"-- From the Literary World. THE SPIRIT SACRIFICE. A CHIPPEWA LEGEND. It was Midsummer—and there was a terrible plague in the wilderness. Many a Chippewa village on the borders of Lake Superior had been depopulated. The only band of the great northern nation which had thus far escaped, was the one whose hunting goounds lay on the northern shore of the St. Mary's River. Their principle village stood upon a gentle promoutary overlooking the great lake, immediatly at the head of the Soult or falls, the tribe were as sembled in Council. Incantations of every possible description had for many days been performed, and yet nightly tidings were received, showing that the fatal disease was sweeping over the land, like the fires of Autumn over the prai ries. The signs in the sky as well as these tidings, convinced the poor In dians that their days were numbered. It was now the last night of their . Coun cil, and they were in despair. They knew thou the plague had been sent upon the earth by the Great spirit, as a punish ment for some great crime, and they al so knew that there was but one thing that could possibly appease his anger. And was this the sacrifice of the most beau tiful girl of her tribe 1 And such was the decree, that she should enter her canoe, and throwing away her paddle, cast herself upon the waters, just above the Falls. Morning dawned, and loud and dis mal beyond compare, was the wild wail of sorrow which broke upon the silent air. Another council was held, and the victim for the sacrafice was se lected. She was an orphan child, and her mother was a widow, feeble and in firm. They told the maiden of her fate, and she uttered not a repining word. The girls and women of the village flocked around their long-loved compan ion, and decked her hair and her neck with their brightest wampum, and the most beautiful feathers and shells that could be found in the tribe. The time appointed for the sacrifice was the sun set hour: and as the day was rapidly waning the gloom which pervaded the entire v tge gradually increased, and it seem, as if a murmuring tone min gled wi he roar of the mighty water fall. '1 day was one of uncommon splendor, and as the a in descended to the horizon a retinue of gorgeous clouds gathered around him, and the great lake, whose waters receded to the sky, was covered with a deeper blue than had ever before been seen. All things were now ready, and the Indian maiden was ready for the sacra fice.—ln silence was she conducted to her canoe, and loud was the wail of lamentation. It died away; and now to the astoniohment of all the people, a strange echo came from over the wa ters. What could it mean ! A breath less silence ensued, and even the old men listened with fear. And now a louder and clearer continuation of the same echo breaks upon the air. A speck is seen upon the waters. The sun has disappeared, and a small canoe is seen rapidly approaching, na if from the very spot ' where the orb touched the waters. The song increases, and as the fairy like canoe sweeps mysterious. ly over the watery waste, it is now seen to contain a beautiful being resembling it girl, clothed in a snow white robe. She is in a standing attitude, her arms are folded, and her eyes are fixed on the heavens. Her soul is absorbed in a song, of which this is the burden "I come from the Spirit Land, To appease the Great Spirit, To stay the plague, And to save life of the beautiful Chippewa." Onward she came, and her pathway lay directly towards the mighty rapids. With utter astonishment did the Indians look upon this unheard of spectacle, and while they looked they saw the ca noe and its spirit voyager pass directly into the foam where it was lost to them forever. And so did the poor Indians escape the plague. The St. Mary is a beauti ful river; and during the summer time its shores are always lined with lilies, large, and of a marvellous whiteness ; and it is a common belief among the Chippaways that they owe their origin to the spirit from whose mutilated body they sprang. And so endeth the legend of the Spirit Sacrifice. Lining Out. An aged minister was officiating for the first time at a public service in a down East congregation, who had been accustomed to having the hymns lined, as it is termed. The venerably divine could not see distinctly, and designed to dispense with singing. To announce his purpose, he arose and said : "My eyes are dint, 1 cannot see"— and immediately the chorister commen ced singing the line to the tune of : Old Hundred." Surprise and mortifi cation rendered the minister almost speechless, but he managed to stammer out : "I meant but an opology." This line was immediately sung by the congregation, and the minister, now ve ry much excited, exclaimed: "Forbear, I pray—my sight is dims i" but the singing proceeded, and the cou plet wee finished by his troubled and be secchingexplanation : "1 do not mean to read a hymn!. Strange as it may seem, this was also dung with much energy, and the worthy old gentlmen sat down in despair. SCENE AT AN AUCTION STORE.