Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 19, 1849, Image 3

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It appears to be a settled fact—at
least all the English papers mention it
as inditiputable, though wonderful 7 L
that Irish agriculture is once more ex
pending its energies upon the potatoe
crop, despite the warning. faliners, more
br less complete, of the lest four years.
All the accounts say that the cotters
fad even most of the large farmers are
again planting with potatoes. Possibly
one reason-- - -perhaps the only one—is
that means are wanting to prepare the
soil for other cultivation ; even the seer!
itself may be, scarce. All this serves io
demonstrate the wisdom of the remedies
proposed by sir Robert Peel. Ireland,
• ,
ys the N. Y. Commercial, wants me
rle' generation much more than polit
-7a I. The lead, Which is the basis of
ational industry and prosperity, is bur
ied under a fearful load of burdens,
mainly the fruit of long existing errors
and abtile.e. These burdens must be
swopt away, and this be done only by
awn flail speelnl legislation, expressly
itdapted for the purpose, and acting with
more vigor and rapidity than the techni-
L. A cal roles 9f ordinary law can supply:
it, iihe empire abounds with capital Which
. seeks employment; Ireland wants capi
tal, With skill and ekterprfee to guide it.
Clearly, therefore; the desirable thing is
to turn or invite the capital of the em
pire into this channel; and this tan be
done only by sweeping away all the hin
d,rances which at present discourage
both capital and industry by withhold
leg from them their just coinpensrition.
My The present condition of Ireland is for
•thly illustrated by the following narra
f tive :
Captain Elistace ' a land-holder who
resided in Dublin, finding, after the po
tato rot had continued four years, that
/come of his tenants could no longer pay
their £I 15s ($8,50) per ncre rent, dis
charged his tenants fro:n 250 acres, and
got a Mr. Smith, a Yorkshire farmer
from England, who examined the lands
- with the view of becoming a tenant.—
He took two weeks to make up his mind,
saw the land in every state, pasture,
meadow and tillage, and then sent in
his prspnsals in writing. It was exact
ly this. He would require the land grat
is, without a penny rent, for five years,
and five hundred pounds ($2,400) in
hand from the landlord, never to be re
paid, to build a suitable homestead. At
the end of five yenrs he would pay nine
($2,15) an acre. for 850 acres.
The old tenants had paid £ I 15 per
acre up to the year 1848. the fourth year
of the potato blight. Captain Easter,
startled, amazed at the offer, said this
land paid £1 15 the acre." ',lmpossi
ble," said the honest Englishman ; "here
are figures and facts; here is the ex
penditure, for labor, manure, rent and
' taxes, and here again nre the receipts
and probable annual profits of the farm."
"There is, no doiibt," he added, 'oa
large balance remaining yearly on hand,
f r which I will require to support my fatn
on their usual fare of bread, beef, mut
ton and ale." The Englishman did not
know that the former tenantry paid out
nothing for labor, cultivating their lands
with their own and children's labor,
living on the potatoe, or nothing at all,
if you will, so that the whole profits of
the farm went into the owner's pocket.
The gallant captain says, this is bad
business, and thought of getting back
his old tenants,hnt they were half way to
America. The '25 0 acre farm of Bally
doyl is still unlet, producing weeds
from that day to this, paying rates and
taxes, but not giving the owner one
farthing rent. This is one isolated case,
and there are plenty of fellows to it.
THUNDER-STORM.-A terrific thunder
and hail storm passed over western
New York on the 3d instant, doing
great damage to the crops and to the
property in the villages. The Roches.
ter Advertiser says that for the space
of three-fourths of an hour the whole
firmament was illuminated by the most
vivid lightning, succeeded by constaat
peals of thunder. Six houses and one
church were struck and more or less
injured in Rochester ; and many per
sons were knocked down and severely
stoned in various parts of the country.
