THE J-OURNAL• Politics--Duty or Whigs. 1 Harrisburg. There is a calm in politics. Nothing is now I An effort is now making by the capitalist. heard to disturb the placid face of the political : and business men of Harrisburg, to raise by sub ! relater rnisairess—serena-reo en TRPTIL.] waters, save an occasional dying groan from a seription a Cotton Factory in that place. We _____ ' decapitated Locoforo office-holder, followed by sincerely hope the efibrt may be successful.— a doleful requiem to the departed, from the or- Harrisburg is the most beautiful town in Penns gans of the Locofoco party. But as 'yet these sylvania—perhaps in the Union.. But with all things have had no perceptible effect upon the its beauty, Harrisburg has heretofore lacked a masses br the People. It is only what all ex- more important essential—enterprise. So teas peeled when Zetnene TAYLOR was ,declared, location and facilities are concerned, Harrisburg I by this Nation of Freemen, rresident of the is singularly blessed. Notwithstanding—with United States. The People desired a thorough the exception of during the session of the Leg change. And if it hod not been for the firm islature—the stillness of the Sabbath pervades conviction that a general change of offite•hdld' the place during every day,of ehe ey sett. . This ere Would be the result, Gen. Taylor would should not be so. And the effort now' making' never hare reached the Presidential Moir. In to erect a Factory, gives us hope that a new milking removals, then, the new administration state of things is about to dawn upon the Cap is but doing that which all expected it to do— ital of our State. We feel a lively and a natu but carrying out the declared will of the Peo- ral interest is everything that, may add to the pie, as expressed through the ballot box. prosperity of Harrisburg. It was long our But notwithstateline this calm in politics-- home. We always entertained a high regard notwithstand:iig Gen. Taylor lion thus far faith- for the citizens. They are kind and social and fully carried out the Wishes of those who elec- generally intelligent. It contains good me ted him, Whigs should remember that their chanics, pleasant merchants, able lawyers, work is not finished. To make our late victory skillful physicians, eloquent and we believe de important, much remains to be done. The vout clergymen ; and all that is wanting to mere change of officers is the most unimportant make it a great as well ae beautiful place, is fruits of the Whig victory of last fall, expected more business. This can easily be secured, if by the great body if the People. Whig twos- the capitalists but will it. And that their long an-es must be carried into operation. And to dormant energies are about to be awakened is do this, the new administration must be sus- evidenced by the project now being agitated tained by the People. Every candidate elected among them. They will sanly disappoint pub by the Locofocos, where, by proper exertions, lic expectation, if they do not carry it into suc the success of a Whig could have been secured, cessful operation. will be claimed au a verdict against the admin- The Hungarians Victorious ! istration. Anil our Whig .President and Whig''— i Governor will be powerless for good if the Na- Surrender of Thirty-Six Thousand Russians. tonal and State Legislatures are against them. ! In addition to the foreign news published in Hence, the Whigs should organize at once, and another column, and to which we invite atten prepare to repeat in Pennsylvania, their victory tion, the papers of Saturday last furnish us with iof last fall. Our chosen leaders, TAYLOR and IJoiresree, have time far proved true to the the following gratifying despatch i ON, Whig party. Let us, by electing a Whig Canal , B The steamship Europa STO reached June herth, noon. Jock last Commissioner, and a majority of Whig mem- night. Her mails were sent South this mem bers, -show them that Whigs can and woe. be ing. A letter to M. Rothschild, Frankfort, da- GEN. TOM THUMB. I true to them. Gen. Taylor has frequently ted May 17th, says that the Hungerians have totally defeated the Russians, and forced them This diminutin a p7rsouage will be exhili- ! avowed himself in favor of protecting the Brent k pon Cracow . itch in this rive on Thurslay next. He is interests