Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 03, 1849, Image 2
The Opposition to Gen:Tayier. The Baltimore American with much force says—""the quiet citizen, who has his own busi ness to attend to, and who does not appre hend that the country will be ruined immediate ly, would be staprised to observe the virulence and the bitterness with which Gen. TAYLOR'S administration is attacked by adversaries who do not' seem capable of viewitg Any thing except through the medium of party prejudices. HUNTINGDON, TUESDAY, JUYL 3 1849. Mr. Jefferson had a similar opposition to en s w. counter. “The very first acts of the adminis _ Hoover% ink. tration, he says in a letter to Gideon Granger t%OOVER'S SUPERIOR WRITING INK i in tint, ~t he nominations, have avordingly fur- THE JOURNAL. COMM PRINCIPLES....SUPPORTEB BY TBUTHt) for sale at this office. nished something to yelp on, and all our subse quent acts will furnish them fresh matter be- TEII3II t cause there is nothing against which human in- The "NtisTixonox Jena:sm." is published at genuitv will not be able to find something to the following rates, via : $1 7 75 a year, if paid in advance ; $`4,00 if paid during the year, and SOY." $2,010 if not paid until after the expiration of The Philadelphia Sun remarking upon this, the year. The above terms to be adhered to in with truth says : There is nothing, indeed c all cases. gainst which human ingenuity will not be able No subscription taken for less than six months, and no non,r discontinued un til a ll nr , orages to rind something to say, and it would be very are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. weak for an administration to expect or to en- deavor to please every one. It has its duties to V"' The Declaration of Independence will the country to perform, and it will be judged by be found on fourth page. its own standard of honesty, capacity and fidel- Conferee Meeting. i ity. The spirit of its acts, the scope and char- The Conferees of Huntingdon, Blair and Bed- acter of its policy, its tone and demeanor, will foul Counties, to select a Senatorial Delegate to give shape and force to the impression it is to leave finally upon the public mind, as they will the Whig State Convention in August next,will meet in Hollidaysburg on IVedunsday, the t Bth fix the place it is to occupy in history. But the at of July Mat. tacks of the violent, the complaints of the quer ulous, the demands of the unreasonable—these Appointments. may be left to perish by the force of their own bias. JANE VAN TRIES, to be Postmaster at reaction. Warriorsmark, Huntingdon county. JAMES THOMPSON, to be Postmaster at Bir mingham, Huntingdon county. War. BRIWSTER to be Postmaster at Mount Drum, ex-Post Master of Greensburg, whose Union, Huntingdon county. j removal excited the sympathy of the entire Lo- Pam O'Hsoas, to be Postmaster at Newry, cofoco party, was a candidate for an important Blair county. office before the recent Locotoco Convention of HENRY JORDAN, to be Postmaster at Sarah Furnace, Blair county. Fourth of July. jorted by that body of sympathizers. The Lo- We are informed that the sone of Temper • cofoco leaders of Westmoreland County by this ance and Sabbath Schools of this borough, will acthave established a reputation for consummate celebrate the Fourth of July (to-morrow) hypocrisy that Satan himself might envy. MeCahan's Grove. Mr. JAcoa CARTER, of Philadelphia, a gentleman of high reputation WHAT Is DEMOCRACY 7—lt is a long time for eloquence, will deliver a Temperance Lec- since we have seen ' , Democracy" get a harder tore on the occasion. The citizens generally knock than the editor of the New York Tri are invited to join in the celebration. bone gives it in the few following words "Where is the dupe so shallow, so benighted, lag" The late Foreign news gives ground for ' so bemuddled, as to fancy there is any Democ apprehension that the Italians will be tempura- racy at present in South Carolina, where a man rily crushed in their struggle for freedom, and must own a number of slaves in order to be a that, too, by the army of professedly Republi- legislator ? or in Virginia, most conservative of our States, wherein a man owingdirt in six coun- can France! ni SLAVE NO FRIENDS TO ItEWARD. " -The cdi- ties, may vote six times in one e.ection, while tor of the Globe is becoming ashamed of him- he who owns none, is not allowed (as a general self for attributing the above sentiment to Gen. rule) to vote at all 1 The simpleton who could Taylor, and in his attempt to screen himself