Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, September 11, 1849, Image 3

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bias.—The Austrians and Russians still
cbntinue their most infamous atrocities.'
Haynau, as if desirous of winning eter
nal infamy,, is carrying out the barba
rous threat entertained in his last proc-•
lamation. He has burned down a town
because the inhabitants did not give him
n friendly greeting. The Russians have
hung the Hungarian Bishop Popovich,
and Haynau is laying the Jews under
.the most oppressive exactions. The
Jews of Buda have demanded that their
property shall be valued, in order to
prods that the contribution imposed on
them by General Haynau will absorb all
they have. They talk of emigrating to
the United States.
The Democrats have carried every member
Congress in lowa I—Ohio Statesman.
"Every member !" Very astonishing I as
there are but Cue Congressional districts in the
State, all tom, both of which were represented
by Locofocos in the last Congress.
I'm up to the head, all but one.'
p 'That's a line boy, how many are there in
the class, sonny?'
'Why there's ony two df us, I and another
boy.'—Wash. Common:dealt/I.
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 7, 1819
FLOUR AND Mem..-:-The market since the
close of last week, has been nearly stationary,
but with a limited export demand. Stocks are
beginning to accumulate, and at the close there
is little or no inquiry for shipment, and holders
are more desirous tO sell. Sales of Flour com
prise some 5a6000 bbls., mostly at $5,121 for
standard Pennsylvania brands,
fresh groaned ;
$5,18ta55,25 for selected end good, and $5,50
for Extra, including 050 half bbls., at $5,371
the pair, and sound old stock at $4,94a55,00 per
bbl. For city use sales are moderate, and with
in the above range of prices. Corn Meal is be
ginning to arrive more freely, and about 1500
bbls. Pennsylvania sold qt $3,25. Rye Flour
is in moderate request at $3,05 per bbl.
GRAIN.-There has been a fair demand for
wheat, and the market closes a little firmer ;
,sales of the week reach some 25,000 bushels,
mostly at 104a109 cts., for reds ; choice at 107
nlOB cts., and white at 112a114 cents, including
a lot of grown at 109 1 cents, the 'ear in store.
Rye.—About 2500 bushels sold in lots at 64a65
cts. Corn has slightly improved since last week
and receipts are Very light ; about 15,000 bush
els Pennsylvania and Southern yellow sold at
64 ia66 cts., and white at 60 cents. Oats con
tinue steady with a fair demand, and sales are
10,000 bushels at 28a29c for Southern, and 32a
33c for Pennnsylvania.
Sazi.s.—Cloverseed comes in slowly, and the
small lots are quickly taken at $3,75a4,25, and
600 bu , liel sold to on south at 4,25 per bushel,
measure. Timothy seed in fair request, with
sales to soms extent at $2,75a3,12 11. Flaxseed
is scarce at $1,2531,30 per bushel
Constantly on hand
and for sale by
Market t. Wharf;
li, i84,§.: rh
Dl' virtue of an order df the 0 rphdtur Court
I) of tiontingdon county, will be exposed to
sale by public vendue on the premises, et 1 o'.
eloce P. M., on Tuesday, 18th day of O4ober
1849, the Real Rotate cf James Carothers, d'ec'd,
Consisting of a
Tract of Land,
situate in Dublin Township in said county, con
lain ing 116 acres 84 perches, pats ntrd, adjoin
ing lands of James Neely ; hl illium Stejvart and
others, with a large ttito story log Divtlling
11 ease, a tenant house, two apple Orchards, and
other improvements thereon.
ALSO—A nother small tract of wood-land
adjoining lands of James Neely, 'Thomas W.
Neely, Esq., and others, containing a bola 17
acres he the &tame :nuke of
TERMS or SAis.--Oni, third of the purchare
money to be paid on confirmation of the sale,
and the residue in two equal annual payments,
with interest, to he secured by the bond and
mortgage of the purehard.r. . By the court,
Attendance will he gin, n on day of sale by
W. B. LEA',
Sept. 11, 1849.
a. it J. xvr. nowEi,
Broom dc idooden-wire Store,
No. 63 North Third Street,
ERR in all kinds of Brooms, Brushes,
Cedar-ware, willow and French bash
kets, shoe and wall Brushes, Dusl
ters, Scrubs, Milts, Blacking
Eastern-made Wooden.ware
of every description, &c.
at the lowest 'market prices.
cash paid for Broom-corn at the factory
Sept. 11th 1849.
