Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 03, 1849, Image 3
Front the Plains. Fights between California Emigrants and the Indians, St Lout., June 25, News from Chihuahua to the 7th ult., says that the neighboring Indians are ver y hostile, and that a number of skirmishes had taken place. between them and the emigrants, in which sev eral were killed oil both sides. On the 4th of May, Thacker and his party were attacked by a large body of Mexicans. A fight ensued, in which twenty-three Mexicans were killed. ..... _ _ Accounts received from the emigrants beyond Port Kearney, state that Buffaloes are very scarce. On the 16th of May, Capt. Garrett, ac cidentally shot himself on the Plains. Peter Cameron murdered a lumber man nam• ed Allen, at Prairie le Croix, on Monday last Tut Pons GOING TO BOLOGNA.—The Courier and Enquirer has a telegraphic despatch from London, which states that accounts from Gaeta announce that it is the intention of the Pope to return to Florence with the duke of Tuscany, and to recede to Bologna where he will estab fish his Government until Rome shall be in a state to permit his return to it. It was repor ted at Bologna that Ancona had been taken by the Austrians on the Ist, after 48 hour's bom bardment; but the news was not generally credited. A telegraphic despatch from Paris states that news had arrived from Trieste, un der date of June 2d, of the cessation of the I bombardment of Venice, and that negotiations ' for peace were concluded. Now ARTICLE or SPECULATION FOR THE CALIFORNIA MARKET.—One of those persever inz spirits called Yankees, a resident on the Is land of Nantucket, being fully persuaded that “the Fever" would soon depopulate the place, has put his stock of marble and slate on board a schooner bound for the gold region; and stones which were intended for some of the old inhab itants, beginning "Sacred to the memory of," end ~e rected by his brother" &c. &., have ac tually been shipped from that once populous is land, to mark the last resting place of many of its inhabitants in the El Dorado of the present time. What will be the next article of specu lation ? EFFICIENCY OF THE VOLUNTARY PRINCIP PE.- The Free Church of Scotland has two Normal Seminaries, upward of 500 Schools, and a Col lege, in which upward of 200 are in training for the ministry; and has many Missionaries, do mestic and foreign. There were raised within its bounds, for the support of missions the last year, $278,475. IMMENSE Fines IN TILE woons.—A telegraph ic despatch from Calais, Me., states that the fires in the woods were still raging in every direction. More than 6,000,000 acres of timber land have already been destroyed. They have had no rain since the first week in April, and in that part of Maine and the province of New Brunswick, there is no water for driving logs. . Nearly all the present stock is sawed. The lumb-r busi ness, it was thought, must be suspended for the summer, and the fields of grass will not be worth cutting. The prospects of the country were never more gloomy than at present. The wea ther Wag excessively warm, the thermometer rising to 06 in the coolest places. ILLINOIS U. S. SENATOR.-Several of the Lo col° papers of Illinois have declared in favor of John McClernand, for U. S. Senator, in the place of General Shields, who was declared in eligible. The race will probably be between Breese and McClernand, from all the indications We have seen. ANOTHER. VICTIM. -The Johnstown Trans cript of Thursday last states that a man named John Goudy, of that neighborhood, was found dead at the Lock a short distance below the bor ough, where he had wandered in a state of in toxication. A flask of whiskey half full was found in his pocket. Me, BUR ROVUus.-The Snowhill Shield says that the wife of Rev. Thom. J. Burroughs, who was tried at the late term of Worcester County Court for the homicide of Bishop, has become completelyderanged since her husband's acquittaland return to his family at Chestertown. She is now an inmate of the Maryland Hospital, and he has returned to Dorchester county, his native place. TOBACCO AND COOLERS..