Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 24, 1849, Image 4

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received anti in now opening a splontlid
stock of Spring and Summer Cootld, swung
which ow bo bound every voriely of
Ladies' and Gentlemens' Ness Goods,
in part, l loths of all kinds, French, Nelgian
and Fancy Cassimers, Kentucky Jeans, Croton,
Oregon and Tweod C hs ; Vestings, Flannel.
and Drillings, arid a swirly of COM. G 014114 for
Stionittcr cot' Muslin de Lames. French
L t.vns .11,1 :Shaw!a and handioreitit
Mernioes. a large assortmt tit of Cali
coes of the newest st3las and xi low priers,
Ea. lawn, French, &omit and Domestic Ging•
llama and Bultorine., French and Irish Linen.
and Checks, Bed 'net:lnge, 31uslins and sheet
lags, etc., etc.
Boots, Shoes, Ants anti Caps, Groceries,
Hardware, Queenswate, &c.,
with a great variety of goods of all kinds.
The above mock of Goode having been aelec
ted with great care and purehnr dat reduced
prices for Caah, I am enabled to offer
Great Bargains,
and hope all who want will at least examine my
stock before purchasing • IF, obeix. 86 I aside•
tarmineil to Fell on as reafonalde term ac any
ono in Pann4ylvania. Ple3Pe coil slid Fee my
Gomlca% tt affords me pleasure to oLow them
at all times.
All kilide of Country Produce token in ex•
change for Goode.
Mtrch 31, 1849
Thankful for past favors, moat respectfully in
forms the citizens of Huntingdon sod its •km
jity, that he has !nada every arrangeinent neces
sary to supply all who rosy favor him with a
call, with the most chose varieties of
mLo 7-'2
Confectionaries, Cakes, Fruitsand Nut.
Hi. private rooms are fined up in a handsome
style, which will make them a comfortable ration
fur Ladies and Gent emen.
Parties can he turnished on the shortest notice
with Ire Cream. Confectionaries, all kinds of
Cakes and Fruits.
Huntingdon, May 22, 1849.
New Goods! New Goods!
'[DAVE just eeeived and are now opening a
ap endid aasoi tinf•of of
Their stock has been selected with great care,
dna at lower prices than thane who purchased
earlier, and a uene.ol variety of cavly
thing called for by the public. They have a
beautiful variety of LADIES and GENTLE
MEN'S Dress Goods, of the vety latest my ea,
which for quality aid cheapness cannot be sur
passed. In addition to their large stock of Dry
Goods, Housekeepers can be eupp ied with
Fresh Groceries,
of a superior quality, very cheap ; Hardware
Queenaware. &c., &c.
They invite the piddle to cull and examine
their stock. They make no charge for eh.% ing
their Goods.
May 1,1849.
than any other house of a similar char
Deter on this continent. His facilities
1 for the IMPORTATION of Books from En
lit the Senate, Mardi 1, 1819. rope are unsurpassed, having a branch
Resolved, That this resolution l'''' Ye " of his Establishment in London, where
21, Nays 8. Extract from the Jomonl.
SAML. W. PEARSON, Clerk. lorders of private gentlemen are careful.
ly executed and forwarded to this Coun-
Ta the House of Representatives, April 2, 1819. , try by every STEAMER and PACKET.
RORI/1 Ve.i, 'that ,hie resolution pas ,, .—Yeas' A CATALOGUE
58, Nays 26. Extract from tile Jontnal. lof Books with the prices attached is is
1t Al. JACK, clerk. I sued quarterly, containing Lists of New
Additions made to his large collection,
which ore in all cases for sale at the
or, from 25 to 75 per cent. below Pub.
Halters' Prices. Th ain buying even a
few books, quite a considerable amount
is saved.
As a still further
to strangers visiting the city, every one
who purchases One Dollar's worth of
Books, will receive a copy of the Sohn Stone & Sons,
181 no volume, the price of which is 25 . Silks, Ribbons and Millinery Goods,
N 0.43 South Second Street above Chesnut
la - The limits of this advertisement
are too confined to enumeratethe pricesl
AATOULD call the att. noon of Merchants and
"JOURNAL OF SENATE. of tiny of the Books, or to give even a ,
1 Y ltlillitters vir.iting the city, to their large
faint idea of the advantages to
'' Resolution, No. 'SS entitled "Res- I and rich assortment of
"elution relative to an amendment of the be derived from purchasing at the Great!
