Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 12, 1849, Image 3

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    ARRNAL fIF T E EUR.PA, closed. •With regard to Hungary, some•
dung had already been said ; at the Tri
• Seven Days Later ,frosa Europe. I butte he had already said that what tuok
I plaice in Hungary bad excited the solic-
Sr. joss, N. ft., Jun- G-11, A.M.
The Corinth,. ail news by this arrival is not itude 01 the government, which had
of a very cheer:lig charaet,r, but the political written about it to Si. Petersburg!), Lon- I t
intelligence will be read with more than ordi- , don, Vomits and Berlin. It hail been
nary intsrest. saki that the time for negotiation was
The Cambria arrived off Liverpool on the
slat ult. I passed, but as for them,, meaning the
The same feeling of dullness that has perva- goverraneet, they continued to nego
ded commerce for several weeks past continues tinte. M. Guichaim followed. the Mm
to exist, and the probability of a change for the •
tater saving that France had evidently
better, seems even farther removed than ever. . • •
There has been no further discussion of Can- joined the coalition of Kings. M. Jolly
adian affairs in Parliament, and it is doubtful if said that he prefered war to the himiili
any will take place, as the impression terms anion of France, and with a view to test
generally to prevail it having a free constitu
the sense of the Assembly upon the
banal Parliament . The Canadians are quite '
capable of settling their own affairs- There subject under consideration, he props).
doss not appear to be any reason to doubt but sed the following order of the day.
that the English government will sustain every I "The National Assembly considers
act of Lord Elgin's administration. the manifesto of the Emperor of Russia
In the House of Lords on Mnday, Lord
and the treaties bt tweet him and the
Stanley made an elaborate speech in opposition
to the bill for the repeal of the navigation laws, Kings of I'russia tied Austria, are a
and several ainendments were offered, which blow to the principles of the French
were rejected by decisive majorities. The final Constitution and the rights of nations,
vote in . committee of minister increased their
and contrary to the resolutions of the
late majority of ten to thirteen.
Another pistol has been fired at Queen Victo- National Assembly, Ste.
ria without, however, any injurious consequen- After a speech front M. Marquin Gen.
ces. The criminal in the present instance is a Cavaignac ascended the tribune, and •
stupid Irishman, who, as the pistol contained moved nn order du four motive.
only powder. seems to have no other object in
view than to obtain notoriety. The National Assembly calls the se-
Political affairs on the continent exhibits no rious attention of the governtnent to
improvement. Indeed, the danger and probe- the events, and movement of troops ta
bilitr°l a 2. " ° " al.Eur° P ean war ' "Peare to king p lace in Europe, and seeing in the
more imminent now, than at any previous time c•
during the past year. state of affairs, dangers for liberty and
The recent elections in France have resulted the Republic, recommend the Govern
in favor of the Socialists and Red Republicans, merit to take energetic measures for
to a far greater extent-than was anticipated.— their protection: Gen. Cavaignac said
They will muster about 210 strong, against
he thought this resolution would have
twice this number who, though composed of
parties and •sections of parties, entertaining the effect of engaging the Republic in
opiWons the very opposite of each other, are a recognition which it could not accept j
considered friends of order. The, effect of the yet, of showing that the Assembly felt
-elections upon banks and funds is unfavorable, what a serious matter to it were the
from the highest to the lowest point. The funds
fell thirteen per cent. events now occuring in Europe.
In the French Assemby, the affairs of Rome ' M. Jolly objected to General Cavnig
and Hunearybeine under consideration, a debate nnc's motion as not sufficiently strong,
arose which is described as most exciting and
and declared to adhere to his own. M.
violent, which Inns ever been witnessed. Pro-
positions of an immediate declaration of war Odillion Barrot said it was necessary
against Russia and Austria, were urged by sev- to reflect on a decision which would be
eral speakers, which were subsequently moth- n manifesto of war. Al. Ledru Rollin
fled by the adoption of a resolution proposed by followed, and urged the most stringent
General Cavaignac, recommending government
to adopt energetic measures to protect the in- resolution of M. Jolly. He considered
ternal and external interests of the Republic.•-•. the manifesto of the Emperor of Rus-
This resolution, though violently opposed by sin as a declaration of war against the I
the ministry, was carried by a majority of 436 Erench republic. When a question Was ' ,
to 181.
