Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 31, 1849, Image 4
List of Letters DEMAINING in the Post Office at Hunting don, Pa., on the let day of July, 1849, and which if not lifted on or before the Ist day of October neat, will be sent to the General Post (Mee as dead letters. , A Klingell Margaret Aeries Joseph Kerns Edward 3 A urhter Joseph 2 Kennedy James Anderson Miss Adeline Kerffee Daniel Allison Rev James Kelly James B Keiler George Burns John Killkclly Patrick foreman Tobias Kelly Patrick Burns Maj A W Krug Michael Bulal Mr Kelly John 2 Burig Anthony Killetsirass Fridrich Bennet Eli Keeskran Henry Boya John - L Brooks Jason Logan Robed Barger Joseph Lewis Red . David Brandt Justice Lig,nvoiy.Boraa Baragermon John Langin Michael Barnes Thornton Lord N .1 Barr Wm Esq Lancaster John Baptist Old School Loullit Wm Beales Simon Lacey Win C. Id Carroll Patrick McKanna Peter Centleu William* Morrison Margaret 2 f :on wa y Michael Morgan James 2 Carr Thomas Ma,uire Albert C4linhan Janice McMahon Patrick Clay John Million Michael Curren John Miller & Davis 2 Clark Gen Wm Murry Michael Cafe, ,lirtig,h Mel/emr:ft Mary Cepliart Sarah J McKim William Clark Robert Madeon G A Campbell Patrick Martin Joseph Cramer Henry MeMannis Hugh Carver Miss Ann Marrion John Casey William McClure James . g McDermit John A Diinean John . Malloy Hugh Dockry Patrick McGinley John Dodson Matiida McCarthy Patrick Davis Patrick. McCormick Michael Dougheity John Martin Thomas Dohly Cornelids Mierly John Davis George Esq . McGovern John Dickatin Isaac T Esq 3 McGovern Patrick 4 JE Mcßan John Eggers Herman H McGill John F Moore A D Focht Jonathan . N Feeney Michael Naughton Thomas Fentler Martin Nusbaum Victor Faux William 2 Nol( Peter Fitzpatrick Thomas Newman Joseph G Naughton Michael Gates Peter Gordon Dr J J O'Donnell James Glass Joseph 2 O'Connell Laurence Gathigan Peter O'Neil Mrs Anna Gayley Rev S A , Orton Benjamin Esq Gaynor John Esq Orrcn Albert Esq Gallagher Patrick Gainer James Peightell Rebecca Gayley & Somerville Peightell Samuel Glasgow & Brother 5 Parsons William Price James Healy Patrick 2 Porter Henry Horan John , T Highland William teffo'rel Edward lHunter David Thdinpson Miss Magt Ititchisen James *Praetor Daniel Hammon Jackson Thompson Charles E Harman John Templeton James Howell John C Thullen Heinrich Hamilton Mr Haman John G Ware John Hersey Rev John 2 White K J llershey John. Wilson F.mon Height William White Miss Ellen Walton Jesse V Johnston H H Woodworth Almon Jr/rtioc Thomas A Williams Alfred K Wilson George Kelly James &Co 2 Wilson William Kelly J B & Co Persons inqiiiring for letters on the above List please say they are advertised. g Two cents in addition to the regular pdstage charged on advertised letters. PETER C. SWOOPE, P. M. Hdritingdort, July 10, 1819-3 t. TACOS SNYDER, MERCHANT TAILOR, Would respectfully infoim his old friends and t .o Public generally that he hes ref otned busi ness as MERC.II AN'l".l'A 11. ih the room nest door to C. Coos' hotel, foi tort!, occupied by the Globe Printing ofnee, Huntingdon, Pa: He has just received from' I hiladelphia a splendid seem tment of I. LOTH', CASSE- M ERS and VESTINGS of the hest finish which he is prepared to make up to order et prices that cannot fail to cult the views of all. A perfect fit will in all cases lie guaranteed. a kVork will also he done for those who prefer purchasing their cloth elsewhere. May 1, 1849. M3'77' 11.1137.1AML:OZMENT. paddle & Harness plattntactorv. WILLIAM GLASSGOW Reapectfully litturms the public, that i.e has commenced busineaa fo.