera in New York.
From a report of the Sanatory Committee of
the New York Board of Health, we learn that
the total number of deaths from cholera and
other diseases of the bowels, from May 10th to
October Ist was 15,219. Of these 5,017 were
from cholera asphyxia, 001 from cholera infan
turn, 226 from cholera morbus, 015 from diar
rhea, and 019 from dysentery.
The report says that after numerous and va
rious experiments no foreign matter could be
discovered in the atmosphere which can be re
garded as the source of disease. No substance
was found present in the air capable of produ
cing the chemical effects attributed to 'ozone,'
and the experiments of those European chemists
who have announced the production, by artifi
cial means, of such a new form of matter as
ozone, or such a modified or 'allotropic' condi
tion of those forms previously known to us, are
declared to be unsatisfactory.
CoNs•rnocTivc MILEAGE.—It appears that
Mr. Comptroller Whittlesey has just put his
veto upon the account rendered lty Mr. Dick
ens, the Secretary of the Senate, of aboUt
000, which he paid to the members of the Sen
ate, as constructive mileage : that is he ,aid all
of them, but three who had scruples in the mat
ter, the mileage, for going home on the fourth
Of March last, end returning the same day. It
is stated that Mr. Whittlesey stibthitted the
matter to the President, who promptly request
ed him td do what he believed to be right and
let the conseqtiences take care of themselves!
Mr. Dickens will, therefore, have to ask Con
gress to make up the expended sum. The paid
Senators will hardly refund any part of the $40,-
000 they have received, according to precedence
though not according to law and justice.
is stated in the telegraphic intelligence from
Paris, that on Friday the 19th ult., during the
speech of M. de la Drone on the Roman ques
tion, an altercation arose between Thiers and
Bixio. The latter declared that the former had
said that the election of Louis Napoleon would
be a disgrace to France. Thiers demandedsat
isfaction. A duel took place at once; one shot
was fired by each at twenty paces distance, but
neither was wounded. and the seconds came
forward and said that the parties had done all that
honor required. Both members returned to the
Assembly just as the sitting was adjourned.
LADIES eon CALIFORNIA.-A young lady of
Boston has accepted an offer of $4OO per month
to act as book keeper in a mercantile house in
San Francisco. It is also stated that several
young ladies are about leaving Boston for Cali
Vindicator states that Mrs. Polly Bell, the wid
ow of Francis Bell, deceased, near Long Glade
in that county, has liberated all their slaves, 83
in number, with a view to their settlement in
some one of the free States. These slaves are
principally young and design locating in Ohio.
A DEFENCE, bi Wm. Pix:v.—We learn from
the Philadelphia North American that Mr. Hen
ry Fairbairn, an English gentleman, residing in
that city, has prepared, in pamphlet form, an
examination of the charges which Mr. Maccau
ley, in his recent history df England, preferred
against the founder of our now great Common
wealth—the illustrious William Penti.
TUE COST or RIOTS.-It appears, by a re
port to the Philadelphia county Board, made on
Monday, that nearly a quarter of a million of
dollars ($238,230) has been paid out of the
county Treasury since 1836 for the suppression
of riots. This sum does not include the snug
little bill which has yet to be footed for the riot
on election night, which will probably bring
the amount quite up to a quarter of a million.
REPEAL OF Tux TARIFF.-A movement in fa
vor of a repeal of the present tariff, or a con
siderable modification of it, has been started
arhong the manufacturers of New Jersey. A
State convention on the subject is proposed to
be held in Trenton en the 14th of November
177' HENRY PEtRIKEN, Esq., we regret to
learn, died at the Merchant's Hotel, Philadel
phia, on the Bth inst. Mr. P. was from Centre
County and formerly a member of the State
Senate. tie served as Deputy Secretary of the
Commonwealth under Governors PORTER and
SHUN. He was recently appointed by the
Canal Board to suPerltitend the censtruction of
the Rail Road to avoid the Inclined Plane. His
uge was about fifty years.
Sixama. CASE.—The Cumberland, (Md.)
Alleghenian states that on Wednesday last, an
Irishman, who resides nen.' :Lanaconing, threw
from his stomach a live snake five of six inches
in length. For several years past he has been
in delicate health, and latterly subsisted almost
wholly upon Milk. On Wednesday, at the
earnest persuasion of several of his countrymen,
he was induced to drink with them. Directly
after swallowing the liquor, he was Seikod with
vomiting and threw up the snake.
