Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 07, 1849, Image 4

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    List of Lefler*.
E:SIA [NINO in the Post Office at Hunting-
Iti . don, Pa., on the let day of July, 1849, and
which if not lifted on or before the Ist day of
oAtitiet net, will be bent to the General Post
Ol'fl4 as dead letters.
A Klingell Margaret
Acnes Joseph Kerns Edward 3
Auditor Joseph 2 Kennedy James
Anderson. Miss Adeline KerfE,e Daniel -
Allison Rev James Kelly James
U Keller George
Boras John Killk-ily Patrick
Boreman Tobias Kelly Patrick
Burns Maj A W Krug. Michael
Bugal Mr Kelly John 2
Burig Anthony Kellerstrass Fridrich
Bennet Hlt Keeskran Henry
Boya John L
Brooks Jason Logan Robert
Barger Joseph Lewis Rev David
Brandt Justice Ligavory Boras
Barg; eirnon John Lang in Michael
Palmas Thorntcin Lord N J
Barr .Wm Esq Lancaster. John
Baptist Old Schocil Loullit Win
Beaten Simoa Lacey Vltm.
Carroll Patrick McKanria eter
Ccnden William MorrisMi Margaret 2
Conway Michael Morgan James 2
, ,
Carr Thomas Maguire Albert
Callahan James .MeMahon Patrick
Clay , John Malkin Michael
Cdrren John Miilor & Davis 2
Clark Gen Wm Murry Michael
Corey Yugh McDertnot Mary
Cephart Sarah J McKim Will:din.
Clark Robert :Madson G A
t.'arriphell 1 4 attick Martin Joseph
Cramer Henry MeMannis Hugh
Carver MI SA Ann Manion John
Casey William McClure James
. , D McDermit John A
Dunean John Mid!oy Hugh
Ddehry Patrick McGinley John,
Dedron Matilda McCarthy Patrick.
Davis Patrick McCormick :Michael
Dod;heity John Martin Thomas
DklJy Cornelius 11l,crly John
Davis George Esq :McGovern John
Dickson Isaac T Esq 3 McGovern Patrick .1
Mertan John
McGill John
Moore A TY
E •
Eggers Herman II
nicht Jonathan
Feeney Michael Naughton Thomas
Fenfler Martin Nusbauta Victor
Felix William 2 Nolf Peter
Fitzpatrick Thomas Newmap Joseph
G Naughton Michael
Gates Peter 0
Gordon Dr J J O'Donnell James
Glass Joseph 2 O'Connell Laurence
Gaßagan Peter O'Neil Mrs Anna
Gayley Rev S A Orton Benjamin Esq
Gaynor Jdhn Esq Orren Albert Esit
Gallagher Patrick . P
Gainer James Peightell Rebecca
Gayley & Somerville Peightell Samuel
Glasgow & Brother 5 Parsons William 2
Price James
Healy Patrick 2 Porter Henry
Horan John T
Highland William Telford Edwtted
Hunter David Thompson MisiMagt
Hutchison James Trastr Daniel
Ilampson Jackson Thompson Charles E
Harman John Templeton James
Howell John C Thullen Heinrich
Hamiltqa Mr
litiman - John G Wara John
Hersey Rev John 2 White E
Hershey john Wilson Emon
Height William White Miss Ellen
Walton Jesse V
Johnstonll H Woodworth Almon
Jarboe Thomas A • Williams Alfred
Wilson George
Kelly James &Co 2 Wilson William
Kelly J B & Co
Persons inquiring for letters on the ,above
List will please say they are advertised.
art Two cents in addition to the regular
postage charged on advertised tellers.
Huntingdon, Ju'iy 10, 1819-31.
Wattld respectfully inform hie old friends and
t.e Public generally that he has resumt busi
ness as SIERCHANI"I'AILf ill, in the room
next door'to C. Coats' Pi mei, formerly occupied
by the Globe Printing office; Huntingdon, Pa.
Ile has jant received from t hiladelphia a
splendid assortment of I LOTHS, CABB.I
- and VbSTINGS of the best finish which
he in prepared to make up to order at pricer that
cannot fail to suit the views of all. A perfcet
fit will in all cases he guaranteed.