of Pennsylvania. Let Pennsylvania The revolution will thus be transferred to a great curiosity, and all will doubtless avail, therefore stand by Gen. Taylor, and the princi- Poland. theinselvea of the opportunity to see him. I plea of the American Tariff of 18.12, will be re-' A Proclamation from Koesuth says that the THE CHOLERA. I stored at the next session o ./ . Congress. T he battle took place in the defile of Rothenthrum, and that 36,000 Russians surrendered ! Taie disease is still on the increase in NEW free trade Locofocos are as well convinced of The Austrians were fortifying Vienna. nick. In Baltimore and Philadelphia there has this fact as the friends of protection. Hence, , keen a few cases, but the papers report that it they will make a desperate effort to defeat us in Death of Gen. Gaines by Cholera—Crevasse. has entirely disappeared from those cities. As the coming contest. It', however, the Whig New ORLEANS, June 6. yet, no cases have been reported in the interior forces are properly organized, and the right' Major General Gaines, commander of the of this State. spirit is infused into every member of the party, South Western Division of the Army, died to- Since the above was in type, two deaths by as glorious a victory as that of last fall can be day of the cholera. He was sick ten days. No further progress towards stopping the ere- Cholera, have been reported in Baltimore. ' secured with ease. May we not confidently vaisee —the water is rising slowly in the streets. I count upon every Whig . Sreews, Ike.—The filo litlaysburg Standard is Mechanics , Liens. hardearned his whole duty en render thet ai- down upon Messrs. Ross and Mee., former La- . The Supreme Court of this State on the 22d uniphe of last fall lasting and effective. cofoco Canal Supervisors, in the roughest kind , ' ult. made a decision of some importance to ! Toes OLDEST MAN IN AXERICA.—Gen. Buck of style, "Straws show," Sec. A big fight The Supreme Court. 1 many of our readers. Judge Coulter delivered , art, living in Harlin county, Ky., is one of the among the " harmonious democracy" is un- I During our recent absence from home, we the opinion. It was in the case of L a nais et. at. I most extraordinary men of the age, and is per doubtedly brewing. visited, occasionally, the sittings o f o ur Supreme en appeal from the District Court of Lancaster ; haps the oldest man none known to be living.— MILLI %It! ELEGriON. — At the military elec. Court, now in session iii the Capitol, at Harris- and derives its interest from the fact that it ' He is, says the Bible Society Record, one Inin lion in this county, on the 'tits inst., we under- burg. All the Judges, to wit, Meaara. Gibson, makes the distinction between building a new Bred and fourteen years old; was born in Ger stand that 'Ma'or G. W. SPEER, if Cass , ills, was Rogers, Bell, Burnside and Coulter, were pros- house and repairing an old one. The Court mantown, Pennsylvania, and has lived for sev elected Brigadier General, and Dr. LIGHTNER. ent. As a body, this Court presents a very re- say, r•ln the case before us, it wits essentially, , eral years in a hollow sycamore tree, of such of Shirley, Brigade Inspector. We do not know spectable appearance ; two of its members are practically and ornamentally remodelling .d large dimensions as to contain his family, con how the vote stood, as we have not been favor- quite imposing in their appearance and manners. repairing an old house. The front wall was . stating of a wife and five or six children, beds ed with any returns. The legal ability of the Court, we believe, is taken down to the cellar, and the roof taken off and bedding, cooking utensils, &c. The explo --__--- conceded to be of a very high order. But we except the rafters ; but there stood the other ! ring agent of the American Bible Society, in APPaintments.' confess that the conduct of some of the Judges, walls on the same spot, and the foundation— his travels in Kentucky, recently found him, About twenty-five new nppointinen ts have during the trial of causes, did not impress us so the front wall was modernized and deprived of and also saw several respectable gentlemen who been made by Mr. Lewis, Collector at Phila.