Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 06, 1849, Image 3

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, ,/cr,
T T. SCOTT has just returne4 from New
sj York and Philadelphia with a large and
brilliant assortment of Watches, Clocks
and Jewelry, 'consisting in part of
Gold Patent Levers, Silver Patent Levers,
Gold Hunting do,
do. Hunting do.
Gold Anchor do. do. Anchr; do.
Gold Lepines do. Lepines.
kind Veige Watches of all sorts and qualities in
- endless variety.
Eight day and 10 hour brass Clocks. Also,
Diamond Breast Pins and finger rings; Gold
Fob, Vest and Guard Chains. ; Gold Medal
chains ; Gold Pencils and Pens ; Ear Rings ;
Bracelets, and other Jewelry lb great Variety,'
Which for beauty and excellence, cannot be ex
celled. Also Silver Table, Tenon.' Salt Spoons,
and Butter Knives ; EilVer Specks ; Rodgers'
fine Pen-kives ; AtcOrdeotis ; Pockt Books;
Perfumery ; Envelopes ; Note Paper ; Wafers;
Port Monies; Combs ; Hairand Clothes brush-,
es ; exc.
This stock we tan assure our friends and the
public has been purchased unusually low, and
will be sold at a small advance. Give us a call
,and lodge for yourselves.
Huntingdon, November 0, 1819.
Another Flag Hoisted !
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OUR SIDE AHEAD !--We have the best
..,Atock of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, &c., in
the place, and prices nothing at all ; why, neigh
bor, we give these articles away. Remunera
tion ! pshaw, who thinks of it. Our aim is the
public benefit and not our own. Only give us
a call, and we know you will laugh at every
thing in the shape of a rival.
No. 1001 Market Square.
Huntingdon, Nov. 0, 18.10.
Dissolution of Partnership.
nIHE partnership heretofore, existing between
H. K. Neff and Bro., is this day mutually
dissolved. Persons indebted are requested to
call and .make settlement by the November
Court, and those having claims will present
them properly authenticated to the undersigned.
The business will be carried on as before, in
the name of Neff & Miller, as will be seen by
their advertisement. H. K. NEFF.
Oct. 16th .1849.
FINE. assortment of Violins, Mates, Ac
cordeons, Banjos, Musical Boxes, &c., with
receptors for each instrument ; for sale at
Father Time's office.
Nov. 6, '49
n OLD P ENS, with diamond points and sil
.T ye; handles, can be had at Father Time's
office for the small sum of 75 cents. Who'd a
thunk it? NEFF & MILLER.
November 6, 1319.
THE Hungarians not satisfied! .fin
other Grand attack on the ✓lgent's
OYriTER tiousn'f! Thousands are slain
nightly ! ! The Excitement still increasing,
notwithstanding the Agent's great efforts to
allay their thirst for Blood ! Hundreds
are attracted to the scene of action to see this
brilliant establishment,and all have come away
satisfied that it is the finest Oyster Saloon in the,
world ; and in addition, Agent's Oysters are of,
the moat superior quality. He has just received
this day an entire stock of Confectionary. to
which the attention of the Public is invited.-- 1
Thankful for past favors he still hopes for a con
If you wrine b 4o know wherethts fiho establish
ment is, just step down into Railroad Street, one
door aboxe William Stowares Store, you there
Will see tho sign of the Red Curtain—That is
tho place, HENRY AFRICA.
Huntingdon, November 6, 1849.
PeOTICE is hereby given that the following
IT described property, sold at Constable's sale
'ptember 6, 1810, as the property of Joseph
M. Stevens, of Petersburg, Huntingdon county,
Pa, has been purchased by the undersigned, and
loaned to said Joseph M. Stevens, viz
1 Cook Stove ; 1 sett Harness ; 1 Side-sad
dle and Bridle; 1 Buffalo Robe; 1 small Case;
1 Ward-robe ; 3 setts of Chairs and 2 Rocking
Chairs ; 4 Tables ; 2 Wash Stands ; 1 Stand ;
1 Bureau ; 110 yards of Carpet ; 4 Looking
glasses • 1 Settee ; 1 Secretary md Book-case;
1 mantle Clock ; 1 corner Cupboard ; 2 Sleighs.
