Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 21, 1849, Image 1

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    W 1 Y- ' 4 •
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BY WM. C. nayAsT.
0, deem not they are blessed alone
Whose lives a peaceful tenor keep ;
'Fhb Power who pities man has shown
. -
A blessing for the eyes that weep.
The light of smiles shall fill again
'The eyes that overflow with tears
And Wearylioiirs of we and pain
Are promises of happier years.
There is a day of sunny rest
For every dark and troubled •night ;
And grief may hide an evening guest,
But joy shall come with early light.
.An.l.-tlicat, who o'et thy f rientre , low bier
Shakiest the hitter drops like rain,
Hope that a brighter, happier , sphere,
With giOe him to thy arms again.
Nor let the good man's trust depart, •
Though life its common gifts deny,--
Though with a pierced and broken heart,
And spurned of men, he goes to die.
For God has marked each sorrowing
And numbered e very secret tear ;
For heaven's "rbliss shall pay
For all his children suffer here.
rar, far from the borne of thy young days,
'thy lot calls thed
Front the- looks Of love that girdled round
Thy infancy !"
ALICIA ATIIEIITON was as lovely and,
happy a bride, as ever the sun shone
upon I spirited us maidens arc apt to be,
ere they submit to the taming influen
ces of triatrinony. Affectionate, and
tender withal, and combining in her
character all the elements necessary to
render herself be o?ed, and her hus
band happy; but, alas! she was young,
inexperienced, untamed, and, to'
crown all, tinder the baneful influences
of the honeymoon, which as every body
knows, makes lunatics of most' people.
Frank Atherton was passionately fond
of his witching bride, and as he stood
by her side receiving the affectionate
and tearful adieu of her friends, his
heart swelled with tender, though man
ly. emotions. What a monster I am,"
thought he,." to tear this sweet creature
from 'thosg who have reared her with
Such devoted love. If ever ['cause her
a moment's sorrow, may I wear horns
and a tail like my .fiendish prompter."
weet Alicia," he said, as the car
riage rolledaway, " bow much you have
sacrificed fur mc! Can I ever supply
the place of all you have lost I"
Thy people shall •be my people,"
said the tearful girl, as she was pressed
to her lover-husband's heart.
How blest would Alicia have been,
by the perfect love which environed her,
but for her mour.lful inem,ries of home.
Never before, in any absence,.had her
inind reverted so constantly and sadly
to those she left behind her. Heretofore,
her speedy return, and joyous reception,.
were always in anticipation; but now
she felt ihat the venerated spot was no
longer her home, that hereafter she
5110111 d be
Wang, at her father'3 gate."
"The place therefore sloatill !mop .her
no more," and the initiates mourned her
no lost Id them. l'hese thoughts op=
pressed her heart with a strange nwe,
and she ejaeulated," How much is mar ,
rings like death I"
" B.Etause they Art both tin introdue ,
Lion to tt nett life, Alicia."
However, these impressions wore
away, and her spirit regained its natu•
rat buoyancy.
"Oh, Franl ! what beautiful roses
tire growing among those cliff's," cried
Alicia, on one of their evening rambles.
" ! Mall I gather them for you dear
tst I"
" Oh, no, it is dan,gerous—don't."
But Frank had already scaled the
t.ooks, and the wild roses quivered in
itti grasp.
"How fragrant !" said Alien, when he
had descended, and she reached forth
her hands eagerly.
"No, no, pretty one s I cannot afford
to give. them ; you must pay a price for
every one. This," and he held aloft the
largest bunch, " shall be yours, when
you tell me the sacred secret, you were
never to divulge; not even to your hus
" Give me the roses, Frank ; I told
you all my own secrets long ago, and I
cannot betray those of my friends," and
making a slight spring, she grasped the
flowers. .
Frank hastily drew them away, and
the crushed petals fell in a shower, while
a large thorn lacerated Alicia's hand.
Irritated with the pain, as well as the
destruction of the roses, of which she
was so fond, Alicia exclaimed, "You
unmannerly fellow !" Her face was
flushed and angry, and her beautiful
eyes filled with tears, when.she added,
"You shall kiss the injured hand."
