Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 06, 1849, Image 4

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    The Russians in Turkey.
the penes of Europe hangs by a
thread as fine ne that which suspended
the sword of Damocles; and the will of
single man is to decide the question
whether all Christendom shall be onee
more plunged in blood. The Emperor
of Russia, with a cruelty and insolence
of power worthy of the Nebucliodnei-
PM of antiquity, proposes to the Sultan
the alternative of the basest submission
to the most inhuman commands, or the
weight of an Autocratic vengeance,
which really aims at his dethronement
and the seizure of his dominions. Eng
land and France, startled at the danger,
threuten a coalition and joint interven
tiol for the protection of Turkey; to
which they are equally pledged by their
interests and their honor. If they per
sist—and how can they now falter 1—
nothing can prevent a war but the sud
den retreat of Nicholas from all his pre
tensions and menages= an abandonment
of all his demands—a falsification of
his pledge and character—an entire
reversal of acts and policy, and surren- 1
der of pride and will, tantamount to the
transformation of the hero into a harle
quin, a great soldier and Emperor into
• sneaking Parolles and king of school.
boys. The question is, will Nicholas
now retreat 1 Most of the foreign pa
pers proclaim the conviction that the
Anglo-Gallic intervention will be the
surest means of preserving peace—that
is, of course, by deterring the Emperor
from making war on Turkey. As fdr
onrselves, we entertain no such hope,
but believe that things have now reach
ed that pass—being precisely the pass,
too, to which Russia his Icing labored to
bring them —in which a Turkish war is
inevitable, followed or accompanied with
s general European war, if France and
E.igland should not tamely resolve to
stand neuter.
It is not probable that the remon
strance of the two latter poii.era will
have the slightest effect in deterring, or .
even temporarily checking the progress
of the Czar. He cannot retreat or pause
without making what. the world—and,
which is worse than the world his own
subjects—will consider a confession
of cowardice and powerlessness too hu
miliating, and too injurious, to be
thought of for a moment—without entire-
ly losing the advantages & prestige con-'
sequent upon his late Hungarian tri
umphs. Ills hour, moreover has come;
it is the great moment of opportunity,
expected and toiled for during a half;
century of Russian ambition. His ar
mies are all ready—the Hungarian cam
has placed them on or near the
Turkish frontier, whence a moment's
signal will precipitate them across the
Danube and Balkan; on the high road to
Constantinople. Austria, heretofore his
greatest obstacle is now his slave and
instrument, bound to promote his plans
and assist his defence. With such prep
arations and suce an auxiliary he can
drive the Grand Seigueur across the
Bosphorus, and sweep him even out of
Asia Minor, before France and England
could make any effactive resistance;
and if he is before them an the scene
of conflict, they can not so much as ap
proach his path of conquest. He would
perhaps garrison the Dardanelles before
a combined fleet could enter the Helles
pont; and if the sea route be closed he
is impregnable by land. The bondage
of Austria compels the obsequiousness
of Prussia,—to say nothing of the per
sonal interests of Frederick William
and the hopes of the nobility, which
would attach them to Russia in any great
conflict with democratic France; and
with Austria and Prussia the rest of the
German states would have to follow.—
It may be questioned whether the coin
binations which Russia can now form
against France and England, are not
more than sufficient to prevent their
making a serious impression any where
except in Italy, and perhaps Bavaria ;
but, at all events, they can prevent the
progress, and the peril, of French and
British armies.
The moment for successful opposition
to Russian ambition was thro . w . n away
when Nicholas was permitted to march
his armies into Hungary. intervention
then would have been effectual ; it would
have saved both Hungary and Turkey.
But wisdom and courage dnd an honest
purpo-e were then wanting both in
France and England. The two free
countries of Europe preferred to witness
the butchery of Hungarian freedom by
the Czar who never should have been
allowed to march a soldier over his fron
tier; and now they have their reward.
The Czar has gained his purpose and a
position in which their opposition will
be fruitless, and their attack more per
ilous to them than to him. He can af
ford now to be as bold as he wishes to
be, as bad as his interests impel him to
be; he can laugh at these two govern
ments—insult them (he has insulted
Louis Napoleon already)—defy them—
disregard their coalition—and reply to
their remonstrances with contempt and
menace. He is on the eve—or that is,
at least the appearance of things—of
becoming the master of Europe.
