Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 26, 1849, Image 4

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    Letter to Country Girls.
1 Try tt on Him. IU CD c ILI 3 Li 3nEl I Wm. T. WALTIIIIII. CnAlttfis HARVEY.
Mrs. Swisshelm, in a late number of, The Knickerbocker tells an excellent Of Partition and Valuation of the Real Estate'
the "Saturday Visiter," has the follow- ' story of Burchard, the revivalist; not of of Nathaniel Wilson, Esq.; late ol Barree t o w n . i
ship, Huntingdon county i I
ing letter to country girls. She talks I him exactly '.ither, but Or what happen-
Norms is hereby given to the heirsand legit
"right out" to them : ! ed at the Ouse of one of his meetings.
epreentaiea, of Nathaniel Wilson, Esq.
You know I said I could quilt almost He was in the habit of nddressing his late of Barree township, I luntingdon county: i
as f ast as t wo o f ytitt. The reason ia, I congregation on this wise. and sli others interested, that by virtue of . it
take care of me hands One half of you : ' , I am now going to pray, and I Mint i writ of Partition and Valuation, issued ob i of!
are too proud iO do this. You would Intl that desire to be prayed for, or have the Orphans' Court of said county, and to me
value and appraise, all that certain real I
not be caught potting a glove on to :Pay of their friends who are to be absent
iliye or cted , 1 will hold An linitletit to part and di.
sweep, or hoe, or Weed itt the garden, , prayed for, to send up their mimes on a r e;
Estate, tract or plantatio
Da land,
because it would look as if you watited pinve of paper." Barre° township, Huntingdon county,
don coun situate in
ty. contain
to be fine ladies. If you see any one , On the occasion to which et refer, ing about three hundred and thirty-five erica, l
take care of her hands, or careful to ' there was at once sent up to the desk and Adjoining lands of William Oaks, Robert !
we ar a sun-bonnet to preserve her coin- quite a number of little slips of paper 71 ossey . Daniel Marary, William Johnsto n , the 1
plesion, you say she is "proud and stuck with the names of persona on whose ivies of Thomas Fell, dee'd., and °them, hay
up." But it is you who are proud. You behalf he wits to "w ti thereon erected three horses—one large stone
restle," as he said -
;we., and two email tenant houses and Bank
have an idea you look welt enough at any with "the A I inighty." A pause soon en- lia•n, on the premises on Weill-48day the 27‘11
rate. So you just snake yourself no st (el, when lie said, "Send 'ens tip! I can day !of June 1849, at which time arid place till
rough and coarse as ever yon can, by . pray for five hundred just as easy as I p•rsoiiii Idterested may attend if they t hins
way of being. independent. Yoe'. Lends emi for a dozen: Send 'ern up! if you Pine ,
row stiff and hard as if you held a lia'reiN ally paper get up end nettle the
g asstay 15. 1649.6 t. Sheriff.
plough and swung a scythe, and when friend you want prayed for." At this
you take a needle you eat' scarcely feel singe Oziel Biggs, IA stalwart person of
:1.,J. ,- .E. , -.) ••, a ::.of
1t i n your fingers,—This is wrong,. six feet rind a half in his stockings, a Of Partition and Valuation of the R e al E ;; ;0 0
There are many things which women' notorious unbeliever and a confirmed , of Dante! Kur titian, late of Union tom nsltil,
i l i l i t. , i e r t i ,, i
s i i t i , „ i d o i l: , 0 C , 1. 1 1/ , lli y . ,
t t u le e c o 'd i .,. acrd
L ti , : f il
i ll ,ar o tit c i a
ought to do,Which re q lire t uric hands to Iraq to boot, rose iii the midst of the
be soft and pliable, arid they should Ite eong,regation, a mark for all amidst the . 'I , Motion, iss Y ti v e l d r uOt Of the Orphans ( I t i t ' t ( i ' l l :
allo .a
careful to keep them so, in order to make winks and the becks, and smiles of the of raid NitittlYi and to me directed, i wilt hold
them useful. Every woman who lives auditory, said : an Inquest to part and divide or value and a l t.
