THE JOURNAL. [OIRIZECT PIItNG[CLES-SUPPORT 6O BY TIIL'TL.] 4 , 4 HUNTINGDON, TUESDAY, JUNE 19 1849. Hoover's Ink. HOOVER'S SUPERIOR WRITING INK for Mlle At this office• TERMS: The "1-turcrimanos Jounssi." is published at the, following rates, viz : $1,73 a year, if paid in advance ; $2,00 if paid during the year, and 32,30 if not paid until after the expiration of the year. The above terms to be adhered to in all cases. No subscription taken for leis than six months, au:l no paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. STATE CONVENTION. At the — last meeting of the Whig State Cen tral Committee, held at Harrisburg, in pursu ance of the public call, it was, on motion Resolved, That the friends of the National and State administrations, in Pennsylvania, be re luested to mset in the several cities and coun ties of the State, and select clelegat ts equal in number to their representation in the State Leg islature, who shall meet in Convention at the Court House, in Harrisburg, at 11 o'clock, A. M., on Thursday 16th day of August next, for the purpose of selecting a candidate for CANAL COMMISSION., and to do such other buatness as the interest of the country may require. By order of the Committee. VALVADLE Rant Esr.trtc FOR SALE.-The at tention of persons desiring to purchase valuable real estate, is invited to the advertisement of the Messrs. MCMT:RTRIES, offering a large tract of Limestone Land for sale This tract is situ ate in the flourishing valley of Shaver's Creek, and is, in point of location and quality, highly desirable. CGT Gunny's LADY'S Boon, for July, is a su perb number. It contains several elegant en gravings, fashion plates, &c., &c., and is filled with the choicest kind of litterary matter. Every Lady in the country should be in the re ceipt of this superior magazine. By an arrange ment with the publisher, we will send this mag azine, the price of which is $3.00, with the <, Journal," for $3.30 per annum, in advance. Select School. By reference to our advertising columns, it will be seen that Mr. J. A. lIALL is about open- i ing, in Huntingdon, a Select School. In this community, where Mr. H. has taught for sev eral years, he enjoys the enviable reputation of being the best Teacher ever connected with our Schools. In addition to his peculiar faculty of imparting instruction to , the young, he is one of the best discipbnarians we ever knew. He is a gentleman of inflexible probity and high moral character. And we have no hesitation* in assuring Parents that they can commit thefr children to his charge, with the utmost conk , dente that they wilt not only be rapidly advan ced in all the various branches of English Edu cation, but that their morals will also receive that care and attention so essential to their fu ture happiness, respectability and prosperity ire life. Hence, it gives us great pleasure to com mend Mr. School to public attention and patronage. More Rioting on the Railroad, Another disgraceful Riot has been going on rmong the laborers employed on the Pa. Rail road, in the neighborhood of Birmingham, this county, during the most part of the past week. During its progress, several persons were badly injured, and among them we learn that Mr. Gillespie, a contractor has been seriously inju red. Shanties were also torn down, and consid erable property destroyed. There appears to be no other cause for these disgraceful scenes than an old feud which exists between Irishmen known as Connaught men and Far-Downs.— Several arrests, we are happy to learn, have been made. On Friday last Sheriff Crownover summoned an armed posse and proceeded to the scene of artists. On his arrival there, the riot ing ceased, and many of the participants fled to the mountains- These riots are dangerous and should be sup pressed at all hazards. If foreigners wlio come here to labor will persist in violating our laws, the authorities should give them stsch a demon stration of their power as will learn them here after to respect them. Let the orders, on all these occasions, be "Mono GRAPE," and our word for it, the peace of the community wilt not long be disturbed by these senseless and unmeaning Riots. EC7 — MINT. Uszarre," is the title of a new literary paper, started at Bristol, Bucks county, Pa., by WM. Blum, Esq., an ad and esteemed acquaintance of ours. Mr. B. is a very worthy man, a good Printer, and' a man of excellent literary taste and ability. He will doubtless make a good paper, and we wish him the most abundant success in his enterprise. Ice Cream, Mr. John Cunningham has opened a new Ice Cream Saloon in the lower room of the Sons of Temperance Hall, immediately opposite the PEst Office. The room is handsomely fitted up, and we can bear testimony that his Cream is very fine. S•raswaasatas.