—We let the reader imagine at which of our auc tion stores this scene took place: Late ly dropping in at a book auction, there happeneb to be a man who annoyed the company and the auctioneer with a se gar. The book was up for tweny sev en and a half, and the auctioneer dwel ling upon it, cried, "And a-half, and a half and a-half "--when smelling the annoyance,he shouted out, "D--n your segar ! and a-half, and a-half, men trseven and a-half, thirty--thirty two and a-half, and a half—kick out that man with a segar, and a-half, and a-half—go ing, going--thirty-five, thirty-five-- thirty-five--thirty-seven and a-half— curse that segar smoke!—and a-half and a-half and a half—l'd rather have the devil about me—and a-half, and a-half, and a-half— it gives me the phthisic— and a-half, and a-half—going, going— forty, forty cents—forty-two and a-half —who's putting brimstone on the stove 1 —and a-half, and a-half, and a-half—l wish I had hold of that boy—and a half, and a-half—l'd choke the rascal —and a-half, and a-half—going, going—who says forty-five—not half the price of the book—and a-half, and a-half, forty two amd a-half—forty-five—now forty seven and a-half—a treatise on the tooth ache, gentlemen—who'll give fifty cents for the tooth-ache, and a-half and a-half —forty-seven and a-half--look at that boy there—and a-half, and a-half—pock eting one of those penknives—and a half, and a-half—l can't have my eyes everywhere—and a-half, and a-half -fifty two and a-half—kick all the boys out of the room—and a-half, and a-half, —kick 'em out, I say—and a-half, and a-half--going, going, gone."Pennsylva- Help Each ,Other. This sentiment is the root of all true benevolence, and the practice of the injunction is the living form of Brother hood. It is not only the root of earthly happiness, but imparts a blessing to the almoner and the recipient. How happy mankind might be if all would act upon the noble principle displayed by Sir Walter Scott on one occasion when ur eed not to prop the fulling credit of an ac quaintance : "The man was my friend when friends were few, and I will be his, now that his enemies are many." p-Men Marry at twenty for passion ; at thirty for love ; at forty for money ; at fifty for the sake of being fondled and nursed. £LEXANDRXA FOUNDRY, rp E subscriber respectfully annoui.ces to the public that he is prepared to do work of all kinds connected with the Foundry business. in the best manner, and on the most reasonable terms. He has constantly on hand wagon boxes, ploughs and plough castings, hollow ware, and stoves of various kinds and six.. The cooking stoves which he manufactures are inferior to none in the country, and are warranted to perform the various operations of cooking and baking in a manner equal to any, and superior to most.— He ha@ these stoves calculated for either %oad or coal. He has lately procured patterns for wood and parlor stoves, which for beauty and excellence cannot be excelled. Also, stoves for offices, shops, such as egg stoves, cannon stoves, and others. He invites pertains desirous of purclta►tng to give hirn a ca I, as he is deter- mined to sell as good an article and at as low prices as can be obtni ied at nay other place. WILLIAM GRAFFIUS. May 8, 1846-Iy. Orplaans , Cowl Sale, a decree of the Or bane' Court of the county of Huntingdon, made on the second day of May in the year 1849 Walter B. Hudson, Executor of Alargaret Smith, dee'd., late of 1,114- ley township, in end county, and widow and devisee of James Smith formerly of said county allli township, was ordered and decreed to make aisle of the real estate of the said Margaret Smith. in the raid county and township, consisting of a tract of Lund, containing one hundred end fifty scree, more or Ivor, with Omni filt) acres of dent ed land, and a log house, log stable, log spring house, and other improvements thereon. That in pursuance of tie said decree of the Orphans' Court, the feoresaid tract of 150 acres of Lend in Shirley township, will Le Fold at public outcry, on the pretnirea, to the highest and beat bidder, on Monday the 25th day of June 1849, at 10 o'clock A. M, of said day. One half of the purchatie money to be paid on the confirmation of the