in the c.ountry should knit herself a pair I "Mr. Burchard, I want you to pray fur , praise all that certain tract, piece or parcel oi
of woollen gloves, with long lingers clo- I Jim Thompson. I land, situnte in ( .1. township, Huntingdon
seaat the trips—snot ants, to let the fin- i The reverend petitioner snw front the county, adjoining 'antis of Lewis Ste, er, Philip
a n d mired Kurfnian and Pelt r Ku r rill I I,
gers get hart . There should he A piece excitement itt the audience, that Oziel and Shirley. Knob, con tniiiihg about two '
of ribbed work at the wrist to meke them Biggs was a "hard ease." ! died and sixty acres or ilteeraltouts, being tl c
stay on. When you use your hoe, rake • "What is your name, eirl and who is farm upon which the said Daniel Kurfman 1,-
Or broom, put on a
. your gloves—when lir. Thompson!" sided at the time of his death—on the premise,.
you take bold of skillet, put s or kettle "It's Jim 'Thompson ;he keeps a Lev-
on Friday the 20th filly, A.D. 1849, at which
i i i i. m i c ho a y nd
th p i l t a ik ee
prayer. rsons
handle, take a cloth to keep your hands ern down in Thompstreville, nod l keep
from being Iterdened.—When you wash a public house, n little below him. He Al An' iiE W CROWNOVER,
(-holies or dishes, do not have water so is an infernal scoundrel, and I want you May 15, 1849 Gt. Sheriff,
hot as to feel unpleasant. Many girls to give him a lift."
scald their hands until they can pot "13tit, said lir. Burchard, "have you 11VC—D St. - Ichm 1. - ..? M
Huntingdon County Ss
them in water almost boiling. Such faith in the ef fi cacy of prayerl Do you ,
: ss , .. Thu Onninton ' wealth or pernuoyl.
hands are unfit to use a needle or it pin, , believe in the power of pet itionl" •ii ..; vania, to Robert Molson, late of the
'1 hey are nut so good to hold a baby or, , "That's neither here nor there," re- . i %. ~ county of Huntingdon'. Greeting:
dress a eound. Take care of your upended Oztel, "I want you to try it on :, 4',.. 1 , —NA hereaa, Rachel P. Madsen, by
hands, and do not forget. your faces, t him!" , ' , • her father and next friend, Nathan
• •
have seen many country girls who at Scofield, did on the 24th day of November last,
sixteen had complexions like alabaster, . COLD WATER. past, prefer her petition to out Judges of the
Court of Common Pleas of said county, at a
and at twenty.six their faces would look Last summer (says the New York Court held at Huntingdon in and for said ceun
like a runnet bog that had hung six Evening Post) an Irish girl, on Long Is- iy, playing that for the causes the ein set forth,
weeks in the chimney corner, land, attacked with fever and ague after Are might be divorced from the bonds of matri-
One reason of this is, they do not being two or three times cured as it wa s moray entered into with you the said Hol T .i ;
therefore command you as you were
wear a bonnet to protect them from the called, by quinine, impatient at the doob
ortrnell:fore commandc, that. alining aside side all
sun. Another reason is, the habit of ba- I stinate recurrence of the disot der ; ran: other business and excuses whatsoev g er! gnu le
king theme feces before a wood fire. 1, in the height of the fever, and jumped : and appear in your proper person before our
have seen women stand before a great into a mill pond with her Clothes ote she ,lodges at Huntingdon at a ( ourt of Cowmen
roasting fire and cook, until 1 thought : came out cured, the disorder never re- Pleas there to be held for said county, on the 211
their brains were as well stewed as the turned, An Ohio practioner of the Monday of August next to answer the petition
chickens; and they would get so used to' tonne of etfok, adopts a similar prectiez; or . [met of . the sail R t a l c ie he . l . , i a d m il l
, t: h s e l l iew canoe
it that they would snake no attempt to t tir readers are aware that with the ,
sl:ti n t Y ri Y l ci r not be diver y ced from the bond 3 o7 u i r na I ri
shield their heads from the heat. Nay, learned it is culled hydropathy. The many, agreeably to Menet of Assembly, in such
they will set down in the evening, and editor of the Lafayette Daily Journal cases made and provided. And hereof you are
bake their faces by the hour; and this it thus describes the method in his own not to fail. whiles. the Hon. George Taylor,
one of the reasons why American wo. case. , President of our said Court at Huntingdon, the
13th day of April A .D. 1849.
