Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 21, 1849, Image 3

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    One week later from Europe.
BOSTON, Aug., 16, 124 A. M.
Tbe_Hibernia arrived km about midnight;
Riving left Halifax o'B o'clock yesterday mot ,
England and Ireland.
The Queen having quitted Osborne House for
Ireland' on the Ist inst., the parliament was pro
rogued by commission. The speech delivered
bt the close contains nothing very novel.
The Inhabitants of Cork, Dublin, and Itelfast,
are making the most active preparatiofts lb give
a loyal and enthusiastic reception to the
. Qtteen,
and political feelings are almost forgotten in
the general excitement which prevails.
The President has been on a tour to the south,
Dn' his return to Paris he is to review the whole
bf the army of the Seine, amounting to 450,000
Men. This spectacle is at present fixed for the
15th August.
There seems every prospect of a most abun
dant harvest throughout France. In some of
the departments the wheat is already cut under
the most favorable circumstances.
The funds are also on the Advance, so that
The national comfort is still within the grasp of
the public.
The President is still accused of aiming at
the Imperial crown.
• ,The Liverpool Journal says he had a recep
tion in the provinces, which did not warrant the
hope he is said to entertain of being re-elected
for ten years. We put no faith in the reports
of reaction in France, of the restoration of the
tirleanists and Bourbons. The day is past for
royal dramas, and Louis 'Napoleon is not the
than to forward a dynasty.
Although the french have restored the Gov
rnment of the Pope in Rome, they had not
bersuaded the Pontiff to return to the Vatican.
Gen. Outlinnt has been himself at Gaeta in
the hope of modifying the intentions of his Ho
liness, out with what effect has not been an
nounced. . .
The Austro Piedniont Treaty is not yet set
tled, nor from appearances is it likely to be at
present, if at all. On consenting to the payment
of seventy-five millions indemnity money, the
Piedmontese Government further insists upon
amnesty being granted to the Lombard., the
Veni•ituis and to the inhabitants of Parma and
Placentia, which Austria peremptorily refuses
to comply with. Both parties have expressed
their determination to make no concessions, and
it is said that under the circumstances Sardinia
has demanded the support of France.
The Milan Gazette of the 22d, states that a m
inor is current at the Neapolitan frontier, that
Garabaldi had embarked for America, under fa
vor of a disguise, and that the bands on the Tus
can A ppenines merely pass up his name as a sort
bf Charles
, Charles Albert4Ex-king of Sardinia, died at
Lisbon on the 28th July.
The Hungarians continue successful
again. They have defeated and out
mitinibuvered the enemy—placed the
Austrians in peril, and cut off the Rua
tkinns from their base of operations.
The three great Generals are now in
communication with each other, and
ready to act together if necessary.
Their respective positions are rendered
stdure by the nature of the country—
While there is nothing to pre+eht their
emerging from their fastnesses when
occasion, presents itself. The whole
population serve them with heart and
hand, and bring them food, horses, and
intelligence of the enemy's movements.
The London news of Aug. 3, has Vien
na dates to July 28th.
The English papers with the Hunga
rian debate had arrived, and the Vienna
public were occupied extensively in
studying the translation which appeared
nt the above date, of Lord Pultnerston's
sine& This, it is said i has been ttclap
of thunder to the ministers. 'rho news
of Goorgey having beaten the Russians
tit Japeo, entered Roschaw and crossed
time Theiss came at the same time, and
already there were rumors of intentions
:o negotiate for peace.
Leneswar is reported to have surren
dered to the Magyars.
The Ban Jellachich was continuing
his retreat towards the south of Smyrna,
and Bem announced his victory to Kos
?math in these three words : " Bem, Barn,
In a later despatch he says : .Our
army requires now to conquer only two
generals more, Julina and Augustus."
Letters from Cracow of the 23d of
June, states that a number of Russian
troops who were on the point of leaving
the above city for Hungary, had recei
ved counter orders.
Seventy railway wagons had arrived
recently in tiracow Ailed with wounded
From postscript to the Liverpool Cdur.
ler of the 4th.]
The accounts from Hungary through
Paris ' Vienna and Cologne, announced
another battle in Hungitry, and another
victilry for the Hungarians'at Eylaw.
It appears the troops of Dembinski and
l'askiewitch came ,to an engagement
which ended in the defeat of the nos.
sians. Paskietvitch is cut off from his
line of operations, and Dembinski, Beni
and Georgey are in communication.
