Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 07, 1849, Image 1

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'Tis sad—yet sweet—to listen
To the soft winds gentle swell,
And think we hear the niusic
Our childhood knew so well;
To gaze out on the even,
And the boundless fields of air,
And feel again our boyhood's wish
To roars, like angels there !
There are many dreams of gladness
That cling around the past—
And from the tomb of feeling
Old thoughts come thronging fast—
The forms we loved so dearly
In the happy days now gone,
The beautiful and lovely,
So fair to look upon.
Those bright and gentle maidens
Who seemed so formed for bliss,
Too glorious and too heavenly
For such a world as this !
Whose dark soft eyes seemed swimming
In a sea of liquid light,
And whose locks of gold were streaming
O'er brows so sdnny bright.
Whose smiles Were like the sunshine
I n the spring time of the year—
Like the changeful gleams of April,
They follow every tear!
They have passed-Mika hopea.away,
Alt their lovehjness has fled—
Oh, many a heart is mourning
That they are with the dead.
Like the brightest buds of summer .
They have fallen from the stem ;
Yet oh ! it is a lovely death
To fade from earth like them !
And yet the thought is saddening
To muse on'Such as they,
And feel that all the beautiful
Are passing fast away !
That the fair ones whom we love,
Grow to each loving breast
Like tendrils of the clinging vine ;
Then perish where they rest.
And can we but think of these
In the soft and gentle spring;
When the trees are waving o'er us,
•And the flowers are blossoming?
For we know that winter's coming
With hia cold and stormy sky--
And the alorions beauty round us
Is budding lint to die !
From the rational inte liigencer.
July 18, 1849.
DEAR MR. RITCHIE :—I can't keep
from writing to you no longer. I must
any we are getting m ost out of patience
up here in this Salt River Territory ;
and are beginning to feel a good deal
disappointed to think Gineral Taylor is
holding on to the Presidency so long.—
I was in hopes after you conchided to
stay . down there to Washington and.
fight the battle out, that you would a
routed him out by this time, and gin
our party a chance to come back again.
Nnt that I've got any thing agin Gol
eta! Taylor ; and I don't say but what
he's a clever sort of a man enough; and
fought well in Mexico ; and I don't know
hut he and the folks around him is car
rying on the government all smooth and
regular. But all that's nothin' to the
pint. The whole nub Of the argument
is, they've got our places, and we want
'em. This Salt river country is a tire
some place to stay in. And we've been
availing here now a number of months,
hoping that you would upset the whole
apple-cart of the Administiation, and
give us itll.a fair elatitice to pick up the
fruit. But we've been disappointed. I
don't see ns you are tiny nearer getting
Gineral Taylor out of bflice that, you
Was three months ng,o. We've had a
number of meetings up lucre about it,
and talked the matter over, and some of
our friends are quite put out with you
about it, and fling out about your being
Old, and lost your spunk, and don't fight
With the grit you used to.
I took your part strong, and told 'em
'twas no sich a thing ; if you was older
than you used to be, you was tough as
n pitch-nott yet, and had as much grit
in you as ever, and only wanted tonsin'
to make you fight like a tiger. They
finally agreed if I would write to you
and stir you up, so as to make you come
down upon the Administration hot and
heavy, as though you meant to do softie;
thing, they'd be patient a little longer.
But if not, they'd kick the "Union" over
and take up another organ for the party.
I asked 'em how they thought they could
better themselves by that, and where
they thought they could find an organ
to be compared to the Union.
"Why," says Bill Jones says he,
we'll take the Salt River Herald."
"But," says I, "you know the Salt
River Herald can't hold a candle to the
Union for respectability."
"I don't care for that," says he, "the
Herald is a smarter paper ; it can tell
two lies to the Union's one, week in
and Week out, and put a sting in the
tail of every one of 'em."
"Well, I taint n-going to brag," says
1, "about the Union's talents for hntchin
fibs, but there's one thing you ought to
remember, the He•ald's lies are always
wavertn', whilst the Union's fibs are al.
ways well stood to ; and you know ac-
cording to the old saying, which is con
sicierbd worth the most."
