Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 24, 1849, Image 3

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    LASSOINO.—The Hungarians lasso
their enemies the same as the Mexicans.
The cord they throw is also armed with
an iron hook, that inflicts a severe
The Flour market continues quiet, and both
buyers and sellers are anxious to learn the tenor
of the steamer's advices before operating. Hold
en; ask $4,78 for strictly ground parcels. Stiles
of 500 bbls old stock, recently inspected at $l,-
62 per bbl. Rye Flour—Sa'esti!' 3 to.loo bbls.
at $3. Most holders will not accept this price.
Corn Meal is in limited demand. Small guiles at
$2,75 per bbl.
There is a good demand for wheat, and prices
are fully maintained. Sales of old red at $1,05
and a small lot of new crop white at $lOB.-1
Further sales of Rye at 57 cents per bushel.
Corn is scarce and wanted. Sales of yell ow,
part at 60 cts. end part at a price to be fixed. ,
Oats—We quote inferior and prime Southern at
23 a 30 eta., and Pennsylvania at 31 n 32 cts per
bushel. Whiskey in barrels is held at 25 cents.
Small sales of hints at 2.1 cents.
The inspections of Flour and Meal at this
port for the week ending the 19th inst., were as
follows-10,556 bbls. and 100 hlf bbls Flour ;
1,839 bbls Rye Flour; and 975 bbls. and 10 Elf
bbls. Corn Meal.—Doily News.
In this borough, on the morning of the 19th
inst., Mr. Plume READ, aged about 21 years.
In West township, cn the morning of the 16th
inst., Mr. Juno BOOST, aged about 45 years.
In West township, on the 13th inst., Mr. SAM
URI. IttTON, a highly respected citizen, aged
about 50 years.
[The following tribute to the memory of Mr.
SAMVEL Lay's, by a young friend of this borough,
was handed in too late for insertion in our last
paper, which contained the announcement of his
For the Joternal.
Mr. Levis was a native of Delaware county,
Pa.; was graduated at Dickinson College in the
class of 1817, taking the first honor. Since that
time he has been a member of the Engineer corps
Pennsylvania Rail Road, stationed at Birming
ham. When death strikes down a friend, and
when, too, that sue is sifted with high and no
ble oualities, we are afflicted with a double pang;
sorrow deep and abiding, such as none but those
who have been deprived of one bound by the
closest ties can feel, fillour hearts with sadness.
The feeling produced among his friends and as
sociates by the announcement of his untimely
departure, evince that he was universally es
teemed. We mourn that not only we are de
prived of the pleasure and profit of his inter
course, but our sympathy extends to his family,
bereft of a faithful and affectionate son and broth
er. Society has lost an ornament, and his im
medi'.to acquaintances a friend whom to know
way to lov • and respect.
Endo wee with talents of a superior order,
truly desir nun to play an honorable pert in the
great dra , ea of human life, had he not been cut
down in the bloom of his existence, his prospect
of future usefulness was bright and cheering.—
His disposition kind and conciliating endeared
him to all those with whom he had any inter
course. But he has passed from among us, yet
Ida virtues live after him, end long will they and
his memory alike be cherished by those who
lint the gond fortune to be his friends.
g , Green be the turfabove thee,
Friend of my better days,
None knew thee bat to love thee,
Nei named thee. but to praise.
“Tho Ugh memory bids me weep thee,
Nor thoUghts nor words are free,
The grief is fixed too deeply,
That mourns a man like thee ”
Huntingdon, July 19, 1849
NVHE R.EAS, by precept to me directed, da
ted nt Huntingdon, the 2let day of April
1849, under the honda and seals of the lion.