• himaelt to the room lately occupied F: Krell nearly opposite the ,PI AL Offiz e . in. Maid Street, Huntingdon, Pa. • All kinds of Harness and Saddles wi I be t n.,- f otured on the shortest notice, of the limo mate rials, and as chimp es can he had at any other establishment in the county. He reapactftiqy calot a ailare of public patron. age. May 1, 1849. Spring Millinery Goods *ohn Stone do Sons, MonTEAs AND DEALERS IN Silk, liibbGiis anti 11iltiiu rp Goods, Ito. 48 South SoCol! &Wt. st'a've dtiosnut, PHILADELPHIA, \l7o:i ii L u tf ine e r a . l i v t i t „ n i ! ,i o n t t n h t e i Nf t e o r ifis their large and rid, assortment t,f "spring Millinery Goods, Received by late cr rit Oa from rtatieS, such us Glace Silks for caainl: bonnets, Fancy Bonnet and t op Ribbonr--e large end beautiful esaorthoni of all print; Plain Mantua end Saiih Ribbons, from No. 1 to No. 12; French end AmeriCen Artif?ctel Flowers, (in great variety) ; Colored and White Crap.; Fancy Lace. end Net.; French Chip Hate; Face Trio minrra—Quillinge ; Covered W ha iclionea—Cone Buckrams—Wi Hew ; Bonnet Crown.' end Tips, Together with every article appertaining to the Millinery trade. March 27,1840. "AT THE OLD STAND," MARKET SQUARE, HUNTINGDON SPRING and SUMMER GOODS. GEORGE GWIN, Has received and is now opening a aplundid stock of Spring and Summer boods, among which may be found every variety of Ladies' rind Underact's' Dress Goods, it port, Cloths of all kinds, French, Pelgian and Fdricy Cad,iiiners, Kentucky Jeans, Croton. Oregdri and'ri4ced C °tits ; Vestings, Flannels and Drillings, and a varii ty of Cotton Goods for outliner wear; Mouslin de Laitios, French Lawns and Smuts, shawls and I randkerchiefs, Alpacas. Morino., a large assortment of Cali coes 'of the newest styles and at low prices, Ea Istott, French, Scotch and Domestic Ging hams and Balzorines, French and Irish Linens and Checks, fled 'ricking., Muslin. and sheet- ings. &c. Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Groceries, Hardware, Queensw•aie, &c., with a great variety of goods of all kinds. The above stock of Goods bovine beer selec ted with great care and pure acrd at reduced prices ler Ussh,l am enabled to offer Great Bargains, and hope all who want will at least ex mine my before mirth ailing elm,' ',vie, as 1 elude. tortninsd to cell on as reasonable terms as any one in Pennsylvania. Please call and see my Goods,as it affords me pleasure to show them at all times. All kinds of Country Produce token in ex- Armee for Goods. Mlrch 31, 1849. 1.0:S OF GOOD THINGS !! ICE CREAM, CONFECTIONARY & BAKERY. nottio*clinciVer Thankful for peat favors, moat respectfully in forms the citizens of Iluntingdon and its vicin ity. that he has made every arrangement neer, . nary to supply all who may favor him with a call, with the must choice varieties of UCNI. -- .23 Confectioneries, Calve, Finite and Nuts. His private rooms are fitted up in a handsome style, which will make them a comfortable resort for Ladies and Gent eaten. Parties can be furnished on the shortest notice with Ice Cream, Confectionaries, all kinds of Cakes and Fruits. Huntingdon, May 2 2; 1849, LAST ARRIVAL ! Need Goods! iteiv Goods! J. & W. SAXTON HAVE just received and are now opening a sp endid 06801tment of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS Their stock has been selected with great hare, and at lower prices shah these who purchased earlier, and coinprisee a gebetal "'tinkly of every thing called for by the public. They have a beautiful variety of LADIES and GENTLE- M EN'S Dress Goods, of the very latest styes, which fur quality at: tl cheapness cannot be sur passed. In addition to their large stork of Dry Goods, Housekeepers can be supp ird with Fresh Groteriesi of a Superior quality, very cheap; iltrdavare queenstiare. &c., &c. They invite the public to call and examine their stock. They make no charge for showing their Goods. May 1, 1840. rotnitAL SURGERY: Drs. Neff & Miller 1 l ESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity, that they have fitted up a room in the S. E. corner of John ston's Hotel (enterance through Neff & Ilro's Jewelry store) where they will take great pleas ure in attending to all who may favor them with a call. Artificial Teeth, of nli kinds, tridttnted on the most improved tn'cidein style: A (so, plugging, filing and clean ing done with care and neatness. N. 13. Teeth Extracted with all the ease and dispatch that modern science can furnish.