—At the St. Louis Convention an estimate was
submitted by Col. Curtis, a skillful engineer, of
the cost of the road to the Pacific, and the cost
of the survey. The road can be made, he thinks,
for eighty millions of dollars ; and one thou
sand men, an engineer with a party being as
signed to each one hundred miles, can complete
the survey in one year.
Bg= A greit fhot-race came off at Buffalo, on
Wednesday last, for a purse of $l,OOO, between
two whites and eighteen Indians. One of the
Indians, named Canada, won the race, making
his ten miles in fifty five minutes and forty-five
seconds. Jackson, 'the American Deer,' com
ing in some six rods behind him. This ig said
to be the best time on record.
RIOT .-A serious riot occurred in Reading on
Monday night last, between the men attached
to Spalding & Rogers' circus and a number of
the citizens:
The Administration.
In little more than a month hence the
President will present his message to
Congress, when the line of policy design
ed to be pursued by the Administration
will be distinctly traced out, and be sub
ject to the approVal br condemnation of
the American people. It would seem,
therefore, to be a simple aet a justice
in those politically opposed to the Pres
ident, to withhold their hostility until
he shall have the opportunity to define
his position, and to make known the
measures which he would recommend
to be adopted. Should he recommend,
any thing adverse to the interests of the
country his opponents may attack his
measures without subjecting themselves
to the charge of being influenced by
factious motives. if they are resolved
to "strike," they should at least "hear
him," first so as to be able to give a
reason for the blow which they may
give. He had hardly taken his seat in
the Presidential mansion before he was
violently assailed with abuse and at
tempted ridicule ; but this erroneous
course cannot affect his popularity or
diminish the respect in which he is held
by the American people, who will judge
him by his acts and not by the imagi
nary offences imputed to him by embit
tered partisans. All he can desire is
to be judged fairly, and that lie has a
right to expect from a free and enlight
ener, people.--Baltimore Clipper.
FnimiTFut. ACCIDENT.—On the 10th ult.,
while Mr. lessee Frizzell of Libertytown, Fred
erick county, was on his return from Baltimore,
with two ladies, Misses Williams, as Messen
gers in his wagon, a thunder storm came tip.
In order to shelter the ladies and himself from
the pelting of the rain, which blew fiercely into
the wagdn, he dro{ee under an oak tree dear Pine
Orchard School and Meeting house, in Franklin
District of Carroll county, and sad to relate,
they had not been more than fifteen minutes
there when the tree was torn to atoms by light
ning, the horses both killed, wagon body badly
shattered, and one of the ladies (Miss Ann Ma
ria Williams,) seriously burnt and otherwise
injured by the lightning ; so much so that it is
thought she cannot ettrviiie:
Hardships of Gold Hunting.
Dr. M. R. Tewksbury having personally seen
the Elephant, writes a description of the pecu
liar kind which exists in California that is by
no means flattering. We COrry the beet pate
In relation to myself, I have no horribles to
relate, except from the best fair I shrunk fifty
pounds in my personal corporation. I instance
this as a specimen of the general result of the
lavirs of the circumstances ; and nature dealt
more kindly with me than with a vast majority
of unworthy associates. To an experienced
Californian, there is nothing more foreign to his
thoughts than the idea of getting rich by dig;
ging gold. Ido not exceed the bounds of sober
truth, when I estimate that nine-tenths of the
honest laborers who go there, moderate their
aspirations for gain, to the simple point of gain
ing enough to get them back to they own coon
, try.
The Captain of the vessel in which I sailed from
San Francisco toldme that nearly all of his Pas
sengers were begging applicants for the privi
lege of working their passage from Panama. A
man, of whom it was reported in the New York
papers that he had returned with twenty thou
sand dollars worth Of Old as the reward of his
enterprise, to my knowledge had to borrow
money to meet his current expenses home.
Susquehanna Bank—Heavy Defal-
MoNTßose, Pa., Nov. 5.
The Cashier of the Susquehanna Bank has
been committed to jail, in default of $lO,OOO
bail, on an alleged charge of defalcation. It is
reported that $85,000 of the funds of the bank
are unaccounted for.