George Taylor, President of the Court of
Common None, Oyer and Terminer and general'
jail delivety of the 20111 judicial district of Penn
sylvania, composed of the counties of Hunting.
don, Mifflin and Union, and the Hons. James
Gwin and dohs ntewait, his associates, judges of
the county of Huntingdon, justires assigned, ap
pointed to hear, try, and determine ell and every
indictments and presentment., tootle or taken for
or concerning all crimes, which by the lawn of the
Cotner loweolth are made capital or felonies of
do tth aril mit, otlences, crimes and misdemeanors,
which have been, or shall be committed or perpe
trated within said county, or all person. who are
or shall hereafter be committed or perpet ruled, for
crimes aforesaid, I am commanded to make pro-
Initiation throughout my whole bailiwick, that a
Court of Oyer and Terminer, Quarter ,essions
and Common Pleas, will be held at the Court
House, iu the borough of Huntingdon, on the 211
Atom:err (and 13th day) of August 1849, and
those who will prosecute the said prisoners, Ire
then and there to prosecute them am it shall be
ju.t, and (lint all justices of the peace, coronet.,
and constables within the said county, be then
and th,ro in their proper rersons, at 10 o'clock
A. \I. of acrid tiny, with their records, inquisitions,
s srminutione and remembrances, to do those
• which to their offices respectively appertain.
:11.17'7'HE W CRO WNOVER, Sheriff,
Sa Karr? s OFF., t
July 24,1849,
WING to the large number of causes in the
I Criminal Courts, and the consequent proba-
Hiity that none of the causes on the CIVIL LIIIT
-nn be tried, it hos beech deemed advisable by
t.iose interested to continue all the causes o n the
CIVIL list. Parties and witne4ses interested in
any CIVIL causes are therefore notified not to at
tend at the August Court.
The Grand and Traverse Jurors will attend as
notified on the second Monday (first toeek of
Court,) of August, liar the trial of the criminal
cause.. _ _ _
rho Juror. aummoned for tho third Monday
(second week of Court) of Augu.t, are hereby
notified not to attend. A. there will be no civil
cattalo. tried their at terdnnee will not be necessa
ry. M. CROWNOVER, Sheriff.
Saaater's Orrice,
Huntingdon, July 24, 1849.
TN consequence of the unprecedented loss by
I fire sustained by the Lye:mint; Mutual inn
'an •st Company since September lest, the Board
of Di ectora have reluctantly been compelled to
direct another stsessment of 2 per cent on the
'remittal notes is force previous to the 6th day
.f pril, 1849. It is hoped that the prevent call
on members, will be met with promptitude, that
the claims of the sufferers may be promptly paid.
By order of the Board of Directors.
T. K. SIMONTON, Miniver.
Huntingdon, July 2441649.
snEnirris SALES.
FEMALE SEMINARY, R EMAINING in the Post Office at Hunting
and Vend. Ex. now in my hands, i
Y virtue of Sundry writs of Lev. Fa. It don, Pa., on the Ist day of July, 1810, and
CHAMBERSBURG, PA. which if not lifted on or before the Ist day of
will sell at the Court House, in the bor. The Misses Plume, Principals. (geoeblnd,,ex„td will be sent to the General Post
ough of Huntingdon, on Monday the 13th i THIS is a select Family Bo — arding and Day- A Rlingell Margaret
day of August next, at 2 o'clock, P, M., 1 I School; Chambershurg affording a most Aenes Joseph Kerns Edward 3
at Public Vendtte or outcry, the follow• desirable location for the purpose of such an Auditor Joseph 2 Kennedy James
ing described Real Estate, viz : I Institution. I Anderson Miss Adeline Kerffee Daniel
This establishment occupies one of the most Allison Rev James Kelly James
All that certain tract of land, shuttle in Can delighful situations in the town. Surrounded by I H Keller George
township. Huntingdon county, containing shout extensive grounds, containing ornamental trees, Burns John Killkelly Patrick
300 acres, more or less. adjoining lands of John shrubbery, and fine fruit; it is peculiarly adap- ißoreman Tallies Kelly Patrick
Miller'. heirs. Gs rope Quairy. James Des, and ted to the purpose of a Boarding School. These Burns Maj A W Krug Michael
Licks Mountain on the east, having thereon grounds afford the young ladies opportunity for Bugal Mr Kelly John 2
erected a small log hOLIAP, also a log house un. amusement and exercise, without leaving the Burig Anthony Kallerstrass Fridrich
finished, and small log stnble, about 100 acres care of their teachers, who embrace the adVan- Bennet Eli Keeskran Henry
clear' I. Seized and taken in execution, and to tages these hours of relaxation offer for ming- Boys John L
lie sold as the property of John Quarry with no. ling agreeably with them, thus studying their Brooks Jason Logan Robert •
lice to Mathias Al ilia, Terre Tenant. i characters, securing their afflictions, and advanc- Barger Joseph Lewis Rev David
.IL SO, ing their improvement in various respects. Brandt Justice Lignvory Boras
All the right, title and interest of defendant
The boarding pupils form a family circle with Barg...mon John Langin Michael
in and to a certain tract of land situate in Stile.