-Mrs. Steel', Lady of Major James Steel, will please accept our thanks for the large, rich, red, lucioua Strawberries, kindly sent us the other day, raised in her beautiful and tastefully arranged garden. They were the largest we ever saw, but so tempted our appe tite that they all disappeared before taking the dimensions of one of them occurred to our mind. AsvoinusT BY T. GOVBEINOIt.--Josspn BUFFINUTON, of Kittanning, to be President Judge of the 18th Judical District, composed of the counties of Clarion, Venango, Jefferson, 1k and McLean, Lippard , s Letter. The Opposition papers, says the York Repub. i lican, are just now rejoicing in, and gloating over a letter addressed to Gen. TAYLOR by a certain GEORGE LIPPARD, author of the Quo- . kyr City" and other works of prurient notori ety, in which the modest writer takes the Old Hero to task for his conduct as President, and charges him with not having kept his pledges to him, the said George. It seems that Lir- PARD called himself last fall a 66 Taylor Demo crat"—a style of politician not at all admired by the very papers which use his letter for po litical effect—" loving the treason, but despi sing the traitor." He must needs write a letter to Gen. Tavi.oa too; and having received an answer, displayed his honorable principle by publishing it, though marked " confidential," by way of showing no doubt what correspond ence he, GEORG. LIPPARD, had with great men. Not having been called to the Cabinet, nor re ceived any appointment, or even a suit of old clothes, George waxes angry and abusive, and sets to work to exterminate Gen. TAYLOR with this letter now going the rounds of the Loco foco press. The following anecdote shows that TOM CORWIN understood George edzoeily : • Tom CORWIN AND GROW. Limtno.—They sayat Washington that Corwin's levee is always as well attended as any in the city, and stran gers coming thither always call on him as one of the "lions." Among Others, Lippard the author of raw-head and bloody-bones stories, and who conducted a kind of piratical sheet du ring the Presidential campaign, in which he abused Corwin without stint, called upon him a month or two since, and introduced himself I with the easy and confident air of a patron.— Said Lippard, smiling: I " Gov. Corwin, my name is Lippard, George Lippard, of Philadelphia, whom you have prob ably heard of,—very glad to make your acquain tanee, sir. I blackguarded you a good deal last year." . . Corwin. (With one of his peculiar looks.) Ah! well, Mr. Lippard, you look very much like a blackguard!" Lippard K•as shut up, and left The Lancaster Tntelligencer, a leading Loco foco paper, refuses to lend its columns to aid Geo. Lipp:ind to gain notoriety, and rebukes its Locofoco cotemporaries who have done so.— I The editor says : LIPPARDIANA.--We have not allowed the political diatribe of this eccentric individual, addressed to President Taylor, to grace our columns—nor is it likely that we shall alter our mind hereafter. We strongly suspect, that a morbid thirst for notoriety has dictated the whole of these epistolary exercises--to which the press has injudiciously too freely adminis tered. The Intelligencer is right. Lippard is evi dently a fellow without principle or character, and wrote this letter, besliming the great name of ZACHARY TAYLOR with abuse, with no other view than to gain notoriety. But it will be no toriety followed by the contempt of all honora ble men. George knew that the locofoco press would seize with avidity a letter of this kind, and; though it might go forth from a monkey they would publish it as the effusion of a man of character and distinction. He knew it would ensure notorieig,--even if it was a notoriety which high-minded and honorable men would revolt at. We are happy to observe, however, that at least one respectable Locofoco paper declines to be used by George to gratify his I thirst for notoriety. The next we hear of him he will dipahtless be out in a long letter abusing the Locofocos, with the hope of getting a hear ing through the Whig press. Ronnnay.