The tower of St. John's church, at
Buffalo, was struck and much shatter
ed. The Buffalo Commercial says:
The fluid appeared to come down in a
broad sheet of flame, enveloping nearly
the whole church, and one gentleman,
who beheld it from his window, saw
balls of fire which lingered some seconds
upon the roof. The choir of the church
were rehearsing at the time, but sustain
ed no other injury than a severe shock &
something of a fright, as the fluid pasied
off on the outside. We understand that
two or three persons in the vicinity of
the church were prostrated by the con
Pratt of Boston, invented a new plan
of coupling together collars, metals,
hoops and bans. By his iscovery,
sheets of metal are joined, to any length,
without the use of rivet. Peculiar slits
are made in each end of the collar rib
bon or the band of the hoop, or in the
sheets of metal, which enable one
sheet or band to dovtail into the other
—when a blow from a hammer, joins
them as effectually as by melting.—
Hoops can thus, be' dove-tailed much
faster and at less expense than by the
old method.—P/ifia. News,
Death of Gen. Gaines.
Major General Gaines, of the U. S. hirny,
died at New Orleans last week, of the Cholera.
The Norfh Americgn thus speaks of himi
siA telegraphie despatch this morning
con , :eys the meiancholy inteffi'gene, of
t'he death of Alitjar General EnmuivnPisrl•
DLETON GniNes, , of the United States
Artny, a venerable and gallant officer,
whose name is associated with some of
the most brilliant events of American
tnilitark history. . _ .
General Gaines was, in fact one of the
oldest as well as one of the most merit
toriOus officers of the United states ar
my, Which he entered in January, 1799,
.as a Lieutenant of Infantry, and in
which he served, therefore, somewhat
more than half a century. Assigned, nt
the very bufset of his career, to the se
vere and perilous duties of the wild
South‘i)es'fe,rn frontier, Captain Gaines
first distinguished himself by the arrest
of AAR6N Buten, and; in consequence,
the entire defeat of all the ambitious
plans J:iy which the Union Was threaten
ed with dtsmemberment
The next theatre on whialr he display
ed his gallantry *as at Chrysler's Field
in 1813, where, as Colonel of the 25th
Infantry, covering the retreat of the
AtneriCan army to their boats, lie repul
sed several abarges of n victorious Brit
ish regfment—the 89th—rind, finally
compelled it to retire. For his conduct
in this battle, he Was made a Brigadier
General; an honor soon followed up by
the higher appointment of Breiet Major
General, won by the glorious defence of
Fort Erie, in August, 1814. Twenty
two years afterwards, in Februaty, 1836,
he fought his last battle on the %% altia
coochie, in Florida, with the Seminole
General Gains died in New Orleans
on Wednesday, the Gth, and, it appears,
like Gen. Worth, his old brother•in•arms
of the Niagara frontier, he died of chol
era. Both of them passed though the
perils of battle—of many battles, fierce
and deadly—not, indeed, unharmed; for
Gen. Gaines was wounded by a I ragment
of a bomb-shell at Fort Erie, and by an
Indian bullet in Florida; to fall at length
full of years and honors, before the un•
seen and unlaurrelled shaft of the pes
tilence that walketh in darkness.
nng fire to himself.—A house was dis.
covert' to be on fire in New York, the
other day. It was done by a looking
glass maker named Danon, who was
insane.— When alone, he stripped his
person until perfectly nude, and var
nished his body.--He then took his cloth
ing,. trunk ; and a quantity of picture
frames, and piled them up in one corner
of the room, seting fire to the pile. At
soon as it began to burn, lie threw him
self upon the burning pile, and in an
instant his whole person was enveloped
in flames. He then rushed to the win
dow, and kicking out the sash, climed
to the roof, the varnish on his body still
burning. He was discovered,. but not un
til he was so badly burned that life was , .
despaired of.
Temperance Davis.
In the report of the recent anniversary
of the American Temperance Union we
find some interesting reading. The
speeches sketched indicate much zeal
and eloquence. The remarks of Rev.
Dr. POOR, missionary to Ceylon, strike
us as worthy of attention. By way of
rendering the progress of the Temper
ance reformation more cer tail] and rapid
he set forth and advocated four distinct
points, viz : let, We must base this en
terprize on the great doctine of Apos
tolical expendiency, which will not eat
meat while the world stand, lest a broth
eh be made to sin. 2. We must reach
the family organization, and make each
family a Temperance society. 3. We
must make the Ministry the connecting
link between the families to carry out
the work, and 4. We must carry out
reform in ear high places, the White
House, &c., for, said the Doctor, L am
convinced that this evil has its main
support from high places and not from
low places. A better basis than this,
we apprehend, cannot be devised.--Let
it, or something like it, be adopted, and
it will not be long ere we shall witness
results of a gratifying and encouraging
WHO WANTS A Wiral—An exchange
paper gives an account of a transaction
by a young lady by the name of Hotalen,
living a mile east of Hainesville, (N.J.)