—The mantlfactuers, as well as the slaves of the weed, will rejoice to see by one of the late foreign items that Dr. Hertaux, of Paris, has published a statement that the use of tobacco is a preservative against the cholera to a great extent. Dr. Hurteaux says that of 2000 people engaged in its manu facture, he found but twelve persons who had been attacked. It is added that Vidal, Dietner brook, and Ruef, all agree in this opinion, and Dr. Moore says tobacco injections will cure the disease. tY'The Lancaster Intelligencer states that the Ron James Buchanan has presented to the Councils of that city, in trust, the sum of $4,000 par bonds, to remain as a perpetual fund, the in terest whereof is to be annually expended in the purchase of fuel for the use of poor and in digent females, during inclement winter seasons, s , A LITTLE Moas GRAPE."-We find the fol lowing announcement in one of our exchanges : Married.—ln New Orleans, on Thursday the 7th instant, Brevet Lieut. Col. Braxton Bragg, U. S. A. to Eliza B. daughter of Mary Jane and the late Richard G. Ellis. inr"The machinery for the second cotton fac tory at Lancaster, has nearly all been received, and operations will be commenced in a few weeks. The third Factory at that place is now in progress of erection. a? The Arkansas papers announce that gold has been discovered by the California emigrants on the Wicheta Hills, on the western frontier of that State, and much excitement is the conse quence. Ca " Old Whitey," Gen. Taylor's famous eharger was brought to Louisville on the 19th from Baton Rouge. The Russian Army. A gentleman, familiar with the aubject, has prepared some statistics of the Russian army, from which it appeare that the land forces of Russia amount to 1,000,000 of risen in the war establishment, and are arranged into six main bodies of the army, the general reserve and the several corps of Cossacks. The first division, the great moveably European army of operation contains 465,720 men. These are arranged into 386 battalions of footmen, (together 386,000 men,) 469 squadron of horsemen, (together 70,- 720 men,) and 79 brigades of artillery, with 1200 pieces. By adding the artillerists, the train, the companies of workmen, &c., the great army of operation may be estimated at 500,000 men. The army of reserve contain 202,480 men. To these must be added the arttllerists, &c. The total of the pieces of artillery be longing to the army of reserve amounts to 472. The Caucasian arm) the third division, has 150- 167 troops with 302 pieces of artillery. The army in Findland consists of 16,000 men, with 16 pieces of artillery. The main body of the army in the piovince of Orenburg is 64,000 men 16 pieces of artillery. The army in Sibe ria, 16,000 men, 16 pieces of artillery. The several corps of Cossacks, who are liable to active service abroad in time of war, amount to 50,000 horsemen. The Cossacks, who had several particular appellations with reference to the parts of the country where they live, (for instance, Cossacks of the Don, Cossacks of the Ural, &c.,) and who number upon the whole, a bout 600,000 men able to carry arms, are genu ine Russians, as well as the great mass of the nation, but with the difference that they, since the year 1631, enjoy many political and social privileges. . _ . . The disposable force of Russia is able to send into the field in time of war amount to about 800,000 men. Of course they consist only of the European armies of operation and reserve and of the regiments of Cossacks; because the main bodies of the army in Caucasian Russia, in the Province of Orenburg, Re., mu it keep their sta tions for the maintaining of internal peace and order there, and for tl.e safety of the frontiers. According to the latest official reports, the total of the population throughout. all parts "of the Russian empire amounts to about sixty-seven millions inhabitants. The reader may judge from this exhibit what the Hungarians have to encounter, with Austria combined with this formidable power, and Prus sia probably lending its aid.