The great question in our judgment
is not whether Russia will persevere
sod France and England back their re
monstrance with arms; but whether
they will intervene with courage and
energy, and whether—that being sup
posed to be the case —Turkey can main
tain herself and keep the Russians in
playlong enough to allow the interven•
tin to be of soy solid advantage
which it can scarcely be without the
despatch of powerful navies and numer
ous military reinforcements to Constan
tinople, and the whole line of the Bos
phorus and Hellespont.
The question may now he asked,
whether Europe is not upon the eve df
witnessing the Verification of the mem
&able prediction of Napoleon Europe
is, certainly, not "republican." Is she
about to be "Cossack." —North .gmeri
~gent for the sale of Southworth .11fanu
fac,uring Co's Writing Papers.
Whorehouse No. 3 Minor St.
100 caeca of the above superior Papers now in
store, and for sale to the trade at the lowest
market prices, emanating in part of—
Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, 14, 15, and 16 lbs..
blue and white.
Superfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue
and while.
Extra super and superfine tolio Posts, blue and
white, plain and
Superfine Commercial Posts, blue end white,
plain and ruled.
Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain and
Superfine and fine Bill Papers, long and broad.
Superfine and fine Counting-Hours Caps and
Posts, blue and white.
E sirs super Congress Caps and Letters, plain
and ruled, blue and while.
Extra super Congress Caps end Letters, gilt.
Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts.
Superfine blue linen thin Letters.
Extra super Bath Punts, blue r nd white, plain
and ruled. . _ .
Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes.
"Lawyer's" Brief Papers.
Superfine and line Cape and Poets, rued and
plain, blue and white, various qualities and pri
ces; . _ _
Also, 1000 reams whirr and tissorted F.hoo Pa
pers, Bonnet Boards, vt,hite and assorted Plastic,
Tea, Wrapping, Envelope, assorted and blue Me;
d loots, Cap wrappers, Hardware Papers, &0.
July 10, 1942.-6th.
Juniata Cabinet
Respectfully begs have to inform his friends
and customers and the public generally ,that he
has built a large and commodious shop immedi
ately in the rear of the public house of John
Whittaker, sr., on the bank between the rivet
and canal, where he will constantly keep on
hand furniture of al hinds, of the best quality,
pint); acing all desert utions, kinds, styles and vs•
rieties of parlor, medium and plain household
fruniture, which will be offered for sale at the
In order to accommodate the panr with all
kinds of work in his line of business, he hat
just supplied himself with a large lot of the
bast quality of Cherry, Walnut, Maple, Poplar,
and all kinds of Veneering of the most popular
fashion. He will offer neither botched or half
finished work for sale, and will at all times sub
mit his work to the most rigid inspection.
Merchants, Professional men, Farmers, Me
chanics, Hotel Proprietors, Laboring men—all,
are invited to call and examine his furniture. be
fore purchasing elsewhere. "Seeing is belie,:
Z ing „
Coffins will he made on the shortest notice, of
either Cherry, Walnut or Poplar, as may he tie
sired, and funerals attended.
He flatters himself that by industry. and close
attention to hisbusiness, he will be able toplease
all who may give him a call.
Old furniture will at all times be repaired in
the neatest and most durable Manner, at low
ram All kinds of country produce will be ta
ken in exchange for furniture repairing, &c.
Huntingdon, May 29, 1849.
spring Millinery Goods,
Sohn Stone & Sone,
Silks, Ribbons and Millinery Goods,
No. 45 South Second Street, above Chesnut,
WOULD call the attention of Merchants and
Milliners visiting the city, to their large
end rich assortment of
Spring Millinery Goods,
Received by late arrivals from France, such as
Glace Silks for casing bonnets,
Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbonr—a large and
beautiful assortment of all pricee ;
Fusin Mantua and Satin Ribbons, from No. 1
to No. 12;
French and American Attidcial Flower., (in
groat variety) ;
Colored arid White Crapes;
Fancy Laces and Nets;
French Chip Hate;
Face Trio mings—Quillinge ;
Covered Whalebones—Cane
Buckrams—Willow ' •
Bonnet (' Towne and Tips,
Together with every article appertaining to the
Millinery trade.