AdjOurned Sale of Mount
OWING to the inclemency of the weather, the
sale of Town Lots, advertised for the 23d
;net., has been adjourned to
Saturday the 15th day of September,
when the undersigned will sell without reserve,
al , ery second or third Lot, alternately,' in the
business part of Mount Union, Hunt: county,
Pa. These Lots are pleasantly situated and
faVorably located with reference to the Cauca,
Rail Road and Country trade ' at a point on the
Canal and Rail Road where by means of the
State Road leading from Chambersburg, and
other pudic thoroughfares, the trade and travel
of not only the entire lower end of Huntingdon,
but slab a liortion of Redfard and Franklin
counties must necessarily concentrate. The
design df the proprietors in selling so large
portion of their Lots at Auction, at sach prices
as purchasers are disposed to pay, is for the pur
pose of giving en impetus to the growth of the
place. Immediately after the sale referred to,
we shall demand an advance of at least 20 per
cent on the remaining Lots over the Ftice that
similar Lots may have sold for at public sale.—
Persons therefore, desirods df purchasing valu
able real estate at their own prices will please
remember the 15th September, 1849.
TERMS :-10 per et. in ten daysl 15 per et.
in six months, and the remainder in 2 years with
September 1, 186.
Notice of General Ellection ,
PURSUANT to an act bf the General
Assembly of the Cdinmonwealth of
Pennsylvania, entitled "Aft act relatihk
to the elections of this Oornmonwealth,
approved the second day of July, A. D.
1839, I, M. CROWNOVER, High Sher
iff of the county of Huntingdon, in the
State of Pennsylvania, do hereby in3lce
known and give notice to the electors bf
the county aforesaid, that a
will be held in the said county of Hun=
tingdon, on the SECOND TUESDAY
(and 9th day) of October 1849, at which
time State and County officers; as
lows, will be elected, to wit!
One person for Canal CoMmissioner
of the CoMmonwealth of Pennsylvania.
One person to fill the office of Mem
ber of the House of Representatives, to
represent the county of Huntingdon, in
the House of Representatives of Penn
One person to fill the office of Cdmity
Treasurer for Huntingdon. county.
One person for the office of County
Corn missioner for Huntingdon county
One person for the office of County
Auditor for Huntingdon county.
In pursuance of said act, I also tier&
by make known and give notice,
the places of holding the aforesaid gen
eral election in the several election dis
tricts within the said county of Hun
tingdon, are as following, to wit :
Ist district, composed of Henderson
township, and all that part of Walker
township not in the 16th district, at the
Court House in the borough of Hunting.
2d district, composed of Dublin town
ship, at the house of Matthew Taylor,
in said towship.
34 district, composed of so much of
Varriorsmark township, as is not inclu
ded in tho 19th district, at the school
house adjoining the town of Warriors
4th district, composed of the town
ship of Hopewell, at the house of Hen ,
ry Zimmerman, near Entreken's new
mill in said township.
sth district, composed of the town
ship of Barree, at the house of James
Livingston (fOrtherly John Harper,) in
the tott'n of Saulsbury; ih sdid town
Bth district, composed of the town
ship of Shirley; at the house of David
' , taker, In ShitleYsburg.
7th district, Composed of Porter and
„Walker townships, and so tnuith bf West
Itownship as Is ineituhd In the lbllowing
boutidttiids, th hit: Beginning at the
'Southwest corner of Tobiati Caufman's
farm on the bank of the little Juniata
River, at the lower end ofJackson's nar
rows; thence in a Northeasterly direc
tion to the ittoSt §titherly plirt of the
farm owned by Michael Maguire, thence
north 40 degrees west to the top of Tusk
sey's mountain ,to intersect the line of
Franklin township; thence aldhg said
line to little Juniata River, thence down
the saitie to the place of beginning; at
the public sehbOl house, opposite the
Gentian Reformed Church; lii the bor
ough of Alexandria
Bth district, ComPailed of the town ,
ship of Franklin, at the house of Jacob
Mattern now occupied by Geo. W. Mat
tern, in said township.