- favorably. With all our respect for their ad• its old fashioned and pent roof—the floors re- i had spent one or more nights with him in this delphin. To publish the names would not be milted legal abilities, we cannot believe that mined. Every passer-by would say Mr• How- i singular home. He professes to hold the Luth- ! interesting to our readers, as none are from they are capable of truly judging the merits of ett has temodelled and repaired his old house. I eras faith, being of a German family, and re this region. E. V. EVERHART, Esq., formerly a case, when snugly ,epoung in the anos of .. Th e li e n of the mechanic and material noon ! eeived the bible with peculiar manifestations of of this ',Lice, is among the removed. We hops merp ,,, n , ~ Reader, this is no fanciful allusion.' ought not to be extended b eyon d the terms of'' gratitude. What a life for one man to spend I . to hear of more removals soon. We have seen Lawyers standing before our the statute, because it is often a secret lien, ex- 1 What a long train of events has marked this The Inclined Plan Loan: I Supreme Court, endeavoring to present the . tending back from the date of its entry and pub- 1 century, through which he has drawn the thread The loan of $lOO,OOO, authorized by an act causes of their clients before that body so that Hefty, over-riding honest and fair judgment.. Of existence! of the Legislature fur the construction of a they might be fair?) , understood and honestly "The decree of the court below is reversed, LADY WARRIORS.—The late German papers new tin e on the Philadelphia railroad to avoid adjudicated, according to the true interPreta- , and the clerk of this court is directed te makes ! say that the Hungarian ladies are fighting with the Inclined Plane, was awarded as follows: lion of the Law, when three out of the fire decree awarding the money to the other lien ' enthusiasm for freedom. Among a number of C. Steealister, $372,000 at 2e I per $lOO. Judges were SOUND ASLEEP! I Now, in the ' creditors according to their priority on'the re- 1 , prieen, rs taken lately, there were nineteen Hun- F. A. Vandyke, Jr. & Co., 825,000 at 28 name of the People, we object to this. Litiga- cord." ! garian ladies, with muskets in their hands, and per $lOO. . tion is vexatious and expensive. And when, Alarming i . ' dressed in military uniform. The ladies are Chart. Bolton, $3,000 at one per cent. pre- the citizen subjects himself to the trouble and 1 The Locofocos of Lycoming and Juniata always BREACH OF PROMISE BY A CLERGY mists. expense of sending up his representative to the' - • eu unti s have solemnly resolved that the Ad- " First in Freedom's cause to stand, i i e MAN. Pennsylvania credit at a prendum! This is Supreme Court, to have what he believes, to ministration of General Taylor does not merit • rhe champions of their native land." The Kingston (Canada) Whig contains the first fruits of the election of Wm. F. John- him, an injurious error corrected, he should re- their confidence—especially in the matter of 1 ROBBERY. the particulars of tt lawsuit, of Miss stop. More will goon follow. , ceive a patient and wakela hearing. 'Phis is - ' appointments. The resolutions of both meet- ' • • Mary Whitelaw, of Kingston, a young I On Friday night last the watch-ma- Seek Knowledge. ------ ' but his just due. And it is not more due to the ' i ., , Seotch , voinan, against Reverend Thom -0:- The Globe complains the under the liberallygarnished with the usual rhet i es arc gen : ken shop of Mn. H. Nlsus, of this citizen than the character of the Su rem. Court. iplace, as L. Davidson, Baptist preacher in If you pull up yOur window a little, it orical epithets—such as " fraud," " tool," " inn- ' " new arraneement," Eastern pipers are occa- ,was entered and robbed, Mr. M., as . Pickering. Davidson had promised to is far likelier to give you cold, or rheu- The above remarks are not made in any wan- ' atonally received by the We/item mail. ' beeile," " Federalism," &c., which that part)? usual had tnken the precaution to re marry ton desire to attack the Supreme hid sere Per- marry her in 1815, and wrote to her in madam or stiff-neck, than if you throw , is in the habit tel applying to its opponents, and ii ungenerous. Had we been disposed to be move all the watches, but had imprii- the most affectionate style us his be , it wide open; rind the chance of any bad sonally, we entertain a high I f • I regard or teem.