their Teachers ; and enjoy all the comforts, and Barnes' Thornton Lord N J
happy influences of a well regulated home.— Barr Wm Esq Lancaster John
ley township Huntingdon county, Hill valley, Their personal habits and mariners are watched Baptist Old School Loullit Wm
containing about 100 sere., more or less, adjoin. over with interest arid care, and abundant testi- Beaks Simon Lacey Wm .
lilt lands of ...mud Shaver, John Daugherty , many has been given to the rapid improvement C 111
and others, having thereon erected a small house,. of those entrusted to them, in these respects. Carroll Patrick McKenna Peter
cabin barn, and saw mill; 40 acres cleared, more I The course of instruction pursued is extensive Cenden William Morrison Margaret 2
or less. Seized and taken in execution, and to' and thorough, embracing all the various bhaches Conway Michael Morgan James 2
be sold as the property of Thomas H. Pollock. ! of an English education, the Latin and French ' Carr Thomas Maguire Albert
sILSO, I languages, Music and Drawing. The advantages Callahan James McMahon Patrick
for Music are very superior, such as are seldom Clay John Mullon Michael
All that certain piece or parcel of ground con- . to be found in any Institution. ' Curren John Miller & Davis 2
raining two lots in the town of Walteievil le in the , Pupils willbe carriedthroughthe regularClarkGenWm
' Murry Michael
township of ilair. in Blair county, having there. course and receive Diplomas as testimonials at Carey Yugh Mc Dermot Mary
on erected a twostory frame house. Seized and its close, or such branches be selected as the Cephart Sarah J McKim William
taken in execution and to be sold as the property i parent or guardian may choose. The number of Clark Robert Mattson G A
of John R. Martin. 1 pupils is limited, as it is the chief object and Campbell Patrick Martin Joseph
./1 LSO, sincere desire of the Principals to benefit those Cramer Henry Mc Mannis Hugh
All that certain lot of ground situate in Jack- committed to their care; and, as far as possible, Carver Nun Ann Marriott John
eon township, Huntingdon county, containing instruction is given by themselves in preference Casey William McClure James
about two rims, more or less, adjoining lands of to employing assistants; but in the choice of I Mt McDermit John A
John Duff ,amuel Mitchell, and others, having Teachers who must, to some extent, be associ- ' Duncan John Mutiny Hugh
thereon erected a Furnace, (known as Jackson ated with them, the greatest care is taken, and Dockry Patrick McGinley John
one house, Furnace,) and now mill. e, ike. Seized
and to sold as the
those only selected whose views of teaching are Dodson Matilda McCarthy Patrick
and taken in execution
. congenial, and whom they can impleitly trust. ' Davis Patrick McCormick Michael
property of Joseph Vance. The principals of this Institution design that Dougherty John Martin Thomas
M. CRO WNOV ER, Sheriff. its advantages, Literary, Moral and Religions, Dohly Cornelius Mterly John
shall be of the highest order, and no efforts shall Davis George Esq McGovern John
Salmi re's OFFICE, be spared to make them at least equal to those Dickson Isaac T Esq 3 McGovern Patrick 4
l 1 untingdon, July 21, 1849. _ of any other, either in the city or country. It E Mcßan John
is a chartered Institution, and under the care of Eggers Herman H McGill John
a Board of Trustees. I F Moore A D
A new term will commence upon the Ist of Focht Jonathan N
September, and applications for admission or ' Feeney Michael Naughton Thomas
' any further information may be made to the Fentler Martin Nusbaum Victor
Miss. Pinner), at their residence, or to any of Faux William 2 Nell Peter
the gentlemen of the committee in Chambers- , Fitzpatrick Thomas Newman Joseph
burg, or to John G. Miles, Esq., John Scott, l G Naughton Michael
Esq., Huntingdon. I Gates Peter o
Gordon Dr J .1 O'Donnell James
! Glass Joseph 2 O'Connell Laurence
Gallagan Peter O'Neil Mrs Anna
Gayley Rev S A Orton Benjamin Esq
Gaynor John Esq Orren Albert Esq
Gallagher Patrick P
Gainer James Peightell Rebecca
Gayley & Somerville Peightell Samuel
Glasgow & Brother 5 Parsons William 2
H Price James
Healy Patrick 2 Porter Henry
Horan John 'l'
Highland William Telford Edward
Hunter David Thompson Miss Magt
Hutchison James Traster Dun iel
Harppson Jackson Thompson Charles E
Harman John Templeton James
Howell John C Thullen Heinrich
Hamilton Mr IV
Haman John G w a r e John
Hersey Rev John 2 White E J
Hershey John Wilson Emon •
Height William White Miss Ellen
J Walton Jesse V
Johnston H H Woodworth Almon
Jarboe Thomas A Williams Alfred
K Wilson George
Kelly James &Co 2 Wilson William
Kelly J 13 & Co
Corner Mulberry and Montgomery Sts.
