THE JOURNAL. CORRECT PRlNciruss-sviront. ur Timm.] FI - 1 Jul ,rl\ ;1),1N, Tills. 6 , Y3l IRO. Hoover's Ink. ( 11CIOVE13 SUF'EKIOIt WRITING INK for grile at this office. T ERMS : The "ITUNTINtIDON Joutisst.'t is published at the following rates, viz: $1,15 a year, if paid in advance ; $2,00 if paid, during the year, and $2,44) if not paid until laid the expiration of the year. The above terms to be Adhered to in all cases. No subscription taken for less than six months, and no panar discontinued until all airetirages ore paid, unless at the option of the publisher. DELEGATE ELECTIONS. COUNTY CONVENTION. 'fhe Democratic Whig voters of Huntingdon county are requested to meet in their respective township; and boroughs, at the usual places of holding their Delegate Elections. On Saturday, the 1 11 h doy of August, to cleat two delegates front each el said townships and boroughs, to represent them in a County Contention to be held in the borough 01 Hun tingrlan, On Wednesday, the 15111 day of August, 42 o'clock, in the afternoqn, to put in nomina tion d lierinicratic Whig COUNTY TICKET, and'do such other thirds ea the gddd of the cause may require. By order of the County Committee, J. SEWELL hTEWART, Chairman. xj A considerable portion of our paper is taken up with foreign news. It is important and interesting, and we invite attention to it. AID TO THE GOVERNOR. JOHN W. DUNCAN, of Pittsburg, has re ceived the appointment of Aid to his Excellency Gov. Johnston, with the rank of Lieut. Cnfonel: This is a good appointment, Cal. DtMean is exceedingly popular with all whci enjoy his ac quainttinde. A Day of Prayer. Friday next is the day set apart by President Tmccoft as a day of humiliation and Prayer throughout the United States. The recommen dation is conceded by all to be highly proper, and we hope to see it generally observed. flanking Home at Lewistown. We observe by the Lewistown Gazette that several wealthy and highly respectable citizens of Lancaster county are about to establish, in Lewistown, a private Banking house, to go in to c potation in the month of August. •The cap ital of this establishment will be devoted exclu sively to the legitimate business of banking.— Of this the strongest assurances are given, and the high character and great exlierience of the gentlemen concerned in the House, justifies us in giving full credit to their word. Relying upon the faith of these assurances, WO din con fidently say to our Mends, that these Bankers will not speculate in Real Estate, or in the nec essaries of life; they will not exact Usurious interest from borrowers, nor will it be neeessa ry for them to pay heavy premiums to sustain their credit. The capital will not be loaned in large sums to a le , * favored persons, to the ex clusion of many o•hers of equal responsibility.; nor will it be locked up , it; permanent loans or renewed accommodation paper. Depreciated paper will not be paid ()Oat the Banking House, but par poids will always be paid to those who transact their business with it; city acceptan ces will be cashed in par fund,i and such ac commodations as they may require, consistent with the capital invested, will promptly and cheerfully be afforded. The ptiper of the Banks of this State, which are solvent but under par, will be received on deposite, and par money paid to depositors when drawn for. kechatics and dealers on small capital will, with safe endor sers, be accommodated with discounts to pur chase their stock and carry forward their affairs prosperously. Such an institution, conducted on these prin ciples, will be a realblessing to the community, and its establishment will no doubt go far to. wards supplying a want seriously felt. We feel that the rnost implicit reliance may be placed in the gentlemen about to establish this new 11 anking House ; and hence we commend it fo the attention of the business men of Hun- tingdon county. \t. 11. limo:, 1:3q., of Lewistown, is the 'Solicitor and Gonfidentiai Agent of the House, fo whom we refer ulf who may wish further in formation on the suGjecf. Rico.