Haynan is described in a most peril-
cias situation.
The Magyars generals aro master of
the whole line from Eseg to Assoba,
facilitating their communications with
Belgrade and the Turkish provinces.
The cabinet of Vienna is obviously
in a state of alarm. A peremptory or
der has been issued prohibiting the
purchase of foreign stock, shares, &c.
The object being, it is supposed, to pre
vent money being sent out of the coun
O .
n the 15th of July, a desperate bat
tle was fought at \Valtzen between the
Russian commander Paskiewitch and
the Hungarians, under Georgey, in
Which the former was defeated.
The army of Gaolley has broken
through the lines f and marched north,
thus affecting a junction with the main
A Inler froiii the seat War ,daYe
thd attack of the Hungarians upon Pask•
iewitch's division was treinehdous, and
the Russians Were borne down and com
pelled to yield before the terribe on.
slaugla of the Magyars Mho fOughl With
unexampled courage and daring,
Another letter desCribes the Rus
sians' retreat to Danakess as a disorder
ly flight before Dembinski's hussars,
and' states that the Russians were ohly
saved from annihilation by the arrival
of Remberg.
It was admitted in Vienna on the eoth
that the victory at Walzen had been
There has been a change in the Aus•
trian ministry.
By the President of the United
WASHINGTON, August 14th, 1849
There is reason to believe that an
armed expedition is about to be fitted
out in the United States,
with an inten
tion to invade the Island of Cuba, or
some of the Provinces of Mexico. The
best information which the Executive
has been able to obtain, points to the
Island of Cuba as the object of this ex
It is a duty of this Government to
observe the faith of treaties, and to
prevent any aggression by our citizens
upon the territories of friendly nations.
I have therefore thought it necessary and
proper to issue this proclamation, to
warm all citizens of the United States
who shall connect themselves with an
enterprise so grossly in violation of our
laws and our treaty obligations, that
they will thereby subject themselves to
the heavy penalty denounced against
them by our nets of Congress, and will
forfeit their claims to the protection of
their country. No such persons must
expect the interference of this govern
ment in any form on their behalf, no
matter to what extremities they may be
reduced in consequence of their con
An enterprise to invade the territor
ies of a friendly nation, set on foot and
prosecuted within the limits of the
United States, is, in the highest degree
criminal, ns tending to endanger the
peace, and compromise the honor, of
this nation ; and therefore,
I expect nil
good citizens, as they regard our nation
al reputation—as they respect their own
laws and the laws of nations—as they
value the blessings of peace and the
welfare of their country, to discourage
and prevent, by all lawful means, any
such enterprise. And I call upon every
officer of this Goverment, civil or mili
tary, to use all efforts in his power to
arrest, for trial and punishment, every
such offender against the laws provi
ding for the performance of our sacred
obligations to friendly powers.
Given under my hand, the eleventh
day of August, in the year of our Lord,
oue thousand eight hundred and forty
nine' and the 74th of the Independence
of the United States,
r ßy the President. 7. TAYLOR.
J. M. CLAYTON, Secretary of State.
The foregoing doclitrfent, says the North
American, is an able, direct and upright paper,
and well calcUlated to make a profound impres
sion upon our own country, and td exercise a
large and potential influence in our relations
with foreign gdvernments. Living in a great
commercial community, and sympathiiing with
all its interests, we feel deeply grateful for this
prompt and decisive step ; but, as citizens whO
value the petted of the country; who resfleci
the laws, and who would see faithfully fulfilled
our treaty obligations we cannot express too
strongly our sense of satisfaction at the spirit
of this proclamation. Whilst no one better
than Gen. Tayldr knows how to defend the
honor of the gdverntrient ; to fight its battles
and to insist upon its tights; sd tdo, no one bet
ter than he kndWs hdw td preserve Years and
to protect our plighted integrity frotri violation,
through the insane, ambitions or speculative ex
periments of desperate adventurers.
A Thiiilling Scene.
On Saturday Morning, about ten o'-
clock, as a hack belonging to Mr. J.
Btewart was about turning into Balti
mire street from St. Paula, one of the
front Wheels was caught by a drdy going
in' a contrary direction and taken off;
which caused the horses to start offdown
Baltimore street at a furious rater not
withstanding every effort of the driver
to hold them up. l'he street at the time
was crowded with vehicles of all des
criptions, but on went the horses with
the broken carriage attached without
corning in contact with anything until
below Calvert street, when the vehicle
striking against n passing omnibus, was
thrown With great violence against a
York wagon, breaking its axle, and driv
ing it in its turn against another small
vehicle 4. doing it considerable damage.
