Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 31, 1849, Image 3
. . French Government, particularly in regard to , the Italian gdestion, occasioned the funds great ly to fluctuate. At each turn of fortune the Afonitsur cdntains e destiatch from General Owlinot, which gives an elaborate and vivid description of the final asSatilt made on the 29th of June: , ' The 116- m 6 ins fotiaht most desperately, leaving 400 dead, with 125 prisoners, in the hands of the French, including 10 officers of all ranks, ndne.of whom are described as foreigners. • _ . _ The French admit only 0 killed ea 10 woun• . The cholera is on the decrease in Paris. The deaths have fallen to fewer than thirty per day. The total number of deaths in Paris and suburbs since the breaking out of the cholera in January laat, is said to he more than 20,000. ITA LYa The Assembly in its last sitting, unanimons ly voted the Constitution of the Republic, and ordered it to be deposited in the Capital as the unanimous wish of the Roman people. The Constitution is, by a vote of the Assem bly, to be engraven in marble and placed in the Capital. They also ordered funeral services to be celebrated in St. Stephen's for those who had fallen in defence of the Republic. ESCAPE be GARIBAEDI went 10,000 Tgoo tas —THE FRENCH IY PURSUlT.—Garibaldi suc ceeded in escaping from Rome with 10,060 men. Ile was loudly applauded as he passed through the city. He had been in the direction of Serr sima. It is probable he would fall in with sonis detached force of the Neapolitans or Spaniardsi to whom he might give trouble. His intention, it is saint, is to invade the kingdom of Naples. The first division of the FrehCh elipeditionarY ugly set out in pursuit of him on the 4th. . , Tits GOVERNMENT OF ROME- , -PRESENT AND FUTURE. -The Conriera Mercantile, of denoa, of the 7th, states that the Government is com posed of three individuals, one Roman and two Frenchmen, and has been established at Route. By the latest accounts the Roman municipal ity had proclaimed that no convention had been made the French. • The Pontifical arms had been put up. The tri-color remained. The regular Roman troops will be stationed at Leoni and Turatino. At present they ure in the barracks at Rome. VENICE STILL UNCONQVERtD.-Venice still holds out against the Austrians, and continues to make a vigorous resistance. The city car ries on its principal defence from two small forts, at about one thousand yards from the first 'houses of Venice, one situated on the small island of San Leondo, and the other on the rail road bridge. 'rho Austrian shells do not reach any further than four hundred yards. Within 'Venice provisions are very scarce.— Nothinw but black bread, half baked, is to be got. Meat and wine have become luxuries.— Still the calm determination to resist reigns among the Venitians. Sardinia IMPORTANT MOVEMENT. -COPPCSpOR. dence from Turin of the Bth, states that M. Prande, Secretary of the Sardinian in London, arrived at Turin with des patches of great and urgent importance. It is said that they contain the wish of Lord Palmerston that Sardinia should not at present resume negotiations of peace with Austria, as England wished to save Italy from the abyss into which she appears ready to fall. Hungary and Austria, RUMORS, MOVEMENTS OF THE FORCES, INCIDENTS, &C.—The Hungarians dont in no to carry on the unequal struggle with indomitable energy mid courage. Advices from Vienna of the '7th have been received. The statements of the victory won by Ban Jellachich prove to be altogether unfounded. The Ban is still in the back countries, and though he has had an engagement with the Magyars, the affair seems to have been of little importance. The imperial troops on the right bank of-the Danube, after leaving Raab, fol lowed the returning Hungarians. and Appear to bare obtained seine advantage iit Acs, where, it is said, 500 Hungari ans were made prisoners. The Austrian headquarters were then iernoved to Babylona, where the Etnpe tor was. HUNGARIANS DEFEATED RI THE Aus- MIA:VS—DREADFUL CONFLICT—EIGHT HOURS' BATTLE.