—The Globe wants fo know "whether the griden, goes to show that Gen. Taylor has 'no• enemies fo punish,' and has 'no friends to reward,' and whether he is a Whig President or a Democratic President." Why, neighbor, it is not long since you professed to know all about Gen. Taylor. You ventured to predict that he would deceive the Whigs. You said .that the Whigs were "going it btiml"—that Taylor had given no pledges, an; that nobody knew any thing about Isis principles. Now you are abusing the old Pattibt every week for "vi olating Isis pledges !" "Has he no enernies - fo punisla" Do you call turning a man out of of lice punishing him? If so, why was yoiii'neigh hor, Mr. Cunningham, punished by l'emoVal from the Collector's office here? And' why were a boat of Canal and Railroad officers pun- - isbed in the same way last spring by the Dem ocratic Canal Commissioners? "Is Gen. 'Tay lor a Whig or a Democratic Presidentt" We can scarcely answer for to,fin'.' Ile is the President of the country and nor of a party ; but Isles' the old Hero's soul, he is as good a Whig us we ever told our readers he was. "Weil he is !" lie's "notbin' else !" Ha, hie, I&I He rue.. out much better than you desire, dent he neighbor ? lie, Le, he! labia of their own Genie The Locofoco papers, in their "haste to shed innocent blood" by attacking the indefatigable Whig State Treasurer, GIDEON J. HALL, have got themselves and their friends into a world of trouble. Our neighbor of the Globe has back ed clan out of controversy. His first charge was that the Legislature had ; not appropriated money enough to pay the "poor laborers" the Ohl debts due iheM tiu iltis diVision. Next he asserted that the State Treasiirei would not pay but the appropriation fast enough to meet the dergandi df thede "Pooh laborers." In answer to these charges we showed that the Supetvisor of this division had drawn since April last TWEN TY—EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS, lack- ing one hundred ; and we called upon the Globe editot to prove hi's charges by publishing the names of the laborers already paid and those remaining unpaid. This he declines to do in the following language " This neighbor, is asking a little too much .—;-a list of all the names of laborers oh this Di vision who have been paid since the present Supervisor has had charge of the improvements, would occupy perhaps at least one half of our paper. If nothing else will "satisfy public cu riosity" but the publication of such a list by us, public curiosity must go unsatisfied," Can the above be true? Let us see. The one half of the Globe would contain about TWO THOUSAND names, allowing one line for each name! And yet the Globe editor informs us that it would occupy at "least one-half " of his paper to publish the names of the laborers al ready paid, by the present Supervisor, saying I nothing about those remaining unpaid ! ! Aga in we ask, can this be true? If it is, what a spectacle have we presented ! More than TWO THOUSAND poor laborers, who earned their money by the hardest kind of toil—standing in thud and wafer frequently up to their knees for dayskept out of their money by a party that is always prating about the rights of the poor I man. For be it known, when these debts were contracted, the Locofocos had the Governor, a majority in the Legislature, and a majority in the Canal Board ; and all the Canal officers be longed to the LocOfo'cO Party. And we dare the Globe to show that while these laborers were Compelled to wait for their pay, the Dam erratic Governor, Democratic members and Democratic Canal Commissioners, and the Dem caratic Supervisors,mud bosses, &c., &c.i were not regularly fobbing their•.llo, to say nothing of the stealing,. And Morris Longetreth, who has performed no service whatever, cave as sisting in the election of Locofoco Canal and Railroad officers, for almost a year, has also been regularly drawing his three dollars per day! But they think it an easy matter to gull common people, as the laborers are called by I these Democratic officers. Loud professions of sympathy they think will do to keep them straight, while the officers are quarterly ma king a simultaneous rush upon the Treasury, I receiving large salaries, some of them for doing I nothing, while none are employed half their time ! If this is Democracy, good Lord save I the tour laborer from its embrace ! Thus it will be seen that in a feeble attempt to get out of one difficulty, the