At this point, the hack upset with a
crash, and the horses becoming detach
ed dashed off with the shaft, the driver
holding on to the reins and dragging
after them, filling every beholder with
horror at the sight! As by a miracle,
however,tho man escaped, not only death
but serious injury, and loosing his hold
of the reins, was soon tuning after his
horses ! Between the point Where the
hack was upset and Holliday street, the
the horses came in contact with three
other vehicles, completly overturning
one, and doing all considerable injury.
To all who beheld the thrilling scene , . it
was a mutter 6f much wonderment that
no one was injured, as the street
crowded with vehicles,and many Orsois
crossing and recrossing Not oven th 6
horses were injured. The cause of the
accident was attributed, by those who
Witnessed it, to the carelessness of the
driver of a buggy wagon; who; as the
hack of Mr. Stewart was turning into
Baltimore street, ran into it and forced it
into colision with the dray. The driver
of the hack, we shduld say, deserves
much prattle for his presence of mind, as
by his skilful management he prevented
the accident from being more serious in
its consequences.—Baltimore Clipper.
MONTREAL, Aug. 11.
About midnight, Donnegan'e extensive Hotel
took fire, and is now a heap of ruins. The in
mates hail barely time to escape, and a number
lost all they had. One of the firemen was ac
cidentally killed. It is supposed the fire origi
nated through negligence. Loss s3s,ooo—in
sured for $14,000 of which 2,00. was in the
/Etna Company.
A number of rows took place last night; lamps
were broken, and sham barricades thrown up,
though no great mischief was done,
The Jury in the case of Luison who was mur
dered in the recent riots, have adjourned.
PHILADELrHIA, August 17, 1840,
There is a good demand for Flour, and prices
have advanced full 113 cents per barrel. Sales
of old stock and fresh ground at $5 a $5,25, and
extra, for city use, at $1,50 a $.1,62i.
Small sales of Rye Flour at $3,25 per barrel,
but some holders ask more.
Corn Meal is very scarce, and if here, would
command $3,12i a $3,25.
Ganes—Wheat meets a ready sale at $l,lO
per bushel for good red, and $1,15 for white.
Rye—We quote at GO cents per bushel.
Corn is in active demand, both forexport and
for shipment eastward, at 65 cents for yellow.
Oats range from 28 a 36 cents per bushel, as
in quality.
WHISKEY—SaIes at 2.11 a 26 echfs in bbis.
and hhds.
In Wellington, Mo., on the 31st ult., by Rev.
Mr. Mr. Geo. W. Dims, formerly of
Hollidaysburg, Blair county, Pa., to:Wigs S. E.
CAnn, of the former place.
Near Harrisburg, on the 18th inst., Mrs.
MARY F,JLTON, wife of Mr. Richard Fulton,
aged about 35 years.
MIL WILLIAM DORRIS having kindly con
sented to become it. Agent for thin town
and neighborhood, citizens requiring domestic
servants and other help can have them by apply
ing to him.
Huntingdon, August 21,1841.
Female Boarding and Day School,
rphis School is now bin successful operation.
I The Rev. IsttA ex W. Vl'Ann, Pastor of the
Spruce Creek and Birmingham Presbyterion
congregation., le Principal, assisted by a worthy
and efficient female Teacher, Miss A. M. Rune.
This School is located in the borough of Bir
mingham, county of Huntingdon, Pa., ono of
the most healthy villages east of the Allegheny
mountain. The course of instruction is full and
thorough, embracing all the English branches
usual'y taught in SelectSchoels. It will be con
ducted on Christian principles. The Bible to
be the textbook. Parents and gua• diens who
attach any value to the religious training of their
children and wards will lied this school worthy
of their patronage. The Pupils may board with
the Principal. and will be treated as members of
his family. Tuition and board will be moder
ate. For further particulars apply tc the Prin
cipal or to any of the undersigned, who earnest
ly recommend his school to the patronage of the
public. The second quarter of the present term
will commence on the seventeenth day of July
John Owen., ♦V. Caldwell,
John (Plans, Geo. Guyer. Rev.
