Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 14, 1849, Image 3

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    From the North American .
Arrival of the bteamer America.
Tenton Arrr Ovvici:, Sr. Jolty, N. B. j
Tuesday night Ang.7-12 o'clock.
The steamship America, Capt. Harrison, from
-Liverpool; July 28, arrived at Hallifax at about
12 o'clock this morning, 53 through passengers,
-and advicas from Paris to the 26th and London
paperS 'of the 27th ult.
The America will be duo at her wharf at a
late hour on Thursday afternoon.
Austria and Hungary.
It is difficult to decide intelligibly the milita
ry operations of the contending armies, as all
the•accounts from Vienna to the 21st tilt. are
exceedingly confused and contradictory. It is
admitted on all hands, however, that the treach
erous Ban of Crotia, Jellachich, has been com
pletely ,defeated by: the Magyars, under Bem.
It appears that Bern grossed the Fratie canal at
the head of 50,000 men, took the encampment
Of the croata by storm, and after a series of con
flicts, which lasted four days, compelled the
Imperialists to raise the scige of Peterwardein
and to evacuate the Baiska. The troops of the
Ban, dispirited by the defeat, and diminished
by sickness, can make no head against those who
have marched to.the South; and the imperialists
fear that he will enter Servia and Vonia. The
Ban has been driven over the Danube into Ser
via, and the Servian chief Kaickanim has been
forced to leave his poaltion at Litiz. Gen. Hay
nau has gone. With the third division to the sup
port of the 'Ban. Bern has entered Tyomber
amidit the acclamations of the people at the
head of 100,000 men.
NOR:AWL-From a Bulletin by Prince Paskie
witch, published in the Weiner Zeitung, we
have his version of a sharp action,which occur
red on the 17th, at or near Weitzen, between
Gen. Georgey and the Austrian Generals Sass
and Ramberg. The bulletin states that on the
15th the Hungarian army marched against
Waitzen, which was then occupied by the Rus
sian right, which according to former orders,
fell back as the. enemy adVanced. At night Gen.
George) , had occupied a strong position before
Waitzcn. His army was estimated at 44,000
men, with 120 pieces of artillery. He was at
pnce attacked by the advanced guard of the
Russians tinder Gen. Sass, but his powerful ar
tillery foiled all attempts that were made to
dislodge him. The cannonade on either side
Was very severe, and the Hungarian cavalry
executed several violent charges upon the Rus
sians on the poet.
On the 10th the main body of the Russian ar
my was brought up, and on the 17th the Rus
sians attacked Waltzes, and notwithstanding a
desperate resistence, the Hungarians were com
pelled to evacuate the town, with the loss of
two standards, two cannon, and 500 prisoners.
In the course of the pursuit it was found that
only the rear guard of the Hungarians had been
engaged, and their main army had marched to
the North. Gen. Rudiger, with his cavalry,
Was despatched in pursuit.
This is the substance of the bulletin, which a
Correspondent of the London Times qualifies, by
stating that it should be read with very great
distrust, or be looked Upon as the production of
Very disastrous news:
From private accounts it Will appear that
Sass had abandoned Waitzcn on the 15th, and
that General Georgey marched along the left
bank of the river, and tdok up a Strong position
near Waitron. At this junction Gen. Dembin
ski's army of 40,000 man, which had been slow
ly edging away from the mining disirict, came
down upon Gen. Saes, who was compelled to
retreat to the Duna Kelph, midway between
%Vaitzen and Pesth.
iii:AT;stritinilonerat Ramberg hearing at
Pesth of the defeat of the Russians, left that
tity and hastenel to their support, and succeed
ed in stopping the progress of Dembinski's ar
my, while he eventually fell back upon Wait-
Zen. The body of the Russian army meanwhile
canto from Rambus, and its strength was brought
to bear upon the Hungarian. flank and rear, by
whiith means on the 17th inst. n great battle
took place, which ended in the defeat of Dem
binski's army, while Georgey had taken his
troops to the North and not to Comorn, as .was
generally believed. It is thought Gen. Ueor
gey will turn off to the east and march p) Kay.
The Austrian Commander-in,chief had ad
vanced with his main army to Pesth, leaving
the main division in the Island of Huhn, and the
division of Gen. Grabbe and Schlick, arc on
either side of the Datitibe, to lay siege to the
fortress of Comorn.