The war between the Danes and the Prussians Placed on such grounds, the only an
continued without any decisive result or pros- slyer to it was a counter manifesto—to
pert of an early issue. any France would defend herself. It
In the Roman States, there has been no ma- was the ditty of the Assembly to pro
terial change since the date of previous advice,
flounce itself in answer to the Emperor
Neither the French nor the Neapolitans have as
yet entered Rome, and the Republican govern- of Russia:
meat maintained its ground at every point M. Ledrti Rollin then turning to the
against the combined forces of France, Naples party to the right, concluded by Bey
ond Spain. ino know well that you would wish
In Germany, insurrection, or the probability , t
of it, and commotions, exist everywhere. The riot to reply. Encouraging a decision
Hungarians in their unequal contest with AO- you do not nssiime. On yourselves
tria and Ru'sia, exhibit no want of courage, and rest a terrible responsibility. If you
are evidently preparing fora desperate strue- wish to prevent civil war, energetically
ale- It is reported that they have gained some
advantages over the Austrians and Russians, and promptly answer this defiance. [Ap
but we are without intelligence from the seat of probation on the left.]
War. 111. Odillion Barrot again ascended
the tribune to answer the democratic
leader, and after a speech of considera
ble length, concluded by calling for the
siinple order of the day.
M. Creuneux followed and spoke in
the mi Ist of an uproar scarcely surpass
sect in the annals of the Assembly. At
the termination of his speech, the vo
ting commenced upon the proposal to
pass the simple order of the day, and
at 7 o'clock, when the voting closed,
the number for the the simple order of
the day was 53, against it 459—majori
ty 406.
The shipment of the troops for Cieita
Vecchia continued actively at Geed°.
nnild Marseilles. Gen. Rusthaltan has
left Paris for Italy. He is the fifth
Gen. officer sent there to join Gen. Ou
A grand review of the Garrissons at
Paris to take plugs. on Monday in the
Champele Alai, by the president, whose
reception by 100,000 troops was of the
most enthusiastic reception. Hearty
shouts of "Vive LOWS Napoleon,” . wel
comed him on all sides, and were in
singular contrast with the almost un
heard and feeble cries of "'la's La Re-
The weather was beautiful, rind the
concourse of persons to witness the
splendid spectacle was immense. The
whole of which ,passed' all' with the
greatest eclat. •
It is understood that Marshal Bu
genud is to be Minister of war; and .
President of the council or the new ad ,
It is yet uncertain who will fill the
subordinate posts, but it is possible that
M. Leon Fancher will be Minister of
France, and that M. Falloux will remain
at his present post.
In the recent election the name of
Ledru Rollin stands second on the poll,
that of Murat being placed before his
from accidental circumstanvs.
Result of the French Elections.
The most furious Socialists are elec
ted, whilst Letnartine, Marat, Arago,
Dupont d'Lure, Marie, Fould, and all
others of the party of the nation which
caused the revolution of February are
thrown out, as the contest of power
now lies between the Red Republicans
and the men of the several parties.
The .legitamiste, the Orleartists; and
the Bournapartists, the moderate Repub
licans, haft: no local Standing in France.
The Spirit of '9B Predominating
The Corsaire pledges itself for the
truth of a report of Mlljoinder made
by the Socialists members of Paris, in
which he said that the BOurgeoise had
fattened like hogs on the sweat of the
people, and shosld like hogs be killed
to make Bacon Air those on whom they
feel. After this, we may credit the cx-
The Emperor of Russia has recognized the
French Republic, and has simultaneously issued
a manifesto, announcing his determination to
interfere in the Austrian and Hungarian quar
rel, in which he speaks of the mission of his
God-preserved nation, and in the name of the
Almighty Leader of Battles and Lord of Vic
tories, commends his armies to move forward
for the extinct on of rebellion, and destruction
of autlacous and evil-intentioned men.
