THE JOURNAL CUBBECi . SEINCICLES-SUPPORTI. BY TILLTII.I HUNTINGDON., PlAngY, TERMS The "ItulTixonox .tocasai); is Published at the following rates, viz: $1,9 a year, if paid in mitee ; .$2,11111 if paid d art' ig the year, and 10,5 if not Pnid until alter the expiration of the year. The above terms to be adhered ull cases. No sullseriPhon taken for lens than six months, and no paper discontinued until all arrenrages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. TAYLOR & JOHNSTON. Connty Meeting. Tan friends of the National ar.d State Ad ministrations Of Huntingdon county, ire request ed to assemble in COUNTY MEETING, 'in the COURT HOUSE, in Ituntingdon, on WisuNssons ReENlss, August 15, for the pur pose of adopting such Measures se the good of the country may secth to require. Let there be a general rally. By drdef of the County Committee, J. , J. SEWELL STEWART, Ch'n. C./' Attention is invited to the advertisement of the Charnbersburg Female Seminaty. The Wellsboroste4 Adt.ertihyi" is the title of a new Whig paper just started in Wells borough, Tioga county, by Wm. D. Bailey, Esq., of Harrisburg. The first No. gives °ill tielice that the paper will be ably conducted.-= Friend• Bailey has our best wishes for success. 0.7- On motion of Wm. P. Orbison, R. BILVCE Partial:lS seas, on yesterday, admit• ted to practice i❑ the several Courts of Hun tingdon county. Petrikin was a student in the office of Gen. Wilson, and we have frequently heard him commended for his application and industry. lies examination, we are told, was highly cred itable, and such as gave'eure token of n rapid rise and rare success. It gives us great pleas ure to believe that he is likely to be an honer and an ornament to profession. FOREIGN llMrs.—Attention is invited to the late foreign news, published id another column. From it we are encouraged to hope that the patriots of Hungary, notwithstanding the fear ful odds with which they have to contend, may be able to beat back the savage hordes of Rus sia who seek to destroy them. Rome has again fallen into the hands of despotism, but Hungary is still struggling manfully for freedom. bed grant that she may struggle on, until victory shall perch upon her banners. County Meeting. We hops no friend of the State and National Administrations will neglect to attend the Coun ty Meeting, on Wednesday evening (to-morrow) at the Court House. Let there be a general rally of the Whigs of both town and country.-- Addresses may be expected; 132= The Whig State ConVention tb nominate a candidate fin' Canal Commissioner, meets In Harrisburg on Thursday of this week. Hamer M. FuLLER, of Lucerne county, will doubtless be the nominee. He is honest, capable, and exceedingly popular. Anything like a fair ef fort on the part of the Whigs, will insure his election. (loon.--The little dissatisfaction which e*isted sometime since among our friends in Philadel phia, we are happy to learn has entirely disap peared, and all are • again united in suppbrting the good cause. Walker Minstrels. This popular band of performers, from Hol lidaysburg, Pa., gave an entertainment in the upper room of the Court House last evening, and will appear again this evening. The perform ance consists of a great variety of the most pop ular Negro Songs, Conundrums, Statuary, Dances, &c. The performance highly entertaining, and we would advise all who de iire to "laugh and grow fat," to go and see and hear the 4, WALKER MINSTRE LS" this evening. The National Fast. The North american says :—The papers from all parts of the Union come to us with the evi dence that the 3d butt. was universally observ ed in the spirit set forth in the proclamation of the President. Everywhere the general cessa tion of business, the scundof Chdrch-going and the crowded places df ‘tdtship; showed that it teas a day or earnest religib'us ditty . . The mind can hardly conceive of a more stfblime moral sPectacle than that of millions of peciplei forgetting political and sectarian differences, and setting aside accustomed ditties, to plead in humbleness for the removal of deep affliction from the land. It speaks in the most powerful manner the Christian character of our people, that a few words of recommendation from the Chief Magistrate were sufficient to make the nation pause and bow in humility before God ; to break down sectional feeling for cue day at least; and impress on all the sense of art over ruling Providence. It must be the prayer of every Christian and patriot, that the feelings Which led to these na tional observances may ever be cherished ; for while they last, there will always be a power ful bond to unite our people together—an influ ence to induce the practice of kindness and Cur bearisme, a strong agent to still the angry pas sions that might lead to war and c Duque st.