A very large and most enthusiastic
meeting has been holden in London tav
ern, to express public sympathy with
the efforts being made by the Hungari
ans for the achievment of their indepen
dence, and to urge upon the English
ministry the recognition of the de fdcto
It is Mentioned as a significant fact,
that a Quaker moved the first resolution
which would go to provo that the friends
of Hungary are appreciated extremely,
when they overcome in a member of the
Pollee Society something like an abhor
rence of war. This feeling was strik
ingly certified by the meeting, when
some of the speakers, instead of mincing
expresions of sympathy, boldly propo
sed to aid the Hungarians by the taking
Up of arms against Austria. The whole
assemblage, packed together to suffoca
tion, rose as one man, and never, to use
the well remembered expressing of By
ron, was the "yell of war" in London
tavern shouted more vehemently. The
petition agreed to by the meeting has
been laid before Parliament, and elicited
nn interesting debate upon the affairs of
Hungary. Lord Palmerston demonstra ,
ted the improbability of the Goverment
interfering, except by using the bellige
rents for their own interests.
The Sardinians, with, perhaps, a view
to favor the Hungarians, have been de
taining from day to day the execution
of the treaty of peace with Austria,
whereby a large body of the Austrian
fortes have been compelled to remain
in Lombardy, whilst they might be ad
yantageously employed in Hungary.
IltuCe.Sahwarzenbetg has sent into Sar
dinia a peremptory demand to sign the
treaty of peace in four days, or other-
Wise ,the war will be renewed.
This . sudden step. has agitated the
French and English cabinets, and com
plicates the .pending dispute. The
King of Sardinia in his difficulty has, it
is said appealed to the President of
Franco to arrange the existing difficul
ties with Austria. There is a report
from Paris, said to be formed on a tele
graph despatch to the Preach govern
ment, that the Sardinians hirtro finally
accepted the terms imposed by Austria.
The report, however, is bet fully cred
VENICE.—The prolonged resistance
of Venice says the Times, whose glori
ous defence against an overwhelming
force has added another page of imperi
shable splendor to her history—has
shown the world that the ancient city of
Italy has not departed forever.
The committee on the question bf the
prorogation of the Assembly, recommen
ded that it should adjourn from the 13th
of Aug to the 30th of Sept. and that in
the meantime a Court of 25 should be
constituted to be chosen by ballot.
Serious divisions exist in the ranks
of a majority of the Legislative Assem
bly, and the Legitimatists have deter
mined to recede front the ranks of the
Bonapartists, and form a separate party.
The articles which have of late appear
ed in the Legitamists' organs show, it
is said a tendency to separate factions
on the part of the Due d'Bordeaux, and
would seem to be a token of the existence
of an extensively organized legitimatise
It is announced that the troops who
had received orders to embark for Italy,
who had been countermanded after the
announcement of the surrender of Rome
are now to be embarked for their origi
nal destinations.
BADEN.—The French goverment have
received a telegraph despatch, dated Ba
den on the afternoon of the 23d, annon
cing the surrender of the fortress of Ras
tady on that day. ' •
The Prince of Piussia had entered
Rastadt at the head of two regiments.
Under the military rule of Gen. Oud
inott, order and general tranquility pre
vails at Rome. All public acts, are ren
dered in the name of the Pope. His
Holiness still continues at Gaeta, but
beyond the fact that he will remain
there until the accouchment of the Queen
of Naples, nothing seems known. It
is said he will afterwards proceed to
Rome in the full possession of both tem
poral and spiritual authority, and that
the priesthood around him having learn
ed nothing from him regarding their
past misfortunes, resolutely refuse all
concessions to the popular party.
It is not stated how the French army
is to be paid, but it is reported that Rus
sia has agreed to lend his Holiness 10,
000,000, without interest, the principal
to be paid at the rate of half a rnilios
The American Consul at Rome had
not resumed his functions since the out
rage committed on his place and family
by the French soldiers. The Consul
after strongly protesting against the in
dignity withdrew.
arabaldi was at Owieta on the 17th,
and levied a tribute of 2000 pounds on
the inhabitants, after which he took up
a position iii the neighborhood of Ficola.
The people were collecting in differ
ent' parts of the country and forming
bands of armed men, With the design of
joining Garibaldi.
Kossuth;s Appeal to the Hungarian
The following is the substance of Kos-
Suth's last appeal to the Hungarian
peoble furnished by our Frankfort corre
spondent. It will give some idea of the
character the war is likely to assume :
Our Fiitherlanil is in danger ! Citi
zens ! to arms ! to arms!