VVTM. YNOLDS, Jr., would respectfully
announce to the citizens of Huntingdon
and elsewhere, that he continues to devote his
whole time and at cation to tendering all Corn.
fortable who may favor the above hourot with their
custom. His house is located in the most !Wilk
nese part of Hollidaysburg, and his long expe
rience in the business warrants him in saying
that his accommodations cannot be surpassed by
any other house in the inter or of the State.
(„1-ti l licks Con be had at all times for Bedford
Springs at the Exchange Hotel..oo
July 24, 1849-3 t.
Register's Notice.
NoTicE is hereby given to all per
sons concerned, that the following
named persons have settled their ac
counts in the Register's Office at Hunt
ingdon, and that the said accounts will
be presented for confirmation and al
lowance, at the Orphans' Court, to be
held at Huntingdon, in and for the coun
ty of Huntingdon, on Wednesday, the
15th day of August next, to wit:
1. James Moore and John Given, Administra
tors of Thomas Lloyd, late of Walker township,
2. Isaiah Shore and William Thompson,Ad
ministrators of Reese Thompson, late of rom
well township, deed.
3. lanthe Plowman, Executrix of Absalom
Plowman, late of Brady township, dec'd.
4. James Ewing, Administrator of William
Ewing, late of West township, deceased.
5. Matthew crownciver, Administrator .of
Daniel Glazier, late of Henderson township,
dec'd.. . .
-- ;. - fhamas Stewart, Administrator of Henry
Whitesell, late of West township, dec'd.
7. John Owens, Guardian of Elizabeth C. Sin
clair, a mindr child of Robert Sinclair, late of
Tyrone township, now Bair county, tlec'cl.
8. John Owe., Guardian of Ellen Sinclair,
a minor child of Robert Sinclair, late of Tyrone
township, now Blair county, dec'd, now inter
married with Wm. M'Murren.
9. William Hammond, Guardian of Dorothy
Keller, a daughter of Jacob Keller, late of
Morris township, dec'd.
10. William Hammond, Guardian of Marga
ret Keller, a daughter of Jacob Keller, late of
Morris township, dec'd, now intermarried with
John Hoover.
11. Joseph Hazlett, Executor of Elizabeth
Shaw, late of Warriorsmark township, dec'd.
12. Alexander Thompson, Guardian of the
minor children of David Jackson, late of Barree
township, dec'd.
M. F. CAMPBELL, Register.
ItsnisrEa's Omen,
Huntingdon, July 13, 1849.
le A Te lI'S •
Tl, OR Razors, Surgical Instruments, and all
r fine Cutlery, warranted to produce a fine
smooth edge in one minute or the money re
turned. GEO. GWIN,
Sole Agent for Hunntingdon, Pa.
July 11,1819-3 M,
N. B. One or two good travelling agents
wanted. Active and enterprising men can make
from three to five dollars per day. Address C.
HATCH, Harrisburg, Pa.
Estate of George He fright, late of Hun
tingdon borough, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given, that letters. Testa
mentory on said estate, hove been granted to
the undersigned. All persons knowing them
selves indebted will please make poyment imme
diately, end those honing demands ag inst the
same, will present them, duly authentiented, for
July 17,1849-61. Executor.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of J.LICOB FRICII, late of
tho borough of Huntingdon, dec'd.