-The Jewelry Store of Mr. James palliate its gross libels, and when it will <, eat T. Scott, of this place, was robbed on Thurs- i its own words," and strive to court the favor day night last of several watches. The robber of one elected by the people against every effort gained access by removing the window shutter of designing politicians. and taking out a pane of glass, which enabled I The mass of our citizens are disgusted at this him to put in his hand and lift the watches from open prostitution of the political press, which the hooks on which they were hanging. Mr. attacks the good and great with ruffian taunts, S. was sleeping in• the store, but the burglary whenever they stand between party hacks and and robbery was so quietly performed, that he their chase after public spoils. There is but was not awakened. one charge which can be laid to Gen. Taylor, . . . . . THE Qi:AKEr Crr;Those-Those of our Whig which is, that he has no sympathies with those : political vampires who have so long sucked the friends who were induced to subscribe for this blood of our country and fattened on its decay. paper, will doubtless feel much gratified that they have done so, when they read the letter of There is nothing as yet which justifies any con the editor, Geo. Lippard, abusing President demnation ; he has had no opportunity of devel- Taylor in the most foul-mouthed manner. Seri oping his policy or advising with the National ator Corwin told him he 10 /naked like a black- Legislature, and yet besotted Locofocoism pre guard ;" and he writes as much like a black- judges him, and as it strove to ruin him as a guard as he looks. General now seeks to brand him as incompetent • fora President. 12:7' The Washington Examiner says that rrGen. Taylor will hereafter be regarded as I Schuylkill County--Hon. James having been a disgrace to the station which he Cooper. A correspondent of the Daily News, writing occupies.” And why I Simply becausehe from Pottsville, says :—The Whigs of this, the removes Locofocos from office, and obstinately refuses to surrender to his Locofoco enemies. i "Banner county" of the State, held their usual Preparatory Santa Anna entertained about the same opinionreparatory county meeting yesterday, and, to of the old man when he refused to surrender his judge from the numerous attendance, and en thusiasm that prevailed, the same spirit is still army to him at Buena Vista. But when he came to try his hand at mating th abroad that led to such glorious results last old Hero surrender, he found himself defeatede fall. The Hon. James Cooper addressed the and disgraced, and, General Taylor gloriously meeting in one the best speeches I ever lis tened to. He kept his large audience entranced victorious. So it will be with Santa Anna's for upwards of an hour, and the new Senator Locofoco alies in this country, who are now heaping their foul-mouthed abuse on President may congratulate himself upon the very favor- Taylor, and affecting to sneer at his capacity, able impression which he has prodsced upon the citizens of this his new home. Strong re- When they come to make open battle upon him, they will find themselves defeated and disgraced olutions were passed, awarding praise to the and Gen. Taylor, as heretofore, triumphantly National and Stole Administrations, and re sustained. newing the pledge to the people that every ex ertion should be made to remodel the tariff act of 1816 ; also a resolution condemning the in troduction of slavery into the new territory. Delegates were appointed to the Ilarrisburg convention to nominate a candidate for Canal Commissioner, as follows:—James B. Serau, Senatorial'; Robert Morris and John Hendricks, Represetative, uninstructed. The Whigs of Schuylkill are on the alert, and eager for the &old Dust, The steamship Crescent City, from Chagres, arrived at New Orleans on the 10th inst., bring ing $1,000,000 in gold dust. The U. S. Ship Lexington arrived at Baltimore on the 14th in stout, bringing $1,00,000 of the same article. The Cholera A despatch from New York dated 14th inst., shows an increase of deaths from Cholera, and l i „ e . a decrease of cases, compared' with the report '37' The Globe is out with a complaint tbre of the previous day. Thirty-eight cases and Robert Speer, late Postmaster at Cassville, ,, ai sixteen deaths are reported. 