If we thought ourselves able by ordi
nary means to save the country, ive
would not cry out it is in danger. If
we were at the head of a cowardly, child
ish nation, ready rather to fall than de
fend itself, We would not order the alarm
bells to ring though the whole land.—
But as we know that the people of our
country are a manly race, resolved to
defend themselves to the last against
Godless oppiession, we lay all unworthy
concealment of our position aside, and
call out openly, that the country is in
dariger! Because we know that the
people are able to defend themselires and
the country, we lay mien the danger in
all its magnitude, calling upon every
citizen in the name of God's country,
too look it in the face, and seize arms
too meet it.
We will neither flatter nor discourage,
but we &Clare openly that unless the
whole nation rise up to defend itself to
the.last drop of its blood, all the noble
blood already shed is in vain, and our
country will fall, the Russian knout then
ruling over an enSiakred people, on the
ground, where the ashes of our ances
tors repose.
We therefore ; here, in fulfilment of
our duty, communicate to all the inhab
itants of Hungary, that the Austrian
Emperor has let loose upon us the bar
barous hordes of Russia, that a Russian
army of 46,000 men has broken into our
country from Gallicia, and marches con
tinually forward, that Russian forces
have also entered Transylvania, against
whom our troops are struggling, and
that finally, although our fall would be
followed by the enslavement of the peo
ple in all Europe, we can expect no
foreign assistance, as the people that
sympathize with us are kept down by
their rulers, mid gaze only in dumb sil
ence on our 'stugglc.
We have nothing to rest our hopes
upon but a righteous God and our own
force. If we do not use our own rorce,
God will also forsake us.
Hungary's struggle is no longer our
struggle alone. It is the struggle of pop
ular freedom against tyranny. Our vic
tory is the victory of freedom, our fall is
the fall offreedoin. God hits' chosen us to
fret thenatioae from bodily servitude. In
the wake of our victory will follow liberty
to the Italians, Germans, Creches, Poles
Wallachians, Sclavonians Servians, and
Croatians. With our fall goes down
the star of freedom over all,
i'eaple of Hungary ! will you die
under the exterminating sword. of the
savage Russians 1 if not, defend your
selves Will you look on while the
Cossacks of the far north tread under
foot the bodies of your fathers, mothers,
wives and children if not, defend your
selves I
Will you see a pert of your fellow
sitizens sent to the wilds of Siberia,
made to serve in the wars of tyrants, or
bleed under the murderous knout 4 if
not, defend yourselves!
Will you behold your villages in
flames, and your harvest destroydon
Will you die of hunger on the land which
your sweat has made fertilel if not, then
defend yourselvs !
We, the freely elected government of
Hungary, call upon the people in the
name of God and the Country, to rise up
in arms, ordering, in virtue of our pow
ers and duty ; --a general crusade or the
people against the enemy, to be declared
from every pulpit, and from every town
house of the country, and made known
by the continual ringing of bells ; every
healthy man under 4.8 years of age to
take arms, whatever he can get hold of,
lan axe, scythe or hook, if no better to
be had ; notice to be given of the ap
proach of the enemy by the ringing of
bells, and that preparation be made to
resist or harrass him, but particularly to
destroy all forage and food, quitting and
setting fire even to the villages ;—the
priest to seize the cross, and lead the
people in the name of religion and lib
One great effort only is necessary,
and the country is forever saved.
We have indeed an army, which num
bers about 200,000 determined men, but
the struggle is no hangar one between
two hostile camps ; it is the struggle of
tyranny against freedom, of barbarism
against all free nations. Therefore
must nll the people seize arms and sup
port the army, that thus united the vic
tory of freedom for Europe may be won.
Fly then united with the army to arms,
every citizen of the land, and the victo
ry is sure!
BUDA PESTI!, June 27, 1847.
Kossuni, Governor.
Information Wanted.
THE undersigned, sister of MURPHY o'.
coNNoR, is very anxious to receive in
telligence of him. Ho is from Hendon, County
of Cork, Ireland, is about 16 years of ago, and
left Liverpool about the lot ofJune last, in com
pany with Mrs. Murphy, wife of Jno3furphy,on
board the ship Beach•Meckenor, Copt Hughes.
