SINGULAR Iliceipittat OF STOLEN PROPERTY. —The Newburyport Herald of 28th ultimo, says that on Wednesday evening a young man went into the shop of R. E. Mosel} , to buy a watch key. Mr. M. instantly recognized the watch as one stolen from his store in Tremont Street, Boston, three years ago, when he was robbed of two thousand dollars worth of proper ty. Yesterday morning Mr. M. and some offi cers, with the young man proceeded to George town, and recovered four gold watches from dif ferent individuals. It having been found that all these watches were sold by Mr. John B. Sa vory, he was brought before Justice Marston, and waving an examination, recognized in the sum of $lOOO for his appearance at the next term of the Common Pleas. 07'A rich controvery is going on between two patties among the colored Daughters of Temperance at Harrisburg. From the latest published despatch of one party we extract the following rich sentence : . . We have been more than perplexed, surpris ed or confounded, at the shameless audacity, the ,onblusiting impudence, and the total want of very thing like honor, honesty, truth or justice, n tint false, unfounded and slanderous attack pon the motives, character, respectability and eputation of nur honored and esteemed male angliter of Temperance, James McCrummell, he worthy Father and Founder of our wide spread and beautiful Order. Gor.n.—A correspondent of thu London Times says will hardly be believed that the whole quantity of gold currency in the world, taking it at its usual estimate of £150,000,000 sterling, would only weigh 1150 tons, and that in bulk a room 50 feet long, 12 feet wide, and 10 feet high, would contain it all.' SUICIDE or a MURDERER.-We learn from the Getytburg Star, that Frederick Smith, who was convicted during the August term of the mur der of Frederick Foster, was sentenced on the 25 ult. to be hanged. On the 27th he c ommit ted suicide in his cell, having made a rope from part of his bed by which he had suspended him self from a bar running across the top of his cell. He had requested to be left alone during the day, and had probably been dead several hours when found. He had previously made a full confession of the murder of which he had been convicted. PENNSYLVANIA. -The editor of the New Or leans Commercial Bulletin, writing from Phila delphia respecting the present position and future prospects of Pennsylvania, says : I hardly know of any thing that gives a grea- J. idea Of the rapid iOereasr7of this country in all the elements of national greatness, than the facts that the present annual revenue of Penn sylvania is equal to that of the United States du ring the first term of Washington's administra tion, and that her population in the approaching census of 1850, will be found almost equal to that of the whole Union at the adoption of the present Constitution. Though we have no sta tistics to enable us to come at the fact, I have no doubt that her present wealth is also fully equal to that of the thirteen States at the same period. What would our fathers have said six ty years since, if they then had been told that at the expiration of that period, one single State of the confederacy would be as populous, as rich, and as powerful, as the whole of the old thirteen ;who had es successfully contended with the gl ,goalie power of Great Britain? TURKEY.-It is a matter worthy of remark, that while the professedlliberel governments of Central' and Western Europe •are by every possible means repressing liberty and delivering up its refugees to the persecutors, Turkey, an acknowledged despotism, which might from the oriental conservatism of its government be ex pected to entertain no good feeling with innova tion, has pronounced to the most distinct man ner its determination to surrender Kossuth and his companions neither to Russia or Austria.— It is by conduct of this kind that the young sul tan has won the sympathies of the world, a greater protection to him against his powerful neighbors, than a largo military force than he can put in motion would be. A GREAT Bone.—The Huddersfield and Man chester tunnel is more than 3 mildS in length, being the largest in the world-,it a depth of 625 feet below the ridge of the hill, which it pier ' ces. The tunnel is perfectly straight, so that on a clear day one can see through frOin either end. CHOLER& IN ILLINOIS.