The Emperor of Austria has gone to meet the
Czar of Russia, at Warsaw.
Dates have been received from Calcutta
through to the oth, and Bombay to the 17:h of
April, from which we learn that the war of the
Punjaub is entirely over, and that the last phan
tom of Sikhs sovreignty has signed away his
title, by which act this vast extent of country,
;some one hundred thousand miles has become
part and parcel of the British empire in India.
The intell:gence from Hong Kong is receiv‘4l
to April Ist- Great exciteinnnt prevails at
Canton, as the time approaches for opening the
gates to foreigners, and the merchants are
afraid of the popular fury which that event
seems likely to occasion. They, therefore,
from prudential motives, stop the trade in cot
ton yarn, foreign woollens, and all piece goods,
unlit the act shall have been consummnted.
Considerable quantities of gold had arrived
from California, and several vessels at llong
Kong were being fitted out, laden with goods
for San Francisco. '
Father Matthew was to sail in the Ashbur
ton on the 20th ult.
In the assembly, on the 18th, an or
der was passed to abolish the duty on
portable liquors, which will prove a loss .
to the revenue of about 103,000,000 of
francs. On the 22d the affairs of Italy
being under consideration, M. Sarrans
said that with regard to the Russian in
tervention, every one knew the ambi
t Lion of tho Cabinet at St. Petersburg,
as well as the spirit which guides it.
This intervention was a blow to Euro
peen principles, and chiefly to those
. that nt. present regulate France. It is
aafficient, in order to know the Czar's
intentions, to read • his last manifes-',
to, which was a declaration of war
against nll democratic interests.
,If to that document were joined the
declaration of the King of Prussia to
his army, no doubt could be entertain ed
respectinga combination cif all aristoc
raciei egotist democracy. It is impos
sible that the iritiption'froni Russia of
170,000 should be solely for the subdu
ing Hungary. Besides this number,
• there was a. reserve 180,000 men, mil
king a total of 315,000 men; who had
been called to arms. - Hungary Was a
mere pretext. A coalition of kings was
again being framed, and he now Wanted
to know what would be the policy of the
French government.
The Minister of FireignsAffairs in
reply, said that with regattas '
to Ital ian
affairs the Assembly had manifested its
will, and that on the morning of its hav
inq done so, an agent had been sent to
Italy, bearing a detailed account of the
deliberations and orders to execute the
` wishes of the Assembly. He would not
return to a discussion which 'had then
pression of an ex-King, that we aro
marching to cannibalism:
We have trews from Rome to the 15th.
Out the .3th, the French having attemp
ted the passage of the Tuber at the
Melvian bridge, when it was found that
it had been blown up in order to pre
vent them from crossing, leaving the
French forces on the two banks of the
Tiber, between Palo and Rome.
At the latest advices the vanguard of
the French was four miles from the city,
and that of the Neapolitans twelve miles,
and there was a small body of spaniards
at Fimmieino.
The king of Prussia has issued a. manifesto to
his subjects, in which, after condemning the
standard of the revolt which has been raised by
the enemies of Germany, he says that he will
shortly submit a constitution sanctioned by the
other Governments, which shall have unity for
its basis, and will guarantee to aerrnany its lib
erty and a free representation of the people.
In conclusion, the King says," If my people
will stand by me as I will stand by my people,
faithfully and with confiitenee '
with God's bles
sing, a glorious blessing will not be wasting
to us."
Simultaneously with this part of the procla
motion of the King to his people, public notices
were published announcing that the State of
siege at Berlin was prolonged with increased
vigor, suspending for the time being the ordina
ry courts and establishing martial law in all its
force. Another notice suspending the publica
tion of the ultra Democratic journal, the "Na
tional," has been issued. It is said that these
measures were caused by the discovery of a
conspiracy for all outbreak at Berlin.