Horrible criinez
Sr. Loris, Nov. 6
A revolting case of rape and murder took
place the other day, near Palmyra. A negro
belonging to Mr. Glasscock, committed violence
on Miss Bright, an interesting little girl, 14 years
of age, and then murdered her. FOr fear df be
ing detected, the inhuman monster turned rbund
and killed her brother, aged 11 Yeats. The
wretch has been arrested, and will be burned
alive on Friday.
Young Barnum, who was shot in St. Louis
by the French brothers Montesquieu, is much
better, and hopes are entertained of his recov.
The editor of the St. Louis Republican
has been shown a sample of Rice grown in the
vicinity of that city. It was raised without ir
rigation of the land, and the experiment, though
Made on a small scale, has convinced the culti
vator that rice may be made as valuable a crop
to the grain grower of that region as many of
which are now cultivated.
vention. after a weeks debate, has adopted the
several articles of the new constitution report
ed from the committee, providing for an elective
Judiciary. The four Judges of the Court of
appeals are to be chosen by districts, one to be
Chosen every second year, and are to hold their
offices for eight years.
that Milnor Roberts, Esq., who is the Chief
Engineer of the Bellefontaine and Indiana Rail
road, writes that his surveys are progressing
very satisfactorily, and that the country is of as
favorable a character as could be desired. He
is engaged in surveying the eastern end of the
Bellefontaine road where it connects with the
Ohio and Pennsylvania road. He has run some
portions of the line 17 miles without a curve.
DEsiti Or T. J. GROSS.-We learn that Thos.
S. Gross, who fir 18 years has been assistant
Clerk of the House of Representatives of this
State, died at the Trappe, Montgomery county
on the 28th ult., in his forty-sixth year. He
was a moat excellent officer, and deservedly
held in high esteem. Perhaps no legislative
body ever had a more assiduous, attentive and
competent clerk.
--We learn by the cars from White llaven, the
particulars of a tremendous Hood, and it, mel
ancholy consequences. It appears that, on
Hickory Run, a stream whit h empties into the
Lehigh, about five miles below White Haven,
there was a large dam, belonging to Mahlon K.
Taylor, which covered about seventy acres of
ground, when full, and in some places forty feet
deep. Dining Monday night in consequence
of the hedvy rains on that day, this dam filled
to overfloVving (the waste gates having been ne
glected to be hoisted.) and the dam gave way
about midnight, sweeping every thing before it.
Houses, with their sleeping inmates, were
dashed to atoms, and their inhabitants, without
a inoinent's ,warning, carried away by the migh
ty flood: Mr. Taylor's house and two saw
mills were bestroyed. Isaac Gould's house and
sawmill were carried sway, and not a timber
remained together. His daughter, who was in
the 'Muse at the time, was fourid on Tuesday,
under a heap of floodwood, dead. !not . " 'West's
wife and four children found dead ; he was under
a log heap, in a state of insensibility. Thom
as Crawford and wife were both found dead.
Twenty persons were Missing, of whom seven
bodies have been fotind. Nothing has been
1 1 heard from below the mouth of the creek, and
serious apprehensions are entertained for sever
al families living just belowi in a narrow gorge.
They must have perished. As the Lehigh was
high at the time, we very much fear there has
been disasterous work along the whole Tine of
the Lehigh navigation.—Luxerne Pa. Denwerat
Oct. 31.
umutA RAILROAD.-About 4 o'clock on Thurs
day afternoon, a serious accident, attended with
a loss of life, and a considerable destruction of
valuable property, occurred on the Columbia
Railroad between Parlcsville and Coatsville.
The locomotive t 0 Clarion" with a freight train
going tip Wards, was approaching the latter place
to take in water, when the coupling of part of
the train broke. Twenty cars all heavily laden
were thus liberated, and there being a heavy
downward grade, they ran down by their own
gravity with immense speed.—They went on as
far as Coatsville bridge, inhere they came in col
lision with another train Which had left Parks
burg some fifteen minutes previously. Such
was the force of the shock, that some twelve
cars were demolished and three others were
driven completely aver the bridge.
Two men in the employ of the State, were
at work repairing the road near • the spot, and
not seeing the cars come on the north track
were struck by them. One of them, named
Linn was instantly killed, his head being sever
-61 from his body. The other man, named Pat
ton, was seriously hurt, and is not expected to
survive. It is stated that the men in charge of
the cars which broke loose, had left the train
and gOne into the hotel at that stopping place.