—Philadelphia Ledger. DIED. In this borough, on yesterday afternoon, PHILIP SHULTZ, at old and respected citizen of this place, aged 71 years. At Colerain Forges, Huntingdon county, on the 27th ult., JAcon HAirses, in the 82d year of his age. In this borough, on Friday June 29th, of lock jaw, JANK Et izAus.rit Isannona, aged about 7 years. daughter of Abner and Eliza Isenhour. But a few days ago, and she was full of health and hope, and while at play received a severe wound from a piece of iron, which pierced and shockingly mangled her hand. No danger was at first anticipated, but suddenly a change be came apparent, and baffled all medical skill.— Slowly but perceptibly death folded her in his chilly embrace. Child, as she was, she knew that his silent footstep was in her chamber and that he had " marked her for his own." No murmur, no complaint, no childish regret, broke from her infant lips. Her calm, meek, and pa• tient bearing seemed to say, "Come my Re deemer come." She told her friends she should die, and desired them to repeat her infant prayer —"Our Father" &c., and hushing every sign of anguish or fear she listened to the voice of prayer until the supplicant bad repeated—" Thy will be done"---then that will do mother, she said, and the gentle spirit bowed with calm submission, a silent Amen. "Death touched her veins with ice, and the rose faded from cheek and lip; her voice, whose softest whis per charmed her friends to tears," was hushed forever. " Thy will be done," was heard and answered The spoiler set [a smile His seal of silence there. But there beamed So fixed and holy from that marble brow Death gazed and left it there ;—he dared not "The signet ring of Heaven." [steal B. In Harrisburg, on the 28th ult., JAMES CHAP. Lin, son of Levi Chaplin of this borough, aged about 20 years. MARRIED, On the 28th ult., by the Rev. H Heckerman, Mr. ADAM FOUSE to Miss ELISABETH L. E. Simon roe, both of Woodcock Valley, Hunting. don county. NOTICE rilAkE notice that the account of Brice Blair, I tog., Trustee in the place of Jossion P. Hud son, deceased, who was Assignee of john A. and William A. Hudson, under a voluntary as. signment, has been filed in the office of the Pro thonotary of the l ourt of Common Pleos of H tintingdon county, and that the name will be presented to the said (%ourt for confirmation and allowance on the second Monday of August next, at which time the same will be confirmed and allowed unless exceptions tie filed thereto. THEO. H. CBE WEB, Prot'y. Prothonotary's Office, Huntingdon. July 3, 1849. ✓ID.IVIINISTRIIT'ORS t NOTICE. Rota:, of MARTIN FUNK, latt of War rio,smark township, deed. MOTICRie hereby given that Letters of Admin istration on the estate of Martm Funk, late of Warriormark twp., Hunt. co., dec'd, have been granted to the undsrsigned. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make imme diate payment, and those having claims or de mands ag 'lost the oaMO to present them duly an thenticatsd for settlement to SAMUEL RIDER. Administrator. July 3,1849, To Let. ACOMFORTABLE dwelling house, in this Borough, can be had to rent immediately, by a careful family. Apply at this office. June 26, 1849. Prospectus of the Republic. The undersigned will, on the 13th day of June next, begin the publication to thy City of Wash ington, of a daily Whig Administration paper, to be railed Tux Rxrusuc. the editorial super. •isiun of which will be committed to the enclu• sive cure of Alexamlei C. LSullitt and John 0. Sargent. The R, . ne Republic will give to the principles upon which the administration of Gen. Taylor came into power 's'cordial, zealous, end constant sup- ' port. It will he a faithful record of the thorn; it will discuss public measures in en impartial and independent spirit , it will be a vehlde of the la est end most authentic information: it will be, in a word, a political newspaper, devo ted to the liberalizing and progressive doctrines which prevailed in the late Presidential c• nvass ; to the interestss of labor, as developed in the wants of agriculture, commerce, and macufac tures, and to the cause of literature, acience,! and general intelligence. The Republic will acknowledge no allegiance , 1 except to the country. It will aim to merit the confl,lence end support of the t tnerican