This Frank would have done of his
own accord, as every body knows, had
she waited, but the tone of angry com
mand in which " shall" was uttered,
alarmed his benedictine dignity.
" You must rpersisted the bride, in
a way that showed her heart was set
upon it.
...No, no, my love, I can do no such.
Alicia, shocked by this unfeeling ol:)
duracy, exclaimed, "I shall never kiss
you again, unless you do!"
"How can you be so foolish !!' said
the husband, throwing his arm around
her, and imprinting a kiss on her cheek.
He paused for a reply.
Alicia averted her face, and adhered
to her resolution, and they retiirned .
homeward in silence.
Frank Atherton felt thoroughly un
comfortable, and once or twice it occur
red to him, lie might have complied with
Ater Childish request at first, " but it will
never do to yield now," thought he.
Poor thing, 'her mother taught her
that HI suppose they kiss and cure at
home. What a fool I was, to refuSe her,
and she alone here too, with'no one to
loVe and humor her whims, but her hus
band." Under the influence of these
feelings, when they entered the house,
he clasped her in his arms, told her the
old tale of how he loved her, and im
printed n thousand kisses upon her
chcoli,, neck, and brow. Alicia, true to
her resolve, made no response to these
caresses, but significantly placed upon
his lips the slighted hand.
"Alicia," said he seriously, as ho re
moved it, "it is very wrong for you to
attempt to overcome your husband's
" You are trying to overcome mine."
"You should never have made yours,"
he replied, " and having made it, you
ought to break it."
Begin at the beginning, you should
never have made yours, etc.," persisted
"Come, come, my little wife, you are
struggling for the ascendancy ; beware,
how you entertain the desire of govern
ing your husband, so kiss me, and make
friends,—it is your duty to do so."
Alicia's face was still averted, and
likely to remain so, when Frank seized
his hat and rushed from the house, mut
tering " what an obstinate temper the
girl has ! I'll never give up, I'm deter
mined !"
"My duty," thought she, "oh dear!
I suppose it is ; the awful sentence—
love, honor, and obey," rose up before
her mind, and she burst into a passion
of tears.
Dear reader, " both were young, and
one was" a spoiled child ! What a pity
it is, that the happiest periods of our
lives are clouded by imaginary sorrow.
Childhood—youth—how redolent of
blessings are these seasons, but they
are embalmed in their floods of tears.
Not until they have passed away, for
ever, and the cold iron of reality is rank
ling in our hearts, do we know how blest
we have been. Oh, bring them back I
those vanished years, with their slight
ed pleasures, that we may live them o'er
again. We call in vain ! We have cast
our flowers upon the tide, and they are
swept from our grasp forever. Dry your
eyes, Alicia, and be happy while you
kr. Atherton returned to the parlor,
after the evaporation of hasty passion,
and found Alicia reclining on the sofa,
in a pensive attitude that touched his
heart: He bent over and gazed earnest
ly itilb her eyes. It is very hard to re
treat, after once having taken a certain
stand, and particularly so for the petted
Alicia who had never been required to
yield a point in her life. Ilia she had
resolved, so placing her little hand on
his shoulder, after a moment's hesita
tion, she impressed a kiss upon his
cheek. It was very light and cold, Frank
thought, but it was enough that she had
Yielded. She has since learned to do
so more gracefully.
This edifying scene, was the first of
the series 'of collisions, misunderstand
ings, and heartaches
. which prevailed
during the honey moon. These were
not the result of any want of affection,
or any decided fault on either side.—
They arose frOm the conflicting tastes,
views, and habits which distinguish a
newly married pair, (for people always
admire, and marry their opposites) and
an ignorance of each other's characters
and . prejudices.
One day, Alicia returned from a ..ihop
ping expedition, and passing the parlor
door, she observed a large painting, in
a handsome frame, which had been pla
ced over the mantlopiece during her ab
sence. She had been lamenting the
want of pictures, to complete the ele
gance of her rooms, and gratified by her
husband's ready attention to her wishes,
she drew up the blinds to inspect the
Alicia was a Woman of cultivated taste
and she was somewhat shocked when
the light glared upon the new ornament.