be gulled into supposing such States and their for so doing, alleges that we first attributed the rulers Democrats, because they have voted for Jackson, Van Buren, Polk and Cuss, must be expression to Gen. Taylor. This won't do, neighbor. We published the Allison letter en- gifted with an amazing fund of ignorance and tire, and if we had attributed anything not con- credulity tamed in that letter to Gen. Taylor, we would very readily have been detected. Next to a change of measures, we invariably urged the election of Gen. Taylor on the ground that it would bring about a change in the office-holders. We charged the incumbents generally with be ing corrupt and meddlesome. And we assert with great confidence that not a single voter in the land cast his suffrage for Gen. Taylor who did not do so in the hope and belief that a gen eral change would be the result of his election I In answer to our inquiry, why was Mr. Cunningham removed from the Collector's office at this place, the Globe good naturedly replies that " it is a rule with the Canal Board" to turn out all officers who have served three years. And the Globe approves this rule ! Yet the editor is whining out his complaints every week because Gen. Taylor is turning out office-holders who have been in office for not less than four, and some as long as TWENTY rive years ! Has not Gen. Taylor a right to make rules for the regulation of office holders as well as the Locofoco Canal Commissioners THE Rag:atm.—The Prospectus of the Republic" a new Whig paper published at Washington, will be found in another column. The editors are among the most able and vigor ous writers of the day. and their articles are in the true National spirit of the Whig party. We 601 he glad to see a few copies of the Re pnblic circulated in every township of our county. If the publisher will send us a speci men copy or two of the weekly, we will exhibit to such as may desire to take it and cannot afford the Daily or Tri-Weekly. Tan MARKETS.-There hay been no change in the markets since our last. The late foreign news reports a elightadvance in Flour and grain. tr 7" During the past week the weather has been very warm with occasional showers.— At the present writing a great change has taken place, and the a'r is uncomfortably cool in the shade. MP' The old otlice-holders declare that Gen. Taylor has grievously deceived them on the subject of sentorah ! Ha, ha! Previous to the election they declared with great confidence that he would deceive the Whigs. How sorry we feel for the poor devils. 117" Bishop Hughes of New York issued a circular, designating Sunday last for a general collection throughout his Diocese for the relief and support of Pius IX in his present struggle against the Roman Republic. MAJ. G. Scovr.—The announcement of the dangerous illness of Maj. Gen. Winfield Scott, we are happy to see contradicted. The N. Y. Etiquriar of yesterday says that not only is he not ill bat his health has not been so good for months uast as it is at present. 7 . 3AMILS M. POWIIII, Esq., has authorized the editors of the Mercer Press to say that he will not be a eandidatefor re.notnination foe Ca nal Commissioner. Locofoco Hyprocrisy. We learn from the Bedford Gazette, that Mr, Westmoreland County. Our readers will no doubt conclude that he was nominated by accla mation. But such is nut the fact ; he was re- Complimentary. The Globe, in its zeal to defend and make a great man out of Geo. Lippard, calls all the edi tors who have taken exception to this individu al, " half starved cum" This is courteous and gentlemanly language, truly. It may be, so far as we are concerned, that we do not en joy so many of the luxuries of life, as our neigh bor, yet we can assure him that we have never yet lacked the wherewith to satisfy our hunger, plain and simple though it be. UPILAP U. S. niroasts.—The Adjutant Gen eral of this State publishes in the Harrisburg Telegraph, a table of prices, showing the cost at which Volunteer companies may obtain dress and undress uniforms, according to the U. S. Ar my regulations. He does this because all urn' Volunteer companies are required to uniform according to the regulations of the General Gov ernment; and he states the price of full dress for a private at $8,75, and the undress at $5,50. The preparations made, embrace all the divis ions of land forces. C7' The Berks and Schuylkill County Journal says : The Loco-foco papers say Gen eral Taylor will be doing them a service if he will turn out of office every mother's son of them, but growl terribly when it is done. It aches badly, but they hate to have the tooth pulled. It must be pulled, boys, so hold your jaw. THE PHOSFECT IN CALWORNIA.