people. It will he the organ of no person, or party or fraction of a Patty, in that compulsory sense which would hinder it from speaking boldly and ' candidly to the People about whatever it con cerns them to know. The Republic alit he printed upon a double royal sheet, in a new, large, clear, readable type. Beeples the Daily paper. there will be publish ed a Tri-week y and Weekly Republic, made up or the moat interesting, and important mat , ter of the Daily issue. TERMS For the Daily Republic For the Tri-Weekly _ For the ‘Neekly To POSTMASTEns,— Any Postmaster who will transmit us $lO shall hove sit copies of the Weekly Republic sent to such persons as he may direct, and $l5 will entitle a Postmaster to three copies of the Tei-Weekly paper. No paper will be sent unless the order is ac companied by the money. All comminications upon business must be addressed to GIDEON & CO. Washington City, May 18, 1949. A new Threshing' Machine, OF four horse power, will be sold cheap foe cash or country produce, by H. K. NEFF & June 26, '49.] Huntingdon, Pa, CROBTELIEN & BROTHER, Commission Merchants, IMPORTERS OF 701mInGE warrtn, COGNAC BRANDIES, HOLLAND GIN, AND DEALERS IN Teas, Se gars, .No. 11 Walnut Street, ai Consignments of Western and Southern Produce solicited. ..Q) June 12, 1849. PUBLIO SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, THE subscribers will sell at Public Sale, on the premises, on Monday the 27th day of august, 1849, All that valuable Real Estate situate in Barree township, 1 - funtingdon county, about seven miles from the Penn'a canal, and Central Railroad, and on the main Road leading from Petersburg to Pine Grove, containft about 700 acres Limestone Land, and about 400 acres of which are cleared, and in a good state of cultivation, the woodland being all first rate Timber Land and heavily timbered ; and there is an excellent scite for a Saw Mill, on a never failing stream. There are erec ted on the said Land two houses and two burns, small, but in a tolerable state of repair. The above Tract of Land will be divi ded into two, three, or more parts, and sold separately; or it will be sold alto gether, as will best suit those desiring to purchase. The Terms shall be made so as to suit purchasers, and will be definitely made known on the day of sale. An indispu table title will be given. Any further information can be had by applying to either of the undersigned. DAVID 111cMURTRIE, BENJ. E. Mal URTRIE, ROBT. A. AIciIIURTRIE, W E. IIicMURTRIE. June 19, 1849—ta. Juniata Cabinet Manufacturing Establishment. JOHN H. WHITTAKER, Respectfully begs leayr to ihforM his friends and customers and the public generally .that. he hae built a large and commodioue shop immEdi ately in the rear of the public house of John hittaker, Sr., on the batik beltseen the rivet and canal, where he will constantly keep on hand furniture of al kinds, of the best quality, emir acing all desctiptions, kinds, styles and vu. rieties of parlor, medium and plain household fu niture, which will be offered for sale at the very LOWEST RATES, In order to accommodate the pobli. with all kinds of work in hie line of business, he has just supplied himself with a large lot of the bast quality of ('berry, Walnut, Maple, Poplar, and all kinds of Veneering or the most popular fashion. He will oiler neither botched or half. finished work for sale, and will at all times sub. mit his work to the most rigid inspection. _ _ Merchants, Profeesionar men,. Farmers, Me. ehuniee, Hotel Proprietors, Laboring men—all, are invited to call and ex amine his furniture, be fore purchasing elsewhere. Seeing is believ ing." Collins will he made on the shortest notice, of either Cherry, Walnut or Poplar, as may be de sired, and funerals attended. He flatters himself that hy industry and close attention to his business. he will be able loplease all who may give him a call. Old furniture will nt all times be repaired in the neatest and moat durable manner, at low rates. All kinds of country produce will be ta ken foe furniture, repairing, &e. Huntingdon, May 1'29, 1849. SELECT SCHOOL, itingde- Hun_ Agdon, The undersigned announces to his former pa