\\'ork will also be (limo C.r those who prefer
the;, cloth elselahere.
May 1,1849.
1TZ27.7 7LC1T1172:1:3.127:1\MNT:
Saddle & Harness
Respectfully informs the public, that he hai
commenced bueineee fo, hiineelf tu the room
lately occupied by F. Krell nearly opposite the
Foot 011i.:e. in Main Street, I I untingdon. Pa.
all, limbo of Hanle.. and Saddle. wi I be man
f ictured on the shortest notice, of the best inate.
0.14, and a., cheap as cen he hail at iny other
establishment in the county .
He reripectfully Lab. 3 share of public patron.
mks. May 1, 1849.
,prince Millinery ticod
*ohn Stche & soup,
Silks, Rlb 'u ons and Ali! lirwfq Gut
xo. 43 South Second Street 'hove viremut,
TO UL p cull the att. HU. it of Merchantsdo
V V MlN:nets vudtiug the airy, to their large
mid rich uccottmeat of
%/wiling 3iisilinery 64)6d4,
Received by late arrival,: Irani France, mull are
r;/ace Siika far ca ,;y,
Fancy Bonnet and t cp iii I a lunge and
beautiful eseortini nt of all prim ;
Plain Mantua and Satin Ribbow, from No. 1
to No. 12
French and American Artificial Flowers, (in
great variety) ;
Unlined and Wilde Crapes;
Fancy Lucca and Nets;
French Chip Bats;
Face Triir ;
Coveredhatchet:es—Cam; :
Buck ram 6-11'i load
Bonrct Crorus and "Fives;
Together with every artickappeituining to the
Millinery trede.
?t arch .?7,1811..
H. received and is now opoiing a splonelid
aloek co; Spring and Sewn,. :Goods, Oblong
be found every vinieiy of
Ladies' and Gentlemens' Dress Goods,
in part, ilotha of all kinds. French, Itelgian
and Fancy Cassimers, Kentucky Jeans, Croton,
Oregon and Tweed C. oths ; Vestings, Flannels
um! Drillir,gs, end a variety of Comm Goods for
ea mmer wear; Mouslin de Laines. French
Lawns' and Searle. Shawls and Handkerchiefs,'
Alpacas. litermoes, II large assortment of Vall
ee:ea of the newest sly lea. and at low prices,
Daimon, French, Scotch and Domestic Ging
hams and Balzorines, French and Irish Linens
afirl Checks. 13ed Ticking., Mualins and sheet
ings. &c., &e.
Roots, Shoes, flats and Caps, Groceries,
Hardware, Queenswine, &c.,
with a great variety of goods of all kind..
The shove stock of floods having been selec
ted with great care arid purchased at reduced
prices for Cash, I ant enabled to offer
Great Bargains,
and hope all who want will at least examine my
stock refore purthasitrg I.ere. as I mile
terniineil to cell on as reasonable terma as oily
one in Pennsylvania. I'lease call anti see my it affords me pleasure to show them
at all times.
.All kinds of Country Produce taken in ex.
chmige for Goode.
111irch 31, 1849.
nottio Acitvatber,
Thankful for past favors, most respectfully in
forms the citizens of Huntingdon and its vicim
ity, that he has made every arrangement neces
sary to supply all who may favor him with a
call, with the moat choice varieties of
zac CM 27. a 9
Confectionaries, Cakes, Fruits and Nuts.
His private rooms are fitted up in a linndsome
style, which will make thorn a comfortable resort
for Ladies and Gent emen.
Parties can be tarnished on the shortest notice
with Ice Cream, Confectionaries, all kinds of
Cakes and Fruits.
Huntingdon, May 22, 1849.
New Goods! New Goods!
en j a u;P d t i t z n o d ,. are now opc fling a
Their clock has been selected ivith great Care,
and at lower prices than those who purchmwd
earlier, and comprises a general variety of every•
thing called for by the public. They have
beautiful variety of LADIES and GENTLE
MEN'S Dress Goode, of the very latest styes,
which for quality and cheapness cannot he sur
passed. In addition to their large Stork of Dry
Goods, Housekeepers can be sum ied with
Fresh Groceries,
of a superior quality, very cheep ; Hardware
Queen.ware. &c.,
They invite the politic to call and examine
their stock. They make no charge for showing
their Goods.