All persons are hereby forbid interfering in
any way with said property.
November 6, 1849.—•
BROKE JAIL on the night of the Ist inst.,
three prisoners named War. McKim, Wm.
were confined and awaiting their trials on crim
inal charges. The above reward will be paid
for the arrest and delivery of the three to the
Jail of Huntingdon county, or $2O for each one
so arrested and delivered.
McKisic is a young man about 5 feet 3 or
4 inches high, black hair, badly clad. and had
no coat when he escaped. He appeals to be
somewhat defective in intellect.
STURTZAIAN is a young man of about 5 feet
10 inches high, stout built. Color of clothes
not recollected.
--- ifulTaTelsa colored man, upwards of six feet
high, wearing cross barred pants. Color of coat
not recollected.
M. CROWNOVER, Sheriff.
P. S.--Two of the above named prisoners—
Sturtarnan and Murrell—havo been arrested.
Nov. 6, 1949.
91HE Subscriber will Sell, at Private
1 Sale, his
Woodcock Valley Farms,
At the CROSS R9ADS, in Pthte!gnd Walker town-
ships, Huntingdon county, viz No. I—Now
occupied by Major James Porter, containing
about 276 Acres ; 225,0 f which aro cleared and
under ttiltivation, with a well finished
Two Story Brick
DurzradDra. ziousE,
Wa.ek Mouse, Spring House,
a eornplctely finished Bank Barn, Wagon Hied,
Corn (lib. Hog House, nod every other neces
sary building.
No. 2.—Occupied by David Enyeott, contain
ing 280 acres, 200 of which arc cleared and un
der cultivation, with a largo New
Two Story Dwelling
lAi: LeaaDVas=sC•9
a large Hank Horn, Wagon Shed, Spring house,
hog house, and every other necessary building.
On this tract is an extensive
Bed of Fossiliferous Iron Ore.
No. 3.-1%110 the "Clio. Rosne," now oc
cupied in part by John Nail, containing about
150 acres, one hundred of which aro cleared and
cultivated ; with a
Log Ilvitelling House,
9 91LI Stable 4.r.
The whole is first quality of LIME STONE
LAND, in a good state of cultivation, and well
fenced. The meadows are very fino,.a sufficient
portion of which are attached to each forth. The
most of the buildings are new and well finished.
'rhere is a good Spring of water at each house,
and numerous Springs so dish ibuted as to afford
water in almost every Geld. Each Farm hrs a
•'. OF frti>
Choice Fruit ,
Thc property is in ono of the best settlements
in the county, within 43 miles of Huntingdon,
the county town--the same distance from the
town of Alexandria, and within 33 miles of the
Pennsylvania Canal, and about the same dis
tance from the Pennsylvania Central Railroad
now moking,which will bring the property with
in 12 hours ride of Philadelphia. 2 public roads
cross about the centre of it, within convenient
distance to several Houses of Worship, Public
Schools, Mills and mechanics ; affording alto
gether very desirable situations for those wish
ing to purchase good farms in a flourishing set
tlement. Other divisions may be made of the
property to those wishing to purchase.
The terms will be, One third of the purchase
money to be paid on the Ist of April next, and
the remainder in annual payments as may be
agreed on, with interest, to be secured by the
bonds and mortgage of the purchaser.
The subscribj has also for sale a few hundred
acre. of
in tho immediato neighborhood. Any infor
mation will be given by Major Porter and Mr.
Enyeart, on the premises, Gen. A. P. Wilson
and Mr. George Jackson of Huntingdon, or the
subscriber in Harrisburg.
Novcrnber 0, 1949.
0 7 10 W: STRAYED •a
11 11 0—
CITRAYED from the subscriber living at Ju
t) niata Forge, on the 15th of Oclober, 2
Steers, about two years old ; one black and the
other red and white, with horns turning towards
the eyes Any person finding said steers, or
sending word, will be reasonably rewarded.
November 9, 1519.