— Peace is inseparably linked with religion ; and as the mission of our country is eminently that of peAtie, the feelings of the Christian should ever sway the duties of the Republican. 0:7- The Whigs of Union county have antra. Pited Col. E. Slifer for the Legislature. ho will Back Out!" Under the above caption the Globe of lest week directs a little semi-official bluster at us, relative to the disbursements of Supervisor An derson. The Supervisor and the editor of the Globe appear very anxious to have us examine the accounts of that officer. And the pretext is, that We published Mr. Ball's stetetnent, showing that Mr. Anderson had drawn $23,000 to pay oid debts. Thht statement wits pitblislr ed in Mr. Ball's defence against 'be charge of the Globe that he was withholding the money appropriated to pay the old debts contracted but paid Li the Locofoco Cloud Commissioners and their agents. Bitt the Gldbe says that WO indirectly charged Mr. Ander4On with "Using the money for other purposes." We made no such charge either directly or indirectly, and nothing but the most Dely sensitiveness could put such a construction upon our language. Our erytte neighbOr of the Globe was weekly shed ding crocodile tears because the laborers" I were not paid, and in reply we suggested that $23,000 would defray a large amount of the debts due laborers if applied to that purpose. And we say so still. And we say further that Mr. Anderson hes not paid the one half of $28,- 000 to laborers, although he may have disbursed the whole of that amount, in the payment of old debts. And to show that he had paid the mo ney to laborers, for whom so much sympathy was professed, we called upon the Globe to pub lish a list of those paid and those remaining un paid. We refuted the charge of the Globe that Mr. Ball was withholding the money due the laborers, by showing that he had furnished the Supervisor of this division more than was need ed for that purpose. But the Globe refused to publish a statement showing to whom the money was paid, and the names of the laborers remain ing unpaid. And in the last number of that paper the editor thus challenges us to make the Publication is We would as soon think of Publishing a book as td publish a list of the names of laborers paid by Supervisor Anderson. But rather than our neighbor shall be disappointed in seeing the battles and amounts in print, we will ftirnish him with a full list of paid and unpaid, if lie will agree to publish them in the Journal to satisfy public curiosity. What suy you, neighbor /-+.- It won't take more than a few weeks to get through with them from the appearance of the pile!" We accept yoiti nrhposlticin; Mr. Globe, slice you insist upon it. We agree to publish the names of the "paid and Unpaid," on the condi tion that Mr. Anderson will accompany the list with a certificate that the whole amodnt set op posite each man's name has been paid by !din to the person named, and the date of such pay ment, and also a statement showing when and under whom the debts were contracted. We think these lists will be interesting, and quite as acceptable to our readers as anything, we could give them. The public generally feel a deep interest to khow where their money is going. The public works have been long a great burthen to the taxpayers, and all cannot but feel a lively interest in any statement going to explain where the money goes. So you see, neighbor, we are not disposed to back out of even publishing your side of the controversy. Bring on the lists with the cer tificate and explanations required, and we will furnish the 'public with them, and offer such comments weekly as circumstances seem to re quire, until we get through with the ~ book." Aingtist Elections; In Nor•ru C.IItOLINA the Congressional delega tion will stand as before, five Whigs and three Locofocos, unless Stanley has been defeated— three counties remain to be heard from. In TENNESSEE the locofocos have elected their Governor, and claiin a gain of two members of CongreSs. In KEnTtrcsv, politics are so much mixed up with Emancipation and Slavery, that it is difli edit to come at the facts. The slave question has entered