) Npeiiix Millinery Goods,
" Constitution," was read a third iliac. Central Cheap Book-store,l;tit let all who .
the question, will the Senate O
1, il itgreeßeceived hy late arrivals Irani Prance
are in search of Books send for a Cata- ca„„ ;,,14, f„„.„,i„ g i„ i„,,, , such as
"to the resolution? 'f lie Yeas and Nays logue, and buy the Books they are in , Fancy Dowiel and t fl l, hit to n.—fl large and
" were taken agreeiddy to the Constitu
want of, and when visiting The city, give b„,,„,,,„, ~„„„„„„, „I .11 p i, ri ;
"ilea, and were as follow, viz: i Appleton one call, and you will be sure I Plain Mantua end Satin Isibbons, froth No. 1
I to No. 12 ;
r 1 to Boas, Brawley,Crabb, !
Ito call again
S'PATIONARY 'French and American Artificial Flowers, (in
"Curming.hain, Forsyth, Hug., John-'
"son, Lawrence, Levis, Mason, Moffitt- in all its brnitelies, furnished at the Low- , "
‘. : . , :;:t d 7 r ,
d el k y v l .ii,„ r
"as, M'Cnxlin, Rich, Richards, Sadler, eat Prices. The Initials of those Touche.
Fatev Lace. end Nete l pes;
" Sankey, Sa very, Smell, Sayset, Ster- Sing Letter rind Note Paper, neatly F.„.„,,, chi p .. T.,
"rett and Stilie-21, i stamped in the corner without charge. F„, T r i„ , n i nr „,_ l 4„;ili ng . ;
Orders for any article may be sent by Covered Whith•hrotes— Cone:
"NAYS—:Messrs. Best, Drum, Frick I
"Ives,King, Kunio timelier, Putteiger anti mail, addressed to the Proprietor, and Ruckrams—Willow;
Darsie, Sp e aker — S.
. ‘ i• T o i ,r i ther wirievery article appertaining to the
, the directions in all ca. es will be fully ' 13'.1111't i roans Tips,
" Sr, the question was determined in carried out, with great punctuality and
i ilery trade.
"the affirmative." despatch. Marc': 27,1849.
Orders for Catalogaes should be pre -
i Bookseller, p 0 , 1 Alter, Importer, and Cams to the residence of tiie subscriber, real.
" Shall the resolution pass 1 The ! d i n, ~, mit : , t o wi t .sh in Iluntio,lon county
Stationer, 164 CheBnut St., corner of
ii i;:;,; the „: - .' , ..'
"yens and nays were taken rig,reeably to .th of June inst., a stray Mans.—
Seventh, Swaines Building. ; said Mitre is about lt: years of age; color, Straw
' " the provision of the tenth article ef lune 03 184 m.,9.-3
J . , I berrY Roan, and shod all round. The owner is
" the Constitution, and are as follow,
"viz :
1 GOLD PENS. charges and take her away, otherwise I will din
' " YEAS—Messrs. Gideon J. Ball, Dn. ' Warranted GOLD PENS, with silver pose of her according to law.
" yid J. Bent, Craig Biddle, Peter D. handles, can ha hail at SCOTT's Cheap Jen '
, --Th
i . :
11 Bloom, David M. Bole, Thomas K. Jewelry Store, for $1.25 Other Gold
TING NEATLY EXE,C U. , " Bull, Jncob Cart, John H. Diehl, Nn- Pens, without handles, for 75 cents. 1 LANK DEEDS AND BONDS FOR
THIS OFFICE. , " thaniel A. Elliott, Joseph Emery, Da.: April 17, 1849. I B SALE AT THIS OFFICE.
Drs. Neff & Miller
RESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of
Huntingdon and vicinity,.that they have
fitted up a room in the S. E. corner of John
ston's Hotel (enterance through Neff & Bro's
Jewelry store) where they will take treat pleas
ure in attending to all who may favor them with
a call.
Artificial Teeth,
of all kinds,mOtlni:d7n the most improved
modern style: Also, plugging, filing and clean
int.; done with care and neatness.