trons and the friends of sound Education gener ally, that he is about to establish, in the new Huntingdon Academy" building, a permanent PRIVATE SCHOOL fur young persons and children of both sexes. The course of instruction will comprise all the branches usually taught in the best English Academies, and will be well suited to prepare pupils for the ordinary avocations of life, and the more important and responsible duties cl good citizens. The internal management of the school will be with the 'Teacher; but he will be assisted by the general supervision of a Board of nine gen tlemen, justly esteemed for their private worth, public spirit, and correct and comprehensive educational views. With this important aid, and sustained by the approbation and kind en- ! couragei»ent of many of the best and purest minds in this community, the undersigned feels confident that he will be able to introduce with ease, arid maintain without difficulty, such Reg ulations as will give to the Institution, a high money. us well as intellectual character ;—a. character that will secure the confidence and respect of all good nien. The building is a new three story brick struc ture delightfully situated on the high ground back of town, and affording a commanding Vietv of the valley of Huntingdon and its agreeable mountain scenery. The school room is large and well ventillated; and the chambers are so arranged as td accommodate comfortably sev eral boarders, who will be taken on reasonable terms, and treated with all the faithfulness that parental solicitude can desire or impose. The number of pupils will be comparatively limited, and the sexes always kept separate except when in the recitation room. The school year will be divided into four Sessions of eleven weeks each with suitable vacations; the first session commencing, this year, in duly or Au gust; but hereafter not until the first of Sep tember. TERMS OP. TUITION PER SESSlON :—Primary classes $3.00. Ggograplij with the use of Globes and Outline Maps, drammar, Composi tibm &c., $3.50 Astronomy, Philosophy, Book•lteeping, the various branches of Mathe matics, &c., $4.00 For particulars apply to the Teacher, J. A. 11-ALL REFERENCES Rev. John Peelles, - IVM.7.Orbison, Esq, Hon. Geo. Taylor, M. Crownover, Esq., Judge Gwin, Maj. James Steel, Maj. Wm. 8. Zeigler, Messrs. James Allison, James Maguire, and John N. Prowell, M. A. Henderson, M. D., J. H. Dorsey, M. D., Maj. D. McMurtrie, Thos. Fisher, Wm. Dorris, J. P. Anderson, A. W. Benedict, Esq., Gen. A. P. Wilson, Hon. John Her, Jacob Miller, Esq., Jas. Clark. Huntin;don, Jun, 19, 19.19. This excellent compound, which never tails in the cure of Fever and Ague, is for sale by the proprietor's agents. 'l' HEAD & SON, Hunt• ingdon ; L. G. KESSLER, Mill Creek. f WHAT IS THE MATTIR with me, Doctor? What is the cause of this sallow complexion, jaundiced eye, depression of spirits, pain in the side and shoulder, weariness of body, bitter taste in the mouth? Such is the inquiry and such the symptoms of many a sufferer! It is the liver which is diseased, and the Dholrigasue is the remedy always successful in curing a. Try it, and judge for yourself. For sale by above named agents. frj- BETTER DIE THAN LIVE, if lem to he tortured front day to day with this horrible Ague, exclaims the poor sufferer whose life has heroine a burden from the racking parox ysms of an interinittent, and whore confidence in human aid it destroyed by the failure of rem edies to produce fit r promised relief. Such has been the situation of thousands who ere now rejoicing in all the blessings of health from the use of Dr. Osgood's India Cholagogue. In no instance does it fail to effect a speedy and perma nent cure. For sale by above named agents. How felt• who think aright among the thinking law, flow many never think, but on'y think they do." (c ,— THE SENTIMENT IMPLIED in the above exclamation is on no subject more fully exemplified than on that of health. But few give it a single thought. and fewer still re flect upon it with the observation and good sense which matters of minor consequence receive. As observation teaches the fact thief Dr. Osgood's