NO W E is hereby given that I.etters of Ad
ministration on said estate have been grent•
ad to the undersigned. All persons indebted to
miid estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and those havingclaime or dome Ids against
the same to present them duly authenticated for
settlement to W. S. AFRICA,
July 17, 1849--6 t. Admi , ,istr afoot
1 o Lei.
ACOMFORTABLE dwelling house, in this
Borough, can be had to rent immediately,
to a careful family. Apply at this office.
Jane 28, 1849.
The undersigned Committee of this I3oard
take pleasure in commending the Institution to
the confiddhee of the public and the patronage
of parents who would secure for their daughters
the advantages of a thorough and liberal edu
The Chambersburg Female Seminary has
long occupied an elevated position in the public
estimation as a school of uncommon merit. It
has contributed in no small degree to elevate the
standard of female education in our country, to
deepen and extend the conviction of its import
ance; and to furnish incontestable proof of the
advantages which such a system, properly con
ducted, is destined to confer on a community.
Such evidence has been amply furnished in the
history of this Institution. It has been emi
nently successful in training the minds and dis
ciplining the affections of not a few who are
now filling with dignity responsible stations in
the domestic and social circles of life, and who
are exerting an efficient influence on the well
being of society.
Of the young Ladies who have charge of the
Institution, the Committee deem it needless to
speak in the way of commendation. Their
character, and qualifications as teachers, are of
the highest order. We can therefore, safely say
to parents who wish to place their daughters at
Boarding School, that this is an institution to
which they may send them with entire confi
dence that they will be watched over with ma
ternal care and furnished with every requisite
felicity for receiving an accomplished Christian
Frederick Smith, Esq., Barnard Wolff, S. D.
Culberston, M. D., Rev. Daniel McKinley;
Rev. 11., S. Schneck, Committee.
July 17th, 1819.-3 t.
.agent foe the sale of Southworth Manu
famoing Co's Wriang Papers.
Executors' Notice.
Witareikoose No.:; Minor St.
Estate Of WI LLI../1.41 ROBERTS lac,: i o conics the above superior papern now in
of if - est township, dec'd. store. arid for sale to the trade at the lowest
NOTICE is hereby given that letterstestainen- market prices. (omitting in part ("f—
-iery have been g. anted to the undersigned of the Fine thick Flat Lapa, t 2, 14, 15, and 15 lbs..
estate of William %sherry, late of West blue and white.
township,deceased. Persons knowing themselves Superfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue
indebted will come forw °Mond make paymentotn- end white.
all (hone having donna will present them duly au Extra super and superfine Folio Poste, blueand
thenticatedforsettlement. white plain and ruled.
JONATHAN ROBERTS, Superfine Comm. cial Posts, blue and White,
WILLIAM ROBERTS, plain and ruled.
July 10, 1849.] Eaeculors. Extra caper Linen Note Papers, plain and
Superfine arid fine Bill Papers, long and broad.
Superfine and fine Counting-Houle Laps and
Posts, blue and white.
Extra super Congress Capa and Lettere, plain
and ruled, blue and white.
Extra super Congress Cape and Letters, gilt.
Superfine Sermon Caps mid Posts.
Superfine blue linen thin Letters.
Extra super Bath Poste, blue end white, plain
and ruled.
Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes.
"Lawyer's" Brief Paper..
Superfine and tine Caps and Pont,, ru'ed end
plain, blue and white, various qualities and pri-
CFORGE GIN IN, committee appointed by
T the Court of Common Pleas, of ttuntingdon
county, to take chorga of the person and estate
of Mr., Jane Beteman. of the borough of Hun
tingdon. a lunatic, has filed his account as Coin
mittee or Trtistee es aforesaid, in the office of the
Prothonotary, of the said Court, which account
will be presented to the mid Court fur confirma-.
tion and allowance, on the second Monday of
August next, at which time the came will be con
fi and allowed, unless exceptions thereto be
filed on or before that day.
THEO. IL CREMER, Prothonotary.