-The intelli gence tram California is leading many to the o pinion that the authority of the United States is to meet resistance on the part of the Mexicans, Spanish Americans and Europeans, who have gathered there in great numbers, and who will resist the execution of Gen. Smith's proclama tion, excluding them from the mines, and it is stated in accounts received via Mexico, up to the 18th May, that owing to the disorder which pre veiled, Gen. Smith and his troops had taken re fuge on board American vessels lying in port. 13:7' The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania have reversed the recent decision of Judge Lew is, in the case of the widow of William Geigly, of Lancester, and have decided that a testator can prescribe credentials to his widow in refer ence to marriage, in devising real estate to her. CP" A number of sudden deaths occurred du ring the kite warm weather by the imprudent drinking of cold water. Eight persons are re ported to have died in Philadelphia from this cause on Friday and Saturday last, and nine in Boston. Too much caution cannot be observed. GrOa the induction of the present Coflector of the Port of Philadelphia, he discovered that of 200 surbordinate officers of the Customs not one was a Whig. Of the above 200 he has since removed 69, and Locofocoism is now in a terri ble way about this manifestation of "heartless proscription." 13:7"Dne hundred thousand dollars have alrea dy been subscribed towards the erection of a Cotton Facrory at Ilarrisburg. It will proba bly be erected during the present eesson. Progress of the Cholera. St. Louis June 25. The weather still continuesvery warm. The river continues to rise. There is no abatement , in the progress of the cholera here. The deaths average 100 per day. The cholera prevails to an alarming extent on the Upper Mississippi -22 passengers on board the steamer Uncle Toby died with the cholera between this place and Oque A wka. The cholera is making fearful strides among the Shawnee and Delaware tribes of Indians. They are deserting and burning their villages. Sr. Loves, June 22. The excitement produced in this city by the spread of cholera, is intense. A tremendous meeting of our citizens wss held last night, for the purpose of adopting immediate measures to mitigate the further progress of the cholera a mong us. The Hon. Edward Bates presided over the as semblage. Resolutions were passed, calling upon the Ci ty Councils to appoint, forthwith, Ward Com mittees, whose duties it shall be to investigate the conditions of the sick and destitute, and pro vide medicines, and afford all necessary relief to those in need. Sr. Louis, June 27 Yesterday twelve cemeteries reported one hundred and twenty-one interments, of which one hundred were from cholera. The total number of interments for the week ending Sun day, was seven hundred and sixty-three, of which five hundred and eighty-nine were from cholera; under four years of age one hundred and sixty. It is supposed that many have been buried in private grounds around the city and vicinity, whose deaths have never been officially report ed. The country around St. Louis is very sick ly; hundreds have died, independent of those re ported by cemeteries in the city. RICHMOND, June 27.—The Board of Health yesterday reported ten new cases and four deaths by cholera. _ _ _ CMCINNATI, Tune 28. The weather is wet, the atmosphere very ipressive, and the cholera fearfully increasing. . . .. It will Se seen, on referring to cemeteries' sports, that four hundred and tweuty-three in ,rments have taken place during the past sev aty-two hours. The disease is taking a fright il hold among the German and Irish population. In Norfolk end Richmond several 'cases of Cholera have been reported daily for several days past. In Camden, N. J. quite a number of cases have been reported. In Philadelphia, for a few days pant, the Cholera has been on the increase. On the 26th there were 21 cases and 10 deaths; on the 27th 43 cases and 12 deaths; on the 28th 40 eases and 13 deaths ; on the 20th, 48 cases and 0 deaths. In New York on 20th inst., there were 73 cases and 39 deaths; on the 27th 43 cases and 12 deaths ' • on the 29th GO cases and 25 deaths ; on the 29th 39 cases and 18 deaths. One case has been reported in Bucks county The Public Works, The Harrisburg Keystone, speaking of the arrearages due to the persons employed on the public works, makes a clean breast of the sins of itt political friends in the Canal Board as fol lows : "In the first place we have no hesita tion in attributing the existence of such a large debt, to the careless and extrav agant manner in which the public works have, for sometime back been managed, and in some cases to direct frauds.