— , -The Hungarians ap pear to have retired to nn entrenchment, Camp and works, at the head of a bridge thrown from the right bank of the Dan ube td Comorn, from which point they iminumvred with 2.0 squddrons of horse, and kept up a tire with 50 guns for eight hours, but their infantry renlitinned in their eritrenchtrletitt. One field battery ventured beyond the protection of the guns in the entrenchment, and a regi tnent of Austrian light horses attacked and captured the battery, after cutting down the greater part of the men at their guns. The battery , Consisted of six pounders and two twelVes. RUMORED VICTORIES BY THE RUSSIANS. rr•The Russian eorps haVing entered Transylvania, has succeeded, after an Obstinate resistance, in taking 'I ornases Pass, which was strongly fortified. The-Russians forced their way through With the bayonet, and entered Cronstadt On the sante day, the 20th of June. E leien cannon and standard were the trophies of this day. The. Cossacks succeeded in capturing Gen . Wyss, who was wounded, and had been handed over to the Austrians. Other accounts from Transylvania state that the other Russian corps had entered 13istric, alter a sharp action with the Hungarians. The Austrians garrison at Raab had been compelled to surrender that for tress. OPENING OF THE DIET.-A letter from Vienna in the Independence of Brussels, States that the Hungarians have retaken Byigetin, and that the diet was to : be bpened on the 18th: irREAT HATTLE I3ETWEE THE HUNGARI tr'!iS AND ) RUSSIANS-THE HUNGARIANS icTottious.—intelligence had been re beived by the Nation, a Belgian journal, 1 . 4,1,h6 following effect :—On the lit and of July, Dembrinskt, with his own corps d'armes, and all the reterte of the veteran troops drawn from the army of 1 , ; SHERIFF S SALES. operations now acting in different parts 1 B y virtue of Sulidity *tits of Lev. Fa: of Hungary, amounting altogether , te and Vend. Ex. now in my Bands, I 80,000 men, attached the Russian army, ' will sell at the CoUrt House, in the bor.. consisting of 110,000 men commanded ough'of Huntingdon, oti Mrinday the 13th by Prince .Paskewitch, in the defiles day of August next, at 2 O'clock, P. M., bet4een Miskoley. and Oilan. 'fbe nt- at Public Vendee or outcry, the follow tack todk place in the flank, ed as to drive ing described Real Estate; viz the corps, critttirfadded by the Prince in , All that certain tract of Ishd, elluidP iit Casa person, Han the nitirShbs of the Theiss. toutaahip. Huntingdon comm. containing about We have not received any details of 300 acres, moro or lika,.aititunitig lands at Jut this ithportant battle, but the success Miller's heirs. Grow Qat,. iy. jllllllr. Dca, and seems to havd bden so complete that Letts Mout ) ta i in . ott ( t i tto ett i t, , t o . having thereon the samoHnngarian reserve of veterans, (.:, ti r i e ti ' s7le d d a :t n i l d a i s m di ' rl b 4 t r' stable , a l ituut g I ' oo ' acres to the nunther of 40,000 men, marched clears I. Beiztil and taken in cxecJtion, and to the next day by Wanton, for Comorn, ~,, sold oft the tw „ poity of i„itn Quarry with no. to reinforce the army of Georgey, who ti,b to Mathias M i ller , T erra Tenaht . since the 4th of July, has been able to , ..ILSO, resume the offensive against the Alas. i All therltitt, title and Interest of defendrint trian armies.lin and to a certain tract of land situate in Shin . ... . Dembrinski, With 65,000 Melt; was in pursuit of the remains of the army of PaskeWitch i and It is probable that im mediately after the news of Dernbrinski's vidtory becomes knOwn i the warlike population in the defiles in which the Russian Prince has imprudently enga ged himself, will rind cu Masse) to Cut off his retreat in the passes. PROCLAMATION FROM ktißstiTti.—Kos , with issued on the 27th tilt. l at Baden Pesth, a proclamation calling upon the, people in the most emphatic language,' to rise in arms against the invader, The campaign against the Austro-Russian army, is called a cursade, as it is mani festly intended to work on the religious feelings of the people, and its style is said to be most eloquent and impassion ed. Kossuth left Pesti' on the 2d, for Szi. gehim. ... ... . DEATH RATHER THAN DEFEAT.—Baden Sadetadt was fearfully bombarded on the 7ih, but according to the last ac counts, it held out, and the garrison had hoisted the black flag in token that they would rather die than surrender. MORE BLOODSHED IN KENTOCICY.