which we consider a little ahead of any
thing in that line which has transpired
for a long time. It seems Miss H., be
ing desirous that her father should
leave so retired a spot and live upon the
turnpike, removed the furniture out of
the house in which they resided, and
deliberately set it on fire. It burnt to
the ground, as no one was near it except
Mies Hotalen. The fire spread to the
fences and the contiguous forest, doing
much damage. The young lady is of
perfectly sound mind, and if any "nice
young man" about these parts wants a
wife with considerable decision of char
acter, whom he would like to "show off"
in the world, it might be advisable for
him to call on the fair incendiary—
though he might get his fingers burnt.—
albany ..drgus.
0 7 -A HEALTHY TOWN.—The Dover
(N. H.) Enquirer says there has not
been a death in that town since the 10th
of April, a period of more than four
weeks, which is remarable for a town
having ten thousand inhabitants.
Tat to TS.
The Locusts are making their tilipear
ance in vast numberiin the western part
of this State. The ground in Woods,
orchards, and gardens, is preforated
with countless holes, from which they
have emerged to the light of day, and
the trees, fences, &c. nre covered With
the skins which they hale shed: By
el . :mining the tree's, they are found in
immense numbers, about half the size
a full grown locust, and very active.
They will cause great destruction to
vegetation. It is now seventeen' years
since they appeared in such vast nuni
hers in Western Pennsylvania, and this
is what is called "locust year." They
are certainly a singular insect, and it is
most surprising how they contrive to
Make their way to the surface of the
earth from a considerable depth, in
places where the ground is beaten very
hard by constant treading. In the Mor
ning there may be no appearance of
them, and by noon the ground will be
pierced in every direction, particularly
under the . trees; and in short time af
ter the insect throws off its undergrourid .
robe, and spreads its wings for its flight
of destruction.
Alligator Fight.
Among the un'welconie incidents at
tendant upon the crevasse nt New Or
leafrs hot the least disagreeable has been'
the visits made by alligators to the vi:
cinity of the breach. The workmen'
cannot of course proceed with their Is;
hors With any degree of calmness, while
under the fear of losing a leg at a sin ,
gle snap of an alligator's jaws, and there
have been fights of a furious character.
Some nights since a huge specimen
sumo 15 feet long, got under the floor of
a hut, where a uninber of negroes were
sleeping, and after tossing up the floor,
gave battle. Two dogs flew at him and
were crushed instantly, and blows from
axes were showered upon him with no
effect. The conflict looked serious
against the negroes, when one of them
fortunately thrust a lighted brand down
the monster's throat which killed him.
A WILLING DEBTOR.—Sir Walter Scott
on one occasion, was desirous of re
warding the wit and importunity of an
Irish beggar by the present of a six
pence, but found he had not so small a
coin in his purse. "Here my good fel
low," said the baronet, "here is a shil
ling; but mind you owe me sixpence."
God bless your honor," exclained Pat,
"may your honor live till I pay you!"
The author of Ivanhoe was highly
tickled a the valve reply..
ruiLsnicrum rune
The fo'reigit news received by the Cambria
has caused firmness in the corn market, but in
other articles it has had no effect. Flour is in'
moderate demand for export, and 1500 barrels
standard brands principally Western, sold for
export ar $1 62i per barrel, at which price the
market closes firm. For city consumption
steady sales at $4 62A a 5 25. Rye Flour—A
small sale at $2,87i. Cornmeal—We quote at
$2;75 per bbl. Grain—The demand for Wheat
continues limited and prices are steady at 103 c.
per bush. for prime red and 107 a 100 e. for
prime white. Rye—Further sales of Pennsyl
vania at 57c per bushel.' Corn has been' in good
demand at full prices, hut since the receipt of
the foreign news some holders demand an ad
vance. Sales of 6000 bushels yellow at 01 a
611 c., afloat, but principally at the latter rate,
and 60c. in store. Oats are dull and no sales
have been reported. Whiskey—Sales in both
hhds. and bbls. at 21 cents.
