Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 26, 1849, Image 1

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    ' I
No Night but has its !Rolm:
There are times of deepest sorrow,
When the heart feels lone and sad
TiMes when momory's spells of magic
Have in gloom the spirit clad.
Wouldst thou Lave a wand all potent,
To illumine life's darkest night /
4 Tts the thought that e'er in nature
Darkest hours precede the light.
When the world, cold, dark and selfish,
Frowns upon the feeble flame,
Lighted from the torch of genius,
Worth has kindled round thy name :
When thy fondest hopes are blighted,
And thy dearest prospects fade,
Think, oh lone one, scorned and slighted—
Sunshine ever follows shade.
A Patriotic Song for California.
A yonnggentleman, poetically inclined, has
attempted to write a poem on the California ex
pedition. He got to the end of four lines, end
there stopped :
Ye sons of freedom who would shine
On history's brightest story,
Coma join with us mid take the line
That leads to Californey.
N: Y. Day Book
There's numerous ways if getting there,
By ship, or mule, or wagdn;
Then haste while life has days to spare,
And wealth has joys to brag on.
Troy Post.
And when we touch the promised .land,'
We'll hasten to the "diggms,"
And scratch away among the sand;
The biggest of the "big tins."
Toledo Republican.
And when we get our pockets full
Of this brizht shinin' dust,
We'll travel straight for home again,
And spend it on a “Bust."
Sandusky Clarion
And when wer'e busted upend dead,
Laid out upon the counter,
They'll raise a guide board at our head
To tell where all arc gone-ter !
Seiotrs Gaz.
Yea wiser men will make your graves—
And all your gold fall heir to,
And eay-"poor fools, they're broke and goal
W 6 know aot , - - eure not—where to."
Franklin Tan. I:etiew.
A recent powerful Writer; on the
"Wants and Prospects of our Country," ,
in appealing to Patriots, Politicians and
Christians. to do their duty and aid the
benevolent enterprises of the day, after
giving many reasons and stating many
evils, enlarges as follows on "the free
circulation and perusal of a corrupt liter
ature." Add to this the infamous issues
of the periodical press, doing the mis
erable work of scavengers of the po , ice
o:fice, or openly desecrating the Sabbath ;
or pandering to the worst passions or
busy in undermining the Gospel. Of
the extent of such issues few are aware.
The statement of a respectuble English
writer, that 10,400,000 copies of "infi
del or polluting', newspaper sheets are
circulated in the British realms, besides
tnore than 18,000,000 sheets manilestly
pernicious, 'is enough,' says an author
who quotes from the "Power of the
Press," any thing can do it, to send a
thrill of horror through the whole nation,
and to rouse into activity every Friend of
his Bible, his Country, and his God. But
is there not ground for apprehension,
that with the greater number of readers
and the cheaper rate at which papers cir
culate in America, a much greater num
ber of demoralizing papers are issue I
here than in Great Britain. Nearly
seventy millions of newspaper-sheets
are published annually in a single city.
Grant that the influence of four-fifths of
them all is on the side of good morals
and religion, and it would leave a resi
dam of evil equalling one-half the com
bined circulation of ail the corrupt prep,
ass of England, Scotland and Ireland.
Bet is this not too much to grant when
2,'/96,000 papers, or nearly a twentieth
part of the whole number are issued on
the Sabbath, and other periodicals leav
hig each a total circulation of from 200-
°Rote 1,000,000 annually, are filled with
trash or porutionl
The effects of such a wide;spretid df
tnsinn of corrupting publications cannot
be otherwise than disasterous. They
are a blight on public morals and private
virtue. Parental authority is weakened;
the itnaginntion is unduly developed ;
habits of mental ihtoxication are forme";
every-day duties are neglected; a disrel- -
ish for sober, solid reading is ingender
ed; religious books, and even the Bible
are slighted; the Gospel is undermined ;
the Spirit of God is grieved, and many,
Very many souls destroyed; The pro
cess is secret and unobserved, but none
the less certain. Here and there the
poison can be found beside the victim.
Instance that youth (Spencrs) of respec
table parentage and refined education,
who turned away from a revival of reli
gion ; his convictions dissipated ; and his
course of desperate wickedness, which.
ended at the yard-arm, chosen under the
fascinations of the "Pirate's own Book."