men grow old, withered and wrinkled fif- "He literally drngged me from my THE 0.11. C REMER, Pro'ty,
teen years before their time. But an- ! bed, forced me under a showsrbath while A pril 24, 1849.
other did the greatest reason is your di- the chill was on me, ivy lips, nose, and
et. People in this country live too well fingers purple; my teeth chattering, end , s Allegliany House,
aid eat too much hot bread and meat. my whole convulsed body giving r en .;,, No. 280 Market Street, above Eighth,
Country people usually eat richer food , ble evidence of the severe nature of the (South side,)
than those in the cities, and that is the malady. There he held me, changing r , HIS large and splendid Hotel has been fit',
reason why, with all their fresh air their ray positions tinder the drip for more E I_ niched with entire new furniture: The liar
average age is little greater than that of than a minute—and the chill seas' gone! . Room is the largest in Philadelphia. The Par
city folks. Thousands of beautiful It wns the second, and of congestive type tors and sitting-Rooms are entirely separated
from the noise and hustle, conseq e uent to the in
blooming country girls, make old sal. ' that I had in the space of five hours.
low-faced women of themselves before ; Next he put me nutter warm blankets.
h d e ep w a i r i t o u l r e e fr o o f n
( . 0 7. 'l
, h
, it itou
ie Portico
affords e%
they are thirty, by drinking coffee, sine- i I slept for over an hour. Finding the .01 retreat in warm weather, and a' splendid
king tobacco, and eating hot bread. fever to be consuming me, lie lignin poi. view of the greatest thoroughfare in the City
They shorten their lives by these practi. led me out of bed, and forced me a sec- The Lodging Rooms are well furnished. The
cos about as notch as city ladies by their ; and time under the bath. In less than Table es well provided for as at any other Hotel,
fashionable follies. Ido not know what ' five minutes all traces of the fever had with every attention of the mahripers to market
t d h u e ri l n ie:t ib l- , lr t te . l in for in lVl t e h r o chi;? , t; an r l: ; t e tts t i c ti r e: , ?l , e i n o
you think about it girls, but I think it is disappeared ;
as much of a sin for women to get old :nt fi rst been horrible beyond description, 'be one donor p e r day, on the arrival of w ill
brown, withered faces, by eating too became delightful ; and I could have , C urs front the Weal, a Porter w ilt be in Hit,nd.
much, as it is for men to get red noses stood under it for hours, wooing thE . , an. to convey hoggage,&e. to the Hotel,which
by drinking too much. Very few peo. , droppings of its congeninl waters. 1I is "kilning the depot,
pie think it a disgrace to have a bilious came out a restored man." ; Feb. 13, 1840-6 m.
fever but I would just as leave the doctor'
M s & J. M. ROWE,
would tell me I was drunk es that I was . GREAT Hostoe.—One of the sons of Broom and Wooden ware Store,
bilious. The one would come Crum , Pintos lying on his death-bed, and wish- No, 63 North Third Street, ore door above Arch
drinking too much, the other from eat- I ing to reward a faithful black, called East Side,
ing too much ; and where is the differ...! hint into his room and thus addressed
ence 1 All this is a serious nuttier. for' him : I Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in all
it affects health and life ; and the reason "Cato, to reward your long and faith- kinds of liroomm, Brushes, Duckrts.Cedar
why I talk about your complexions in ful services, I have remembered you in Ware, Widow end French Baskets,
speaking of it is, that everybody loves', my will," Shoe and Wall Brushes, Semite,
Duster., Mats, Blacking,
to look well, whether they will acknowl- "Berry well, massa," replies Cuffee, Eastern-made Woiiden were
edge it or not. Now, people cannot look : (his eyes brightened with the hope of of every de et iption, &c., at the tow.