Huntingdon, Pennsylvania.
The undersigned announces to his former pa
trons and the friends of sound Education gener
ally, that he is about to establish, in the new
Huntingdon Academy" building, a permanent
PRIVATE SCHOOL for young persons and
children of both sexes.
The course of instruction will comprise all
the branches usually taught in the best English
Academies, and will be well suited to prepare
pupils for the ordinary avocations of life, and
the more important and responsible duties' of
good citizens.
The internal management of the school will•
be with the Teacher; but he will be assisted by
the general supervision of a Board of nine gen
tlemen, justly esteemed for their private worth,
public spirit, and correct and comprehensive
educational views. With this important aid,
and sustained by the approbation and kind en
couragement of many of the best and purest
minds in this community, the undersigneu feels
confident that he will be able to introdute with
ease, and maintain without difficulty, such Reg,
ulutione as will give to the Institution, n high
MORAL as well as intellectual character ;—a
character that will secure the confidence and
respect of all good men.
The buildini, is a new three story brick struc
ture delightfully situated on the high ground
back of town, and affording a commanding view
of the valley of Huntingdon and its agreeable
mountain scenery. The school room is large
and well ventillated; and the chambers are so
arranged as to accommodate comfortably sev
eral boarders, who will be taken on reasom.ble
terms, and treated with all the faithfulness that
parental solicitude can desire or impose. The
number of pupils will be comparatively limited,
and the sexes always kept separate except
when in the recitation room. The school year
will be divided into four Sessions of eleven
weeks each with suitable vacations; the first
session commencing, this year, in July or Au
gust; but hereafter not until the first of Sep
classes $3.00. Ggograph3, with the use of
Globes and Outline Maps, Grammar, Composi
tion, &e., $3.50 Astronomy, Philosophy,
Book-Keoping, the various branches of Mathe
matics, &c., $l.OO
For parti'citiars apply to the Teacher,
Re, Tohn* Peebles, Wm. P. Orbison, Esq.,
Hon. Geo. Taylor, M. Crownover, Esq., Judge
Gwin, Mai. James Steel, Maj. Wm. B. Zeigler,
MPtise.. James Allison, James Maguire, and
John N. Vrowell, M. A. Henderson, M. D.,
J. 11. Dorsey, M. D., Maj. D. MeMurtrte,
Thos. Fisher, Wm. Dorris, J. P. Anderson,
A. W. Benedict, Esq., Gen. A. P. Wilson, Hon.
John Ker, Jacob Miller, Esq., Jas. Clark.
Huntingdon, June 10, 1910.
Of Valuable Real Estate.
THE subscribers will sell at Public
Sale, on the premises, on
Monday the 27th day of august, 1849;
All that valuable Real Estate situate in
Barree township, Huntingdon county,
about seven miles from' the Penn's canal,
and Central Railroad,. and ,on the main
Rond lending front Petersburg to Pine
Grove„cont?ining about
700 acres Limesiorii Land,
and nboul 400 acresof which arc cletired,
and in a good state of cultiVation, the
woodland being nil first rate Timber
Land and heavily timbered ; and. there
is an excellent ache for a Saw Mill; on
a never failing stream. There are erec
ted on the said Land two houses and
two barns, small, but in a tolerable stale
of repair.
the above Tract of Land will be divi
ded into two, three, or more parts, and
sold separately; or it will be sold alto
gether, as will best suit those desiring
to purchase.
The Ternis shall be made so as to suit
purchcisers, and will be definitely made
known on the day of sale. An indispu
table title will be given.
Any further infornlhtion can be had
by applying to either of the undersigned.
June f 6, 181.5—trI,
Notice to Purchasers of Unseated
ALL persons who have neglected lift;
ing their Deeds for Unseated Land
bought June 1848, are notified that if
not attended to by the August Court,
they will be left in other hands for col
lection. The Treasurer will be absent
from home during the first three weeks
of July, ISAAC NEFF,
Treasurer's Office, June 9, 1849.
Pennsyivania Railroad Company.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the
'lentil and last Instalment of Five
Dollars per share on the Capital Stock
of this Company, is rep:tired to be paid
on or before the first day of July neit.
Instalments not paid punctually will
be subject to the penalty of one per cent.
per month, as reduired by law.