Tale; and the other half thereof in one year tin reafter ; to be encored by bond and mortgage. Attendance sill be given on the day of mole, on the preinised, , iy my agent, James Runny, Esq. WALTER B. HUDSON. ----• Executor of Margaret Smith May 8, 1849. Estate of John Miller, deed. Huntingdon County, SS. A T an Orphans' Court held at r l f lo VS) Huntingdon, in and for the t county of Huntingdon, on the sec . and Monday. (9th) April, 1849. before Hon. George Taylor. Presi dent, and James Gwin, and John tewart, Asso ciate Judges of said t ourt on motion of A. W. Benedict, Esq.. the Court granted a rule on the heirs and legal representatives of John Miller, late of Union township, in said county, deceased, to appear on the second Monday of August next, and accept or refuse to take the Real Estate at the said deceased at the valuation thereof. Cer tified from the Record under the seal of the said Court at Huntingdon the 23J day of April. A. D. 1849. by M. F. L AMPBELL, Clerk. May 8,1849-41. W. H. SMITH. W. M. SINC LAIR. SnITH & SINCLAIR, Wholesale Grocers, Produce & Commission Merchants, and Dealers in Pittsburg Manufactures, No• 56 Wood street, Pittsburg, Pa. Refer to Mr. Gann.' G sem, t on , t i ogdon. Messrs. J. As W. SAvrow, April 8,184 V. Wm. T. WALTZES. CRANIA/I HAUT Ts. Walters & Harvey, [bete Hatlehurat & Harvey] Produce and General Commission Merchants, Nos. 15 & 16 Spear's Wharf, Baltimore. Liberal Cash advance. made on consignments of all kinds of Produce. April 3,1849-3 m, COLEMAN'S CHEAP CUTLERY STORES. Noe. 32 and 33 Arcade. and Si North Third St., PHILADELPHIA. flOGNTßY,l:lerChantscUrrs;; from 10 to 15 V/ per cent by purchasing at the shove stores By importing my own goods, paying but little rent, and living economically. it is plain I can un• dersell those who purchase their goods here, pay high reale, and live like princes. Constantly on hand. a large assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives. Scissors and Razors. Table Knives and Forks, in Ivory, Stag. Buffalo, Bone and Wood handles; Carvers and Forks, Steels, &e. Butcher Knives, Dirks, Bowie Knives, Re volving and Plain Pistols, &c. Just received. a large stock of Rodgers' an.l Wostenholm's fine Pen and Congress Knives. Also, a large assortment of Accordeona, &e., &c. Also, Fine English Twist and German Gone. JOHN M. COLEMAN. juneslo-Iy. JACOB SNTDER, MERCHANT TAILOR, Wanld respectfully inform his old Iriends and tre Public generally that he has resumed busi ness as :MERCHANT TAILOR, in the room nen door to C. Ceuta' Hotel, formerly occupied by the Globe Printing office, Huntingdon. Pa. He has just received from I hiladelphia a splendid assortment of 4, LOTHS, CASS'. NIERS and VESTINGS of the best finish which he is prepared to make up to order at prices that cannot fail to suit the views of all. A perfect fit will in all cases be guaranteed. NVork will also he done for those who prefer purchasing their cloth elsewhere. May 3,1849. 11Z17.7 =STAMLIMEIZENT. Saddle & harness Otannfactorg. WILLIAM GLASSGOW Respectfully informs the public, that he has commenced business for himself in the room lately occupied 'oy F. Krell nearly opposite the Post Office, in Main Street, Huntingdon. Pa. All kinds of Harness and Saddles wi I ho man factored on the shortest notice, of the best mate riots, and as cheap as can ho had at any other establishment in the county. He respectfully ask. a share of public patron age. May 1, 1849. WAR AGAINST HIGH PRICES ! ! CHEAP WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, 4. FANCY GOODS!! The undersigned has just returned from Philadelphia, with a large and very superior assortment of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods, which he is enabled to sell 20 per Cent. Cheaper than heretofore! Persons wishing to purchase are invited to call and satisfy themselves of this fact. [s: Particular attention will be paid to the repairing of all kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. An experienced workman from one of the eastern cities will be constantly employed for this purpose. did gold and silver bought and ex changed for which the highest price will be allowed. J. T. SCOTT. Huntingdon, April 17, 1849. "Beat the " Hall of Fashion" who Can t B. & W. SNARE, No. 1, Corner Room of Snare's Row, opposite John Whittaker's Tavern, Huntingdon, Pa. Tho undersigned thankful for past favor., in film their customer■ and the public generally that they have just received front the city, the largest, cheapeet and moat splendid aseortment of Ready-Made Clothing, ever brought to Huntingdon. 