May 1, 1849.
Drs. Neff & Miller
lIEEE,WounLain - Ir
n c r i o n r it m y, the tat c t i t t ,e ia y erLo e f
fitted up a room in the S. It. corner of John
ston's Hotel (enterance through Neff & Bro's
Jewelry store) where they will take great pleas
ure in attending to all who may favor them with
a call.
Artificial Teeth,
of all kinds, mounted on the most improved
modern style: Also, plugging, filing and clean
ing done with care and neatness.
N. B. Teeth Extracted with all the ease and
dispatch that modern science can furnish.—
Charges moderat,
Notide to turdbasers of Unseated
Land. _ _
LL persons who have neglected, lift ,
II ling their Deeds for Unseated Land
bought June 1848, are notified that if
not attended to by the August Court,
they left in other hands fur col
lection: The Treasurer will be absent•
from home during, the first three weeks
of Stfly.. ISAAC NEFF,
Treasurer's Office, June 9, 1849;
- 11 J N D
I im" E subsco iber reeipectfully rumen, cf.!. the
public that he is prepared to do work of all'
kinds connected with the Foundry business,
the best manner, and on the most reasonable
lie has constantly on hood wagon hose.,
plough', and plough castings, hollow ware, and
stoves of va Ho. kinds And sizes. The cooking
btoves w hie!) ltemanufsctureeare inferior to none
in the country, and are Warranted to perform
the various operations of cooking rind baking in
a loans, equal to any, and superior to most.—
He has these circa calculated for either wood
or coal. He has lately procured patterns for
wood and parlor closes, which for beauty and
excellence cdrupit be excelled. A leo, stoves for
silken, shops, &c., such no egg stoves, cannon
stoves, and others. lie invites persons desirous
of - purennstrig- to give him n ea I, as he is deter
miucrt fu as good •tin arriele and nt an low
prises do Cab be tibial led et any nth, place.
Mey s,
- - -
Wholesale OrocCrts,
groduee & Commission Merchants,
and Dealers iii Prtest tag . Manufactures,
NO , de Wood 'greet, thttsburg, Pa.
Refer to Mr.(krrkE t
Xotirs.J.:* W. SAXTON,
April 1840.
;7 4 , itri" - :
Relative to an Amendment of the
Received by the Senate and Hon. of Repre
sentatives of the Contmontonaltb of Pennsylva
nia is General Assembly snot : That the Consti
tution of this Commonwealth he amended in the
second section of the filth article, so that it shall
rend as follows : The Judges of the store!.
Court, of the several Courts of Common Pleas,
and of such other Courts of Record as are or
shall be established by law, shall be elected by
the qualified electors of the Commonwealth in
tile 'winner following, to wit The Judges of the
Supreme Court, by the qualified electors of the
Commonwealth at largo. The President Jude.
of the several Courts of Common Pleas and of
ouch hthirr Courts of Record as are or shall be
established lay law, and all other Judges requi
red to be lea ned ill the law, by the qualified
electors of the respective districts over which
they on: to preside or act as Judges. And the
Associate Judges of the Courts of Common
Pleas by the qualified e ectora of the Counties
respectively. The Judges of the Supreme Court
shall hold their offices for tR,M term of fifteen
years if they sha II Ft, Iting behave themselves
well: (subject to the allotment hereinafter pro.