John K. M'Caban, James Clarke,
Thomas M. Owens, 8.8. Downy,
James Bell.
Birmingham, Aug. 21,1849.
Wholesale Boot, Shoe and Bonnet Ware.
N 0.136 North 9d St.; (oppoOi the tridiO
now receiving about 3000 CASES FRESH
FALL C OOHS, direct from the Manufacturers,
—such as blase and Buys THICK Kir and CALF
Boors and BuocAxs, with a great variety of
WOMENO LACE BouTs AND Silo., both city
and Eastern Manufacture. This stock is got up
expressly for country trade and will be sold
111EncitAxTs are invited to call and exdmine.
August 21, 1849-3 m.
ZE2aptiastscs• CLD
TuE undersigned, Trustees of William Me ,
IFerran, will oiler fur sole on tho premises, on
Saturday, the lath day of Septembe• next, a good
and STABI.B, and oats stns Or GROUND, sit
uate do Spruce Creek, in the village of Meehan.
icsvillo, Huntingdon county, fronting on the
Waterstrect and Spruce creek turnpike road, as
the property of mid William Mcrerran.
Terms of sale will be made known on the day
of sale. JOHN CONRAD,
August 21, 1849—tf. Trustees,
Estate of SilltlUF:l, MPrO2V, late of Wcat
. . . .
township, der'il. ~
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Admin
istration on the estate of Seethe! My ton,
late of West township, Hunt. co., dec'd, have
been granted to the undersigned. All persons in
debted to ask! ostate are requested to make imme
diate payment, and those having claims or de
mands against the same to present them duly an.
thenticatcd for settlement to
H.. CLARK ' ,
Venetian Blind Manufacturer,
Sign of the Golden Eagle, No. 139 &
143 South 2d Street ; below Dock St.,
TjthiS alwiiya on hand a largo and fashion
able assortment of Virtu', and NARROW
84AT WINDOW &taus, manufactured in the
beat manner, of the beat materials,, and at the
lowest cash prices.
H eying refitted and enlarged his establishment,
he is prepared to complete orders to any amount
at the shortest notice,
Constantly on howl an assortment of
linallogang .iftwititure
of every variety, manufactured expreesly for his
own sales, and purchasers may therefore rely on
a gond article.
CO' Open in the evening.
Orders from a distance packed carefully, end
sent free of porterage, to any pert of the city.
Philadelphia, Aug. 21, 1849-Iy.
Highly Important !
THE latest and most important news we h a ys
to communicate this week is the arrival this
mornin g of a rich and superior assortment of
Watches, Jewelry, &c., at
Scott's Jewelry Store.
Citizens snd strangers are respectfully invited to
call and satisfy themselves that this is THE PLACE
to purchase a good watch or any other article in
his line on the most reasonable terms.
August 14, 1849.
The Misses Pinneo,
Tms is a solid remit) , Drinitiing and Day
School; ehamhersburg affording a most de
sirable location for the purpose ofsuch an insti
The Principals design that its advantages,
erary, Moral, and Religious, shall be of the high
est order, and no efforts shall be spared to make
them at least equal to those of any other, either
in city or country.
A hew term will commence upon the let of
September, and applications for admission, or
for any further information, ma y be made to the
Misses Pinneo at their residence, or to any of the
gentlemen composing the, Board of Trps'ees ; or
tolohn G. Miles, Esq., John Scott, Esq., Hun.
August 14, 1849.,
Straied or Mc)lei'.
CI'I'RAYED or ;tolen fioth the undersigned red
aiding in Union township, near Vendevan
der's Bridge, about the 23d of July, a BAY
MARE, between 7 and 9 years old—naldle 'size
—the mane between the ears where the forestall
crosses the head is cut uff,—no other marks t
collected. A reasonable reward will be given to
any person who will deliver said mare to the
subscriber, or give any information that may lead
to her recovery.
GEORGE W. 1-IA/111'801V.
August 14,1849,
ri to take charge of the Common Schools in
Walker township, Huntingdon county. Com.
petent teachers will be employed for the space at
five or six months, to commence the first day of
Septembet 1849. Proposals may be sent in im
mediately to the undersigned, residing in Mc
(Jenne!!mown, Huntingdon county . Pa.
President Board of School Directors.
August 14, 1849.
Estate of George He fright, late of Hun
tingdon borough, deceased..
