THE JOMINAL. CORRECT ratxbIi'LCS—SITPONTED BY YRCM] HUNTINGDON, TUESDAY, AUG. 21, 1849, TERMS: 'rhe "Hu:m..n:4 JOURNAL" 19 at the following rates, viz t $1,73 a yearAf paid in advance ; $2,00 if paid during the year, and $2,50 if not paid until after the expiration Of the year. The above terms to be adhered td in all cases. 'No subscription taken for less tliart yiz rrinhihs, and ho paper discontinued until all arrrayages are paid, unless at the option of the plitiliithet. CAN AL COMMISSIONER : HENRY M. FULLER , or LriCRNE COUNTY. Whig County Ticket. ASSEMBLY : A. K. CORNTIC, of Huntingdon. TREASURER: JOHN A. DOYLE, of Shirley. COMMISSIONER : ISAAC PEIGHTALi df Venn. AUDITOR: THOMAS FISHER, of Huntingdon. u:r . large amount of our space is taken up this week with the proceedings of public meet ings, County Conventions, and the doings in Coutt. As the people of the cdmitt leak for an actotint df all politic tratisattidna 01 their County Paper, no apology is necessary fdr the space thus occupied. U Those of our patrons who kindly fur nished us with the means of meeting some of our pecuniary engagements during the past lreek, will please accept our hearty thanks. tr:ir On motion 'of Wm. P. Orbisen, Esq:i (ho. W. W.t.reo'N vas admitted, On Tifesdriy last, to practice hi the several Courts df county. Foaciort Nicws.—We know that our readers will, one and all, rejoice dt the gratifying intel ligence contained in the foreign news given in another column, that the Patriots of Hungary have been completely successful, in several battles, doirist the combined hordes of Russia and Austria. May their suchesses continue, until their independence shalt be nekriUwledged. The Woverh The attendance at our Court last week Was large. The entire week was occupied in the trial of criminal causes, an account of which Will be found in another column. Henry Ilelf right, whose arrest we noticed some time since, on the charge of stabbing his brother, George He!fright, with a pitch-fork, resulting in his death, was acquitted: Thecae() was carefully investigated, and all the evidence clearly pro. veil that Henry acted on 4he detensiiei and that George received the fatal wound while violently attacking Henry's house, attempting to enter, and threatening Henry that he would kill him: Messrs. Stewart and Orbison cohddcted the prosecution, and Messrs. Campbell, Scott arid Benedict, the defence:' State Convention.rwhig Candidate for Canal Cotnniissloner. The Whig State Convention which met at Harrisburg on Wednesday last, unanimously nominated HENRY M. FULLER, of Lourne county, as the Whig candidate for Canal Com ` missioner. The selection is a goad one, and the unanimity with which the nomination was made is a gratifying indication that the Whip intend to present an unbroken front in the pres ent contest. Sraking of the nominee, the Pa. Intelligencer says : Mr. Fuller is a resident of Luzerne county. He is a man of fine talents, courteous and gen tlemanly demeanor, of winning and popular manners, and commands the respect and esteem of all who know him. He is a fluent and able public speaker, is well acquainted with the ' wants and interests of the State, has business qualifications of the first order, and will make one of the best Canal Commissioners the State ever had. We say will, because we believe the people understand their interests, and in tend to elect him to the important office for which he is nominated. His popularity at home, where he is known, may be estimated from the fact, that he was elected to the Legislature last fall by the people of Luzerne county, which has usually given a Locofoco majority of from eight hundred to one thousand, fly a majority of al most four:ma hundred rote.,! His career in the Legislature Was marked by great ability and rare tact, and Won him the esteem and applause of his constituents, and of all who have had the pleasure of observing his course: lie is now one of the ablest and most popular Inns In the northern region of the State. His electittit as Canal Commissioner will be an honor to the CO'rrimonwealth, and will redound to her Vest interests. We are unable to publish the proceedings' of the Convention for want of room. The Con , vention passed resolutions wrprobatory of the Nationat and State administrations, laudatory Of Mr. Secretary MEacocrii and Senator COOPER; reiterated the doctrine of tfrotection to Penn sylvania interests and her stollen Of coal and iron ; declared that slavery was en