Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 14, 1849, Image 1

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From the Literary World,
Where'er earth's soil is by the feet
Of unseen angels trod,
The joyous flowers spring up to greet
These visitants of God.
They on celestial errands move
Earth noiselessly to bless,
Oft stooping down in balmy love,
The flowerets to caress.
And thus their breath its fragrance leaves
Among the woodland blooms,
And breathing scents thro' flowers receives
Angelical perfumes.
The scarlet and the crimson tips
That flowery petals wear,
May he the vermeil from the lips
Of angels painted there.
While spirit whispers safely lie
Within each chalice
That mutely speak to sorrow's eye
And lift its drooping lid.
But ah, that chrystal, glistening clear
Upon the tinted leaf,
May be an angel's holy tear,
Dropped there for human grief.
Forever hallowed then, as fair,
Are all the blessed flowers,
That scent with Heaven's ambrosial air,
These fading earthly bowers.
Through flowers Love finds fit utterance,
And friendship solace lends ;
For he that giveth flowers, perchance,
An angel's message sends.
The following story was obtained from
the lips of a Chippeway warrior named
.Vaw-gint-nub, or Setting-ahead. He
told it with as serious an air as if it had
been a matter of actual and itiiportant
history, and was evidently a firm be
liever in the wonders therein contained:
An Indian village stood upon the bor
ders of the Lake of the Woods. It was
a summer day, and a heavy rain storm
bad passed over the country, when a
large Giant or Cannibal suddenly made
his appearance in the village. He was
us tall as the tallest hemlock, and car
ried a club in his hand which was long
tr than the longest canoe. He told the
Indians he had come from a far country
on the North ; that he was tired and
hungry, and that all the wild rice and
game in the tillage must be immediate.
ly brought to his feet that he might sat
isfy his appetite. His orders vttre obey
ed, and when the food was brought, and
the inhabitants of the village were col
leered together to see him enjoy his
feast, the Giant told them he Was not
yet satisfied ; whereupon with one blow
of his huge club, he destroyed, with one.
exception, all the people who had treat
ed him so kindly. The only person who
escaped the dreadful blow was a little
bey, who happehed tobe sick in one of
the wigwams.
After the Giatit had committed this
cruel deed, lie devoured a number of the
dead bodies, and during the night dm=
appeared tvithout discovering the boy.
In a fete days the boy was wdll enough
to move about, and as he went froth one
Wigivam to another, he thought of his
friends who had been so suddenly killed,
and was very unhappy. For many sea
sons did he lire alone: While very
young his food consisted of such birds
as the partridge, but as he grew to the
estate of manhood, he became a succes
ful hunter, and often feasted upon the
deer and bufililo. He became a strong
than, but was very lonely, and every
time he thought of the Giant who had
desttoyed his relatives and friends, lie
thirsted for revenge.
Time passed on, and the Chippeway
hunter became uneasy and discontented.
He fasted for many days, and called up
on the Great Spirit to gift° him power
to discover and destroy the Giant who
had done so much harm. The Great
Spirit took pity upon him, heard his
prayer, and sent to his assistance a troop
of an hundred men, from whose backs
. _
grew the most beautiful of wines. They
told the hunter that they knew all about
the giant, and would help him to take
his life. They said that the giant was
very fond of the meat of the white bear,
and that if the hunter would give a bear
feast they were certain that the Giant
would make his appearance and ask for
r, a portion of the choice food. The time
IS for giving the feast was appointed, and
it was to take place in a natural wig
wam, formed by the locking branches
of many trees ; whereupon the strange
people disappeared, and the hunter star
ted towards the north after a bear.
The hunter was successful ; the ap
• pointed time arrived, the feast was rea
dy, and the strange people were on the
ground. The dancing and singing were
all over, and the hot bear soup filled the
wigwam with a pleasant odor. A heavy
tramp was heard in the woods, and in
a little time Giant made his appearance,
attracted to the place by the smell of
the soup. He came rushing to the
wigwam like one who knew not what it
r;nn - ti4bon
was to fear ; but when he saw the array
of people with wings he became very
quiet, and asked the hunter if he might
participate in the feast. The hunter
told him he might, on condition that he
would go to the mouth of a certain
stream that emptied into the Lake, and
bring therefrom to the wigwam a large
rock which he would find there. The
Giant was angry at this request, but as
he was afraid of the people with wings
he dared not disobey. He did as lie
was bidden, and the thong which he
used to hold the rock on his back cut a
deep gash in his forehead.