editor of the Globe has plunged his party into a still more unfortunate dilemma. Ile had made charges ! agginst the State Treasurer which he could not sustain. And hence he makes anexcuse which, if true, shows rt grosser imposition on the labor ers than we even suppossil the Locofoco officers ' had been practising. But the Globe says we can call on the Supervisor and examine his dis bursements. What have we to do with the Su- pervisort What right have we to call on him to show his aeCounts to Us/ We have made no ; charges against him. it may he he is conduct- I iug his business fairly. We only stated the amount of mehey he had received, and offered the Globe the opportunity to make good its charges against the State Treasgrer by piffilish lug the names of the creditors who had receiVed it, and those still unpaid. This opportun,ty the Globe has seen proper to decline, for the reason above stated. Whether the reason giVen is true lor satisfactory, we leave the public to decide. Sdflice it to say, the Globe has backed out of its charges against the State Treasurer—and in so I doing has made an admission which we think its party friends will not thank the editor for. Our MOreugir: Opening of the Pa. Railroad. The Pennsylvania Intelligencer of Thursday last says : "A new locomotive and car arrived for the Pa. Railroad in Harrisburg some days ago. and on Monday last a trip was made from Harrisburg to Millerstown, a distance of 3d miles. The distance up was run in lb. 30m. and returning lh. Clin. The locomotive and car Candidates. are of the first class,and the road is in excellent In our last, two' tombs were reconnnend . ed to condition. The bridge over the SueqU'eharina, the coming Cotenty Convention for nomination, five miles above Harrisburg, is one of the most and this week a n o th er n a m e is suggested. This substantial and beautiful structures in the corm is ull right. Those who desire to press the ' try. Gov. Johnston, Hon. Wm'. M. Meredith, claims of friends for nomination; sho'uld make and Hon. T. Stevens, Who happened to be in the fact as extensively known' as peksibfe; so town oh the occasion, the Secretary and Dep. that the people can have an opportunity to dis- Secretary of the Commonwealth, and Canal cuss and decide upon the claims and q u ali f ica - Commissioner Painter, were amongst the Com tions of candidates previous to electing their pany on this first trip 0,, the great l'a. Railroad. delegates. And it will give us pleasure to , Th e R o ad will be opened to Lewistown in a publish, free of charge, the names of all' Who few weeks, when regular daily trains will corn will be presented to the coming County Conven- mrnee to. run. lion for nomination, if their friends will hand —mafige; them in. And as our next paper will be the last Farina..-Blanc Farina, when protterly prepared for the'fable, before the mfeting of the Convention, all de 6i makes not only a healthy but very pleasant des ring to avail themselves of this opportunity serf• and a s but few are acquainted with the n ShOtild do do during the present week. best mode of preparing it, we publish the fol lowing recipe, handed us by a Lady of this place, who has tested it practically. We Have tasted some prepared according to this recipe, and can asrure our readers that it is not hard to take." The following is the recipe : To one quart of milk, sprinkle In sloWly when boiling, four table-spoonfuls of the Farina, and continue to boil for 20 minute... Stir it while cooking to prevent burning or settling. Add when boiling grated Lemon or Vanilla or the essence. When done, turn it into a jelly-mould and place it in ice or cold water t'o stiffen. It thus forms an elegant article for dessert, and is eaten with Cream and Sugar, or sweetened C ream. The health of our borough continues unbro ken. Our friends in the country may rest as sured that not a single case of cholera has oc curred in our mid . st. And as the disease is now on the decline, the hope is entertained that we may escape altogether. Indeed such is the opinion of oar physicians. Good Appointments. AmGngst the number of appointments recent ly made by the President, we notice that of Na than Sargent . , Esq.,-:- , Oliver Olsschool"—as Rec Order in the General Land Office in