-The last Danville (111.)Patriot says ,—The cholera is still raging ' to an alarming extent in the neighborhood twO or three miles front that place. Numbet Of deaths between twenty and twenty-De: THE PRESIDENT Castillo NaaTn.—The Wash ington correspondent of the Boston Bee learns ''from good authority" that the President is ma king arrangements to prosecute his visit to the North. It is quite probable that he will leave Washington so as to be in New York bythe 15th and in Boston by the 18th. SAD AFFAIR.—An unfortunate occur rence took place in Warren county, Pa., on Sunday week. Two old citizens, Walter Seaman and Richard Powell, the former an old hunter, and the latter a magistrate, spent the day together, and the subject of hunting coming up, Semen became so enthusiastic, rose and took down his old rifle (which he always kept loaded) and sportively said •'Powell 1 have a great mind to shoot you." The muzzle of the rifle being in a direction towards flowell's breast the latter struck it with his hand, with the view of pre venting an accident. The stroke twis ting the rifle in Seaman's hand (who --hunter like—had his finger on the trigger) it was discharged, and the ball pierced Powellts thigh, from which he bled to death in a few hours. They had berikdrinking. VALUABLE FARMS.—The farm belong- ing to the estate of the late David Gra - ff in East Lampeter Township, Lancaster county, containing 119 acres, without any woodland and with ordinary im• provements, was sold at public sale last week to Joseph Espenshade for $138,50 per acre. The tavern property on the Philadelphia turnpike, belonging to the same estate, containing 86 acres, was sold at the same time to John Gyger, for $126 per acre. D7-The Turkish Government has established a system for gratuitous medical aid thrdugbolit the empire. Physicians are appointed With sal aries, to visit and attend the sick, and prohibit ed from taking any fees from the poor. They are to report their cases every tbree mdnths of ficially. They are subjected to penalties if they neglect the poor in favor of other classes, THE MARKETS. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 12, 180. PLOVR—There is very little movement in the Ao ur market. Sales of common Western brands fresh ground at $5,124. Extra and fancy brands are held at $5,50 a 5,75. Rye Flour is worth about $3 a 3,124. CORN MEAL—IS dull at $3,124 for both Pa. and Brandy wine. WHEAT—Prime Pennsylvania reds are selling at 100 a 108, and white at 112 a 114. Rut—Sales of Penna. at 80c, and Southern at 57c. CORN—Yellow is held at 86037 c, white at 81a 63c OATS—Southern are worth 28a30, Penna. 35a 36. WHISKEY—SaIes in bbls. at 28 and hhds. at 274a28. CLOVERSEED—seIIs in small lots at $4,25a 4- 50 per bushel. MARRIED. On the Ist instant, by the Rev. George Elli ott, Mr. LEWIS LIGHTNER tO Miss CAROLINE STRIKER, both of West township, Huntingdon County. Not ice to Claiman Is. ALL persons having claims for materials fur nished from January 1896 to February 1849, for the Upper Division of the Pennsylva nia Canal extending from McVeytown to Holli daysburg, will send in the date, amount and na ture of their claims to me immediately. This notice is not intended to include claims for pro visions, horse feed, &c. Persons having check rolls in their hands will send in their amount and date. J. P. ANDERSON, Sun. Upper Div. Pa. Canal. Huntingdon, October 15, 1849. PUBLIC SALE Of Valuable Real Estate. THE subscribers will sell at Public Sale, at the COURT HOUSE, in the borough of Huntingdon on Wednesday November 14, 1849, All that valuable Real Estate situate in Barree Township, Huntingdon county, about seven miles from the Penn'a canal, and Central Rail Road, and on the main road leading from Peters burg to Pine Grove, containing about 700 Acres of Land and about 400 of which are cleared and in agood slate of cultivation, the woodland being all first rate Timber Land and heavily timbered; and there is an excellent site for a Saw Mill, on a never failing stream. There are erected on said land two houses and two barns, small, but in a tolerable good state of repair. The above Tract of Land will be divided in to two, three or more parts, and sold seperate. ly; or it 'sill be sold altogether, as will beet suit those desiring to purchase. . . TE11318.