41 &, 43
Would respectfully inform his friends and the
travelling public generally, that he has leased
the above large and well known Hotel. The
location is one of the very best for business
men is Philadelphia, and he flatters himself that
by giving it his entire attention; that he will be
able to render perfect satisfaction to all who
may favor him with their custom.
He returns thanks for the very liberal sup.
port already extended to him by his friends of
Ifiintingdon and the neighboring counties, and
begs leave. to assure them that he will spare no
pains or expense to render the Puy Hotel,
worthy of their continued support.
Philadelphia, Oct. 30, 18.10-Iy.
Of Valuableße al Estate.
HE subscribers will sell at Public Sale, at
.1. the COURT HOUSE, in the borough of
Huntingdon on Wednesday Norember 1.11, 1.819,
All that valuable Real Estate situate in Barre°
'Powiiship, Huntingdon county, about seven
miles from the Penn'a canal, and Central Rail
Road, and on the Main road leadini , from Peters
burg to Pine Grove, containing about
700 Acres of Land
and about 400 of which arc cleared and in agood
slate of cultivation, the woodland being all first
rate Timber Land and heavily timbered; and
there is an excellent site for a Saw Mill, on a
never failing stream. There are erected on
said land two houses and two barns, small, but
In a tolerable good state of repair.
Theubove Tract of Land Will be divided In
to two, three or more parts, and sold sepernte
ly; or it will bo sold altogether, as will best
suit those desiring to
. purchase.
Tsaus.—No money will be required for five
years, provided good security is given by the
purchaser or purchasers. An indisputable title
will be given. The property will be positively
sold at the above time and place.
Any further information can be had by apply
ing to either of the undersigned.
Oct. 16,, ISlO—ts.
A GOOD assortment of woll finished Saddles
L 1 now on band and for solo at tho Saddle and
Harness Manufactory of Win. Glasgow, oppo
silo the Post 011ico, Huntingdon.
Huntingdon, August 7, 1899.
'DIME California Gold wedding rings fur sale
by NEk'F & MILLER.
Oct. 30, 1849.
Lui." a 2
is morning received, at the old
' H. IC. NEFF & 800., an entire'
new stock of
Clocks and Watches,
,Tea•elry,Cutlcrje , St at ionary,
which is positively the largest, best
and most fashionable, and cheapest
,ver offered for sale in the place.
Having in their employ ono of the last work
men in the State, they can most confidently en
gage to repair locks and Watches as cheap and
as well as it can be done in any of the Eastern
'th . e public arc politely requested to call and
test the truth of our declarations. Tho proof
is in trying.
N. 13. The highest prices given for old gold
and silver.
Reniember No. 1001 Market Square, Hun
tingdon, Pa.
October 10, 1810.
The .4rtglo-Sa.rons have Come .4gain!
jFIE Public arc respectfully informed
havo just received the largest and best assort.
milt of
Fall and Winter Goods
ever brought to this place, comprising all the
various articles generally kept at other stores,
with tho addition of a great many articles nev-
or offered for sale in this place. Their stock con
sists of
Sattinetts, Vesting., Tweed cloth, Kentucky
Jostle, Canton Flannel, Flannels of all colors,
Table Diaper, Muslins, Calicoes, Gingham.,
Mouslin do lain., Cashmeres, Merinoes,
Alpaccas, Silks, Mull Jacconet and
Cambric %Wins, Linen Cambric,
Silk and cotton handkerchiefs, Fur
niture chock & calicoes, gloves,
Shawls and Trimmings.
Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoos,
Cloth and Glazed caps, Cravats and Suspenders,
Looking Glasses, bed Blankets, Carpets, &c.—
They have also on extensive assortment of
Groceries, Hardware, and Queensioare,
They have a lot of Bonnets of tho vet.) , latest
style. They have also a great variety of Cedar
Ware, such as Tubs, Buckets. Baskets of all
kinds. SALT, FISH, and PLASTER. All
of these articles will be sold as low as they can
be bought at any other establishment east of the
They are determined to sell off their old stock
of Goods at and under cost. Look out for bar
gains !
Huntingdon, October 30, 1849.