-A murderous fight with pistols—one of the barbarous conflicts delicately soften. ed into renconeres, in the fashionable newspaper parlance of the day-occiir red at Paducah Court-house on the 4th instant, between Judge Campbell and Benedict Austin. As in case of Cassius M. Clay and Mr. Turner, the occasion was a public, meeting, incident to the election of members of the convention, both being candidates. Accordin,g,to the account before us, Austin was very insulting to Campbell, and gave him the lie ; Campbell struck him and he struck Campbell, with superior force ; where upon Campbell out pistol and shot his man dead. Of course he wits exoner ated and discharged by the magistrates *ho examined into the matter. THE MARKETS. riIIs.ADELPIIIA, July 27, 4840. Vi.ona.--The foreign news has improved pri ces—common Western brands old Flour are selling at $4,75 ; and $ l B7. V;; 00 is given for fresh ground. Extra acid fancy brands are held at ssi a $5.1. Rye Flo& is quoted at $2. CORN IVlEnt..=-Sale of Pentisytvatiiti at ; Brandywine is held at $2,74 a $7. WHEAT:—aPrime Pennsylvania reds are held at 81,05 a 81,00, arid white ht $l,lO a $1,12; new red 81,03. RvE-.cls in mdderate request. at 27c. a 58c. Coits.Sales of yellow Curn at 00e. per bushel of 59 lbs.; white is worth 57 a 58c. Oats.--Southern oats are held at 29 a 706; Pennsylvania at 32.5 33c. bbls. Vic., in hhds. 2I c. On the 26th inst., in this borough, Mrs. VA• •rio\ct Hot.'Annt, ut an ailvarided PAWC MATION. VX THE REAS by precept to me directed, da- V V ted nt Huntingdon, the 21st due of April 1819, under the Molds and seals of the Hon. George Taylor, Prmident of the Court of Common Plum, Oyer and Terminer and general jail dolivety of the 20th judicial district al Penn sylvania, composed of the counties of Hunting don, Mifflin and Union, and the Hons. James Gwin and John niewait, his associates, judges of thecounty of Huntingdon, justices assigned, ap pointed to hear, try, and determine all and every indictments and presentments, made or taken for or concerning all crimes, which by the laws of the Cmnitionwetilth are made capital or felonies of death tirtd other ollences, crimes and mistlemeaaots, which have been, or shall be committed or perpe trated within mild county, or all persons who are or thaliliereaher be cothinitted or perpetrated, for clinks df,irtistild, I aid eiiiumantied to make pro- Isnumion throughout my wholn that Court of Oyer and Terminer, Quarter t.:.essions and Common Pleas, will be held ut the Court Hume, iu the borough of Huntingdon, on the 2d Monday (and 13th day) of August 1849, and those who will prosecute the said prisoners, he then mkt there to prosecute them as tt shall he juet, and that all justices of the peace, enrone., and conatables within the said county; Un then and there its their proper Persons, nt 10 it'eldek A. NI. of acid day, with their records, inquisitiods, emmlitiation4 Old remembrances, to do those things which tti.their offices respectively aprimbrin. MA 7'711E 1V CHO W.NU VE R, 81teritil hae timers OFFUE, July 24,1849, NOTICE TO JURORS, Ba, OWING to the large number of causes in. the Criminsl Courts, and the consequent proba bility that none of the causes oil the CIVIL LIST can lio tried, it his been deemed silsisahle by those interested to continue all the rain.. on t ho civir. list. PaltiCe find mitt'•+c interested in any eivit.cati , es are therefore rotified not to tit tend at t h e August Court. The Grand and Traverse Jurors will attend as notified on the second Monday (first ~eok of Court,) of August, tor the trial of tho trittilnat causes., Juraii summoned for the third Monday (second week of Court) of August, are hereby notified ndt to attend. As there will be no civil cease, tried their attendance will not be necessa ry. M. CROWNOVER, Sheriff. Seattle?, Oulu:, t. Huntingdon, July 114, I S ley township Huntingdon county, Hill valley, containing about 10d acres, more or less, adjoin idg lands of ,dmuel Shaver, John Daugherty, and others, having thereon erected n small house, cabin barn, and saw mill; 40 acres cleared, more dr less. Seised and taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Thomas H. Pollock. LSO, All that certain piece or parcel of ground con taining two lots in the town of Walteisville in the township of Weir, in Blair county, having there. on erected a twostory frame house. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the property ofJohn R. Martin. .4LSO, All that certain lot of ground situate in Jack son township, Huntingdon county, containing about twn scan, more or less, adjoinirig 'undo of John Duff :-atnuel Mitchell, and others, having thereon erected a Furnace, (known as Jsclison Furnace,) and saw mill. one house, &e. Seized and Wien in execution and to be sold as the property of Joseph Vance. M. CRO WNOV EH, Sheriff. Sitzn ITT ' S OFFICK, Huntingdon, July 21, 1842. EXCHANGE HOTEL; Corner .Mulberry and Montgomery . Sts, HOLLIDAYSBURtj, PA: \%7M. HI.YNOLIIa, Jr.. tvoirld respectfully V announce to tlto eitixena of Huntingdon and eliewhere, that he bohtinues to devote his whole limo and at entioh to reoffering. all com fortable *ita duly flueut the above house with their custom. hlis house is faceted in the most busi ness port of Hollidaysburg, end his long expe rienceiti the business wdrritnts him in sa)ing that his accommodations eahnot be surpassed by airy other house in the interns of ihe State. G.:7lltlcks can he had at all times for 43edford Springs at the Exchange Hotel 4:0 July 24,1849-35. Register's Notice. VOTIOE is hereby given to all per sons concerned, that the following named persons have settled their ac counts in the Register's Office at Hunt ingdon, and that the said accounts will be presented 'for confirmation and• al lowance, at the Orphans' Court, to be held at Huntingdon. in and for the coun ty of Huntingdon, on Wednesday, the 15th day of August next to wit: 1. James Moore and John Given, Administra tors of Thomas Lloyd, late of Walker township, dee'd. 2. Isaiah Shore and William Thompson. Ad ministrators of Reese Thompson, late of Crom •.tell township. deed. d. lanthe Plowman, Executrix. of Absalom Plowman, late of Brady township, deed. 4. Jamos Ewing, Administrator of William Ewing,, late of West township, deceased. 5. Matthew Crownover, Administrator of Daniel Glatier, late of HemiersOn township, deed:. B,Thitmas Stewart, West of Henry Whitesell, late of West township t ilee'd. Johp Owens, Guardian of Eliz abeth C. Sin clair, n minor child of Itoliert Sinclair, late of Tyrone township, now B.air cdnnty, dec'd. B. John Owens, Guardian a Ellen Sinclair, a minor child of Robert Siuclair,late of Tyrone township t now Blair, decd , now inter ntarticd With WM. M'Murren. , 14. William Ilamniond, Guardiiin•cif DdrOtli Keller, a daughter of Jacob Keller, late fir Morris township, dec'd. 10. William Hammond, Gua,rdian of Mar,,a rrt Keller, a daughter of Jacob Keller, late of Morris township, dee'd, now intermarried With John Hoover. 11. Joseph Hazlett, Executor of Elizabeth Shaw, late of Warriorsmark township, deed.. - - 12. Alexander Thompson, Guardian of the minor children of David Jackson, late of Barren township, der'd. M. F. CAMPBELL, Register, Rrnimat's OFFICE, t Eiuniing4ori,ly 13,_1819. 5- HATCH'S CELEBRATED CHEMICAL POWDER, poR Razors, Surgical Instruments, and all Cutlery, warranted to produce a fine smooth edge in one minute or the money re. turned. GEO. GWIN, Sole Agent for Hunntingdon, Pa. July 17, 1819-3 m. N. B. One or two good travelling agents wanted. Active and enterprising me.. can make from three to five dollars per day *.ddress C. HATcli, Harrisburg, Pa. ExEctrtoAis Estate of GeOrge He fright, late of llun tingdon borough, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, that letters. Testa mentary on said estate, have been granted to the utide,rsigned. All persona knowing them aelveii indebted will plensu make payment inune di.iiely, snit those hewing demands ag inst tha Who, will preeeitt theM,,iliily authenticated, for settlentent. , DAVID SNARL, July 17, 1849-61, Administrator's Notice. Estate of .I.ICOB .11PRIC.1, late of tho borough of Huntingdon, dec'd. VOTICII leereby given that Leiters of Ad .ll Ministration on said estate have heed grt Hi ed to die undersigned. All pet-gobs indebted to said Mato are requested to Make immediate pay ment, and tlidao havitrgclaiiria ur dome itie against the same to proiierit than! duly aotheinicaiiiti for settlement td W. 8. A. J AFRICA,' Athniiiiat, °lora July 1.7.1649--6 t To Lel. ACOMFORTABLE dwelling hones, in thin Borough, ran he had to rent immediately, to a careful family. Apply at this oth,:e: June 26, 1849. CI2.4,4IBERSIE!TJAG FEMALE SEMfNARY, CHAMBERSBURG. PA The Misses Plume, Principals. gams is a select Family Boarding, and Dar. j_ School; Chambersburg agrding a most desirable location for the litirpose of such an Institution. This eeablishment Occtipies