94i diStrict, composed Of Tell toWti
ship,.at the i uwii Schodl House; near
the Union Meeting house, iii said town
10th district, composed of Springfield
township, et the school house near
Hugh Madden's in said township.
11th district, composed of Union tp.,
at the school house hear Ezekiel Cor
bin's in said township.
12th district, composed of Brady tp.,
at the mill of James Lane, In said town
13th dktiiet, composed of Morris tp.,
at the house now occupied by Abraham
Moyer, (Inn keeper,) late Alex. Lowry;
Jr., in the villiage of IVaterstreet, in
said township,
14th district, composed of that part
bf West township not included in the
7th district, at the public school house
on the farm now owned by Miles Lewis
(formerly owned by James Etinis,) ih
said toiimship.
15th district, composed of that part
of Walker township lying southwest of
a line commencing opposite David Cor
bin's house, at the Union township line,
thence in a straight line; including said
Corbia's house to the corner of Porter
township, oh the Hiiiitingdon and Wood=
cock Valley rciad ; at the hciuse of Jacob
Magahy, in said township.
16th district, composed of the town
ship of Tod, at the Green School House,
in said township.
17th district, composed of that part
of West township On the south-east
side of Warrior ridge, beginning at the
line of West and Hendersdn toWnships,
at the foot Of said Ridge; to the line of
gafree totviiship i thetito by the division
line of Barree and West townships to
the summit of Stone mountain, to inter
sect the line of Henderson and West
townships, thence by said line to place
Of beginning, at the house no* occupied
by Benjamin Corbin, on Murry's Run.
18th district, composed of Cromviell
township, at the house now occupied by
David Etnire, in Orbisonia.
lath district, composed of the her,
On g% Of girminghrird, with the several
tract of land near to OM attached to
the Shine, now owned and occupied by
Thoirias M. Owens; John K McCahan,
Andrew Robeson, Johri GensiOlet rttid
William Gensimer, situate fn tile town
ship of Warriorsmark, at the public
school house in said borouih.
20th district, composed df the eciwn
ship of Case, at the public tiehool house
to Cassville; in said township.
21st district, corhposed dt the town
ship ofJfialciori; dt the hduie of Robert
Barr, now occupied by John Hirst, at
McAleavy'a Fort, in said township.
22d district, composed Of the toven•
al;10 of Citiy; at the house of Joshua
Shore, nt thb Three Springs, in said
23d district, coMpbsed of the town=
ship of Penn, at the school house on the
farm cif Jacob BruMbaugh, in said tOwii=
I also Indite knomiti did give notice,
as in and by the 13th section of the
aforesaid act I am directed, "that every
person, excepting justices of the peace
who shall hold any dike dr dppdiptnient
of firfifit or trust under the goverment
of the - United States, or of this State,
or of any city or incorporated district,
whether a eotamissioned officer or agent
Who is br shall be employed tinder the
legislative, eleCutive dt the jtidiciary
department of tliid State, Or Of the U
nited States, or any city or incorporated
district, arid aisdi that every !nastier or
Congress and of the State Ilegislature i
arid of the select dr common edirheil of
any City ; Commissioners of arty inCot
partite(' district, is by law incapable of
holding or exercising at the same
the office or appointment of judge, in
spector or clerk of tiny eleetioh of this
Commonwealth, and that no inspector
judge or other officer of any such elec
tion, shall be then eligible to any office
to be then voted for."