-No money will be required for five years, provided good security is given by the purchaser or purchasers. An indisputable title will be given. The property will be positively sold at the above time and place. int Icr V. ""' " " I " Y " DAVID McMURTRIE, BENJ. E. McMURTRIE, ROBT. A. McMURTRIE, WM. E. McMURTRIE. Oct. 16, 1819—ta. Leaves have their time to tail, And flowers to wither at the north winds breath, And stars to set; but all— Thou hast all seasons for thine own, 0, Death ! attar tub Ornamental MARBLE YARD. THE subscribers wish to inform the public that they have just received from Philadel phia, a large stock of the pure White American Marble, and are prepared to execute any orders for Tomb Stones, &c., in the neatest and most workmanlike manner, and on the shortest notice. Persons wishing to procure stones &c., will make application to A. W. KINNEY, only trav elling agent, or address KINNEY is SELLER, Williamsburg, Pa. KINNEY & SELLEIt. Williamsburg, Oct 16, 1819-3 m. Register's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given to all per sons cm-teemed, that the following named persons have settled their ac counts in the Register's Office at Hunt ingdon, and that the said accounts will be presented for' eOnfirtnation and al lowance, at the Oiphrins' Court, to be held at Huntingdon, in and Nr the coun ty of Huntingdon, on Wednesday, the 14th day of Ntivember next, to wit : 1. Jacob Shoop, Executor of Philip Shciop, late of Tell township, dec'd. 0 . George Hallnßan, Administrator of Adaffi Hallman, late of West township, dec'd. 3. Thomas Reese, Administrator of Catha rine Roller, late of Woodbury township, (now Blair county,) dec'd. 4. Thomas Carberry, and John Carberry, Administrators of Thomas Carberiy, late of Tod township, dec'd. 5. Peter Long, AdminisfratOr of Mary Long, late of Shirley township, dec'd. 6. John C. Wilson, Administrator of .tames Davis, Esq., who was administrator of Corne lius Davis, late of Jackson township, dec'd. 7. Jonathan Elias, Administrator of Jacob Elias, late of Tod township, deed. 8. George S. Cryder, Executor of Israel Cry der, late of Porter township, dec'd. 9. Edward Bowers, Administrator of William Kelly, late of Brady township, dec'd. M. F. CAMPBELL, Register. Register's Office, Huntingdon, Oct. 16, 1849. Atidtiotos Notice THE undersigned auditors, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, to distribute the proceeds of the Sheriif 's sale of the property of William Johnston amongst those entitled thereto, hereby give notice that they will attend for that purpose, OIL Saturday the 10th day of November next, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Prothonotary's office in Huntingdon, when and where all persons inter ested can attend if they think proper. T. H. CREMER, JOHN SCOTT, JACOB MILLER, October 16, 1849. Auditors Watuatte Meat Eotate at Orphans' Court kite: IN ptirsua rice dim order of the Orphans'Cotirt of Huntingdon county, will be offered for sale at public vendue or outcry on the premises on THURSDAY THE Bth day of NOVIIMIWI, 1849, all that certain Messtiage, Plantation, and tract of land, (parr CT Bid ittgal ) sfate of Robert Moore of the borough cif liudttngdoti , deceased,) aild ate in Walker towndltip in Old county, near thri village of Smithfield and the Turnpike read, and about one mile meat of of are borough of Hun , tingdon, adjoining lands ofid hn McCahan, John Hildebrand, John Kerr and others, containing 247 acres, be the same more at lees, about 160 acres of which are cleared, about 50 acres there of being meadow ground, with a new fratSe dwelling house, a large neve frame barn, end a young apple orchard thereon. ALSO. On For PAT the 9th day of Not-am ass, 1849, will be offered on the premises, all that other certain Meaeuage, plantation, and tract of land, (also part of the real estate of the said Robert Moore, dec'd,) situate on Spruce Creek, near Colerain Forges, in Franklin town , ship in said county, adjoining lands of Shoi b, Stewart & Co., of David Henderson, the Hun- tingdon Furnace lands, and lands of others, containing 380 acres and 185 perches and al lowance, be the same more or less; a large part of which iv cleared, with a large two story brick dwelling house, a large frame barn, and other buildings and Improvements thereon. Tawas OF SALE. —One third of the purchase money to be paid on the confirmation of the sale; another third in one year thereafter with interest; and the remaining third on or