Title of Protector Substituted for that of
It is asserted that negotiations for another
Normil Constitution is almost terminated, and
that its proclamation may be speedily expected.
It is laid that its provisions will resemble those
of the Frankfort constitution; but that the King
of Prussia will only take the title of Protector
instead of that of Emperor, and will possess an
absolute instead of a suspensive protection. It
is said, however, that under this constitution,
Austria would form no part of the German Em
pire. It would be entirely severed from it,
though connected by a closer defensive alliance.
May 26th.-.—The market for breadstuff's, both
here and in London, are quiet, but on the whole
were steady during the past week. The demand
for Indian Corn has improved, and at some fur
ther advance, the currency being from 335. for
white, up to 365. per quarter, and for fine yel
low. The latter is now generally held at Gd per
quarter higher. The demand for Flour is mod
erate, but steady at 23s to 23s ed for Western
Canal and Philadelphia and Baltimore. White
fine Ohio has been sold at 25, per bbl. The
selling price for American Wheat is 73 2d for
white, and Gs to Gs 4d for red. Black eyed Peas
are disposed of at 25s to 305 per quarter. White
Beans are also held at the same figures. Hold.
ere of American are asking 3s Gd to ds for GO
' pounds.
The weather is all that the Agriculturalists
can wish, and the young crops of Wheat and
Spring Corn are of the most promising charac
There has been rather more inquiry for Flour,
and prices are firm ; sales of 1500 bbls common
brands Pennsylvania and Western at $1,50 a
$4,54, and Extra at $1,75 per bbl. for city con
sumption ; the sales have been to a fair extent
at previous rates. Rye Flour has advanced, and
considerable sales have been made at $2,87
Corn Meal is in moderate demand, and prices
are fully maintained ; further sales of Pennsyl
vania at $2.75 per bbl. Grain—There is a fair
demand for Wheat, and with moderate receipts;
prices are steady; sales of 5000 bushels prim;
red at $1,03, and white at $1,09 per bushel.—
In Ryo we have no sales to notice. Corn con
tinues in good detnand l sales of $5 a 6000 bus.
Southern and Pennsylvania yellow at GO cents,
in store. Oats are dull; we quote Southern at
10 and Pennsylvania at 33 a 31 cents per bushel.
Whiskey is dull; small sales of bials. at .3.1, and
barrels at 21i cents.
In this borough, on the Gth by Rev.
John Miller, Mr. WILLIAM FURLONG to
Miss MARY ANN, daughter of Rev. JOhtn
In Milton, on Monday last, by the Rev. F.
Ruthraufr, ROBERT M. FRICK, Esq., editor
of the "Miltonian," to Miss MARY A. RUTH
rtAUFF, all of Milton.
In this borough, at the " House of York," on
the Mt, inst., by the R ,, v. Mr. McCollum, Mr.
both of Blair county.
A delicimis slice of wedding cake aceom
pun ie d the above, for which the happy couple
will please accept the Printer's blessing.
In West township, on the 2d inst., ADZE Bets.,
infant son of Nathan G. and Susannah A. Mc-
Divitt, aged two months and twenty days.
Of such is the kingdom of Ileaven."—Matt
10 c. 11 v.
Adieu, !tweet babe ! to a land of bliss
Thy spirit bath winged its way;
To a clime that is brighter, far than this,
To a region of endless day.
How brief thy stay on this sin-stained shore !
Life's journey is scarce begun,
Ere the strife is ended, the conflict o'er,
And the glittering crown is won.
How blest thy let! from sin, and pain,
And sorrow iorever free;
We cannot wish thee on earth again,
But we fain would go to thee.
'Tis hard to consign thee to the tomb,
To part with our little all;
Bat we yield thee up in thy opening bloom,
At thy Heavenly Father's call.
Hegave thee—he took thee—thy father and God,
Ere a stain on thy innocence fell ;
And we Lumb'y bow to his chastening roil,
When we know that all is welt.