The hunter was not yet satisfied, and
he told the Giant that before he could be
admitted to the feast he must bring to
the wigwam a gill-net that would reach
across the widest stream. The Giant
departed, and having obtained a beauti
ful net from a mammoth spider that lived
in a cave, he brought it to the hunter.
The hunter was well pleased, but not
yet fully satisfied. One more thing did
he demand from the Giant before he
could be admitted to the feast, which
was this, that he must make his ap
pearance at the feast wearing a robe
made of weasel skins, with the teeth
and claws all on. This robe was ob
tained, the Giant was admitted and the
feast proceeded.
It lasted for several days and nights,
and the hurter and the strange people
danced and caroused together as if they
had been the best of friends. The Gi
ant was delighted with the singing of
his entertainers, and while he praised
them them to the skies, he did het know
that in his bowl of soup the Chtppetvay
hunter, who had not forgotten the death
of his friends, had placed it bitter root,
which would deprive him of his strength.
But such was indeed the case.
On the lust night of the feast the Gi
ant became very tired and stupid, and
asked permission to enjoy some sleep.
Permission was granted, and in the cen
tre of the great lodge was spread for his
accommodation his weasel-skin robe.—
Upon the stone which he brought from
the river did he rest his head, and over
him was spread the net he had obtained
from the mammoth spider. He then
fell into a deep sleep, and the men with
wings and the hunter continued their
revelry. Each man supplied himself
with a war club, and they performed
the dance of revenge. They formed a
ring round the sleeping Giant, and at a
signal made by the hunter they all gave
him a severe blow, when the spirit-men
disappeared into the air, and the weasel
skin robe suddenly became alive. The
little animals feasted upon the Giant
with evident satisfaction but by mor
ning there was nothing left of him but
his bones. These (lid the hunter gath
er into a heap, and having burnt them
to ashes, he threw them into the air, and
immediately there came into existence
all the beautiful birds which now fill the
world. And in this manner was the
great Giant of the Chippewas destroy
ed, and, instead of his living to feast up.
the flesh of man, his own body, by the
wisdom of the Great Spirit, was turned
into the birds, which are the animal
food of man.
Elegant Extracts
There is nn even tide inhuman life!
a season when the eye becomes dim
and the strength debays i and when the
winter of age begins to shed upon the
human head its prophetic snows. It is
the season of life to which the autumn
is most analogous, ana which it decomes ;
and much it would profit you, my elder
brethren, to mark the instruction *hich
the season brings, The sprltig and sums
vier of your days are gone, and with not
only joys they knew, but many of the
friends who gave them. You hay en
tered upon the autumn of your being=
and whatever may have been the profu
sion of your spring—or the warm tem
perament of your summer, there is a
season of stillness or solitude which the
benificenco of heaven affords you, in
which you may meditate upon the past
and the future, and prepare yourself
for the mighty change which you may
soon undergo.
It is now that you may understand
the magnificent language of heaven—it
mingles its voice with that of Revelation
—it summons you to these hours when
the leaves fall and the winter is gath
ering, to that evening study which the
mercy of Heaven has provided in the
book ofsalvation. And while the shad
ow valley opens, which leads to the
abode of death, it speaks of that love
which can comfort and save, and which
can conduct to these pastures and those
still waters where there is an eternal
spring for the children of God.
0*- An Irishman called into a store
and priced a pair of gloves. He was
told they came to ten shillings. .. Och,
by my soul, thin, I'd sooner my hands
would go barefoot than pay that price
for 'em."
Religion that does not make a man
honest is good for nothing. If a man
professes to be a Christian and defrauds
his neighbor, the man's religion is vain.
And he is dishonest who withholds from
another that which is his due, when it
is in his power to pay it.