Wash ington city. An excellent appintment. He is nut only a decided and devoted Whig, but it man of ability, and will' make an efficient officer. We are Sratified•to'heat also or the appoint ment of Col. James S. Wallace, formerly asso ciate editor of the Pa. Telegraph, an Inspector of Customs for the port of Philaderphie. This appointment is alio worthily bestowed. Dar The weather is warm and dry. Coil and vegetation generally is in much need of rain. Drake's Ferry Bridge The attack upon the County Commissionars, by a writer in the last Globe, in regard to the construction of the Drake's Ferry Bridge, is as mean as it is ungenerous. If the writer knows anything, he knows that the bridge at that place was put under contract among the first, after the flood and destruction Of bridges in 1847. It was let to Mr. Mitilderi,, responsible and usual ly an energetic contractor. But we learn that during last summer Mr. M. was retarded in the prosecution of his work by the sickness of him self and hands. And the insinuation that the Commissioners have designedly delayed this bridge, will only excite the contempt of all who have any personal acquaintance with them.— They are as anxious for its completion as any one. g , It is a notorious fact," says the writer, that sufficient tax was levied to build all the bridges." The fact is notorious that they did sot levy sufficient lax for this purpose, and hence the Legislature authorized them to bor row money. It is our hope that the Drake's Ferry and all other county bridges under contract and unfin ished, may be pushed to a speedy completion. And we know that the Commissioners enter tain a similar desire. And hence we cannot but believe that the writer in the Globe, and also the editor of that paper, knew that great injus tice is done the Commissioners by the insinua tion that they are designedly delaying the con struction of the Drake's Ferry Bridge. Temperance Lecture. Mr. Fletcher Brooks delivered a Temper ance Lecture in the Methodist Church in this borough on Thursday evening last. At least this was the name that appeared on the bills, although it is contended by those who have seen the gentlemen before, that he formerly went by the name of Eastbrooks. However, let his name be what it may, as a Lecturer Ott Temperance, the universal verdict in this place is that he is a h rrrabrtg. . We have rarely heard the subject so feebly presented as it was on this occasion. We understand that the gentleman sings well, and is a good teacher of music. If this be so, we would advise him to turn his attention ex clusively to that branch of science, and not bore the public any further by his attempts at Lecturing on Temperance. Bs*The Globe says that we stated that Mr. Gamble w•as a lawyer with the purpose of in juring him. of so. NO respectable profes sion, trade nr calling injures a man in our esti mation. But as the Globe informs us that he is not a lawyer, we cheerfully make the correction. Will the Globe inform us what Mr. Gamble's calling is? Thu Cholera/ We learn that several cases of cholera occur red in Alexandria, in this county, during last week, and three deatha. One death from the same disease occurred in Henderson township. We are also informed that all these cases can be traced to imprudence in eating or manner of living. In Philadelphia the didease has almost disap peared. The last day rePoried; btit 33 cases and 8 deaths occurred. In the Western cities, where the disease has been making such fearful ravages, we are te joiced to observe that it has almost abated. Be low we give the latest despatches from all quar ters Sr. Loris, July 27.—The interments reported for the :11 hours ending yesterday, were 29, of which 14 were of cholera, and 15 from other diseases. CiNCINNATI, July 27.—For the 21 hours end ing noon to-day, the cemeteries reported .19 in terments-,-,-17 by cholera, 29 by other diseases. PITTSBVRO. 27.— , The Sanitary Commit tee of the Board of Health this evening report 3 cases of cholera and 1 death. Now YORR, July 27.—The report of the San itary Committee show an increase of cases and deaths' iet this cif'. It is probable, however, that this body is commencing to give correct reports. The report for the 24 hours endirg noon, is 20$ cholera cases, and 26 deaths. BROOKLYN, July 27,--Twelve cases of choln fa and 2 deaths have occurred within the last '24 RFCIIBIOND, July 27.