I think I rather got ahead of Bill in
the argument here, for he couldn't an
swer me a word. And now my dear
Mr. Ritchie, you see what sort of a pic•
kle ive are in, and I hope you Will spunk
tip and put your best foot forward ; go
at Hui administratiou in arnest ; take
hold of 'ern like a catamount, and give
'em sich a clawing that they'll be glad
to clear out in a hurry, and let our par
ty come in and have the rights again
that have belonged to us this twenty
years. Now, I don't want to find fault
nor complain ; you know it Pint my
natur. But I must say I think you have
been quite too tame along back, and too
mealy-mouthed, as if you were afraid to
speak out your mind. The fact is you
must go at Gineral Taylor in real arnest.
He's the head of the admbistration, and
you kilo* that if we can cut the head off
the critter's dead. But you must give
harder blows than any you have used
yet. I don't deny but what you have
used some considerable smart words to
wards him ; 1 don't deny but what you've
called him a "dolt," and a "cheat," and
a "tool," and a "mere cypher," and a
"disgrace to the country," and an "im
, beetle, ignorant tyrant," and "a whiten
ed sepulchre," and "a man who is
gracing himself," and “a fraction of a
man," and "an eighth part of the cabi
net," and "the fly upon the coach wheel,'
and "a butcher," and "a Nero," and "a
Moloch," and "a Cyclops," an sich like.
But all this don't amount to nothing.—
Its only jest nudging a man in the ribs
with your elbow, when you ought to
fist up and knock hiin head over heels.
If you really mean to do do anything, it
won't do to stand mincing words in this
soft kind of way. You must put the
blows do with a sledge hammer. In-
I stead of calling him a dolt, you should
call him a natural born fool. Instead of
allowing him to be the eighth part of a!
man, you should swear right up and
down (that is if you ever do swear) that
there isn't a particle of the hair or hide
of a man about him. Talk up in that
kind of a way, and our party would be
gin to take courage and feel as if there
was some hopes for 'em yet.
There's one thing that's very impor
tant, and I see you feel very anxious
about ; and that is, that we should get
Gineral Taylor out somehow or other
on the Wilmot Proviso. l'ts a shame
and disgrace, and a crime worse than
high treason, that he keeps his mouth
diet oil that subject. I hope you will
be able to contrive some way or other
to get it out of him : but I know it is a
difficult matter. Cousin Nubby used.
to have a way of getting secrets out of
folks when they were asleep, about their
lovers and so on. I believe she used to
do it by stealing into the room slyly
where they were asleep, and holding a
looking glass over their face, and whis
pering to 'em, and they would answer
any questions she asked 'em. Now, if
you should catch Gineral Taylor asleep
somewhere, or if you could get one of
the servants of the white house to catch
him asleep sometime, and hold a look
ing-glass over his face, arid whisper to
him and ask him whether he is for or
agin the Wilmot Proviso, probably the
secret would come out, and Our party
would bb safe. It makes not a pin's
difference which side he comes out on;
we can fight him as well one way as
'tother. The only thing is to get him
out; We are ready to head him on bOth
tucks. If lie comes oat for the Proviso,
we can rho him down with Gineral Cass;
and if he comes out agin the Proviso;
We can run him down With Col. Benton:
But if he don't come out at all, I'm afraid
We can't run him down with nobody.
Now, do try and do your best to get
hihr out on the proviso, for you see how
important it is. _
, So I remain your patient but rather
bahgry friend;
a lisping, fashionable bells, who had
graduated at half ii dozen Warding
schools, to a friend of Ours, who had just
been introduced to her at an evening
party, "Doctor, which do yi)u . prefer,
tholidity of hitellect or -brillianthyl--
Thum adinireth brillianthy, and others
admired) tholidity ; but ath fur me, nth
Thakespeare says in his Bride of Aby,
doth, I.prefer tholidity and brillinnthy
The Doctor sunk into the nearest
chair, and fainted as dead as a log.