vided for.suhsequent to the first election:) The
President Judges of the several Courts of Com
mon Pleas, and of such other courts of Record
as are or shall be establislied by law, and all
other Judges required to he lea ned in the law,
shall hold their offices for the tertn of ten years,
if they shall so long behave themselves well :
T.he Associate Judges of the Courts of Common
Pleas shell hold their offices for the term of five
years, if they shall so long behave themselves
well: all of whom shall be commissioned by the
Governor, but for any reasonable cause which
shall not be sufficient grounds of impeachment,
the Governor shall remove any of them on the
address of two-thirds of each branch of the Leg
islature; The first election shall take place at
the general election of this Commonwealth next
after the adoption of this amendment, and the
commissions of all llm judges who may be then
in offi ce shall expire on the first Monday of De
cember following, when the terms of the new
judges shall commence. 'Phe persoits with shall
then he elected Judges of the Supteme Court
shall hold their offices as follows: one of them
for three years, one fer six yee., one for nine i
years, one for twelve yea's, and one for fifteen
years , the term of each to be decided by lot by !
the said judges as soon after the election as con
venient. intlthe result certified by them to the
vernor, that the cominianions may be issued
in accordance thereto. The judge whose com
mission mill first expire shall be Chi e f j us ti ce
during, his term, and thereafter each judge whose
commission shall first expire shall in turn be the
Chief Justice, and it two or more commissions
often expire on the same day, the judges holding
them shall decid3 by lot which shall be the Chief
Justice. Any vacancies happening by death,
resignation, or otherwise, in any of the said
courts. shall be filled by appointment by the Gov
ernor, to continue till the first Monday of De
cember succeeding the next general election.—
The Judges of the Supreme Court and the Pres
identsof the eeveral Courts 3( Common Pleas
shall, moulted time., receive for their aerviees an
adequate compensation, to be fixed by law,
which shall not he diminished during their con
inuance in office, but they shall receive no fees
or perquisites of office, nor hold r.ny other office
of profit under this Commonwealth, or under the
government of the United States, or any other
State of this Union. The Judges of the Su
preme Court during their continuance in office
shall reside within thi; Commonwealth, and the
other Judges during their continuance in office
shall reside within the' district or county for
vvhich they score respectively elected.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
GEO. DARtiltl,
Speaker of the Senate.
In the Senate, Mart* 1, 1819.
Resolved, That this resolution pass. Yeas
21, Nays 8, Extract from the Journal.
In the House of Reprosenfratives, April 2, 1819.
Resolved, That this resolution past.—Yeas
58, Nays 26. Extract front the Journal.
\V M. JACK, l lark.
Secretary's Office,
Filed Apiil 5,1849.
Dep. See. of the Conn
Sccretary's Office.
Pennsylv.tta, Sc.
1 DO CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is
a true and correct copy of the 0 iginal Resolu
tion of the General Assembly, entitled "Resole,.
tion relative to en amendment of the Constitu
tion," as the same remains on file in this office.
fie testimony whereof' have hereon
sat, to set my hand, and caused to lee affit
ed the seal of the Secretary's Office
at Harrisburg, this eleventh day of June Anno
Domini, one thousand eight hundred end forty
to strangers visiting the city, every one'
who purchases One Dollar's worth of
Books, will receive a copy of the
18mo volume, the price of which is 25
1)3 The limits of this advertisement
are too confined to enumerate the prices
"JOURNAL OF SENATE. of any of the Books, or to give even a
Resolution, No. 188 entitled "Res faint idea of the immerse advantages to
b 6 derived from purchasing at the Great
"olution relative to an amendment of the
" Constitution," was read a third time. Central,Cheap Bookstore, but lot all who
are in search of. Books send for a Cats
"to the resolution 1 The Yens and Nays " Oti the rfuesticin, will the Senate agreeee
logute, and buy the Books they are in
"were taken agreeably to the Constitu•
want of, and when visiting the city, give
"lion, and were as follow,' viz: l Appleton one call; and you will be sure
"YEAS—Messrs. Bons, Brawley,Crabb, to call a g ain
Cunningham, Forsyth, [lupus,in all' its brancheS, furnished at the low.
son, Lawrence, Levis, Mason. Ahab'.
est Prices. T he Initials of those purclia
" es, M'Cuslin, Rich, Richards, Letter and .Note Paper, neatly Sadler,
" Sankey, Slivery, Small, Smyseu, Ster- sin g
Brett and Stine-21. stamped in the corner :Without Char°,
Orderiofor any article may be sent bv
" NAYS—Messrs. Best, Drum, Frick, I mail; addressed to tile Proprietor, and
Kon ig Puncher, Potteiger
•'•Darsie, Speaker-8. itiC erections in all ca. es will be fully
",So the question was determined in carried out, with great punctuality and
"the affirmative." despatCh.