1 i honest man" and a "gentleman in every parties With the exception of a few cases in Phila- i e r, ,, has been removed. This complaint is delphia and Pittsburg, our State has thus far very surprising and shows how hard run the entirely escaped this alarming disease.. In Phil- Globe must be foe something to find fault with, adelphia there has been no cases reported du ; when it is known that Robert Speer signed a ring the past week. . petition asking the department to appoint Isaac ra- The Whigs of Butler county have nonii- Smith to succeed' him! About the "perfect nsted Wm. Basica, Esq., editor of the Butler gentleman in every particular," perhaps the Whig, for State Senntnr, and' D. 11. 8.. Brower least said the better. There is at feast a diver for Assembly. sity of opinion on that subject. Removals—The Globe, The Globe is still whining over the removals from office now making by the National Ad ministration. But the editor appears to have no sympathy for the victims decapitated by the Locofoco Canal Commissioners, last spring.-- A bout thirty Canal and Railroad officers lost their heads under the operation of the Long strolls and Painter guillotine, yet we have to hear the first word of complaint from the Globe on the subject. And the editor even declines to tell us why Mr. Cunningham was removed from the Collector's office at this place. Was he not " honest and capable I" If so, why wan he removed I Great sympathy is expressed by the Globe for one of the Brown's--an old office holder, and a blackguard to boot—but the editor has not one little word of sympathy for his neighbor, Mr. Cunningham, who had only been in office three years, and is a very respectable nian. Now if the editor of the Globe is honest in his opposition to removals, why does he not denounce the Canal Commissioners for the re movals they have made I He is aware that mare than thirty heads were taken off last Spring by the Board, yet up to this time he has been as silent as death on the subject! This is in striking contrast with the hue and cry he is raising over every removal made by the Nation al Administration, and can only be accounted for by the conclusion that the Globe is not ad verse to removals, but is only opposed to Whigs being appointed to any of the offices of the country. Tory Opposition to (den. Taylor. However the people may respect the honesty of the present executive, and applaud his bra very, enough has been witnessed to show that he is painfully INCOMPETENT to the per formance orhis ditties 04 President of the Uni ted States. The humiliating verdict, at first whispered and suggested, amid doubt and sur prise, is now openly proclaimed and rarely de nied. The Philadelphia Sun says, the above, from the Pennsylvanian, is a specimen of the tactics of the unscrupulous opposition to General Tag- Loft's administration. What has been witness ed 1 Who has pronounced the verdict ? The Cases of the opposition, the editor of the Wash ington Union, who, Like a cur, behind, Struck Caesar on the neck," has drivelled out his belief of his incompetency, as he did of old against ANDREW Jacasoa.— Who believes him or any of the pack who bark and bite at all honesty, and fawn only when " thrift may follow ?" What has Gen. TAYLOR done to be thus denounced by men who were not born when he was battling for his country ? What verdict shall be rendered against the shameless impudence which seeks to assail the fair fame of a veteran soldier, only for ulterior partizan purposes 1 The slander which was " first whispered and suggested" by the mali cious leaders of Locofocoism when smartin g under defeat, has been " now openly proclaim ed" by those in whom the people have no con fidence—by those who were condemned and driven from power last fall. The reputation of Gen. Taylor, his competency and his honesty, are above the reach of calumny—these cannot be touched " more than you can pluck its bright ness from the sun, or with polluted finger tar nish it." The Pennsylvanian may rail and fume and calumniate, but the day will come 1 when it will shrink with shame to have so for- gotten itself when it will seek to excuse and Nominations. ALLEGTIKNY.-Our political friends in Alle gheny county have nominated the following Assembly ticket: R. C. Walker of Elizabeth; Win. Es, .sp Lower St. Clair; Caleb Lee, of Pittsb urg; John Miller, of Sharpsburg. COVNTY.-The Whigs of batmbin have made the following nominations : Assembly-4. 13. 