Huntingdon,July 10,1849. '
BY virtue of a decree of the Orpha .s' Court,
Of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to
sale by public voedue or out-cry, on the premises,
by the undersigned, appointed a trustee for that
purpose, en MONDAY, the 6th of A uuusr
next, two certain pieces, pdrevla or lett of ground,
situate in the village of hinithlield, in Walker
township, Huntingdon county ; one of said par
cels being a lot aid a half of ground on the
northerly side of the turnpike road, adjoining a
lot in the occupation of Martin Flenner, with a
two story Log House thereon erected; also, one
lot on the southerly side of the said turnpike,
with a small stable thereon erected, adjoining on
the west, a lot owned by Adam Hollinan; late the
estate of Catharine Eckleberget, deceased.
TERMS—One-half of the purchase money to
be paid on confirmation of the ea e, and the Hsi
due in one year thereaiter with interest, to he
secured by the bond and mortgage of the purcha
ser. ht. F. CAMPBELL, clerk,
Attendance given by
Huntingdon, July 9, 1849-31. Trustee.
Watches! Watches ! I
THE subsciiiier hns just received from Phila
delphia. another choice lot of GOLD AND
SILVER WATt hES, which makes his assort
ment again complete. Ryon want a good watch
at the very lowest price, now is your time.
July 17, 1849. J. T. SCOTT.
List of Letters
Persons inquiring for letters on the above
List will please soy they are advertised.
Tr. Two cents in uddition to the regular
postage charged on advertised letters.
Huntingdon, July 10, 18193 t.
Also, 1000 reams white and assorted Shoe Pa
pers, Bonnet Boards, white end assorted Tissue,
Tea, W i appintr, Envelope, assorted and blue Me•
diums, top wrappers, Hardware Papers, &e.
July 10,1949.-6 m.
MAKE notice that the account of Brice Blair,
Esq., Trustee in the place of Joseph P. 11 ud
son, deceased, who was Assignee of John A.
and William A. Hudson, under a voluntary as
signment, has been filed in the office of the Pro ,
thonotary of the ( uurt of Common Plc. of
Huntingdon county, and that the same will be
presented to the said t.tourt for confirmation and
allowance on the second Monday .of August
next, at which time the same will ho confirmed
and allowed unless exceptions he filed thereto.
Prothonotary a Office,
Huntingdon. July :3, 1849.
Estate of MARTIN FUNK, late of War
riot mark towaship, deed.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Admin.
istration on tft, estate of Martin Funk,
late of Warriormark twp. Hunt. co.. deed. have
been granted to the undersigned. All persons in
debted to said estate are requested to make imme
diate payment, and those hawing claims or de
mands aglinat the same to present them duly att.
thenticated for settlement to
July 9, 1849,
Prospectus of the Republic. SELECT SCHOOL,
The undersigned will, on the 13th day of June nuntingdon, Pennsylvania;
next, begin the publication iu the City of Wash- The undersigned announces to hie former pa
ington, of a daily Whig Adminietration paper, trons and the friends of sound Education gene,
to be called Tate Rzetrazie, the editorial super- i ally, that he is about to establish, in the new
vision of which will be committed to the circle- a. Huntingdon Academy" building, a permanent
eive care of Alexander C. 'Junin and John O. PRIVATE SCHOOL for young persona and
Sargent. children of both sexes.
The Republic will give to the principle. upon The codrse of instruction wi;l comprise all
Taylor c . m .brandies usually taught in the best English
which the administration of Gen.
Acedemiei, and will be well suited, to prepare
into power a cordial, zealous, and constant sup
pupils for the ordinary avocations of life, and
port. It will ha a faithful record of the tim es; . the more important and responsible duties cf
it will diva. public measures in an impartial good eitieeis.
and independent spirit ,it will be a vehicle of The internal management of the iichoot will
the la.eet arid Most authentic information: it be with the Teecher ; but lie will be assisted by
will be, in a word, a political neweeper, dovo- , the general supervision of a Board of nine can
ted to :he liberalizing and progreesive doctrines tlemen, justly esteemed for their private worth,
which prevailed in the late Presidential cum..; public spirit, and correct and comprehensive
to the interestas of labor, so developed in the educational views. With this important aid,
wants of agriculture, commerce, and maculae- and sustained by the approbation and kind en
sures, and to the cause of literature, science, couragement of many of the best and purest
and general intelligence. I minds in this community, the undersigneo feels
The Republic will acknowledge no allegiance confident that he will be able to introduce with
lexcept to the country. It will aim to merit the I ease, and maintain witbdut difficulty, such Reg
confidence and support of the American people, I ritativi., as will give to the Institution, a high
It w ill b e the artier , of no pc„on , or pa " or mon., as well as intellectual character ;—a
fraction of a party, in that compulsory menial character that will secure the confidence and
which would hinder it from speaking boldly and respect of all good men.