Any one who knows of the arrival of this boy
in this country, will greatly oblige his anxious
sister by sending information to her at Hunting
don, Huntingdon county. Pa.
August 14,1849.
t Cyl'ho New York Tr ibuno will greatly oblige
a poor woman by giving tho above on insertion.
Highly Important !
TE latest and most important news we have
1 to communicate this week is the arrival this
Morning of a rich and superior assortment of
Watches, Jewelry, &c., at
Scott's Jewelry Store.
Citizens and strangols aro respectfully invited to
call and satisfy themselves that this Is Tun PLACE
to purchase a good watch or any other article in
his line on tho most reasonable terms.
August 14, 1849.
'rlie Misses Pinneo.
rpHIS is a select Family Boarding and Day
School; Chambersburg affording a most de
location•for the purpose of such an insti
The Principals design that its advantages, Lit
erary, Moral, and Religious, shall be of the high
est order, and no efforts shall he spared to make
them at least equal to those of any other, either
in city or country.
A new term will commence upon the Ist of
September, and applications for admission, or
for any further information, mo y be made to the
Misses Pinneo at their residence, or to any of the
gentlemen composing the Board of Trus'ees ; or
to John G. Miles, Esq., John Scott, Esq., Hun
August 14, 1849.
Strayed or Stoleti.
OTRAYED or stolen from the undersigned re
-10 Aiding in Union township, near Venderan.
der's Bridge, about the 23d of July, a BAY
MARE, between 7 and 9 years old—middle sine
—the mane between tho earn where tho forestall
crosses the head in cut off, —no other marks t ()-
collected. A reasonable reward will be given to
any person who win deliver said mare to the
subscriber, or give any information that may lead
to her recovery.
coitaA W. HAMP§ON.
August 14,1849,
ri j IGHT MALE TEACHERS wonted to
II to take charge of the Common Schools in
Walker township, Huntingdon county. Corn.
petent teachers will be employed for the space of
five or six months, to commence the Ilmt day of
Septenibet 1849. Proposals may he sent in itn
ntediately to the undersigned, residihg in Mc-
Connelistown, Huntingdon county .
President Board of School Direct rd
August 14, 1849.
.N'o. 119 Spruce St. below sth,
CIONSTANT.f,Y ON lIAND o largo mart.
ment ot'eupe•ior
Walnut ant: Mahogony Furniture,
manufactured in ihe best manner, of modern
style and at moderate prices, embracing
Sofas, Parlor Chairs.
Wardrobes, Rocking Chairs,
Dressing Bureaus, Tete•a•tries,
French Bedsteads, Centre and Pier Tables.
High Post Bedsteads, Wash Stands;
Hat Racks, Secretaries,
Extension Tables, are., &c.
. _
Every article is made of the best material and
workmanship, end warranted ,
Phi!dn . °, Aug 14, 1849.-Iy.
cOAII goods bought at this establishment
packed under the immediate superintendeke of
the proprietors, and sent free of charge to any
part .f the city.
P 111 P r LAW IM.
NOTICE is hereby given that the Pamphlet
Lawa of the late session of the Penney Iva
nta Legislature have been received at this office,
and are ready ler delivery to persons who aro
by law entitled to receive then,.
THEO. H. °HEMET?, Proth'y,
PRornosoTAne. OFFICE,
Huntingdon, Aug. 14, 1949.
Latest,Best and Cheapest.
H. K. NEM.' & BRO. ha'e just received from
New Yurk & Philadelphia, the best assortment
of Watches and Jewelry ever offered for sale in
this place, and are determined to sell cheaper
than can be purchased ersowliere.
August 7,1849.
OvviNG to the large number of causes in the
Criminal Courts, and the consequent proba
bility that none of the causes on the Civil.. Mal.
can be tried, it has been deemed advisable by
those interested to continue all the causes on the
civil. list. Parties and witnesses interested in
any eivil, causes are therefore notified not to at
tendat the August Court.
The Grand and Traverse Jurors will
notified on tho second Monday (first is eek of
Court,)of August, for the trial of the criminal
The Jurors summoned for the third Monday
(second week of Court) of August, are hereby
notified not to attend. As there will be no civil
causes tried their attendance will not be neceeea•
ry. M. CROWNOVER, tiheriff.
nuntingdon,July 24, 1819.