1 heir stuck con sists of Drees and Frock Coats, `arks and Nisi noes Coats, Pantaloons and Yeats of every style and description suited to the season—warranted well made and fashionably rat. A splendid as sortment of IVeached itfuslin and Linen Shirts and Plaited Bosoms. Cotton, worsted and woolen short Stockinge; Suspenders and Hand kerchiefs. A genteel suit of clothes for almost nothing. NoirAyres of Hats and Caps, Roots & Shoes, Umbrellas, &c., at of which will be sold at the lowest prices. Please cal and examine Wove purchasing elsewhere. _ B. & W. SNARE. Buntingdon, April 3, 1849. Spring Millinery Goods. Sohn Stone Qt song, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Silks, Ribbons and Millinery Goods, No. 45 South Second Street. above Chesnut, PHILADELPHIA, WOULD call the attention of Merchants and Milliners visiting the city, to their larga and rich assortment of spring [Millinery Goods, Received by late arrivals from France, such ss Glace Silks for casing bonnets, Fancy Bonnet and ( ap Ribbenr—a large and beautiful einiortment of all pricer; Plain Mantua and Satin Ribbons, from No. 1 to No. 12; French and American Artificial Flowers, (in greet variety) ; Colored and White Crapes; Fancy Laces and Nets; French Chip Hats; Face Trio mince—Quillings ; Covered Whalebones—Cane: Buckrarria—Willow ; Bonnet Crowns and Tipp, Together with every article appertaining to the Millinery trade. March 27,1910. LIFE INSURANCE. The Girard Life insurance Annuity and Trust Company of Phhiladelphia. Office No. 159 Chestnut Street Capital $OOO,OOO. ONAKTRIt VIMPETVAL. (lONI'INUE to make insurances on Lives on V,l the most favorable term', receive and execute Tintoe end receive depoeits on interest. The Ci pital being paid up and invented, to gether with accumulated premium fund. affords a perfect security to to the insured. The pre mium may he paid in yearly, half yearly, or quarterly pigments. The Company add a BONUS at stated peri ods to the innurances for life. This plan of in surance is the most approved of, end is more generally in use, than any other in Great Britain, (where the subject is hest understood by the peo ple, and where they have had the longest expe rience,) as appear, from the fact, that out of 117 Life insurance Companies there, of all kinds, 87 are on this The first BONUS was appropriated In Decem ber 1844, amounting to 10 per cent, on the sum insured under the oldest policies; to 8 3-4 per cent.. 7 1-2 ?er cent., &c. &c. on others, in pro portion to the lime of mending, making an etidi lion of $100; $87,50; $75, &c. &c. to every , 1,000, originally insured, which is an average of more than 50 per cent. on the premiums paid, and without increasing the annual payment of, the company. The operation of the BONUS will be seen by the following examples from the Life Insurance Register of the Company, thus: Amt.ofpol.and i Policy Bonus Bonus or bonus payable Insured. Addition. at the perty's ideeense. Of Partition and Valuation of the Real Estate of Nathaniel Wilson, Esq.; late of Bailee town ship, Huntingdon county Nonce is hereby giver: to the heirs and legal representatives, of Nathaniel Wilson, Esq., late of Barree township, Huntingd,n county, and all others interested, that by virtue of a ' writ of Partition and Valuation, issued out of the Orphans' Court of said county, and to me Pamphlets oontaining the table of rates. and directed, I will hold or. Inquest to part and di ex explanations of thesubject; forms of application vide or value and appraise, all that certain real arid further information can be had at the office, gretio, in person or by letter, addressed to the s tale, tract or plented. 01 land, situate in Pr esident or Actuary. Borree lownahip, Huntingdon county, contain- II W. RICHARDS, President. int( alLtet v hundred nod thirty-five acres, JNO. F. JAMES, Actuary. nod eiljoiniric lends of Willintn Oaks, Robert May 8,1849.-1 y Mesrtev, Daniel Massey, William Johnston, the heirs of Thomas l'ell, dee'd., and other., hay ing thereon erected three horses—one large stone e E E.V7 house, anti two small ten ant hooves and Bank OXYGENATED Bern, on the premises on Wednesday the 2701 day of June 1849, at which time and place all E it S, persons Interested may attend if they think FOR THE CURE OFproper. DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, May 15. 18 14 45 T 6 ;P . 