— Charges moderate. Notice to Purchasers of Unseated Land. AA LL persons who have neglected, lifts ing (heir heeds for Unse'ated Lind bought June 1848; are notified that if not attended to by the August Court, they will be left in other hands for col lection. The Treasurer will be absent from home during the first three weeks of July. ISAAC NEFF, Tretisur . er. Treasurer's Office, June 0, 1849. ALEXANDRIA FOUNDRY., rpH subactilier respectfully annoui era to the I paint that he is prepared to do work of all kind,/ connected with the Foundry businesr, in the best manner, and on the most reasonable terms tie has cdristantly on hand Wagon boxes, ploughs and plough castings, hollow ware, nod stoves of verioim kinds and sizes. The cooking stoves which he manufactures are inferior to none in the country, and are warranted to perform the various operations of cooking end baking in a manner equal to any, 'hid s'u'perior to moat.— He has these alters calculated for either wood or coal. He hes lately procured patterns for wood. and parlor stoves, which for beauty and excellence cannot be excelled. Aldo, dfoves for offices, shops, &c., such as egg stoves, cannon -loves, and others. He invites persons deeirous of purchasing to give him a ca I, as he is deter mined to sell as good an article and at as low prices is can be obtaited at any! , oilier piece. _ _ WILLIAM GRiFFIUS. May R, 1846-1), W. H. SMITH. W. M.SINCLAIR. smurou & Wholesale diocers. Produce & Commission Merchants, and Dealers in Pittsburg Alanufaceures, No. 64 Wood street, Pittsburg, Pa. Refer to Mr. Cecinas Gwris, Huntingdon. Messrs. J. dc W. Savros, 5 April 3. 1849. TOR PRINTING NEATLY MEM ,' TED AT THIS OFFICE. RIAOLUTIOV Relative to an Atttenthnent of the Conititutton: Revolved by the Senate and House of Repro- I tentative: of the Commonwealth of Pettncylva. via in G en e ra l A.merably met : That the Conefi tution of this Commonwealth he amended in the , second section of the fifth article, no that it shall , read sa follows : The Judges of the rluprente Court, of the several Courts or Common Pleas, ' and of such other Courts of Record as are or shall be eetablislied by law, ehst I Ire elected by the qualified electors of the Commonwealth in , the manner following, to wit Judges of the Supreme Court, by the qualified electors of the 4 Common Wealth at large. 'lire President Judges , of the several Courts of Common Pleas and of sucliother Courts of Record as are or shall he established by few, and all other Judges requi- 1 red to be lea ned in the law, by the qualified 1 I clectora of the respective districts over which they are to Itr.hldo or act or Judges. And the Associate Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas by the qualified e eetors of the Counties respectively. The Judges of the Supreme Court ' shall hold their offices for the term of fifteen t years if they ern II so long behave themselves well: (subject to the allotment hereinafter pro. , aided for,aubsequent to the first election.) The , President Judges of the several Courts of Com mon Pleas, and of such other its of Record as are or shall he established by law, and all tidier Judges required to he lea ned in the law,' shall hold their offices for the term of ten years, if they shall so long behave themselves well : The Associate Judges of the Courts of Common Plots shall hold their offices for the term of not) years, if they shall so long behave themselves well: all of whom shall he commissioned by the Governor, hut for any reasonable cause which shall nut be sufficient grounds of impeachment, the Governor shall remove any of them on the address of two-thirds of each branch of the Leg. Isfalure• The first election shall tube place at the general election