Chair and Furniture
\ en a-4 as. cz)~s X3B
Up Stairs above Peter Swoope's Store
and Sherg Croicnover's office, and three
doors east of .111cKinney's Hotel.
THE undersigned has again com
,W menced the above business in all its
Itl various branches, and is now pre
pared to accommodate all who may
I favor him with their custom on the
most reasonable terms.
Ho intends keeping on bawl all kinds of
CHAIRS and FURNITURE, from common to
the most fashionable style, and made in tho most
durable manner, which ho will sell low for cash
or counsry . produce.
MI kinds of Lumber token ih exchange fo
chair. or furniture.
COFFINS will at all times be kept on hand,
and funerals attended in town, and shortly in
town and country, as ho is getting a splendid
hearse made for the accommodation of the public.
House AND SIGN PAINTING attended to as
usual. PllO. ADAMS.
Huntingdon. October 30, 1849.
A Boarding School for Young Men,
Shade Gap Huntingdon county, Pa.
REY. J. Y. M'CIINNES, A. M., AND S. 11. W. 1119•
TIIE Winter Session will commence on the
first Wednesday of November, and continue five
months. The et urse of instruction embraces all
the branches necessary to prepare young men
either for the higher classes in College, or fur
the studies of a profession and the active busi
ness of life. The 'leadenly building is new,
commodious. and in every way adapted to the
accommodation of a largo number of boarders,
The locution is distinguished fur its healthful
ness and religious character of the surrounding
community. It is easy of access, being on the
stage route connecting Chatubersburg with the
Central Railroad at Drake's Ferry.
Tsang anti SESSION.-For Orthography,
Reading and writing, $5; Arithmetic, Geogra
phy, Grammar, Composition, Natural Philoso
phy, Astronomy, Phisiology, Chemistry, &c. $8;
Mathematics; Greek and Latin Languages, $l2 ;
French and German, each $5. Boarding, exclu
sive of fuel & light, $1,25 per week. For reference
or fat ther partiCulars address
Shade Gap, Oct. 30, 1849.
I:o'illair County Whig please copy 4t.
Ladies and Gentlemen
../lnd see the best assortment of Goods
in our place.
Beat quality of Men's Boots and Shoes, flue
and coarse.
Fine cork•soled rhen's call akin boots.
Men's water proof boots.
Men's gum and buffalo socks,best qualty.
Boys ind Children's beet quality of bout..
Ladies Morocco shoes, half gaiters & low boots
best quality.
Ladies best quality of gum shoes and also
men ' s silk hats and cloth caps of best quality &
latent fashion, and also a variety of other articles:
Noctographic paper of all colors, for sale cheap:
Oct. 23, 1840.
SALE A'!' Ti
Constantly on hand
and for sale by
J. PALMER, & Co.
Market St. Wharf,
Sep. 11, 1819.-3 m
Eratuatgc Ural L'titate eit
Orphans' Court Stale.
rt pursuance of an order of the Orplians'eourt
I of Huntingdon county, will be offered for
sale at public vendee or outcry nn the premises
on THURSDAY' •rile Bth day of Dfavrainse, 1840,
all this certain Mesatiage;l'lantation, and tract
.of land, (part of the Rea! Estate of Robert Moore
of the borough of Huntingdon, deceased.) situ
ate in Walker township in said county, near the
village of Sinithfic!d and the Turnpike road, and
about one mile west of of the borough of Hun
tingdon, adjoining lands ofJohn frlcCahan, John
Hildebrand, John Kerr and others, containing
247 acres, he the same more or less, about 150
acres of which ate Cleared, about 50 acres there
of being meadow grotind, With n hew frame
dwelling house, a large new frame barn, and a
young apple orchard thereon.
ACSO: On PIIIIIAT the 9th day of NOVE:if
eau, 1849; will be off° ted on the premiers, all
that other certain Messuage, plantation, end
tract of land, (also part of the real estate of the
said Robert Moore, deed,) situate on Spruce
Creek, near Colerain Forges, in Franklin town
ship In said canny, adjoining lands of Shot b,
Stewart & Co., of David Henderson, the Hun
tingdon Furnace lands, and , lards of other*
containing 390 acres and 135 perches and al
lowance, be the same more or ices; a large patt
of which is cleared, with a large tWo story brick
dwelling house, a largo frame barn, and other
buildings and Improvements thereon.