Or the case of the young burglar of six
teen who stole away front a kind parental
roof and was caught in the vaults of a
government-office with the implements
of his unrighteous craft ; and nn his
person the Memoirs of notorious villians,
detailing the process of successful
house-breaking. And who has forgot
ten that tale of passion and crime, invol
ving the life and the peace of parties
high in public confidence ; and the sol
emn testimony of a fond father, that his
daughter's fall must be attributed to
the 'impure works of Eugene Sue and
Flow many more revelations of the de- !
striictive influencti of an unprincipled
press are needed, before an dutraged
and indignant community Will seal •
these fountains of pollution I—The
plagues of Egypt were tolerable, com
pared with the coming up into our dwel
lings of the losthsome swarrnS.Of liter
ary vermin to corrupt the land,' to de
the hearts; and ruin the souls of
our citizens. The eloquent and earnest
remonstraoce, of an English writer, Rev
John Angell James, should be made to
ring in American ears. "Let it be im
agined" he rays "if imagined it can he,
what must be the moral state of multi
tudes in this country, when nearly thir
ty millions of such pestiferous publics
tious are annually going out among the
masses of our population. Let the
minds of all Christian people be fixed
upon these facts. Let them dWell itpoii
the insult offered to God, the ruin
brought upon souls, the injury done to
morals and the mischief perpetrated in
the nation by such a state of things.
Friends of Christ, lovers of your spe
cies, professors of religion, you must
pause and ponder these statements
You must not read and dismiss them - as
you would the statistics of political e
conomy. The writer of these facts has
led you to the door of Satan's work-shop
and has thrown open to you the scenes
of that awful lahoratory of mental and
Moral poison: sic has shown you, au
thors, compositors, printers, engravers,
publishers, booksellers, venders, by myr
iads, all busy and indefatigable, to do—
What 3 To destroy the Bible 4 to pull
down the cross, tb dethrone God, in sub
vert religion, to uproot the church, to
turn man into a thinking and speaking
- brute, and as a necessary consequence
to overturn all morality, to poison the
springs of dothestio happiness, to dis
solve the ties of social order, and to
volve our Country in ruin. Is this so;
or is it not 3 If it be you are summon
ed to ponder this awful state of things,
and to risk what can he done to arrest
the tide of ruin, this awful cataract of
• perdition; which is dashing over the pre
cipice of infidelity into the gulf of the
bottomless pit, and precipitating millions
of immortal souls into the boiling sur
ges and tremendous whirlpools below."
And where is the remedy I Do the
Pulpit and the Press dh their duty 1
Where is Parental Watchfulness 3 Is
Public opinion healthy or poisoned 3
Will indiiiditals knowing and admitting,
the evil or pretending not to see it, cm,
tinue to take the poisoit because it is
sweet, or because others around take it?
(That would be a foolish reason for
Chinese continuing to sihoke opium.
I3ut he is only ti heathen !) :Audi not
"the vigorous emplOyment and univer
sal diffusion of a moriit arid healthy press'
be encouraged 3 will persons neglect
, their own presses and send to the cities
• for vapid, trashy, sickening sheets of
rotten ruin 1 Are not the benevolent
societies of the day to be liberally sup
ported and aided in their struggles and
efforts against the evil Shall the A
merican Bible and Tract Associations,
• the American Sunduy School Union,
publishing houses of good moral tone,
and Sister Institutions, languish for
want of support For a moment sup
pose these remedies are neglected, who
bear the consequences 1 Answer, th.e
victims themselves individually and our
Country in the aggregate!
()Rms.—The Cherokee A dvocnte, speak
ins of the net* appointtnents by Presi
dent Taylor adds
" We are tit-rinsed tit the tone of settle
of the papers opposed to Gen. Taylor.
They cry 'hypocrisy,' 'party,' 'party,'
'prosd'ription,' and persecution too. It
reminds us of boys playing marbles,
one cries, 'Vence rontidance ; knuckle
down ; no fudging ; if you fudge,• it
shan't count. It shan't count you Mg,
ed !"Well,' says the other, "didn't
you fudge firstl" Just so with the Lo
cofocos. They fudged first, and if they
are fudged out of office, they make a
great ado. Gen. Taylor, we guess, is
the best judge of who are 'honest and
competent.' '
runt Little's Living nee.