We, in this country, have acquired a
bad name abroad from our State repudi
ation, but it is not this of which we wish
to speak just now. It is of the !excess ;
not to call it by a harsher name, of many
professors of religion, who seldom or
never pay their debts until after being
called upon again and again, perhaps
finally being threatened with a suit at
law. There are some such men in al
most every community.
We have one of these men in our eye.
He is a very amiable, easy man, who
never wished to quarrel with his neigh-
bors, and is always willing to do them a
favor when they are in want of help.
But he never pays his debts, if he can
avoid it. His bills at the store, at the
shops of mechanics, perhaps for the food
which he eats or the raiment that he
wears, are unpaid, and he feels not the
least compunction of conscience on the
subject. He prays in his family
and in the social meeting, and
some people think that he may be
a Christian ; but men of the world say
that if he would be honest, they would
have a better opinion of his religion.
Are see another debtor. He - has no
objections to buying anything that he
can get on trust ; he will subscribe for
a newspaper, or a new edition of the
Bible, and make loud profession of his
willingness to aid this object and that;
but when called upon to pay his subscrip
tion he is unfortunately just out of mon
te will certainly pay it inn a few days;
but ho is no more ready a month after
wards than he was before ) and he never
intends to pay. He pretends neverthe
less to be a pious man ; but he deceives
very few.
Just now we see anothe=r man of this
always-owifig and never-paying class.
Some time ago, he contracted a heavy
debt, and he has never yet seen the time
when he could pay the whole of it at
once, and, therefore he has paid none of
it. His income has been such that he
might, with a little economy and much
self-denial, have paid a part of the debt
every year, and by this time have extin
guished it, but his• conscience does not
seem to trouble him at all, although he
lives on that which does not belong to
Men may sophisticate aS they please,
they can never make it right, and all the
bankrupt laws in the universe can never
make it right for them not to pity their
debts. There is sin in this neglect, as
clear and as deserving chnrch discip
line,as'in stealing or false swearing. He
who violates his promise to pay or with
holds the payment of a debt, when it is
in his power to meet his engagement,
ought to be made to feel that in the sight
of God and of all honest men he is a
swindler. Religion may be a very com
fortable cloak under which to hide;
but if religion does not make a man 'deal
justly,' it is not worth having.
But what shall a poor man do who is
in debt. Let him work and pay it.—
Deny yourself all the luxilries and very
many of the comforts of life; be wil
ling to take a humble place in society,
and mortify your pride ; in dress arid
style of living be as simple and econ
omical as possible; if necessary, live
on bread and water, and labor diligently,
until you satisfy the demands of your
last creditor ; but never lay lip a cei,t of
Money nor spend a cent needlessly while
you owe it to another: Wa wish that
this principle could be ingrained into
the hearts and conscience, at least of
professing Christians. There is a loose
ness on the subject in the church that
is perfectly irreconcileable with the
law of God and the maintenance of a
good reputation in the eyes of the world.
Let no man be trusted who neglects to
pay his debts. If misfortune has sud
denly deprived him of the ability to pay
that is another thing; but if by his con
duct he shows that he has no disposition
to Meet his engagments, especially small
debts, let him not be trusted. He that
is unjust in a little will be unjust in
much. He who defrauds will steal,
and there is scarcely any difference be
tween stealing and wilfully neglecting
to discharge a debt.—[N. Y. Observer.
Mix. TAYLOR siEnn rri"—There have been
two Locofoco Conventions lately one in
Maine and one in lowa--which revamp
mi some of the stale slanders against the
administration and Uttered them to the world in
the shape of resolutions. This the Union calls
the voice of "the sovereign people." We had
supposed that the voice of the sovereign people
was quite distinctly heard through the ballot
box last November ; but it seems that the Union
does not admit the sturdy voters of the country
to be people, sinless they vote as it desires. If
not "the voice of the people," Was it only thun
der (ism. Cass heard at the November elections(
A Prayer hi' Kossuth.
The following prayer offered by Kos
suth will be interesting to our readers.