N. B. Teeth Extracted with all the ease and
dispatch that modern science eau furnish.—
Charges moderate.
Notice to Purchasers of Unseated
ALL persons who have neglecter] lift
ing their Deeds for Unseated Land
bought June 1848, are notified that if
not attended to by the August Court,
they will be left in other hands for col
lection. The Treasurer will be absent
from home during the first three weeks
of July. ISAAC NEFF,
Treasurer's Office, June 9, 1849.
THE subscriber respectfulq smtu , res to the
public that he is prepared to do work of all
kinds connected with the Foundry Mishit*, in
the best manner, and on the most reasonable
Ito has constantly on hand wagon boars,
ploughs and plough castings, hollow store. end
stones of variotts kinds and sizes. The cooking
stoves which he IlliMurnourt, ore inferno tont,no
in the country, and 1111 3 warranted to perform
the various operations of and lathing in
• !winner equal to any, and superior to neout.—
He has these stoves calculated for coher not,'
or coal. He has lately procured 'titterns for
wood and parlor 'toyer, which for beatify and
exeellenee e.t.a be excelled. Also. stoves he
offices, shops. eke., such as egg atone., cannon
stove., and others. lie invitee persons desirous
of putenaqng to give him a ea' I, as he is deter.
mined to evil as good an article sod at an low
prices so can be obtai led at uny other Otter.
Wll.l.l.lNri GRAFFII.7B.
Moy 8.1846-Iy.
W. 11.SMITII. W. 37. IN( LAIR.
& *1\1:11,1111t,
- .
Wholesale 4.ltocere,
Produce & Commission Merchants,
and Dealers in Pttts':urg fanufactures,
No. 56 Wood street, PittEburg, Pa.
Refrr to Mr. (honor. (ttw•ts. lluiitinoon.
Megan, J. & W. B.tatTots,
April 3.1849.
,r . 7
Relative to an Amendment of the
Repolced by the S.note and Honse of Repro
tentative, of the Cotnosonwaltit of Penit.tylva
nia in General Assembly tn,t : That the Consti
onion of Otis 'Commonwealth be emended in the
second section of the filth article, so that it shall
read as follows: The Judges of the rsuprente
Court, of the several Courts of Common Pleas,
and of suco other Courts of Record as are or
shall he established by kw, shall be elected by
the qualified electors of the Commonwealth in
the instiller follewing, to wit The Judges fifths
S up t.... Co u rt, by the qualified electors of the
Commonwealth at 10r,,e. The President Judger;
of the several Courts of Common Pleas sod of
such other Cowie of Record us ate or shall lie
established by law. end all tither Judges requi
red ,to be lea ned in the law, by the qualified
electors of the respective disuriets over whlelt
they are to prt stde or art as Judges. And the
Associate Judges of the Courts of Common
Pleas by the qualified o cetera or the Comities
respectively. The Judges el' the Supreme Court
shall hold their offices for the term of fifteen
years it they shall its long behave themselves
well: subject to the allotment hereinafter pro
vided for,solisequent to the first election:) Thu
President Judges of the severs! Cowls of Com
mon Pleas, and of such other C,..,18 of Record
as are or shall he establicied by law, and all
Whet. Judges required to he lea tied in the law,
shall hold their ofliees fir the term of ten years,
if they .hall so long behave ih en ,,h ees %se ll
The Associate Judges o f the Courts ol Cornice
Pleas shall hold their olfiees for the term .f five
years, if they shall so long believe themselves
well: all of whom -hall he commissioned by the
Gosernor, [Alt for any reasonable cause which
she: 'tut be sufficient grounds of impeachment,
Govern, shall remove any of (bets on the
tiddress of two-thirds of each branch of the Leg
islature. The first election Phan take place at
the general election of this COrilnitnlWCA 111 next
after the ride; , ion of this amendment, and the
commissions of ail the judges who may be then
in office shall expire on the first Monday of De
cember following, when the tennis of the new
judges shall commence. The repents who shall
th e e h e eluted Judges of the Su intone Court
shall hold their offices as follows: one of them
for three vears, one fee six years. cite for nine
years, one tor twelve vents, and one for fifteen
years , the term of each to lie derided by lot by
the said judges as soon after the election as con- 'I
veuient, and the result certified by ti.em to the !