largely into' the contest. The pro slavery candidates for the Convention are gen erally elected. For Congress it is thought the Whigs have elected six members and the Loco focos four. In Inuax.i., the returns received indicate that the Locofocos have elected their Governor as usual, and carried the Legislature by a small majority. In regard to the Congressional del egation, we are not as yet able to to determine. E. McGaughey, Whig, has been elected in the 7th District by about 2,000 majority ; I. W. Julian, Free Seller, has been elected in the fourth. The first, ninth, fifth, and third districts are reported to hove elected Locofoco members by small majorities. The returns from all the States are yet very incomplete. We shall be able to give a mire correct and reliable statement of results in our next. Murder in Lewistown: A fight oituared in Lewistown onTuesday of last week, which resulted in the death of a man named Jong Witionr. It is thus described in the Gazette “On Tuesday afternoon some altercation took place between William Eisenbise and John Wright, which at the time resulted in nothing serious. Eisenbise (who was considerably in toxicated) however followed up Wright, al- thotigh the latter is said to have repeatedly told the former that he was no match for him in lighting, until they reached the alley near Free burn's smith-shop. Eisenbise there caught Wright by the arm and struck at him, but did not hit him--the blow having made, as we are informed, an indentation in a board fence, which many suppose colifu riot, have been made by the kruickles of Eisenbise alorie, althotigh one of the strongest men in the county. Eisenbise then threw Wright over his head, jumped on him, and struck him three or four blows on the head, wfien he was taken off. It was at once . per ceived that Wright was dangerdusly injured, and he wart immediately conveyed to Major Eisenbise'e hotel, and medical assistance called in. His wounds were dressed, and although for a short time ho exhibited favorable symptoms, he expired on Wednesday morning. Eisenbise after hearing of the death of Wright made his escape, and a reward of $5O is offered for his apprehension. 6.IIIRIIIALN, the brave leader of the Roman people, in their efforts to establish a Republic, kept a public house in Cincinnati in 1838 and 1839. Gen. Taylor's Pledges. Our cryi a ' neighbor of the Globecontitues to whine because Gen. Taylor will not allow the Locofocos to occupy all the ofnces of the coun try. And ikudditfon to his whining, he char ges General Tajrloi with violating his pledges in making redeye's. We deny the charge. Gen. Taylor never gave a pledge that he would make no removals ;on the contrary, the Louislinn delegation in the National Convention declared themnlves authbrized to pledge Gen. Taylor in favor of a "CHANGE of MEN and MEAS URES;" and with this pledge before them, the Convention nominated Gen. Taylor, and the people triumphantly sustained the nomination at the polls. indeed, the Locofocos themselves referred, during the campaign, to this pledge as a reason why no member of their party should vote for the old Hero. The folloWing is taken from the address Of a Locdfoco CiiiiVention at Lynchburg, Virginia, published previous to the election A CHANGE OF MEN, or, to translate into somewhat plainer language this significant phrase, the plaring, the public °Sires at the dis puta! of the Whig party; is probably a control ling motive with many of those who rule that „ arty. • • • • ♦ • • General Taylor . FLEDGES himself to bring ing about A CHANGE OF MEN and of nteas ures."—[Proni the Address of the Lynchburg Democratic Cunvention. Here then is an unqualified avowal by the 'democrats' themselves, that Gen. Taylor did make a 'pledge' before the election, that if elec ted he as WOULD bring about a CHANGE OF MEN AND MEASURES." If Gen. Taylor is fairly blintlicibitg to any complaint, it is that he has been too tardy in carrying out the above pledge. The Washing ton Republic, in speaking of this matter, says "At the period of the inauguration of Gen. Taylor, there was not a single Whig holding the appointment of minister at a foreign court, not a Whig charge d'affairs, not a Whig consul, not a Whig collector, surveyor, naval officer, or na vy agent ; not a Whig marshall, land-office reg ister, or receiver ; not a whig sub-treasure}; all were Locofocos, and filled their offices by vir tue of their Locofocoism. And this is the mon strous injustice which the Locofocos