'Tis true, we see thee no more on earth,
But away in that better land,"
We will meet thee there, if our faith fail not,
Amonget that blood washed band !
Farewell I we may not wish thee hack,
Since we know that thou art at rest,
But oh, sweet one, may we follow thy track,
To the bright happy land of the blest !
it. M.
111;e1ghltig only 13 PottiaB; tears of
Aso,- 41ind but 28 111011 f, High,
Who ha% 1/otll 'reeked with the highen:i mark. rte
110Y31. tenor Inv queen Vienne, end ell the prince
Nil Crowned Revels of Venn, endwho Inn inerfnnored
.lote 6,000.000 of pe1 . 4.•11N Ouring the lest nnix rt,
will hold his 1,1121 - 141 0 .8, n,n the
HUNINGDON, Thursday, ,Inne.l4th.
Exhibition to commence at 4 o'clock-P.
M., and close at half past 5. In the
Evening, commence at 8 and close at
half past 9.
Two exhibitions only will be given.
will also represent N SPOLEON BONAPARTE;
FIIKIIS:11101C 'NI V. GREAT, kr. He will also
appear in his SI • 011. IS COS'i U NI F., and his
EI,F.IL‘NT COCRT F) 1.045,
Worn before fler Majesty, Qteeii ietorin the Ring and
queen Tithe Fi vetch; Kinvei or a It
igin, end all the prineir,l tms No
bility of Filinipri. Ile k s ‘yminet
iievi in ull tic pro, •lit4.!iit
1111.1 grael , fllll,e „11,1 1 , , 11,1 am,
That Ever Wanted Alone. •
THE Cl • T I 111 , .sl• .11 , ,WELS. kc
itli, tyliKENs,
AND Nonit.rry ir* HOP:, WILL BE
f c
(1 1 \ '..4 '.):*' 1 1 ; II Z/ .-
-4..- , 11t ir , ...N., A.4 ., ' , ,
( 1 t . : '' '.,•:4' . ''.!
. -....1g • :,1,.... , 14.,.
• 7 , i ‘ 0 4 :'4,:; , ~ , , 1:141. , ,, .....P‘ .
4. , -• -xa',1,.. 1 4..4-N -
_._ a
Pie.enteil l y queen Yletorin, eon•kting of the Smolt.
cid the %rt. 1.1, uml Char iul. altelided by F 94111
Comehiniet and !Wilton In Iran, vi ill promenade tie%
. . .
streets aml he seen in front Ui the hall' at the ekise
of each day Levee.
r. 4.)" 'sr. , . Familia:, mid Chibirett, eve respectfully
n•li,i.e.l to Pitenil the day ihey
leas eroo .1,1 then the, evenho",.
Cat UTION.:-Sama half 'lover' .lierent Day, fa, are
,trollilly about the vomiter, nad 'c01..., nVon the Ineh
lie ht 1".141.h representini theno.el not as Ow " ral
Tom Thiel), who hat bee, so ooralai. iO
during the last finis years. The resit 'wine of , the
Tom l'lntooh. la rhArles S. Sal - Med. Ire was boon
in (triage inter, Conn. • •
The GIINkliAl.
to attembot in his tilt' els by his
• Father and Mother. a Pinnist Preeil.n . - 1.111111, ( . 1 , ,C11
man, Footman, ke , making in all n retinue of Elea 011
Cente; Children under It
The Huntingdon and Broad., Top
THE Cominiwioners named in the Act to in
corporate the Huntingdon and Broad Top
Railroad Company, will meet for the purpose of
organizing, at the Court House in the borough
of Huntingdon, on FRIDAY the 22J day of
JUNE inislatit, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon :
Thomas Fisher, James'Entrekin,
A. P. Wilson, David Blair,
john U. Miles, Levi Evans,
Senn McCahan, Jacob Uresewell,
Isaac Cook, Jame: Patton,
doaepli CI iNmart, John Ker,
James Saxton, Alexander King,
Matthew M. Peebles
June 12, 1849
E subscriber offers for Rent the holm in
1 which he now re4itles, known es the H en _
tingdom Academy. It is large and commodious,
nearly new. amid well fitted for a boarding t
Possession given immediately if desired.