March 27,1849.
Wholesale Boot, Shoe and Bonnet Ware•
No. 136 North 3d St., (opposite the Eagle Hotel)
Tel now receiving about 3000 cases Faxen
FALL Goons, direct from the Manufacturers,
—such as Mores and BOPS THICK KIP and Cat.?
Boors and BROGANS, with a great variety of
and Eastern Manufacture. This stock is got up
expressly for country trade and will be sold
MEnctrANTs are invited to call and examine.
August 21, 1849-3 m.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of JOHN BORST, late of West
township, Huntingdon Co., dcc'd.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad
ministration on said estate have been grant
ed to the undersigned. All persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and those havingclaims or demands against
the same to present them duly authenticated for
settlement to BENJAMIN HARTMAN,
Oct. 2,1849--et. Administrator.,
'al chez
THE subscriber has just received from Phila
delphia, another choice lot of GOLD AND
SILVER WATCHES, which makes his assort
ment again complete. If you want a good watch
at the very lowest prim/um is your time.
July 17, UM. J. T. SCOTT.
164 Chesnut Street,
Corner of Seventh, Swatm's Buildings,
T(NOWING the wants of the com
munity, the Proprietor of this es
tablishment has fitted up twstore in the
most elegant manner, having due regard
to the comfort of his customers, so that
every stranger visiting his Book Store,
may feel entirely at home.
of Books is classified according to the
various Departments of Literature, so
that visitors can find the books they are
in search of for themselves. Buying
his stock for the most part at the Auc-
TION SALES, and beihg cdnnetted with
in this country, besides publishing large
ly himself, enables him to sell ALL Booxs
than any other house of a similar char
acter on this continent. His facilities
for the lAIPORTATION of Books from Eu
rope are unsurpassed, having a branch
of his Establishment in London, where
orders of private gentlemen are careful
ly executed and forwarded to this Coun
try by every STEAMERandPACKET.
of Books with the prices attached is is
sued quarterly j containing Lists of New
Additions made to his large collection,
which are in all cases for sale at the
or, from 25 to 75 per cent. below Pub.
lishers' Prices. Thus in buying even a
few books, quite a considerable amount
is saved.
Asti still futthin
to strangers visiting the city, every one
who purchases One Dollar's worth of
Books, will receive a copy of the
18mo volume, the Price of which is 25
The limits of .this advertisement
are too confined to enumerate the prices
of any of the Books, or to give even a
faint idea of the immense advantages to
be derived from purchasing at the Great
Central Cheap Book-store, but let all who
are in search of Books send for a Cata
logue, and buy the Books they are in
want of, and when visiting the city, give
Appleton one call, and you will be sure
to call again.
in all its branches, furhished at the Low
est Prices. The Initials of those purcha-
sing Letter and Note Paper, neatly
stamped in the corner without charge.
Orders for any article maybe sent by
mail, addressed to the Proprietor,
the directions in all cates will be fully
carried out, with great punctuality and
Orders for Catalogues should be pre
Bookseller, Publisher, Importer, and
Stationer, 164 Chesnut St., corner of
Seventh, Swaim's Building.
May 23, 1849.-3 m.
Female Boarding and Day School.
mhIS School is now in successful operation.
I The Rey. Ise Arm W. 111' Ann, Pastor of the
Spruce Creek and Birmingham Presbyterian
congregations, is Principal, assisted by a worthy
and efficient female Teacher, Miss A. M. Barn.