immediately after the death of Margaret Moore, widow of the said Robert Moore, deceased, the interest of which last mentioned thi-d to be paid regularly and annually,to the said widow during liar life--said payments, &c. to be secured by the bonds and mortgages of the purchasers. By the Court, M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M., of each of said days. Attendance will be given by GEO. H. STEINE Acting Ex'r of Robert Moore, dec'd. 01'.The farm on Spruce creek in first rate limestone land, in a good state of cultivation, and for productiveness is not surpassed by any farm in the county. It in moreover, well situ ted, being in a desirable neighborhood, and where there is always a good cash market for ev erything produced on a farm. It is situated near the Water Street and Spruce Cr eek Turnpike and about one mile from the Pa. Railroad. An this p. operty could be divided no as to make two fat ma, bidders may possibly make arrange. ments to purchase in view of a subsequent di vision. The property near Huntingdon is valuable from its location, and the improvements upon it. The purchaser will find it necessary to spend but little upon eitherthe fences or the buildings. Oct. 18, 1849.] G. H .S. 'public sttitr. THE Subscriber will offer at public sale at the Court House, on WIDNESPAT Tam 16th DAT OP NOVEMBER NEXT, at 1 o'clock P.M., the House and Lot upon which she resides, sit uate at the west end of Ilillstreet in the borough of Huntingdon. The Lot fronts 75 feet on Hill street. 'The improvements consist of a large two story brick house with a basentent story, stabling and all necessary out buildings ; and are such as to ren der Ihepopei ty a convenient awl eownfoirtable ;3 Is '•;;ri:.l7;nette known at tho so 10. or bo learned in the mean time, by application to George Taylor. MARGARET MOORE. Huntingdon, October 15, 1849. Executors' Notice. Estate of CSTHSRL E SURSND, late of .Morris township, deed. NOTICE is hereby given that letterstestamen tary have been granted to the undersigned onthe estate of Catharine Aura nd, late of Morris township,deceased. Persons knowing themselves indebted willcome forward and make payment; all those having claims will presentthem duly all thenticated forsettlement. ISRAEL GRAFIUS, October 16, 1849.] Executor. PROCLAMATION. AlkT HE REAS. by precept to me directed, de- VV ted at Huntingdon, the 18th day of Aug. 1849, under the hands and seals of the Hon. George Taylor, President of the Court of Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer and general jail delivery of the 20th judicial district of Penn= eylvania, composed of the counties of Hunting don, Mifflin and Union, and the Hone. Jame. Gwin and John Stewart, his associates, judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices assigned, ap. , pointed to hear, try, and determine all and eiery indictments and presentments, made or taken fot or concerning all crimes,which by the laws of the Commonwealth are made capital or felonies el death and other oftencee,crimes and wiedetnetutors; which have been, or shall be committed or perpes tented within said county, or all persons who are or rhallhereaftet be 6onimitted or perpetrated, for crimes aforesaid, I am commanded to make pro lamation throughout my whole bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas, will be held at the Court House, in the borough of Huntingdon, on the 2d Monday (and 12th day) of Nov. 1849, and those Who will prosecute the said prisoners, be then and there to prosecute them as tt shall be just, ant: that all justices of the peace, coronet', and constables within the said county, be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock A. M. acrid day; with their records,inquieitions, examinations and remembrances, to do those thingswhich to their office respectively appertain. MATTHEW CROWNOVER, Sheriff. Sagarres OFF., Oct: 16 1849, PROCLIALITION. WHEREAS, by precept to me ditersed by the Judges of the Common Pleas of the co'iitt• ty of Huntingdon. bearing trill the 18th day of August, A. D. 1849. 