insist that Gen. Taylor shall prolong ! Did any body ever imagine it possible for men to be so ini pudent as to aslc such a thing?" In classifying the different offices the .Reptib lic' continues, ithot one-sixth part of the Post masters in the union, of which there are 10,- 000, have yet been changed including reiiigrla tions and all." Now look at the mimbei of public offices still in the hands of Locofocos; upwards of 30,000, and then double the daily number of decapita tions, and it will be seen that even at that rate, should they continue during General Taylor's entire term, theie would lie more Locofocos than whips 'remaining in office, at the end of the four years ! We say, therefore, that it is the duty of the Whig party who elected Ueneral Taylor, to demand of him that he immediately commence to multiply the daily Locofoco re morals Irom office, in order that the offices may at least, be equalized between the two parties as soon as possible, and Old Zack reliret from the charge of being a mere partizan President. Shaine, Shame. Is there a respectable man in Bedford county who approves of the gross and beastly attack in the last Federal Gazette upon Gen. Tsvcoa We do net believe there is one. If there is one let us have his name. The following are a few of the expressions found in an article oc cupying about half a column in that little 7 by 9 : " Gen. Ta'ylor came into the Presidential Chair with a tie upon his lips." He has an " unclean conscience." He is "one of the most ignorant and reckless Men ever elected to a responsible trust." tie is a " mere man of straw." Taylor is a fraud upon the Country'." ,6 He is despised for his treachery." “He should be made to occupy the coil of a prison instead of the Presidential mansion." , g He has disgraced himself." iVodld it be believed that the very man Who prints these things of Gen. Taylor now, only two years ago was anxious to take him from the field of battle and place him in the Presi dential chair, WITHOUT AN ELECTION" --pronounced him a Democrat, and said that his name was worthy to be associated with the names of WASHINGTON and Jackson 1 Yet such is the fact. Why this change / The only reason for it is that he has removed a few-Lo cofocos who were either defaulter?, dishonest men, or had prostituted their offices to political Purposes and insulted the Whigs who had any business intercourse with theme Shame! Shame !—Bedford Inquirer. Tariff of 1846. The Philadelphia Ledger, of the 31st ult., says , ‘The heavy import of goods that we no.: ticed as coming forward by the arrival of every steamer, foreshadows an active tall and Wa,ter trade. The duties received at this port in all June last, *ere $150,808, against $111,117 in Juno last year—an increase of nearly one-third. At New York the receipts show even a wider increase, and the next steamship, now almost due, will bring in a larger and more valuable cargo than almost ever before. All this indi cates increased activity in mercantile walks, whatever the effect may be with the manatee- , Curers." Here is the reason, says the Reading Journal, stated in a nutshell, why the manufacturing in terests of this country languish. Our commer cial cities are flooded with foreign goods, man ufactured by the cheap labor afore/4n mechan ics and artizans—and furnished at a cost fiir be. low what our manufacturers can supply thew for in this country. So it will be until the Tariff of 1816 is re pealed. As long as it continues to be the law of the land we must be content to see our citi zene suffer. How can it be otherwise?. Peo ple will buy the cheapest article in the market, and the consequence follows that as long 'as the act of 1816 is in force, our railroads will be constructed of British rails, and the British and French goods, imported in large quantities, will drive everything American out of the market. Let tliose who feel the "hard times" think of these things, and raise their voices against a 'system so ruinous to the best interests of the country. Gen. Taylor's Tour. Gen. Taylor, as we learn, was to have left Washington on Thursday, the oth inst., and proceed by way of Baltimore to York, in this State. Thence he was to go to Lancaster, and afterwards to Harrisburg, where he was expec ted to arrive on Sathrday last. FroM Harris burg, in company with Gov. Johnston, he will pass over the miii 4 .and 'and western counties, pausing at various idacei of inteiest, and espe : cially Bedford Springs, and reach Pittsburg on the 