of this Commonwealth next after the adoption of th:s amendment, and the commissions of all the judges who may be then in office shall expire on the first Monday of De- • ember following, when the terms of the new judges shall commence. The persons who shall then he elected Judges of the Supreme Court shall hold their offices as follows one of them ! for three yenta, one fee six years, one for nine , years, one for twelve yearn, and one for fifteen years , the term of each to be decided by lot by the said judges as anon after the election as con- 1 , vertical, and the result certified by them to the Or vernor, that the commissions may be issued in accordance thereto. The judge whose com mission will first expire shall be Chief Justice durita, his term, and thereafter each judge whose commission shall first expire shall in turn be the Chief Justice, and it two or more commissions shall expire on the same day, the judges holding theta shall decide by lot which shrill be the Chief Justice. Any vacancies happening by death. resignation, or otherwise, in any of the said count , , shall be filled by appointment by the Gov ernor, to continue till the first Monday of De cember succeeding the next general election.— The Judges of the Supreme Court and the Pres itlentaof the several Courts of Comntor. Pleas shall, at stated times, receive for their services an adequate compensation, to be fixed by law, which shall not be diminished during their con ' inuance in office but they shall receive no fern or pergyisiteri of office, nor hold any tither office in' profit under this Commonwealth, or under the I government of the United States, or any other Stele of this Union. The Judges of the Su preme Court during their contain:tnre in office alit& reside within thin Coins ~, twealfit, atliti the . I other Judges during their continuance in afire Shall reside within the district or county for Which they were respectively elected. WILMA P. PACKER, ' . , Speaker Of the Itemise of Representative*. GEO. DARSID; Speaker of the Senate. In the Senate, March 1, 180. Resolved, That this resolution pass. Yeas 21, Nays 8. Extract (ruin the Journal. SAML. W. PEARSON, Clerk. In the House of Representatives, April 2, 1819. Resolse.i, That this resolution pass.—Yeas 58, Nays 2'6. extract from the Journal. W M. JACK, Clerk; Secretary'4 Office - Filed Apia 5,1849. A. L. 13ti8SELL, Dep. Sec. of the Cone Secretary's 01Ire, _ Pennsylvadrai ss. I DO CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the 0 igloo! Resolu tion of th'iQonoral Assembly. entitled "Resolu tion relative to an amendment of the (lonstitu tion," as the same retwono on file in this office. no-A In testimony whereof I havo hereun •SKAL torte my hand, and caused to be affix ---,.... ed the seal of the Secretary's Oahe at Harrisburg, this eleventh day of June Anno Doreini, one thousand eight,hundred and forty dine. tOWNSDISD HAINES, Sec'y of the U 0.711. "JOURNAL OF SENATE "Resolution, No. 188 entitled "Res " olutio'd relatrve to an amendment of the ConStitution," was rend a third time. " Ott the question, will the Senate agree "to the resolution The Yeas and Nays "were taken agreeably to the Constitu tion, and were as follow, viz: "YEAs—Messrs. Boas; Brawley,Crabb; "Cunningham, Forsyth, Hugus, John. , "son, LaWrente, Levis, Mason ; Mattht " as, M'Catlin, Rie:hurdii Sadler, ' " Sankey, Savery, Striall, Smyset, Ster " rest and Stine-2L "NAYS—Messrs. Best, Drum, Frick, "Tves,King, Konigmncher, Potteiger and " Darsie, Spesker-8: "So the question was determined in "the affirmative." "JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE OF REPRE SENTATIVES. "uhall the resolution pass 'R' The "yeas and na'ys were taken agreeably td "the provision of the tenth article if "the Constitution, and are as follow, "vie: " YEAS—Messrs. Gideon J. Bell, Da " rid J. Bent, Craig Biddle, Peter D. "Bloom, David 1•I. Bole, Thomas K. " Ball, Jacob Cort, John