Also that irr the 4th section of the act of
Assembly, entitled "An act relating to
executions and for other purposes," ap
proved April 16th, 1840, it is enacted
that the aforesaid 13th section "shall
not be construed as to prevent any mili
tia officer or borough officer from ser
ving as judge, inspector or clerk, of any
general or special election in this Com
Pursuant to the provisions contained
in the 67th section in the act aforesaid,
the jlidges, of the aforesaid districts
shall respectively tnke charge of the
certificate or retura of the election of
their respective districts, and produce
them at a Meeting of one judge from
each district, at the Court flouts in the
Borough of lliititingclun, on the third
day after the day Of the election being
for the present ybdi tin FRIDAY, the
13th of October next; then itnd there
to do end perform the dutiei required
by law of said judges. Also; thtit Where
a judge by sickness or unavoidable ac
cident, is unable to attend said meeting
of judges, then the certificate of return
aforesaid shall be taken charge of by
one of the inspectors or clerks of the
election of said ',district, and shall do
and perform the duties required of said
judge unable to attend.
Also, in the 61st section of said act
it is enacted that "every general and
special election shall be opened between
the hours of eight and ten in the fore
noon, and shall continue without inter
ruption or adjournment until seven
o'clotk in the evening, when the polls
shall be Closed."
Given under my hand at Huntingdon
the 10th day of September, NV, and
of the Independence of the United
States the.seventh-second.
Huntingdon, Sept. 11, 1849.
11. CLARK,
Venetian Blind Ma blifacturer,
Sign If the Golden Eagle, .A'O. 139 &
143 South 2d Street, below Dock St.,
KEEPS always on hand a large and fashion
able assortment of Winn: and NARROW
SLAT WINDOW BLINDS, manufactured in the
best manner, of the best materials, and at the
lowest cash prices.
Having refitted and enlarged hie establishment,
he is prepared to
. complete orders to any amount
at the shortest tiotice,
Constantly on hand an assotement of
ritallogium ffurniture
Of every variety, manufactured expreisly fb hie
Own sales, and purchriseri may therefore rely on
a gond article.
c - Open in tile efening.
Orders from a distance pecked carefully, and
emit free of porterage, to any part of the city.
Philadelphia, Aug, 21, 1849-Iy.
FOR Raiors, Surgical Instruments, and all
fine Cutlery,, warrantsd to proddce a fine
smooth edge in one minute or the money re.
turned, GEO. GWIN,
BOle Agent for Hunntingdon, Pal
July 17, 1840-3 m.
N. B: One, or two good tran'elling agents
wanted. Active and enterprising men can make
from three to five dollars per day. Address C.
HATCH, Harrisburg, Pa.
MtkEndazr ClaccsozszlP s
t'i,ktilE to the premises of the suincriber,in
I,_) Peters/mg, Huntingdon county. about the
21st inst , a very large HED and WHITE
BPOWED COW—•large horns--no other
marks observed. The owner of said cow is re
quested to come forward.prove property and take
her away, otherwise she will ho disposed of ac
cording to law. JOHN DOUGHERTY.
August 28, 1049.
.ludiroes Xotire.
T" tindosigned Auditor appointed by the
Orphans', Court of Huntingdon co:inty, to
dietribute the balance in the kends of Robert
Campbell,Esq. ' administrator of the eatate of
William Ringh am, late of Dublin toernahip in
said county, deceased. amongst those entitled to
receive to'r ammo, notico to all per.
sons interesod that he iv ill atlehd air that purpose
on Friday the ith of October next„ at 10 o'clock
in the forenoon, it his office in the borough of
Huntingdon; when and where all persons inter
ested may attend. JOHN REED,
Sept 4th, 1840-4 t. Auditor.
Urn Male Teachers to take charge of the
common schools of Porter township—schools
to commence in October. Applicants are noti
fled. that a meeting of the Board of Directors of
said toterwhip will be held at the liolist Of M.
Sister in the borough of A lexentlfie; en Ffiturtlay
the 22d of September next, at 1 o'clock P. M.,
for the purpose of examining ainl grunting cer
tificates to such as may apply for that purpose.
By order of the Board--
JAMES M'Ef.RO Y, President.
JORN Powrart, Secretary.
September 4, 1849.