— will therefore give the President a great deal of dentl , left yfrom fp 15 to $2O Cash in his captious, we could have frequently made thetrothed. ~ Faithful to you I will be, so consequence becomes still less it you go We admit their ability and have full confidence .. , • same complaint under the old arrangement. , • • pain- Those early announcements of one , - drawer. in their honesty. But we want them, in the --s-- Gun to the Administration, (before it has had silver wilt h ' c -cases, the yillian succeed- his votes; but that year a Miss Winter, equaly from every side. Is it not just CO' The weather has recently been very fine language of an old typo acquaintance, when ar lan opportunity to develope its policy,) are in ed in obtainin. He gained . ccess by far vegetation, and all nature is therefore pre- dently excited, to" woke ttp!" The intereste excellent taste, h h 1 - t• 1 • .of • d I and sow muc po t ica acumen. cutting out a parte Wrn ow-g rti , s and father had mane •, and who was' the same with knowledge 1 Do not ~ whose . y , . handsome, took his attention, aud he those who are exposed to a draught of it, aerating a miist lovely appearance. Those who of the citizens demands it; and if they desire' • . 1 hey save a world of trouble in forming a then removing the fastening of the sash. married her. Judge M'Lean charged blowing on them' through a crevice, live pent up in large cities, have no just con- their Court to retain the confidence and respect ' jjudgment upon each particular measure, apprise As yet we hare no clue to the offender. , the Jury, the reverend pastor made no 'usually gnaw stiff-necked - t When you eeptions of the pleasures of a country life at of the People, they will appreeiate and profit bY the Administration where to look f • ' 0 1 • or its ens- , it ridny, the padlock of Mr. J. Al. defence, and the verdict was for the lady, open the windows of your mind, there this .:aeon of the year. , our hint. The election of Judges by the Peo- mina, and build up in advance a terrific " pub- I Hewit's Stare cellar door was taken by $lOOO and costs. i ' fore, open them as widely as you can : General S. IL Karns. 1 plc is being agitated. And if our present Su. , lic sentiment," for the " unterrified democracy." some one doubtless with a view to fu-openthem, and let the soul send forth At the military e l ect i on h e ld i n D au phi n prelim Judges desire to be " ' , rid" from this iAs Gov. Johnston also comes in for a share of titre operations. Our citizens should A FAMILY TRAVELLING IN WHEELBAR. • Its messengers to explore the state of county, on the dth inet.,our friend S. D. Kew., disaster which the final passage of this mess- the discriminating censures of these meetings,' be on the alert. itows.—A strange scene was exhibited thecart iI . 'the best, indeed the only the pepular Certain of the Packet Boat "Wm. ure might bring upon them, we say unto all of , both Executives may henceforth consider the . in Cincinnati a few days ago, bens noth meth d fguardingh o o ngainstt e mischiefs Colder," WWI triumphantly elected Brigadier them, " watch !" .. Locofocos of these counties as their determined ANOTHEIL ing less than a family consisting of wh • , h . , . im may ensue from teaching men a father mother and six children: The • ' General. The military spirit is running high , Tee FLOOD AT New ORLEANS.—The opera-, political opponents.-.. Lancaste r Union. Sometime between Saturday ebening . little, is to teach them more.—Knowl- Chronical states that they had travelled in that county, and the contest was avery ant - , Con. at the crevasse above New Orleans had an ea"' Frederick Billings, the young' man re- and Monday morning last, the Safe of , isof , edge the true spear Achilles i mated one. The vote stood as follows i the 30th ult., been suspended for want of mate- , eently convicted in Washington for forgery, and the [Tilton Trrinsportation Line in their all tie way from Laporte county, la., , h• b • lf not ing but itself can heal the wound c For S. D. Kiall3, . 