They were employed by the transporters, and
their conduct is highly censured. Had even one
of them been on the train, he might have used
the break, and thus have prevented the disaster.
North American.
For the Journal
To Mi:. J. As HALL :
var I were the only object of your en
mity, I would pity and forgive you. YOU have
every claim to compassion, that can arise from
the misery of defeat. The condition you are
reduced to, would dissrm a private enemy of
his resentment, and leave no consolalation to'
the most vindictive spirit, but that such an
object as you are, would disgtade the dignity of
revenge. But the nature of your transgressions
gives you no title to indulgence ; and though
an individual is not authorized to forgive the in
juries done to society, he is called upon to as
sert his separate share of the public resentment.
Engaged in the defence of en honourable cause, I
would take n decisive part. I should scorn to
provide for a futureretreati or to keep terms with
a man who preserves no measures with the
public. Neither the abject submission of de
serting his post in the hour of danger, nor the
more honourable shield of cowardice should pro
tect him. I would pursue him in his shameful
retreat, and try the last exertion of my abilities
td expose the infamy of his name.
Finding yourself unable to cope with the trhe
spirit of resentment, you vainly attempt to per
suade others, that unseen hands are raised against
you. I have no disposition to charge a man of
such high honour with palpable falsehood, how
ever deserving he may be of it, but it is due to
those whom you would calumniate that I deny
the assistance of any individual either in word
or deed. Atiil the best consolation that you can
get Upon this point, will be to read the story of
the German Knight who went forth in pursuit of
adventure ; and when he had awakened the rage
of his antagonist, he found, too late, he had not
the proper weapons of defence.
You have labdured to draW some nice distinc
tions between yourself and me. This I will not
for a moment resent. Our readers will be able
to put a proper estimate tipon our faculties for
compounding ideas ; and you will be able to see
your folly by turning back to your first person
al address to me. It has gone forth to the world
as a token of your morality, arid the vicious
will read it as master effort, while the wary la
bourers along our public wprks will hail it as
an addage to their stock and store of rant and
Where we once saw you slumbering upon On
academical throne, enjoying the highest honors
attainable by a man of your limited education,
we now see you writing the death warrant of
your own reputation. Whete then saw
you eldthed iii the habiliments of public praise,
enjoying a life of civil security, we now behold
you adding the last negative to your character,
and meanly confessing that ybu have not the
common spirit of a man.
What then, my fair sir 1 Is this the event of
all the sacrifices you have made 1 Have you se
cured nothing for such a waste of honor? Noth
ing for the friendship you have so scornfully
rejected? Nothing to compensate you for the
sacrifice of your own personal feelings ? . Un
happy man! The palm of educational friend
ship has passed from your view. Return then,
fair sir, to the solitude of your own just limits,
and hide your blushes trbm the public gaze.—
In that solitude with such a load of shame even
black may change it color.
I will not impose upon our readers a review
Of the fOul and unfounded imputations alleged
against my supposed allies, but rest assured, sir,
the malignant rancor of impotent spleen and en
vywill assail them in vain.
believe now, my most gracious sir, that I
may take my leave of you forever. I have
every reason to suppose that in future times,
when you are approached in all the forms of de
corum which you deserve, you will be more
cautious in dealing out malevolent tirade,
though it be clothed in that deliriuni tremens
sort of literature which yoU value to highly.—
The hand that is quickly raised in self-defence,
is not callous to the touch of humanity. Even
Casa,- regretted the fall of Pompey. And while
I commissetate your situation, I vvould more
deeply regret the recklessness of ihid event, if
I were not satisfied that really to info'rm the
understanding corrects and enlarges the heart.
Nov. 9, 1849.] ALBERT OWEN.
How JURIES DEAL win' LAWYERS..--It must
be regarded as a good thing by juries to get a
pair of lawyers occasionally in ;heir clutches.
In New York, idst week, one lawyer brought
another before a jury, for spittin3 in his face.
—Verdict the Pldintili WO.
Letter from Kossuth, the Hungarian,
The following letter from Kossuth, the brave
Hungarian leader, addressed to Lord Palmer
ston, makes a forcible and eloquent appeal to'
England, in behalf of himself and the other Hun
garian refugees. We give the letter in extenso,
as we arc sure it will be read with lively in
terest :
Kossuth to Lord Palmerston.