THE Annual Exhibition by the Students of
Milnwood Academy, Shade Gap, will take
place on Wednesday, the 12th September, in the
Presbyterian church. The exercises will chin
mance at I o'clock P. M. The triCitils of the
school and the public generally aie reapectfuily
invited to attend J. T. M'ilixNEs,
Aug. 28, 1849. Pincipa'.
Estate of JOII.A^ SJWIT late of Ctom
'Well tow . nshiji i iluntingdon Co, )
vO rlet is hereby given that Lettefs Ad.
niinistratioil on said estate have been grsnt
the undersigned. All persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and those havingclaims or ()meads against
the same to present them duly authenticated for
settlement to DAVID BURKFT,
Aug. 28, 1849--6 t. Administrator.
PaEnable Real Estate.
THE Subscriber appointed Trustee by the
Court, will offer tor 61:e at the premises, or.
Thursday the 11th day of October next,
In Tyrone townshis, Blair county, the following
valuable Real Estate, viz :
A. Tract or Parcel of Land,
situate in said township of Tyrone, in the coup•
ty aforesaid, containing 212 acres, more or less,
adjoining lands of Henry and Jacob Fluk and
others, on which is erected a Frame Dwelling
House, Frame Bank Barn, &c.; about one half
of which is cleared and under good fence, wit h
a number of fruit trees growing thereon ; which
parcel of land is at present occupied by William
4 • t
Antither tract or parcel of Land adjoi n i ng the
above described tract, containing 196 acres, more
or less, hounded by lands of John McMullen,
Henry Fluk, and others, on which is erected a
weather boarded log Dwelling House, large log
Barn, and other buildings ; upwards of one
half of which Is cleared and under fence, with a
good apple orchard. and peach and other fruit
trees therbon; which Fartn of land is at preseht
occupied by Franklin Wilton.
The above lands were late the estate of Tho-
Wlleon. Earl. deed, and are principally limeritone
lands, and situate in Sinking Valley, one of the
Most fertile valleys in middle Pennsylvania, rind
vtiithin about four miles of the Central Inei lmetl
and are well calculated to Make VC, eticellent
Terme of Saie.:4l4 third of ptircimie Mo
ney to be paid on confirmation of the sale, 0)4
the residue in Iwo equal annualpaymente,with
to he secured by the bonds and moitga
ges of the purchaiers. Sale to commence at 12
o'cleek, noon, when attendance will tie given by
the subscriber, JAMES WILSON,
August 25th, 1942 Trust. .
• . . ,
Eitate of 3ohii Millen deed.
Huntingcloh Cbtaity, SS :
AT an iiirphans' Court held at
Huntingdon, In and for the county
of Huntingdon, eni the second Mon
?. day (3d) of August 1849,. before
, • Hon. George Taylor, Presiderit. tiuil
James Gwin and John Stewart, Associate Jildgee
of raid court. on motion of A. W. Benedict, Esq.,
the court granted a rule on the heirs and legal
representatives of John Miller, late of Union
township in said county, deceased, to appear on
the second Monday. of Novembet next, and shot*
cause why s the Real Estate of the said deceased
should not be sold. Certified from the record
under the seal of the amid. Court at Huntingdon
the 27th day of Aug. A. D. 1849, by
M, P. CAMPBELL, Clerk:
Sept. 4, 1849.
Manufactory of Pocket Books, etc.
No. 52i Chesnut St., above Second,
THE subscriber respectfully solicits public at
tention to his superior and tasteful stock of
l'ocket Books, POW( knives,
Banker's Cases, and other line cutlery.
Bill Rook?, Gold Pens and Pencils.
Dressing Cases, Seger cases,
Card cases, Chess Men,
Post Mosaics, Back Gammon Boards,
Parsee, . Dominoes, &c.
His assortment consists of the most fashiona
ble and modern styles, of the finest quality and
excellent workmanship, einbracingaevery.desira
ble fancy Worn, which he will at all times be
prepared to exhibit and furnish wholesale or re
tail on the most pleasing terms.
irj.Purchasers who desire to furnish them.
solve. with articles of the best quality viii.ccinsult
their own interests by calling at this, establish
ment. Y: 11. sm iTH,
. . Piicket Noll Manufacturer.
al Chesnut St
28, 1849.-6 m.