— Had a skilful and economical course been pursued, in regard to them, the trea sury would now be in a better condition by at least two hundred thousand dol lars. This is in truth, a low estimate." The people have long been satisfied that the public works have been used by the locofoco party, which has had control of them for many 1 years past, as an instrument of corruption. Circumstances entirely unconnected with the polities or personal worth of the able Whig can d,date for Canal Commissioner, alone prevented them from applying the proper corrective last fall. If Mr. Longstreth, who has been physi cally incapable of attending to his duties for nearly a year past, would now do his long un represented constituents the tardy justice to re sign, the next election would introduce into the Board the requisite elements of thorough and practical reform.—And as the Keystone has been so candid in its admission as to the mismanage ment of the public works, we hope that it will recommend and insist upon his doing so. The law says, "it shall be the duty of the Canal Commissioners to devote their whole time and attention, by personal examination ' to the gene ral and especial superintendence and repairs of the public works." Mr. Longstreth cannot comply with the law. The people are paying him a liberal salary for per.tonal services which he has been unable to render, since September last. The Canal Board has been for some time past utterly disorganized and inefficient in con sequence of his inability to attend its sessions ; the public works must necessarily be either ne glected or mismanaged in the absence of the controlling power exerted by the Board over Ithe numerous employees; and the State Treasu ry will ultimately feel the loss in the shape of increased appropriations and diminished receipts. By all means Mr. Longstreth ought to resign, and we hope the Keystone will not throw aside its censorial robes until this Reform shall have been accomplished.— T,ncoster Union. Disappointed The Locofocos now admit that they have been 4, ,lisappointed" in Gen. Taylor. No doubt of it. He first disappointed them when he fought himself out of the difficulties in which they had involved him on the Rio Grande. He diasppoin ted them again when, robbed of his forces, he whipped Mr. Polk's friend, Santa Anna at Bu ena Vista. He disappointed them greviousty a gain when he whipped another of their Gener als, Cass, in a contest before the people. But the disappointment most grievous of all is to find that he don't appoint or re-point them to of fice. Verily, one party or the other was desti ned to a disappointment, and happily for the country it has fallen upon the Locos. If Taylor had pleased them, the disappointment of the Whigs would have been sore, indeed!—Chern. Whig, 073.. The London Times expresses the appre hension that all the better class of small farm ers in Ireland are about emigrating to this coun try, leaving behind only the impoverished land owners and the pauper inhabitants of the vari ous work-houses. Cl:r It w.ll I, gratifying to know that the Post Office Department intends to institute a more thorough and energetic system for the detection of dishonesty and irregularities occurring in that important branch of the public service, than has ever b .en heretofore enforced. Some of the means adopted by the agents are so ingenious, that small depredators may hereafter calculate upon a berth in the State prison, with a consid erable degree of certainty. Getting their Due. The Locos are making themselves so extreme ly ridiculous by their crocodile tears over eject ments from office, that we arc beginning to feel ashamed of them ourselves ; and we dont know that we shall expose them much in future on this head, until such times as the humidity shall have in some degree, passed from their eyes. As it is the only thing however, that they have yet to accuse Gen. Taylor of, it is not to be ex pected that they will cease their moans, until they get a new tune to play. But that all de cent people are heartily tired of their present hobby, is certain, and they frequently meet with such rebukes as the following, taken from the Sunday Despatch, an able and indpendent neutral paper : "OFF WITH ails ITEAD.” On, DEAR!....The pOhtiCal papers are making themselves ridicu lous because removals have been made in vari ous offices by the incoming administration.