Gt vernor. that the commissions may he issued
in accordance thereto. The judge whose Coin. GREAT CENTRAL
mission will first es Aire plod! lie Chief Justice CHEAP BOOK S'PORE,
durin, his term, and thereafter each judge whose ! 164 Chesnut Street,
commission shall fi rot expire sha.l in turn be the
Chief Justice, and if two or more vormnissions C orner o f Seventh, Stvattn's Buildings,
ehr a tfeepi.e 'in the same diy the judges bolding PHILADELPHIA.
them shall decid 3by lot which shall be the Chief TjNOWING the wants of the corn-
J'Hire' Any vacancies happening bydeath, mtinity, the Proprietor of this es
r,,s;gootino, or otherwise, in any of the said
court,. shall hp /ilk,' I.y iippo i ntm ,, n , tablisitment has fitted tip a store in the
ernor, to continue till the first Monday of be. most elegant manner, having due regard
eember succeeding the next general election.— to the condor t of his customers, so that
The Judges of the Supreme Court and the Pres- every stranger visit ing his Book Store,
itlentsof the several Courts or Common. Pleas may feel entirely at home.
shall. at stated times,reeeive for their .+orv i ro, on
adequate compensation, to be lived by law, I HIS IMMENSE STOCK
which shall not be diminished during ttleir con. of Books is classified according to the
tensors i n office, hut they shall receive 110 (ere various Departments of Literature, so
or peryitisites ar MEN.. nor hold rny other office that visit , ,rs cap find the books they are
of profit antler this Cernmonweelth. or under the in search of for themselves. Buying
government of the United States, or any other
his stock for the most part at the Aue
!..late or this Union. The Judges of the Su
preme Court during their continuen„ i n office TION SAI.ES, and being connected with
shall reside within this Commonwealth, and the one of the LARGEST PUBLISHING HOUSES
ether Judges &trine their canlinuxnte in afire in this country, besides publishing large
.h.ll re*lilic with"n tit' district or county fur Iv. himself, enables him to sell ALL BooKs
which they were respectively elected.
w11.1.1A ti F. PACKER.
Sieaker of the Houser,/ Representatives
CEO. DA Rs! el,
Speaker of the Senate,
Serretary's Office
Filed April 5,1849,
Dep. Sec. of eke Com,
Secretary's Office.
I all CKltTler that the above and foregoing is
a true and en , reel roily of the 0 kind Iles('lu
lion of the General Assembly. entitled "Resolu
tion relative to an amendment of the Constitu
tion,' as the same rem mil nil file in this (Are.
i , ...5., In testimony whereof I have herrn n•
scat. to set env hand, and caused to be lax.
—is,..,— ed the soul of the Secretary's 011ie°
at Harrisburg. this eleventh day of June Aunts
Domini, olio thou:aml tithe hundred 1.1111 lofty
nine. TO %V ASE N 1.) BAINEM,
Sec'y of the Cu.
"vid G. Eshelman, William Evans, I COLEHAVS CHEAP CUTLERY
"John Fausold, Samuel Feely, Joseph
" W. Fisher, Henry M. Fuller, Thomas N"" 2 sad 31 , t rit=" i al7 1 3r"rrii Third 81 . ,
"Grove, Robert Hampson, George P. •
COUNTRY Men hams eon save from 10 to 15
"Henszey, Thomas J .Herring, Joseph kj p er cent by purchaeing at the above stores
{+ Higgins, Charles Hortz, Joseph B. By imparting my own goods, pitying but little
" flower, Robert Klotz, Harrison P. rent, end living economically. it is plain I can un
" Laird, Abraham Lamberton, James J. dersell those who purchase their goods here, pay
" Lewis, James 11'. Long, Jacob ill'- itrcata, and
1 7 . t, princes. Constantly ox ssortment of Pen
" Cartney, John F. APColloch, Hugh and Pocket Knives Seismic or Razors. Table
" 11 . Kee, John APLaughlin, Adam Mar- Knives s o d Forks, in Ivory, Slag. hunalo. Bone
"tin, Samuel Marx, John C. Myers, Ed- and Wood kindles; Carvers and Forks, Steels,
" ward Niekleson, Stewart Pearce, &e. Butcher Knive , , Dirks, Itowie Knives. Re.