H. Diehl, Na " tlinniel A. Elliott, Joseph Emery, Da- "vid G. Eshelman, William Evans, John Fausold, Samuel Fegely, Joseph " W. Fisher, Henry M. Fuller, Thomas "Grove, Robert Hampson, George P. "Henszey, Thomas J. Herring, Joseph Higgins, Charles Hortz, Joseph B. " Hower, Robert Klotz, Harrison P. "Laird, Abraham Lamberton, James J. "Lewis, Jatnes W. Long, Jacob M'- Cartney, John F. M'Culloch, Hugh "M'Kee, John' iVl'Laughlin, Adam Mar tin; Samuel Marx, John C. Myers, Ed " ward Nickleson, Stewart Pearce, "James Po'ttr, Henry C. Pratt, Alonzo "Robb; ueorge Rupley, Theodore Ry " man; Bernard S. Schoonover, Samuel " Seibert, John Slitirp, Christian Snive " ly, Thomas C. Steel, Jereiriigh B. "Stubbs, Jos. J. Stutzman, Marshall Swartzwelder. Samuel Taggart, Geo. "T. Thorn, Nicholas thorn, Arunuh " Wattles, Samuel ,‘ eirteh; Alonzo 1. "Wilcox, Daniel Zerbek [did William "F. Packs r, Speaker-58. "NAvs—Messrs. Augustus KiCornyn, "David M. Courtney, David Evans, " Henry S. Evans; John Fenlon, John " W. George, Thomas Gillespie, John " B. Gordon, William Henry, James J. " Kirk, Joseph Laubach, Robert R. Lit " tle, John S. M'Calmont, John IWKee, "William M'Sherry,Josiah Miller, Wil " linen T. Morrison, John A. Otto, 1% II " liam Y. Roberts, John W. Roseberry, "John B. Ruthorford, R. Rundle Smith, ".1311n Smyth, John Solider, George " Walters and David F. Williams-26. " So the question was determined in " the affirmative." SECRERARY's OFFICE, Harrisburg, June 15, 1849. Pennsylvania, ss : 1 110 CERTIFY that the above and SEAL foregoing is a true and correct copy of --,.... the " Yeas" and " Nap." taken• on the " Resolution relative to on amendment of the Constitution," as the same appears nn tile Journals of the two I louses of the (lei - lend \ 0. seinbly of this Commonwealth, for the session of 1849. Witness ny hand end the seal of said ulUce, the fifteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred .d forty-nine. TOWNSEND lIATNES, Secretary of the Commonwealth. June 26 1849. APPLETON'S GREAT CENTRAL CHEAP BOOK STORE, 164 Chesnut Street, Corner of Seventh, Swatm's Buildings, PHILADELPHIA. T TNOWWING the wants of the com munity, the Proprietor of this es tablishment has fitted up a store in the most elegant manner, having due regard to the comfort of his customers, so that every stranger visiting his BoOlt Store, may feel entirely s at home. HIS IMMENSE STOCK of Books is classified according to the various Departments of Literature, so that visitors can find the books they are in search of for themselves. Buying his stock for the most part at the Auc- TION SALES, and being connected with one of the LARGEST PUBLISHING HOUSES in this Country, besides publishing large ly himself, enables him to bell ALL Booxs at LOWER PRICES than any other house of a similar char. acter on this Continent. His facilities for the ImioniATit* of Books from En ic(p6 tire ungurpassedi having a branch of his Establishment in London, where orders of private gentlemen are careful ly executed and lorwarded to this Coun try by every STEAMER and PACKET. A CATALOGUE of Books with the prices attached is, is sued quarterly, containing Lists bt New Additions made to his Itirge collection, which are in all cases for sale at the LOWEST PRICES, or, from 25 to 75 per cent. below Pub lishers' Prices. Th .s in buying even a few books, quite a considerable amount is saved. As a still further INDUCEMENT to strangers visiting the city, every one who purchases One Doilat's worth of Books, will receive ti Copy of the STRANdEII IN PIIILAALPHIA, an elegant 18mo volume, the price Of t+hich is 25 cents. The limits of this advertisement arc too confined to enumerate the prices of any of the Books; or to give even a faint idea of the intstehge advantages to be derived from purchasing at the Great Central Cheap Book-store, but let all who are in dearch of Books send for a Cata• logue, and buy the Books they are ►n want of, and when visiting the city ; give Appleton one call, and you will be sure to call again. STATIONARY in all Its branches, furnished at the Low est Prices. The Initials of those purcha sing Letter and Note Paper, neatly stamped in the corner without charge. Orders for any article May be sent by mail; addressed to the Proprietor, and the directions in all will be fully carried out, with great punctuality and ' desp*dieh: Orders for Catalogues should be pre paid. GEO. S. APPLETON, Bookseller, Publisher; ImpOrter, and Stationer, 164 Chesnut St., corner of Seventh, Swaive . s May 23, 1849.