- , —'No cases of cholera were reported yesterday. BALTimoux, July 27.—The cholera is abating in the alinsbouse. Twelve hundred packs of buffalo robes were brou3ht into St. Louis one day last week. The August Interest. For the first time, says the North American, since the resumption of the payment of the in terest upon her State debt, Pennsylvania will, on the let of August next, redeem her honor witEout having recourse to a temporary loan to make up deficiencies. The amount on deposit to the credit of the State Tr i easurer is now $700,000, and this sl i m 'dill tie ihcreased on SatUrclay next by the payment, tin the part of the County of Philadelphia, by its Treasurer, of $200,000.. Ptiia is the most gratifying, and in all r oints of view dties exceeding credit to Mr. Ball, our worthy State Treasurer, who has relaxed no ef fort to bring about this state of things so honor able to the Commonwealth,.. It mint be borne in mind that he has accomplished it in the face of heavy drafts upon him by the Canal 'Commis sioners, amounting day after, day, for months to gether, to over $.1,000 per day& During the period from the 11th April to July 3d, he met drafts for the public works atone, to the untisii slimily large amount of $3OO l lOl 92 , --drafts is sued at a time when it was known he was strain ing every nerve to sustain the pledged faith' of the State, and hurried in by a Locofoco majori ty of the Board of Canal Commissionets ih a manner which permitted no other inference than that of a deliberate attempt to cripple him.— What they had failed to attend to at the just time, when a locofoco administration was in power, they have burthened the present one with, and every citizen must be thankful that the bad design has been frustrated. The honor of the State will be sustained and its ob ligations redeemed, and in par prnds, which has not been accomplished by any previous ad ministration. Foreign News. The North American says :—The anticipa tions which preceding events warranted have been fully realized, and the army of Oudinot is at last encamped within the walls of the Eter nal City. By whatever policy or motive France may have been governed in this invasion, it must now soon be discovered; for the object being gained, there can no longer be secrecy in developing the alliances with which it is iden tified, or the purposes of ambition and power with which it Was instigated. There is no view in which we have been able to regard the condUct of the present dynasty is France, which does not reflect discredit upon the weak man who, for the moment, rules her destinies, and dishonor upon the advisers by whom he is surrounded. Instead of being the champion of popular rights, France has descen ded, under Louis Napoleon, to the place of hum ble friend to the tottering ruinarchies by which she is surrounded, and may slow be regarded as the supple tool of the Czar of Russia, whose de signs are directed to stemming the tide of Re publican progress in Europe, and checking the spirit of Revolution so rife in Germany, Hun gary, and Italy. The successful invasion of Rorrie must soon resolve the doutts which haVe long agitated the public mind, as to the real motive of Louis Napoleon and his Ministry, in di ecting their arms against the liberal movement in the Roman States ; and we are fully prepared for any dis closure which may convict them of a desire to sacrifice the professed principles of Liberty and Equality" under which they rode into pow er, arid of a purpose to unite with Russia and Austria, in their selfish design of consolidating an alliance to' overawe and oppress by brutal force, the millions who ate novi en'gageri in a strurgte for national rights. Wei on this side Of the Atlintic, cannot be indifferent spectators to the impending issue; and sympathising with the cause of popular liber ty, in whatever proper 'Oita it may exhibit itself in the old world, we wait Witlrarrxiety for such further tidings as may serve to disclose the present policy of France towards Italy: The pains that her rulers have haken to envelope this policy in mystery and doubt, have excited earnest suspicion and caused the