"A little Child shell lead them."
One cold market morning I looked in
to n milliner's shop, and there I saw a
hale, hearty, well browned young fel
low front the country, with his long cart
whip, and a lion shag coat, holding up
somc little matter, and turning it nbout
in his great fist. And what do you sup
pose it wnsl A baby's bonnet! A lit
tle soft blue, satin hood, with a swan's
down border, «hilb ds the new fallen
snow, with a frill of rich blond around
the edge.
By his side stood a very pretty wo
man holding with no small pride, the
baby—for accidently it was a baby.—
Any one could rend that fact in every
glance, as they louked nt each other, and
at the little hood, and then at the large,
blue, unconeious eyes, and fat dimpled
cheeks of the little one. It was evi
dent that neither of them had ever seen
a baby like that before.
"But really, Mary," said the yonno,
man, "Is not three dollars very highl"
Mary very prudently said nothing,
but, taking the hood, tied it on the,lit
tle head, and held op the baby. The
man looked and gri ine 4 ; and without
another word, down went the three dol
lars, (all that the last week's butter
came to;) and as they walked out of the
shop, it is hard to say which looked the
most delighted with the bargain..
64 Alt, thotight I," a little bhila ihall
lead them I
Another day; as I passed a carriage
factory, I saw a young mechnniC at
work on a wheel; the rough body of a
carriage stood beside him—and there,
wraped up snugly, all hooded and cloak
ed, sat a dark eyed girl, about a year
old, playing with a great shaggy dog.—
As 1 stopped, the man looked up from his
work, and turned admiringly towards
his little companion, as much as . to say,
tt See what 1 have got barer_
Yes," thonght - I, " and if the little
lady ever gets a glance from admiring
swains; as sincere as that, site will be
Ali, these little children ! little witch
pretty, even in all their thoughts
and absurdities! winning even in their
sins and iniquities! See, for example,
yonder little felloiv in a naughty fit;
he has shaken his long curls over his
deep blue eyes—the fair brow is bent in
a frown—the rose leaf lid is pushed up
in infinite defiance—ntid the White shoul
ders thrust naughtily forward. Can
any but a child look so pretty even in
their naughtiness I
Then conies the instant ehanze---11risti
intrsmiles and tears—as the good comes
hack all in a rush; and you are over
whelmed with protestations, promises
nod kisses. They are irresistible, too,
these little ones. They pull away the
seohlar's pen—tumble uhout his papers
—make summersets ovor his books—
and what can you do They tare up
newspapers— litter the carpets—break,
pull and upset, and then jabber unintel
ligible English in self defence—=and what
can you do for yourself
if 1 had a Child," says the precise
man, " you should see!"
lie does have a child—and his
te a rs np his papers, tumbles over his
pulls his nose, like all other
children—nail 'AO. has the precise man
to say lOr. himself Nothing! lie is
like every, body eles—" A little child
Shall lead him I"
. .
Poor little children, they bring and
teach us human beings more good - than
they get_in return. llow does the in
fant, with its soft cheek and helpless
hand, awaken a mother from worldliness
and egotism to a whole world of a new
and higher feeling. How often does the
mother repay this, by doing her beet to
wipe off, even before the time, the dew
and fresh simplicity of childhood, and
make the daughter too soon a woman of
the world, as she has been.
The hardened heart of the worldly
man is touched by the guileless tones
and simple caresses of his son, but he
repays it in time, by imparting to his
boy all the crooked trieks and ltatd ways
and callous maxims, *high have undone
Go to the jail—the penitentinry—and
find there the wretch most sullen, hru
tal, and hardened. Then look at your
infant son.
such as he is to you, such to some
mother was this man. That hard hand
was soft and delicate—that rough voice
was tender and lisping ; fond eyes fol
lowed as he played—and be was rocked
and cradled as soinething holy. There
ins a time when his heart, soft and tin
worn, mig ht .have opened to question
tags of his Maker and been ,sealed with
the seal of Heaven.' But harsh hands
seized it--and all is over with him for-
So of the tender weeping child—he is
Made the callous; Weariless it6n ; of the
'lllll, believing child—is Made the sneer
ing skeptic; of the all beautiful end
modest—the slvitneless and abandoned,
and this is what the World does for the
little ones.