1 11th commanded to make public proclamation throUghout my whole baili wick that a Court of Common Pleas, will be held at the Court House in the borough of Huntingdon, in the county of Huntingdon, an the 3d Monday (and 19th day) of Nov, A. D. 1849, fat the trod of all ieeues in said court, which rennin Un determined before the sald judge., when and where all jurors, witnesses and suitors, in the trial of 'mid innocence requited. MATTHEW CROWNOVER, Sheriff Senate, '9 Clerics, Huntingden.Oct. 16 1849. FISH .4ND S./ILT, FOR sa!e at the Cheap Store of Oct 16,'49.] GEO GWIN, FRESH GROCERIES 0 F all kind., vory cheap, for sale at the Store of GEO. G WIN. Oct. 16,1818. WAR WITH FRANCE la not now very generally expected, stilfgreat excitement hae recently been produced HI untingdon by the arrival of a moat eplendid easortment of Fall and I* . iniei Goods, at the old and popular stand of (221 cs• 33.•: - .ssur fl Eno Market Square, Huntingdon, His stock anvils., l)ry tioods, Groceries, Queensware, Cutlery, Caps, Shries, Boots, Muffs Umbra aa. Bonnets, &c. lie has a splendid as sortment of French, English and American eLdTiIS, CIiSSIMERES dIND fiESTINGS; - Caesinete and Jeans in great ;arlety. Also, Ileady•made Clothing, of all kinds, A carefully selected Vallee)), of Silks; Merinos, Alpaccei, Cashmeres, Delaines, Prints, Ribbons, Laces, 4c. as well as every variety of Ladies Dress and Trimming Goods All of which will be sold at prices to'conYpete with anything in the place, as he is determined that no one can or shall undersell him for cash or approved country produce. Those desiring good goods and fine styles, at low prices, are respectfully Malted to will soon at his store where they will find the above folly verified. GEO. GWIN. Huntingdon, October 9, 1849. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to . , sale by the undersigned Executors of the last will of Matthew Garner, late of Penn township, Huntingdon county, deceased, on SATUADAY the 3d day of NOVEMBER NEXT, A TRACT oF LAND, Situate in said township. adjoining lands upon which John Beavernow resides and others. The above valuable tract of Land is well worthy the attention of purchasers. Any person wishing to view the premises can call upon the subscrsibers. Tansis.--One third of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of sale, one-third in one year thereafter, and one-third in tiv3 years, with interest from confirmation of sale, to be secured by bond and mortgage of the purchaser. Eshelman T 3 L Shannon John R Esq. Ehrhalt Jacob ShaVer John Etinger Stars Francis F Stewart Mrs Margaret Fenter Johann Martin Sinkey Richard Felton Michael Smith Patrick Fitzpatrick Thomas Sloan James Fitzpatrick James Smith Jacob Fox William Stewart John G Esq 0 Santer Christian 2 !MUSK AND LOT Ganahan Thomas Stewart Samuel Grub Abraham Smith Francis l' Ql:a IP 03 al 11 es, . H Salsbury & Bra THE subscriber using desirous of removing Huling Mrs Sarah S Snyder Daniel to the Weat, wi II offer at public sale on the 3d , Hight Mrs Mary M Scofield Nathaniel day of November next, on the premises, his . Halligan Daniel , , T LOT of GROUND situate on the corner of Ty- Hershey Rev A M Therms Mrs Harriet rune and Juniata streets in the borough of liir- Higgin s James Thompson Miss Ber mingham, in the county of Huntingdon. on Hooper James riet2 which is erected a two story frame dwelling Hoyle Mr. E. V house thirty-two by twenty feet, with a kitchen Herron W W Vanvalzah Dr R H 2 attached. and Tailor shop thirty-two by Ellison Henderson James Wfteen Harris William White John Hay feet, and stable twenty by twenty-two feet. Al. so a variety of choice fruit trees. The lace- H eard Mi c h ae l Michael Thomas lion Patrick White Thoed lion is pleasant. fronting and in full view of the , J Whitaker John PentloYivatlis kailrusd , P . ogse.ion Oven on . Isett Mr (Sequestrator)Warfel John the first day of April next. Terms will be made ' J ones John Walsh Patrick 2 known on day of sale. For further particulars K. Woolvertin Charles inquire of the subscriber on the premise.. Kelly Mrs Judy Wallis Robert W. P. GREEN. Killy Jackson Whitellichiti Kelly James '...! iv it.An Enuiri i:1 - :" Wilson Eliza 7.33;24t Persona inquiring for letters on the above List :will please say they ere advertimed- E 1 7.. Two cents in addition to the regular postage Charged on advertised fetters. PETER C. SWOOPE, P. M. Huntingdon, Oct. 9,1849-3 t. M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk. Attendance given by JOHN GARNER & GEORGE GARNER, Oct. 9, 1849.] Executors. October 9th, 1849 fvkltE undertagned •uditnr, appointed ten Court to marnheit the arumis end diattibute the fund in the hands of Brice Blair, Assignee op. pointed by the Court in the room of Jas. P. Hudson, dec'd, who was assignee of \\ tn. A. Hudson and John A. Hudson, to arid among the creditors of said John A. and Wm. A. Hudson, will attend to the duties of his appointment at the Prothonotary's office in the borough of Hun tingdon, on Tuesday the 6th dpy,pf Isltiverribtr next, A.D. 1849, at 2 o'clock P. M. °frond day, when and where all persons having any claim or. said fund will give their attendance, otheriwiie they will be debarred thereafter from corning lit for any share thereof. JACOB MILLER, Auditor. October 9, 1849.