315 , zeal., and the water in the city was rising with • pardoned-by the President, wasarrested in Now office at the Basin, was robbed of SI3D iii three whee I bai rows intendin ' g t° I may have inflicted. Thomas J. Jordan, 40 more rapidity than haul characterized its en- ; y 0e ,.. : , in cash. After making his Way into reach Penns from ' which ylvania, they Scattering, 0 on Wednesday, for robbing a young man State they had emigrated three . years This comprises the vote of all the organized Ili for the last 30 hours. The water 'b, It eaten. of Wells boardingeat II e Irvine the office, the robber broke open the Their blankets, wearing apparel, efts five inches higher' . le . ' ti the Bayou St. John • Ifouse of $ ;50 in old eagles. George Norther cern/rank. in the comity—eleven in number.— and some few utensils used in prepat- I deposited, and having obtained this, than the high tide occasioned by the great fur- roan well knoven as an old conviist, was con- . ing and distributing food among the KARNS is popular with all who know him, and opened the Safe and rifled it of the above ricane in 1831, and the danger was daily bacon • earned with him and was also arrested. Billings' a fainily, were in one, and the younger deservedly so. Ile was announced as a candi-mount. There were several other pack ing more imminent, although .nary effort was I wa, boarding at the Irving Ilouse, rooming ' children were stowed away in the oth date on Friday,and on the Monday following heages of money in the Safe but for some being made to strengthen the levees allot the I with Wells, and noticing the patent locks upon. , ens, the father and the elder boys taking "received the vote abuve steed, in the face ofcause or other, these were left untouch- Carondelet canal end th e old B a sin. The real-. , his trunks, he went to eeveral trunk make., or- , e .; I trans in wheeling them along. the most active and spirited opposition. We a The fact that the robber knew dents on Camp and other streets below the , dered trunks with similar locks, or as near as ! bad the pleasure of seeing the General Mime- where to find the key and understood ; Melpomene canal, were also greatly alarmed. ‘, possible, and locking them put the key inl (Lately after his election and was pleased to ob- his the private fast flings oh the Sate, shows serve that he - bore his honors well. At the time of the suspension of operations, , pocket, directing the trunk to be sent to some himeitherto • • ' be familiarly acquainted 1 the piling at the crevasse had been completed, fictitious name at this and that hotel. In this ' • EDITORIAL CONFERENCE. ! with the exception of about 50 feet The water i why he possessed himself of keys of in the office, or an expert and practised q uite a : theif.—Boll • ' . Retster June bth. We have received a copy of the proceedings • was 28 feet in depth and some 400 poles of 30 number of patent locks, with one of which he I e , of an editorial Conference held in - Lewistown , feet in length, and which could not readily be ' had no difficulty in opening the trunk of Mr. .l A Jury turned Judges. on the Bth Met. Circumstances over which we obtained, were required to complete the piling. i Wells and abstracting the money. I A man named John Welsh has been convicted , hod no control prevented our attendance. We • .. , i oe —lVm. Dorris Jr. and The Presbyterian conference new se corffially approee the call for a State Conven- 1 13 "."" • • , , ! , . ( . _ . h ee t ) l at New Orleans for murdering his wife. The Hon or the Fraternity et Harrisburg on the Bth I,_Vm. Lewis, L nlc 3 9, Assistant now sittingin Philadelphia, has appointed the verdict of the jury was, "Guilty, withoe cap wet" Saturdayi ' l luctd4" Lt, to first Monday • Jan u ary,lBso, to be observed ital punishment." Tic reader will be remind of .November next, and:hope to see a general Burgesses !°' this _ Borough. ° .. , _, , f fasting, " humiliationd •• •er b ed of that other famous verdict, "Not guilty, t.., the places of 11.5 a. ti , ,o. Taylor ale! Jr . as a day oan pr..) , y . rittento,. W., Abell publisit the yell in ear ' ext. I Gee., reeetie d. ' the church threuglieut the 1, , , States, . , if he will leave the town." 1 , • --56,4 - ~~ ...r.., v ,,,,ii....;_ 0%, ,,,, et, -1-',4,-t_Jgs ,- -Ztf.--4.4 r""' - ''. -<-''' ,* ~ , , v--., ~,..,---,, -,-- . N -4. -4. "" -41 *" : 4 .--..