It appeared to be a representation of the
death of Washington. The body lay
ghastly, and exposed, upon its couch,
with the mourning family around; the
distorted. countenance of a negro ser
vant peered from the drapery, while
above hovered the blodtless of Liberty,
with averted face. 'The whole was ex
ecuted with flaming colors, and in a
rude, unformed style. Alicia turned
away in disgust, and encountered the
beaming, happy face of her husband.—
" What do you think of it, love 1 4 4 he
inquired with a delighted nir.
The most wretched daub I ever
saw," she replied.
"The painting is somewhat faulty,"
he said, with a fallen countenance, "but
the design is fine, is it not l Observe
the drooping figure of Liberty, mourn
ing the loss of her champion. It re
mipds me of that noble line—
r And freedom shrieked, when Kosciusko fell.' "
"The artist !las made an odd jumble
of his ideas," responded Alicia, mis
chieviously, " and .I can't decide wheth
er the Goddess of Liberty weeps over
the dead General, in the bed, or living
slave, who appears to be wipii.g his nose
on the curtains."
" Alicia !" •
" Do ring for John to take it down; I
shall die of mortification if any one
shmild see such a blot upon your walls."
"You are unreasonable," said Frank.
"I placed the picture there, .intending
it to remain, and I perceive no reason
for changing my determination."
"Then 1 would advise you, nt a ven
ture, to frame the first tavern sign you
meet, as a companion-piece," she sug
gested with mirthful raillery.
Frank swallowed his rising wrath,
and remonstrated : " It's n very impres
sive picture."
"Nothing can be more so than a death
scene, adorning the walls of a parlor,"
said she,l with an expression of irony.
" I think if you place a death's head
amid the bijouterie of the centre-table,
I shall be kept in salutary remembrance
of my end."
.4 Alicia, you have neither sense or
feeling !" exclaimed the incensed hus
She opened her eyes with wonder, for
she had spoken in good humored deris
ion of the picture, expecting him to be
amused, not offended.
"'Then I make a sorry wife for a gen
tleman so distinguished for taste and
politeness," retorted Alicia, as with a
courtesy, she left the room.
She flew to her chamber, and indul
ged in a paroxysm of tears. She was
stung—mortified—miserable. "Is it
possible he thinks so badly of me 1 and
he is my husband, bound for life to me,
whom he believes to be destitute alike
of sense and feeling? Oh, is there no
escape 1" Alicia at that moment would
have given worlds to be free. 'All their
little variances arose before her mind,
and she felt that they were unsuited to
each other. "I have not made him hap
py, and yet, how 1 have loved him !"
was her exclamation, and her tears burst
forth with redoubled bitterness, until
exhausted with weeping,, she fell asleep.
When Alicia awoke, her head ached
violently, but she determided to dress,
and go out. Her home and husband
were almost hateful to her, and she felt
a desire to fly from both. Her toilette
was just completed, when a friend was
.1 I have come," said Mrs. Lester,
who lived several miles in the country,
t , at mamma's instigation to spirit you
away. We are to have a deal.of gaiety
at Woodlands, this week, owing to a
brace of birth-days, and you must
not refuso to aid in the celebrations.—
Will not Mr. Atherton resign you to our
care for a week V'
" Gladly," answered Alicia, " as glad
ly as I will come," and she flew up
stairs to Make the necessary prepara
tions. While her maid packed her
trunk, she indited a brief note to her
husband; informing him of her plans,
and telling him he need not come for her
as Mrs. Lester would drive her to town
when she desired to return. These frigid
lines, so unlike the usual outpourings of
Alicia's affectionate heart, Frank Ather
ton still preserves, in memory of this
The young wife was far from happy,
amid the gaiety of Woodlands,
for the
unhandsome remark of her husband
rankled, a poisoned dagger in her heart.