infraction upon human rights,. end that while the compro mires of the Constitution should be respected, that its further extension* should be reeirted; pnssed a deserved compliment to the energy and business tact of Mr. BALL, the Sfate Treas• inert approved of the Ten Hour Law and erec ting of Judges by the people. Strong resolutions of encouragement to Hungary, and of regret at the fate of Rome, were also adopted. Mr. Robert W. Middleton, fomerly editor of the Lancaster Examiner, and other papers, has been appointed to a Clerkship in the Treasury Department at Washington. Our Ticket. The Ticket formed by the Whig County Con. vention on Wednesday afternoon last, will bo found at the head of our paper. It needs no 1 high wrought eulogy at our hands. Every man upon it is eminently worthy of the support of the Whig party of Huntingdon county. As we remarked previous to the meeting of the Con vention, from the material presented, it was impossible to form a bad Ticket. A. K. CORNYN, Esq., is re-nominated for the Assembly: And It will tie seen by the pro ceedifige, &him Convetitibn paid him the high I but deserved cOmpliniefit of a unanimous re nOttlinatibn: in doing so, we believe the defe r gates faithfUlly represented the wishes of the people. fife man stood higher or had more in flbence in the last legislature, than the talented thember s from Huntingdon. His speeches were I not many, but when he did address the House, he invariably received the marked attention of the members, and never failed to make an im pression. During the ninety-nine days of the session, Mr. Cornyn was ,710 i absent frees his past 0716 Sit!, a flay ! This is an important fact 1 in his favor, and one that we know will be ap preciated by the intelligent freemen of Hunting don county, when they again assemble at the polls. The employer never fails, in his pri vate business, to appreciate industry and appli cation in those whom he employs, and so too with communities. In the passage of sUch pub lic measures as the interests of ,the State and People demanded, Mr. C. always took an active and efficient Part. And Men of all parties agree that no man could have been more atten tive to the local buliitess of his immediate con stituents. As every one should do who fills a public office, Mr. Cornyn attended to the busi ness of his constituents of all parties with equal promptness and fidelity. In short, Mr. Cornyn has proved himself an able, faithful and efficient representative of Huntingdon county, and the People know it, and will return him to Harris burg by an increased majority. Lieut. JOHN A. DOYLE, of Shirley, is the candidate for Treasurer. This is an admirable selection, both as regards location and the nom inee. The lower end deserved to have a can didate on the Ticket, and Mr. D. is every way worthy of the compliment paid him. Lieut. Defyle is a yoiing Man of line business qualifi cations and unblemished moral character. He is one of the brave spirits who volunteered in the war with Mexico. lle went out as a Third Lieutenant under the lamented Capt. Caldwell, and returned at the close of the war as First Lieutenant. He was in the battles at the city of Mexico, and in common with the Pa. Volun teers generally, behaved with great gallantry. And what is perhaps as creditable to him as any thing we ceuld mention, is, that he returned to his friends unimpaired in his moral character.— That he will make an obliging and efficient offi cer, we hate the strongest assurance; and that he will be trianpliatitly elected we dd not en tertain a doubt. ISAAC PEIOHTAL, the candidate for Coca• ty Commissioner is an intelligent Farmer of Penn township. He is a man of sound judg ment and correct principles and notions.— Among his neighbors, he enjoys an enviable popularity. He is a man who has always taken gdod care of his own business, and will be equally vigilant and faithful in taking charge of the affkits of the county. His ntrminaiiiin is a deserved compliment to the German Farmers of Woodcock Valley and the countygendrally, and will, we know, be appreciated by them at the Polls. THOMAS FISHER of this place is the cul -1 didate for Auditor. Mr. F. is so well and fa vorably known to the People of this county, that it seems superfluous for us to say one word about him. We will simply remark that he was nominated with entire reference to having the accounts of the county carefully audited, as he enjoys the reputation of being one of the most correct accountants and best business men in the county. And although the office, pe cuniarily, is worth nothing, the nomination is highly creditable to him. Such, Whige of Huntingdon cotrnty, is bilt a brief description of the excellent and ittitiCep.: tionable County Ticket presented for year sitp; port. We never knew a Ticket meet with score universal favdr. That you will turn out in your strength in October and triumphantly elect ev ery man upon it, we do not entertain a doubt.