one of the most deliotifdl Situations in the town. Surrounded by extensive grounds, containing ornamental trees, shrubbery, and tine fruit ; it is peculiarly adap ted to the purpose of a Boarding School. These grounds afford the young ladies opportunity for amusement and exercise, without leaving the care of their teachers, who embrece the advan- ' tnges these hdurs 'of relaxation offer for min - ling agreeably with them, thus studying Aim characters, securing their uft:ctorts, and advanc ing, their improvement in various respects. The boarding pupils form a family circle with their Teachers ; and enjoy all the comforts, and happy influences of a well regulated home.— Their personal habits and manners are watched over with interest .d care, and abundant testi mony has been given to the rapid improvement' of those entrusted to them, in these respects. 1 The coarse of instruction pursued is extensive and thorough, embracing all the various bhaches of an English education, the Latin and French languages, Music and Drawing. The advantages for Music are very superior, such as are seldom' to be found in any Institution. Pupils sell be carried through the regular course and receive Diplomas as testimonials at its close, or such branches be selected as the parent or guardian may choose. The number of pupils is limited, as it is the chief object and sincere desire of the Principals to benefit these committed to their care; and, as far as possible; instruction is given by themselves in preference to employing assistants ; but in the .choice, of Teachers who must, to some extent, be associ ated with them, the greatest care,is taken, and those only selected, Whose views of teaching are congenial, and . whom they can imPlcitly trust. The principals of this Institution design that its advantages, Literary, Moral and Religious, shall be of the highest order, and no efforts shall be spared to make them at least equal to those of any other, either in the city or country. It is a chartered Institution, and under the care of a Board of Trustees. A new term will commence upon the Ist of geptember, and applications for admission or any further information may he made to the Misses Pinned, at their residence, or to any of the gentlemen df the committee in .Chambers burg, dr to John G. Miles, Esq., John Scdtt, Esq., Huntingdon. The undersigned Committee of this Board take pleasure in commending the Institution to the confidence of the public and the patronage of parents who would secure for their daughters the advantages of a thoroUgh and liberal edu catidn. dhainbersbilrg Vemaie Seminary has long occupied an elevated position in tl.o public estimation as a school of Uncommon merit. It hits contributed in dd small degree to elevate the standard of female edttcatiOn in our country, fo deepen dud extetid the ctinviction of its import• once; and td furnigh incOnfestable rimer Of the advantages which such a system, prOperly con ducted, is destined to confer oil a community. Such evidence has been amply furnished In the history of this Institution. It has been emi nently successful in training the minds and dis ciplining the atlbctions of not a few who are null tilling with dignity responsible stations in the domestic and social circles of life, and who are exerting an e,i!eicrit internee on the well being of society. Of the young Ladies whe have charge of the Institution, the Committee deem it needless to speak in the way of commendation. Their character, and qualifications as teachers, are of the highest order. We can therefore, safely say to parents who wish to place their daughters at Boarding School, that this is an Institution to which they may send them with entire confi dence that they will be watched over with ma ternal care and furnished with every requisite felicity for receiving an accomplished Christian education. Frederick Smith, Esq., Barnard Wolff, S. D. Culberston, M. D., Rev. Daniel McKinley, Rev. B. S. Sehneek, Committee. July lith, 1819,L7t, Eiec4t ors' Notice, Estate of tV1Li.1..4:11 :RO it RIO'S late of West township, dee'd, NOTICE is hereby given that letterstestamen ry h art , bow" ortinted to }lto undersigned iwthe estate of William ft.therts; tote of West township. leceased. Persons knowing themselves indebted will come fbrtvardand make paymeattan all those having ',lntros will present 'licit duly au thenticatedforaettloatu jOICIATI1A& ROBERTS, . . . . 