"James Porter, Henry C. Pratt, Alonzo v"l'ing 11"'l Plain Just "'eh . "' a
" Robb, ,eorge Rupley, Theodore Ry- ' nt go stork of Rodgers an( Wostenholm'a fi ne
len sad Congress" man, Bernard S. Schoonover, Samuel Also , r , kre g,,trtment of Accordenns, Ate.,
"Seibert, John Sharp, Christian Solve- dtc. Also, Fine English Twist and German
" ly, Thomas C. Steel, Jeremiah B. Gans. 1011 N M. COLEMAN
"Stubbs, Jos. J. Stittzman, Marshitll
" Swattzwelder, Samuel Taggart, Geo.
"T. Thorn, Nicholas Thorn, Arunah
" Wattles, Samuel • • cinch, Alonzo 1.
W ilcox, Daniel Zerhey and William
"F. Packs r, Speaker-58.
"NA vs--,Messrs. Augustus K. Cornyn,
"David M. Courtney, David Evans,
" Henry S. Evans, John Fenlon, John
" W. George, Thomas Gillespie, John
" B. Gordan, William Henry, James J.
" Kirk, Joseph Lanbach, Robert R. Lit
" tle, John N. out, John 111!Kee,
"Without WSlterry,Josiah Miller, Wil
" ham T. Morrison, John A. Otto, 11 ll
"ham Y. Roberts, John W. Roseberry,
"John B. Ruthorford, R. Rundle Smith,
".13hn Smyth, John Sonrcer, George
" Walters and David F. IVillinms ii.
" So the question was determined itt
" the affirmative."
Harrisburg, Juno 15, 1849.
Pennsylvania, ss :
nA I no CRIME, that the above and
SEAL foregoing is a true and correct copy of
--,..... U. “ Yeas" and " N Ilya " Oak , n on
the “ Resolution relative to an amendment of
the Constitution," as the same appears on the
Journals of the two !louses of the General to
senility of this Commonwealth, fur tho session
of 0449.
Wiiiiess my hand and the seal of said office,
the M . Pl'llth day of June, one thousand eight
hunured and forty-nine.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
June 26 11149.
Jfk.o 4:,•U SIiIrDZIA,
IV3ulil respectfully inform his nid ftitintls rind
t e Public uenerelly that lie has resumed busi
ness es Ml , llll/1 - IANIfAILi R. in the room
next door to C. Ceuta' lintel, formerly occupied
by the Ulohe Printing oilier, fluntioetlen, Pa.
Hu limo just received front hiladelphia a
g o ui did ...influent of I 1.01 . 11 ANSI
ERS and VLSTINGS of the best finish whirh
he is prepared to make up to order at prices that
cannot fail to suit the views of all. A perfect
tit will in all rases be guaranteed.
\1 ork will also lte (lone for those who prefer
purchasing their cloth elsewhere.
May 1, 1849.
ITZT. I .? Z131"./3l
Sadd!e & Harness
IA a - st 11 factor .
Respectfully informs the public, that Le Its,
I , lllllll.llced business fo hi:nself in the 101,111
hotly occupied Oy F. kt , ll nearly oppo,ite the
Post 0111 .1. in Main -.tree, iuntingdon. Pa.
All kind.; of H ar and Saddles wi 1 he mon•
ft tined on the shortest notice. of the hest mate
and an cheap as can be had at any wire,
estolilinntnent in the county.
He respectfully units a share of pithlic patron-
HOP. lisp 1. 1849.
JEWELRY, 4-1'11,112Y GOODS!!
The undersigned has just returned
from Philadelphia, with a large and very
superior assortment of Clocks, Watches,
Jewelry and Fancy Goods, which he is
enabled to sell
20 per Cent. Cheaper
than heretofore! Persons wishing to
purchase are invited to call and satisfy
themselves of this fact.
E r,. Particular attention will be paid
to the repairing of all kinds of Watches,
Clucks and Jewelry. An experienced
workman from one of the eastern cities
will be constantly employed for this
Wasutsurros 1). C., June 15.1846.