11EW CROWNO VER Sheriff. &c., &c., &c No. 58 $lOO.OO I/11100,00 250,00 2,750.00 400.00 i 4,400,00 175.00 2,175.00 437,50 5,437.50 $l,OOO 2,500 4,000 2.000 5,000 This medicine is an excellent tonic. It Uri ' parts health and vigor to the digestive organs and thus strengthens the whole system. Hence it is just the thing for Spring. when so many need something strengthening. Let every one read the following cases. and if you have one or more symptoms like those sectioned, don t fail to try this invaluable medicine. Severe l'a►se of Dyspepsia. From R. P. STOW, Esq., asst. Clerk U. S. House Representatives. WASH' NOTON , D. C., June 15,1846. Dn. Gun. B. GncEtr:--Dear Sir—l feel it not only a pleaeui e, but a duty, to make known to you and to the public, (if you desire it.) the sur prising effects of the •• Oxygenated Bitters," in relieving me from that most discouraging disor der, Dyspepsia. I have been afflicted for about seventeen years with Ike usual attendant symp tom., viz: constipation of the bowels. headache, pain in the cheat, flatulence acidity of the stom ach, and severe nausea ; and for months at a lime not the least particle of moisture would appear on the surface of the chest or limbs, and most of the tame I woe extremely bilious. I have used various remedies, have been strict in my diet, have been dosed with calomel and emetics day after der by physician., but all to no gold pu pa*. Hearing of the wonderful effects of the "Oxygenated Bitters," in the cure of Dyspepsia, I procured some as a lest resort , have used four bottles of the medici, e, arid find she bad symp toms all removed, and myself once more in the enjoyment of health. None hut the Dyspeptic suffeier, who has felt a I the horrors of the dis ease, can at all appreciate the value of the medi cine. I most sincerely hope that all will make trial of the medicine, and with me be able to re joice in the return of health. Lady Cured of Neuralgia. From Rev. TH0.31.4S KIDDER, of Vermont. Wixnsott, Vt., A ug.9,1846 Deka Stu r-4i gives me great pleasure to in form you that the ‘• Oxygenated Hitters," with which you furnished my wife, has wrought a cure in her case. About two years since, my wife was violently attacked with neuralgia in the face, through the chest, in the wrists and ankles. So violent was the disease, added to a general derangement of the female sy stem, that her strength was completely prostrated, her flesh wasted, and she rendered miserable indeed. I feel grateful for the restoration of her health, and in duty bound to give publicity to the above facts, that others similarly afflicted may know where to seek for cure. Truly your friend, THOMAS KIDDER. From How. MYRON I,4II.REXCE, of -Vass. 0 For some twenty years I had suffered severe ly from humoral Asthma. I was compelled to sit up one-third of the night. aid the test of the time my sleep wan interrupted by 'Violent fits of coughing and great thffiet Ity of breathing. In all my attendance upon our courts I never went to bud in Northampton in twenty years but twice, and then was compelled to get up. Now I tie in bed without difficulty, and sleep troundry. took the " Oxygenated Bitters," according to directions. The violent symptoms immediately abated, and perseverance In the use of ti e turn ed, has removed all its troublesome consequen ces. Fhe value of such a remedy is incalculable, and I hope its virtues may he widely diffused and its beneficent agency extensively employed." GRARN & FLETCHER, General Agents. No. 26, South sixth St, Philadelphia. Soh, wholesale and retail by THOMAS Rein ac Sn', Huntingdon, Pa. Price—sl.6o per bode.: six bottles for $5.00. M. ) , 8. 1849. Cromelian Brother, Pio. 11. Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Wine, Liquor and General Commission . .Merchants. WINE'WINE ',, S, Brandies , Gin, and Champaiene of different brands imported direct, and sold on accommodating terms to Country Dealers. Qual ities and proof of Liquors wrrranted. Philadelphia, June 20, 1848. uditoes Notice. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county. to distribute the moneys arising from the sale of the Property of the firm of Mitchell. Vance & Alexander, to and among the respective cloim snit, will attend for that purpose at his office in the borough of Huntingdon, on Saturday lime le, 1849, at 10 o'clock, A. M., whets and where ell persons interested may attend. A. W. BENEDICT, Auditor. May lb, 1849. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon coun ty, to distribute the moneys arising from the sale of the property of Frederick Gates, to and among the respective claimants, will attend for that purpose at his office in the berough of Hun tingdon, on Thursday the 14th June, 1849, at 10 o'clock A. M., when and where all persons interested may attend. A. W. BENEDICT, Auditor. May 15,1849. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon coun ty, to distribute the moneys arising from the sale of the personal property of Joseph Vance, to and among the reapective claimants will at tend fur that purpose at his office in the borough of Huntingdon, en I.:aturtlay the 16th June, 1849, at 10 o'clock .1. M.. when and where all persons interested may atter.d. A. W. BENEDICT, Auditor. May 15, 1849, 31;;0 ' 4s :kb U r_M Z - i'ti r.PD'-123Uc2iLM Of Partition and Valuation of the Real Estate of Daniel Kurfman, late of Union township, Huntingdon county, dec'd., and to all others inlet rated, that by virtue of a writ of Partition and Valuation, issued out of the Orphans Court of said county, and to me directed, I will hold an Inquest to part and divide or value and ap praise all that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situate in Cass township, Huntingdon county, adjoining lands of Lewis Steger, Philip Kurtman, t onrad Kurfman and Peter Kurfman, and Shirley. Knob, containing about two hun dred and sixty acres or thereabouts, being the farm upon which the said Daniel Kurfnion le sided at the time of his death—on the premises, on Friday the 20th July, A.D. 1849, at which time and place all persons interested may attend if they think proper. MATTHEW CROWNOVER, May 15, 1849.8 t. Sheriff. CEIRE ZAT Huntingdon County, SB. 1.• The Commonwealth of Penneyl- 1. vania, to Robert Molson, late of the county of Huntingdon, Greeting: —V% heroes, Rachel P. Moleon, by • , • bee tether and next friend, Nathan Scofield, did on the 24th day of November last, peat, prefer her petition to out Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of said county, at a Court held at Huntingdon in and for said coun ty, playing that for the causes the sin set forth, she might be divorced from the bonds of matri mony entered into with you the raid Robert; We do therefore command you as you were often before commended, that, setting aside all other business and excuses whatsoever, you he and appear in your proper person before our Judges at Huntingdon at a t curt of Common Pleas there to be held for said county, on the 2d Monday of August next b. answer the petition or label of the eras! Rachel, and to chew cause if any you have, why the said Rachel your wife should not be divorced from the bond of matri mony, agreeably to the act of Assembly, in such cases made and provided. And hereof you are not to fail. Witness the Hon. George Taylor. President of our said Court at Huntingdon, the 13th day of April ' i'llEo.ll. CREMER, Pro'ly, April 24,1849. She'drake% Alleghany House, No. 280 ,ilarket Street, above Eighth, (Seuth • Philadelphia. 1 1 1 - 118 large and splendid Hotel ban been fur nished with entire new furniture. The bar Room in the largest in Philadelphia. The Par lors and nittung-Roome ere entirely separated from the noise and bustle, cousegtient to the ar rival and departure of care. The Portico ex lending the whole frost of the house, affords a cool retreat 1011 warm weather, and a epiendid view of the peat.: thoroughfare in the City The Lodging Rooms are well furnished. The Table an well provided for an at any ether with every attention of the managers to 'make it the beet Hotel for Merchants and BuainessMen daring their stay in the City. The terms wirr be orre dollar per day, On the arrival of the Care from the Went, a Porter will be in attend ance to convey baggage, &e. to the Hotel, which is adjoining the depot. Feb. 13, 1810-6 m. & 3. M. ROWS, Broom and Wooden Aware Store, No. 63 North Third Street, or.o door above Arch Eat Side, Philadelphia, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of Brooms, Brushes, Buckets, Cedar Ware, Willow and French Baskets, Shoe and Wall Brushes, Scrub., Dusters, Mats, Blacking, Eastern-made Wooden WOte of every. de c; iption, &c., et rho low est market prices. Cash paid for Broom Corn MANIA' ROWE. JOHN. 111, ROWE. March 20, 1849-3 m. LANK DEEDS AND BONDS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. A PURELY VEGFTABLR MFDICINF. Worsdell's Vegetable Restorative Pills II AVE been gradually but sorely coming into Li favor, among the Camille. Of this Country foe 80111 e years past They hate done this entirely thro'ugh their great worth as a FAMILY MID WINE. Agencies have been appointed but no puffing and hUMbug shch . as is resorted to lii quacks to sell their Medicine has been doorr. The pills are offered fete and have end will continue to be sold by ill the principle store keeper. The proprietors claint.for their Medi cine the following advantages over ell others— via: They are PURELY VEGETABLE.