1:V11.1.1:17:1 ROBERTS, idly 10, 1849.] Executor,. NOTICE. CrOgGE CM IN, committee' rippoiri led liY the doOrt of Ciiiiitnan Pleas, of Huntingdon county, to take eliarq, of the pefson and estate of Mrs. Jane Bateman, of the borough of litiii tingtion. a lunatic, has filed his account no Com mittee or Trustee on aforesaid, in the race of the Piothonotary, of the said Court, which account will be presented to the said Court for confirma tion and allowance, on the second Monday of August next, ot which time the same will be con fv me 1 and allowed, unless exceptions thereto be filed on or before that day, THEo. 11. CREME IL Prbtlionotary, PnwiliosiirAmy'd , Hunlingilon, July 10,1849. °AraAiwa , count. SAX E. Y virtue of a decree of the Orpha:,s' Cduti, of Huntingdon county, will, lie exposed to lelle by public vendue or out-cry, the premises, by the undersigned, appointed a trustee for that purpose, un MONDAY, the 6th of AUHUST next, two certain pieces; parcels or lets of ground, situate in the village of 6initlitivld, in Welkei township, Huntingdon count ; one of Said par cels being a lot a n d a half ofgrouhil 011 thb northerly side of the turnpike road, adjoining a lot in the occupation of Militia limier, with II two story Log House thereon erected; also, ono lot on the southerly side of the said turnpike, with a *mall stable thereon erected, adjoining •011 the west, it let owned by Adam Hoffman t lute the estate of Catharine Eeklebergei,ili,eetiseil. Bxectilori TERMS—One-half of the ithrbbase money to , be paid on confirmation of the sue, and the test due in one year therealter with interest, to h., secured by the bond and mortgage of the purcha ed. M. F. CAMPBELL, r leek, _ Attendance Given by MA'TT'HEW OROWNOVER, Huntingdon,July 0,1849-31. Trustee. Watches! Watches ! ! r HE suliectitter hes jolt received from Phila -1-1 delphia, another choice lot of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, which makes his assort.; meat again complete. If you want aO4 watch at the very lowest price, now is your time. July 17, 1849. J. 'l'. SCOTT. PUBLIC S &LE lot Valuable Real 13state. sUbseribers will sell at Public Sale, on thb Oernises, on rllonday the 27th day r f 4ugust, 181.9, All that valuable Real Estate situate in Barree township, Ifuntingdn county, about seven miles from the Pelid'a canal, and Central Railroad, and on the Road leafing from Petersburg to fine Grove, eontainine• about 700 ..Icres 'Limestone Land, and about 4.00 acresof which are cleared, i and in a good state of cultivation, the woodland being all first rate Timber Land and heavily timbered ; and there is an ;:xcellcnt seite for a Saw Mill, on never tailing stream. There are erec ted on the said Land two houses and two barns, small, but in a tderable state of repair. The above Tract of Land will be di;ii; ded into two, three, or more parts, and sold separately ; or it will be sold alto gether, as will best suit those desiring to purchase, The Terriis shall be made so as to swt purchasers, and will be definitely made known on the day of sale: An indispu table title will be given; Any further infertnatloit den be had by applying to, either of the undersigned. DAVID le CRT lE, BENJ.. E. MeIIURTRIE, ROUT. A. lUcMURTRIE, %VAL E. I . IcMURTRIE. June 19 ; 1849—ts. N 4 S. LAWRENCE. Sgent f;rtrie sal;;IS - o - u — th - u,:o - r7te - .llanu• fa - c•uting Co's Writing - P•pers. Whareho►►se No. 3 !Minor St PHILADELPHIA 100 eases of the above superior Papers now in store, and for sale to the Wide at the lowest market prices. consisting in putt of— Fine thick Flat Laps, 12, 14, 15, and 16 lbs.. blue and white. Superfine Medium and Demi NV ritinga, blue ancl, white. „ Eitra super and superfine Polio Posts, bine and white plain anti ruled. Superitne Commercial Posta, blue and white, plain and ruled. Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain and gilt. . tnopeifhe and fine Dill Pariera, lung and broad. :.'operltne and floe Uouming•Hoeao t.„ ape and Post, blue and while. liktrii super Congress Caps and Letters, plain and ruled, blue and white. . . Extra super Congress Cops and Letters, gilt. Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts. Superfine blue linen thin Letters. Extra super Bath Poets, blue cud while, plaiu and ruled. Eurihroidered !Cate Papers and Envelopes. "Lawyer'S" Wier Papers. Eliipsidne and tine Cape and Poets, rued dtad plain, Idtte and tiftlte, various qba!itiei slid pri ces. Also, 1000 reams white and assorted Shoe Pa pers, Bonnet Hoards, white and assorted Tissue, Ten, WI wine., Envelope, assorted and blue Me diums, Cap wrapliers, Hardware Papers, &c. July 10, 1949.-6 in. CROIVIELIEN & BROTHER, Commission 14terchants, IMPORTERS OP 7 15 IR 3 it 7731 q COGNAC BRANDIES, HOLLAND GIN, AID DEALLItS IN Teas, Ntg•ars, .11" o. 1.1. Walnut Street, PIiILaDELPHI.d. cc,i Consignments of Western and Southern Produce solicited. June 12, 1440. JID.III.II7STRJITORS' XOTICR. Vdtatc of . 111 . 1 41li'llV PUNK, late of Wai iio,staark toldaskip, deetl, Into of Warriormark dite'd, have teen granted to the undersigned. All persons in debted to said ostnteare requested to make imme diate payment, and those having claims or de. Malck ne tinstthe same to present them duly an. ti entiedttd foe settlement to SANIUEI, Administrator hily 3,1849, LATEST ARRIVAL! Great Slaughter of 111gh Prices! The Town iii Coininotiarri Nobody Killed, but Several Bad ly Wounded ! DORSEY & MAGUIRE Have the satisfaction to announce to the cit izens of Huntingdon and the neighboring try that they hilvejuat rtenived front the ecisteth titles, a epleftthid stork of new SPRING & SUMMER GOODS ; which have bern sclecied N III grub! Illy. • Cur stock consioA of all Ow Atl:it 1 F LADIES' AND t3ENTLEMENS' DRESS GOODS, Bobts,stiOES, and HATS of all kinds.— Hard ware, Queensivare, Groceries, rS; c. We invite all lb give us a call, as wo take lileuaure in shoivihg our Goods. Tliunkful for past favors, we bore by strict attention lit busintss to receive o 111,10 share of ptibllc patronage. Huntingdon, April 3. 1849. Notice. IN conaequence of the unprecedented tore by fire sustained by the Lyc , uting Mutual insu ralpe Company since &veining lost, the Board of Di octal, havo reluctantly been compelled td direct another ateettament of 2 pEr veer on the premium notes id force 'Week. fo thE Gth tidy of April, 1849. It is hoped that the prevent call on members, will be met with promptitude, that the claims Of the aulTerers May ho promptly paid. By °tire!' of the Hoard of Directors. T. K. SI M ONTaN, lieedvor. • Htintingjen,july 94, 1840. alai Thretsbin,t Machine, AF four horse power, will be sold cheap kifot . cash or Country' , produce, by H. K. NEFF & BRO; • June 26, '49. j Huntingdon, Pi; SLLECT SCHOOL; Huntingdon, lionn.yli•ania. The undersigned announces to his former pa-, trons and the friends of sound Education gener ally, that he i 3 about to establish, in. the new fluntingdon.Acadenly!' budding, a permanent PRIVATE SCHOOL for young persona and children of both seine:. . . . The course of instruction will comprise all the branches usually taught in the beat English Academies, and will be well suited to prepare pupils for the .ordinary avocations of life, and the more important and responsible duties cf good citizens. .. . The internal management of the school will b e w ith the Teacher; . but lie will be assisted by the general a 13oaril of nine gen.i tlemen, justly esteemed for their private worth, public spirit, and corfect and comprehensive educational views. With .this unportant aid, and sustained by the ntrprehatien anti kind .en couragement of many .uf the .liest .d purest minds in this community, the undersigned fads confident that he will be able to introduce with case, and maintain without difficulty, such Beg if 1ta1.,: as will give to the Institution, a high wir..ty., as Well as intellectual character icluiracter that gill sidnire the confidence arid respect of all good ins!;: . . , . . The building is a new three iturYlifiek strue- Ittre delightfully situated on the high ground hack Of town, and attording a commanding view Of the valley of Huntingdon and its agreeable mountain scenery. The school room is. large eel well ventillated; and the chainheri ea° sd arranged as to accommodate comfortably, see- eral boarders, who will be taken on .reason. l& terms, and treated with all the faithfulness that parental solicitude can desire dr trnficisc. The number of pupils will be comparatively limited; and the sexes always kept separate except when in the recitat:on room. 