Corner Olulberry and 3fontgornery - Sts
WM. REYNOLDS, Jr., would respectfully
announce to the citizens of Huntingdon
and elsewhere, that he continues to devo'e his
whole time and attention to rendering all com
fortable who may favor the above house with their
custom. His house is located in the most busi
ness part of Hollidaysburg, and his long expe
rience in the business warrants him in saying
that his accommodations cannot be surpassed by
any other house in the interior of the State.
!-lacks can be had at all times for Bedford
Springs at the Exchange Hotel I Y p
July 24, 1849-31.
KI A Tc ws
FOR Razors, Surgical Instruments, and all
fine Cutlery, warranted to produce a tine
smooth edge in one minute or the money re.
turned.GEO. GWIN,
_ .
Sole Agent for Hunntingdon, Pa.
July 17, 1810.3 m.
N. B. One or two good travelling agents
wanted. Active and enterprising men can make
from three to five dollars per day. Address C.
HATCH, Harrisburg, Pa.
Estate of George He fright, late of Ilun ,
tin don borough, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given, that letters, Testa
mentary on said estate, have been granted to
the undersigned. All persons knowing them
selves indebted will please make payment imme
diately, and those having demands apinst the
same, will present them, duly authenticated, for
settlement. DAVID SNARE,
July 17, 1849—Gt. Execrator.
A GOOD assortment of well finished Saddles
Li now on hand and for sale at the Saddle and
Harness Manufactory of Win, Glasgow, oppo
site the Post Office, Huntingdon.
Huntingdon, Awing 7, 1849.
EAMINE your policies granted by the 14-
X coming County Mutual Insurance Compa
ny. A number have already expired, and
number will expire this'and the next Month.—
In all such cases application should at once be
made to the Agent. Policies will be renewed
for five years longer at one half of the first cos!
—prvided no alterations have been made to en
danger the risk by fire.
No Company in Pennsylvania has been more
prompt and punctual to pay losses by fire. This
Company has the means to meet any amount of
loose. that may be sustained hp fire.
Huntingdon, August 7,1849.
.Ailininistratoes Notice. . .
Estate of .MCOB ./IF RIC late of
the borough of Huntingdon, dec'd.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad.
ministration on said estate have been grent
ed to the undersigned. All persons Indebted to
said estato are rocitrestbil to make immediate pay.
moot, and those having elainis ur dente ids against
the, same to present theist duly authenticated for
settlement to W. S. AFItICA,
July 17,1846-.44. Administraiors.
Watches! Watches! !
HE suiTsiiiixTrTa; just received from Ph i la
-1 dolphin, another choico lot of GOLD AND
SILVER WATCHES, which makes his assort
ment again complete. If you want d good watch
at the very lowest pricu,now is your time.
July 17, 1849. J.'l'. SCOTT.
Executors' Notide,
Estate of WILLI.dif ROBERTS tate
of West township, dec'd.
NOTICE is hereby given that letteritestainen
tary have been granted to the undersigned ontho
estate of William Roberts, late of West
township, deceased. Persons knowing theinselveS
indebted will come forwardand make paymentian
all those having claims will present them duly a it
thunticated foriettlemen I.
July 10, 1849.] Executor,
rtrinad Sawa
Of Valuable Real Estate,
rplIE subscribers will sell at Public
1 Sale, on the preniiises,,oa
Monday the 2701 day of Ilugust, 18 , 19,
All that valuable. Real Estate situate in
Barree township, Huntingdon county,
about seven miles from the Penn'a canal,
and Ceiitral Railroad, and on the main
Read leading from Petersburg to Pine
Grove, containing about
700 Scrcs Lintesibue Land,
and about 400 acresof which are cleared,
arid in a good state of cultivation, the
woodland being all first rate Timber
Land and heavily timbered ; and there
is an excellent scite for a Saw Mill, on
a never failing stream. There are erec
ted on the said Land two houses and
two barns, small, but in a tolerable state
of repair.
The above Tract of Land will be divi
ded into two, three, or more parts, and
sold separately ; or it will be sold alto
gether, as will best suit those desiring
to purchase.
The Terms shall be made so as to suit
purchasers, and will be definitely made
known on the day of sale. An indispu
table title will be given.
Any further information can be had
by applying to either of the undersigned.
June 19, 1849—ts.
agent for the sale of Southwdi•th None.
factutihg Co's Irriting Papers.
Whorehouse No. 3 1 , 31 - nor St
lbb cases of the above superior Papers now in
ktoro, and fur sale to the trade at the lowest
market prices, consisting in pint of—
Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, 14, 15, and 16 lbs..
blie and white.
Superfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue
and white.
Extra super and superfine Folio Posts, blue and
white. plain and ruled.
Superfine Commercial Posts, blue and white,
plain and ruled.
Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain and
Supetfb to and fine Dill Papers, long and broad.
Superfine and line Counting-Hours Cops and
Posts, blue and white.
Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, plain
and ruled, blue and white.
Extra super Congress Caps and Lottery, gilt.
Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts.
Superfine blue linen thin Letters.
Extra super Bath Poste, blue end white, plain
and ruled.
Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes.
"Lawyer's" Brief Papers.
Superfine and line °rips and Posts, rued and
plain, blue and white, various qualities and pri
Also, 1000 roams white and assorted Shoe Pa
pers, Bonnet Boards, white and assorted Tissue,
Tea, WI upping, Envelope, assorted end blue Me
diums, Cap wrappers, Hardware Papers, &c.
July 10, 1340.-6 m.
COMMISSiOII Merchants,
01B31:011 warnitio
reds, Uegaps, Re.
.No. 11 Walnut Street,
Consignments of Western arid Sotithern
Produce solicited.,DD
Juno 12, Iq-19.
E.state of .111ARTIN , PUNIC, late of IVar
rio,emtrk townsitip, dec'd.
NOTICE is herebygiven thalLetters of Admit,.
istration on the estate of Maittn Funk,
Into of Warriormark twp., Hunt. co., deed, have
been granted to the undersigned. All persons in
debted to said estate are requested to make imme
diate payment, and those having claims or de
madds against thesame to present them duly an
thent!catc d for settlement to •
..lulu 3,1849.
LATEST .1111.1tIVAL!
Grbdt Slaughter of High Prices!
The Town in Commotion !
Nobody Killed, but several
ly Wounded !
Have the satisfaction to announce to the cit
izens of Huntingdon and the neighhoring enun:
try that they have just received from the eastern
cities, a splendid stock of new
vCltich haVe been selected with great cur e. Out
stock consists of 01 the a lir u b et
end FIATS of all 'kinds.—
Ilar,dwaro, Quernsware, Grimed., &c.
We invite all to give us a cull, as wo take
pleasure in showing our Goods.
Thankful for prim favors, we bore by strict
attention to businrsa to receive a libelsl share
of public patronage.
thintingtlon, April 3, 184 b.
TN consequence of the unprecedented loss by
I fire sustained by the Lycominu Mutual insu
rance Company since September last, the Board
of Direct Ors have reluctantly been compelled to
direct soother nesessment of 2 per cent on the
premium notes id force precious to the 6th day
of April, 1849. It is hoped that the present call
on members, will be met with promptitude, that
the claims of the sufferers may be rromptly paid.
By order of the Board of Directors.
T..K. SIMONTON, neceiver.
Huntingdon, July 24, 1849.
A new Threshing Machine,
OF fout horse power, will be sold Cheap
for cash or country produce, by
H. K. NEFF & 131 W,
June 26, '49. J Huntingdon, Pu.
SELECT S('11001,
The undersigned announces to his former pa
trons and the friends of sound Education genei
ally,lhat he is about to establish, in,the new
Huntingdon Academy" building, a permanent
PRIVATE SCHOOL for young persons and
children of both sexes.
Th. course of instruction will comprise all
the branches usually taught in the be-t
Academies, and will be well united to prepa.,
pupils for the ordinary avocations of life, and
the more important and resphnsible duties cf
good citizens.
The intermit Management of the school will
be with the Teacher; but he will be assisted by
the general supervision of a Board of nine gen
tlemen, jhstly esteemed for their priVate worth,
public spirit, and correct and cemprehensive
educational views. With this important ni!l
and sustained by the approbation and End en
couragement of man!'t of the best and purest
minds in this community, the undersigned feels
confident that he will be able to introduce with
ease, and maintain without difficulty, such ncr,
illations as will give to the Institution, a high
MORAL as well as intellectual character
chhraeter that will secure the Confidence and
respect of all good men.