131.1theiford, Thos. hiftlean. Prothonotary—Stephen Miller. Treasurer—John J. Clyde. The above is an excellent ticket. The As sembly candidates represented Dattphin last year, to the entire satisfaction of the people. The candidates for Prothonotary and Treasu rer—Messrs. Miller and Clyde—are eminently fitted for the stations for which they have been nominated, and hnvealways been hard-working, efficient Whigs. We are truly rejoiced that their services are appreciated by their political brethren. 'We shall look for the election of the whole ticket by a large majority. Does any body, (Gen. Taylor excepted) know who George Lippard is 1 Eh !—Wood . Examinvr. Senator Corwin told him what he is, by his looks, which renders the inquiry, "who George Lippard is," entirely unimportant to the public. ar I hare no friend' to reward," is an expression never used by Gen. Taylor, and we defy the Locofoco papers which attribute it to him to produce the proof. The noble sentiment used by the old Hero, in his ietter to Captain Allison, and which has been basely garbled by the Locofoco press, is as follows : "I have no private purposes to accomplish-- no party projects to build up—no enemies to punish—nothing to serve but my country." The Next Census The able Census Board at Washington, have issued the following Circular Letter, the object of which will be seen on its perusal : WASHINGTON, May 16, 18.19. Sir--By the act of Congress, entitled "An Act to make arrangements for taking the Sev enth Census," it is provided that the Census Board " shall prepare and cause to be printed such forms and sehedules for collecting in statis tical tables. under proper heads, such informa tion as to Mines, Agriculture, Commerce, Man ufactures, Education, and other topics, as will exhibit a full view of the pursuits, industry, education, and resources of the country it being provided that the number of said inquiries, ex clusive of the enumeration, shall not exceed one hundred." The Hungarian Victory. Last week we gave, in a postscript, the sub stance of the news from Europe, by the steamer Europa, in which the gathering of the Russian and Hungarian armies among the northern de files of Hungary and the probability of an early battle was mentioned. Later advices by the same steamer announce that the expected battle had actually taken place, and that the left wing APPOINTMENTS BY THE PRESIDENT To FILL VACANCIES. of the Russian army, 60,000 strong, had sutler- Tho as M. Foote, of New York,to be Charg ed a total defeat! The Intelligence, although ' d'Aftai n r l s to New Grenada, in lietiof Benjamine not direct and positive, comes through so many A. Bidlack, deceased. channels as to leave no room to doubt its truth. I Alexander K. McClung, of Mississippi, to be The battle was fought by Gal. Bern, who Charge d'Atfairs to Bolivia, in lieu of John All , met the Russian army in a defile at Rottenthrum, ; pleton, resigned. and completely routed it, the enemy losing some , Charles L. Flelschman, of the District of Co , limbic', to be Consul at Stutgard, in Wurtem onere, with all the arms, cannon, ammunition, 8,000 men killed, and surrendering 36,000 pris burg in lieu of Tobias Beehler, resigned. i Stephen D. Poole, of North Carolina, to be &c. The Russians, it is said, were driven across , Consul at Turk's Island, in lieu of J. T. Pickett, WORKING ITS OWN CURE. I The lamentation system, of which the editor 1 the frontier, and forced to fall back upon CIR. ' resigned. cow which may transfer the war to Poland. I Geo. F. Usher, of Rhode Island, to be Com te of the Washington Union is the founder, is not ' The New York Tribune, in announcing thus mercial Agent at Port au Prince, in lieu of likely to be so popular as that gentleman and Joseph C. Luther, resigned. great victory, remarks—" This result is what those who have stolen his thunder expected it REMOVALS ' was expected. We have no belief in the real onst ntinople, in II f Dabny S. would be. The abuse of the thing has invested . • I George P. Marsh, of Vermont, to be Minister it with so muchAllat is ridiculous that the ab- . st r re D n: ffi th of bsk th i e Russian Army. One of Bem' 's Magyar Hus;ars is worth halt " - It s r i r de re n c t aZ surdity is working its own cure. The ~ pro_ or of the best troops that the Czar can I Thomas W. Chinn, of Louisiana, to be Charge scribed" cannot stand the drenching given them furnish for this war, and the same is true of I d'Afrairs to the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. by their friends, and on every hand are entreating their Infantry and Artillery. •It is only by I John Trumbull Van Allen, of New York to be them to forbear. Mr. Clapp, examiner of drugs " Charge d'Attairs