Huntingdon, June 12. 1949
GROIVIELIEUr &. 23.11.0T11Ert,
COmmission Illercisants,
Teas, Megars, AY.
.No. 11 Walnut Street,
ff Consignments of Western and Southe4
Produce solicited. ,p)
June 12, 1849.
Drs. Neff & Miller
1) ESPF.CTFULLY inform the citizens of
I% Huntingdon and vicinity, that they have
fitted up a room in the S. E. corner of John
ston's. Hotel (enterance through Neff & Bro's
Jewelry store) where they will take great pleas
ure in attending to all who may favor them with
a call.
Artificial lreefti,,
of all kinds, mounted on the most improved
modern style: Also, plugging, filing and clean
ing done with care and neatness.
N. B. Teeth Eitracted with all the ease and
dispatch that modern science can furnish.—
Charges moderate. .
$5.00 REWARD.
lAST on the 28th inst., tietwerti Sliltcreeli and
Vandeventler's Bridge, a POCKET BOOK
containidg about $50.00 in money, and a number
of mites on different persons and other papers.—
The name is in the Book. Any person (trilling
said Book, and returning it to the ou net, shall
receive t he above rewatd.
Jack...own, June 5, 1849
At a meeting of the Burgesses and Town
Council, held on the4th day of June, 1810, the
following resolution was unanimously adopted
That the citizens of the Borough of Hunting
don, be required to cleanse their Cellars and
Drains on Monday the 11th instant, and like
wise to sprinkle quick Lime in all such places
as may require the same, in order to prevent
sickness. JOHN A LLBRIGHT, T. C.
Juniata Cabinet Manufacturing
Respectfully bege It-sec Chesnut Street, ec to inform his friends .
and customers and the public generally.that he Corner of Seventh, Swattn's Buildings,
has built a large and CollllllodiPlle shop immcdi- i PHILADELPHIA.
ntely in the rear of the public house or John
Whittaker. Sr., on the bank between the rivet KNOWING the wants of the com
nnd renal. where he will constantly keep nn nmnity, the Proprietor of this es
hand furniture of el kinds, of the hoot quality, tablishment has fitted up a • store in the
emb ecingell descriptiono.kinds. Ftyles sod vs. most elegant manner, having due regard
rimiest of prior. medium coil piyin household to the comfort of his customers, so that
fu niture, tthich will be altered for sale at the
every stranger visiting his Book Store,
LOWEST RATES. . may feel entirely at home.
In order to acrommante the pall. with Ail Ell IM MENSt STOCK
kinds of work in his line of business. he hoe of Books is classified accorling to the
jest .applied himself with a large lot of the' waiting Departments of Literature, so
hest " 1 "" f ('I."Y• Walnut, Maple, Po p lar ' that visit4rs can find the books they are
and all kinds of Veneering of the most popular .
fe.hion. He' will offer neither botched or bra-
in search of for themselyes. Baying
finished work for .le. and will et all times sub. his stock rbr the most part at the A i;e.
mit his work to the mutt rigid inspection. TIGN &MGR, and being connected with
Merchnnte. Profesoionel men. Formers, Mc , one of the LAIIdEST PUELISIII NG HOGEE%
elioniee, Hotel Proprietor, Lehnrittm men—nil, in thiscountry, besides publishing large
are invited to call and examine his furnitme. be
lv himfielf, enatiles him to sell Am. Booxs
fore purchasing elsewhere. tti3eeing is belie,.
Aiing." • •
Coffins will be mode on the shortest notice, of
either Cherry, Walnut nr Poplar, as mny be de
sired, and funerals attended. ' !
lin flatters himself that by industry and rinse
attention to hi. businena he will be able to please
all who may give him n call.