Orders fOr Catalogaes should be pre-
Bookseller', Meld isher, Importer, and
"Shall the resolution pass 1 The I
Stationer; 164 Chesnut St corner of
"yeas and nays were taken agreeably to Seventh Swaim's Buidinw.
"the profiision of the tenth article of Al a) ,
" the Constitution, and are as follow, .
" viz: GOLD PENN.
See'y of the Cont.
Ygns—Messrs. Gideon J. Ball, Da
vid J, Bent, Craig Biddle, Peter P.
" Bloom, David M. Bole, Thomas K.
Bull, Jacob Curt, John H. Diehl, Na
•" thaniel A. Elliott, Joseph Emery, Da-
• " vid G. Eshelman, William Evans,
"John Fausold, Samuel Fegely, Joseph
" W. Fisher, Henry M. Fuller, Thomas
"Grove, Robert Hampson, George, P.
".Henszey, Thomas J. Herring, Joseph
" Higgins, Charles Ilortz, Joseph B.
"Hower, Robert Klotz, Harrison I'.
"Laird, Abraham Lamberton ' James .1.
" Lewis, James W. Long, Jacob M'-
" Cartriey, John F. M'Culloch, Hugh
" M'Kee, John Mlaughlin, Adam Mar
till, Samuel Marx, John C. Myers, Ed
ward Niekleson, • Stewart Pearce,
"James Porter, Henry C. Pratt, Alonzo
"Robb, ueorge Rupley, Theodore . Ry
" man Bernard S. Schoongver, Samuel
" Seibert, John; Sharp, Christian &live
,. ly, Thomas C. Steel, Jeremiah B.
"Stubbs, Jos. J. Stutzman, Marshall
" SWaitzWelder, Samuel Taggart, Geo.
"T. Thorn, Nicholas Thorn,. Arnim!'
" Wattles, Samuel k , eirich, Alonzo I.
" ilcox i Daniel Zerbey and William
" Packer; Speaker-58.
"Nirs—Messrs. Augustus K. Corny n,
"David M. Courtney, David Evans,
" Henry S. Evans, John Fenlon, John
" W. George, Thomas Gillespie, John
" B. Gordon, William Henry, James J.
" Kirk Joseph Laubach; Robert R. Lit
' tle, john S. M'Cuhrout, John M'Kee,
APSherry, Josiah Miller, Wil
limn T. Morrison, John A. Otto,
• " limit Y. Roberts; John W. Roseberry,
"John B. Rutherford; R. Rundle Smith,
"Jahn Sthyth, • Jelin Solider; George
"Winters and. David I. Williams—~G.
" Su the question was determined in
" the affirmative."
Harrisburg,June 15, 184.9.
Pennsylvania, ss : . . .
'NA, I no cou•rtet that the above Cod
SEAL foregoing is a true and correct ropy .!'
—..,...... the• •• Yeas" and "Nays." taken 0::
the " Resolution relative to an amendment uf
the Constitution," as the same appears on the
Journals of the two Houses of the General Ns
sernhly of thii Commonwealth, tor the se, , i,i
of 1849.
Witness my hand and the seal of said alike,
the fifteenth day of June, one thousand eight
hundred and forty-nine..
Secretary' of the Commonwaalth.
June 26 1649.
164 Chesnut Street,
Corner of Seventh, Swaim's Buildings,
KNOWING the wants of the corn•
munity, the Proprietor of this es•
tablishment has fitted up a store in the
most elegant manner, having due regard
to the comfort of his customers, so that
every stranger visiting his Book Store,
may feel entirely at home.
of Books is classified according to the
various Departments of Literature, so
that visitors can find the books they are
in search of for themselves. Buying
his stock for the most part at the Auc-
TION ,SALES, and being connected with
in this country, besides publishing large
ly himself, enables him to Bell ALL Books
than any other house-of .a similar char
acter on this continent. His facilities
for the IMPORTATION of Books from Eu
rope are unsurpassed, having a branch
of his Establishment in London, where
orders of private gentlemen are careful
ly executed and lorwarded to this Coun
try by every STEAMER and PACKET.