7reasu. er
June fg,
Triltshap window of the sulTsrriber was bro
.' ken open on the night of the 14th inst., and
the following described watcher taken viz: one
Gold Anchor Lever No. 16462. Two Silver
Anchor Leverectlie ntlmbers not known—one wee
entirely new, With a ailvdr dial and gold balance,
ahil the other was second handed, with a screw
balanceiparachuit and compensation curb—one
of the joints broken oil''. Oco English' etch No.
1111, no outside reed. 'Three qtartiers*—No.
3913, No, 7. and the No. in .e not recollected.
Also the cases of a French Watch N 0.7 to case.
In addition to these it is believed that two or threes
other watches were sto en, but the numbers or
kind, are not exactly known.
The above reward will be paid for the appre
hension of the rubber or robbers and recovery of
the watches. or a reword in prePereion for one or
more of the watches.
Huntingdon, June 19, 1849,
The Huntingdon and Broad Top
THE Commissioners named in the Act to in
corporate the Huntingdon and Broad Top
Railroad Company, will meet for the purpose of
organizing, at the Court House in the borough
of Huntingdon, on FRIDAY the `l2tl day of
JUNE instant, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon:
'Thomas Fisher, Jounce Entrekin,
A. I'. Wilson, David Blair,
john G. Miles, Levi Evans,
Joan McClalian, Jacob Cresswell,
Isaac Conk, James Patton,
Joseph 11i jBlllllll, John Ker,
James Saxton, A le xander King,
Matthew M. Peebles.
June 12, 1849. Camthiesionere,
rpHE subscriber offers for Rent the hoMie hi
which ho now reside., known ns the Hun
tingdon Academy. It is large and commodious,
truly new, arid well fitted for a boarding lions.
Possession given imtrn diLitely if desired.
Huntingdon, June 12, 1949
Commission Merchants,
• Ouse • cabin barrio - nil about
7 011EZIT 4 171111 1 10& "4r: c a r r e t s d ci:ar ed a4
thereon', with a good orVibuil
COGNAC BRANDIES, HOLLAND and a good spring of limestone water, late the
GIN, estate of Henry Whitcscl, 'lced.
AND DEALERS IN TERms: One third of the purchase money
to be paid on conflrmat:on of the sale and the
Teas, Segars, err. residue in two equal annual payments, with in
.N.o. 11 Walnut Street, terest, to be secured by the bonds a d mortgage
PHI L. 3 DELP H 1.4. of the purchaser. M. F. CAMPBELL,
Attendance given by Clerk
cO• Consignments of Western and Southern THOMAS STE WART,
Produce solicited. Administrator
June 12, 1849
$5.00 REWARD.
LOST on undersigned will, in pursuance of an or
osT on the '2Bth inst., betwern Millcreek and
Vandevender's Bridge, a POCKET BOOK T der of Court, offer for sale as the property
of Alexander Gwin, dec'd., at public vendee on
contniniog about $50.00 in money, and a number ' TUESDAY, 12th day of June next, at the Court
of notes on different persons and other papers.—
House in Huntingdon, a certain' Lot of orient'
The name is in the Book. Any person finding
, in the Borough of Huntingdon, on the south
said Book, and returning it to the owner, s hall west •corner of Allegheny and Path Streets,
receive the above reward.
numbered 117 in the plan of said borough, and
Jackstown, June 5, 1849. I having thereon a two-story brickdwelling house.
with a stable, arc. Also the undivided third
114-AcKEREL, part of a tractof lartd, sitbate on the Raystown
, Branch of the Juniata River in Hopewell town-
SHAD, Constantly on han d .hip, I luntingdun county.rontaining 227 acre.,
SALMON, and for sale by more or less, having II house and barn thereon.
HERRINGS, (J. PALAIER, & CO. Terms of Sale: One half of the purchase mo-
PORK, 1 Market St. Wharf,. 'o of a sale, and
lacy to be paid on confirmati (1 th
HAMS AND SIDES, 1 PHILADEVERIA. ye ar th ereafter with interest.
SHOELDERS, t t o h e b
r e
secured esi I ue is
by bon d and mortgage.
LARD & CHEESE, ) Feb. 27, 1849.-3 m. N. P. OFIBISON,
May 1„ 1949. Adm.r.