Wines, (Turkey,) Sept. 20.,
Your Excellency is, no doubt, already
informed of the fall of my country—Un
happy Hungary, assuredly worthy of a
better fate.
It was not promoted by the spirit of
disorder, or the ambitions views of fac
tion ; it was not a revolutionary leaning
which induced my native country to ex
cept the moral struggle Illumined so glo'
riously, and brought, by nefarious means'
to so unfortunate an end.
Hungary has deserved from her Kings'
the historical epithet of "generous na
tion," for she sever iilloWS herself to be
surpassed in loyalty and faithful adher;
ence to her sovereigns by any nation ire
the world.
Nothing but the most revolting treach
ery, the most tyrannical oppression, and.
cruelties unheard of in the words of
history—nothing but the . infernal doom
of annihilatron to her national existence
preserved through a thousand years;
through adversities so numerous, were
able to arouse her to oppose the fatal
stroke aimed at her very life, to enable,
her to repulse the tyrannical assault of
the ungrateful Hapsburghs, or to accept
the struggle for life; honor, and liberty
forced upon her. And she has nobly
fought that holy battle, in. which with.
the aid of Almighty God, she has pre-
veiled against Austria, whom we crush
ed to the earth, standing firm, even when
attached by the Russian giant, in the
consciousness of justice, in our hope in
God s and in our hope, my lord, in the'
gonerous feeling of your great and glo
nation, the natural supporter of justice
and humanity throughout the world.—
But this is over; what tyranny began
has been by treachery concluded ; on all
sides abandoned, my poor country has
fallen, not through the overwhelming
power of two great Empires, but by the
faults, and I may say the treason of her'
wn sons.
To these untoward events, 1 pray God
that my unhappy country may be the
only sacrifice, and that the true interest
of peace, freedom, and civilization
throughout the world may not be invol
ved in our unhappy fate.
Mr. Francis Pulaski, our diplomatic
agent in London, has received ample in
formation as to the cause of this sudden
and unlooked for change in the affairs of
Hungary, and i- , instructed to commu
nicate it to your Excellency, if you are
graciously pleased to receive the same.
It is not antipathy to Austria, though so
well merited at the hands of every Hun. ,
garian, but a true conviction which
makes me say, that even Austria has lost
far more by her victory, gained through
Russian aid, than she would have lost
in merited defeat through honorable ar
rangment. Fallen from her position of
a first-rate power, she has now forfeited
her self-consistency, and has sunk into
the obedient instrument of Russian am
bition and of Russian commands.
Russia only has gained in this sanguina
ry game: she has extended and strength.
ened her influence in the east of Europe
and threatens already, in a fearful man
ner, with outstretching arms, not only
the integrity, but the moral basis, of the
Turkish empire.
May it please you, my lord, to commu
nicate to your Excellency a most revol
ting condition which the Turkish Gov
ernment, at the suggestion of Russia, is
about to impose upon us poor homeless
I s the Governorof unhappy Hungnry,
after having I believe, as,a good citizen
and honest man, fulfilled to the last my
duties te my country, and had no choice
left me between the repose of the grave
and the inexpressible anguish of expa
Many of my brethern in misfortune
had preceded me on the Turkish terri
tory. I followed thither in the hope
that 1 should be permitted to pass for
England, and there, under the protectiotr
of the English people--a protection nev
er yet denied to persecuted mnn—allow
ed to repose for a while my wearied
head on the hospitable shore of your
happy island.
But even with these Views I would
rather have surrendered myself to my
deadliest enemy than to cause any diffi
culties to the Turkish Government,
whose situation / well knew how to• ap
preciate,. and therefore did not intrude
on the Turkish territories without pre-.
viously inquiring whether I and my com
panions in misfortune would be willing
ly received and the protection of the
Sultan granted us.
We received the assurance that we
were welcome guests, and should enjoy
the full protection of his Majesty the
Padisha, who would rather sacrifice 50,-
000 men of his own subjects, than allow
one hair of our heads to be injured.
It was only upon this assurance that
we passed into the Turkish territory,
and according to the generous assurance
'we were received and tended on our
journey, received in Widden as the Sul
tan's guests, and treated hospitably du
ring four weeks, while waiting from
Constantneple further orders as to the