This &hoe! is located in the borough of Bir
mingham, county of Huntingdon, Pa.. one of
the most healthy villages east of the Allegheny
mountain. The course of instruction is full and
thorough, embracing all the English branches
usual.) , taught in Selectlichools. It will be con.
ducted on Christian principle.. Tho Bible to
be the textbook. Parents and gnat diens who
attach any value to the religious training of their
children and wards will fird this school worthy
of their patronage. The Pnpile may boird with
the Principal and will lie treated as members of
his family. Tuition and board will be moder
ate. For further particulars apply to the Prin
cipal of to any of the undersigned, who earnest
ly recommend his school to the patronage of the
public. The second quarter of the present term
will commence on the seventeenth day of July
John Owens, W. Caldwell,
John Graffiti., Geo. Guyer, Rev,
John K. M'Cahan, James Clarke,
Thomas M. Owens, 8.8. Dewey,
James Bell.
Birmingham, Aug. 21,1849,
WorsdelPs Vegetable Restorative Pills
HAVE been gradually bat sorely corning into
favor, among the families of this Country for
some years past They have done this entirely
through their great worth ns a FAMILY MED
ICINE. Agencies have been appointed but no
puffing and humbug inch on is resorted to by
quacks to sell their medicine has been done.
The pills are offered for sale and have and will
continue to be sold by all the principle store
keepers. The proprietors claim for their Medi
tine the following advantages over all others—
viz: They are PURELY VEGETABLE.—
operation is FREE from all PAIN. They can
be used with EQUAL BENEFIT by they ming
I Their efficiency in Fevers, Ague, Headaches,
Habitual Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Cholera Mor
bus, &c.. has been proven upon thousands.—
They area Certain Cure for Worms. The pro
prietors possess a certificate from a gentleman in
St. Louts who was cured of a TAPE WORM by
the use of them. Try them they will not fail.
Travelling agent for the State of Penney Ina
Ilia—Crum.. I'. AMET. For sale, price 25
cents a box containing FIFTY PILLS. withfull
directions by the following agents in Huntingdon
Thomas Read & Son. Huntingdon.
Thome. E. Orbison, Orbisonia.
J. M. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg, Plair Co.
A. WEEKS & Co.
Proprietors, Laboratory No 141. Cheers ut street
January 23 1840-Iy.
Pro. 95 South Second Street,
ARE now opening for the fall trade, a very
handsome assortment of
chiefly of their own importations—To which
they will constantly be making additions.
They have now in store:
Figured Satins—new designs.
Figured and corded Bonnet Goods.
Corded and Plain velvets of all colours.
Bonnet Satins.
Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, in great va-
French and American Flowers.
French Fancy Feathers.
Bonnet Crowns, Buckrams, &c. Ace.
Together with every article used in the Millihe ,
ry trade ; all of which arc offered at the lowest
market prices.
Sep. 25, 1849-Im.
HA NKF IJL to the citizens of Huntingdon
and its vicinity for their increased custom,
wo again request their company to view our large
and splendid assortment of
Dinner Sets, tea Sets, Toilet Sets, and sin
gle pieces, eithea of Glass, China; or Stone
Ware, sold in quantities to suit purchasers, for
less than they cdn be had elsewhere—
In greater variety than ever before Offered in the
FANCY CHINA in great variety very
. Cheap.
We would invite any person visiting the
city to call and see us-they will at least be plea.
sad to walk around our beautiful store, and to
view the finest china and the cheapest the %solid
Very respectfully,
No. 219 Chestnut Street.
Phi!o. Sep. 25, 1849.-Iy.
3. eft 3. rix. ROWE,
Broom & Wooden-ware /atom
JVo. 63 Xorth Third Street,
ERS in all kinds of Brooms, Brushes,
Cedar-ware, willow and French bas
kets, shoe and wall Brushes, Dus
ters, Scrubs, Mats, Blacking
Eastern-made Wooden-ware
of every description, &cc.
at the lowest market prices.
Cash paid for Broom-corn nt the factory
Sept. 11th 1819.
This excellent compound, which never fail
in the cure of Fever and Ague, is fur sale by the
proprietor's agents, T. READ & SON, Hunt.
ingdon ; L. G. KESSLER, Mill Creek.
me, Doctor I What is the cause of this sallow
complexion, jaundiced eye, depression of spirits,
pain in the side and shoulder, weariness of body,
bitter taste in the mouth I Such is the inquiry,
and such the symptoms of many a sufferer! It
is the liver which is diseased, and the Cholagogue
is the remedy always successful in curing it.