There was a time when the Divine
One stood upon the earth, and little
children sought to draw near to him.—
But harsh human beings stood between
him and them forbidding their approach.
Ah, not always been so I Do not
even we with our hard and unsubdued
feelings—our worldly and unscriptural
habits and maxims—stand like a dark
screen between our child and its saviour,
and keep even from the choice buds of
our hearts, the radiance which might
unfold it fur paradise 1 "Suffer little
children to come unto me, and forbid
them not," is the voice of the Son of
God--but the cold world still close round
and forbids. When the old deciples
would question their Lord of the higher
mysteries of his knigdoM he Welt n lit
tle child and set in the midst, as a sign
of him who .would be greatest in the
kingdurn df Heaven:, That teacher still
remained with us. By every hearth and
fire side, Jesus still sets the little child
in the midst df us !
Wooklst thou khoW, el parent, what
is that faith which unloCks heaven 1 Go
not to wrangling polemics, or creeds
and forms of theology; bot draw to thy
bosom thy little one, and read in that
clear and trusting eye, the lesson of eter
nal life; Be only to thy God as thy
child is to thee, and all is done. Bles
sed shall thou he indeed—"a little . ehild
shall lead thee."
He who has no bowie has not the
sweetest pleasure of life ; he feels not
the thousand endearments that bluster
around that hallowed spot, to fill the
void of his aching heart, and while away
his leisure moments in the sweetest of
life's joys. Is misfortune your lot, you
will find a friendly welcome fuom hearts
beating true to your own. The chosen
partner of your toil has a smile of ap
probation when others have deserted, a
hand of hope when all others refuse, and
a heart to feel your sorrows as her own.
Perhaps n smiling cherub with prattling
glee and joyous laugh, will drive all sor
row from yout care-worn brow, and en
close it in the wreaths of domestic
No matter bow humble that home may
be, how destitute its stores, or how poor
ly its inmates are clad : if true hearts
dwell there, it is yet a home—a cheer
ful, prudent wife, obedient and atreetion
ate children, will give their possessors
more real joy than bags of gold and win
dy honors.
The home of n temperate, industrious,
honest man, will be his greatest joy.—
Tie comes to it, "weary rind worn," but
the music of the merry laugh, and the
happy voices of childhood cheer him.
A plain but heathful meal awaits hint.
Envy, ambition and strife, haie no plate
there; and with a clear conscience he
lays his weary limbs down to rest in the
bosom of his family, 111,1 under the pro
tecting rare of the pour man's friend
and helper.
Have On enemies' Go strnight on,
anti mind them not. If they block tip
your path, walk around them, and do
your duty regardless of their spite. A
man who has no enemies is seldom good
1 for anything; he is made of that
. kind of
material which is so easily worked, that
every one has a hand in it. A sterling
character—one Who thinks for himself,
and speaks what he thinks—is always
sure to have enemies. They are as ne
cessary to him as fresh air : they beep
him alive and active. A Celebrated
character, Who was surrounded with en
emies, used to remark-" They are
sparks which, if you do. not blow, will
go oat of themselves." Let this be
your feeling while endeavoring to live
I down the scandal of those who are hitter
against you. If you stop to dispute,
you do but as they desire, and open the
way for more abuse. Let the poor fel
lows talk; there will ben reaction if you
perform but your duty, and hundreds
who were once alienated from you Will
flock to you and acknowledge their error.
THE DIFFERENCE.—A gentleman from
Boston chanced to find himself sifting a
little party of young Indies away down
east; and while in the enjoyment of some
innocent social play, he carelessly
placed his arm about the slender waist
alas pretty a damsel as Maine can boast
or, when she started and exclaimed, "Be
done, sir ! Don't insult me !" The
gentleman apologized and assured the
half offended fair one that he did not in
tend to insult her.
"No r = he replied archly. "Well,
if you didn't—you may do so again," she
added, to the no small amusement of the
v ,
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From the rev York observer.