Timms OF SALE. —Ono third of the pnrchase
money to be paid on the ccnfirmation of the sale;
another third in one year thereafter with interest;
and tho remaining third on or Immediately after
the (loath of Margaret Moore, widow of the said
Hobert Moore, deceased, the interest of which
last mentioned third to be paid regularly and
annually,to the said widow during liar fife--said
payments, &d. to be secured by the bonds and
mortgages of the purchasers. By the Court,
M. F. CAMPBELL. Clerk.
Salo to commence at 1 o'clock F. M., of each
of said days. Attendance willbegiVen try
Acting Her of Robert Moore, dec'd
Z"Tho farm on Spruce creek is first rate
limestone land, in a good state of cultivation,
and for productiveness is not surpassed by any
farm in the county. It is moreover, well situ
ted, being in a dosirablo neighborhood, and
where there is always a good cash market for ev
erything produced on a farm. It is situated near
the Water Street fitlii spruce Creek Turnpike
and about ono Mile from the Pa. Railroad. As
this property could bo s divided so as to make
two far ms, bidders may possibly make arrange•
ments to purchase in view of a subsequent di
The property near Huntingdon is valuable
from its location, and tha improvements upon it.
The purchaser will find it necessary to spend
but little upon either the fences or the buildings.
Oct. 10, 18.19.] 0. H .S.
Sittitair *oar.
THE. Subscriber will offer at public sale at
the Court House, on WEDNESDAY TDB. MI
DAY Or Novsmacit NEXT, at 1 o'clock P. M.,
tho House and Lot upon which she resides, sit
uate, at the west end of 11111 street in the borough
of Huntingdon,
The Lot fronb , 75 feet on Hill street,- The
improvements consist of a large two story brick
house with a basement story, .stnbling and all
necessary out buildings ; and are such no to ten
dor the property a convenient and comfortable
place of residence.
_ _
TEIL3II will be made known at the sale. or
may ho learned in the mean time, by application
to George Taylor.
Huntingdon, Oct(Thor 15, 184E1.
WHEREAS, by precept to mo directed, da
ted at Huntingdon, the 18th day of Aug.
1849, under the hands and seals of the Hon.
George Taylor, President of the Court of
Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer and general
jail delivery of the 20th judicial district of Penn
sylvania, composed of the counties of Hunting
don, 141itllin and Union, and the Hone. James
Gwin and John Stewart, his associates, judges of
the county of Huntingdon, justices assigned, ap
pointed to hear, try, and determine all and every
indictments and presentments, made or taken for
or concerning all crimes,whiclt by the laws of the
Commonwealth are made capitol, or felonies of
death and other ollences,crimes and tnisdemeaaors,
which have been, or shall be committed or perpe
trated within said county, or all persons who aro
or shall hereafter be committed or perpetrated, fur
crimes aforesaid, I am commanded -to make pro
!emotion throughout my whole bailiwick, that a
Court of Oyer and Terminer, Quarter Sessions
and Common Pleas, will be held at the Court
House, in the borough of Huntingdon, on the 2d
Monday (and 12111 day) of Nov. 1849, and
those who will prosecute the said prisoners, he
then and there to prosecute them as it shall be
just, and that all justices of the pence, coroner,
and constables within the said county, be then
and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock
A. M. of said day, with their records,inquisitions,
examinations and remembrances, to du those
thingswhich to their office respectively appertain.
Oct. 16 1849,
WHEREAS,by precept to me ditectod by the
Judges of the Common Pleas of the coun
ty df Huntingdon, bearing test the 18th day of
August, A. 0. 1849, I not commanded to niake
public proclamation throughout my whole baili
wick that a Court of Common Pleas, tvill be held
at the Court House in the borough of Huntingdon,
in the county of Huntingdon, on the 3d Monday
(and 19th day) of Noe, A. D. 1849, for the
trial of all issues in sold court, which remain un
determined before the said judges, when and
where all jurors, witnesses and suitors, in tbo
riot of acid issues ore requited.