Of Books with the prices attached is is
sued quarterly, containing Lists of New
Additions made to his large collection,
Which are in all cases for sale at the
or, from 25 to 75 per cent. below• Pub•
lishers' Prices. Th sin buying even a
few books, quite a considerable amount
is saved.
As a still further
Wnrranted GOLD PENS, with silver
handles, can be bad at SCOTT'S Cheap
;Jewelry Store, for $4415 Qther 6 0 1d 1
Peas, without handles, for '75 cents.
April 17, 1849.
The Girard Life insurance Annuity and i WorstlelPs Vegetable Restorative Pills
Trust Uoinpanv of l'hhiladelphia.
I] A VE been gradually hut surely miming into
11 favor, among the families of this Country for
Office NO. 159 Chestnut Street• some years past They hove done this entirely
Capital $3OOOOO. , through their great worth as a FAMILY M I.tD•
WIN& Agencies have been opp
, ointed but no
•pufling and humbug mach as is• tenoned to by
VONTINUE to make insurances on Lives on
(putts to sell their medicine has been done.
V.,/ the 'litho. favorable Terms, receive and execute ,
Ills pills are offered for sale and have and Will
I Times and receive deposits on interest.
continue to be sold by all the pi inciple store
! 'rite Cs pital being p a id u p sar i invested, to-! keepers. The proprietors claim for their Medi
gether with accumulate) premium fund affords
cine the Billowing advantages over ell others—
• a perfect secur it yto to the insured. The pre- 1 v i z:
ntlnin may Ma Paid in yearly , hai l y earl y , or They are CERTAIN 1.0 OPERATE. Their
quartetly payments,
, a eration is FREE from all PAIN. They can
1 The Company odd a BONUS at stated peel- be used with EQUAL I•ENEFITI , S , the ot'ng
oda to the incurances for life. This plan of in-'
est INFAN I and the STRONGES'F Al AN—
surance is •the 1110. i approvcd el end is mere' , Th e m e ediciency in Fevers, Ague, lleadaehes,
generally, in nee, than any oche: in Great Britain, ; Habitual Costiveness, Dyspepsia, ( hiders Mor
(where the subject is best understood by the pea- ' hus, &c.. lies been proven neon thousand,—
ple; rind where they have had the longest expe- ; They area Ceitsin Cure for Wcims. The pun
rienee,) as appears from the fact, that out of 117
prietors pourers a certificate frem s genii, 111. in
Life insurance Companies there, of all kinds, 87
are on this p:an. . i St. Louts who was cured of a 'FAH: N ORA by
I the use of then,. Try them they %intim Mil.
The first BONUS was appropriated in Decem. I Travelling agent lei the Stine of Pr envy Iva
her 1844, amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum niu—t HAUL. P. A'.neT. For idle, price 25
insured under His oldest policies; to 8 0.4 per cents a box containing FIFTY NIA S. milli full
cent ' 7 14 ? et ' cent " 6' &e. an oil* "' in p ro " directions by the following agents in Huntingdon
portion to the time of standing, making an addi- County:
tiari of $ [Oh ; $87, 5 0: $ 75 . &c. &e. In ev ery 1 Thomas Read & Son. Huntingdon.
1,000, originally insured, which is en average of I 'Thomas E. Othison, Orliiiiiiiiin,
more than 50 per emit. on the remiums paid. i J . N I . Li iii i iiey, 8 0 ni day ,,„,,, , 1. - • lid, Ca.
and without increasing the atinunl payment of 1
A. WEEKS & Co.
the einnFitny.
• ! Proprietors, Laboratory No, 141 • Cheroot street,
The:Operation of the 'BONUS will lie rent/ by i p h ilz i ki pn i z. . .•
the following examples fiats the Life Insurance I January 23, 1849 Iy.
Register of tho Company , tliniil" ..