Juniata Cabinet Manufacturing
Respeciftlll4 liege !ell,. to inform hie friend.
and einitonicii and Oki public generellv,that he
has built a large and retnnuidione shop immedi
ately in the rear of the public house of John'
hittaker, Fr., on the bank between the river
and canal, w h ere he ,will constantly keep en
hand furniture of al kinds, of tle beet quality,
emle acing all descriptions, kinds. styles and va•
rieties of parlor, mediurn and plain househobd
fu nittire, which will be offered for salt; at the
very . _
In order to arcommodote the pulili. with all
kinds of work in his line of lineiners. he has
just supplied himself with n large tot of the
bast quality of C herr y , Walnut. Maple, Poplar,
and all kinds of Veneering. nr the lllo.t popular
foshion.. He will our neither
.tioirheil or half
finished titofit for sale. and will at all Wiles sub•
mit Ilia work to the most rigid inspection. ~
Merchants, Professional men. Farmers, Me.
ebonies. Hotel Proprietors, Laboring men—all,
ore invited to call and examine hitt
fore purchasing elseivhere. "Seeing is believ
Coffins will lie mode on the eliortet4 notice, of
either Cherry, Walnut or Poplar, as may be de•
sired, and funerals attended.
He Oatters.him•elf that hy industry and doer
attention to hie business. he will be able ieplease
all who may give him a roll.
Old furniture will nt all timers be repaired in
the neatest nrul moat durable manner. nt law
rates. All kinds of ennntry produce will he tn
kri, in exchange for furniture. repairing, &r.
Huntingdon, IVII4 . ‘2O; Y 849.
LATEST Attltil7A.L!
Great Slaughter of [Ugh Prices!
Tfie Town in Coininotion
Nobody Killed; but Several find:
ly WoUnded !
pormsc, MA
Have the Eta in:lacoon lUannoun;e — ; the cif.
izens of Huntingdon and the neighboring coun
try that they have just received from the eastern
cities, a splendid stock of new
which IT, been selretedu pr, me. Out
stock consists of all 1114 3si kits 03 It, of
BOOTS, SHOES, and HATS of all kind,—
Hard ware, Queeneware. Groceries. &c.
,We invite all to give us a call, as we lake
pleastire showing , nor Oases.
Thankful for past favors, we hole 1 y shier
attention to business to receive a Id eial share
of public patronage.
liuntingdon, April 3, IMO.
Has received end is now opening a splondid
slock of spring and Summer Goode, among
which may be found every variety of
Ladies' and Gentlemons' Dress GoOdS,
in part, Cloths of all kinds, Frerfcli,
and Fancy Cassimers, Kentucky fauns, Croton,
(iregon and Tweed C oths Vestings, Flannels
and Drillings, and a variety of Cotton Goods for
summer wear; 3fouslin de Lames, French
Lawns and . Scaris, Shawls and I landkerchiefs,
Mertnoes, a large assortment of Cali
coes of the newest styles, and at low prices,
Ea , Iston, French, Scotch and Domestic Ging:
haunt and Baliorities, French peal Irish Linens
and Checks, Bed Tickings, Muslim; and sheet
logs. egc., SEC.
Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Groceries,
Hardware, Queensware, &c.,
with a great variety of goods of oil kinds.
The above stock of Goods having been selec
ted with great care, and purchased at reduced
prices for Uush,l not enabled to offer
Great Bargains,
and hope all who want will at least examine my
stock before purchasing electvhese, as 1 etude.
terinined to sell on as reasonable terms us any
ono in Pennsylvania. Please call and see my
Goods,as it affords me pleasure to show them
at all timed.
All kinds of Country Produce fatten in ex ,
ebonite for qoette..
Mitch 31, 1849.
Orphans' Court Sale.