to the Republic of Ecuabor, in for the port of Charleston, S.C., having been lieu of Van Brugh Livingston, recalled. overwhelmingnumbers that the Russians can I hopeto beat sucha soldiery as they are now I removed from office, the Charleston Mercury ret j a ° r hn o C f • Le DavE' of I‘ l l 2. ass i a:h d usetts, to be Sec opened to, and Paskewitch, their commander, opened the sluices of its indignation and sorrow. lim p et display a higher order of talent than he Lo Y ienzo Dr g a at e w r n o t ; New l l ' l o lc, be Consul Whereupon Mr. Clapp, who is not the first man , has yet evinced, if he ie to out-general the Po- at Havre de Grace, in lieu of r Wm t . ° J. Staples• , mill. has earnestly prayed, ~ save me from my : lish and Hungarian leaders. recalled. 1 friends," protests against being drowned in a . , No, let no man fear that the revolution can at Edward Kent, of Maine, to be Consul a t' torrent of sympathy, denies that his removal . Rio Janeiro, in lieu of Gorham Parks, recalled. was a ease of political proscription and among Rev. Thomas Sewall, of Maryland, to be Con.- once be suppressed in Hungary because the 1 Russian automatons are hurled against her gal- . other good things says: - : sul an St. Jago de Cuba, in lieu of John W.• . lint defenders. It is much more likely that it Holding, recalled. Your picture of me as a conscientious official . will be transferred to Poland. Would not that devoting honself with untiring energy arid William R. Hayes, of Connecticut, to be sleepless assiduity to•the discharge of his duties, rouse the world—to hear the tread of freemen , Consul at Barbadoes, in lieu of Noble 'Pawner, is, per se, very affecting, but lam compelled to armed for freedom once more around Warsaw T recoiled. rob it of much of its charming warmth and Let the cry of Poland again be raised—and 1 Elijah Payne, of New York, to be Consul at freshness by confessing that ail the drugs and Panama, in lieu of William Nelson, recalled. medicines imported into Chavlestowsince I was raised again it must be—not by her nobles, but 1 Charles Benjamin, of Connecticut, to be Con appointed, have been somewhat less in• valise by n chivalrous and brave democracy, and to , sal at Demerara, in lieu of Samuel J. Masters, than the amount of my pay, and that they have that last struggle of Light against Darkness all ' recalled. been of such choice quality, and FO perfectly put up, that their examination cost Inc almo.,t ('I n . • 'rho ',ay and stendom would convene.i , 'in- Israel D. Andrews, of Maine, to be Consul as little trouble as it conferred benefit . theick and Canada petuous soldier 4 or France, generous and kindly , for N. ow 1 3roosw , in lieu of Coll ins Whittaker, recalld. Public. If it had not been that the duties of Germans, men of England, of Americo, of Italy the office, such as they were, lay in that path _nay, ere" millions of her own enfranchised I Bailey M. Edney, of North Carolina, to be of natural science where lam fond of strolling, -' m ' , Consul at P i ernambuco, n lieu of C. G. Salinas, T should have been ashamed to hold it. "'' peasants would gather there to wipe out the , (a foreigner,) removed. The principal nim of the Board, at this time, I is to acquire such information as will enable it ' to arrive at the most proper enumeration of subjects to be embraced in the next Census. The communications of all persons, who may feel disposed to make suggestions or contribute information on the subject, will be respectfully considered. Address , g Department of State—Census," Washington. JOHN M. CLAYTON, REVERDY JOHNSON, JACOB COLLAMER. JO!. C. G. KtNNEDY, fier'y We hope every citizen, who has anything of importance to suggest, will consider himself addressed by the above Circular, and will has ten to convey his knowledge to the Board. In conclusion, Mr. Editor, while I thank you , sorrows and wrongs of Poland, the blood of her for the pathetic touch about the g. dead Osso- sons, the torture of her daughters, the whole ry," I beg to assure you that I am not dead, not even politically dead, and that it will be catalogue of unspeakulile. outrages which Cath matter of very great grief and loud complaint urine and Nicholas have inflicted upon her. h on my part if, on the mistaken supposition that end of such a conflict could, not , be doubtful.