Dn. Gt:o. 11. GIIEEN:--Dear Sir—l feel it not
only a pleaeu e, hut a duly. lilt,ake known to
•OU 11111110 the public, (if 3 ou desire it.) the sur
prising effects of the • Oxygenated Bitters," in
relieving me from that 111014 discouraging disor
der, Dyspepsia. I helm been afflicted or about
...teen years with the usual attendant symp
toms, viz: constipation of the trowels. headache,
pain in the chest, flatulence acidity 01 the stom
ach, and severe muses; and for months at a time
R. & IV. SNARE, not the least particle Of moisture %timid appear
on the surface of the cheat or limbs, and most
No.l, Corner Rootn of Soure's Row, opposite of the time I di. extremely bilious. I have ur.rl
John Whittaker's Tavern, Huntingdon, Pa. var i uu . re,„odie, have been strict in My d iet,,
have been dosed with calomel and etnetics day
'rho undersigned thankful for past favors, in- after day by physicians. but all to no pit./ pur
l...rot their tustomere and the public generally pose. Hearing of the wonderful effect , of the
that they hove just received Plini the city, the oxygenated Bitters," in the core of Dyspepsia,
Largest, cheapest and most splendid assortment a lastl.„ used f
bout,: of the mudici e, and find the bad symp
!Ready-11841e Clothing, ' torn: all removed, and myself once more in the
ever brought to Puntingdon. 'I heir stock eon- etrjot merit of health. None but the Dyspeptic
sista of Dress and Fro c k toms, I ticks and suili , ter, who has felt a I the horrors of the ilk
nese • note. Pantaloons and Vests of et my style ea., can at all nppreriate the value of the merli.
and description suited to the season— war/rimed cim•. I most sincerely hope that lir will make
well made and rut. .1 splendid as. trial of the medicine, and with me be able to re.
...intent of It cached Muslin and Linen Shirts juice in the return of 111 , 81111.
and Flailed 80A011.14. CollOll, worsted and
woolen short Stockingt; Suspenders Rod Hind-
kerchiefs. A genteel suit of clothes for almost
did gold and silver bought and ex
changed for which the highest price will
be allowed.
3. T. SCOTT.
Huntingdon, April 17, 1849.
"Heat the " Hall of Fashion" who
1 11, I
New styles of Hats and Caps Ponta 8: Shoes,
Unihrello., tie., al of which will he sold at the
lowest prices. Please ca I and examine bcfure
purchasing else% here.
Buntingdon. April 3, 99.
Ali Hillery Goods•
The Girard Life insurance Annuity and
Sa vo been gradually but surely ceiing; into
Wursdell's Vegetable hesloi ative Pills
Trust Company of Phhiladelphia.
%Juice A o . 139 Chestnut street . seine years past They have done this entirely
II favor, among the families of this Country for
Capital $BOO,OOO. thi (mak their great worth as a FAMILY MED-
Cum,. 1' knerroar.. ICINE. Agencies have been appointed but no
puffing and humbug 'lnch aids resorted to by
ii 10NifINUE to make Insureneeir on Lives on quacks to sell their medicine has been done.
kj the most favorable terms, receive and execute
The pills are offered for sale and have end will
i woe nod receive deposits on •interval. continuo to be sold by all ;tie pi inciple store-
The T Ur pital being paid up an d i nv e s ted, to- keepers. The proprietors claim for their Medi
gether with accumulated pentium fund. affords tine the following advantages over all others—
a perfect Bret, du to to the insured. The pre- viz: They are PURELY Y EGETA BLE.—
inium may be paid in yearly, half yearly, or They are CERTAIN 'lO OPERATE. Their
quarterly payments. ,of oration is FREE from all PAIN. They can
'rho Conipony add a BONUS at stated Per ]. be used with EQUAL 1. ENEFIT by they oeng
oil. to the iii"riinna. for life. This Plan of it. ' est INFAN I end the STRONGEST MAN—
suranee is the moat approved of, an d i s noire, Their efficiency in Fevers, Ague, Headaches,
generally in nee, than any Wi l e ' in G.',” Britain, Habitue! Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Cholera M or
(where the subject is bent understood by [kept,- bus. &c.. has been proven upon thousands.—
file, and where they have had the longest expo- They area (el tsin Cure for Wolins. The pr.:
Hence.) as appears fen., th e f ac t, d in t out of 117 prietora possess n eerlinente from n gentleman in
Life insurance i ompanies there, of all kinds, 87
are on this p an. St. Louts who was cute(' of a TAPE % ORM by
the use of them. Try them they will not fail.