well unless they are well ; and no one ' receiving a considerable sum of money,) cot market prires. Cash paid for Broom Corn
can be well very long who does not try "ate berry glad massa tink ob poor MANLY Rowg• JOHN. M, ROWE.
to take care of herself. The woman Cuff." ',touch 20, 1849-3 m.
who roasts her head at the fire, disorders "I intend you a great honor," contin- ALEXANDRIA.
her blood, briegs on headaches, injures 1 tech mater, his maer, "I mean to have you
her health, and makes her face look like interred by my side in the family FOE . ND 11 Y.
apiece of leather; when she swallows . tomb."
min subscriber respectfully announces to the
hot coffee, hot bread, greasy' victuals "Oh, mason," replies Coffee,"Me no 1_ public that he is prepared to du work of all
and strong pickles she destroys her sto. like dat—fifty dollars better for the; kindsr . connected with the Foundry busineas, in
mach, rots her teeth, shortens her life, and some dark night de debil come look I the heat manner, and on the most reasonable
and makes herself too ugly for any use, ' for tnassa, p , erlistps he take poor Cuffee terms. has canatantly on hand wagon boxes,
• except searing the crows oil the corn. 'in mistake.' plough. and plough castings, hollow ware, and
J. G. S. stoves of various kind,' and sixes. The cooking
Love OF CHILDEEN.—TeII me not of stoves which be manufacturesare inferior tontine
re An odd clergyman, preaching be- the trim, precisely arranged homes in the country, and are warranted to perform
fore some of the American army at Cor- where there are no children; .where,' as the various operations of cooking and baking in
pus Christi, made use of these remarks: i the good German has it, 'the fly traps I a manner equal to any, and superior to most.-
-" Ten thousand dollars is a sum large always hang straight on the wall'—tell 1 c i t o h : l s tiri:eh'itins., c l alculaied lo d e eithe r r n :t
to us ; yet what would it profit 1 You me not of the never disturbed nights i wood an d parlor staves, which for patte rns
cannot terry it out of the world. Then and days; of the tranquil, unanxious ;excellence cannot be excelled. Also, stoves for
what would you do with it, or you, or i hearts, where children are not ! I care I offices. shops, &c., such as egg stoves, cannon
you, or you 1" pointing with as orator'• not for these things. God sends child. stoves,and others. lie invites persons desitous
ea flourish at each repetition to differ- I rem for another purpose than merely to of purchasing to give him a . I, as he is drier-
Lics“ogbotaoid tad nn
at article n and a t
place. at low
ent individuttle before him. At !eight keep tip the race—to enlarge our hearts, r iined to
n sell
be ari
an old stager, well known to the Corpus' to make us unitelfish, and full of kindly rice ' WILLIQA y
NI ut G h t e t r AF Pl, Fliie,
Christi army, Judge Hays, could con- sympathies and affections; to give our May 8, 1846-Iy.
join himself no longer when the finger I souls higher aims, and to call out our --
pointed nt him, and in the momentary faculties to enterprise and exertion ; to
pause succeeding the searching goes- bring round our fireside bright fares Drs. Neff & Hitter
tion, the Judse broke the solenin silence and happy smiles, and loving, tender RESPECTFI7LLY inform the citizens Of
by answering its a loud, shrill toner hearts. My soul blesses the Great Pa • Ii Huntingdon and vicinity, that they have
5 . Lay it out in males!" " Shall I oh- ther every day, that he has gladdened fitted up a room in the S. E. corner of John
ston's Hotel (enterance through Neff & Bro's
tempt," says e narrator ; " ho portray . the earth with little children. Jewelry store) where they will take ; .rent pleat.-
the effect 1" The nedience wasconvul- : tire in attending to all who may favor them with
zed,—Knickerbocker. ; CUT vol Cur.—The poor doctors get a call.
"Cut up" most unmercifully. The fol. rtifielal Teeth
---- / -"What is the difference between ' o f all kinds , mounted on the most improved
i lowing is a recent epigram on a Dr. B.
experimental and practical philosophy ) "modern style: Also, plugging, filing and clean
'.'Experimental philosophy is your as. , Pray Heaven will be forgiven; : Ma done with care and neatness.