The iieoide , to Candidate.
We wish, through the &ciliate' of „Oat piper;
tb recethritertd 308 S. IdlllllB, or Minting
don, ari the i'eoPle'S candidate for the !Mate Leg.
ielatufe. Job is en honest and Industrious me
chanic, a stone mason, and unable to work at his
trade in the winter. We therefore recommend
hirti to the support of both . parties, particularly
the workiedPoilion of the county.
Sept. 4th, 1849—te.
Watches! Watches!!
THE subscriber ha; ju;trecervelfrOm Phila
delphia, another choice lot of GOLD AND
SILVER WATCHES. which makes his aeeort
meet again complete. If you want a good watch
at the very lowest price, nowi id your time..
July 1/, fBO, I. 't', SCOTT.
./Vb. 119 Spruce St. below sth,
CONSTANTLY ON HAND a large mewl.
ment of supetior
Walnut and Mahogony Furnitute,
manufactured in the beit manner, of modern
style and at moderate prices, etnbrachlg
lofts, Pail& Chairs,
Wardrobes, hocking Chairs,
Dressing Bureaus, Tete-a•tetes,
French Dedineads, Centro and Pier Tables.
High Post tredineittls, Wish ttiinds,
that Rick.,
Extehsloh Tables, &c., &E.
Every article is made of the best Material and
workmanship, and warranted.
T: & 1). ft HElttints.
Phlltrd'a, Aug I I; 1n , 19.-Iy.
100- i t II goodi botig lit at this eststllishinent
packed under the irniitetllate superint,htlchee df
the proprietors,!iiiil frbc of charge to any
part cf the city.
faig.,ly important !
riIHE latest and trldet important new R we have
I to communicate Chic week is the arrival this
morning of, ii rich slid Superior assortment of
Jewelry, &r..
. .
Scbtes Jewelry Store.
Citizens and strange; a are respectfully invited to
call and satisfy themselves that this iss u e. PLACE
to purchase a good watch or any other article in
his line on the most reasonable terms.
August 14, 1849.
1%13 MIMos Pinneo. Print!!pais;
r "HIS is a select Family nodding and
School; Chambersburg affording a moat de
sirable location for the puipOsh ofsuch soma;
tution. •
The Principals design that ilnadvantagqea, Lit
erary, Moral, and Religioup, ehall be of Ulf , high
eat order, and no efforte shall be epared to make
them at least equal to those of any other, either
in ci!y or country.
A new term will comeaence Upon the let of
September, and applications for admission, or
for any further information, may be made to the
Mieses Pinneo at their resident's, or to any of the
gentlemen composing the Board of Trus.ees ; or
to:John G. Miles, Esq., John Scott, Esq.; Hun•
August 14, 1840.
to take charge of the Common Schools in
Weikel township, Huntingdon county. Corn.
petcnt teachers will be employed for the apace of
five or nix months, to commence the first day of
September 1999. Proposals may be sent in im
mediately to the undersigned, residing in Mc-
Connellstown, Huntingdon county. .Pa.
Prehitlvrit, Board irt SchOol Director.
August 14, 1849.
Estate of George He fright, late of Run
engdon borough, decethsed,
NOTIGE is I?eiplir . Oven, letteii, Teets:
mentary on said estatb, tipiT been granted to
the undersigned. All Orsona knowing thenr.i
eared indebted Will PMase Make payment imme
diately, and those having demands against the
same, will present than, duly authenticated, for
settlement. DAVID SNARE,
July 17, 11349-6 t. Executor.
SA DDL 114:S.
A GOOD assortment orwell tinished Sriddlee
now qn hand and for sale at the Saddle and
Horne. Manufactory of Wm. Glasgow, °pp!).
site the Post Office, Huntingdon.