-...,,, 7 7..... , e - - - HUNTINGDON, TI,FAIAY. JUNK 12 18.19. Hoover's Ink. 1100YER11 SUPERIOR WRITING INK f; r'eala st this ofllre. TERMS The "Thwrimanox JOCRSAI." is published at ths ° rats viz : $1,75 a year, if paid is advance ; 112,00 if paid during the year, and 511,t1 , 0 if not paid until after the expiration of the. year. The above terms to be adhered to in all cases. No subscription taken for lees than six months, and no paper discontinued until all ar,araLres are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. bT.CtTE CONVENTION. At the last meeting of the Whig State. Cen tral Committee, held at Harrisburg, in pursu -1111,1 of the public call, it was, on motion Rrsolved, That the friends of the National an 1 State inhninistrations, in Pennsylvan;h, he remestiul to tneet in the several cites and roan tias of the State, and select delegat ennui in number to their representation in the State Leg ifilatuie, who shall meet in Convention at tic Court House, in Ilarrsbure, at 11 o'clock, A. M., on Thursday l6th day o f A, nst next, for t mum,se of selecting a can Mo, for CANAL ClNlmissiox.c, and to do finch. other business as the interest of the country may require. By order of the Committee. r....7r Attention is invited to the card of Cno. M ELI, and BROTHER, Philadelphia. We are p:r3onally acquainted with these gentlemen, en] have nu hesitation in recommendir g them' to the patronage of all desiring anything in th,i: line of business. The “flarmonfous Deinocrocym The Work Goes On. I otiieat Overflow in Texas. The Pa. Intelligencer says :—The following The news from the Old World (says the New I iSIMENSE LOSS or PROPSSTY I --The Calves bitter article we find in last week'. Tioga Ban- York Tribune) will send a fever of excitement ton Civilian says that an overflow of the Wa rier, a Locofoco paper, published at Wellsboro'. through this country. Since the beginning of do look place early last month, causing great We publish it through no unkind feelings to- the Revolution, Europe has not presented so destruction of property in the' camp of the wards the editor of the Democratic Union, but deeply convulsed an aspect as now. Hitherto Third Infantry, near San Antonin. Such was merely as an evidence of the " harmony". that the battle has seemed to rage at some single I the rapidity of the rise, which commenced at 9 prevails in the ranks of the Democracy, and point and td change from region to region; now o'clock at right that in less than five minutes the estimate in which hd and Gen. Cameron, it hes'becorrie omitipeeeent. We see there a I the water. had risen four or five feet, barely Mr. Buchanan and the Pennsylvanian are held whole continent in the pangs of dissolution, giving time to those who had families to remove by members of their own party. The same I throwing off by mighty and terrible fever fits I them to a place of security before every thing paper contains the proceedings of a Democratic i the false order, effete institutions, dead forms, I was submerged into the water. • . meeting, at which the Delegate to the Pittsburg • outworn privileges and deep-seated wrongs The shrieks of women and children— Convention was instructed to vote f or a o " N which ages hail fixed on the People and selfish the contusion of soldiers, and of F. MssoN, for Canal Commissioner: fools thought to preserve. . endeavoring to save their property—tho From the Tioga Banner. I In Fusaerc, the centre of the Social wet, the crashing of tents, and dashing about of _ . . POSTMASTER AT HARRISBURG.-Andrew .1.1 Jones, one of the shrewdest of political mer chants, has been appointed Postmaster at liar- rieburg, in place of haat , G. McKinley, the present honest incumbent and efficient editor of I the Demerrotic Union. Mr. Mc's only fault at . Head Quarters was, that he is a Democrat.— Pennsylvanian 12th May. og - Good I say we. I f there is one act for which TAYLORISM should be landed, it is the removal of Isaae G. McKinley, the editor of the lying, corrupt, and servile tool of the dis honest office-seekers of Harrisburg, Middletown and Lancaster. " His only fault is, that he is a Democrat," whiningly sympathises the Penn sylvanian. A "democrat There is no more ; democracy in Isaac G. McKinley (and we might add, and his kidney apologists) than there is in the "greatest scoundrel in America." He was the flattery-bedauber of Simon Cameron, fora few rags of the Middletown Bank. He was the soapy adulator of the " favorite son" , who disowned his mother to avoid