Such vin is on his head t N. B. Teeth Extracted with all the ease and
king me to lend you a dollar—practical' For he cut us down when living, , dispatch that modern science can !furnish.—
philosophy is my telling you I won't." . And cuts us up when dead. ! Charges moderate..
Wallerm & Ilsirs
p .ato I-Inzlehurst de Ilarvey]
Produce and General Commiebion Merchants,
Nos. 15 & 16 Spear's Wharf,
Liberal Cosh advances mode un consignments
of all kinds of Produce.
April 3,1649-3 m,
Noe. 32 and 33 . Areado. and 83 . North Third St.,
COUNTRY Merchants con save from 10 to 15
per cent by purchasing at the filmic stores
By importing my otvti goods, pig but Mo o
rent, and living economically. it it plain 1 cati un
dersell those who
, Purchase their goods hoe, y
high rents, and live !Ike prince,
Constantly on hand. a large assortment of Pen
and Pocket Knives :Scissors and Razors, Table
Knives and Forks, in Ivory, Stag. Buffalo. Done
and Wood handles; Carvers and . Forks. Steels,
&P. Dutcher Kttive, Dirk, Bowie Knives, Re.
volving and Plain Pistols. ezr. Jut.t reeei,il.l.
large stork of Rodeerr' an l Wurtenliolm'a line
Pen and Congress Knives.
Also, a large assortment of Acrordeont, dcr.,
Al s o, Fine Twist and German
3011 N M. COLEMAN.
nz c.
J 11.0 033 I4NYDEIIt.
respectfully inform his old flienils and
t c Public gprierally that be hos resumed busi
ness as MERCHANVFAILOR, in the room
nextrioor to C. Couts' Hotel, formerly occupied
by the (Hobe Printing office, Huntingdon, Pa.
lie hae just received from Philadelphia a
splendid assottment of t. LUTES, c Asst.
I‘IERS and V ISSTINGS of the beet finish which
Ire is prepared to make up to order at prices that
cannot fail to suit the views of all, A perfect
lit will in all cares be guaranteed.
Work will also he done for those who prefer
putehasine their cloth elsewhere.
May 1,1849
ITZW 40T.A.8:.102-11ZZINT.
Saddle & Harness
Reepebtfully Wolfte the public, that he has
commenced business for himself in the room
lately occupied it) , F. Krell nearly opposite the
Post 011 ire, in Main Street, Iluntingdon, Pa.
All kinds of Harness and Saddles wi I be rnan•
fictured on the shortest notice, of the best mate
rink. and as cheap as can he had at any other
establishment in the county.
HO respectfully csks a share of public patron
age. 141sy 1. 1849.
The undersigned has just returned.
from Philadelphia; with a large and very
superior assortment of Clocks, Watches,
Jewelry and Fancy Goods, which he is
enabled to sell
20 per Cent. Cheaper
than heretofore! Persons wishing to
purchase are invited to call and satisfy
themselves of this fact.
IL7- Particular attention will be paid
to the repairing of all kinds of Watches,
Clocks and Jewelry. An experienced
workman from one of the eastern cities
will be constantly employed for this
did gold and silver bought and ex
changed for which the highest price will
be allowed.
Huntingdon, April 17, 1849.
" Beat the Hall of Fashion" who
Can I
No. 1, Corner Room of Snare's Row, opposite
• John Whit taker's Tavern, Huntingdon, I'a.
The undersigned thankful for post faVers, in
form their customer. and the public generally
that they hove just received front the city, the
largest, cheapest and most splendid assortment
Iltendy-Made Clothing,
ever brought to Huntingdon. 'I heir stork con
sists of Dress end Frock Costs,`arks cud Busi
ness Coats, Pantaloons and Vests of every style
and description suited to the season—warranted
well made and fashionably cut. A splendid as
sortment of B'eached Muslin and Linen Shirts
and Plaited BOSOM. Cotton, worsted and
woolen short Stockings; Suspenders and Hand
kerchiefs. A genteel suit of clothes for almost
Nev styles of Hats and Caps, Hoots & Shoes,
Umbrellas, &c., a'l of which will he sold at the
lowest prices. Please cad and examine before
purchasing elsewhere.