1-torititign; /With 't, 1849.
cia)zusmscsk 2:tglaoa
Tilt undersigned, Trustees of William Mc-
Ferran, will offer for sale on the premises, on
aturday, the 13th day of Septrmbe , next, a good
and STABLE, and ONZ Acnx ar Gnorsn, sit
uate on Spruce Creek, in the village of Meehan
icaville, Huntingdon county, fronting on the
Waterstreet end Spruce creek turnpike road, as
the property of said William McFerran.
Tonna of sale will he made known on the day
of dale. JOHN CONRAD,
Auzust 21, 1849—tf. Trustee.,
Wholesale Boot, shOe and Bonhel
No. 136 North 31 (opposiii Eagle Hotel)
now icniying about 3000 CASES Fauna
I FALL Li ODDS, dlrttt from the Manufacturer.,
—such as MEN. and BOYS Turcx Kir and CALF
Floors and BarMA as, with a great variety of
slid Eastern Manufacture. Thin stock is got up
expressly fur country trade and will be sold
MincitAxTs are invited to call and examini,
August 21, 1E42-3m.
Wholesale and Retail
No. .13ti Martel St., above S'eventle, So din side,
A LTFIOUGH we can scarcely eatinuite the
value of TINE commercially, yet by calling
at the above establishment, JAMES BARBER
will furnish his frierids, hmong whom he includes
all who duly aPPteelafe its fleetness, with d beau
tiful and perfect Irrn!;t, fqr marking its progress,
of whose value they ears judge.
His exteiteive stock on Nand, bonalanily chan
. in conforthity to the improveinents in tests
and rifyle of pawn and workmanship, consists of .
Eight-day and Thirty-hour brass CouNTiao
nouns, Psitiali, .HAl.t;,,,,f..hiuiteii and
I :Loewe, French, floihic end other fancy styles,
ae wet` as plairi, which from his extensive con
nection arid correspondence with the manufactu l
Tore he finds he can put at the LowasT CASII , FIG.
cite in any quantity from one to a thousand, of
which he will warrant the accuracy.
Cocks repaired and warranted—clock trim
mings on hand. ('all and see ma among them.
JAMES BARBER, 238 Market St.
Phila., August 28, 1849.
Latest, Best and Cheapest.
H. K. NEFF & BRQ. have just received from
New York & Philadelphia, the best assortment
of Watches and Jewelry ever offered for sale in
this place, and are determined to sett Chea l per
than can ho purchased elsewhere.
August 7, 1,8t9.
?male Boarding and Day School.
lIIS School is now fin successful operetion
Tho Rev. lancet W. WARD, Pastor afire
Spruce Creek end Birmingham Preeby tenon
congregations, :a Principal, anointed by a worthy
add efficient female Teacher, Miss A. M. Rees.
This School ie located in the borough of Bir
mingham, county of Huntingdon, Pa., one of
the most hedlthy villages east of the Allegheny
mountain. The course of instruction Is full and
thorough, ernbricihg all the English branches
usual y taught in SelectSelioels. It will be con•
ducted on Christian piiittiples. The Bible to
Ile the textbook. Parente and gun diens who
Sada dny eel de to the religious training of their
children and VialllB Will Ocd tills achool worthy
of their patroriagti. 'rho Pupili they boird with
the Principal and will be treated On members of
hie family. Tuition and board Will be moiler-
Mb. For further particular,, apply l'c the Prin.
elpal or to any of the underslttied, feho 'earnest
ty rOrinimenil his school to the PatrOrieife of the
public. The second quarter of the present term
will commence on the seventeenth day of dilly
John Owen.. %%Caldwell.
John Graffiti/4 co:G Guyei, Rev
John K. M'Cohan, Jam.s,Olorke;
Ttionidg M. o*.§, 8. 8. litivij.;
Jame. Bell.
Birmingham, Aut. /1,1840;
Gill Fever, Dumb Ag_ue: Inter
mittent Fevers &
all the variouslorms of
Bilious Diseases ---
'' .R
sgoOd:s hulia
Title excellent compound, which never fell
in the mire of Fever end Ague, ie fur sale by the
proprietor's agents, T. READ & SON, Moho
ingdon ; L. G. KESSLER, Mill Creeft.