Old furniture will nt It Omen be repaired in ! i
the neatest nail moat durable manner. nt low
rote.. All kind. of entintry produce will be to.
be, in exchange for furniture, repairing, &c.
Huntingdon, May 1849.
Great Slaughter of I ligh Prices!
The Town in (7onitnotinn !
Nobody Killed, but Several Bad,
ly Wounded !
Have the eattofaction to announce to the cit
izens of Huntingdon and the neighlrring coon.-
try that they hove just received from the eunivin
cities, n splendid stock of new
which have been selected %ill, prat clic. Our
stock consists of all tie ,n• ir vr
BOOTS, 1. HOES, and FIATS tit' all kinds.—
Hnnlware, Queenmaie. Groceries, Sze.
We invite all to Rise us a call,. we take
pleaAurc in showing our Goods.
Thankful for past (agora, we bore 1y etiict
attention to bunions 10 teethe a Ili ad Fiore
of public patronage.
Ildritidgilon, April 3, 1840.
"AT THE .01.13 STAND
Has received and is now opening a splendid
stock of !Spring and Summer Goode, among
which 1118‘ he found every variety of
Ladies' and Gentlemons' Dress Goods,
in part, Cloths of all kinds, French, Belgian
and Fancy Ca:primers, Kentucky Jeune, Croton,
Oregon and Tweed C (Alta ; Vest ings, Flannels
and Drillings, and a variety of Cotton Gonda for
glummer wear; Arcualin de Lamas. French
Lawns and Scarf., Shawl,. and I tandkerehiefs,
Alpacas. Morinoes. a large assortment of Cali
coes of the newest styli.a and at low prices,
Ea Won, French, Scotch and Domestic Ging
hams and Dalzorines, French and Irish Linens
and Checks, }Jed Tickings, Mushua and sheet
, ings. Bcc., &c.
Boots, Shoes, flats and Caps, Cooeerit , .s,
lhodware, Queenswate,
with a great variety of goods of all kinds.
The above stock of Goods hosing heen selec
ted with great care sod puicharrd at reductd
prices tor Cash, I tills enabled to offer
Great Bargains,
and hope all who want will at least examine my
stock before purchasing us 1 anidt ,
termined to sell on nn reasouutde tenon an nay
one in Pennsylvania. Please roll and see my
Goods,as It affords me pleasure to .how them
at all time..
\ll kinds of ( ountry Produce token in ex.
change for Mode.
Mora 31, 16.19.
Orphans' Court Sale.
BY virtue of an . oider cf the OrPlme' Court,
will be exp o sed tosale try public rericlue or
outcry on the premirem, en
Saturday, IGIA ddy of June next,
a ccratin tract or parcel of Lime.siNne
situate in ‘V.est totsnehip, Huntingdon cro•ury,
adjoining lands of Tiroinae Itstewart Jame. and
Timms Hannan,- Nlelchoir, and other.,
containing •
ea 4Q. 9
he the same wire or less, on which is erected a
story and ha f log house, cabin earn and about
40 acres cleared thereon, with a good orchard
and a good spring of litnestone water, late the
estate of Henry White el. der'd.
TERMS: One third of the purchase money
to be paid on conflrmat:on of the sale and the
residue itt two equal annual payments, with In•
terest, to be secured by the bonds e d mortgage
of the purchaser. M. F. CAMPBELL,
Attendance given by Clerk.