Try it, and judge for yourself. For sale by
above named agents.
I am to be tortured from day to day with this
horrible Ague, exclaims the poor sufferer whose
life has become a burden from the racking parox
yarrts of an intermittent, and whose confidence
in human aid iv destroyed by the failure of rem
edies to produce the promised relief. Such has
been the situation of thousands who are now
rejoicing in all the blessings of health from the
use of Dr. Osgood's India Cholagogue. In no
instance does it fail to effect a speedy and perma
nent cure. For sale by above named agents.
"How few who think aright among the thinking
How many never think, but only think they dd."
in the above exclamation is on no subject more
fully exemplified than on that of health. But
few gtvo it a single thought, and fewer still re
flect upon it with the observation and good sense
which matters of minor consequence receive.
As observation teaches the tact t h dt Dr. Osgood's
India Cholagogue is a never failing remedy in
Fever and Ague, good sense would surely indi
cate its prompt and immediate use. For sale by
the above named agents.
Juno 26, 1849.
THE subscliber respectfully announces to the
public that he is prepared to do work of all
kinds connected with the Foundry business, in
the beet manner, and on the moat reasonable
He has constantly on hand wagon boxes,
ploughs and plough castings, hollow ware, and
cloves of various kinds and sizes. The cooking
stoves which he manufactures are inferior to none
in the country, and ere warranted to perform
the various operations of cooking and baking in
a manner equal to any, and superior to most.—
He has these cloves calculated for either wood
or coal. He has lately procured patterns for
wood and parlor stoves, which for beauty and
excellencocannot be excelled. Also, stoves for
offices, shops, &c., such as egg stoves, cannon
stoves, nod others. He invites per..s desirous
of purchasing to give him a call, no ho is deter
mined to sell as good an article and at as low
prices as can be obtained at any other place.
May 8,1841-17.
The Girard Life Insurance Annuity and
Trust Company of Phhiladelphia.
Office No. 159 Chestnut Street.
Capital $300,000.
rIONTINUE to make Insurances on Lives on
the most favorable terms, receive and execute
Trusti and receive dePoilts on interest.
The Cr pital being paid tip add invested, to
gether with accumulated premium fund, affords
a perfect security to to the insured. The pre
mium may be paid in yearly, half yearly, or
quarterly payments.
The Cordpeny add a BONUS at stated pert.
ode to the ineurancee for life. This plan of in
surance is the most approved of, and is more
generally in use, than any other in Great Britain,
(where the subject is beat understood by the pi&
ple, end where they have had the lotigeet cape.
rience,) as appears from the fact, that out of 117
Life insurance Companies there, of all kinds, 87
are on this plan.
The first BONUS was appropriated in Decem
ber 1844, amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum
insured under the oldest policies ;to 3.4 per
cent., 7 1-2 per cent., &c. &C. on others, in pro
portion to the tihno of deeding, making an addi
tion of $lOO ; $87,50; $72, &c. &c. ld ei , ery
1,000, originally insured, which to an average of
more than 50 per cent. on the premiums paid,
and without increasing the annual payment of
the company..
The o'perS'ilon of the BONUS will he seen by
the following examples from the Life Insurance
Register of the Company, thus:
insured. Bonus or bonus payable
Addition at the party'.
$l,OOO I $ lOO.OO $1,100;00
2,500 250,00 2,750,00
4,000 40Q,00 4,400,00
2.000 175.00 2,175,00
5,000 437,50 5,437,50
No. 58 I
~ 88
„ 205
Pamphlets oontaining the table of rate., and
explanations of theaubject; forms of application
and further information can be had at the office,
gratis, in person or by letter, addressed to the
Pi esident or Actuary.
Il W. lIICIIAIOB, President.
JN O. F. JAhlk:, Actuary.