— Your duty as Whigs and interests as citizens of the county, calls upon you to do so. CO tail MEETING. The proceedings of the Whig County Meet ing, held in the Court House on Wednesday eve ning last, will be found in another column.— The attendance was large and the best spirit pervaded all present. The speeches of itlessrs. CORNYN and BLAIR were listened to with great attention and marked approbation. The reser , lotions breathe the proper spirit, and were re ceived with great applause by the meeting.— We can assure our friends abroad that the cam paign has opened in Huntingdon county most auspiciously for the Whig cause. The admin istrations of TAYLOR and JOHNSTON are exceed ingly popular with the People, and the devotion to I Whig principles never was more strikingly Manifest among us. Pula.6a and the Whig County Ticket will be well sustained in Octo ber. ImeoPaco to6NTY TICIICKT.Our Locofoco friends met in the upper room of the Court House on Wednesday evening last, and nomina ted the following ticket : Asesnsb/y—DAvroDuri. Treasurer:—JAcon MILLEa. CHENT.. , - Aildiior,loll . N CAUL The Elections. The returns of the late elections come in so slowly, that we are as yet unable to give the exact result in the several states: fn' Tennes see it is thought the Locos have gained but one member of Congress. In Alabama the Whigs gain one. In North Carolina, the representa tion stands as before, the gallant staniy being elected. In Indiana and Kentucky we are at yet unable to gay how the account stands, as the reports are conflicting. Gen. Taylor In Pennsylvania Our space will not allow us to give even an abstract of the accounts which fill our exchan ges, of the enthusiasm with which the People of Pennsylvania gitet Pvn. Taylor at every point on his route. His reception everywhere, is the most enthusiasticsever given to a public Mali. The hearts of his countrymen are with file old Hero, on account of his long and glori ous services, and his appearance among them, seems to fairly intoxicate them with delight. We last week noticed Gen. Taylor's recep tion at Baltimore. On Friday the 10th instant he arrived in Pennsylvania, and was met at the State Line by Gov. Joussvors and a committee of citizens of York county. He was handed over to the Governor and the Committee at the line, by COLEMAN YELLOT, Esq., of Baltimore, on behalf of the President and Directors of the Baltimore and Susquehanna Railroad Company, who adkessed the Governor on the occasion in the following brief and appropriate remarks: GOVERNOR t---We come from Maryland, hon kored with a pleasant duty. We come to intro duce to you and the citizens of your State,a dis tinguished visitor. We are sure he will be re- I ceived with the respect due to the President of I our common country, and with the gratitude ' merited by the brave soldier whose gallant deeds have covered the American name with honor and glory. Governor, we now surrender to the hospitalities of the Keystone State, General ZACHARY TAYLOR. To which Gov. JOHNSTON replied in thq fol. lowing terms MR. PRESIDENT I-As the honored organ of the citizens of this Commonwealth, it affords me unfeigned pleasure to cordially welcome you within our borders. In their name, and speak ing their sentiments, I tender to you the hospi talities of the State, To you, it must be a source of gratification, and a measure dictated by a proper regard for your health, to leave, for a brief period, the desk of official duty—the cares, the anxieties, and labors incident to your responsible station, and to forget, amidst the happy countenances of an honest and industri ous people, the perplexities of public office.