NOTICE is hereby given, that letters, Testa.
mentory on said estate, have been granted to
the undersigned. All persons knowing them
selves indebted will please make payment imme
diately, and those having demands auinst the
samo, will present them, duly authenticated, fot
settlement. DAM SNA
July 17, 1849-6 t. Executor.
A GOOD assortment of well finished Saddles
now on hand and for sale at the Saddle and
Harness Manufactory of Wm. Glasgow, oppo
sits the Post Office, Huntingdon.
Huntingdon, August 7, 1849.
uxAmirilfyoTir pnlicied;raTtlea by the
coining County Mutual Insurance Compa
ny. A nurriber have already expired, and a
number will expire this and the next Month.—
In all such cases application should at once be
male to the Agent. Policies will be renewed
for five yenta longer at one half of the first cost
—prvided no alterations have been made Hi kh.
danger the risk by fire.
No Company in Pennsylvania has been Mora
prompt and punctual to pay losses by fire. This
Company has the means to meet any amount of
lossed that niay be sustained by fire.
ltdntingdotl, August 7,1849.
Administrator's Notit e,
Estdte bf dIFRIC..4, late bf
the bofbugh bf Huntingdah, dee'd.
NOTICE. is hereby given that Letters of Ad
ministration on said estate have been grant
ed to the undersigned. All persons indebted tb
said estate are requested to make immediate pay+
ment, and those havingclaims or domande against
the same to present them duly authenticated for
settlement to W. 8.
July 17,1849--6 t. Administrators.
Watches Watches! !
THE subscriber has just received from Phi's
delphia, another choice lot of GOLD AND
SILVER WATCHES, which makes his assort
ment again complete. If you want a good watch
at the very lowest price, now is your time.
July 17, 1849. J. 'l'. SCOTT.
Executors' Notice.
Estate of WILLMOI ROBERTS late
(3t West township, dec'tl.
. .
NOTICE Is hereby given that letterstestamen
tory have been granted to the undersigned onthe
estate of William Roberts, late of West
township, deceased. Persons knowing themselves
indebted will come forwardand make payment;an
all those having claims will present them duly au
thenticated forsettlemen t.
July IU, 1819.1
.A o. 119. Spruce Sc. below sth,
CONSTANTLY ON HAND a large assort.
motit of superior
Walnut and Mahogany Fuiniture;
manufactured in the best manner, of modern
style and at moderato prices, embracing
Sofas, Parlor Chairs,
Wardrobes, Rocking Chairs,
Dressing Bureaus, Tete-a-tetes,
French Bcdsicadr, Centre and Pier Tables.
High Post Bedsteads, Wash Stands,
Hat Racks, Sacretariee,
Extension Tables, &c., &c.
Every article is made of the best material and
workmanship, and warranted.
Phildea, Aug 14, 1549.-IY.'
c - All goods bought at this esteblishment
packed under the immediate ouperintrndence of
the proprietors, and sent free of charge to any
part 4 , f the city.
NOTICE is hereby given that the Pamphlet
Laws of the late session of the Pennsylva
nia Legislature have been received at this oilier,
find are reedy fcr delivery to peisons who are
by law emitted to receive them.
THEO..H. CRE VIER, Protit'y,
Huntingdon, Aug. 14, 1849.
Latest ] Rest and Cheapest;
H. K. NEFF & BRO. ha hi just received front
New York & Philadelphia, 'the best assortment
of Watches and Jewelry ever offered for sale in
this place, and are determined to sell cheaper
than can be purchased elsewhere.
August 7, 1849.
Corner Mulberry and Montgomery Ste,
WM. REYNOLDS, Jr., would respectfully
announce to the citizens of Huntingdon
and elsewhere, that he continues to devote his
whole time and at•.cntion to rendering all com
fortable who may favor the above house with their
custom. His house is locatr d in the most busi
ness part of Hollidaysburg, and his long expe
rience in the business warrants him in saying
that his accommodations cannot be surpassed by
any other house in the interior of the State.
C:rflacks can be had at all times for Bedford
Springs at the Exchange Hotel c 1)
. 24, 1849-3 t .
1, - 10It Razors, Surgical Instruments, and all
fine Cutlery, warranted to produce a fine
smooth edge in one minute or the money re.
turned. . GEO. GWIN,
_ . . _
Sole Agent for Hunntingdon, Pa:
July 17, 1819-3 m.
N. B. One or two good travelling agents
wanted. Active and enterpiising men can make
from three to five dollars per dny. Address C.