'rite school year will be divided into four Sessions of eleven weeks edeh with suitable vacations; the tirsi session commencing, this year. iu :Tilly pr Au gust; but hereaftek not until the lifit of SeP teiriber. Tcamt OP Terriox PER SESSION :-Primary classes $3,00. llgnzra ph; , with the ; use of Globes and Oritline Maps, Gramniar; &c., $3:50 Astronomy, PisilosnphY, Book-Keeping, the various branchei of 'Mathe matics, &c., $4.00 For particulars apply to the Teacher, J. A. HALL REFERENCES: Rev. John Peebles. Win. P. Orbison, Esq.; Hon. Geo. Taylor, M. Crownoter, Esq., Judge Uwin, Maj. James Steel, Maj. Wm. B. Zeigler, Messts, James Allison, James Maguire, and John N. Prowell, M. A. Hendersqn, M. D.; J. 11. Dorsey, Maj. P. MeMurtrie, Thos.. Fisl,er, Wrii. - Parris, .t: P. Anderson; A. W.• Benedict, Esq., then. A. It. Wilson, John Ker, Jacob Miller, Esq.; Jas: Clark. Hnntin•don, June 19, 1,19. R ,---• ' ... ga v ii l ase Itrz, teic 41,111. .:„!„tt? , 2x,:irr:44 : - =..,8 c L ,: d iil 4 , 41;1, e•el . 9.t . J 2 j - .., : g, : d - ,i ; L . , , , v . :' 01„,.t.--. c., /i::liajfri'L& . , ; 11 i : t QII1Y: u :tiMp a o., • ~. ••,„_ ,„Fiti, , „ 'nil. excellent compound, which never fails in the cure of Fever and Ague, is for 591 e by th 6 propnetor's agent, T READ & SON, Hunt ingdon; L. G. KESSLER, Mill Creek. D.- WHAT IS THE MATTER witii me, Doctor What is the cause of this sallow Complexion, jaundiced eye, depression of spirits, pain iii , lhe side and shoulder, wear ini•rs of body, bittin• taste In the mouth I Such is the inquiry, an t i such ilia sYmptems of many a sufferer! It is the liver which is diseased, end the Ghuhtgogue is the remedy always successful in curing Try it, and judge for yourself. For cute by shove named agents. BETTER tiIETHAN LIVE, if . . • I em to he tortured froth day lb any With (hid horrible Ague, exclaims the, poirr sufferer ichoie I,itq.bas.becoine a burden from the racking parex yenta of an intermittent,. and whore confidence human aid iv destra)Cd by the failure of rem edies to produce th.s promised relief. such hes .been tile .situation of ,thousands who are now rejoicing in all the hlts.ssines of health from the use of Dr. Oagooll'a India Cholagogue. In no instance duecit fail to effect a speedy and perina nent cure. Fur sale by above named agents. " 11.. v few who think aright among the thihkihg How many never think, but only think They Jo." Or THE SENTIAIENT 111 i LIED In fhe above exclamation is on no F c t morn folly exemplified than on that br health. But fern give itn single thought. and fewer still re flect upon duseivaiiOn and good sense which *pattern of tilifoir ClillSefitlellee receive. As observation teaches the lac t that Dr. Osgood's India Oholagigiih is i never foiling remedy in Fever and Ague, emu] sense would surely indi. mite its proiqt add immediate use. For sale by the above named agents. June c:6; if 449. Juniata Cabinet • Manufacturing Establishment. JOHN H. WHITTAKERi Respectfully begs leave to info' in his friend?: and customers and the public generallv,that he has built a large unit coniniothuuc Shop imittedf: ately in the rear of the thitlit !Ann, of John \\ hittaker,!,., on the bank between the rivet and canal, whets he (vitt constantly tier kerp oft hand furniture of al kindo, of the best quality, ettilt acing all desceisttions, kinds, at) lea and va. tie ties of parert, tfiediuin and plain tiottoehol, fu niture, which will be otTeriel fur sale at the very LOWEST RATES th cider to accommodate the pnblit with alt kinds df Work in his line of bniificss, do lion just supplied liiinself Vital 8 !Argo lot of the bast qnslity of Cherry,.tValnut, Maple, Poplar, and all hintls of 'Veneering of the inof popular cashroti. fre will otter neither botched or halt: finished not is for sato, and will of all tithes sub- Work to the aunt rigid inspeytion. 2 , Merchants, Professional nlcn, Mt. Hotel Props ietors, Labtflillg ore invited to call and examine his turttitute..lte: fore [Mit:basing elsewhere. Is believ ing," . . Coffins will be elide oo the shortest initiee, or either Cherry, Walnut' or Poplar, as n . iaY be aired, arid funerals attended. Lb flatters 'Mimi( that by industry and rinse it , ciatiim to his httiinesti, fie will be able to plc'ase all ho may give biro a cell. Old fmoiture will at all times be repaired iit the neatest and Mina' duratile manlier. it lev Tided. All kinds of country protlibe ixdil he to. ken in exchange for furniture, repairin:, Huntingdon. May ¶9, 184 P.