— To ,u, the presence of the Chief Executive officer of the National Government, in whom are reposed in connection with other branches thereof, the peace, the honor, the dignity, the public faith and public justice of the country, and the prosperity of the citizerrreaffords an opportunity of manifesting our devotion to the sacred cause of Freedom, in our undissembled respect to the most exalted officer of the Re public. Although your fame as a military com mander, extends to the furthermost corners of the earth, and will endure so long as heroic courage, tempered with humanity, is consider ed a virtue; we see you on this occasion, cloth ed in a still nobler character; wreathed with a brighter diadem—the recipient of a people's love and admiration;—as the supreme officer of the only free Government of the age. Viewing you in this aspect, we have raised no arches to military merit,—prepared no laurels fora hero's brow,—sounded no trumpet to herald a con queror's approach ;—but we have met you as citizens who love their country without party distinctions, to honor your peaceful virtues and your public character, and to open to our homes and firesides a free passage for our distinguished guest. In passing through our ancient Common- Wealth ; traversing our vallies And our moan tains,= in glancing at the exhaustless re'- sources of industry and wealth, in the agtictd tural, manufacturing, and mineral departments of the country; in travelling through our towns ; and villages, and witnessing the occupations of ' our people, you cannot fail to obsenitthe sour ces of our prosperity, and the means calculated to encourage them. In mingling in social in tercourse with us, receiving our congratulations ; and partaking of our hospitalities, you teach the ; true principle of equality on which our,govern ment is founded, and leave behind you a salutary pride for our free institutions. To us, theta ! fore, as to yourself, your visit will be of lasting ; benefit. Reiterating . the gratification of our citizens at ythir preienee among them, I cordially welcome ydu to our hearts iitid Our homes. President Taylor, etiidently from the impulse of the moment, and with earnest sincerity, ie. replied to this greeting as fellows - - GOVERNOR am deeflY thankful fBr kind reception which you have extended ic; Me. I am also grateful to my Marylarid friends, for the hospitalities I have received at their hands. Travelling as I do, for the sole purpose of ob taining a more intimate knowledge of the various sections of our Union, of their various.pursults and interests, the kindness with which I have been, every where, received by my fellow coon trym'eti, has been to me peculiarly gratifying. I haVe been heretofore honored by the confi dence of Permsylvania. 1 feel great pleasure in now mingling. with her people ; and I pledge myself to endeavor to sLow , by rely future con duct, that the confidence of the Keystone State has not been misplaced. The President and party dined at York, and then proceeded on to Lancaster, pausing at the small towns, and arrived at Harristurg On Sat ntdaY afteYnonYi. On Monday morning, at seven o'clock, in company with Gov. Johnston, and a Committee from Carlisle, the President took passage on the Cumberland Valley railroad fur Bedford 1 Springs, and thence to Pittsburg, and the North. Gets. Taylor exert' there expressed' himself highly delighted with his cordial reception, fre quently giving assurances that Pennsylvania should not be deceived in his public course. GENERAL TAYLOR AT BEbFORD. BEDiORD, A6gthit 16. Gen. Taylor, Prssident of the United Stales, accompanied by W. F. Johnston, Governor of Pennsylvania, and suite, arrived here yesterday, about noon. They were escorted by hundreds of our citizens, and the General was received with the most unbounded enthusiasth. The General, with his suite, dined in town, and after spending a few hours, which he devo ted to the reception of visiters, he went to the Springs, where he spent the night. ' His health has considerably improved, and he looks in fine spirits. The illustrious guests left early this morning for Somerset. AxxxsT.—Deputy Sheriff Moore, of Blair county, arrested Johnston McKee at Duncan's Island on Wednesday last, for passing counter feit money in Blair and Cambria counties. Tho notes were of tho denomination of $5, on the Fiankfin Bank of Baltimore, Western Bank ; Baltimore, acid a New Jersey Bank. Some of the Fianklift Bank have been circulated in this place, and tte Well calculated to deceive. It would, theiefOte, be well for dealers and others to examine carefully before receiving such.— McKee, .on his way clown, spent a day or two here, and left this on Monday in the down pack. et. The =bunt passed is said to be large.