The first BONUS was npproprinted in Decent- , T rsse ti i „, agent f or t h e s tate o f P t nosy I va
her 1844, amounting to 1() per cent. on the auto nia—% 11... I'. Amer. For sole, price 20
insured under the oldest policies; in 8 3-4 per cents e box e „ nte i n i„, FIFTY FILLS. with f u ll
erns. 7 1.2 ) er mil.. e'n. &r, on others, in pro-' directions by the following agents in Huntingden •
portion to the time of mantling, making 1111 °dill- ,
Bon of $100; $87,50; $75, &c. &c. to every Thomas Read & Son. Huntingdon.
1,000, originally insured, which is an average of Thninas E. Orbison, Orbibrinia.
more than 50 per cent, on the premiums paid, J. Al. Lindsey, Hollidayslnirg, Elnir CO.
and without increasing the annual payment of , A. WEEKS & Co.
the company. I Proprietors, Laboratory No. 141 Chesnut street,
The operation of the BONUS will he seen by phikd e t pn ,,,.
the following exampli a front the Life Insurance l • January 23, 1840-Iy.
Register of the t 'ompany , thus: I
inironTANT ctukrectia.
A nit. of pol. nnel
Policy Insured. Bonus or 11
bdous payuble I MRS SUSAN lIAMPSON,
at the
rpA KEs this method el inlet n.inp lier old cis;
I. turners and the public lent tell, Ilnt sl.ll
No. Os $l.OOO $;00.00 '51.100.00 hoe IssFed the large end cointeediens hence ell
tt 05 2.500 I 250,00 2,730 00 Allegheny street, iluniingtun, l'a,, knee.: as'
205 4,0011 I 400.00 4,400,00 the
270 2 000 172.00 2,175.00
333 5,000 437,50 5,431,60
“ YIANSION 11011 E,”
. • •_ • _ occupied for seem al years by Mrs. M. Clarke,
Pamphlets oontaiiiing the Noble of rates end end lately by John Marks, en a public house.—
',Wan:alone of theentijem; forms of application Site will be found there on and after the Ist of
old further Mint motion eon be had at lire office, A pril, 1849, prepared to accommodate aII la ho
grill', in person or by latter, addressed to the may favor her with o call in a manner li,nt ran
i...4l,lst or A rtuaiy. not be surpassed by any other house !II the
13 W. RIC lIA rms, Pre.went. county •
JNO. F. JAMES, Actuury, 1: - ..i.5 - 1. .M-U a R 2? 1:::1 aa 1— —1 a
May 8, 1819.-ly
will always be turn Wird wit li the very first list
6 Ai A" the market will afford. In short, nothing wlll
.? E '
be left undone that will in on y way add to the
o , :::7ar Gil N . ATE D Conirnrt of he, customers, Utl she is determined
Ili i .r.r ER*, not , o be butt.
Th e In en tion of the "Mansion rouse" is de-
FOR THE CURE OF culedly the heat in the borough; the rooms aro
pa well frtiulur ar. nished, and made comfort
le in every
&c., &c., &c. Regular boarders will be accommodated at
moderate prices.
March 20,1849.
This medicine is an excellent tonic. It im
pnrtß health and vigor to the digestive argent. and
thus strengthens the whole system. Hence it is
just the tlittur for zipriug. when so many 'lced
something strengthening. Let every one read
the following cases, and if you have one or more
symptoms like tfose uten tioned, don t fail to try
this invaluable medicine.
ses ere 4'pterf Pyspepsia.
Front R. P. STOW, .9s;t. Clerk
U. S. House Representatives.
Lads' Cured Ot Neuralgia.
From Rev. 77f0.1MS KIDD E R, of
WiNnsuit. Vt., A ug. 8,1840,
Ditgn :—lt gives MP great pleasure to in
form you that tie • Clot genmed Bitters,' with
which you furnished my wile, boo or ought a
cure in her case. About two years since, my
wile wits violently hunched with neuiulgia in
the face, through the chest, in the w•tists and
ankles. Su violent was the disease, added to a
general derangement of the female system, that
her strength woo completely prostrated. her flesh
wasted, and she rendered miserable indeed. I
feel :macrol fm the restoration of her health, and
In duly bound to give publicity to the 'Move
facto, that 'Whets sintilaN afflicted may know
where to seek fur cure. Truly your friend.