paying his proportion of the funds upon which she existed, and received therefor the very office from which he is now justly 'removed. He is the " good devil" advocate of all monopolies, corporations, and special privileges " which are necessary," and all are necessary, which open to him their' money drawer. In 1816, he was the ultra friend of the '42 Tariff, and he even went so far as to say that " no man who was not opposed to the Tariff of 1816, and in favor of the restoration of the Tariff of 18.12, could be elected Gover nor ! In 1817, the lamented Shank was chosen, and this "honest democrat," McKinley. has since abused every man who favored the "Brit- ish Whig Tariff of 1812." Ile has ever oppo sed the " Wilmot Proviso," and all kindred measures of freedom, and advocates the main tenance of the humbug doctrine of the " com promises of the constitution," which in plain English is, " give the South all she asks, and let her alone in what she possesses." "McKinley " a democrat 1" So is the devil an angel of heaven. McKinley is of that " rot ten and corrupt" kind which the Lancasterian! I says should be "" from the party.-L; James Peacock, a Democratic-Taylor man was removed by Polk at the instigation of Buchanan, and the toady tool and lick-spittle minion of Hunkerism and slaveocracy, Isaac G. McKin- was appointed in his place. This "efficient"' _ . editor of the Dl:mama; Union is now remo• ved. We thank God that Taylorism has done this one deed of honor and justice. hostility has come near breaking out between the soldiers and their officers, as some say, be- cause the Socialists have corrupted the former. But do they who say this not know that the sol diers are of the People, and must in. time hold the same ideas and purposes? ROME has repelled the French intervention, and added to the Gallic tricolor, that once float ed in Italian air for another end, a disgrace which it now deserved, and which subsequent triumphs against the Roman Republic can only deepen. In GERMANY there are insurrections; long days of bloody fighting in the streets of the beautiful City of Dresden, of fighting not yet ended; in other places outbreaks partially put down, but everywhere the revolutionary earth , quake waiting only for its signal to shake the whole superincumbent mass of things. What rouses Germany now is the question of national Unity. The Frankfort Parliament may have secured a shadow, but it had the whole people behind it, and its work will never he allowed to fall to the ground. Meanwhile Germany con- , tinues victorious in Schleswig ; that will only help the Revolution. Still the Magyars hold their ground, and launch defiance, not only at Austria, which they have beaten, hot at Russia, whose hordes are pouring down upon them. In Gallacia the , elements are prepared, and Poland only bides her hour. France and England lay protest against the Russian intervention. Protest here means armed opposition. The European War is thus begun ; the third act of the Revolution has opened. When will the curtain fall upon its catastrophe, and the embattled nations, having buried the remains of Kings and of all Aristocracies, return in peace to their homes ? Encourage your own Citizens. Senator Benton on Slavery. The subjoined remarks I rom the Canton (0.) Senator Benton has recently made a Repository, on the subject of home support are speech at Jefferson City Mo., the first appllcable,to all localities: part of which has been published. A To protect and support each other is large portion of it is devoted to Mr. the first duty of every community. Man, Calhoun, and his inconsistency, partic ularly in connection with the slavery however rich or poor, is a dependant q creature, and consequently bound to question. He expressed himself with h employ his own neighbors of other pr 3. his accustomed boldness and clearness, Ifessions, or those snore distant. Some declaring that it is absurd to deny to say—. Buy where you can buy cheap. Congress the right to legislate as it est, and sell where you can get most"— pleases upon the subject of slavery in but tis a false dogma.