The building is a new three story brick struc
ture delightfully situated on the high ground
back of town, and affording a commanding view
of the .valley of Huntingdon and its agreeable
mountain scenery. The school room in large
and well ventillated; and the chambers are ne
arranged es to accerrimodate comfortably sev
eral boarders, who will be taken on reasonable
terms, and treated with all the faithfulness that
parental solicitude can desire or impose. The
number of pupils will be comparatively limited,
and the sexes always kept separate except
when in the recitation room. The school year
will be dividel into four Seseidps of eleven
Weeks ehch with suitable vacations; the first
session commencing, this year, in tidy or Au.
gust ; but hereafter not until the first of Sep
classes $3.00. Ggographr, with the use of
Globes and Outline Maps, Grammar, Composi
tion, &c., $3.50 Astronomy, Philofophy,
Book-Keeping, the various branches of Mathe
matics, $l.OO
. _
For particulars apply to the Teacher,
Rev. John Peeble3, Wm. P. Orbison, Esq.,
Hon. Coo. Taylor, M. Crownover, Esq., Judge
Gwin, Maj. James Steel, Mej. Wm. B. Zeigler,
Messrs. James Allison, James Maguire, anti
John N. Prou.ell, M. A. Henderson, M. D.,
J. 11. Dorsey, M. D., Maj. D. MeMurtrie,
Thos. Fisher, Wm. Dorris, J. P.. Anderson,
A. W. Benedict, Esq., Gen. A. P. Wilson, Hon.
John Ker, Jacob Miller, Esq:, Clark.
:untinclon, June 19, 1819
This excellent compound, which never foils
in the cure of Fever and Ague, is fur gale by the
proprietor's agents, T. HEAD & SON, Hunt.
ingdon ; L. U. KESSLER, Mill Creek.
me, Doctor? Whitt is the cause of this sallow
cotuplexion, jaundiced eye, depression of spirits,
petit in the side and shoulder, weariness of bod.l,
bittbr tdate in the mouth? Such is the inquiry,
and such the symptoms of many a sufferer! It
is the liver which is diseased, and the Cholagogue
is tho remedy always SuCcea'sful in curing it.
Try it, and judge for yourself. For sale by
above named agents.
I sb to be tortured from day to day with thhi
horrible Ague, exclaims the poor sufferer whose
life has become a burden frets the racking parox
ysms of an intermittent, and whose confidence
in human aid is destroyed by the failure of rem
edies to produce, the promised relief. Such bra
been the situation. of thousands Wile are now
rejoicing in all the blesilngs ctif health troM the
use of Dr. Osgood's India Cholagogue. In no
instance does it fall to circa a speedy and perma
nent cure. Fur sale by above named agents.
How few who think aright among the thinking
How ninny never think, but only think they Jo
in the above exclamation is on no sulject moo
fully exemplified than on that of health. Et.t
few give it a single thought. and fewer still re
flect upon it with the obscivaiiun and good
which matters of minor *sequence ;reek,
As observation teaches the tact thug Dr. Osgood's
India Cholagogue is a never failing remedy in
Fever and Ague, good eeliao would surely indi
cate its prompt and imitiediate use. For sale by
the above named agents.
Juno 26. 1849.
Juniata Cabinet Manufacturing
Respectfully been leave to inform his friends
I and customers and the public geiterally,thet ho
has built a large and commodious shop immedi
ately in the roar of the public hcuee of John
Whittaker, sr., on the bank between the rivet
and canal, whore he will constantly keep on
hand furniture of all kinds, of the best quality,
embi acing all descriptions,kinds, styles and va
rieties of parloi., medium and plain household
furniture, which will be offered for talc at the
In order to accommodate the public With alt
kinds of work in his line of bUSiIICSR, he has
just supplied himself with a large lot of the
bast quality of Cherry, Walnut, Mnplc, Poplar,
and all kinds of VeneeHfig of the moot popular
fashion. He will offer neither botched or halt.
finished work for stile, and will at all times sub.
mit his work to.tho moat rigid inspection.
Merchanti,. Professional men, Partners,
ebonies, Hbtel Proprietois, Laboring inen—all,
are invited to call and examine his ftirbiture. ',e
-1 tore purchasing elsewhere. Seeing is biller
Coffins will he made on the shortest notice, of
either Cherry, Walnut or Poplar, as may be de ,
sired, and funeralsattended.
He flatters hiinvelf that by industry and dote
lineation to his business, he will be able to please
all who may give him a call.
Old furniture will at all limes be repaired in
the neatest and most durable Manner. at lovv
rates. All kinds of country produce will be sa
ke. in exchange for furniture, repairing. &c:
Huntingdon, May ; - .9, 1849.