— Some of them parade large cuts of guillotine and by large headlines such as " off with his head," " the axe at work," and other startling announcements, betray a phrenzy of despair which is only equalled by the distress of a three year old child when its doll baby is suddenly taken from it. One would suppose that the office-holders were born to fill the fat situations they were lucky enough to wriggle into, and have a patent right to all the profits. They seem entirely to forget that many heads were taken off in order to induct them into the snug little posts they enjoy, and that they were until that time most clamerous for the axe to go to work, and wouh; not be satisfied without sav age " proscription." We are no particular ad vocate for the doctrine that "to the victor be-. longs the spoils," but it makes but little odds what our opinions are. The pi inciple is a car , dine! one with both parties. In fact, the out going party has always been most strenuous in advocacy of that doctrine. It seems very silly for its partizans now to give the lie to their own actions, and whine like whipped clogs be cause the other dogs have got a chance at the bone. The Cry of Proscription. A good sound rap on the knuckles, at a time when a gentle and encouraging pat upon the back was expected, is, as a general thing, intol erable. We commend to the attention of those papers which have been shedding tears over the removal of every old office-holder, the follow ing from the Cleveland Plaindealer, an ultra Locofoco paper, which says : "There are crying times in Washington about these days. The Mao,/ brings the most sickly accounts of whole departments assem bling and joining in a general boo-boo at the fate which has overtaken them. The old man Ritchie is chief crier. His heart is full (as well as his pockets) and it overflows like the inundation of the Nile. He knows no democ racy but the pap suckers at Washington, and he thinks by publishing their tribulations the whole nation wiil be melted to tears." This is downright ingratitude, and quite sub dent to make the Union fret for a month to come; but not content with this blow, the editor, after a sharp thrust at the Union's mourn ing for Cave Johnson, goes on to administer the following modicum of very sensible advice to all persons concerned : Now if Father Ritchie supposes the people care one fig about such kind of troubles at Washington, he is greatly mistaken. They do not spend their money, time, and exertions, simply that a few cormorants can fatten on the spoils. The great mass of the people care no thing about office. All they want is a good government, and these accounts in the would be government organ of the groans of office holders, in Washington, are sickening and dis gusting. Somebody must hold the offices and discharge the duties, and under a Democratic Administration we claim this should be done by Democrats. But when the people have, in a constitutional way, declared for a change, die game, submit like Men, and not go out of office blubbering like a lout." The character of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, as a newspaper of the most radical Loeofoco stamp, is too marked and decided to permit its political brethren to turn away the chalice it commendato their lips. Ton KENTVCKIT TRAGEDY. -The following account of the rencontre between Mr. Clay and Cyrus Turner, at Foxtown, Kentucky, differs materially from other statements : "The particulars, as we learn them by pas sengers in the stage, are these:—Mr. Clay, while making an emancipation speech, was call ed a "d—d liar" by some one in the crowd.— He rushed from the stand in the direction of the voice, and was met by Turner, who snapped his pistol three times at Clay. Clay's pistol also snapped twice, when he threw it down, drew his bowie knife, and at the first blow rip ped open Turner's abdomen. As Turner was falling Clay raised his knife to strike again, when his arm was caught and held, and a dirk knife plunged in his breast by some one in the crowd. Turner sent word to Clay afterwards that he would tell him who stabbed him in case both recovered—otherwise he would not tell him. BALTIMORE, June 29. The Southern mail to-night brings Mobile papers, containing some addi tional items of news by the steamer Clyde. An earthquake had occurred in the City of