HATCH, Harrisburg, Pa.
Great Slaughter of Iligh Prices!
The Town in Commotion !
Nobody Killed, but Several Bad: ,
ly Wounded !
Have the satisfaction to announce to the
izene of Huntingdon and the neighboring conk
try that they have just received from the eastern
cities, a splendid stock of new
which have been selected eith great care. Cur
stork contacts of all the gat ion. styles of
BOOTS, SHOES, and HATS of all kifula.;—
Hard ware, Queensware, Groceries. &c.
We invite all to give us a call, as we takits
pleasure in showing our Goods.
Thankful for past favors, we hor c ly strict
attention to business to receive a liberal share
of public patronage.
Huniinidon, April' 3, 1840.
Juniata Cabinet WE . iinufetothring
Respectfully begs leave to inform his friends
and customers and the public generally ,that he
has built a large and commodious shop immedi
ately in the rear of the public house of John
Whittaker, Sr., on the bank between the river
alul canal, where he will constantly keep on
hand furniture of al kinds, of the best quality,
embracing all descriptions, kinds, sty les and va. ,
rieties of parlor, medium and plain household
furniture, which will bb bileted for kale at the
In order to accointnotlate the public Willi all
kinds of Work In life line of business, he hoe
jtist euppllEd himself With a largo lot of the
bast quality df Cherry, Walnut, Maple, Poplar,
and all kinds of Veneering of the most popular
fashion. hia wiil offer neither botched or half
finished work for sale, and will at all times Bobo
mit his work to the most rigid inspection.
Merchants, Professional men, Partners, Me
chenice, Hoitt Proprietors, Laboring men—all,
are invited to call and ex airfare his furniture. be
fore purchasing elsewhere. "Seeing is believ
Caine will bo thade on the shortest notice, of
either Cliptry, Walnut or Poplar, as may be de•
sired, Ind funerals attended.
Ito flatters hitn+elf that by industry and close
attention to his business, he will be able toplease
all who may give him a cull, ,
Old furniture will at all times be repaired in
the neatest and most durable manner, at low
rates. All kinds of country produce will be ta
ken in exchange for furniture, repairing, &c.
Huntingdon, May 29, 1849.
T N conaegnence of the unprecedented foss by
Ere sustained by the Lycominsr Mutual insu
rance Company since September lest, the Board
of Directors have reluctantly bean compelled to
direct another assessment of 2 per cent on the
premium notes id force previous to the 6th tiny
of rm. It is hoped that the present call
on members, will bo met with promptitude, that
the claimsof the sulTerers may ho promptly paid.
By order of the Board of Directors.
T. K. SIMONTON, Receiver
Huntingdon, July 24, 1849.
A new Threshing Machine,
ni , four horse power, will be sold cheap
for cash or country produce, by
Juuc `.26, '49.] Huntingdon, Pa.
Of Valuable Real Ilstate.
THE subscriberd will sell at Public
Sale, on the premises; on
Monday the 27th day of ✓lugflst, 1849,
All that valuable Real Estate situate in
Barree township; ! - Ittritingdeti county,
about seven miles from the Penn'a canal,
and Central itailroad, an'd.on the. main
Road leading (rani Petersb u rg to Pine
Grove, centniningaboui .
, _ _
700 :Icres Limestaii Ladd;
and about 4Cfo' acres of which' are Cleared;
and in a good situ° of ctatiiation, the
woodland being elf first rate Tittrber
Land and heavily timbered c and there
is an excellent scite for a Saw Mill; on
a never failing stream. There are erec
ted on the said Land two houses and
two barns, small, but in a tolerable state
of repair.
The above Tract of Land will be
ded into two, three, or more parts, and
sold separately; or it will be sold alto =
gether, as will best suit those desiring
to purchase;
'rho Twits sitail he made so as lo suit
purchasers, and will be definitely made
known on the day of sale.' An indispu. ,
table title will be gfien;
Any further informatio'n can be had
by applying to either of the undersigned.
Juno 19, 1849—ts.
ligent for the sale of SOuthimrth
fac'uring Co's WHIM . ; Papets,,
Whorehouse No. 3. Minor St
100 cases of the aboire superior Papers now in
store, and for sillb to dm trade at the lowest
market prices, consisting in par t of—
Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, 14, 15, and IS lbs..
blue and white.
Superfine Medium and Demi Writing*, blue
and white.