It was offered by him kneeling amid
the multitude, at the grave of the Mag
yar heroes who fell in the battle of Ra.
poylna, and was originally published in
the lOpposition,'a journal of Pesth.—
We translate form the German :
"Almighty Lord! God of the ma
nors of Arpad ; Look down from thy
starry throne upon thy imploring ser
vant, from whose lips the prayer of mil
lions ascends to thy Heaven, praising
the unsearchable power of thine Om
nipotence. 0, God, over me shines thy
sun and beneath me repose the relics of
my fallen heroic brethren ; above my
head the sky is blue, and under my feet
the earth is died red with the holy blood
of the children of our ancestors. Let
the animating beams of thy sun fall here
that flowers may spring up from the
blood so that these hulls of departed be•
ings may not moulder unadorned, God
of our fathers aid God of the nations !
hear and bless the Voice of bur warriors,
in which the arm and soul of brave na
tions thunder to break the iron hand of
tyranny as it forges its chains. As a
free man I kneel on these fresh graves,
by the remains of my brothers. lay such
a sacrifice as theirs, thy Earth would
be consecrated were it all stained with
' sin. 0, God ! on this holy soil above
these graves no race of slaves can live.
0, Father ! Father of our fathers l Migh
ty over myriads ! Almighty God of the
Heaven, the Earth, and the Seas ! From
these bones springs a glory whose radi
ance is on the brow of thy people. Hal
low their dust with Thy grace, that the
ashes of my fallen heroic brethren
may rest in peace! Leave us not, Great
God of battles In the holy name of
nations, praised be Thy Omnipotence.
Latest from the Vold Region
The Knickerbocker Magazine tells of
a place 'down cast,' where the gold fe
ver rages with remarkable fury. A
young lawyer there, remarkable for ve
racity and disinterestedness, gives out
that he is often receiving letters from
the gold region, and he entertains his
neighbors by reading them gratis. The
following is his latest :
We arrived at San Francisco three
weeks ago yesterday, and after stopping
three or four days to recruit and make
preparations, we set off for the gold re-
gums: The country on the banks of the
Sacramento is exceedingly fine, and the
soil the most fertile in the wbrld. We
Passdd several wheat fields which had
just been reaped, and would yield over
two hundred bushels to the acre. There,
is, however, one draw-back; the neigh
borhood is much infested with noxious'
serpents, and more than likely as not,
in picking up a bundle of wheat you
will take a huge rattlesnake in your,
arms I We passed along up the river
without making much stop, and soon
we came to the gold region. We found
the gold in small grains or particles --
My companions all stopped to gather it,
but 1 thought I would go to the head
quarters, if 1 could find them. I soon
' came to where I found the precious me
tal in lumps as large as a walnut. Pen
etrating the country further, I fdund it
became more plenty, and 1 frequently
noticed pieces of gold the size of a con=
mon tea kettle. In fact, the appearance
of the country in many places, remind
ed me of one of our New England corn
fields, after the corn had been removed,
and before the pumpkins are gathered.
Still, 1 did not stop there, but kept on
towards the source of the river. Here
the country was broken and mountain
ous, and large boulders of gold, of the
size of a five pail kettle, were quite
common. I came at length to a moun
tain in which I supposed the river takes
its.rise. On the side of my approach it
was very rough and precipitous. At
the base of a high cliff I looked and saw
adout one hundred and fifty feet above
me, and almost over my head, a mass of
shining gold, large as a bunch of screw
ed hay. It seemed to be suspended by
a single root or vine. I had nothing
with me but my gun ; it was loaded
with a ball, and my first thought was to
fire and cut the cord by which the glit
tering mass was hung : but as I was on
the point of firing, it occurred to me
that if I did it would infallibly fall on
tne and crush me : so I
Here the reader was interrupted by a
fellow with a largely developed orgnn of
credulity, his eyes transfixed with won
der, and tobacco juice running down
each corner of his mouth, who broke
out with, "By thunder, /'d a fired."
ABSENCE or MIND.—.--An elderly gen
tleman, walking along the street, took
hold of a cow's tail, and gracefully pla
cing it over her back, exclaimed, " Ala
dam, you have dropped your boa."
How David Price Cured his Wife's
Shocking bad Temper.
David, a man of meek and kindly
spirit, had long suffered from the patter
clatter, never-ending, scolding tongue of
his worser half. One day a herb Doc
tor greeter! David at his work, with n—
" Well, Master David, and how be youl"
"Oh, I be very well, thanks to ye,
but my wife's not so very ricely !"