18th. After spending a day or twti in our great Western emporium, he will visit some of the Northern counties of Pennsylvania, and thencO cross into New Yink and advatice fol. the East. On his return he will stop in Philadel phia long enough to enable the citizens to grat ify the universal desire of seeing and conversing with the hero of Buena Vista. From the Baltimore Sun GENERAL TAYLOR'S TOUR At Washington, yesterday nfternobn, between folly and live o'clock, all were on the stir to get a sight of President Taylor, as he passed along the Avenue to take his departure on his propo sed tour to the North. From the mansion to the railroad depbt, the President was accompanied by Col. Bliss, Col. Eaton, who was a member of the General's Staff in Mexico, and his faithful attendant, Mr. Lawrence Smith, who will continue with the General through the tour. Mr. Cole, the enterprising Master of Trans portation of the Railroad Company, had con nected to the regular train of cars, a large, new and elegant car for the exclusive use of the General. This, however, was respectfully de clined and the President took his seat in COM soon with other passengers. Just before leaving, Col. Seaton,Mayor of Washington, Hon. C. Whittlesey, ichard Wal lach, Esq., U. S. Marshal; P. R. Pendell, U. S. District Attorney; Monroe Robinson, Esq., Col. Mercer, of Virginia and family, entered the car and personally tendered to the General their warmest wishes that he might have a pleasant journey and a safe return. Whilst these gratifying attentions were progressing within, a crowd of worthy citizens were formed around the car, with kind feelings and equal good wishes expressed on every countenance. The President had no regular suite. Messrs. Wallach, Pendell, Robinson, and a few other gentlemen, however, concluded to take a pleas ant ride in the same ear; and their presence con- tributed to the general hilarity of the occasion. During the trip the President was exceeding ly cheerfulnearly the whole time was enga ged in conversation with Col. Mercer and Messrs. Robinson and Pendell. Ile remarked that 4 4 he was going to visit the sovreigns, and wished to do it in a very quiet way. 3 ' He was Opposed to large assemblies of papple at this season of the year, and e9pecially in View of ap prehended sickness. He had told some of his friends that he wns also averse to parades in summer, unless there was an enemy near. The weather was too op pressive for men to be el/Lithe,' in uniform, with knapsacks, to stand under arms to perform a mere ceremony. His journey was not for po litical purposes, by no means, but to take a glands at the manufactories of the North, which for some time he had been kindly and earnestly invited to do. It was exceedingly gratifying to hint to see people every where sociable and happy. To all who evinced a disposition to con verse, the President was prompt in replies, and as kind as a venerable father in the midst a family of juniors. At each of the stopping-phices; he stepped out and shook hands with those who were wait ing to pay their respects to the Chief Magis trate of the nation. At the Relay House, nenr Baltimore, there was a considerable crowd, and fine spirits pre vailed. Upon the arrival of the train at the Mount Clare Depot, the President was received by a hearty "three times three" from a large con course of citizens, among whom word the work men from the various establishments in the vi cinity, who had assembled for the purpose of welcoming him to the city, as well aN to get a sight of the old herci. He was escOrted by Mr. Zetula Barnum of the City Hotel, to an elegant coach drawn by four spirited horses, provided by him fOr the occasion. The carriage passed along the streets too rapidly fOr the asseihblage to follow, and in few moments they arrived at the City Hotel, where at least one thousand .persons had assem bled, who greeted the President with most en thusiastic shouts and huzzas. After taking tea, he again appeared upon the portico, and addressed a few words to those as sembled, remarking that he was much pleased to see them, and hoped, mien his return, to have the pleasure of shaking hands with the citizens of the Monumental City. In order to prepare ...1 fatigue of travel, and the exciting scenes of to-day, among the " bone and sinew" of the old Keystone State, where he may expect some hearty grips of the hand, the President retired early to a splendid suit of apartments, prepared for him by the proprietors. He will doubtless