— ' am so, the Greeks and Trojans should swarm The Russian despotism would inevitably be out to have a battle royal over my body. I driven back into Asia, where it belongs, and 07 - Cupid does some last work occasionally.' the stronghold of tyranny and injustice, the In Cincinnati, lately, a gentleman going through great hindrance of progress in Europe, destroy the market, saw a lovely girl. He was imme- ed for ever. diately victimised, proposed to the girl, was ac- I Issues like these hang on the war in Hungary. cepted, and married to her next day ! That is There is reason, then, to rejoice in this victory. the way to do business. I God prosper the Right." THE Fume. AT New OHLeaas.--The water DEATH FROM CHOLERA.—Mrs. Mary, at New Orleans on the 6th inst. was fully an wife of Mr. Jno. P. Glass, of this city inch above the highest previous mark, and in died of Cholera yesterday evening at 7 the Bayou St. John was nix inches above the o'clock. We understand that Mrs. 4.1 hurricane work of 1831. At the meeting of was in her übtial health, up to about 3 the joint committee of Councils on the previous o'clock yesterday, having been at church night, it was stated that Mr. Dunbar, the engi- in the forenoon. She was attacked neer, had expressed himself confident that he j with unmistakeable symptoms, and des would succeed in a few days in partially cut- ; pite of all medical aid, was a corpse in tins off the volume of water. I little more than three hours. This is ay - One of the members of the Massacliti- I the first case occurring in our city setts Legislature recently offered a bill, which which has come to our knowledge.— provided that "no lady shall be married, except Pitts.Gaz. June 1 ltlt. in the town where she resides." It didn't go [C - A Flog was recently butchered in down ; another member knocked it on the head Broome co., N. Y., which weighed 2000 by offering an amendment, requiring people "to lbs. The slain was preserved, and it is die in the town where they are born." I to be sent to New York city for exhi co- The telegraph reported a few days ago bition. that Ex-President Polk was attacked with Chol- A FIXED FAcr.—The Baltimore Patriot says era. This is not correct. fie is suffering from there is nothing mere intense and lasting than a severe diardura, and is considered dangerous- the " indignation of a dismissed offict-holder." ly Lt lasts all the time be is "One." THE ASIATIC CHOLERA, An erroneous opinion prevails among many persons that the Asiatic Cholera strikes its vic tim with the suddenness almost of lightning.— The fart is that there are few diseases which give earlier or more certain Warding oT their approach; and it is only after the patient has labored under the incipinct stages for three or four clays, that the final attack occurs. If the premonitory symptoms are watched, cholera is coniparatively harmless, indeed far less fatal than any other disorder to which mankind is nubjecf. iy, of The first indication of the approach of the ilisease is a hardness, or fulness in the abdomen, betraying a slight derangement in the organs there situated. If a glass Ar Water is taken, a feeling of distress, or uneasiness ensues, gener ally of a light character howeVer; and in conse quence frequently disregarded altogether, or soon forgotten. In time—on the next day per haps—occasional pains shoot through the stom ach, and a sensation of nausea is experienced.— Diarrhwa ensues, perh,,ps vomiting, the day after, or, in violent cases, on the same day.— Even though the patient may have disregarded the former symptoms, if he will now call in a physician, and take proper remedies, he is near ly sure of recovery, more sure than a person attacked with fever, ar other ordinary disorders. • If, however, he neglects these forewarnings, violent cramp succeeds, and then there is rral danger. The only peril, therefore, that exists, arises from the carelessness of the public, superindu cad by the gentleness of the disease in its ear lier stages. If a man is attacked with the cramp, and dies in a few hours, it is said that he fell a victim to the cholera in a single day ! yet, in reality, if enquiry was instituted, it would be found that he had been laboring under the premonitory stages of the disease for several days, and that the cramp, which was considered the first, was in reality the last assault of the enemy. The lassitude accompanying the car • tier progress of the disorder, joined to the ex treme mildness of the symptoms, induces fre quently a criminal carelessness, which leads to the most fatal results. Yet, if the approaches of the disease are