May 22, 1999.
rill] l undersigned will, in pursuance of an or
der of Court, offer for sale as the property
of Alexander (twin, deed., at public vendee on
TUESDAY, 12th day of June next, at the Court
House in Huntingdon, a certain Lot of ground
in the Borough of Huntingdon, on the south.
west •corner of Allegheny and Veal Streets,
numbered 11.7 in the plan of said borough, and
hiving thereon a two-story bricktlwelfing bonne.
with a stable, &c. Also the undivided third
part of a tract of land, situate on the RaystoWnl
Branch of the Juniata River in Hopriwelteown 7
ship, luntingdon county, containing 227 acres,
more or ie., having n bowie and barn the reon,
Terms of Selo One half of the Vtiaclialie mos
ney to be paid on confirmation' of the and
the residue in one year therelifter with interest,
to be secured by hold and mortgage
May 1, 1242
W , 41. P. balllbON,
than any other house of a similar char-
acter on this continent. His facilities
for the IMPORTATION of Books from Eu
rope are unsurpassed, having . a branch
of his Establishment in London, where
orders of private gentlemen are careful
ly executed and forwarded to this Coun
try by every STEAMER and PACKET.
of Books with the prices attached is' is
sued quarterly, containing Lists of Nev
Additions made to his large collection,
which are in all cases for sale at the
or, from 25 to 75 per cent. belbiv Pub.:
fishers' Prices. Tlv.s in buying even
;em books, quite a considerable amouni.
is saved.
As a still further
to strangers Visiting the city, every one
who purchases One Dollar's worth of
Books, Will receive a copy of the
18mo volume, the price of which is 23
Fr The limits of this advertisement
I tat too confined to enumerate the prices
of nny of the Books; or to give
. even
faint idea of the immehsc advantages to
be derived from purchasing nt the Great
Central Cheap Book•stare, but let all who
are in search of Books send for a Cats.
legue, and buy the Books they ere in
want of, and when visiting the city, give
Appleton one call, and you will be sure
to call again.
in all Its branches, furnished at the Low;
est Pricer. The Initials of those purcha
sing Letter and Note Paper, neatly
stamped in the corner without charge.
Orders for any article may be sent by
mail, addressed to the Proprietor, and
the directions in all cakes will be fully
carried Out, with great punctuality anti
Orders for CatatOgnes should be pre
Bookseller, Publisher, Importer, and
I Stationer, 164 Chesnut St., corner of
Seventh, Swaim's Building.
May 23, 1849.-3 m.
Administrators' Notice;
Estate of 1G:I LL1.4.31 TV.IRD, late of
11 7 aiker townsitip, dec'd
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad
ministrstion on said Estate, hove been granted to
the undervaited. Persons indebted to the some,
are requested to make payment and those boning
claims or demands against the same, to present
them dilly authentiested for settlement.
May 22, IBM (Administrator.
Thankful for past fat, rs, most respectfully in
forms the citizens of 11untingdon and its •icin
ity, that lie has mode every arrangement neces
sary to supply all who may favor him with R
call, with the most choice varieties of
5 =23 CD3 `,L.W
Confectionaries, Cakrs, Fruits and Nuts.
. His pri , ste rooms are fitted up in a luincloorne
style, which win make them a comfortable resort
for Ladies and tient einem ,
Parties can be•lurniahed on the shortest notice
with fee Cream, Confectionaries, all kinds of
Cakes end Fruits. .
Huntingdon, May 22, 1849.
LAST ./371./LIVAL 1
New CI 6ods ! New Goods
is & W. SAXTON
E en j d u i s d t L e. c o e i i t z edn a t ti o d f are now opening •
- - - .
Their ato,li boo been selected with great me,
and at lower prices than those who purchased .
earlier, and ,niprises ritual variety of every.
thing culled for by the
. puldic. They, have a
beautiful variety of LADIES and GENTLE.
\LEN'S Dress Goods, of the Tiny latest sty es,
which fur quality ar.d cheat - cannot fib aitr
passed. In addition to their large stork of Dry
Goods, Housekeepers can be supp fed with
F resh Gl.reeeries;
of a superior quality, very cheap; firrdwarr ,
6C, ‘ „
They invite the pu
their stock. They rut
their Goods.,
nay 1849
hlic to call and examina
Om no charge (or lihow•ing
LARD tS, C111:10S,
Constantly on betid
and for sale by
J. PALMER, di Co.
Market St. Wharf,
) Yob. 27, 113,47,31*