be out this mor ning, as is his custom, by the "crack Of day," to take a view of our city before most of our citizens have awoke from their morning naps. The Philadelphia Ledger of Saturday con tains the following despatches relative to his movements : BALrimonn, Aug. 10, 1810. We learn from a despatch, received here this evening, that General 'tayler accompanied by Gov. Johnston and suit, reached York, Pa., at 1 o'clock, this afternoon. The General met with the most enthusiastic reception. He re- ceived the congratulations of the ladies and gentlemen of the borough in the most affable manner. Gov. Johnston made a speech which was listened to with marked attention. LANCASTBR, August 10-7 P. M. • • -•-• The city is astir, and the greatest anxiety and enthusiarm prevail to catch a glimpse of tha President, General Taylor, who is momentarily expected to arrive. Ile will receive an enthu siastic welcome. A large number of persons are here from the surrounding ccnntry. As the telegraph closes at seven o'clock, I will not be able to send you any particulars of the recep tion of the hero of the Mexican campaign. PRESERVATION OF TOE TOMATO.AS most excellent vegetable is now coming into season, we give the following recipe far preset vingtomatoes for winter use. , The tomato which has come into universal use, and is deemed a luxury by almost every one, may be preserved for winter use in the fol lowing manner. When ripe, let them be pre pared by stewing as for the table, and to the liking; put them in small jams (1 quart) with covers. Over the top put a piece of linen or cotten cloth, which well cover, and press the coves on; then pour into the cavity melted mutton tallow, and keep them in a cool and dry place in the cellar until required for use. They need only be warmed to serve them for the ta ble. Small jars should be used, for the reason that when exposed to the air they soon ferment." Whig Platform "Our readers will bear us evidence that we have endeavored to present the slavery extension question, fairly and candidly. We have stated what every person knows to be true, that every whig member of Congress from the free States would vote in favor of excluding slave ry from the territories of the Union, and would exercise his talents and influence to effect such a r'esult. We know of no Whig paper in the free States that does not stand uncompromisingly upon the platform of the non-extension of slavery. .We know of no Whig that does not.— We now believe that a large proportion Of the Democratic Congressmen from the free States will take the same posi tion. There are members from Indi ana, Illinois, and Michigan who will go against freedom; while on the other hand, there are Whig methbers from slave States, who will vote for it. Mr. Clay we believe will, so will the two Whig Senators from Delaware, and Mr. Boustoni the Representative of that gal lant State has always voted for It. There is no doubt that Gen. Taylor will affix his signature to a bill containing the ' proviso. We look 'upon the further ex tension of slavery upon this Continent as a moral impossibility!" Such is the language of the Boston Atlas in a well-timed article upon the slavery question, and it expresses the views and sentiments of the whole par ty of the North—views never concealed and sentiments in support of which no considerations can swerve them. The Whig party of the North will never yield their consent to the extension of slavery into new territory. Tremendous Flood. A correspondent of the lit. Sterling Whig, writing from Licking Station, Morgan county, Ky., under date of the 13th ult,, says: "I write to inform you of the terrible destruction of the property, &c., by the late flood in this neighborhood, which was almost entirely confined to two creeks the Middle and Johnson's Fork of Licking river. The farms are liter ally torn up, fencing all gone in the bot toms, houses washed away, horses, cat tle, swine, &c., drowned, and the inhab itants barely escaping with their lives, some by swimming ashore, and others by clinging to the tops of their houses. So far as heard from, no person drowned. Never, in the recollection of the oldest inhabitance, ha's this section been visit- I ed with such a tremendous flood. The whole country on these creeks is one continual scene of desolation, and the inhabitants look like spectres among the ruins. The crops, that looked so fine and promising, are all swept away, and the want and destitution will be sever ely felt." DRY WEATHER, AND DESTRUCTIVE FIRES.