Mexico on the 2ltst, which lasted several minutes—the shock was very severe, but no serious damage was done. At t fxala n collection had been taken up for the relief of the Pope, which amounted to $2,000. The State of Jalapa continues in a very unsettled condition. Revolutions and counter revolutions are of almost daily occurrence. The Indian war rages with increased violence in Yucatan. Since the capture of Bacillar, the Indians have risen en masse. The whites seem paralized at their formidable appearance. The cholera is raging with dreadful The Common Schools. violence at Saltillo,—two hundred and eighty deaths having taken place in one MR. EDITOR Can you inform your readers why the female schools are not opened 1 The j day. Other accounts say that it was Turner, and not a third person, who stabbed Clay. 07 A Washington corressondent of the N. Y. Herald says that of the 900 Clinks in Wash ington 98 nre from Virginia; all bat seven or eight are from Eastern Virginia, and it is belie ved that nine-tenths of them are connected with the Rithie family! This may explain the daily assaults of the Union on the subject of remov al. male departments have now been in operation Large Arrival of Emigrants—Deaths for several weeks. I have been assured, by by Cholera. some of the Directors, that at least one female NEW YORK, June 28. teacher was employed ; and why is not that The ship Guy Mastering arrived this after school opened'? Are our daughters to be cheat- noon from Liverpool, with seven hundred and ed out of a part of the time I Tea months is a seventy-nine emigrant passengers. The G. M. long school session, no doubt! but the tax has had thirty-five deaths by cholera during the pas been laid, and the new administration have be- sage, and there are now seven lying sick with gan the work of improvement let it be faith- , the disease fully carried out. Let us have alt the schools open at once. There are plenty of teachers to be had, who will enter upon the duties without delay, and they should be employed, rather than the schools should be any longer closed to suit the convenience or caprice of any one,—if not I fear the people will become weary, at the slow progress of the reformation [CrHon. Calvin Blythe died in Fairfield Ad. am. county last week. FOREIGN NEWS. Arrival of the Hibernia The steamer Hibernia arrived at Halifax an the 27th inst. bringing seven days later news from Europe. We extract the following ithpor. tent items. INSIMIRECTION IN PARIS. Od Wednesday an incipient insurrection was attempted in Paris by about 25 ; 000 of the Mod!, tain party headed by M. Etrienne Arago, Jr., and was suppressed by the troops, whose num ber amounted to WOO, Several attempts were made to erect barricades. In the evening the Assembly declared itself en parmanance, and passed a decree, declaring, Paris in a State of seige. On Thursday the a larm had considerably subsided, and business which was entirely suspended the day previous, was generally resumed. At one time the peril was eminent, and noth ing but the courage and prudence of the Presi dent, aided by firmness nod sagacity prevented the most serious consequences. . . . Numerous arrests have taken place, including ssveral members of the Assembly, M. Arago and Ledru Rollin being among them. The last accounts report a state or tranquilli ty, but there was an uneasy feeling afloat that a renewed attempt would be made to upset the Government, and that when it comes to the point, the troops will not prove steady. ITALY-ATTACK ON THE CITY--THE CITY AT TACKED BY THE FICKSCH TROOPS-800 RO MANS KILLED-ROME STILL INVINCIBLE. From Rome we learn that the French army commenced the attack on the 30th inst., and that after a sanguinary engagement, in which the Ro mans lost 800 men—succeeded in carrying sev eral important posts. A series of attacks have since taken place, in which the victory is variously stated, but in which the invading army has suffered most. The French papers publish conflicting reports of the operations of the army but from accounts received to the sth inst., it is clear that General (Minot had not then gained access to the city, though he had gained a position at the north of Rome which would enable him to command the ! city. The latest despatch from Gen. Oudinot is to the 6th inst., at which time he opened his tren ches and had regularly besieged the city. There is no appearance of yielding on the part of the Romans, but on the contrary, every thing goes to confirm the belief that they would make a most determined resistance and