-3 m. GOLD PENS.. Warranted GOLD PENS, with silver handles, can be had at SCOTT'S Cheap Jewelry Store, for $1.25 Other Gold Pens, without handles, for 75 cents. April 17, 1849. LIFE INSURANCE. The Girard Life insurance Annuity and Trust Company of Plihilatielp4itt. Office No. 159 Chestnut Street $BOO,OOO. Capital CHARTER PERPETUAL. (10NTINUE to make Insurance. on Lives on kj the most favorable terms, receive and execute Trusts and receive deposits on interest. The Crpital being paid up and invented, to gether with accumulated premium fund, affords a perfrei iwcu, ity to to the (insured. The pre mium may he paid in yearly, half yearly, or quarterly payments. The i'Lloinimny add a BONUS at stated peri ods to the ineurances for lila. This plan of in surance is the most approved of, and is more generally in tine, than any ether in Great Britain, (where the subject is bent understood by the pet,- fqe, and where they have had the longest expe rience,) as appear, from the fact, that out of 117 Life insurance l ompanice there, of all kinds, 87 are on this plnn. The first BONGS was appropriated in Decem- Or 1844, amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum Mitered, uiiifet the oldest policies; to 8 3.4 per cent. 7 Jer cent., &c. &c. oh others, in pro-1 portion to the time of standing, making an midi- tion of $lOO ; $87,50; $75, &c. &c. to every 1,000, originally insured, Which is nn average of I mine than 50 per rent. on the premiums paid, I end without increasing the onnbal paj,ment of the company. The operation of the BONUS will be seen by the following examplrs from the Life Insurance Register of the Company, thus: Arnt.ofpolaind Policy Insured. Bonus or bonus payable . Addition at the party's I, deceitee • • $l,OOO sino.oolsl,loo.oo 2,500 250.00 2,750 00 4,000 400.00 4,400,00 2.000 I 175.00' 2,175.00 I No. 58 437,50 5,000 Pamphlets oontainine the table of ratan. and ex planationo of theauhject; forms of application and further info:million ran be had at the office, er.itio, in person or by !titer, addressed to the P eaident or Actuary. 13 W. RIC A RDS, P./widen/. .INt I. F. JAMES, Actuary. May 9, 1349.-ty rt o:Ex's OXYGEN.A.TED Bur FOR TILE CURE OF DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, &c., &c., &c This medicine is an excellent tonic. It im ports health and vigor to the digestive organs and thus strengthens the whole system. Hence it is just the thing for Opring, when so many need something strengthening. Let every one read the following cases. and if you have one or more symptoms like those mentioned, don t fail to try this invaluable medicine. • severe Case of'DyPpepsia. From R. P. STOW, Esg., ..?sat. Clerk U. S. House Representatives. WASHINGTON, D. C.,June 15.1846. Da. (3.. B. OttErs:—Dear Sir—l feel it not only a pleaeu• e, but a duty, to make known to you and to the public, (if you desire it.) the our prising effects of the Oxygenated Bitters," in relieving me from that tnobt discouraging disor der, Dyspepsia. I have been afflicted for about seventeen years with the usual attendant symp toms, viz: constipation of the bowels. !readmit°, pain in the chest, flutulence oddity of the stom ach, and severe nausea; and fur months at a time not the least particle of moisture would appear on the surface of the chest or limbs, and meat of the tune I was extremely bilious. I