B. & W. SNARE.
Buntingilon, April 3, 1.49.
Spring Millinery Goods.
John Stone & Sons,
Silks, Ribbons and Millinery Goods,
No. 45 south Second Street. above Chesnut
vTouLD call the attention of Merchants anti
A Milliners visiting the city, to their large
and rich assortment of
spring Millinery Goods,
Received by late arrivals from France, such as
Glace Stilts fur casing bonnets,
Fancy Bonnet and I. ap Ril.benv—a large and
beautiful cssornuent of all pricer;
Plain Mantua and Satin Ribbons, front No. 1
to No. 12;
French and American Artificial Flowers, (in
great variety) ;
Colored arid Whitt Crepes;
Fancy Laces and Nets;
French Chip Hats;
Face Trin minus—Quillingi ;
Buck ratris—W i How ;
Bonnet Crowns and Tips,
Together with every article appertaining to the
Millinery trade.
, March 27,1849.
The Girard Life insurance Annuity and 1 Worsdell's Vegetable Restorative Pilla
Trust Company of l'lthilatlelpliia.i i AYE been gruduslly but sorely coming into
1 1l favor, among the families of this Country for
Office No. 159 Chestnut street.
some years pest They have done this entirely
Capital 0300,000. I through their great worth era FAMILY Mk ti.
, WINE. Agencies have been appointed but no
' putting and humbug each as is resorted to hy.
f CONTINUE to make Insurances on Lives on
quacks to tell their medicine lies been done.
the must favorable Jenne, receive and execute ,
'hosts and receive del:leeks WI interest. pills are offered fat sale mid hove and will
continue to be sold by all the principle store.
The Cr pluil tieing paid up and invested, 1.- I keepers. The proprietors claim for their Medi
cine the with accumulated premium fund, affords
cine the following edvantages over all others.,
a perfect security to to the intured. The pro- ' viz: They am PURELY YFGETABLE.—•
!warm rosy lie Raid in yearly, half yearly, or Thai ere CERTAIN '1 0 OPERATE. Their
quarterly paymenb.
' . ! operation is FREE from all PAIN. They can
The Company add a BONUS startled
ads to the insurances fin life. This plan of in-
P"' - Ito used with EQUAL liENEFI'I' by the y ouns.
surancU is the most approved of, and is more, Their efficiency in Fevets, Ague, Headaches,
P la_ r a_ ilY t_ i" u"' than a" other in Uri" Britain, : Habitual Costiveness, Dyspepsia, C bolero Mop,
(where t he subject is best untteratood ey therm, bun, &c.. I nn , b een proven upon thousande.—.
pie, and where they
noari had the longest ax P r- I They area Contain Core for Worms. The pro
rience,) as appears from the net, diet :tut of 117 1 , fliator. , posaaaa
caniikaie ham . g,f ,t /,,,,.! , i n,
Life insurance Companies there, of all kinds, 87 ! '
i St. Louts who wen cured eta TAPE WORM by
are on this p'an.
The first BONUS misappropriated in Deem- the use of them. Try them they will not foil.
1 Travel ling her 1844, amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum , nit—, cos Ear I'.
agent for the Stale of Flimsy Iva
AIRE', For cola, price 25.
ilii""`„,l under rho oldest 1 °116 " m „ 1 " 8 3 : 4 P ar l cents a box containing FIFTY PILLS, with full,
re a l - ' 1 . 2 ? or tent,' ti c. ''''''' on o thers. in pen- ! ditections by the following agents in Huntingtlch
portion to the time of standing, making 1111 utidi. , Coo
tine of $ 100; $87.,50; $75, &c. &c. to every I I. ',am.. Read
& eon. Huntingdon.
1,000, originally insured, which is an average of I
7'homas E. Orbison, Orbisonin.
more thin
,60 per cent. at the premiums paid, i ~ t . M. Lindsey , F 6 ii r doi ,,,, irg . , phi, Co.
and without increasing the Minitel payment or i A. WEEKS & Co.
the comp:toy. . , ~ .