-4. AD.4iI.N7STRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of .1.1.111E8 R.RMS EY; late of the borough of .dlexandritii Hunting don county, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Administration un said estate have been grunted to the undersigned. All persona in debted to said estate are requested to make tin mediate payment and those having claims or de mands against the same to present them duly [Millen limited fet ele Ultra° n t to J. SMYTH READ, Adaiiriistrator. dcii, 9,1849-6 t.) rttitATlO, SCHOOL, Ok the Intellectdal and Moral training of young persons and children of both sexes, kept by J. A. HALL, in the now Academy building, Huntingdon, Pa. The fall session will totnmence on MONDAY, THE STH DAY err dreontri, ISOT. For par ticUlars apply to the Teacher, J. A. HALL. REFERENCES. Rev. John Peebles, James Steel, Esq., Dr. A. M. Henderson, Mr. James Maguire, Maj. W. H. Zeigler, Hon. John Kerr, Maj. D. Me Mur trie, Hon. George Taylor ; and James Clark. Daguerreotype iistaPlishm6uta WEISER 6' WIT.M4X, RESPECTFULLY inform the ladies and ten tlernen of Huntingdon and vicinity, that they have taken rooms over Gotta's old Store room, near the Collector's office, Market street, for a short time, and are fully prepared to exe cute DAGUERREOTYPE LIKENESSES in a style not to be surpassed in this country. As their stay is limited, those desirous of procuring a perfect likeness, will please call soon. 117"Irliniatitre likenesses, includirtg a hand somea morocco case from 51,25 to 55,00. Gg'lnstructions given in the art, and arpara ratus furnished on reasonable terms. Sept. 25, 1849. NIACKEREL, SILO, SALMON, HERRINGS, PORK, HAMS AND SIDES, SHOULDERS, LARD & CHEESE, j Sep. 11, 1849.-3 m Constantly on hand and for sale by J. PALMER, & Co. Market St. Wharf, PHILADELPHIA. SADDLL'S. A GOOD assortment of well finished Saddles A now on hand and for sale at the Saddle and Harness Manufactory of Wm. Glasgow, oppo site the Post Office, Huntingdon. Huntingdon, August 7, 1849. JOll PRINTING NEATLY EXECU TED AT THIS OFFICE, Litt of Lellers REMAINING'in the POst Mice at Hunting don, Pa., oh the let day of October, 1849, Se which if not lifted on or before the Ist day, of JannarY next, will be bent to the General Post Office as dead letters. A Kelly John Ayres' David Kelid John Akins Christian H - L B Likely Thos 2 O'Brien D Lanless Michael Baker Jbhrt Lutz Mrs Mary Blatchford Thetas Mt Buck Abraharrt McGee M M Brady Owen, McCaffrey Thomas Betersberger Em'l MeColgenJames Belford J M Esq McComb John Barton Eliza Miss Mufty James Bear Jacob Mc G rov y Jahr? Branagan Franceri Mcbternimu'e Henry Branch Henry McCauly & Snively Boyle Charles lOtonday Dennis Bulfch Martin Miller George ( Farmer) . Bonner John Morrison Hance Bather R V MontgoinerY ThOS Esq C West tp Crain' & Ayres Miller George 2 Cagey Jo& McMurtrie Marshell Colt James Moyer Washington CrceWnoVer. Andre McCulloch Gen George Chilcoat M 2 Morrow William Cassidy Patrick 2 Mortimer Mr. Colhoun Samuel Cadman Michael Nanghten Michael Campbell Owen 0 Codden Charles Oakman Mrs Ann Camp Joseph O'Donnell James Clark Edwin Ouchter Joseph Carter Joseph P Coughlan James Peightell David D Patterson Adolphus Donahue Michael R Donahoe Patrick Rodgers John Dorcey John Riley Martin Dewy James C Rox John Decker Henry Racine Gustave 2 Darsy Win Rodgers Dr S S Dougherty John Ramsey James Dickson Isaac S Dawson John Smith Dr Horace W E Smith James 2 NEW GOODS. CIIIAPER THAN EVER toeorg SZ fagutre. HAVE just opened at their old Stand a new and splendid assortment of Tall and Winter Goode, The stdck eitibraces Cloths, Cassimeres, §att. nets, Vestings, Croton Cloths, eashmerei and Cashmeretts, Tweeds, Mohair Cords, Drillings, Velvet Cords, French Cassimeres, Doe Skin do„ white and fancy Marseilles, &c. A splen