She was both proud and sensitive, and
she felt herself to be an insulted woman,
as well as un injured wife. " Neither
sense or feeling !' how dared he say so,
to any lady 1 how could he bay so to her
who had lavished the richest treasures
of her heart on him 1" She had been
so absorbed in her lacerated feelings,
that it now struck her for the first time,
how singular was his admiration of, the
odious picture. Although not a aoimois-
sour; he was not deficient in judgment
in such matters; and she remembered
hearing him comment upon works of art
with taste and discrimination. Alicia
was satisfied there must have been some
hidden feeling, which induced him to
turn thus cruelly upon her, and that re
flection awakened a jealousy of the
motive that could overpower his regard
for his wife. Absorbed io these• mu
sings, uhe did not observe the approach
of George Lester, laden with midsum
mer flowers, which he was distributing
among the ladies.
"Mrs. Atherton," said he, mischiev
ously, " will you wear this sombre flow
er R It is called the Mourning Bride."'
The blossom was all eady in her hand,
and she colored at this hint of her hav
ing betrayed the troubled state of her
"Fie, George! what a selection' I
suppose you will offer grand-ma an or
ange-blossom," said Mrs. Lester, as she
disengaged a rose-bud and some hearts
ease from his boquet and handed them
to her guest. " Never mind, my love,"
she added, in an undertone, "you will
feel happier when the bride has waned
into the wife."
Alicia was startled to find that Mrs.
Lester understood and sympathised with
:her, and she raised her blue eyes tear
fully to the speaker.
"Because,' said Mrs. Lester, in an
swer to her look of inquiry, "you will
then understand all the puzzling ins
and outs of your respective characters,
and assimilate your tastes and habits."
"But I thought the first year of mar
ried life was always the happiest," with
a smile at her naive confession.
"Tout au contraire," exclaimed Mrs.
Lester, "as I discovered to my sorrow !
Last evening when George attempted
to accompany you in one of those duets
which you sing so charmingly with Mr.
Atherton, he was obliged to desist, ow.
ing to the want of harmony in your
voices. A little practice would obviate
all that, and your tones would soon har
monize. Matrimony is a duet, in which
there is apt to be some discord, until the
characters modulate themselves to each
Aliciaj9oked around with a smile at
this cotrigarison, and encountered the
eyes of her husband, who had that mo
ment arrived, fixed steadily upon her.
She returned his bow with politeness,
and continued conversing with her host
ess. Mr. Atherton advanced and Was
received with much cordiality by Mrs.
and the young gentlemen, with
whom he was a favorite, gathered round
to welcome him. The conversation be.
came general, at 'which Alicia rejoiced,
for she dreaded a tete-a-tote meeting al•
ter having parted in such displeasure.
Frank, on the contrary, was eager to
see his wife alone, for their short sepa
ration had awakened all his tenderness,
but he found no opportunity for a auto
voce expression of his desire, and as he
could not catch her eye, his freemason
ryof significant glances was unavailing.
Presently lie was interested in a discus
sion between two gentlemen near, and
when he looked around for Alicia, she I I
was gone. • .
"She is in the grotinds with Eliza
beth," snid Mrs. Lester, in answer to
his inquiry, "shall we not follow them?"
nAtherton offered his arm to the la
dy, and they were not long in finding
the fugittves, in a rural temple, half hid
den by the shrubbery. After a few mo
ments, Mrs. Lester judiciously withdrew
her daughter, and Alicia found herself
alone with her husband, feoling as awk
ward ns a mouse cornered by grimalkin.
“My wife, will you not forgive mel''
. .
In the bitterness of her resentment,
she had thought she never could forgiVe
him, but at the first word of tenderness
and repentance, 'the barrier Which pride
had reared, gave way, and like many n
more injured woman, she threw herself
into his outstretched arms and wept.
"Frank," said she, lifting her dewy
face--"neither sense or feeling! Oh,
why did you marry mei"
"Because I loved you, my own ! but
not half so well as Ido now. lam irri
table, hasty, impetuous, but cannot my
wife bear with met"
"And I am irritating end—"
. "You are all that a woman should be,
Alicia, but I fear that 1 have not half un
derstood you. Neither have you entire
ly understood me, dearest, and it is meet
that we should open our hearts more
'fully to each other. First, let me ex
plain the cause of my unpardonable
rudeness to you. When I was a boy 1
had a dearly loved brother, who was
two years younger than myself. Ho
was a child of wonderful loveliness, and
precocious genius, which were enough
alone to love him for, but he had a more
melancholy claim upon our sympathies
and affection, being the prey of a hope
less disease. I remember looking upon
my gentle playmate with affectionate
reverence, and realizing as 1 gazed,
0 r
• ettt
that , Of sttlt is the kingdOm oeheaven,!