11LiTTHEIV CR 0 WNOVER, Sheriff.
Slum er's Orrics,
Huntingdon, Oct. 16 1819.
To Xiamen; and Others.
PhiliFC.2rigii: is duly authorized to con
tract, as agent of the company, for the delivery
on the line of the Penn. Rail Road, of all the
cross ties that may be required, betweed Hunt
ingdon and the upper Tyrone forge.
Persons disposed to furnish ties in small or
large quantities, are requested to confer with
him upon the subject—by letter directed to
Huntingdon, or by personal interview.
Chif Engineer
Penna. R. R. Co.
Oct. 2&i 18 me.
OF all kinds, very detail), fur sale at the Store
Oct. 16,18
TS not now very generally expected, still greet
rxeiteinent has recently been ptodueed in
Huntingdon by the arrival of a urest splendid
amortruent of
Fall and Winter Goods,
at the old and popular Wand of
Cit.+ CD LO.
Markel Square, Ifuniiuudon,
His stock comprises Dry (tool., Green-4,,
Qucensware, Cutlery, Caps, Shoes, Bouts,
Umbrellas, Bonnets, &c. He has a splendid as
sortment of French, English and American
Cossincts and Jeans in grunt r,i) riely, Also,
Reatly-marleClothing, of all kinds,
A corrfoliy selected variety ofSilks, Merinos
Alpneces, Cashmeres. 'Moines, Prints,
Ribbons, Laces, &c.
on well os every variety of
Ladies Dress and l'rimmi4 Goods
All of which will Ie Bold at prices to compete
with anything in the place, as he is determined
that aro one can or shall undersell him for cash
or approved country produce.
Those desiring good goods and fine styles, at
low priced, are respectfully invited to call Soon
at his store where they will find the al;ofe fifllyr
verified. GEO. G WIN.
Huntingdon, October 9, 1949.
T)Y virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
) of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to
sale by the undersigned Executors of the last
will of Matthew Garner, kite of Penn township,
Huntingdon county, deceased, on Tessnny,
the 13d day of NOVE3lnsii R EICT
Situate in said township. adjoining lands upon
which John Beaver now resides and others. The
above valuable tract of Land is well worthy the
attention of purchasers. Any person wishing to
view the premises can call upon the subscrsibors.
Tanms.--One third of the purchase money
to be paid on confirmation of solo, one-third in
one year thereafter, and one-third in t %V) years,
with interest from confirmation of Gale, to be
secured by bond and mortgage of the purchaser,
M. F. CAMPBEIA, Ulcrk.
Attendance given by JOHN GARNER &
Oct. 9, 1849.] Executors,
Estate of .1 . 4.111 ES RIIMSEY, late of
the borough of 4lexandria, Hunting
don county, deceased.
NoTRA is hereby given that Letters of
Administration on said estate have been
granted to the undersigned. All portions in
debted to said estate are requested to make im
mediate payment and those having claims or de
mands against the same to present them duly
authenticated for settlement to
Oett 9,1849-Gt.] Administretor.
FOR the Intellectual and Moral training of
young persons and children of both sexes,
kept by J. A. HALL, in lie new Academy
building, Huntingdon, Pa.
Tho roll session will commence on MoNnAT
Ton B.en DAY ON Oironen, triter. For par
titulars apply to the Teacher.
.t. A. HALL
Rev. John Peebles, James Steel, Esq.; Dr. A
M. Henderson, Mr. James Maguire, Maj. W
H. Zeigler, Hon. Jobr Kerr, Maj. D. McMut
trie, Hon. George Taylor, and James Clark.
, . Anddoes Nolice
THE undersigned auditors, appointed ,by the
Court of Common ttleas Of Iliintingdon county,
to distribute the proceeds of tho Sheriff's sale
of the property of William' Johnston amongst
those entitled thereto, hereby give hOtico that
they will attend for that purpose, no Saturday
the 10th day of Nuyensher next, at 1 o'clock in
the afternoon, at the Prothonotary's office in
Huntingdon, when and where all persons inter
ested can attend if they think Proper.