— Ls sto tem Ga to. Democratic Whig COUNTY CONVENTION. Pursuant to the call of the Whig County Com mittee; the delegates from the several townships and borenghs of Huntingdon County, elected to nominate a Whig County Ticket, assembled in the upper room of the Court House, on Wed nesday afternoon, (12th inst.) at 2 o'clock; On motion, the Convention was organised by appointing JOHN VAN VLIET, of Ho'pew/ell, President, and Anon. STawmur, of Jackson, Vice,Ptasidont. Inn. B. Zeiler And D. O. Stetur;rt, Sectotttriesi The districts were then called whir and the following gontlemepresented their credentials and took their.gateiiin the Convention. 14,arree—James Gillam, Peter LivingstOn. Brady—E. L. Plowman, James McCracken. Cromwell—R. 13. Wigton, James Harper. Cass—Amon Loveall, A. Smith. Clay—John B. Logan, John Runk. Dublin—Brice Blair. Franklin—James Travis, Christian Wigton. Henderson—A. Allison, John Morrison. Hopewell—David Irons, John Van Vliet. Jackson—Alex. Stewart, John T. Lee. Morris—Robert Kinkead, C. Weight. Porter—?ohn Iluyett, A. Christy. Penn—A. Neff, J. P. Ashcom. Shirley—Join, Morrison, Benj. Leas. Springfield—Robert Madden, J. Brown. Tod—David Aurandt, James Snare. Union—B. G. Glassgow i _Orlando Salsbury. West—Samuel Ewing, Matthew Stewart. Walker—Thos. A. McCohan, Jos. Douglass. Murrays Run—Eli Harris, Geo. Miller. Birmingham—John Baker, J. K. McCohan. Alexandria—J. N. Swoope, D. 0. Stewart. Shirleysburg—James Ramsey, J. G. Doyle. Petersburg—Jos. Stephens, John Beaty. Iluntingdon—Wm. Rothrock, W. B. Zeigler. On motion, the Convention then proceeded to nominate candidates to be supported for the sev eral offices. The name of no other gentleman being pre• nested to the Convention, it was, on motion of J. K. MCCAILAN and B. LEAS, lissoltmd t That Col. A. K. CORNYN be and he is hereby unanimously re-nominated as the Whig candidate for Assembly. This resolution was adopted by acclamation. County Treasurer : John A. Doyle, H. K. Neff; Daniel Africa, Samuel R. Stevens, JOHN A. DOYLE having received a major ity of all the votes was declared duly cornice. tett, County Commissioner :rag. Alexander, 5 Isaac Peightal, 28 Henry McCracken,l2 • John Flenner, 2 ISAAC PEIGHTAL having received a ma• jority of all the votes, was declared duly norni• County Auditor Thos. Fishsr, James Travis, THOS. FISHER having received a majority of au the votes, was declared duly nominated. Whig County Central Committee. On motion, the Convention proceeded to ap point the following Central Committee, to serve for the ensuing year, viz : JAS. CLARK, Wm. B. ZNIGLER, WM. H. PEIGHTAL, JAMES Moose, J. K. MCCAUAN, JNO. ARMITAUE, WM. Rozuttoca. J. K. MCCAIIAN then addressed the Conven tion in a brief speech relative to the ditty and important principles of the Whig party, and concluded by offering the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted Resolved, That the members of the Conven tion pledge themselves to use their best exer tions to secure the election of the WHOLE TICKET this day nominated. The President then returned his thanks to the Convention for the honor conferred upon him, and the good Wet which had marked its deliberations. On motion, adjourned sine die. Nobody did it. It seems, says the Washington kepi/We, that nobody has plundered the Treaisry in 22r. Den by's case, and yet there are $135;600 gone.— Mr. Denby is not to bleme— , -of.course not ; for thenth he is "technically" liable, he never re ceived fire' rticfriek. Mr. Osborne is not to blame —for though he had the money, he had also the privilege of Osculating with it (!) and it has all gone to the receptacle of things lost upon earth, though a diruient is hinted at for the benefit of the United States. Judge Mason is not implicated, though he was Secretary of the Navy, and Mr. Denby was his temporary agent at Marseilles, receiving a commission of 41 per cent, on his advances and on his die hursenientt, as 'Ye learn from the Blue Book.— Bet this large commission was not enough for one 6f the elite of the distinguished Democrats of Richmond. In addition to that commission, it seems that it was a part of the bargain that Mr. Denby, or, what is the same thing, Mr. D's agent should have the privilege of venturing all his Government deposites in commercial specu lations. Now, so far from their king nd&ody impli cated in this transaction', w•e contend that each and all of these gentlemen are implicated: CosimaNnAnr.n.