—Mechanics and the Territories. Congress has ever cx traders generally have families to sup- , ercised this power from the foundation port, and when they locate in a town : of the government to the present time, they desire to make it a permanent resi i and this with the sanction and approval dence. When they do so, the citizens of all the authorities, both State and Federal. No citizen of any State can of that town we hold are bound, when they have occasion for employing one, carry any property derived from u law to look nround, and if you can find one of that State an inch beyond tho boon , 'at home, who will work at reasonable dory line against consent. prices, employ him, for by giving active I Slave property for this reason cannot employment to all aio stud you, the be removed to California or New Mexi co, nor can any legal establishment' of whole community is benefited. In ad dition to this, it produces a business like slavery be looked for in either Territo aspect, end some market is created for ry. Tli e only effect of carrying slaves farmers, arid a general prosperity p re . there would be to give them their libel.- veils. If you want a pair of shoes or ty, the people of both Territories being boots, a carriage, a hat, a coat, or any- unanimously opposed to its introdur thing in the mechanical line, go to your tion. The late Missouri resolutions were copied from those of Mr. Calhoun neighbor for it. cuing abroad for such articles as your own mechanics can pro. in the Senate of the U. S. 1817. To duce, will ruin any town—and the prac- know their design it must be known tice is too prevsl nt. they were aimed at the harmony and stability of the Union, and at the mem bers from the slave holding states, \ (himself Mr. Benton, particularly,) who refused to follow the lead of Mr. Cal houn. Vim-rm.—Gov. Johnston and family left Harrisburg on Monday last, on a visit to Kittan ning, his former place of residence. It is said he will be absent several weeks. HY' Mr. John C. McAllister, residing a few miles above Harrisburg, has a young cow which recently brought forth a calf with but two legs; and these in the usual place of the hind legs. The tail is on the top of its beck. Cor.. Jos. OITINGER, of Bedford, has been appointed special Post Office Agent for the de tection of mail depredations. camp implements, amidst the roaring contention of the waters and the how ling tempest, accompanied with flashes of lightning, followed by the loudest peals of thunder in rapid succession, together with heavy showers of rain,. present but a faint idea of the descrip tion of. the night and terrific scenes that followed. The camp was situated nearly half a mile from the highlands,' and in the darkness of the night, through, mud, water and grass, every one had to, transport themselves before they could . ' find a place of safety. Fortunately, no lives were lost, but the loss and damage of property is represented as immense. The loss of C. N . Ogden, sutler of the 3d infantry, is estimated at near five thousand dollars. We are credibly in formed that thirty thousand dollars will not supyly the damage done by this overflow. Everything belonging to an encampment, including the fixtures of a camp, together with the clothing and other paraphenalia belonging to those r connected with this encampment, has either been damaged or lost. Those officers with families, having made eve ry preparation and arrangement for the El Paso expedition, have met with a serious loss, which will take some time to repair. This sad catastrophe, to gether with other calamities which have visited the troops while stationed hero, will, no doubt, procrastinate their move ment toward El Paso for sometime. We understand the water was ten feet deep upon the spot where the camp was located. WONDERFUL PLACE.—A returned Cril; iforniani among other remarkable Edo.; ries, relates the following ; On the shore re multitude of articles lie about, the cargoes of vessels just strived ;no one touches them, no at- tempt is made to steal. I have also seen lying in the streets of San Fran cisco many shirts quite new, with no other defct than being soiled from hav ing been worn. The reason is that the owners can buy a dozen of linen shirts for ss' and a half, whilst the charge for washing a single one is four reale, (halt a dollar.) From this he means that money is no plentyful that men prefer throwing, I away the soiled linen and buying now , to waiting for the labor of the washer- I woman and submitting to her ezorbi , taut charges.