candidly to the People about whateiMr it Con. '
l'he building is a new three story brick stroc ;
terns them to know.
tore delightfully situated on We high ground
• •
The Republic will he printed upon a double back of tdwn, and affording a commanding view
of the valley of Huntingdon and its agreeable
royel sheet , ins new, huge, clear, readable type. mountain scene r y. The school room is large
Resided the Daily paper, there will be publiah- and well ventillated; arid the chambers are so
ed a Tri-week y and Weekly Republic, made
up a the most ihtereeting and important met- arranged as to accommodate comfortably sev
eral boarders, who will be taken on reasonable
ter of the Daily issue. terms, and treated with all the faithfulness that
TERMS : . , parental solicitude can device or impose. The
Oot the Daily Itepublie $lO number of pupils will be comparatively limited,
For the Tri- Weekly 13 and the sexes :always kept separate except
„ when in the reritation room. The school year
For the Weekly, "' • will be divided into four Sessions of eleven
To PORTVAgI'En., Any Postmaster who weeks each with suitable vacations; the first
will transmit us $lO elm!! hove six copies of the session commencing, this year, in July or Au-
Week/t; Republic rent to such persons ae he may gust; but hereafter not until the first of Sep
direct, and $l5 will entitle a Postmaster to Untie tember. ..
copies of the Tri-Wcekly paper.
No paper will be sent unities the order is Sc.
componied by the money.
All communications upon business must be
addressed to GIDEON & CO.
Washington City, May 18, 1949.
A new Threshing Machine,
four horse power, will he sold cheap
fur cash or country produce, by
H. K. NEFF &
June 26, '49.J Huntingdon, Pa.
Commission Merchants.
Irtganart WITSIMOD
Teas, segos's, Ore.
No. 11 Walnut Street,
cj'' Consignments of Western and Southern
Produce solicited...pp
June 12, 1.12.
Of Valuable Real Elstate
THE subscribers will sell at Public
1 Sale, on the premises, on
Monday the 27th day of ✓august, 1849,
All that valuable Real Estate situate in
Barree township, Huntingdon county,
about seven miles from the Petin'a canal,
and Central Railroad, and on the main
Road leading from Petersburg to Pine
Grove, containing about
700 acres Limestone Land,
and about 400 acresof which arc'eleared,
and in a good state of cultivation, the
woodland being all first rate Timber
Law! and heavily timbered ; and there
is an excellent scite fora Ssw Mill, on
a never failing stream. There are erec
ted on the said Land two houses and
two barns, small; but in a tolerable state
of repair.
The above Tract of Land will be divi
ded into two, three, or more parts, arid
sold separately ; or it will be sold alto
gether, as will beet suit those desiring
to purchasd.
The Terms shall be made so as to sure
purchasers, and will be definitely made
known on the day of sale. An indispu
table title will be given.
Any further information can be had
by applying to either of the undersigned.
%V 11. E. MeMURT.RIE.
June 19, 1849—ts.
Juniata Cabinet rnanufacturing
Respectfully begs leave to inform his friends
and customers and the public generally .that he
has built a large and commodious shop immedi
ately in the rear of the public house of John
hittnlter, t'r., oft the bank between the rivet
end canal, where he will constantly keep otr
hand furniture of al kinds, of the best quality,
emb acing all descriptions,kinds, styles and vs
clerics of parlor, medium and plain household
niture, which will be offered for sale at the
In order to accommodate the public with all
kinds of work in his line of business, he has
just sopplicd himself with a large lot of the
bast quality of ('berry, Walnut, Maple, Poplar,
and all kinds of Veneering of the moat popular
fashion. He wiil offer neither botched or half.
finished work for sale, and will at all times sub
mit his work to the most rixld inspection.