--so angel like were his looks and
ways. •
"We grew together, side by side,
And filled our home with glee."
until he had attained his fourteenth
year, when he died. This event had
been for a long time expected by the
sufferer, and those who loved him,
he had endeavored to leave behind him
mementos for each of the family. These
consisted of drawings, and paintings in
oil, in the execution of which he evinced
extraordinary taste and
,skill. 1 was
the youngest of the family. The near
est his own ago, as well as the dearest
to his heart, and the most important of
these paintings was designed for me,
and is the same you so unmercifully rid
iculed. To its completion, he devoted
the failing energies of life, and it has
always been hallowed to my heart by
these associations. Judge, if you can,
of my feeling s when I heard you--you,
my beloved Alicia, with whom 1 had
hoped to share my admiration and re
grets, speak of that sacred memento in
terms of levity and disgust. Forgive
me, if I thought you heartless!"
Alicia hid her face in her hands--
"Oh, Frank, why did you not tell me
this beforel"
"Although it has often been on my
miad, we were always too merry, or too
happy, to turn to a reminiscence so sa
cred and so sad."
"flow shall I ever forgive myself for
the pain I have caused you, or the injus
tice I have done your brother ! The
painting is certainly an extraordinary
production for a young and self-taught
"So experienced judges have pro , .
nounced. But one confession more,
Alicia. lam not proof against your sa
tire, and are yot not sometimes mali.
"Oh, Frank ! I hope not. I have a
buoyant, happy heart, and a lively fan
cy, that lead me into a thousand extra.
vagances, when I should be walking de
murely by your side ; and then, 1 have
an inconvenient perception of the ridic
ulous, but believe me, I speak in mirth ;
not in malice."
"But, are you not thoughtless some
"Oh, yes ! and young and foolish,
with a dozen more such faults as you
and 1 could name, but time will correct
them all, and 1 dare say you will pro
nounce me perfect some day."
Time did its work, in accordance with
this careless prophecy, and the spirited
and lively girl was moulded into a sen
sible and feeling woman, realizing the
ideal of perfection in her husband's
A PAINFUL SIGIIT.—To see young men
lounging about month after mounth, nei
ther working nor desiring to work :
while—perhaps—poor parents are toil
ing from morning till night, to support
and save them from a disgrace which
their own thoughtlessness and laziness
is fast bringing upon them. But how
many such sights are to bo seen in every
community 1 How, many are found who
have not that sense of shame, which is
necessary to force them off the lounger's
seat ; but enough of that false pride
which will not allow them to take hold
of employment if it does not happen to
be genteel and profitable ! Alas the
fate of such is sealed : they will go
down to the gravo unpitled, unmourned
and soon to be forgotten by all.
Look AT HOME.—A clergyman had
two daughters, who were much too fond
of dress, which was a great grief to him.
He had often reproved them in vain ;
and preaching one Sabbath on the sin
of pride, he took occasion to notice,
among other things, pride of dress:
After speaking some considerable
length of time on this subject, he sud ,
denly stopped short and said, with much
feeling and expression, you will
say look tit home." My good friends,
I do look at home till my heart aches."
CHEERiNG THOUGHT.—Sound instruc
tion is like a small stone thrown into
the water ; it sinks to the bottom and
disappears, but when it struck the sur
face, it raised a wave; this again pro
duced another wave, till the whole was
in agitation. This thought may often
cheer the mind, in seasons when all
looks dark ; and though for the present
the work may not be "joyous but grie
vous," yet afterward the most trying
parts of the discipline may be those
which will call for the deepest thankful
"WELL, GEORGE," asked a friend of a
young lawyer who had been admitted
about a year, "how do you like your new
profession '1" The reply was :mom.
paled by a brief sigh suitable to the
occasion: "My profession is mich bet
ter than my practice."