May 8, 1849.•1y
Wholesale and Retail
No. 238 Monet tit., ohove Seventh, So uth sido,
ALTHOUGII we con scarcely estimate the
value of Timi, Commercially, yet by calling
at the above establishment, JAMES BARBER
will furnish his friends, among whom he i ncludes
all who duly appreciate its fleetness, with a beau
tiful and per feet INDEX for marking its progress,
of whose value they can judge.
his extensive stock on hand, bonstantly chan
ging in conformity to the improvements in taste
and style of patern and workmanship, consists of
Eight-day and Thirty-hour brass Counrixo•
CLOCKS, French, Gothic and other fancy styles,
as well as plain, which from his extensive con
nection and correspondence with the manufactu
rers ho finds he can put at the LOWEFT CAS!!
vnE in any quantity from one to a thousand, of
which he will warrant the accuracy.
. .
Undo repaired and warranted—clock trim•
mirage on hand. Call and see me among them.
JAMES BARBEji, 238 Market St.
Phila., August 28, 1849.
Manufactory of Pocket Books, etc.
No. 52i Chesnut St., above Second,
9 1 HE subscriber respectfully solicits public at
tension to his superior and tasteful stock of
Pocket Books, Pocket Knives,
Banker's Cases, and other fine cutlery.
Bill Books, Gold Pens and Pencils.
Dressing Cases, Heger cases,
Card cases, Chess Men,
Port Monaics, Back Gammon Boards,
Purses, Dominoes, &c.
His assortment consists of the most fashions
ble and modern styles, of the finest quality and
excellent workmanship embracing every desira
ble fancy patern, which he will at all times be
prepared to exhibit and furnish wholesale or re
tail on the most pleasing terms.
it7'Purchasers who desire to furnish them
selves with articles of the best quality will consult
their own interests by calling at this estsblish
rttent. F. H. SMITH,
Pocket Book Manufacturer,
Aug. 28, 1849.-6 m. 52f Chesnut St
The Misses Pinneo. Principals,
mans is a .elect Family Boarding and Day
1. School; Chamberaburg affording a most de
sirable location for the purpose ()ranch an insti
The Principals design that its advantages, Lit
erary, Moral, and Religious, shall be of the high
est order, and no efforts shall be spared to make
them at least equal to those of any other, either
in city or country.
A now term will commence upon the let o
September, and applications for admission, or
for any further information, may be made to the
M isses Finite° at their residence, or to any ofthe
gentlemen composing the Board of Trus'ees ; or
to John G. Miles, Esq., John Scott, Esq., Hun
August 14,1849.
Would respectfully inform his old friends and
the Public generally that he has resumed busi
ness as MERCHANT TAILOR, in the room
neztdoor to C. Couts' H mei, formerly occupied
by the Olohe Printing office, Huntingdon, Pa,
He has just received front Philadelphia a
splendid assortment of CLOTHS, CASSI
MERS and VEATINGS of the best finish which
he is prepared to make up to order at prices that
cannot fail to suit the views of all. A perfect
fit will in all cases be guaranteed.
Work will also be done for those who prefer
purchasing their cloth elsewhere.
May I, 1849.
Warranted GOLD PENS, with silver
handles, eau be had at SCOTT'S Cheap
Jewelry Store, for $1.25 .Other Gold
Pens, without handles, for 75 cents.
April 17, 1849.
FISH .d ND S4L7',
FOR sale at the Cheap Store of
Oct 16, '49.] CEO G WIN
&c., &c., acc.
This medicine is an excellent tonie. It int;
parts health and vigor to the digestive organs sad
thus strengthens the whole system. Hence it le
just the thing for Spring, when so many need
something strengthening. Let every one reed
the following cases, and if you have one or more
symptoms like those mentioned, don't fail to try
this invaluable medicine.
Severe Case offlyspepsia.