Front Mom. 21.1TR0.Y LdIIVREXC E,
of ,ilass.
"For some twenty years!' had suffered severe ,
ly from !tumoral Asthma. I nos compelled to,
sit up one-third of the night. and the rest of the
time my sleep was interrupted by violent fits of
coughing and great dillici Ity of breathing. In
all me attendance ITon our courts I never went
to brit in Northampton in twenty years but tai ice,
and then was compelled to get up. Non. I lie
in bed without dillieulty, and sleep aeundly. I
took the t , trxygenated Bitters," according to
directions. The violent symptoms immediately
abated, and perseverance in the use of 1, a rem
city hag removed all its troublesome consegiten
cos. rho value °ranch it remedy is incalculable,
snit I hope its virtues may be widely diffused and
its beneficent agency extensively employed.'
Guar, & Ft,t.Tciteit, General Agent., No. 26.
South sidittli St, Philadelphia.
Sold wholesale and retail by 'Priem,. Item &
S.irt.lluntinpslon, Pa.
Prier.—sl.oo per bottla: six bottles
for $5.00.
May 8 1849.
Pon K,
Constantly on hnnd
nod for sl.le by
J. PALMER, & Co.
Market St. Wharf,
' -
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad
ministration on said Erinte. hare been panted to
the undermined. Perama itidelot 11 to the came,
are requested to make payment and there tiering
claim,' or demands ftgainat the come, to ptesent
them daly authenticated for settlement
) Feb. 27, 1849.-3 m. May 22, 1842
11 1 111?, subscribers, residents of Shade
. 1 Gnp, Huntingdon county, Pa., beg
leave to inform their friends and the pub=
lie generally, that they have established
at the place above mentioned, a 13OAED
-ING SCHOOL for the education of
young men.
The course of instruction comprises,
in addition to the usual branches of a
common English education: Philosophy,
Mathematics, and the Latin and Greek
languages. The location is distinguished
for its healthfulness and the mural and
religious character of the surrounding
community Every attention will be
paid to the health and morals of the pu
pils as well as to their mental training
and advancement in scientific knowl
edge, and every facility will be afforded
fur their personal comfort and conveni
ence. The year is divided into two ses
sions of five months each ; the winter
session commencing on the Ist of No
vember, and the Summer session coin
mencing on the 23rd of April.
Terms per Session :—For Orthegra
phy, Reading and Writing, $5. Arith
metic, Geography, Grammar, Philoso
phy, History and composition, sB.
Matlietnaties, Greek and Latin lan
pages, $ .2. Boarding, exclusive of
fuel and light, $1.25 per week. Instruc
tion given in French and German, at an
additional charge. The subscribers, en
couraged by the liberal patronage which
they have already received, would re
peat, that they are determined to spare
no effort in making the Institution one
that will commend itself to all parents
who desire to give their sons a thorough
preparatory education, without expo
sing them to the contaminating and im
moral influences that exist in more pop
ulous communities. Fur reference or
further particulars address
Shade Gap, March 13, 1819.
The " old Loettot Cor►►vi."
risher, 11 4 1c1Viurtrie & co.,
HAVE juat received a large arid *pltridid er
Bonie, t of
which they are se dug, as usual, at extremely
low profits. Their stock consists of a general
assortment, adapted to the wants of all. Sea
sonable DRESS GOODS for Lollies and Gen
tlemen; READY-Mll , DO CLOTHO\ G, Bon
nets, hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hardware,
Groceries. &c.. &c. In short, the " OLD LOCCISS .
CORN en" continues In he the
where every thing useful and trnamental, eon
be had, better and cheaper, than can be procu
red elsewhere. Their motto is •' Quick t ales
and t• mall Profits." All who desire to supply
themselves with good goods, at low prices, wilt
give them a call.
March 27,1940.
Administrators' Notice.
Estate of TVILLI.9.II W RD, late of
Walker township, decd.