Antt.o . lpol.and
bonus payable
at the party's
i cleeease,
$lllO.OO it 11,130.00
260,00 2,750.00
400.00 4,400,00
175.00 2,175.00
437,50 5,437,50
Policy Insured. Bonus Or II
No. 58
Pamphlets oontuining the table of rates, end
explanations of thesubject; fortme of application
afiji farther infointation can he hod at the office,
grafi, in rrson or by letter, addressed to the
P. evident or Actuary.
II W. RIC 11 A RDS, President.
.INO. V. JAMES, Actuary.
May rS, 1819, ty
R E EA"' Ai
&c., &c. ; &c.
This medicine. is an excellent tonic. It im
parts health and vigor to the digestive organs and
thus strengthens the whole system. hence it is
just the thing for tlpring, when so ninny need
something strengthening. Let every one read
the following eases, and if you have ono or more
symptoms like tlose meLtioned, doti t fail to try
this invaluable medicirie.
Severe Cse Sl` of Dyspepsia.
From R. P. STOW, Esq., ✓lsst. Clerk
U. S. House Representatives.
WAsHi NOT.. D. ('.,dune 1b,1846
Dn. GEO. B. C. 4 ItEEN :--Dear Sito 1 feel it non
only a pleaeu. e, but a duty, to make known to
you and to the public, or you desire it.) the sur
prising effects of the • Oxygenated Hitters," in
relieving me front that most discouraging disor•
der, Dyspepsia. I have been afflicted `or about
seventeen years with the canal attend..nt symp
toms, viz: constipation of the bowels, headache,
pain in the chest, flatulence aridity of the stom
ach, and severe nausea ; and for months at a time
not the least particle of moisture would appear
ou the surface of the chest or limbs, and most
of the time I was extremely bilious.l have used
various remedies, have been strict in my diet,
have been dosed with calomel and emetic. Jay
after day by physician, but all to no good par.
pose. Hearing of the wonderful effect. of the
'"Oxygenated Bitters," in the cure of Dyeprpsia l
I procured some as a last resort , have used four
bottles of the inetlici e, and find the bad symp•
toms all removed. end myself once more in the
enjoyment of health. None but the Dyspeptic
sullbser, who has felt a I the horrors of the die
ease, can at all appreciate the value of the medi
cine, 1 most sincerely hope that al , will make
trial of the medicine, and with me be able to re•
knee in the return of health,
Lady Cured of Neuraluia
From Rev. 7'H0.41, 1 1S KIDDER, of
WINDSOR. Vt., Aug. 8,1848.
Dean Stn :—lt give. me great pleasure to in
form you that the • Oxygenated Bitters," with
which you furnished my wile, has wrought a
cure in her case. About two years since, my
wile was violently *mocked with neutalgis in
the fore, through the chest, in the woists and
tinkled. HO violent won the disease, added to a
general derangement of the female system, that
her strength was completely prostrated, her flesh
wasted, and oho rendered miserable indeed. I
feel grateful for the restoration of her health, and
in duly bound to give puhlietty to the above
facts, that others similarly afflicted may know
where to seek for cure. Truly your friend.
From Hon, .11YRO.N' L&WRENCE i
Of „Vass.
of 4 or some twenty years I had suffered seiete•
ly from humorist Asthma. I wan compelled to
sit up one-third of the night. and the rest of the
time my sleep was interrupted by violent 811,of
coughing and great till'''. Ity of breathing. 1
nil poi, our coutts I never went
to bed iu NOf thatopteo in twenty years tat twice,
and then was compelled to get up. Now I lie
in tied without difficulty, and sleep eo6hiliy,
look the " Oxygenated hitters," according to
direction's. The violent aymptomis immediately
abated, and perseverance in the use of:t. u tern
edv has remove d o il its troublesome cons, Two
emi. Pile value of such n remedy is inealcolahle,
and 'I hope its virtues may be widely ififfused nii(f
its beneficent agency extensively employed."
Goes.* SS F 'Armtek. General Agents, No. gé,
South -lath St, Philadelphia.
Sold wholesale and retail by THOMAS READ &
Sox, Huntingdon, Pa.