Laboratory Ne. 141 Chesnut strecir,
The °Reunion of thi, BONUS will be seen Iry . 1 l' "P riethrx '
4 1 Philadellinitt.
the billowing examplt s front the Life insurance . i
, anuary 23. 1849—'4.
Register of the Company, thus: I
Donna or bonus payable -
'' Ineured. Addition. at the party's .•
itlecoase. TAKES this method of informing ban old ClIF;
1. tumors and the public generally that slip
No. sti Sumo() ($1.100.00 has leased the large and commodious tiouto ak
89 2,500 250.00 2,750.00 Allegheny street, liunlingeon, Pa. ; Shown la
205 4,000 400.00 1 4,400,00 the
~, 2762 000 175.00 I 2,175,00
333 5,000 437,50 I 5,437,50
- ± occupied for several years by Mrs. E. Clarke,
Pamphlets containing the table of rates end and lately by John Marko, as a public house.—
explanations of tilt:subject ; forms of application She will be found there on and after the Ist of
and further information can be had at the face. April, 1140, prepared to accommodate all who
gratis, in person or by letter, addressed to tali M.. 4 .y fiVor her with a call in a mann er that can.
Pi esident or Actuary. not be surpassed by any other house ill the
!B W. RICHARDS, President. county.
J N 0. r. JAMES, Actuary.
• 'r ...e.r L... M. qa 3 .dia.a:3l7._ - _ t-1 9 -M a
MO , 8, 1848.-ly
will always be furnished with the very brat that
Gli I; E.1',1 the market will afford. In abort, nothing will
OXYGEN be left undone that will in any way add to the
ATED comfort of her cuatorners, es she is determined
nu cribs, . not .o be beat.
The location of the "Mansion House" is de-
FOR THE CURE OF ' cidedly the best in the borough; the rooms are
DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, large, will be well furnished, and made coMfort
able in every particular.
&C., Sze., Szg. Regular boarders will he accommodated at
moderate prices.
March 20,1849.
This medicine is on excellent tonic. It im
parts health and vigor to the digestive organs and
thus strengthens the whole system. Hence it is
just the thing for riming. when so many need
something strengthening. Let every one rend
the following cases, and if you have one or more
symptoms like those mectioned, don't fail to try
this invaluable medicine.
Severe Case of Dyspepsia.
From R. P. STOW, Esq., Asst. Clerk
U. S. House Representatives.
Wallin , D. C., June 15,1846.
VII. 800. B. GREEN .--Deer Sir—l feel it not
only a pleaeut e, but 8(114, to make known to
you and to the public, (if you desire it.) the sue-
prising etrects of the Oxygenated Bitters," in
relieving toe from that most discouraging disor
der, Dyspepsia. I have been afflicted for about
seventeen years with the usual attendant symp
toms, viz: constipation of the bowels, headache,
pain in the chest, flatulence acidity of the stoni
ach, and severe nausea ; and for months at a time
not the least particle of moisture would appear
on the surface of the chest or limbs, and moot
of the time I was extremely bilious. I have used
various remedies, have been strict in my diet,
have been dosed with enlomel and emetics day
after day by physicians, but all to no good pur
pose. nearing of the wonderful effects of the
Oxygenated Bitters," in the cure of Dyspepsia,
I procured some as a last resort have used four
bottles of the medici; e, and find the bad synip+
toms all removed, and myself once more in the
enjoyment of health. None but the Dyspeptic
sullioer, who has felt a' l the horrors of the dis
ease, can at all appreciate the value of the medi
elm•. I 'oust sincerely hope that all will make
trial of the medicine, end with mo be able to re.
Ow in the return of health.
Lady Cured of Neuralgia
Front Pet. TH0.711,1S BIDDER, of
WINDSOR, Vt., Aug. 8,1846,
Dean Sin :—lt gives rrie great pleasure to in
form you that the Oxygenated Bitters," with
which you furnished my wife, has wrought a
cure in her ease. About two years since. my
wife was violently attacked with neutalgin in
the face, thrilugh the chest, in the wrists and
ankles. So violent was the disease, added to a
general derangement of the female cynical, that
her strength was completely prostrated, her flesh
wasted, and she rendered miserable indeed. I
feel grateful for the restoration of her health. and
in duty bound to give puldicity to the above
facts, that others similarly afflicted may know
where to seek for cure. Truly your friend,
of Mass.