—While the Locofoco dele gates were ballotting for candidates the other evening, one of them slipped up to the tittle and made two marks opposite the name of one of his favorite candidates ! This was eihibiting an anxiety for the formation of a goof tickef, which ie no doubt highly appreciated by his party friends. We mention no name, as we do not de sire to make the gentleman unduly popular! Annals Courirr.—The Whigs of this county have nominated Daniel M. Smyser, Esq., as their candidate for the State Assembly. This is an admirable selection, and we record it with unfeigned delight. Mr. Smyser is as true a Whig as breathes; he is honorable and frank in all his transactions, and withall one of the strongest men, intellectually, in the interior of the State. WHIG COUNTY MEETING • ' - • _ • Old Huntingdon again in the Field! Pursuant to previous notice, a large and en- Ihnsiastic concourse of the Whigs of Hunting don county, assembled in the Court House on th 6 eyeing er the 15th instant. The Meeting was organized by, appointing JAMES GILL AM, President. PtTea CrItrMAN, JAS. Cotner., Join VAN VI.EIT, ISRAEI.GRAFrITIS, DAVID TI:SSEV,DAVID HAwV, S. 'Cartes-, S. P. WAI.I.ACE, and W.I. RoTurtoctc, Vice Nerfidents, ~ . lof 1 a lr. ifratsoi 1, .T. B. Logan. Dania 71 - hi t . . taker and David Irons, Secretaries. On motion of A. W. BENEDICT, Ent:, a cam mittee of fifteen Were appointed t6' draft d pre amble and resolutions, expressive of the sense of the meeting, as follows t A. W. Benedict, Jas. Clark, TY: Blair, IL Kinkead, Geo. 811118011, W. Hampson, A. Love all, B. Leas, E. B. Orbison, A. McClure, B. Blair, J. S. Read,Jecob Gherett, Geo. W. Whit taker and Col. J. Stever. During the absence of the committee, Col. A. K. CORNYN was called upon, and addressed the meeting in his usual forcible, eloquent and argumentative style. His remarks were listen ed to with great attention, and marked appro bation by the meeting. The Committee having returned, reported through its chairman, A. W. Benedict, Esq., the following preamble and resolutions, which were adopted by acclamation. During the read ing of the resolutions, the chairman was fre quently interrupted by applause: As Is our custom, and privilege, we the Whigs of Old Iluntingdon, have again met in County Meeting to express our views and wishes in regard to the "Measures and Men," that wo rely upon, to secure the interests of the People, and that all may know them, it is Resolved, That there is great cause for the Whigs to rejoice that better days hive dawned upon our land. General ZACHARY TAYLOR —the brave, the faithful, the patriotic, the good ; villified, slandered, abused, and hated by the base and vicious; has proven that he is above and beyond their malignity. His selection of a Cabinet Council—his unyielding attachment to, & love of right-his purity of purpose-his social in tot course with the people--his warm attachment to their interest; and his bold and public avowal of his determination to stand by our glorious Constitution, and labor to strengthen its bond by the recommendation of such laws as shall protect our own industry—improve our rivers and harbors—and make our currency and credit ' sound and permanent—all show that we were not deceived. Our confidence in, and love for the brave old hero and sage, is consequently not only undiminished but increased. Resolved, That in WM. M. MEREDI3 ! , Pennsylvania's representative in the Cabinet, we have all that should excite our pride—the best evidence of the President's wisdom nod purity of purpose, and a sure guarantee that our interests will be cared for and secured. Resolved, That we are proud to say that the present National administration t tiros out well. Nevertheless much remains to be done, and we trust that the party whose motto is, "to the victors belong the spoils," shall know and feel the truth, beauty, and justice of their maxim. Resolved, That the whinings and griefs of the "old Political Rats," because they have been scared from the public crib, shows that long privileges have not only made them proud, but insolent ; end should convince the people, I that the change was demanded for their own safety. Resolved, That the large defalcations of so many of the broken hearted patriots, who have been 'moved by the present Adrninistration proves that their grief, as well as hatrediarises from the fact, that they have been detected and exposed; and we earnestly trust that the /I,l'- 1 nfinistration will not cease its purifying process, until that dear, tender-hearted old man, Father Ritchie, shall have