"Indeed," said the gatherer of sim
ples, with a quick ear for an ailment,
"what may be the matter wi' she, Mas
ter David!"
"Well," said David in his usual and
quiet way, "she hev' a bad breaking out
about her mouth every now and then,
that troubles her and me varry sore, 1
'sure ye, Matter Doctor."
"Well," said the latter, "1 could make
a grand Cure of her, I'll Warrant ; I heir'
sslife 'at i makes of the juice of the
juniper tree, and by bilin up a vast o'
different kinds o' things it quite cures
in no time!"
"Deed," said David, "an' what might
your charge be now, for a box o' that
'intment 'at would quite cure hell"
"Oh," said the herbalist, looking amt=
iously up in David's face, "only a mat
ter of a shilling!"
"Well, that's dirt cheap," said David.
"If you cures her, I'll give you eighteen
pence—there now.'l
With this offer the doctor set off hbme
to prepare his nostrum, and straightway
hied the very next day to David's house,
box in hand. lhere he found Mrs, Price
and went at once to business.
"Well, Mrs. Price, your husband told
me that you hev' betimes a had brealtin'
out about the mouth, and I've brought a
box o' fine 'intment 'at will cure ye!"
With this announcement Mrs. Price, fi
ring up,at once seeing her husband's jest,
raised the brush with which she was
sweeping the floor,,and pummelled the
doctor to her heart's content, even fol
loWing to beat him a-field from her
house, he screaming out all the while
"Oh, Mi,sus Price, be you gone madl"
From that day however, Mrs. Price has
been wholly cured of her scolding hab
its. David has only to look tip in her
face and say, "I'll get a box of that 'int
ment," and there's an end of the matter:
David honorably paid the doctor his ls.
GI and treated him to make him forget
his pummelling. The whole of these
circumstances are strictly true,—B ur -
/aim Chronicle.
How Mum BRANDY I—A CorreSpOn. ,
dent of the Tribune comments upon the
Instructions issued by the Medical Coun
cil of New York and the recommenda
tion of "a little britudy and Water." He
asks "how flinch a link brandy and wa
ter is 1" To which the Tribune replies
that, haVing a sort of outsider's faith in
horrioeopathy, he should adVise three
drops of brandy in a bucket of water,
and that a spoonful of the mixture be
put into another bucket of water, from
which he thinks the patient might safely
drink. The New Orleans Piettyune re:
lates an anecdote of a man in that city,
who s being seized with the premonitory
symptoms, was advised to take nn ounce
of brandy a duty, but, having no scalds
in Which to weigh it, and luckily recol
lecting that eight drams make an ounce,
he adordingly took eight stiffhorns, and
told the doctor that he felt "much bet
UGLY EIIITORS.—The editor of the
Louisville Democrat, and Prentice of
the Louisville Journal s hate been dis
cussing the itlatitio personal beauty of
each other lately. Prentice says that a
lady, under the influence of chloroform,
kissed the editor of the Democrat, and
upon returning to consciousness, was so
mortified at *lint she had done that she
went away and hung herself ; and that
on another °tension, when the same ed
itor tried to look his prettiest, he was
knocked down by a fellow from the coun
try, who supposed he Vt'as making faces
at him. The editor of the Democrat re
torts by saying that Prentice might be
of some service as a 'scare-crow,' and
Prentice in reply denies that his neigh ,
bor of the Democrat could be of any use
even in keeping oil the foul birds, for
for although he might scare away the
crows, he would be sure to attract the
HE Him nim MERE.—A son of Erin
once accosted n reverend disciple of
Swedenburg thus
"Mr.-, you stty we are to folio*
the same business in heaven that we do
in this world 1"
"Yes, that is in perfect accordance
with reason : for the Creator himself is
not idle, and why should his creatures
be 1"
"Well, then, yer honor, do people die
there V'
"Certainly not—they are as Immortal
as the Creator himself."
“Thin, I should like to know, yer hon
or, what they'll find for me to do, for I'm
a grave digger in this world.”
VOL. XIV, NO. 31
.4 kage with a Porker.