October 10, 1019. Auditors.
Leaves have their time to fall,
And flowers to wither at the north winds breath,
And stars to set; but all—
Thou hest all seasons fur thine own, 0, Death !
eniall.ol any ornainentat
u wishto fro rm m thii i mb ie lt i c
1 that they have jst received .
phi., a largo stunk of the
Pure White American Marble,
and aro prepared to execute any orders for
Tomb Stones, &c., in the neatest and most
workmanlike manner, and on the shortest notice.
Pend!s wishing to flttieure stones &e., will
make application to A. W. KINNEY ' onIy trav
elling agent, or address KINNEY' &,
Williamsburg, Pa.
Williamsburg, Oct I 0,18-W-3m.
Executors' Notice.
Estate of C.477111111NE
luteof Morris township, decd. . .
. .
NuTrug is hereby given that letterstestorgen ,
tory have been granted to the undersigned °mho
estate of Catharine Aura nil, late of Morris
township,deceased. l'ersons knowing themselves
indebted will come forward and make payment;
all those having claims willpresentthem duly au
thenticated forsettlement.
October 16, 1849.] Exccutor•.
91HE Proprietor of this large and well known
1 Hotel, would respectfully inform the public
that it has recently been enlarged, repainted in
sido and Outside, newly papered, and thoroughly
renovated throughout. This has been done at a
very largo expense, and with the view of keeping
pace with the improving taste and spirit of the
ago. Ito now natters himself that he can ac
commodate his friends in a style beyond the abil
ity of any other landlord at tho'Seat of Govern
ment, Ho . hoe in his employ attentive and obli
gingsorvants, Cooks of long experience, and ho
is determined to spore no expense to furnish his
table with the very best that can ho procured in
the market. It is with great confidence in his
ability to render entire satisfaction, that ho in
vites member. of the Legislature and others to
make his Innate their stopping place while in
Ho would leg leave to return his sincere
thanks to his friends on the Juniata. for the very
neural support heretofore extended to his house,
and respectfully solicit a continuance of their pa
tronage. W. COVEIILY.
Ilutrisburg, Oct. 30,18.13 -3m
Wake up, Citizens l Wake up
Wonderful Reduction in the Prices of
Clothing at the Hall of Fashion,! !
Does not produce an excitement equal to that
of cheap Moody-inadc Clothing, new opening st
the Hall of Farthinti.' by It. & W. StNARR,
corner Room of Sinew's now, opposite John
Whittaker'a Tavern,
Thankful for past favors, we respectfully in•
pm our customers and the public generally thei
we have just received and are now opening el
splendid essorttnent of
Fall and Winter Clothing,
. . .
Our stock consists of hoc black French Dress
and Frock Coats, Drib • French, Beaver and
Macksnaw Over-coats,iraglionn al d Wail( cloth
Sacks, Cloaks of all kin Is, Ilusi nests Coats, Pea
Jackets, &c-
A fine assortment of cassimere Petits, bonsist.
ing of fine black, Medibm, fancy French of dif 7
forest styles—and cassinets, A greet variety of
Vests, such as fine satin, silk velvet, plaid, cash.
mere, Fine Shirts from $1.06 to 2.50.--
Woolen and Cotton, knit under Shirts, Drawers
and Stockings. Bosoms, collate, French and
other Suspenders. et fine sessorimcnt of boy's
Nov ety lee of Buts and Caps, Pools & ghat.,
linihrellas, &a., iii ft,t ever thing Ushally
in Ready-made Clothing Stores, and of ijuniiiies
calculated to please and accommodate the paid!,
If you wish to keep up with the times and
fashions, call at the "Hall of Fashion."
13. & W. SNARE.
Huntingdon, Sept, 18, 1849.
Notice to Claim:tole,
ALL persons having claims for materials fur
nished front January 1846 to February
1810, for the Upper Division of the Pennsylva
nia Canal extending from McVeytown to Holli
day/burg, will send in the date, umbuht aful
lure of their claims to me immediately. nit,
notice is not intended to include claims for pro
visions, horse feed, &c.