[l:7 - WHAT IS THE MATTER *ith
me, Doctor? What is the cause of this ealloii
complexion, jaundiced eye, depression of spirit.,
pain in the side and shoulder, weariness of body,
bitter taste in the mouth? such is the inquiry,
and such the symptoms of many a sufferer! It
is the liver which is diseased, end the Cholagogue
is the remedy always successful in curing it.
'FrO and judge for yourself. For sale by
above named
I am .to be tortured from day to day with this
horrible Ague, exclaims the poor sufferer whose
life has become a burden from the racking parox
ysms of en intermittent, and whose confidence
in human aid iv devtroy:ed by the failure of rem
edies to produce
,th I promised relief. Such hes
been ttie sittiation of thousands who are now
rejoicing in all the blosingp.of health from the
use of Dr. Osgood's India ChOlitiogue. In no
instance does it foil to effect A speedy and perma
nent cure. Fur sale by above homed agents.
"llow revi' MI6 think aright dihong the thinking
. .
How ~riatjy never tf t .iiitt, but only think they do."
, .
in the above exclamation is on no sulject more
fully exemplified than on that of health. But
few give it a single thought, and fewer still re
fiect upon it with the observation and good fermi,
which matters of minor consequence rece“'e.
As observation teaches the tact that Dr. Osgoak
India Cholagogoe is a never foiling remedy in
Fiver and Ague, good sense would eurely
ciao its prompt and immediate use. Flit stile by
the above named agents.
June 26, 1849.
Of Partition rind Valuation of the Real Beate
of Nathaniel Wilson, Esq., late of Barree town
ship, Hthilingdat County
,Not ten is hereby given to the heirs end legal
representatives of Nathaniel Wilson, Esq., late
of Barree township, Huntingdon county, and all
others in.ereated, that by virtue of a writ of Par
tition and Valuation, issued oat of the Orphans'
Court of said county, and tb rife directed, an In
quest was held to pdrt and divide or value and
appraise, all ihlit certaiti Real Estate, tract or
plantation of laud, situate in Barree township,
Huntingdon county, containing about three hurt.,
dyed and thirty-five acres, and adjoining lands of
Williain bake, Robert Massey, Daniel Massey,
Williamri Johnston, the heirs of Thomas
and others, having thereon erected three
houses—one large stone house and two email
tenant houses, and bank barn, and that of the
August term of said Cour! a Rule was granted
on said heirs &c„ to appear at the November
Term of said Court, on the second Monday (12th
day,) and refuse or accept the said Real Estate
at the valuation thereof.
Sept 4, 1849
, .
ou Partition and valuation of the Real Etl ale
of Daniel Kurfman, late of Union to*hahip,
Huntingdon county, deccaaed
NOTICE is hereby given to the H 64 and
legal representatives of Daniel Kui finah. decd,
late of Union tp. Huntingdon co..and to all Others
intereeed, that by Vitale of a, writ of Pettit ion
and yaluntion. isaued.outof the Orphans' Court
of Said county and to me tlireeteti, eh Inquest was
held to part and divide or value and appraise, all
that certain tract, Wee or parcel of land. situate
in Cass township, Huntingdon county. adjoining
lands of Lewis Stever, philip Kurfman , ( onrad
Kurf i nat ) and , pei4r Kurfman, and Shirley's
nob, containing about two hundred and sixty
acres or thereabouts, being the farm upon which
the said Daniel Kurfman resided at the time of
his death:- and that at the August term of said
court a Rule was granted on mail heirs. Ate., to
appear at the November term (4.111 court, on the
second Moodily (12th day,) and refuse or accejl
the said Real Senile at the valuation thereof.
Sept. 4, 1849-61,
• 1 A •
Resale of SAVILI'EL IlikTON, late of West
to ion sh ip, deed,
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Admin
istration on the estate of Sainuel Myton,
late of West township, Hunt. co., dec'd, have
been granted to the undersigned. All Person. in.
debta to sai9 estate are requested o make fmme.
dials payment, and those having claims or de.
mantis afeninstthe same to preseht them (lei art.
thenticited for settlement to
Nugust it, 194 R,