have used various remedies, have been strict in my diet, have been dosed with calomel and emetic. day , after day by physicians, but all to no guc.d pur 11 - lEVI. tiolllll pore. Hearing of the wonderful effect, of the Oxygenated Bitters," in the cure of Dyspepsia, The " old LOCI! at C0111114•11' l y I procured some as a last resort , have used four Ahead!! bottles of the medici e, and find the bad symp- Fisher, ToTelVdertrie tllfL co., TTAVE just received a large and splendid se tot. all removed, and myself once more in the enjoyment of health. None but the Dyapeptie sortment auffeter, whoho har felt 11 I the horrors of the die- SPRI NG of saes, can at all appreciate the value of the midi- SUMMER corps: eine. I moat sincerely hope that all will make which they are aching,. usual, at extremely trial of the medicine, and with me be able to re- low profits. Their stock coneists of a general jotce in the return of health, assortment, adapted to the want. of all. Sea- Lady Cured of Neural:Oa. sonable DRESS GOODS for Ladies and Gen ee .e Bata, t : mß 0 . 0 ., D t. E .m c i t t z ,1 ABGar are , ths i on- From Rev. TH0.111./IS KIDDER, of Vermont. Groceries, &e., Am In short, the OLD LOCUST WINDSOR, Vt.,Aug.8,1846. CORNER " continuer to be the rh.n Sin :—lt gives me great pleasure to in- "GRAND BAZAR ' ' , form you tint the Oxygenated Bitters," with where every thing useful end o•namental ens be had, better and cheaper, than eon preen cureWhich you furnished my wife, has wrought a red elsewhere. 'their motto is Quick t she in her case. About two years sitter, my Wife was violently attacked with neutalgie in anti man Profits." All who dtsire to supply the face, through the chest, in the wrists and themselves with good goods, at low prices, will ankles. So violent way the disense, added ta e give them a call. general derangement of the female s) item, that I Match 27, 1849 her strength was completely prostrated, her flesh *wed, end she rendered miserable indeed. I feel grateful for the resturation of her health, and in duty bound to give pul.lieity to the above facts, that others similarly afflicted may know where to seek for cure. Truly your friend, THOMAS KIDDER. From Hon. MYRON' L4WRENCE O of Mass '1 "For some twenty years I had suffered severe• ly from humoral Asthma. I was compelled to sit up one-third of the night, and the relit of the time my steep was interrupted by Bolen' lila of coughing and great driller Ity of breathing. Iu all my attendance upon our courts I turner went to hed in Northampton in twenty years but end then was compelled to get up. Now I lie in lied without diltieulty, and sleep soundly. 1 took the Oxygenated Bitters," according to directions. 'Plitt violent symptoms immediately abated, and perseverance in the use of ti e tem edv fins renioned 01l itv troublesome consequen ces. nue value of such a remedy is incalculable. and I hope its virtues may be widely diffused and its beneficent agency ex teni.irely employed. ' Out xxx & FLETCH cll. Gederal Agents, No. 26, South .-ixth St, Philadelphia. Sold whniedrile and retail by TUOM. BEAD & BON, Huntingdon, Pa. Price—sl.oo per bottle : six bottles for 415.00. I May 8 f 849. MACKEREL, 1 SHAD, SALMON, HERRINGS, PORK, HAMS AND SIDES, I SHOULDERS, LAND & CHEESE, Constantly on hand and for sale by S. PALMER, & Co. Market St. Wharf, PHILADELPHIA. ) Feb. 27, 1849.-3 m A PURELY VEGFTABLE AIFDICINF. Worstlell's Vegetable Restorative Pills 11A kl been gradually but surely coming into favor ' among the famillis of this Country for some yeats psi They ha4e done this entirely through their great worth ns a FAMILY M LD WINE. Agencies have been appointed but no puffing arid humbug inch atria resorted to by quacks to sell their medicine has been done. The pills are offered for vale end hove and will continue to lie sold by ell the pi inciple store keepers. The proprietors claim for their Medi cine the following advantegcs over all others— viz: They are PURELY YI. GETABLE.