— They are CERT4IN TO OPERATE. Thdi operation is FREE from all PAIN. They con be used with EQUAL BENEFIT by the y oung. est INFAN I and the STRONGEST MAN Their efficiency in Fevers, Ague, Headaches, Habitual Costiveness. Dyspepsia, 4 bolero Mot... bus, &c.. has been proven upon thousands... . They are • Certain Cure for Worms. The pro prietors poetics' a certificate from a gentleman i St. Louts who was cured of a TAPE WORM r the use of them. Try them they will not fail. Travelling agent for the Slate of Permsylv a nia—t HARM; I'. AmIST. For sale, price 2$ cents a box containing FIFTY PTLlS„with full directions by the following agents in Buntingdoli County: ''homes Read & Son. Huntingdon. Thomas E. Orbison, Orblsonia. , J. M. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg, Blair Co A. W EEKS & Co. Proprietors, Laboratory No. 141 Chesnut street; Philadelpnia. January 23, 1849-Iy. IMPORTANT CHANOPI MRS. SUSAN HAMPSON, ►("AKES this method of - inhuming her old cus tomer.' and the public generally that the has leased the large and commodious house on Allegheny street, Huntingdon, Pa., known as the “MANSION irsousc,” occupied for seveial years by Mrs. E. Clarke! and lately by John Marks, as a public holm.— She will be found thrre on and after the lit of April, 1849, prepared to accommodate all who may favor her with a call in a manner that can• not be surpassed by any other house in the county. will always be furnished with the very beet that the market will afford. In short, nothing will be left undone that will in any way add to the comfort of hor customer., MI she in determined not 'o be beat. The location of the "Mansion Howe" i■ de cidedly the beet in the borough; the room. ara lerge, will he well funnelled, and made comfort able in every particular. Regular boarders will be accommodated at moderate pricer. March 20,1849. MI LIMO OD CADE/11Y 'III.IIE subscribers, residents of Shade Gnp, Huntingdon county, Ps., beg leave to inform their friends and the pub lic generally, that they have established at the place above mentioned, a BOARD ING SCHOOL for the education of young men. . The course of instruction comprises, in addition to the usual brunches of a common English education: Philosophy, Mathematics, and the Latin and Greek languages. The location is distinguished for its healthfulness and the moral and religious character of the surrounding community Every attention will be paid to the health and morals of the pu pils as well as to their mental training and advancement in scientific knowl edge, and every facility will be afforded for their personal comfort and conveni ence. The year is divided into two sea 'ions of five months each ; the winter session commencing on the Ist of No vember, and the Summer session com mencing on the 23rd of April. Terms per Session :—For °allegro phy, Reading and Writing, $5. Arith metic, Geography, Grammar, Philoso phy, History and composition, Mathematics, Greek and Latin lan guages, $ 2. Boarding, exclusive of fuel and light, $1.25 per week. Instruc tion given in French and German, at an additional charge. The subscribers, en couraged by the liberal patronage which they have already received, would re peat, that they are determined to spare no effort in making the Institution one that will commend itself to all parents. who desire to give then. sons a thorough preparatory education, without expo sing them to the contaminating and im moral influeuces that exist in more pop ulous communities. For reference or further particulars address • JAMES Y. McGINNES, J. H. W. AfcGINNES. Shade Gap, March 13, 1849. EW G4lolos ! The " old Locust Corner', A brad !! Fisher, InciKurthe dt. co., HAVE just received a large and aple mild as sortrnel.i of - SPRING & SUMMER GOC DS which they are eel ling, as usual, at extremely low profits. Their stock consist. of a general' assortment, adapted to the went• of all. Sea , eonable DRESS GOODS for Ladies and Gen , tlemen ; READY-MADE CLOTHING, Hon , nett., Hate. Pape, Boots and Shoee, Herdward,• Groceries, &c.. &c. In abort, the " out Leers.' cons.," conlinuee to be the "GRAND BAZAR? where every thing useful and o•namental, ca* be had, better and cheaper, than can be prdcn red elsewhere. Their motto is •• Quick Eel.. and Small Profits." All who &sire to supply themselves with good goodstal low price., will' give them w call. Match 27,1849. GOLD PENS.. Warranted GOLD PENS, with silver bandies, can be had at Scorr's Cheap Jewelry Store, for $1.25 Other Gold Pens, without handles, for 75 cents. April f 7, 1849. Last Notice. JACOB Siroca would' inform those indebted' to him, that he has left his account. with 15. Snare, Esq., for collection. Those knowing thorned.es ind ebted will sane costs by calling at' hls office aeon and paying up.