watched, they are certain to yield to proper and timely treatment. Staveri Expiring, How can Slavery continue its miserable CXlB. ' tence much longer, with the moral sentiment of the North solidly arrayed against it, and bold HARRY CLAY and theindomitab lc 13F.ISTON tram pling it under foot in the very "house of its friends 1" The severest blows it now rec eives are idthe Slave States. Mr. Robinson of Frank lin, Ky., in a speech delivered in the late Eman cipation Convention at Frankfort, Ky., hit off the defenders of slavery in that State with a . good deal of litirnor and point : The opposition to our views is inconsider-, able if we have a fair hearing. There are but few who admire the shivery of Kentucky and with many of that few it is a sentiment rather than a principle. Their birth-place is Old Vir ginia—there they spent their .youth. Slavery was there, and everything in Virgin:a was per fect. You know, sir, the strength of this reel ing among Virginians. The emigrant from even those portions of it which slavery has des olated—from the eastern sand hills—where the. people subsist one half the year on fish and oysters, and the other half on past recollection —amid rill the fertility of the west—sighs for the sand hills and fish and oysters of Old Vir ' ginia. With others this love of slavery is nei• Cher a sentiment nor principle—they, from mere habit, cry olit against us, abolition I dan ger to property ! !..:- . and, those who cry loudest are those who never had a negro to abolish, and'. unless their habits of ihdustry shall vastly ; change, never will ; while the largest portior raise the hue and cry merely fhipllitical effect, and for fear of mere party interests." CARELESSNESS OF LIFE IN TEXAS.- The San Antonio Texian mentions a fearful increase of supposed suicide, though we doubt whether so many sud den deaths are Justly chargeable to this cause. The papers say: "A recklessness Sf hie unprecedented, has exhibited itself in many instances; the horrors of death, • or the fearful consequences of a here after seems to make but a slight impres sion upon the minds of many, who are daily rushing headlong into eternity. Within the last four or five days not less. than five, and some report seven, bodies' have been found in the San Antonio river and the ditch leading from the Alamo to the head of the river, thought to have been drowned.—The names of two only have been ascertained—Davenport and'• Frazer, the latter employed in this office. WHAT A Woms,—ln Chicago lately, a wo man while intoxicated, demolished the windows and stock in trade of a grog-shop keeper, beat him, and then sallied into the steett, where she drubbed a big Dutchman, and whipped half-a dozen constables who attempted to wrest her. Delectable wife she'd make. Editorial State Convention. The undersigned publishers of Newspapers in the 17th Congressional District, concuring with their editorial brethren generally in the necessity of having an Editorial State Conven tion in Pennsylvania, for the purpose of correc ting numerous abuses now practiced to the pos itive injury of Country publishers,. respectfully recconunend to the Fraternity that they meet in• State Convention at Harrisburg, on THURS DAY the Bth day of NOVEMIIHR, 1849, and earn estly urge a general attendance. The Postage Reform tuner be effected during. the next Session of Congress. A Law whose practical effect is to make the rich richer and the poor poorer, cannot be too soon erased from our National Statute Book, and we deem the• time reccommanded for a State Convention an auspicious one for urging effectually upon our I National Congress the necessity and expedien 'cy of a speedy and permenant change. This and other Reforms immediately affecting the in terests of the Country Press, demand the prompt and serious attention of the Fraternity, and we call upon our brethren throughout the State to act with us harmoniously and energet ically, feeling confident that by so doing the Country Press can be placed upon a.praper plat form. J. K. SUOEMAKER, Bellefont Whig. H. J. WALreas, Lewistown Democrat, Geo. FRYSINGER, Lewistown Gazette, W. P. Cooper, Juniata Register, A. K. McCult., Juniata Sentinel,• JAMES CLARK, Huntingdon Jourrul, Wm. Lewis, Huntingdon Globe, J. PENN JONES, Hollidaysburg Register,. 0. A. THOUGH, Hollidaysburg Standard', Wm' T. WILSON, Blair County Whig,. Geo. RAYMOND, W. H. BLAIR, Bellefont Democrat, W. J. Pnesoss, Centre Beobachtor, Lrnwiclit; Centre Beriehter.