did assortment of Ladies Dresi Goods. An elegant assortment of striped, figured and plain Silks, Bareges, Challey, Muslin de Laines, Alpaccas, Lustres, Ginghams, Lawns, Mulls, Jaconets, Bombazines, striped and plaid Mus lins, &c. Also a large and elegant assortment of Calicoes and Muslin,. A large grid carefully selected assortment of RE4DY .111.11 DE CLOTHING YShich vVill sold at prices to suit purchasers, Besides this they have Hardware, Queensware, Glassware and an unparalleled supply (if GROCEItIES. All of whitl Will be edict :it a small advance do the Cheap Stand of DORSEY & MAGUIRE, Huntingdon, Otc. 2, 1819. HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. R. C. reti'Gill and W. B. Zeigler. 711 HE subscribers have now started, and will 1. have on hand a general assortment of cast; lugs, consisting of Cooking Stoves, Air-tight, Parlor, Ten-plate, Wood and Urfa' stoves—all of which are new patterns not before introduced into this section of country. Ale°, a variety Of Plough patterne of the kinds now in use. A general assortment of Hollow-ware castings, con sisting of Kettles, Dutch Ovens, Skillets, Paris, &c., &c. Miscellaneous articles, such as Wag on Boxes, Sled and Sleigh Soles, Smoothing Irons, Ro Brig Mill and Forge castings, Win dow Grates for cellars, Unties and sills for hou ses, Sash Weights and Water Pipes ; also Sweg Anvils and Mtindrels for Blacksmiths, made to , order on the shortest notice. We will sell eve- I ry article in our line on the most reasonable , tering for Cash, and will take all kinds of coun try produce and old metal in exchange for east logs. 'rhe Foundry is situated at the Southern end of Huntingdon, along the canal, where one of them can always be found, or at the Tin and Stove shop of W. H. Zeigler, North East cor ner of Market Square in Huntingdon. One of them being a practical Moulder, and experienc ed in the business, feels confident that they wilt render citisfaction to all who may favor them with a call. R. C. McGILL, W. B. Z , E4GIA , R; Huntingdon, Oct. 2, 1849-6ra. Latest, Best and Cheapest. ff. K. NEFF & BRO. have just received from New York & Philadelptsie, the hest assortment of Watches and Jewelry ever offered for sale in this place, and are determined to sell cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere. August ?, 1919. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE!. Estate of Jacob Bumgardqer jr., late of Cass township, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, that letters, Testa menfiry on said estate, have been granted to he undersigned. All persons knowing them selves indebted Will please make payment imme diately, rend those having demands eg.ihat the same,preteWt them, duly authenticated; for settlment. DAVID STEVER, Sept IS, 1849-6 t. Executor. DOUSE AND LOT 21P 1:113 619 411E:i. U.:a Uri liF; subscriber will offer for sale, on SAT URDAY, the 13th of October, a good Log Welling house, Well plastered within, with iO6 Vienne below and two stove, and a kitchen, known by the name of the Trough Creek Par nonage. The lot on Which the house stands contains more than an acre 6f gemd land, and would be an admirable situation for a mechanic of almost any kind, as it is in the centre of a moral add thickly settled neighborh6bd: tetets. , —One hundred dollars to be paid about the time of the sale, end the balance in equal annual instalments 131 i AND. September 18, 1810. fitintlngdon County, se, ~ , ..., At an Orphans' Court held at Iv Iluntingdon in and for the said cowl : (... i ty, on the second Monday and 13th 1. ... day of Atigtist A..D. 1849, before A•,, • the Hon. George Taylor, Esq., and James Gwin, and John Sewart, Es quires, Associates, &c. And now, to wit : the 20th day of August, A. D. 18.19, on motion of J. Sewell Stewart, Esq., the Court awarded a Rain on the heirs and legal representatives Of William Ewin g , dec'd to come intu Court on the firsf dal' 6f next term, and accept or refuse the real estate OT the said dec'd at the valuation thereof by the Pnqtti- , sition returned into the office of the Clerk of the said Court, to wit: at the sum of nine thou sand and forty-six dollars ; and ordered that no tice be served personally on all interested liVing in the county, and six weeks notice in ontnews pap, published in the county, one copy of which to be sent to thotte residing out or the c°""t ir . om ß tle the