India Cholngogue is a never failing remedy in Fever and Ague, good sense would surely indi cate its prompt and immediate use. For sale by the shove mooed agents. Jone 26. '849. LATEST ARRIVAL! Great Slaughter of High Prices! The Town in Commotion ! Nobody Killed, but Several Bad, ly Wounded ! DORSEY &, MAGUIRE Have the sand' action to announce to the cit izens of Huntingdon and the neighboring coun try that they have just received front the eastern cities, a splendid stock of new SPRING & SUMMER GOODS 3 which have been selected With great core. Our stork consists of all the on icto r of LADIES' AND GENTLEMENS' DRESS GOODS. BOOTS, t-110E•i, and HATS of all kinds.— Hardware, Queensware. Groceries, &c. We invite all to give us a call, as we take pleasure in showing our Goods. Thankful for past fators, tve hope by strict attention to businesa to receive a literal share of public patronage. Huntingdon. April 3,1849. Stray Mare CAME to the residence of the subscriber, resi ding in Walker township, Huntingdon county, about the lath of June inst., a stray MA HE.— Said Mare is about 12 years of age; color, Straw berry Roan, and shod all round. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away, otherwise I will dis pose of her according to law. WILLIAM RIDENOUR. Tune 26-3 t RESOLUTION' Relative to an Amendment of the ConstitutiOn. Resolved by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the Commonwealth of Penasylva via in General Assembly met : Thai the Cenral- tution of this Commonwealth be amended in the • second section of the fifth article, so that it shall read as follows : The Judge. of the supreme Court, of the several Courts of Common Pleas,' and of such other Courts of Record as are or' shall he established by law, slts•t he elected by the qualified electors of the Commonwealth in , the manner following, to wit The Judges of the i Supreme Court, by the qualified eleetore of the Commonwealth at large. The President Judges , of the severs! Courts of Cornices Pleas and of such other Courts of Record as ere or shall be established by law, and all other Judges requi red to be leaned in the law, by the qualified electors of the respective districts over which they ore to preside or act as Judges. Arid the Associate Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas by the qualified o ectors of the Counties respectively. The Judges of the Supreme. Court shall hold their offices for the term of fifteen years if they sits II so long behave themselves well: (subject to the allotment hereinafter pro vided for.sobsequent to the first election :) The President Judges of the several Courts of Coin men flees, and of such other collate of Record as are or shall he estehliened by law, and all triter Judges required to be lea. ned in the low, shall hold their offices for the term of ten years, if they shall so long behave themselves well : Ti t o Associate Judges of the Courts of Commas Pleas shall hold their offices for the term of fire years, if they shall so long behave themselves well: all of whom shall be commissioned by the Governor, but for any reasonable, cause w hi c h shall not lie sufficient grounds of impeachment, the Governor shall remove any of them on the address of two-thirds of etch branch of the Leg telature. The first election shall take place at the general election of this Commonwealth next after the adoption of thi s amendment, and the commissions of ell the judges who may lie then i n Ai re ellen expire on the first Monday of De cember following, when the terms of the new judges shall commence. The persons who shall then be elected Judges of the Bopierne Court ' , hall hold their offices es follows: one of them for three years, one fer six seers, one for nine yeare, one for twelve yews, and one for fifteen years , the term of each to be decided by lot by the said iitilges as soon after the election es con vonient, end the result certified by theta to the Gm vernor, that the commissions may be issued in accordance therein. The judge whose com mission will first etpire shall be Chief Justice durin,, his term, and thereefter each judge whose commission shall first expire shall