VOL, XIV, NO. 32
Anonymous Letter-Writing.
We heartily subscribe to the remark
of the Inquirer upon the base and cow
ardly practise of sending anonymoue
letters to-individuals. None but a cra
ven of the meanest stamp would be guil
ty ofssu despicable an act:
"jnanymout lec/e~-writtng is neatly
us bad as murder." This is strong
gouge, but we really believe that in some
cases this 'enawrirdly system of insult and
annoyance has produced anxiety, illness
and death. 11 . e can conceive of nothing
more atrocious than for an individual to
sit down, cooly and deliberately, and
inflict a stab upon the peace or repute=
tion of another, from behind a mask.
We speak thus strongly / because wd
believe that many persons foolithly in ,
dulge in this vice, this crime, without
an adequate conception of its enormity.
Tney mistake for jest what is in reality.
malice. They attempt to deceive them ,
selvs into the belief that they are only
indulging a propensity for humor, when
in fact they are giving vent to malignant
and vindictive feelings. Years ago, wo
heard of a case in which a gentleman
of this city was devotedly attached to
his wife, who was as pure and faithful a
woman as ever breathed. A happier
couple could not be found in society.
'l heir very harmony of soul and of sen
timent annoyed some of the envious and
malignant, Or at least one of them, and
an anonymous letter, artfully written,
and insidiously assailing the conduct of
the trife,before marriage, was addres
sed to t he confiding husband. He be=
hewed the allegations to be vile and
slanderous, and yet such wits his nature
that he Was annoyed, inflamed, mad
dened. He exhibited the dastardly epis
tle to the wife, and she, although entir
ely innocent, was unable wholly to con
vince her husband. The wound thus
inflicted by a concealed hand rankled—
distrust was caused—unkindness and
inattention followed , --and finally a imp.
artion was determined upon. And all
from an infamous anonymous letter !
What punishment too severe could be
accorded to the author of such cowardly
In that expression of kindness how
sweet and soothing a sentiment is con
veyed. The toils of the day are over;
the fervent heat of noon is past, the
pursuit after gain is suspended, and
mankind sink into the arms of sleep, a
temporary asylum from the care of mind
and inovation of body. Etten from guilt
beneficient nature withholds not the sol
ace of repose, and passing through the
"ivory gates of dreams," the days of
happiness, in shadowy glory, appear
before the soul: Insupportable, indeed,
would be the heavy tribulation, on our
pilgrimage throught life ,we must en
dare3 were it not for these intermittent
seasons of rest which it is alike the
privilege of the houseless wanderer,
and the placed lord to enjoy. And
night, gentle night, is the tender nurse
that woes the foil-exhausted frame to
steep its cares in forgetfulness. The
wise provision of nature indicate the
season for repose ; and her beneficient
laws are reverenced and obeyed by all
save the being by whose comfort and
hapiness they are cheifly promulgated.
' When the sun withdraws from the heav
ens, and earth is shrouded in darkness,
the labors of insect industry cease; the
flowers close their petals, defended from
the chilling dews of evening, and that
sweet watchman of the grove, the night
ingale, trills forth in varied cadences,
the parting song, "good night," Cyn
thia, and her glittering train of stars,
robed in the grandeur of eternal light,
come forth and hover above the earth,
and its children, like fair and holy spir
its, keeping vigils over mortal sleepers,
and preserving them from the influence
of the powers of darkness.
ator Atchinson, in a late speech against
Col. Benton,, in Missouri; is reported to
have said, and to have repented with
emphatic vehemence that, "he would ra
ther seethe Union split into as many frag
ments as there are counties in the Union,
than that the Wilmot Proviso should
ever be passed by Congress!" Will Free
soilism absorb that I
MAN whose delight is in gold
only will part with everything he has
in exchange for the precious stuff
AN EXCHANGE speaks of a lady who
entered her carriage, with so much pow-
der on her face, that she blew up the
A skeptical young man one day con
versing with the celebrated Dr. Parr,
observed that he would believe nothing
which he could not understand• "Then
young man, your creed will be the shor
test of any man's I know." ••