— They are CERTAIN 1 0 OPERATE. Their oi.eration its FREE from ell PAIN. They can he used with EQUAL PENEFIT by theyoong est INFAN I and the Si RONGEBY MAN— Their efficiency in Feversi Ague, headaches, Habitual Costiveness, Dyspepsia, holera Mar bus, &c.. has been proven upon thousands.— They arealmyth) Cure for Worms. The pro. prieturs possess a certificate from o gentleman in St. Louts who was cured of a TAPE WORIVI by the use of them. Try then, they will not fail. Travelling agent for the State of Permsylva nia—t. HAUL. P. AMET. For sale, price 25 cents a box containing FIFTY P 11.1.8, with full directions by the following agents in Huntingdon County: Thomas Read & Son. Huntingden. Thorns, E. Orbison, Orbisonia. J. M. Lindsey, Hffilidayslmrg, Plait' Co. A. WEEKS & Co. Proprietors, Laboratory No. 141 Cheanut greet, Philadelpnia. January 23, 1849-Iy. MILN WOOD ACADEMY. rpHE subscribers, residents of Shade I Gap, Huntingdon county, Pa., beg leave to inform their friends and the pub lic generally, that they have established at the place above mentioned, a BOARD ING SCHOOL for the education of young men. 5,437,50 . The course of instruction comprises, in addition to the usual branches of a common English education: Philosophy, Mathematics, and the Latin and Greek languages. The location is distinguished for its healthfulness and the moral and religious character M the surrounding community Erery attention will be paid to the health arid morals of the pu pils as well as to their mental training and advancement in scientific knowl edge, and every facility will be afforded for their personal comfort and conveni ence: The year is divided into two Bes sie:is of five months each ; the winter session commencing on the Ist of No vember, and the Summer session com mencing on the 23rd of April. Terms per Session :—For Orthogra phy, Reading end Writing, $5. Arith metic, Geography, Grammar, Philoso phy, History arid composition, sB. Mathematics, Greek and ,Latin lan guages, $ 2. Boarding, exclusive of fuel and light, $1,25 per week. Instruc tion gii'en in French and German, at an additional charge. The subscribers, en couraged by the liberal patronage which they have already received, Would re peat, that they are determined to spare no effort in making the Institution one that will commend itself to all parents iwho desire to give their sons a thorough preparatory education, without expo ! sing them to the contaminating and im.; moral influeuces that exist in more pop ulous communities. For reference or further particulars address JAMES Y. MeGINNES, J. 11. W. MeGINNES. Shade Gap, March 13, 1849. "Beat the " Hall of Fashion" who it. & W. SNARE, • No.l, Corner Room of Snare'. Row, oppoeito John Whittaker's Tavern, Huntingdon, Po. The Undersigned thankful for pest favors, in , film their t ustomers and the pane generally that they have just received from the city, the largest, cheapest and most splendid assortment Ready. Made Clothing, ever brought to Huntingdon. Their stork con sists of Dress and Frock Coats, ; arks and Potti ness t oats, Pantaloons and Vests of every style gnu description suited to the season—warranted well made and fashionably cut. A splendid as sortment of Reached Muslin and Linen Shirts and Plaited Bosoms. Cotton, worsted and woolen short Stockingr; Suspenders and Hand kdrehiefe. A genttel suit of clothes for almost I nothing. Nev styles of Hats and Caps. Boots & Shoe., Umbrellas, &c., of which Will he sold at the lowest prices. Please cal end examine before purchasing elsewhere. B. & W. SNARE Bunlingtlon. April 3, 1).49. Wri. T. Wive... Cnanrsa HAMTLT. IV:therm & HarvoY, [Late linzlehurat & ilarvey) Produce and General Commieeion Merchant., Noe. 15 & 16 Spear's Wharf, Baltimore. Liberal Cash advance. made on conaignmente of all kinds of Produce. April 9,1849-3 m, fILANK DEEDS AND BONDS FOR SALE AT 'THIS OFFICE: i:li S