in turn be the Chief Justice, and if two or more commissions shall expire on the same day, the judges holding them shell decids by lot which shall be the Chief Justice. Any vacancies happening by death, resignation, or otherwise, in any of the said courts, shall lie filled by appointment hy the Gov ernor, to continue till the first Monday of De. cember succeeding, the next general electioh. The Judges of the Supreme Court and the Prem. identsof the several Courts of Common Pleas shall, at stated times i receive for their services en I adequate compenitation, to be fixed by law, which shall not be diminiehed hiring their can inuance in office but they shall receive 110 fees or perquisites of office, nor hold any other office of profit under this Commonwealth, or Under the guvernmeht of the United States, or any other State of this Union. The Judges of the Su preme Court during their continuance in office shall reside within this Cornmodwealth, and the other Judges during their continuance in office shall reside within th.• district or county fur which they were reevrrtively elected. WILL IA V 1 P. PACKER. Speaker of the Housed/ Representatives GEO. DAR:rile Speaker of the Senate In the Senate, March 1,1849. Received, That this resolution pass. tress 21, Nays 8. Extract from the Journal. SAML. W. PEARSON, Clerk. In the House of RepresenMtives, April 2, 18•19. Resolvoti, That this resolution pass.—Yeas SS, Nays 26. Extract from the Journal. WM. JACK, Clerk. I Secretary's Ohre . Filed Api it 5,1849 A. L. RUSSELL, Dep. See. of the Coen Sei,ltary's Office Pennsylvanta, as I DO currier that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the 0 igirnil Resolu tion of the General Assembly, entitled "Resolu tion relative to an amenduient of the Constitu tion," as the sante realms on tile in this office. In testirhony whereof I have hereon se A L toilet me hand, and caused to lie afi1t ...,..., ed ihe seal of the Secretary's Office at Harrisburg, this eleventh day of June Anno Doinini, one thou./Intl eight hundred and forty nine. TO WNSEN I) HAINES. Sec'9 of the Cdm. "JOLT[ SAL or SENATE. Nelda to Purchasers of Unseated, " Resolution, No. 188 entitled "Res. Land. "elution relative to an amendment of the A." w persons who have neglected lift " Constitution," as read a third time. -- log their Deeds for Unseated Land "On the question, will the Senate agree balight June 1848, are notified that if "to the resolution 1 The Yeas and Nays not attended to by the August Court, " were taken agreeably to the Constitu- they will be left in other hands for col " don, and were as follow, Viz: lection. The Treasurer will be absent "Y sits—Messrs. Boas, Brawley,Crabb, from home during the first three weeks " Cunningham, Forsyth, Hiigus, John- of July. ISAAC NEFF, "son, Lawrence, Levis, Mason, Metall- Treasurer "as, M'Chslin, Rich, RiChards, Sadler,l Treasurer's Office, June 9, /849 "Sankey, Savery, Small, Smyset, Ster rett and Stine-----21 " NAVA—Messrs. Best, Drum, Frick, riltE m e o hop win i rl h o , w of . I t t he o eu th lnri he ti : i lv n as br n n ; "Ives,King, Konigmacher, Potteiger and the foilow t it e ig n d ° :scrils r l l' :vatcher token viz . : one " Darsie, Spealcer-8. I Gold Anchor Lever No. 16462. Two Silver "So the question was determined in Anchor Levers, the ...hers not known—ono was "the affirmative." entirely new, with u silver that and gold balance', arid the other WAS second hoiden, with n screw " JOURNAL OF THE ROUSE OF REPRE- balance, purse holt and coinpetosntion everts—owe BRNTAVVES. of the joints brokersoff. Oro English. IN atsh No. "Shull the resolution pass"( the lilt, no outside rase. Three Warners—Ns, "yeas and nays were takes agreeably to • a k 9 l 1 .0 3 'h N e l' c'es 7 e . a7f a a ' h r e re N n ° c • h i WV. I l i 'l l . o " 7 " i i n ie c e a ka. " the provision of the tenth article of In addition to these it is believed that two or tat; " the Constitution ' and are as follow, other watcher; were store, but the numbers or " viz: k'nd are not exactly known. " YEAS—Messrs. Gideon J. Bail, Da- ' The above reward will he paid for the appre " vid J. Bent, Craig Biddle, Peter D. !moon