wept over the last of his tribe. Resolved, The wholesole assaults of the Loco Foco press upon Gen. TAYLOR—their unmeas ured falsehood and malignity—from the pimps and parasites of party, from Forney down to Bowman and Richie, deserve, and will receive from the people, a marked rebuke. :,.. Resolved, That the experience of every day demonstrates the justice and necessity of a Tariff to protect the labour and industry Of our Country, and demands a repeal of the free-trade law of 1816, and the re-enactment of the Tariff of 15.12. Resolved, That now, as heretofore, we de clare our steady and uniform support of the principle that Slavery in the United States should be confined and restricted to the limits circumscribed to it in the otigitial compact of the Union. Resolved, That the present Executive of our State, WM. F. JOHNSTON, has more that sustained the most ardent wishes of his most partial friends ; and the bold and fearless, as well as wise and prudent course pursued by him, in relation to the ~ nn,igned /W/3" is proof, alone, if we hail no other, that he can neither be duped or scared into measures which do not meet his apProtation.—His zealous d'arts to i l secure for our State some system which shell promise the eventual payment of the State debt, and relieving of the people from taxation, shows 1 how wisely and how well he labors to establish some substantial and lasting good. His earnest desire to deserve and receive the co-operating influence of the people—this industrious classes -=- , to father the interests of our Commonwealth ; gives us the assurance that his election was the guarantee that there ie ~ a good time coming." /ssayed, That GIDEON J. BALL, State Treasurer, by Isis untiring Zee, energy and abil ity, has won his way to public favor, despite the contemptible attacks of those who hate be cause they cannot emulate his conduct,—and we are gratified to know that he will give to the people the evidenCe of his fidelity, while his enemies have learned that they have got more than was contracted for ; and his payment of the State interest in specie or its equivalent is the dawn of a new era in Pennsylvania's pros perity. Resolved, That the corruption and peculation, now admitted to have existed upon the public improvements,should warn the people that if again permittd to rule unwatcheil, the plunder of the past will sink into insignificance, when compared with the improvements this progres sive party will introduce into the science of office touting! Resolved, That our delegates to the County Convention deserve our thanks for their labors of this day, and we pledge ourselves to manifest our gratitude by a united; zealous, and untiring effort to secure the election of the Timm., and the WHOLE TICKET, this day nominated. Resulted, That our sympathies ate deeply enlisted with the Ilungarians in their manly struggle for freedom; our hope is they play be successful, and our prayer is that the God of battles may speed them and their came. The resolutions were unanimously adopted. D. &ma, Esq., was called upon and ad.. drEssed the meeting for a short time in a speech characterized by sound reasoning and good sense. On motion, resolved, That the above proceed.. ings be published in tte Huntingdon Journal, and in the Whig papers of Harrisburg. On motion, the meeting then adjourned. [Signal by the officers.]. Court of Quarter Sessions. Commons:malt h s e. Ilfirhoel Moran..-Indict- went for assault and battery. Defendant plead ed guilty and submitted. Sentenced to pay d fine of $5,00, costs of prosecution, and to be im prisoned for three weeks. Commootooolth cc. Hugh L. Cook. merit for keeping a tippling hoitse. Verdict guilty. Senience, thnt defendant poi a fine of $35,00 and costs of prosecution. Co :ninon Wealth vs. John Nelson. Indietmeni for keeping a tippl ing house. Defendant plead ed guilty arid subrniited. Fined $20,00 and. Costs, CrnMo7liDeanh t • a. Win. Laird. Indictment for heeP n ing a tippling house. Yeidiet, guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of $35,06 tfil coats. Commonwealth vs. William Buchanan. In; dictment for an assault and battery. Verdict; guilty. Fined $20,00 and coats of prosecution. Commonwealth em. Margaret Plowman. In; dictment for assault and battery. YerdiCt; guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of $5,00 and costs. Commonwealth vs. David Adeson. Indict meat for an assault, &c. Verdict, guilty. Sen tence, that defendant pay a line of $5,00 costs of prosecution, and be imprisoned in the county jail for three weeks. Commonwealth. vs. Christopher Here. In dictment for larceny. Verdict, guilty. Sen tenced to pay a fine of $l,OO and the costs of prosecution, and to be imprisoned in the West ern Penitentiary for one year. Commonwealth vs. George Fleming. Indict ment for rescue and obstructing the administra: - tion of jnstice, Verdict, guilty. Fined $lO,OO . and costs of prosecution. Commonwealth is. Henry Helfright. dictmen: for manslaughter. Verdict, not guilty: Commonwealth vs. .Tames Kelly, Thomas O'_ Harry, James Barret, and James Malos4y.