prmbundest mortification to those who generously cheered her own efforts at redemption, when she claim ed to be actuated by principles of right and jus tice. Mr. Longstretles Toast The following toast was sent by lion. Morris Longstreth to a Locofoco celebration in Phild- delphia • • , Granti Jurors , It , lichael Baker, Porter ; AbrahanY Bolinger, " , The laborer is worthy SI his hire'• , --in ash John Cummins, Tell; James Cree,.sr., —and it is not the fault of the Canal Cotnmii- •'• e"; Dublin; A. Cresswell,_ Went; sinners if the, precept is not carried out in prac- Brady ; James Dysart, Franklin; olive: Entire, lice tat the Public Works oT Pennsylvania." I Shirley; Jacob Fackler, Ilend'ersen; John' B. The Reading Journal comments upon the Foster, Shirley; Andrew Guyer, Wart iorstuark; above as follows "No fault of the Canal Coln- Daniel Goodman, Henderson; John B. Galvin, missioners!" Let us see. Messrs Longstrethsnd Warriorsmark ; Pavid Hawn, Walker; John Painter Control the appointments on the line of lAtirre, West; Robert sKte•Joadc'kNory. canal. The Superintendents, SupervisOrs, and ris ; David Mong, John Owens, Wartiorsmerk; glosses' of big and little grade are of their &nos- , John Read, Henderson ; A. Shore, Cass.; Isaac ing. The Canal Commissioners have, within i Taylor, Todd ; Samuel Wigton, Franklin: less than three months, drawn from the State I Treasury the etormous amount of $360,000 !-.1- traverse Jutror& John Anderson, Penn; S. li. Bell, Shirfejl; which has Seen paid Oyer ta then. underlings, to ThOs. Btirchinell, Henderson; Daniel Bruin discharge the debts due along the line of the haugh, Hopewell ; B. Beers, Cromwell; Jetties public works, and especially the claims of the Coulter, Tell; Robert Cunningham, Porter; J. L. Campbell, Jackson ; A. Dell, Gass ; Wm. laborers. What has bacon'. of this ttioney?-i- Edwards, Union; 'Jackson ' Enyeart, Penn; If the laborers have not received it, (and the Henry Grazier, Warribrsmark ; Charles Green, Locos say they have not,) where has it gone? West; George Hudson, Clay; Joseph Hegie, ' Whet Messrs. Longstreth and Painter satisfy Tell ; R. D. Heck, Cromwell; Thos. Heron, r mark • Jacob Herricane Porter Jos: the public aril the laborers with regard to this gi a r r ba ii it' r g s h, Tod; David Irons, Ho ' peWell';' ' San, matter, we shall. be better enabled tei judge how net Jones, Franklin; Adain Lefforif, Porter; far the excellent precept quoted in' the toast has Benjamin C. Lytle, Penn; SamtefLUtz,Shitley; been carried alit by Mr. L. amnia associate." . Anion Careen, Cass; John, Litingstan, jr., Wm. Moore, West; James McCracen, Brady; A Ssaious Row.—A,party,of six Irish- Andrew McClure, Porter; T. 0.. O'ebison, men laborers on the Ruilroisd, Cromwell; David Parsoriii, Tell; B. F. Pltn, arriorsmaik; John Piper, fod ; Peter Ripple, went from the road on Saturday last to croinwelt; 11. Rickets, Shirley; M. Stevens, Shell's Inverts, in East Hanover town- Thos. J. Stewart, Jos. Reed, West; Andrew .ship in this county,• and after drinking Smith, ; John Simpson, Samuel R. Stevens, Sipes, Cromwell; James petty freely, commenced a row with Travis,i euolara; ' s. Walrece,i Mor ' ris ;T. tl - e landlord, beating him and Isis son Weston - , Warriorenutak; W. B. White, Walker. most unmercifully, and conaiting other; outrages. A .number of the' neighhorti The causes on the CIVIL LIST having then• gathered together, and after whip- all been continued in consequence of the large ping the Irishmen to their hearts' ton- i amount of Criminal business, the Jurors tor tent, arrested five of them, and brought the second week of August Term, as also tho them to town and lodged them in jell on parties and witnesses in all civil suits, are re- Sunday morning, where they are now quested not to attend. See Sherifl's notice to confined.