fight to the last. All the Socialist or Red Republican Journals at Paris, except the National have been sup pressed since the disturbance on Wednesday. The city of Rheims is reported to be in full insurrection, and to have established a govern ment of Red Republicans !HOLE.. IN ENGLAND AND FRANCE. The cholere has again appeared in England, and several eases have occurred in Manchester, and other parts of the country. At Paris this disease is making the most fright ful havoc—even more so than in 1837. Upwards of 11,000 deaths have already occurred, and in one day there were about 000 cases and 600 deaths reported. Marshal Bugeand and many other persons of eminence have fallen before the scourge. It has broken out anew in Siberia, Vienna and Presbuag, and is raging most fearfully at Alex andria and Cario in Egypt. Kossuth has arrived it; Perth and has been re ceived in the capitol as President of the Hun garian republic. It would seem that hostilities are still carried on in the South between the Hungarians and the scattered remains of the Austrian army, sup ported by the Russians, but the reports which reach us are so vague and contradictory, it is not deemed advisable to submit them by tele graph. PROCLAMATION FROM THE RUSSIAN GENARAL TO THE HUNGARIANS. The Russian General has issued a proclama tion to the Hungarians, the pith of which is, that if they do not lay down their arms and submit to their fate with a good grace, they will be made to feel the consequences of their presump tion. Every effort is being made to rouse the peo ple and the Magyar Government has ordered the clergymen to preach against the Russians. Important from Mexico. The present government is growing more un popular every day, and there is an increasing desire for the recall of Santa Anna. A large body of Indians, called Annexioniste, are mnrching towards Tampico. Don Augustine has been appointed Consul for New York. The inhabitants of Monterey have suffered terribly from Cholera. Father Mathew Arrived. New YORK, June 29 • The ship Ashburton, from Liverpool, having on board the great apostle of Temperance, the Rev. Theobold Mathew, has been telegraphed in the offing. Every preparation is being made to welcome the illustrious stranger. 7The New York and Erie rail road have contracted in England:or ten thousand tons of rail road iron. Under the tariff of '42 this iron would all have been made in Pennsylvania. ABCD From California. The recent arrival of steamers has furnish: the editors of bur leading pbblic journals wit: dozens of letters from the Gold Region. The stories in most cases are very similar, and yet it is curious to observe with what avidity every thing from California is sought for and perused. One of the latest letters says that the average price do llars Of o b ,r oa d r a d y in f g a ora nd : i ‘ n •a g s l h e in p g, is about ,,son.T seven hereis great scarcity of storage for goods. All the warehouses are idled [fp, and luege quantities of merchandize are heaped lip in extensive en closures uncovered. Many articles ate sold at the daily auctions which take place, at prices far below their cost at the place of exportation, merely to get them out of the way. There are in California men of all trades and professions, bat the physicians are most numerous. One may sit down in any place in San Franclsto, and he shall see a doctor pass by once a minute all day long. There are certainly twenty doc tors to one patient. Mechanics are also nu merous, but there are scarcely any engaged in their trades, except a few carpenters, who get $lO a day for their labor. Agricultere is en tirely abandoned. 'rhe ordinary occupations are gold-digging, trading, speculating and gambling. Town lots in San Francisco are held at $3,000 to $25,000. Several other townsohave been laid out, as Bon-, ecia, Stockton, Sacramento city, &c., and the lots are sold at very high prices. Titles are but little inquired into. There is no doubt that they are generally bad. The populat ion at the mines, Pays another let= ter, is composed of American emigrants, Tuna , way sailors, (from the vessels which have vis ited and ere in port at present,) Chiliuns, Pe ruvians, Mexicans, Sandwich Islanders, and more or less of the natives of all civilized coun tries upon the globe. In their habits and man ner of living there is great need of reform to insure health, comfort and safety to those who are well disposed already there and to those that are coming. A correspondent of the New York Tribune says : ig The quantity of gold at the mines, from