An amusing incident occurred in this
city one day last week, which we think
will bear telling. A Dutchman who was
at work, had taken off his coat, and fot
want of a better peg, he hung it on thd
ground. Notit the Dutchman being a
family man, and withall rather generous,
had taken care to store the pockets of
his outer garment With gingercakes for
the benefit of his 'grow,'
and his little
ones at home. A long, slab-sided, gaunt
locking pinker eatne up shortly after;
and smelling the saVbry ginger cakes ;
thought, doubtless, he had as good ti
right to steal a dinner its some of his
race that walk on two legs have to cab.
bag e things of more value. At all events
he began snuffing the air for n time with
a very wistful look, and finding the smell
wholesome, determined to have a taste,
Accordingly he nude a dite upon the
Dutchman's coat, and seizing it by thd
pocket of cakes, made off with it as fast
as his legs could carry him, in a very
hoggish manner.
'O, mine Cott ! mine coat ! mine
cakes!' cried the Dutchman in conster.
tion ; and forthwith his two legs were
moving like drumsticks, in competition
with the four of his hungry friend.—
Away bounded hog and coat, and onward
leaped the coatless native of 'fader-land'
in the eager chase. Talk about the race
between the celebrated race nags, Fash
ion and Boston it wasn't a circum
stance, even for a cold dinner. Mile—
beg pardon--curb=stones Were passed
with a Velocity that almost drew fire
front their flinty heads, While the puf
fing of the racers drew persons to the
doors and windows to ascertain what
was going on. Some laughed at the
fun, and so did the Dutchman, but on
the 'wrong side of the mouth.' By this
time the cakes e llaci found an exit thro'
a tremendous rent in the pocket and
were leaving a trail behind that required
none of the Indian's sagacity to follow.
At length the porker, finding the contest
dubious while ho carried weight, drop
, ped the coat and seizing a plumb cake,
which drew a groan from the pursuer,
deliberately turned aside to make 'asst.' ,
ranee doubly sure,' by devouring the
precious morsel. The Dutchman stop
ped, picked up his coat, and examined
it with a too begone look. 'then he took
the backward trail to collect the scat ,
tered cakes, muttering—
'o; mine Cott I vat a country. Even
de pigs steal like ter teyfel j and nobody
knows when nobody is safes. Mine
Cott ! I vill co pack agains to Yarmauy ;
and stay trait my mudder vat ish dead.
Mine Cott I cakes losh ! 0, vat a Mer
iky for liberties. You all ish liberties
here—too much liberties, by tam, a good
deal and away lie went to console him
self as best he could. .
They Say.
"They say," tells that which is not
true, at least three quarters of the time.
He is about the worst authority you can
produce to support the credibility of
your statement. Scarcely was there ev
er a suspicious report put in circulation,
but this Mr. They Say was the author
Of it ; and he alivays escapes responsi
bility and detection, because, lit'ing just
nonihere, he can never be found. Who
said that Mr. E., the merchnnt, vas sup•
posed to be in a failing condition / Why
"they say" so. On 'what authority do
they affirm that neighbor F. has been in
bad company I Why "they say" so.
Is it a fact that Miss 0. is not so
chaste and circumspect as she should
be 1 Why "they say" so.
Plague on this Mr. They Say j he is ti
half-brother to that Mr. Nobody, who
always does all the mischief, and who
lives nowhere, but in the invention of
those who, undeserving respect them
selves, are desirous to pull down others
to their own level. We always suspect
the truth of a report which comes from
the authority of "They Say."
of eccentric memory, was in possession
of a German work on the prophecies,
which he valued highly, and frequently
made quotations from. Among other
remarkable sayings of the author were
these :
'1 would not be a King in 184.8: 1
'1 would not ben grove in 1849,'
'I would not be a - soldier in 1850.'
would be either in 1551.'
The work alluded to was wtittch about
200 years ngo. It Certainly possesses
an interest for the curious. How frail
the tenure by which Kings held their
crowns, in 1848 ! Who would like the
office of a grave digger in 1849, unless
he were solely tnercenaryl How more
than presumable it is that the military
men of the earth will contribute multi=
tudes, in 1850, to fill a wide and quiet
grave! And we may hope, at least, in
1851, for the fair harbingers which pro.
miss "peace on earth and good will to