'Have you made chqice of a profess
sionV inquired a yonng lady of a gen
tleman, who was endeavoring to do the
agreeable. replied the gentleman,
am a journeyman shoemaker.' Good
Heavens l' exclaimed ,the lady, apparent
ly much tlisgusted, thought you were
a student:' The gentleman 'left on sus
~ tl3e honest !" children. What a hap
pylivorld this would be, if all men were
hoAst I Then there would be no need
of a blacksmith to forge chains for the
prisoner, nor bars and bolts to secure
our dwellings from the rude hand of the
robber. Then, too, all people would
love each other like brothers.
But, sad to tell, this is not the case!
All people are not honest.
Dishonesty is not only to be found
among men and women, but alas ! it is
often found in the circles of the young.
Miny children as small as you, my rea
der, are often met with, indulging in
this low— this vile practice.
Let me tell you a story of two small
boys, who were bud, dishonest lads.
"Come, come," said Harry Thought
less to his friend William Playful, "let's
go and take a walk, and I'll show you
some sport l" "Agreed," replied Wil
liam ; and off the two bogs scampered.
They hod not gone far before they
spied an old woman sitting by a stone
wall, with a basket of delicious peaches
by her side. The poor woman had been
walking all day, trying to sell her fruit.
But she had scarcely found any purcha
sers. Then in weariness and sorrow,
she had sat herself down to enjoy a mo
ment of rest, and soon forgot ull her
troubles in the enjoyment of balmy
The boys tempted by the fine appear
ance of the fruit, seized hold of the bas
ket, and then ran off in great haste. Soon
the old woman awoke, and great was,
her terror, when she found the basket
' and the splendid peaches had disap
I suppose Willliam and Henry thought
it was fine fun to steal the poor woman's
basket of fruit; but they should have
remembered the old fable of the
and the frogs : "What was fun to them
was death to others !"
0, children, be honest! What can
you gain by being dishonest'! Nothing
but shame, it that can be called gain.—
Shame which will be your reward *bile
children ; and when you grow up to be
men and women, the evil effects of this
wicked habit will F till follow you.
Very rarely indeed, do persons escape
from the shameful effects rf dishonesty,
if, when children, they are known to in
dulge therein. There is a proverb which
reads as follows : "He that will steal an
egg will steal an ox !" The simple
meaning of this is—those who will steal
small things, will not stop until they
steal larger ones.
The man who robs his neighbor of a
thOusand dollars, did not begin on so
large a scale tit once. He probably com
menced by talcing a penny or en apple,
and by degrees he overcame all reluc
tance, and at last we find his conscience
becomes hardened, and then lie can east
sily take his neighbor's goods, and, in
some cases, take the life of a fellow be
ing. 1% by, how often is it the case,
that the robber, to secure his purpose,
murders, in cold blood, his fellow-man.
I think I may safely venture the as
sertion, that two-thirds of the murders
in this or other lands, may be traced to
the crime of ilishOnesty I And when I
see a little boy robbing his playmate of
a few marbles; a top, or any small ihing,
I am led to ask myself this question,
Will that lad become a house breaker,
and that housebreaker a tn,rdererl
This is a serious, solenin thOughi,
Children: Think of it
How bad must that boy feel who is
dishOnest: Good people will not love
him, not asitociate witn him. His school-
Mates will Shun him ; and he is left alone
to wander through this world. illone !
did I say? Oh, no; he will not be alone;
for a dishonest lad will find kindred
companions. The old proverb says,
"Birds of a feather flock together
But who wants sects companions? I
hope none of My readers are eager for
such associates.
Then, children, shun all evil compa
ny. Resist ail temptations to sin; arid
the, smiles of your Heavenly father Will
be upon 'you, and you will be happy.
If at any time' ou are tempted to steal
ii pin bra cent, flee from the temptation
with all your might.
In one of the Western States, many
years ago, there was a man condemned
to. die. When he was brought upon the
seafild to be launched into eternity, he
begged permission to say something to
the large crowd assembled to witness
the awful tragedy about to take place.
Verinission was granted him and as he
opened his mouth to speak, the dense
crowd pressed forward to listen to his
dying words.
sin about, " sail this unfortunate
young man, "to suffer death for depri
ving a fellow being of lile. I commenced
my downward career by taking from my
parents, without their knoivledge, a five
cent piece I Beware, young Man, be
This *vas ell this Murderer had to
say. '1 hese were his dying words.