what I have seen, I judge inexhaustible for the next twenty years, by a population of one mil lion of faithful diggers; but the labor you have to perform to get it, and the privation you have to undergo to reach here, and continue to under go while getting it, do not pay any industrious or business man in the States half enough for making the attempt, if successful in accumula ting as much as any one person has up to the present time, which is altogether chance, as you may work for days and weeks adjacent to those who are getting from one to two ounces daily, and sink holes ten feet square and four- teen feet deep through mud, water and rock, and yet be unable to get enough to pay for your board, exposed to the burning rays of a hot sun, and shut out from the air by the mountains by which you are enveloped." On the Stanislaus, the Chilenos and Pentanes outnumber the Americans. The Chilettos are ' most successful. They keep together, and when they find a rich deposit they assist each other in digging it; while the Americans,more avaricious keep their discoveries secret as long as possible. It is feared that trouble will occur on the Stanislaus during the summer, when tl.e Americans become strong. A correspondent of the New York Commer cial writes as follows 4 . Dinners at the hotels, I am told, are $2,50. Board and lodging in boarding houses is $3 a sin4le day, or $2,50 per day when more than a week. At hotels it is $lB per week. Washing is from $6 to $8 per dozen. The stories which, op to the time of my leaving NeW York, were told of gold, are vastly more than true. The half has not been told. While writing, Air. Rosa, a merehent here, has been showing me at table several large pieces, as taken from the mines, the largest weighing 6i lbs. I saw a man to-day who told ma he arrived from the mines two days previously, having been there just one year, and he brings home by the labor of his own Mines alone, and by mere digging, upwards of $20,000. Another man, a brother of Mr. Wetmore here, worked at the mines 50 days, and averaged above $5O per day. Many reports of wealth dug in a few days may be false, but that the gold is scattered through a region of three hundred miles or more is past a doubt. When the end will be seen, and what the result, time must determine. Mouite, June 27 Now a; to the climate (I speak of San Fran cisco only,) it is decidedly cold and uncomfort able without a fire. This causes almost univer sal disappointment to the new corners. To-dry is the sth, ti o'clock, A. M., thermometer 56 to 60, the sun out clear and pleasant, and no wind. It is the first time we have seen it so warm. Every afternoon a strong N. W. wind blows into the bay, which keeps it rather cool. Yesterday it was so all day, and the sun not to be seen. From all I can learn from those who have been here two years or more, and from my own short experience, it is safe to say that all who arrive here, in expectation of the Italian skies which all books have described as being here, will be awfully disappointed. Still, all say that the past few months have been colder than ever before known here." The process of digging is described as very arduous, about equal to canal or grave-digging. None but hale, hearty, indefatigable men can stand it. There is much sickness at the placers produced by the hard work and exposure. A correspondent of the New York Courier, who seems to have been disappointed somewhat in his expectations, writes: If any suppose that gold can be produced without labor, and that of the severest kind, they are, I assure you, very much mistaken— Why, laying water or gas pipes in the streets of New York is hot half as toilsome work.— No man should come to this country with the expectat'on of making his fortune at the mines by getting out gold, but such a one as feels fully able to dig about a half a dozen graves a day, taking a cold bath every fifteen or twenty min utes during his work, and whilst in a profuse persp , ration, and that without injury to the constitution. It would not be a bad plan to practice this, for a month or two, on the banks of some river, before leaving the United States." COFFEE A DISINFECTANT. -It may be well to remind people, in these times, that the odor of roasting coffee is the most powerful disinfecting agent. Take a red hot shovel with a few kern• ala of coffee upon it, and it will remove entirely the most offenrive odor arising from decaying animal or vegetable matter, or from any other source; a fact worth knowing where the cholera prevail.. 1 I.