—Pa. Intelligencer. : Jurors, &c., in another column. ANOTHER FLORIDA WAR ! CHARLESTON, .7!t 104 An extra from the office of the Republican says:—By the arrival of the U. S. steamer Omulgee, Capt •Wileon, we have received intelligence, via St. Augustine, that the Indians hava again renewed hostilities. SAvs:oratt, Saturday Evening, July, 21. Information has been received in this city, from Flo rida, . ,rida, stating that the re mitining Seminoles have become hostile 'and committed noir:ewes depredations oh Indian River, in South Florida. From the 1)t information ) we learn that in the early part Of last week the Indians made an attack ,on the settlements on Indian River, in St. .Lucie county, arid commenced plundering the houses and firing on the settlers. The Indians were in considerable fininbers, so tolibli so that a defence by the whites were entirely impossible, One person, a Mr. Baker Was killed and his body horribly mutilated: Major Wm. F. Russell, Deputy Col. lector at Indian River, was shot in the arm, and It is feared that his family have fallen into the hands of the-Indians, as they have not been heard of since. A number of other persons, mostly females, are also missing, The settlers were obliged to leave their dwellings and take to the river, and come up the coast outside. Some twenty men, women and chit= dren have arrived at St. Augustine, who report that others are on their way. It is reported that despatches have been forwarded to Washington, stating the (acts, and likewise that an express had been sent to Tampa, by the com manding officer at St. Augustine. The settlers on the frontier are be coming generally alarmed, and are mov ing to the larger settlements for safety. The inilitary post of Tampa being the residence of the frontier agent, has given the Indians an excuse for coming into the settlements, thereby throwing them into contract with the whites. The Indians are now supplied with arms and ammunition and scattered in small parties throughout the frontiers, as they will be, will give serious trouble. SLAvrt STEArdsn.--What with the ravages of the cholera, the incursions of Kidnappers, and the efforts of the slaves themselves assisted by confederates to escape, slave property at the South is rapidly becoming of a very precarious and insecure tenure. Every day's mails bring us fresh accounts of run a ways, negro stealing. Sec. The latest is a long account which We find in the Helena (Ark.) Shic/d,of a system of slitve stealing which has just come to light in Monroe county, Ark., and in which several residents there, who had hitherto borne high characters, were implicated. Two slaves Vs ho disappeared last fall were sold by these men, and the latter shared the profits with them, and then got them to run away attain. For the Attend, totiniy tothinissioner. Ma. Cr.sair :—I notice in your last, a short communication in relation to County Commis , sinner. I was truly pleased with the suggestion; there is no more deserving or capable men than ' Mr. Veiglitaf ; and shduld our County Conven tion think it most prudent to select a candidate avho does not reside in town, none I imagine would men mote acceptable than him- There is nevertheless, a very large proportion of the citizens of our county who believe it greatly to the advaritage and convenience &f the people generally to have hoe County Commissioner a resident in town,--Lthen whenever they come to town and have business in that office, • they. can have it attended to without waiting until edurt week for the Commissioners to come in. To the people in your town, it makes no difference ; they are always present when. the Board are in I session, and can have any tinniness of theirs dis posed of. It is not so with us in thecountry. If the County Convention adopt this sugges tion, I would earnestly recommend to their con sideration JOHN FLENNER of your town.--.. He is honest, capable, and faithful, and would be efficient ; and withal ha in a sterling whip', A MECHANIC.% BIG LICK Woons, July Ltatli, 1811. THE COURT. Arrival of the SteatunhipCaledonia: SEVEN DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE SUROENDEk OF ROME The steamship Caledonia arrived at Halifax, N. S., on Tnursday bringing news from Europe seven days later. The Caledonia has 45 passengers for Boston, exclusive of 18 of the *2 survi vors of the ill-fated barque Charlei Bartlett, of Plymouth, Mass., Wm. Bart+ lett, master, which on ti ednesdny, the 24th ult., nt about 3i o'clock P.M., wheri 700 miles westward of Cape Clear, was run down by the steamer Europa, and sunk in three minutes, with 134 of the passengers iind crew. The catastrophe occurred during a dense fog s and although the boats of the Europa were instantly lowered, and ev ery possible assistance rendered, only A. 2 out of the 176 souls were saved.