And need 1, my reader, add Any more,
Surely I have said enough ; and if what
1 have written should do no good, pro
bably the dying words of Thomas P.
Winters mny prove availing, "Beware
young man, bew ire !" I conclude as I
began, by exhorting you to ea HONEST.
—Phila. Sun.
Bonaparte's Opinion of Christ.
A foreign journal published a conver
sation, related by Count de llontholon,
the faithful friend of the Emperor Napo
"1 know men," said Napoleon, "and 1
tell you that Jesus was not a man ! The
religious of Christ is a mystery which
subsists by its own force, and proceeds
from a mind which is not a human mind.
We find in it a marked individuality,
which originated a train of words and
actions unknown before. Jesus borrow
ed nothing from our knowledge. He
exhibited in himself a perfect example
of his precepts. Jesus is not a philoso
pher, for his proofs nit miracles, and
from the first his disciples adored him.
In fact, learning and philosophy are of
no use for salvation ; and Jesus came
into the world to reveal the Mysteries
of Heaven, and the laws of the Spirit.
"Alexander, C ie sar Charibmagne, and
myself, founded empires; but on what
foundation did we rest the creations of
our genius 1 Upon force. Jesus Christ
alone founded his empire upon love :
and at this hour millions of men would
die for him.
"It was not a day ; or a battle, that
achieved the triumph of the Christian
religion in the world. No, it was a long
war—a contest for three centuries—be.
gun by the Apostles, then con , inued by
the flood of Christian generations. In
this war, if all the kings and potentates
pf the earth were on one side—on the
other, I see no army but a Mysterious
force, 'yome men scattered here and there
in all parts of the world, and who have
no other rallying point than a common
faith in the mysteries of the Crosi.
die before my time, and my body
Will be given back to the earth, to become
fend for the worms. Such is the fate of
him who hits been called the Great Na
poleon. W hat an abyss between My deep
misery and the eternal kindom of Christ,
which is proclaimed, lbved and adored,
and which is extending over the world !
Call you this dying I Is it not hiring,
rather 7 The death of Christ is the death
of God !"
Napoleon stopped at the ldst words;
bet Gen. Bertrand making no reply, the
Emperor added :
If you do not perceive that Jesus
Christ is God, I did wrong to appoint
you General."
Death of a Child.
These words are full of strange and
moving meaning ; winter following
spring = nightlall succeeding to dawn!.
Fanciful ideas crowd upon the mind
hand in hand in solemn truths. That
little being who knew nothing here, now
to know the end of all things! That
-Vacant, intelligence which wondered at
the ticking of a watch, now to under
stand the mystery of its own being. My
own 'ehild, who use to hang upon my
lips for instruction now advanced where
one Word Would, from its own mouth, be
a revelation tome ! That.helpless crea•
ture borne from and to arm, guarded by
day and watched by night, too shy to
bear the approach of a strange face, now
launched alone in the "vast profound,"
escorted by intelligence divine but
strange. N‘ ill there be no one eineng
that crowd of disfranchised spirits Who!
will claim an affinity with it 1 Will the
little brother who departed . year ago
recognize this as the babe who entered
the bonds of flesh as he was leaving
theml Or will it he one of the li rst signs
Of a better existence that the ties of blood
are not needed in it 1 Of . all the surro*s
in this World, that for the death of a
young child brings with it the readiest
healing. Would you grudge its having
received promotion without money 1 the
rights of citizenship without the formal;
ity of residence 1 ti certificate of
humanity4iihout the Service 1 the end
and aim of life without this Weary life
itself'? The death of a Child is tin enig
ma, but one which solves many others.
The mind may dream and wonder, anti
form strange conclusion iron the weak
ness of that life, which has yielded to
the strong arm of death ; but ttvd tfutht
retrisin distinct, more plainly read on
that cold trinrble cherub than on any
other form of lifelesis clay, and thoseare
the worthlessness of that breath which
a child is summoned to 'render up, and
the freshness of that grace which a child
is able to inherit.
itintniti --
1 V.
ihO General Taylor Jug
The following excellent temperance
story is told by the editor of the Grand
River Eagle :
We were highly amused yesterday.