— Indictment fora riot. Verdict, all the defen dants guilty except James filalarky. Sentenced' to pay a fine of $5,00 each, and the costa of prosecution. Besides the above, there were a number of bills ignored by - the Grand Jury ; and three surety of Vie peace cases disposed of by the. The Court of Quarter Sessions contin ued the whole week and there was an unusual amount of business disposed of. This week: the Court sit for the purpose of disposing of civil cases on the Argument List. Huntingdon County Medical Cow , vention. Ift,rmaDort, August 14, 1849. Pursuant to previous notice, a meeting of the Physisians of the County of Huntingdon, took, place in the Sold; of Temperance Hall, at :1 o'- clock P. M., for the purpose of organizing at County Medical Society, when Dr. M. Stewart called the meeting to order, atd moved that Dr. John McCullough he called to the chair, which was unanimously agreed to. Dr. H. Orlady then nominated Dr. W. Swoope Vice President, and Dr. Stewart Secretary, which was agreed to. On motion of Dr. Miller, a committee of firs was appointed to nominate regular officers for the year, when Drs. Miller, Orlady, J. P. Dor sey, McVey and Neff; were appointed that com mittee. hiving the absence of the committee, Dr. Stewatt Offered the following preamble and res olfitions, which were unanimously adopted : Whereas; The extension of knowledge upon• all subjects pertaining to the 'healing art, and the improvement of the capacities of those to whose skill and attention the sufferimr, C01111:01- nity is necessarily entrusted, are matters of tho deepest interest to the public—We, therefore, a large portion of the medical faculty of the cowl= ty, believing that these objects may be greatly promo's? by a systematic organization of the members of the profession ; therefore, Resolved, That this Convention new proceed' to the organization of a County Medical Su- ciet y - Resolved, That the name of this society' be the 4, Huntingdon County Medical Society.' On motion of Dr. John P. Dorsey, Re.vetesti, That a Committee of five be appointed to draft a Constitution and Bye-laws for this Society, tn. be reported at the next meeting, which motion was agreed to, and the Chair appointed Dr.'. J. P. Dorsey, H. Orlady, Stewart, Miller and .1. H. Dorsey, said committee. On motion of Dr. McVey, Rssoired that a Committee of three be appointed to draft a Fee Bill, to be reported at the next meeting, agreed to, and Drs. McCiilloch, Laden and Swoope, were appointed said CoMmittee. Dr. Miller, from the Committee to nominate officers for the permanent organization of the Society, reported the following : , President, Dr. JOHN NI'CULLOUGH ; Vice Presidents, Drs. Limas Swoons, Mssszy, Grec. MILL, and Dii.r.ze;; Secretaries Drs. lleudo, ,, son, and Stewart. t ' Treasurer Dr. 11. K. Neff. On motion of 1;r. M. Orlady, the report of' the Committee was unanimously adopted. Dr. 'Alden then moved that Drs. Henderson and Miller be appointed each to deliver an ad dress before this society at its next meeting, which was agreed to. On motion of Dr. 1. P. Dorsey, Rosolred, That this Convention ntfw adjourn to meet at this place, on the first Tuesday of the Novena lber Court, which wi t s agreed to. M. A. HENDERSON . M. STEWART, ' Sec , ye. STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE. The following State Central Committee wa• appointed by the recent State Convention s MORTON MCMICHAEL, (Chairmen.) George H. Hart, James Traquair, thomas W. Duffield, Joshua P. Eyre; Caleb N. Taylor, Sam'l B. Thefts, Nathaniel RifMaker, Isaac Bertolet, Henry D. Maxwell, S. D. Lewis, M. C. Mercur, James Moore, jr. John C. kunkel, Wm. R. Morris, Simon Oyster, M. Swartzweider, Jacob Crisswell, Francis Jordan, John Allison, J. Stewart Riddle ; Sam'l P. Johnson, Wm. T. Sande., Alexander Franklin W. F. Murray, Humphrey (1. Hill, John M. Coleman':