—In the northern portion of the State of New York they have experienc ed an unprecedented drought—and fires have broken out, dnstroyirig large tracts of wood land and in many places, houses barns; crops, etc. In one township, Bombay, at least 20 houses and 20 barns have been destroyed. Near Fort Cov ington, the elegant house and barn of D. S. McMillen were destroyed, and the villages of Hogansburg and Fort Covington only saved by a sudden change of wind. Near Plattsburgh fields of oats and buckwheat,lets of cord wood and timber have been destroyed. In Clayton Barrett's saw mill, shingle machine, with lumber, etc. were burned. At Pillar's Point, near Sackett's Harbor several barns, and in short this portion of the state appears to be scourged in an awful manlier. The suffering must be intense. There hdd been no rain for over 5 weeks and most of that time the thermometer at 89 to 95 in the shade. THE MOORISH SABBATIL—The Amer ican Ccnsul writing from Tangiers, in Morocco, observes : "There are three Sabbath in each week. The Moors or Molmniodans, keep Friday, the Jews Saturday ; and the Chtistiens Sanday. But the Sabbaths of the Moors sad deice ore mere feast days, given up to feasting and frolick ing, and frequently to all Manner of li centiousness ; and yet so strict arc the Jews in non-essentials—in mere forms and ceremorties—thut they dare not touch a particle of fire on their Sabbath —not even a lighted candle—lest they should commit the unpardonable sin." Cholera Despatches. Now YORK, Aug 10.—The Sanitary Commit tee of the Board of lleaßh report, for the 24 hours ending at noon to-day, 105 cusos of chole ra, and 51 deaths. CmciNsATl, August 10.—At the meeting of the Board of Healtti yedterday, the cemeteries repotted, for the three days ending noon, 80 in terments; 19 from cholera, and 70 from other diseases. Pirrsunaa, Aug. 10.--The Board, at noon yesterday, reported for the preceding 21 hours, two cases of cholera. Sr. Louis, Aug. 10.—Thu cholera has entire ly disappeared from the towns on the Missouri river. A slight increase of the epidemic has been visible in this city during the last few days, but not to a dangerous extent. There is a strung movement on foot to einablish the gearantine laws at this port. The weather it very wet. Ilosrots, Aug. 10.—Twelve deaths by chole ra have been reported during the past 21 hours. There are now 21 cholera cases ut the hospital. PROVIDENCE, R. 1., Aug 10.--There were six cases of cholera and tour deaths by cholera yesterday. In Philadelphia the disease has almost disap peared. Two or three deaths are now the daily reports. We understand that one case occur red at Ilarrishurg last week, but did not prove fatal. Mitt he irSatl liaßtnn The Boston pipers contain glowing accounts of the enthusiastic reception given Father Math ew, the Great Apostle of Temperance, by the people of that city on Tuesday last. Upwards of 20,000 people are said to hait assembled on the Common, who greeted his arrival with hearty and prolonged cheering. Gov. Briggs addressed the worthy champion of the temper ance cause in a brief speech, in which he wel comed him to Boston as an Irishman, and ns ti Christian Philanthropist, who had done more than ttny other man for the promotion of tem perance among the people, and whose name was respected by all Americans. Father Mathew responded to Gov. Briggs in substance as follows : Beloved citizens of Eoator.—noble people of Massachusetts, and dearly beloved countrymen. I regret that you have not heard the excellent address of His Excellency, Gov. Briggs—which was ohe of the most eloquent I have heard. I am lost in admiration of what I have seen since I entered the glorious State. Beauty upon beau. ty has crowded upon me, until I am reminded of the story of the miser who discovered a fountain (rum which there issued seven streams of liquid gold, and the only sour.