The Ravages of the Destroyer.
During it brief term of missionary
service in which
.1 Wris engaged, some
years since,l Met a family whose history,l
and especially an incident in it, affords
another striking example of the degra
ding influence of intoxicating drinks.
Upon entering their wretched abode, I
perceived at once that I was in a drunk
ard's home. The hovels of intempe
rance have an aspect too well known to.,
need description. Upon engaging in
conversation with the different members
of the family, I found that with one ex
ception they were all suffering from the
effect's of recent indulgence. The father,
a man quite advanced in years, and a son
Who was just in the prone of his life, ,
were too far gohe to make a sensible
reply, and when they volunteered a re
mark it was
: humiliating td listen to.,
it. A datighter•in•law who had an in- 1
feat in her arms, shorted by her idiotic
stare that she too was besotted with
rum. The mother alone did not give
the evidence of recent ind lgence; but,
even she, as I afterwards learned, had
long been addicted to the degrading
vice. Finding vary soon that 1 could '
not benefit them by tarrying, I left it.
The only one who Was in a condition
to profit by a religious conversation
was altogether averse to entering into
it. Of two neighbors, one of whom
was an elder in the Presbyterian church,
I learn the following particulars.
Several years before, the father of the
cannily teas the owner of a large farm
situated in the Vicinity of his present
abode, and was prospering in the world. l
Like multitudes of others, he became ,
addicted to intemperance, and his farm '
, was no longer able to yield him supfrirt,l
and. the tnenns of griititying his unnat-
I -
mai appetite. It was mortgaged and 1
the money thus obtained was spent for •
ram. Soon it became necessary to sell
the farm, and the balance, some hundred
' dollars above mortgage, being pail in
ready money, was in a short time expen-
ded for that which was friSt ruining his
estate, himself and his family. He had
now become a confirmed and degraded
drunkard, living only for the grat
ification of his vicious thirst for strong
drink. His wife, too, became his bosom
conpanion in his debauchery. Nor did
his influence end here. He not only
taught his childern, by his example, to
court the vice but he compelled them to
think. Unlike most parents who are
drunkards themselves, he seemed de
sirous to render them degraded as him
self. Only one out of a large family,
broke through hia father's influence,
and he becattie a respectable and tespee
ted member of society. The rest, male
and female, fell tinder the influence of
tile destroyer, Incredible as it may
appear one dins children actually died
of intemperance, n miserable drunkard,
at the age of twelve years. Willie he
was in a dying condition the father sent
for a supply o 's f the poison which was
causing his death, and when he breathed •
his last, his family was in a state of
beastly intoxication. His body remain
ed upon the lied, in
,this same state in
which he died, for day, or two and
nothing was done, nor were they able
to do anything to prepare it fur burial.
A neighbor tecidentrilly having pre
pared n coffin, placed the remains of the
i child in it, and the family started for
the place of burial which was inure than
a mile distant taking with them the jug,
of rum. Arriving nt the grave-yard
they found that no gave was dug. Oh
taining tools, they went to work to pre
• pare one, stopping frequently to make
a drain upon the jag. This was soon
exhausted, when one Of the number was
despatched for a fresh supply. Again
they commenced digging, and they dug
I landI and drtink and drank and dug, until a
grave was opened, into which the coffin
t was placed, and having hurriedly filled
• it tip, they all returned in a state of
, intoxication to their miserable home.
Sneh facts show how completely the
demon of intemperance not only blights
the fairest, and brings !Min and disgrace
upon families, but also roots tip and
tramples upon all tender sensibilities,
and affections of the heart. Under its
influence, fathers, and mothers too, be
come monsters, And losing all sympathy
for their own flesh and blood, can revel
in debauchery around the dying bed and
lifeless remains, and on the e rnve of
their offspring. It is worse titan bru
talizing in its hellish influence.
A CLIMAX.—The Provincial Scecreta-
Py of Novin Scowl, in calling the atten
tion of the Legislature to the spread of
the small pox, said the disease was a
loathsome one, destroyed life, created a
good deal of terror, and injured the looks
of the inhabitants!