Persons having Check rolls in their hands will
send in their amount and date.
Sup. Upper Div. Pa. Cana'.
HUntingdon, October 15, 1849.
oval) Auguire.
HAu: just opened at their old Stand a new
and splendid assortment or
rail and Winter Goods,
The stock embraces Cloths, Cassimeres, Sati •
nets, Vestings, Croton Cloths, Cashmeres and
Cashmeretts, TWeeds, Mohair Cords, Drillings,
Velvet Cords, French Cassimeres, Doe Skin
do., white and fancy Marseilles, &c. A spirit •
did assortment Of
Ladies Dress Goods,
An elegant assortment of striped, figured and
plain Silks, %reps, Chalky, Muslin Laines,
Alpaccas, Lustres, Ging,hains, Lawns, Mulls,
Jaeonets, Bombazines, striped and plaid Mus
lins, &c. Also a large and elegant assortment
of Calicoes and Muslins. A large and carefully
selected assortment of
which will be sold at prices to suit purchaser,.
Besides this they have
Hardware, Quecnsware, Glassware,
and ail Unparalleled supply of
All of which will be sold at a small entrance
tin cost—at the Cheap Stand of
Huntingdon, Otc. 2, 1819.
R. C. MThll and W. B. Zeiglot.
/11HE subscribers have now started, and will
havo on hand a general assortment of cast
ings, consisting of Cooking Stoves, Air-tight,
Parlor, Ten-plate, Wood and Coal sieves—all
of which era new patterns not before introduced
into this section of country. Also, a variety of
Plough patterns of the kinds row in use. A
general assortment of Hollow-warn castings, eon.
slating of Kettles, Dutch Ovens, Skillote, Puns,
Ste., &e. Miscellaneous articles, such es Wag
on /loxes, Sled and Sleigh deka, Smoothing
Irons, Roiling Mill rend Forgo castings, Win•
dow Grates for collars, !Andes and sills fur hou•
acs, Sash Weights and Water Pipes ; also Sweg
Anvils and Mandrels for Blacksmillis, mado to
order on the shortcut notice. Wo will cell eve
ry article in our lino on the most reasouatgo
terms for Cash, and will take all kinde of coun
try produce and old metal in exchange for cast
ings. Tho Foundry is situated at the Southern
end of Huntingdon, along , the canal, where one
of them can always be found, or at the Tin and
Stove shop of W. li. Zeigler, Noith East cor
ner of Market Square in Huntingdon. Ono of
them being a practical Moulder, arid ex periene •
ed in the business, feels confident that they will
render satisfaction to all who may favor them
with a cull. R. C. McGILI.,
Huntingdon, Oct. 2,1549-61 n.
llecristees Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given to all per.
sons concerned, that the following
named persons hnvo settled their ac-
counts in the Register's Office at Hunt
ingdon, and that the said accounts will
be presented for confirmation and al
lowande, at the Orphans' Court, to be
held at Huntingdon, in and for the coun
ty of Huntingdon, on Wednesday, the
I4th day of November next, to wit
1. Jactib Shoop, Ex;;Cutor - OiPhitrir ' 9l dot,
late of Tell township, deed.
George Hallman, Administrator of Adair'
Ilallmsn, late of West township, deed.
3. Thomas Reese, Administrator of Catha
rine Roller, late of Woodbury township, (now
Blair county,) deed.
4. Thcrrn'aW Carberry, and John Carberry,
Administrators of Thomus Carberry, late of Tod
township, dee'd.
v. Peier Loni, Administrator of. Mary Long,
/ate of Shirley township, dec'd.
6. John C. Wilson, Administrator of James
Davis, Eyo., who was administrator of Corne
lius Davis, late of Jackson township, deed.
7. Jonathan Elias, Administrator of Jacob
Elias, late of Toil township, dec'd.
8. George S. C cyder, Executor of Israel Cry
der, late of Porter township, deed.
It. Edward Rowers, Administrator of William
Kelly, late of Brady township, dec'd.
M. F. CAMPBELL, Reg islet .
Register's Office,
Huntingdon, Oct. 10, ISIS.