° of regret he had was that while he was securing it at one millet, at the six it Wan running to waste. I will adopt the counsel I would have given the Miser, to leave the streamlete and go to the source. I will not spend words In praising the scenery which I have witnessed, but will praise the source of this beauty—the noble people of Boston and .of the State of Massachusetts..., They must be possessed of every virtue. In nearly every State some one virtue will be found eminent—but it seems as though the peo ple of Boston blendeil all the virtueii and exhib ited a perfect picture of the virtues of every nation and people. I have long desired an opportunity of address.: ing yod, to express to you the gratitude of my heart, and to repay a part of that debt which the miserable people of Ireland owe to the peopla of this great State. You were the first to send i ie a vessel of war n mission of charity to mylat suffering country, and I was the almoner in part of your bounty. I never distributed a pound of the food you sent us without humbly and fer vently invoking the blessing of the Father of mercies upon the generous donors. I witnessed with much pleasure this great assemblage—not as a compliment to myself-- but as a tribute paid to yirtue and the h.!. . - cause of Temperance, which I am 1,44 triumphant in Boston. But while mused your festivities, there has b , wanting to complete toy own happ; heart was in Ire and I saw her of my countrymen enjoying every LieFsing: der the wings of the American Eagle, I could but wish that the tens of thousands of my Un happy countrymen who are in want and misery at home, were here present with you to-day, to share these blessings. My happiness would lie complete if the wish could be gratified, and I trust my mission to America will beproductivu of one good result. I wish that I might be able to induce them to leave their unhappy —I might almost say doomed countryand come here and enjoy peace and plenty. I regret—not so much on my own acconnt , that I have not the energy, the strength and el- 7 oquence, that I once had—but I do not com plain. I glory in my infirmities, which were produced by my exertions in the cause of Tem pelanee.. . - I thank your ExCellency, with my whole heart, for the kind welcome yuu have extended to me on this occasion, and I wish you every blessing that is or can be enjoyed, in this great, generous and free country. Father Mathew took his seat amid the reite rated shouts of applause by the whole multi. tulle. A temperance song, composed for the occa sion, was song, and several temperance addresii es Were delivered by distinguished speakers; who occupied the stand until six o'clock, at which Father Mathew took leave of the assem blage, and returned to his lodgings at the Adams House, and the Vast concourse of people quietly disperded ' ATIIER MATHEW IN BOSTON.-Fzith et Mathew is performing wonders in Boston. On Sunday week ho is said to have administered the pledge , to up;4ll, wards of three thousand five hundred persons, and since his visit to the City his list numbers between ten and twelves thousand. The Post says that whild, administering the pledge ton groupe of his countrymen ; among Whom were twd or three "hard-looking subjects," the Worthy father gave them the following good advice : . "Keep clear," said he, "of intoxicating drink and you will soon be in better plight. Save yr - Wr money, and go west. where land is cheap, and the hand of than is wanted. While you are in the habit of intemperance, you often drink up the value of an acre of land in a night. So keep sober, lay up your money, and this part of the country, where the labor market is overstocked." 'wo old gentlemen of our acquain tance were complimenting each other on their habits of temperance. "Did you ever, neighbor," said one 4 "see me with more than 1 could carryl" "No, indeed," was the reply, "not I. But I have seen you When 1 thought you had bettor have gone twice after it." Pyrrsiicrto, August 10. Orders have been issued by Major General Robinson, directing the brigade in this city to cooperate with the Citizens of Allegheny , coun ty, on the occasion of the reception of General' Taylor and Governor Johnston, which take. pface on the 18th inst. DIED. In Harrisburg, on the Sth inst., Jour; BUFFING TON, 0051 of 'l'. W. and I:: S. Buffington, agett about three years. THE MARKETS. PHILADELPHIA, August 10, 1819. PLoutt.—The flour market fluctuates little ini prices--common western brands old flour are , selling at $4,73 a 01,87, and 05 a 0,124 ie giv en for treats ground. Extra and fancy bran& are held at $3,12 a $0,20. Rye flour is in fair' demand at $3 a 03/12 CORN MEAL.— Penn'a has advanced, with sales at $3 ; Brandywine is held at $ 3 , 1 24 J . WHlCAT. — Prilllt/ Pennsylvania reds are held) at $l,lO a $1,12, and white at $l,lO a 01,16. RYE-19 in moderate request at 08 a GPc. Coate.—Sules of yellow corn at 02 a ti ic pa? 4, bushel of 00 lbs.; white is worth GOc. OAT .—Southern oats are held at 28 a 31e Pann'a at 33 a 31c. Waisakr.-111 of l j r ,, in blals