Priqe—sl.oo per bottl,.:: ofi Ilottles
for $5.00.
May 8 184.1.
Constantly on and
and for sole by
J. PALMER, & Co.
Market St. Wharf,
Feb. 27, 1849.-3 m
rpHE subscribers, residents of Shade
1 Gap, Huntingdon county, Pti., beg
leave to inform their friends and the pub
lic, generally, that they have established
at the place above mentioned, a BOARD
ING SCHOOL for the education of
young men.
The course of • instruction comprises,
in addition to the usual branches of a
common English education: Philosopli3
Mathematics, and the Latin and Greek
iringue2, , es. The location is distinguished
for its healthfulness and the moral and
religious character of the surrounding
community Every attention will be
paid to the health and morals of the pu
pils as well as to their mental training
and advancement in scientific knowl
edge, and every facility will be afforded
for their personal comfort and conveni
ence. The year-is divided into two ses
sions of five months each ; the winter
session commencing on the Ist of No
vernber, and the Summer session com
mencing on the 23rd of April.
- Tertns per Session :—For Orthogra
phy, Reading and Writing, $5. Arith
metic, Geography, Grammar, Philos°.
phy ; History and-composition, sB.
; Mathematics, Greek and Latin lan
gouges, $ 2. Boarding, exclusive of t
fuel and light, $1,25 per week. Instruc- I
ition given in French and German, at an
additional charge. The subscribers, en
couraged by the liberal patronage which
they have already received, would re
peat, that they are determined to spare
' no effort in making the Institution one
that will commend itself to all parents
who desire to give their sons a thorough
preparatory education, without expo. ,
sing them to the contaminating and
moral influences that exist in more pop ,
ulous communities. For reference or
further particulars address
Shade Gap, March 13, 18.19.
The " old Locust Corner”
----- - -
Ai head !!
Fisher, iVlchturtrie et co., •
HAVE just received a large and gib nd id .4
sortme t of
which they ore se .leg, as usual, at extremely
low profits. 7'heir stock consists of a general
assortment, adopted to the eitirits of all. Sem:
ennoble DRESS GOODS for Ladies and Gen
thimen READY-Al, DE CLO'I'HING, Pon
nets, t also, Doom and Shoes, hardware,)
Groceries. &c.. (km lit short, the oLn LOVbt
CORNER" continues to be the
where every thing useful and ornamental, con
he had. better and cheaper, than can be piece
red elsewhere. Their motto in oh a
end mall Profits." All who drsire to supply,
themselves with good goods, at low prices, rift
give them a call.
March 21,1849.
Beat the '1,41,4111 of Fashion'' wird'
B. & W. SNARE,
No. 1, Cornet' Room of Bnartt's How, oppottitti
John Whit taker's Tavern, Huntingdon, l'o.
The undersigned thankful for past faiore,
L nu their customers and the p , ,hlic generally
that they have just rereived from the city, tir e
large t, cleapest and moot splendid assortment
Ready-11:1de Clollllifig,
ever brought to I I ontingslon. I heir stock con
sists of Dress and Frock Coats. > eels and Vuei
nese I mite. rmiteloons and Vents of o%oly style
and description suited to the season..— we rrentsl
well made and faiditonsbly splendid as
sortm6nt of Weediest Muslin and Lind) Shiite
and Plaitad Bosoms. ' eilttnti, worsted and
woolen short Stockings; Suspenders so.dHand
kerekiete. A genttel skit of clothes for almost
Nu♦ idyl. of Hats and Cape Foote & Shoes,
Umbrellas. Ste., al of which will he sold at the
lowest prices. Pica.e cal and examine hefor‘
purchasing elsewhere.
13. & W. SNARE
buntingilon. April 3. 1.19.
Wu. T. WA LTI118: 11.111.1.$ ET•
Walter. & lienrs'Or,
ri.ate Hatlehurst & N nrvdo l
Produce am] General Commistion 'Merchant.,
NOR. 15 & lR Spnnr's Whsrf,
• taikitisort%
Liberal Cash advances Made on tuntigrancnts
of 411 kinds of Produce.
April 3 , 1849-Bm,