°For some twenty years I had suffered severe•
ly from humored Asthma. I was compelled to
sit up one-third of the night. and the rest of the
litre my sleep was interrupted by violent fits of
coughing and great dillies by of breathing. In
all my attendance upon our courts I never went,
to bed ill Northampton in twenty years but twice,'
mod then was compelled to get up. Now I lie
its bed without diflieulty, and sleep soundly. I
took the Oxygenated Bitters," Recording to
directions. The violent symptoms immediately
abated, and perseverance to the use of U e trin
e& hes removed' all its troublesome conseqinm
ces. The value of such a remedy is incalculable,
and I hope its virtues may be idely diffused and
its beneficent agency extensively employed."
Guuer & FLrecif sa. Generic!' Agents. No. 26,
South r-ixth St, Philadelphia.
Sold wholesale and retail by Timm lizAn &
Sox, Huntingdon, Pa.
Price—sl.oo per bottle: six bottles
for 4351.00.
May 8. 1849.
Warranted GOLD PENS, with silver
handles, can be had at SCOTT'S Cheap
Jewelry Store, for $1.25 Other Gold
Pens, without handles, for 75 cents.
April 17, 1849.
THE subscribers, residents of Shade
Gap, Huntingdon county, Pa., beg
leave to inform their friends and the pub
lic generally, that they have established
at the place above mentioned, a BOARD
ING SCHOOL for the education of
young men.
The course of instruction comprises,
in addition to the usual branches of a
common English education: Philosophy,
Mathematics, and the Latin and Greek
' languages. The location is distinguished
for its healthfulness and the moral and
religious character of the surrounding
community Every attention tviil be
paid to the health and morals of the pu-
Os as well as to their mental training
and advancement in scientific knowl
i edge, and every facility will be afforded
for their personal comfort and conveni
ence. The year is divided into two ses
sions of five months each i the winter
session commencing on the Ist of No
vember, and the Summer session com•
morning on the 23rd of April.
Terms per Session :—For Orthegra
phy, Reading and Writing, $5. Arith
metic, Geography, Grammar, Philoso
phy, History and composition, sB.
' Mathematics, Greek and Latin lan-
I pages, $ 2. Boarding, exclusive of
fuel and light, $1.25 per week. Instruc
, lion given in French and German, at an
additional charge. The subscribers, en
couraged by the liberal l'ultromige which
they have already received, would re
• j peat, that they are determihed to spare
' no effort in making the institution one
that will cominend itself tb all parents
, who desire to give their eons a thorough
i l preparatory education, with Out expo
, sing them to the contaminating- and im
i moral influences that exist in more pop
i ulous communities. For reference or
i further particulars address
J. 11. W. McGINNES.
Shade Gap, March 13, 181,9.
The " old Loeorat Coniceft
Fisher, Incalurtrio di co.,
HAVE just received a large cud splendid es
sortraer.t of
which they ore as usual, /11 extremely
low profits. Their clock consists of a general
assortment, adapted to the Wants of silt• Sea
sonable DRESS GOODS for Ladies arid den ,
tlemen ; READY-M \DE CLOTH Motif
nets, fiats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hardware:.
Groceries, &c. In short, the , t OLD Loaurr
CORNER" continues to be the
where every thing useful end oi n tment■!, can
ho had, better and cheaper, than can be procu- -
red elsewhere. Their motto is " Quick Kali.'
and Profits." All who desire to supply
themselves with good goods, at low price., will'
give them a cell.
blench 21,1849.
Administrators' Notice.
Estate of WILLIam W a RD, late of
Walker township, cloc'd.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad ,
ministration en said Estate, ha, e been granted to.
the undersianed. Persons indebted to the tame,
are requested to make payment, and those having
claims or demands against the 6111110, to presensi
them duly authenticated for aettlement.
May 22, 1842.