Merchants, Professional men, Farmers, Me
ebonies, Hotel Proprietors, Laboring men—all,
are invited to call and examine his furnitu re. be
fore purchasing elsewhere. "Seeing is holier.
Coflins will he made on the shortest notice, of
either Cherry, Walnut or Poplar, as may ho de
sired. and funerals attended.
He flatten; himself that by industry and close
attention to his bubiness. he will be able toplease
all who may give him a call.
Old furnituro will at all limes he repaired in
the neatest and most durable manner, at low
rates. All kinds of country produce will he ta
ken in exchange for furniture, repairing, &c.
Huntingdon, May 29, 1849.
classes $3.00. Ggocraph3, with the use oe
Globes and Outline Maps, Grammar, Compo•d
- .
tion, &c. , $3.50 Astronomy , Philosophy
Book-Keoping, the various branches of 11lathe.
matics, &c., $l.OO
For particulars apply to the Teacher,
J. A. HALL..
Rev. John Peebles, Win. P. Orbison, Esq.;
Hon. Geo. Taylor, M. Crownorer, Esq., Judge
G win, Maj. James Steel, Maj. Wm. B. Zeigler,
Messrs. James Allison, James Maguire, and
John N. Prowell, M. A. Henderson, M. D.,
J. H. Dorsey, M. D., Maj. D. MeMurtrie,
Thos. Fisher, Wm. Dorris, J. P. Anderson,
A. W. Benedict, Esq., Gen. A. P. Wilson, Hon.
John Ker, Jacob Miller, Esq., Jas. Clark.
Huntim,don, June 19, 1849.
0 , -
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hi.:... , • di-os-w q .. ~....-- - -i..: ,- r,:lv t i !IT 1...,71,0
This excellent compound, which never fsili
in the cure of Fever end Ague, is for sale by the
proprietor's agents. T REAL) tk SON, Hunt
ingdon ; L. G. KESSLER, Mill Creek.
me, Doctor? What is the cease of this sallow
complexion, jaundiced eye, depression of spirits;
pain in the side and shoulder, weariness of body,
hitter mote M the Mouth? loch is the inquiry,
and ouch the symptoms of mane a sufferer! It
is the liver which is diseased, and the Cholagogtie
is the remedy always successful in curing it.
Try it. and judge for yourself. For fade by
above named agents.
I arn to be tortured from day to day with this
horrible Ague, exclaims the poor auffeier whose
life hos become a burden from the rocking parox
yams of an intermittent. and whose confidence
in human aid is deetroyed by the failure of rem
edies to produce ill, promised relief. Such hoe
been the situation of thousands who are now
rejoicing in all the blessings of health from the
ure of Dr. Ongood's India Cholognaue. In no
instance does it fait . to effect a ipordy and perma
nent cure. Por role by nbuve named agents.
~ How few who think aright among the thinking
HOW many never think, but only think they do."
in the above exclamation is on no subject more
fully exemplified than on that of health. But
few gtvo it a single thought. and fewer still re.;
fleet upon it with :he observation and good sense
which matters of minor consequence receive:
As observation teaches the tact that Dr. Osgood's
India Cholagogue is a never failing remedy in
Fever and Ague, good souse would surely indi;
mite its prompt and immediate use. For sale by
the above named agents.
June 26. 1R49.
Great Slaughter of I ligh Prices!
The 'Town in Conunotion !
Nobody Killed, but Several Bads
ly Wounded !
Hare the satti,faction to announce to the cit.
liens of I lutitingdon and the neighboring coun
try that they have just received front the eastern
cities, a splendid stock of new
which have been selectidwith greet cit e. Our
stock coosisis of all th, valirifs Fit .11
BOOTS, t-HOES, and HATS of rell:kintre....
hard ware, Quernsware, Groceries, &c.
We invite all to give us a colt,. we take
pleasure in showing our Goods.
Thankful for post favors, we hope by strict
attention to busier.; to receive a hbetal share
of public patronage.
Huntingdon, April 3,18.19,
Wm. •I'. WALTEIIs. CHARLES H•aysz.
Walters &
[Liao Ilazlehurat &
Produce and General Commission Merchants,
Nos. I's & 16 Spear's Wharf,
Liberal Caah advances made on consignments
of all kind. of Produce•
April 3,1849-3 m,