From R. P. STOW, .Esg., use. Clerk
U. S. House Representatives.
WASHINGTON, B. C.,June 15,184 C
Da. Duo. B. GREEN :--Dear Sir—l feel it 40/
Only a pleaeut e, but a duty, to make known to
you and to the public, (if you desire it,) the sur
prising effects of the Oxygenated Bitters," in
relieving Inc from that most discouraging dieor ,
der, Dyspepsia. I have been afflicted for about '
seventeen years with the usual attendant symp
toms, viz: constipation of the bowels, headache,
pain in thb chest, flatulence. acidity of the stom
ach, and severe nausea; and for months at a time
not the least particle of moisture would appear .
on the sulfite° of the chest or limbs, and most
et the lithe I woe extremely bilious. I have used
various remedies, have been strict in my diet,
have been dosed with calomel and emetic. day
after tiny by physicians, but all to no gucdpur
pose. Hearing of the wonderful effects of the
"Oxygenated Bitters," in the cure of Dyspepsia;
I procured some es a last resort , have used fout
bottles of the medicii e, and find the bad eymp ,
tome all removed, and myself once more in the
enjoyment of health. None but the Dyspeptic
sufferer, who has felt all the horrors of the die.
ea., can at all appreciate the value of the medi
cine. I most sincerely hope that all will make
trial of the medicine, and aWI me be able to it.
jotco in the return of health.
• Lady Cored oft Ncura lda.
From Rev. THoolas KIDDER, Of
Winnson, Vt., A tig.S,l 846.
Dora 8r :—lt gives me great pleasure to in
form you that the Oxygenated Bitters," with
which you furnished my wife, has wrought a
cure in her case. About two years since, my
wife was violently attacked with neuralgia in
the face,
through the chest, in the wrists and
ankles. So violent was the disease, added to a
general derangement of the female system, that
her strength was completely prostrated, her flesh
wasted, and she rendered miserable indeed. I
feel grateful for the restoration of her health, and
in duty bound to give publicity to the above
facts, that others similarly afflicted may know
where to Frock for cure. Truly your friend,
of Mass. _ _
"For some twenty years! had suffered lever*•
ly from humors! Asthma. I was compelled to
sit up one third of the night. and the test of the
time my sleep wail interrupted by violent Ste of
coughing and great dither Ity of breathing. In
oil my attendance upon our courts I never went
to bed in Northampton in twenty years but twice,
and then wee compelled to get up. Now I lie
in bed without difficulty, and sleep soundly.
took the " Oxygenated Bitters," accordin g r e
directions. The violent symptoms immediately
abated, and perseverance in the use of tl e
edv hats removed all its troublesome coneeques
ces. I'he value of such a remedy is incalculable,
and I hope its virtues may be widely diffused end
its beneficent agency extensively employed."
Gassy & FLETCHER, General Agents. No. SO,
South Sixth St, Philadelphia.
Sold wholesale and retail by TKONA. Rasa i t Jx
SON, Huntingdon, Pa.
Price—sl.oo per bottle: six bottles
ror $5.00.
May 8. 1849.
tenetian mind Manufaicturer,
Sign of the Golden Eagle, No. 139 b
143 South 2d Street, below Dock St.,
17EEPS always on band a large and fashion.
able aseortment of MIMI and risnnow
SLAT WINDOW BLINDS, manufactured in the
boat manner, of the best materials, and at the
lowest cash price..
1 - 1 Irving refitted and enlarged his establiehment,
he ie prepared to complete order, to any amount
at the shortest notice,
Constantly on hand an assortment of
litiatiogang ffninttturt
of every variety, manufactured expressly for hie
own sales, and purchasers may therefore rely es
a good article.
(n- Open in the evening.
Orders from a distance packed carefully, end
sent free of porterage, to any part of the city.
Philadelphia, Aug. 21, 1849-Iy.
New Goods! New Goods!
HAVE just received and are now opening a
splendid assortment of
Their stock has been selected with great cater
and at lower price. than those who purchased
earlier, and comprisee a general variety of every. ,
thing called for by the public. They have a
beautiful variety of LADIES and GENTLE.
MEN'S Drees Goode, of the very latest style.,
which for quality and cheapness cannot be our
passed. In addition to their large stock of Dry
Goods, lloueekeepere can be suppled with
Presh Groceries,
of a 'superior quality, very cheap ; Hardware
Queenaware, &c., &c.
They invite the public to cell and examine
their stock. They snake no charge for showing
their Goode.
May 1, 1849.
Commission Merchants,
um:Rwren 7721 1 FIEMD
Team, Segars,
No. 11 Walnut Street,
(0' Consignments of Western anti &millers'
Juno IS, 1949.