Extra super and superfine Folio Poste, blue and
white. plain and ruled.
Superfine Commercial Posts, blue and white
plain and ruled.
. _
ExilisOper Llien Noto Pupae, plain and
Suyetfine and fine Bill Papers, long and broad.
Sapitrfine and fine Counting-Houro Cops and
Posts, blue and white.
Extra super Congress Capri and Loiters, plaits
and ruled, bide and white.
Extra stepr'..r . Corigfess Caps and Lettere; gilt.
Superfine Serthon Clips and Posts.
Superfine bide linen thin Letters.
Extra cutter Baal Peas, blue r %011ie, plain
Id.ruletf. ,
Embroidered Dote Priptre and Ellielotee.
"Lawyer's" Stier Pupate.
Superfine and line Ceps and Porte, rued and
plain, blue and while, various qualities and pri-
Also, 1000 roams whito and assorted Shoe Pa.
rers, 'Bonnet Mattis, white and assorted Tissue,
Pas, lit tripping, En'velope, assorted and blue Me.
diums, Cap ,wrappers, Hard4, , siro s pore, &c.
July 10, f049.-6m:
Huntingdon, Pennsylvania;
The undersigned announces to his former pa
trons and the friends of sound Education gener
ally, that he is about to establish, in the new
Huntingdon Academy" building, a pertnanent
PRIVATE SCHOOL for young persons and
children of both seies.
The course, of instruction wily comprise all
the branches usually taught in the best English
Academies, and will be well suited to prepare
enrolls for the ordinary avocations of life, and
ihe mere important and responsible duties cf
good c ititerfii;
The internal management of the school will
be with the Teacher; but he will be assisted by
the general supervision of a Board of nine gen. ,
tlemen, justly esteemed for their private worth;
public spirit, and correct and comprehensive
educational views. With this important aid,
find sustained by the approbation and kind en
4ouragement of many of the best and purest
Mink in this community, the undersigned feels
contlrant that he able to introduce with
case, and Maintiiti without ditflculty, such Reg
ulations as will give to the Institution, a high
MORAL as well as intellectual character ;—a
character that will secure the confidence and
respect of all good men.
The building — is a new three story brick struc
ture delightfully situated on the high ground
back of town, and allbrding a commanding view
of the valley of Huntingdon and its agreeable
mountain scenery. The school room is large
and well tentillated; and the chambers are so
arranged as to accommodate comfortably sev
eral boarders, who will be taken on reasonable
termsi and treated With all the faithfulness that
parental solicithde can desire or impose. Tho
ntlmbet of piipils will be comparatively limited,
anti the sexes always kept separate except
When in the recitation room. The school year
will be divided into four Sessions of eleven
weeks each with suitable vacations; the first
session commencing, this year, in July or Au.
gust; but hereafter not until the first of Sep ,
TERMS or 'rum. PEE SESSION :—Primary
classes $3.00. Ggographj, with the use of
Globes and Outline Maps, Grammar, Composi
tion, &c., $3.50 Astronomy, Philoisophy,
Book-Keeping, the various branches of Maths..
matics, &c., $l.OO
For particulars apply to the leacher,
Rev. John Peebles, Wm. P. Orbison, Esq.,
Hon. Geo. Tayfor, Crownover, Esq., Judgo
Gwin, Maj. jambs 'Sieet, Maj. Wm. B. Zeigler,
Messrs. James Allison, James Maguire, and
John N. Prowell, M. A. Henderson, M. D.,
J. H. Dorsey, M. D., Maj. D. McMurtrie,
Thos., Wm. Dorris, J. P. Anderson,
A. W. Benedict, Esq., Gen. A.l'. Wilson, Hon:
John ker, Jacob Miller, Esq., Jas. Clark..
Huntingdon, June 19, 1819.
Information Wanted,
rpliE undersigned, fabler of MURPHY o'-
j CONNOR, is very anxious to receive in
telligence of him. Ho is from Henden, County
of Cork, Ireland, is about 16 year' of age, and
left Liverpool about the Ist ofJune lost, in corn- ,
pony with Mrs. Murphy, wife of Jno Murphy,oes
board the ship Boach-Meekenor, Capt. Hughes.
Any ono who knows of tho arrival of this boy'
in this country, will greatly oblige his anxious
sister by sending information to her at Hunting-
don, Huntingdon county. Pa.
August 13,1819,