— The captain, second mate and ten of the cretV were among the survivors. Tlid Europa is acquitted of all blame, not only by the survivors, but by the unani mous voice of the British press and the publish . _ A subeription of £352 wns promptly raised by the passengers of the Europa * to Which the proprietors have added £2O. They likewise offered to carry the whole of the survivors from Beston to New York free of all expense. The Charles Bartlett was bound from London to New York with emigrants, and had on board 4.50 tons of Merchandise, con sisting chiefly of coal and chalk. B. B. Forbes, Esq., a passeneer in the Europa, behaved with surprising gal lantry upon the occasion, and has been presented with the gold Medal of the Liverpool Shipwreck and Hulhithe So ciety. The Europa sustained no material dam age by the collision. On the 30th ult., the constituent As sembly of Rome, ending that further resistance to the French arms would ho in vain, ceased hostilities, and virtually surrendered the Eternal eLty to the besiegers. . . _ . . On thelsth inst., an official notifica tion was made to the French Assembly, that in consequence of the arrangeinent entered into between Gen Oudinot anti the Roman Triumvirate, the gates had been thrown open to the French troops, who were adopting measures for the immediate occupatiOn of Rome, which would take place with perfect quietness and order. A correspondent, writing from Paris, says, just as the Bourse was closing . it was stated positively that the Govern ment, had receiv'd a telegraphic dispatch announcing the entry of the French army into Rome on the 2d, and that they were teceiVed with acclamation by the people. This communication produced a great sensation in the chamber. The divisions of Garibaldi have been conducted to Cevita Vecchia, where they would lay down their arms. Two divisions of the army would be lodged and maintained by the Roman government. V Just previous to the reception of the decisive news from Rome, Gen. Belleau left Paris to take command of the army in Italy. . Genircd Oudinot was o-dered home in disgrace! Arrangements were also promptly made to increase the army in Italy to 50,000 men. Immediately upon the reception of the news of the surrender of Rome to Geo. Oudinot, a telegraphic despatch was sent to Marseilles, desiring Gen. Be dean to Wait there for fresh instructions Word proceeding to Rome. According to reports in the Diploma tic circles of Paris on Thursday, Gen. Bedeau is to take the place of M. d'Har- Court, Ambassador, and is also charged with a mission to Marshal Radetsky to negotiate all Militory matters respecting the occupation of Italy. It appears cer tain that Gen. Lamorieiere goes to St, Petersburg as Ambassador, and that he is to protest against the Emperor taking any part in the affairs of Italy. The army for the Alps has been dis- I banded. Several slcirmishes have taken place between the Huitarians and Austrians' near Raab. The lass upon either side was in'signifidnrit. One Week Later from Europe ARRIVAL UP TILE E!JIIOPA. Progress of the Struggles for Freedom The Philadelphia papers of Thursday contain lurthet foreign intelligence, brought by the steamer Europ'a, We extract the most impor- tart items The cholera id on the increase in London. The growing crops in England and Ireland' ere !epresented as very promising. The Pota to disease has almost disappeared in Ireland. The most intense suffering still prevails in ill. fated Ireland. The growing crops are looked forward to with great anxiety by the starving people. FRANCE.: On Thursday there was a rumor in Paris of a' difference in the Cabinet on the affairs of Rome; and it is now said that Wilton Tiarrot, Minister of Justice, and M. Dufaure, Minister of the In terior, will retire. A doubt was expressed whether' England had previously remonstrated with France on the sub-' ject of Rome. . The Legitimist and Jesuit Journals are set ting upd cry for the absolute and unconditional' restoration of the Pope ; but the cotrespOndene of the Times says upon relibble informntiOn, that no such folly is intended by the French' Government. The difficulties which continue fo bent