DV' virtue of an older of the Orphans' Court,
I) will be exposer] Insole by public vendue or
ottteey on thepremiees, on
Saturday, 16th day of June next,
a cerotin tract or parcel of Limeitone Labe,
situate in West t0 , ..1]..hip, Huntingdon county,
adjoining lands of Thomas Stewart. James and
Thomas Hennan,- Me!choir, end °there,
be the some more or less, on which is erected a
May 22, 1849,
164 Chesnut Street,
Corner of Seventh, Swatm's
KNOWING: the wants of the com
jl the Proprietor of this es
tablishMent has fitted up a store in the
most elegant Manner, having doe regard .
to the comfort of his customers, co that
every stranger visiting his Book Storef
may feel entirely at' home.
of Books is classified according to the
various Departments of Literature, so
that visitors can find the boOkg they are
in search of for themselves. Buying
his stock for the most part at the Aue r
TION SALES, and being connected with
one of the LARGEST *BUSHING HausES
in this country, besides publishing large:
Iv himself, enables hiM td sett ALL Booirs'
than any other house of a similar Char:
acter on this continent. His facilities
for the IMPORTATION of Books from EV
rope are unSurpn'ised; halting a branch
of his Establishment in Loudon, where
orders of pii . on't,e gentlemen are careful.
ly executed arid forwarded to this Cowl;
try by eery STEAMER and PACKET.
of Bootle with the prices attached is fs
sited quarterly,. containing Lists of New
Additions made to hid large collection ?
which' are in all cases for sale at the
or, from 25 to 75 per cent. below Pub
lishers' Prices. 'lbws in buying even a
few books, quite a considerable amount
is saved.
As a still further
• ,
to strangers visiting the city, every one
who purchases One Dollar's tvoilli of
Books, will' receive a copy of the
Imo N'toiutne; the Brice of which is 25•
fD The limits of this advertisement
are too confined to enumerate the prices
of any of the Books, or to give even a
faint idea of the immerse advantages to ,
be derived from purchasing at the Great
Central Cheap Book-store; but let all who'
are in search of Books send for a Cata
logue, and bOy the Books they tire in
want of, and When visiting the city, giie
Appleton one call, and you will be sure
to call again.
in all Its branches, furnished at the Low.'
est Prices. The Initials of those purcha;
sing Letter and Note Paper, neatly
stamped in the corner without charge.
Orders for any article may be sent by .
mail,• addressed to the Proprietor,and
the direction's in' all cat is will he fully
carried out, with great punctuality and
Orders foi Catalogues should be pre
Bookseller, Publisher, Importer, and
Stationer, 164 Chesnut St., corner of
Seventh, Swaim's Building.
May 23, 1i849.-3in:
..iiiiistraiors' Notice.
Estate of WI LLIXJII IV.SRD, late of
. .
Walker township, dec'd.
NOTICE is herehy gi•en that Letters el Ad•
ministration on said Estate, have been granted ttfi
the undersigned. Persons indebted to the FRIIIP,
are requested to make payment, and those having'
claims or demands against the same, to presen6
them duly authenticated for settlement.
May 22, 1849.
Thankful for past favors. most respectfully in . .'
forms the citizens of Huntingdon and its vicin
ity, that he has made every arrangement needs
nary to supply all who may favor him with a'
call, with the most choice varieties of
I :D3Mag ) '
CMieectiOnaries, Cakes, Fruits and Nuts.
His private rooms are fitted up in a handsome
style, which will make them a comfortable resort
for Ladies and Gent mien.
Parties can be lu'rnished on the eliarleanotice
with Ice Cream, COnfectionaties, all kinds of
Cakes and Fruits.
Huntingdon, May 22, 1999.
New goods I New Goodsi
epjd u i e d t L es c o r:i i v n e; , (l n a , and are now opening a'
Their stock has been selected with great card.
and at lower prices than those who pnrclissed
earlier, and comprises a general vurirtty Of every.
thing called for by the public. Tiny have a'
beautiful variety of LADitg . aria GENTLE-
M EN'r6 Dress Goode, of the very latest sty:oe. ,
which for quality ar.d . cheatine.T cannot be sur
passed. In addreirin to their large stock of Dry'
Goode, Housekeepers can be itipp:ied with
Fresh Grdieries,
of a superior quality, very champ; Rerdwaje,
Queenmare. &c., &e."
They inOte the public to cell and examine
their stock. They make no charge for chewing
t heir Goods.
May 1, 1849
Wholesale Grorircr,
Produce & Commission Merchants,
and Dealers in Putsburg .Ifantlfactures;•
No. 36 Wood street, Pittsburg, Pa.
Refer to Mr. Gsoaes Gwtx,
3 t essr ... r. & W. s . , x , or, 1 , Huntingdon..
April 3, 1849.