On the bridge that crosses the tumbling
waters of Grand Rapids, we met a hale
old man with eleven sons, seven daugh
ters, thirty-seven grand children and
his own wife—the only one he ever had
.—with numerous horses, carts, tvagonb,
oxen, cows, calves, sheep, and furniture
of very antiquated appearance, among
which were to be seen cradles for ba
bies, cradles for grain, spinning wheels,
pots, kettles and almost every thing re
quisite for a settlement, such as fifty
seven blood 'relations will make in the
Grand River country. After stopping
the train, and making many inquiries,
we asked the old gentleman what use
there could be made of a bottomless jug,
which was carefully laid in a safe place,
among his domestic equipments, and
received tha following reply :
"Why, sir, I am a man of many years
and lots of children, and more a comin'
—and have ~ vorked other people's land
all my days—paid from four to nine
bushels of grain per acre rent, every
year for doin' it--I have used a jug With
a bottom in it, and I got sick of feedin'
other people with my own hands, either
landlord or rum•seller---so I sent seven
of my boys down to Mexico to tight for
some land—and they all got back safe,
after fighting with General Taylor, time
enough to vote for him—aid they
brought seven quarter sections of land
that, please God; will be our own with
out rent.
"And new that old jug you see there,
(pointing at the bottomless thing,) shall
hold all the whiskey or rum that will be
used in my whole family while I con
trol them ; because Gineral Taylor told
my son John that a jug without a bot
tom was the best kind of a jug to put
liquor in, and if he was my John he'd
serve all the jugs at hum just as they
did the Mexicans—take away their pow
er to kill us. Good day."
Tua UENTLEMAN.—No man is a gen•
tieman who, without provocation, would
treat with incivility the humblest of his
species. It is a vulgarity for which no
accomplishments of dress can ever atone.
Show me the man who desires to Make
every one happy around him, and whose
greatest solicitude is never to give just
cause of offence to any one, and I will
show you a g entleman by nature, and by
practice, th ough he may never have
worn a suit of broad cloth, nor never
heard of a lexicon. lam proud to say,
for the honor of our species; that they
are men, in every throb of whose hearts
there is a solicitude for the welfare of
Mankind, and Whose every breath as
perfumed with kindness.
A RAY OF AsrsoNomr.-:—‘ezesd.r,' ssid
a - negro to a colored friend of hip; , which
do you tink is de mose useful ob de
comets, de sun or de moon V
' , Well, Clem, I dotit tink I should be
able to answer dat question, seeing as
how I neber had much book larnin.'
'Well, Ctesar, I s'peck de moon orta
take de fast rank in dat particular.'
'Why so niggers'
'Becase, de moon shines in de night
when we need de light, and de sun shines
in. de daytime, when de light sin ob no
'Well, Clem; you Is de most laru'd
darkey I eber seed : I guess you used
to sweep out a school house for a lib
A gdodLhearted Dutchman who dwelt
in Albany in the time of one of the early
governors, and who professed to cure
all cases cif hydrophobia, paid a visit to
'his excellency,' and being treated to
all the. hospitalities of the house, Was
highly pleased with him; and, slapping
the governor familiarly on the back, he
exclahned, .GuVernor, you ish a tam
clefer fellow ; and 1 opes you will be pit
mit a mat tog, and I will cure you for
lots of men deeply in love, without be
ing conscious of it. It is a great pity,
then, that custom will not allow the la
dies to enlighten the sterner sex on so
important a point, by popping the ques
tion for them. What harm would there
be in itl We move the ladies pop, or
nut, just as they please.
WM. PENN ON MARRIAGE. --.- 4. D0 thou
be wise: prefer a person before money;
virtue before beauty ; the mind before
the body ; then thou bast a ftiend, a
cotnpanion, a second self ; one that bears
an equal share with thee in thy toils and
'Society,' says *leanly, 'is constant
ly advancing in knowledge. The tail
is now where the head was several cen
turies ago. But the head and tail still
keep their distances.'