VOL, XIV, NO, 24
,Almost one hundred years ago the fa.,
mous John Wesley and others, formed
an association, the principles of which
are very little regarded ,111 our day.—
Perhaps.there are so many other some,
ties whose objects, claim attention, that.
ouch a plani afthir as this.of Mr. Wes
ley's will scarcely be, thought of a sec-.
and time, and yet wd know some sociF
ties that would do more good if
would just dissolve their present organ
ization, and adopt the rules of Wesley's
little society, and do what they could to
give t h e m countenance and currency all
over our land,
JANUARY 20, 1752
It is agreed by us, whose names are
I. That we will not listen or willing
ly inquire after any ill concerning each
other. •: .
2. That it we do hear any ill of each
other, we will not be forward to believe
3. That its soon as possible we will
communicate what we heard, by speak.
ing or writing to the person concerned.
A. That till we hitve done this, we
will not write or speak a syllable of it
to any other person whatsoever.
5. that neither wi!l we mention it aG
terwards to any other, person.
6. That we . will not make any, excep
tions to any Of these rules, unless we
think ourselres obliged in conscience to
do so. s- •
(Signed.) JOHN W
and eleven others.
The following is a " Hoosier's" de
scription of his first sight of a locdmi-,
tive, and his adventures consequent
thereon :
" I came neress through the country.
and struck your raiiroad, and was ply,.
ing it at about four knots an hour. Now,
I heard tell about locomotives, but nev-.
er dreamed of seeing one alive and kick
ing: but about two miles from here I.
heard something coming, coughing, and'.
snezing and thundering, and I looked
around. Sure enough, there she comes..
down after me, pawing the atilt' up, and .
splitting the air wide open, with more
smoke and fire flying than orto come Ott ..
of a burning mountain. There was a
dozen wagons follerin' arter her, and to
save her tarnal black, smoky noisy neck,
she couldn't get clear of them. I don't
know whether they scares her up or n 0 .,.
but here she comes feitin:rig at the motitb,
with her teeth full of burning red coals,:.
and she pitched right straight at me like
a thousand of brick. I couldn't stand it
any Ithiger, so . I wheeled round and
broke down' the road, and began to make.
gravel fly in every direction ; no sooner
had I done that than she split right at'-
ter me; and every j imp I mtde, sl&
squealed like a thousand wild cats !
She began to gain on me comin' up a'
little hill, but we come round a pint to a
straight level on the road. Now, thinks
1,. gih yell ginger, as great On a,.
dead level : so I pulled to it, and got an
tler full speed ; and then' she began to
yelp and cough and stamp, and come ort'
full chisel, and made the whole airth
shake. But I kept on before, bounding
at the rate of twenty feet at every step,
till I got tit a" non in the road, when [-
was under such headway, that I couldn't .
torn ; so I turned head over heels down,
a bank by a house, landed cosmolick in-,
to a colt spot of ground, touch to the
disfigurment of my wardrobe. Just at.
the time the locomotive found that I.
hail got awns fr:oni it, it commenced spit-,
ting hot water nt me, and I thought in,
my soul that Mount Vesuvius had bus,
ted in sonic place in the neighborhood.
But dO you suppose I staid there lorig
No, sir, 1 did not. Nov, here I am, a
rale double revolving locomotive &lolly .
Gloster, ready to attack anything . bot,a
combination of thunder and lightning,
smoke, railroad iron, and hot water."
that the rainbow and the cloud come
over us with a beauty that is nut of earth',
and then pass away, and cause as to
muse on their faded loveliness? Why .
is it that the stars, which hold their fes
around the midnight throne; are
' set above the grasp of our limited facul
ties, fore:rer Mocking us with unap
protichable gioryl And why is it that
bright (Orals of human beauty. are pre
sented to our view and,thea taken from
us, leaving the thatts'and streahs of our
affections to flow back in ktn..AlPine tdr
rent upon our heard We,are born fOi
a higher destiny than that of earth.,
There is a realm where the rainbow' ne-..
ver fades, Where the stars will be spread
out before us like Islands that slumber :
on the ocean—and where the beautiful'
beings that now pass before us like vie;
inns will stay in our presence fOrever.'-,
Geo.' D. Prentice':