of the robber ar robbers and recovery of "Bloom, David M. Bole, Thomas K. preportlou for one or , the watches, or a reword e n ' "Bull, Jacob Cort, John H. Diehl, Na- i nm e of the watches. " thaniel A. Elliott, Joseph Emery, Da- " vid G. Eshelman, William Evans, "John Fausold, Samuel Feely, Joseph W. Fisher, Henry M. Puller ( Thomas "Grove, Robert Hampson, amnia P. "Henazey, Thomas J. Herring,Jasep_h " Higgins, Charles Hartz, Joseph " Hower, Robert Klotz, Harrison P 1 " Laird, Abraham Lamberton, James J. "Lewis, James W. Long, Jacob 111'. Cartney, John F. WCulloch, Hugh M'Kee, John M'Laughlin, Adam Mar. "tin, Samuel Mars, John C. Myers, Ed , " ward Nickleson, Stewart Pearce, "James Porter, Henry C. Pratt, Alonzo "Robb, utrorge Rupley, Theodore Ry. "man, Bernard S. Schoonover, Samuel " Seibert, John Sharp, Christian &rive " ly, Thomas C. Steel, Jeremiah B. "Stubbs, Jos. J. &Minion, Marshall " Swartzwelder, Samuel Taggart, Gee. "T. Thorn, Nicholas Thorn, Aruntth " Wattles, Samuel %% cinch, Alonzo 1. Wilcox, Daniel Zerbey and William "F. Pac ks r, Speaker-SS. "NAys—Messrs. Augustus K.Cornyn, "David M. Courtney, David Evans, " Henry S. Evans, John Fenton, John " W. George, Thomas Gillespie, John B. Gordan, William Henry, James J. " Kirk, Joseph Laubach, Robert R. Lit " tie, Jahn S. M'Caliront, John M'Kee, "William WSlierry, Josiah Miller, Wit " Hum T. Morrison, John A. Otto, Wil " liam Y. Roberts, John W. Roseberty, "John B. Riithorford, R. Rundle Smith, "J,hn Smyth, Juhn Solider, George " Walters and David F. Williams--2U. " So the question was determined in " the affirmtVire." SECRERARY'S OFFICE, Harrisburg, June 15, 1849. Pennsylvania, ss : e5....., ' Ino CERTIFT that the shove and SEAL foregoing is a true and correct copy of ....,,,-• the ~ Yeas" and - Nays," taken on the " Resolution relative to an amendment of the Constitudon," an the Caine appears on the Journals of the two :louses of the General As sembly of this Commonweelth, for the erasion of 1849. Witnuna my hand and the seal of said °Mee, the ilPeenth day of June, one thouaand eight hundred and fortv•ninc, WNSEND HAINEB, Secretary of thc Commonwealth. June 26 1849. 1.0 i S OF GOOD THINGS ! ! ICE CREAM, CONFECTIONARY & BAKER]'. Loiitt „..cititelb'er, Thankful for past favors, most respectfully ino forms the citizens of Huntingdon and its vicin ity, that he has made every arrangement neces sary to supply all who may favor hint with a call, with the most Choice varieties of Confectionaries, Cakes, nuns and lute. His private rooms are fitted up in a handsome style, which will make them a comfortable resort fur ',Julie! and Gent (mien. Parties can he furnished nn the shottest'notica with Ire °team, Confectionaries, all kinds of Cakes and Fruits. Huntingdon, May 22, 1849. ARRIVAL, Now Goods! New Goods! J w. SAXTON H A . N I E eiid,ti just received nt and of ure now oi I ning a SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, Their stock has been selected With great care, and at lower prices than thol4 who purchssed earlier, and comprises a at net al variety of every• thing called fur by the public. They have a beautiful variety of LADIES and GENTLE MEN'S Drs. Goods, of the troy latest sty'cit, Which fur quality aril cheapness cannot be our. passed. In addition (tithe', large stock of Dry Goods, Iluusekeipertt can be Flipp led with Fresh Gho6erie§, of a superior quality, very cheap Hsrdware Queeneware. Re., &e. They invite the public to call and examine their stork. They make no charge for glowing their Goods. May 1, 1849. DENTAL SURGERY 4 Drs. Neff & Miller ESPECTFULLY inform the eititens of 11. Huntingdon and vicinity, that they have fitted up a room in the S: E. corner of John ston's Hotel (enterance through Neff & Bro's Jewelry store) where they will take great pleas ure in attending to all who rhay favor them with a call. Artificial Ireeth, of all kinds, mounted on the most improved modern style: A [so, plugging, filing and clean ing done with care and neatness. N. B. Teeth Pictracted with all the ease and dispatch that modern science can furnish.— Charges moderate. VetLD IKAMA.111:1). J. T. SCOTT. Ilaniingdon, June 19,184.9.