A ~_ t . A. s
47 ,
VOL, XIV, NO, 30
GALLANTRY.—Irishmen are proverbial
for their off hand galleutry. Yankees,
we belieie, are eqnal to the besi of them.
A case in point : Recently there came to
our city, on a : visit . , a verdant youth
direct from snow-clad Green Mountain 7
dont, His city connections are of some
Impartance, and it was not long ere he
had an invitation to an upper-ten party.
Dressed in his "Sunday-go-to-meetins;"
he was ushered, into the parlor at ati
early hour. Among the company was a
very pretty and quiet bewitching Miss,
to whom the youth paid his special de=
voirs. She is quite petite—he fully a
"six-footer." When the company was
invited from the parlor to partake of
refreShments, the tall yotith waited on
the pretty, petite Miss. They took a
position back of the table, where the
crowd was large and room scarce. The
youth invited his partner to stand upon
a stair, which led out into another a
partment. "Oh, no I" she returned;
should be too far above you." "Not at
all," he replied, casting a significant
glance at her ; men area little lower than
The late Mr. Jari , ey Bush amused us
once with a story told of a brother bar;
rister on the Leicester CirCuii. As the
coach was about starting after breakfast;
the modest limb of the law approached
the landlady; a pretty Quakeress, who
was seated behind the bar, and said he
could not think of going without giVing
her n kiss.
' , Friend," said she, "thee must not do
"Oh, by Jupiter, I *ill," replied the
"Well, friend, as thou hast sworn;
thee may do it. but the muset not make
a practice of it."
"Look here, fete," said a knowing
darkey, "don't stand dar on de railroad !'
44W - ty, Joe'!
"Kase if de cars see dat motif ob yOurs
dey tink it am de depo, and run rite so!"
ny.-Curran'S ruling passion was a joke.
In his last illness, his physician obser
ving in the morning that he coughed
with more difficulty, he answerd : "That
is rather surprising, as I have been drab=
tising all night."
'to THE BOYS.---Neer marry a girl
who is fond of being always in the street
—who is found of running to night meet
ing—who has a jewelled hand and di - L
empty head—who will see her mdther
work and toil While she lays in bed and
reads novels or feigns sickness—Who id
ashamed to own her. , .
Never knew any Man,' says an
old author "who could not bear another's
misfortune perfectly like a chthitian ;
which reminds us of the old lady who
thought every calamity that happened
to herself a trial, and every one that hap
pened to her friends a judgment.
AN EYE TO BuisNEss.—A temperance
lecturer in Englund, a short time ago fin.
ished his discourse thus :—"And, finally
my hearers, why should any of you drink
ardent spirits My son Thomas, just
round the corner, has got as god& root
beer as any ih the country, at Only; six
pence a quart."
, •
COTTON MILL AT nititaistusu.—'fhe
projectors of this improvement have ad
vanced so far in their operations as to
issue proposals for Materials and the
construction of a building 200 feet long
by 60 wide, with wings at each end.—
'The Work Will be put in hand without
sick young gentleman wrote to his 'deaf
Adaline' thus—'How I wish, my dent
Adaline, my engagements would permit
me to leave town and go to see you. It
would be like visiting some 61d runt;
hallowed by time, and fraught with a
thousand pleasing recollections,"
A cotemporary lets off the following:
—"Woman : the morning star of infan•
cy, the day star 61 manhood, the even ,
tug star of age. Bless such stars; may
we bask in their influence until we nrei
sky high."
TUMATOES are said to be wl , olesome,
cholera or no cholera. They are good
for the blood:
Den His own GRANE.-It is stated in the
Wilmington (Del.) RepubliCan, that a man at
the almshOnse in that place was sent out some
days ago to dig two graves. He, however,
thinking they might want others soon, dug three
and strange as it may seem, he next moitiing
was a corpse and placed in one Of them.
POETICAL. - Betsy Figg, in describing
a gale at sea, says Yeti never see
anything like the sea when it is fairly
up, it is like a galloping boil, it froths
and rolls over, and carries on tremenjus