re C co o rt ce , i s Ted by M. F. CAMPBEL'L', PBELti C feint. Septertifier f8,1819-6t. Wake Oitilens i Wake up Wonderful Reduction in the Prices of Clothing at the Hall of Fashion ! ! LALIFORNIA GOLD Does not produce an excitement eqt4.l to that of cheap Heady-made Clothing Mkt Lopening at the , Hall of Fashion.' by B. & W. SNARE, corner Room of Snare'ir 14014, opposite John Whittaker's Tavern. htinkfsl for peal favOrs, we respectfully in vrm our customers and the public generally that we have just received and are now opening a splendid assortment of Fall and Winter Clothing, Our stock consists of fine black French Dress and Frock Coats, Drab French, Beaver and Macksnaw Over-coats, Tagllona al.d blacit cloth Sacks, Cloaks of all kinds, eueiness Coats, Pea " : ; assortment of cassimsre Pants, consist ing Of fdto black, medium, fancy trench of dd . - ftreftt Styfes—und cassinets, A great aariety of V. 7."..:7P.' h effmg"arfti7 " 3: * r= n nrt; rj.11.:.. 0..6- %4 'Wilco en d Cattail:Snit under/361r, Dra•rera end Stockings. flosonid, colts, French and other Suspenders. A St.e assortment of boy's clothing. Nov styles of Hats and Caps. Roots & Shoes, Umbrellas, &c.. in feet eveiy thing usually kept in Ready-made Clothing Stores, and of qualities calculated to please and accommodate the public. if you wish to keep tap with the times and fashions, call at the “Hail of Fashion." B. & W. SNARE; A, 18,1849. ;don, Ski Huntini Auditor's Notice. HE Undersigned auditor appointed by the T df Common Pleas of Huntingdon coun ty to report prior liens and such facts as ale ne cessary to enable said court to determine and decree the application of the half yearly instal ments, paid; and to be paid, by Brice Blair and William Madden, Terre Tenants of the real es tate levied Upon by virtne of two writs of Fieri Facias issued out of sai.t Court on Judg ments Nos. 72 & 73 of January Term 1847, ex tended, &c. &c., hereby gives notice that he will attend for that purpose on Tuesday the 90th inst. at two o'clock in the afternoon at his of fice in the borough df Huntingdon, When and Where all Perkins interested can attend if they think prdper JOHN REED, Auditor Huntingdein, Oct. 2, 1819.-It. dirdit or's .1 oriee. 'TIE Undersigned Aud,tof, ititointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to dis ttibute the balance in the hands of John Hirst, administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Wilson, late of West township in Said county, deceased, amongst thoe® entitled thereto, hereby gives no tice that he will attend for that purpose, on Monday, the 22d ,lo of October next, at ten o'clock in the fdrenoon, at his office in the bo rough of Huntingdon, when and where all per sons interested can attend if they think proper. JOHN REED, Auditor. September 25th, 1849-It. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. VoTIcE is hereby given that the undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court of Corn nioti Pleas of Huntingdon county, to distribute the proceeds arising of certain Real Estate, sold es the property of John Snyder, with notice to all other terre tenants, will attend for that pur pose at his office in the Borough of Huntingdon, on Tuesday, 90th October, 1849, when all in terested can attend if they see proper. A. W. BENEDICT, Auditor. Sept. 25th, 1849-4 t. A tidilor's Notice. THE undersigned Auditor, appointed'. by the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, to distribute the proceeds of the Sher - ill's sale of the real estate of Joseph Vance amongst those entitled thereto, hereby gives notice that he will attend for that purpose ore Tuesday the 19th day of October next, at Iwo' o'clock in tire afternoon, at his office in the bo rough of Hantingdon, When and where all per sons ineereated can attend ' if they think proper. Jai-ir REF.D, AUditor.. September 25th 18d9. 'ciffee Auditor's UHF. undeWigne(lAuditor,appointed by tha Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, to distribute the proceeds of the Sheriff's sale of the real estate of David S. Vance amongst those entitled thereto, hereby gives notice that he will attend for that purpose, on Friday, the' 19th of October next, at 2 o'clock in the after noon, at his office in the borough of Huntingdon,. when and Where all persons interested can at , tend if they think proper. JOHN ItEED, Auditor. September '26, lam-