~_ rareiva, News. Air IVA!. OF HE CALEDONIA. k Later From air ropy'. Tho steamer Caledonia, with Liverpool advi ces to the 12th inst., arrived at 'Halifax, N. S., on Thursday afternoon. The'neivs by her wail immediately d espatched by EitPress to St. John's N. It., and nom thence, at a !the hour on Friday night, transmitted to taltirnore by telegraph. The Caledonia sailed from Liverpool on the 12th instant, and has consequently been nearly thirteen days on her passage to Halifax. She brings .ClO,OOO stetting in specie, or about $20,000, and lorry passengers, of which fifteen stopped at IlalVax. no money market continues easy. In consequence of the threarning aspect of af fairs in France and Italy, public securities were depressed. The bill for the modific a tion of the hivigatio'n laws, was carried in the }foil. of Lords by a majority of 10. This result gives the whig ministry a new tenor of office. _ _ . In tha House of Commons, the Priaamentary , Oath Gill, having for its object the release of Jewiah disabilities, has been a second time read 'and agreed to, by a larger majority 'than before. The House of Lorili.bni, affirmed the judg ment of the Queen's Court of Ireland, in the 'eras of O'3rien amid McManus. GERMANY. The quarrel between the various parties and princes throughout Germany, has reached the highest pitch. a Saxony the conflict has already taken place, awl hat reaulted in favor of the people. They fought with the troops. The railways were taken up, in order to prevent the arrival of troops from Berlin. The arrival of a corps of Prhssians finally restored Some degree of tranquility by military force. The fight was renewed next day, and the annonaiMg contidued until night. On the 7th the battle was renewed, and at 4 o'clock in the morning an obstinate and bloody conflict was cuing on in the streets. Intelligel.ee .ruin Deaden to the Bth, states that host.liti, are raging between the people end the Royalists, without any immediate pros pect of a termination. A reward has been otltred by the latter for the members of the Provisional Government established by the form r. _ . . Liiaiurbancea had broken out at Liepzig be ::Teen t 1 1 ,2 p •ople and the military, but 'th; for• nor ha!, alter a snort struitele, been suppressed An Insurrection had also broken out et Bres• on thr?'2.3th,ana tae troops were fighting in streets. AUSTRIA AND lIITNGARY, I, the malst of all these enietnotions, the katr,an Government was in danger of dissolu :,.: iron tae coatamod successes of the filings :l,ls, woo lied ta.ien Graw, Raab, and Reysairo. na Aussnina were in toe meantime, advan 'lnk; ,0 great iorce. ilungarians wore excited to the highest itch of emnusa,sat, and declare that Austria an I Russ. co.nbined cannot subdue tnem. I.:iffirti are baing made to stir up a rebellion GaiLe,a, aad 111 idet t:,e whole country Iron .'osea to restti is either involved in or on the ..rink of a revolt. England and France have indicated their dis• of the Russian intervention in Hun. try. ITALY The French had been met in their advance to ,ards Rome by tha Republicans, and had lust :s5 killed, and dud woo ded. Among the fur was a Captain Oudinot. The Danish war stiil continues. The qua, ,1 between President Bonaparte and his cousin L;rowiez tierce, LATER ARRIVAL. Arrival of the Niagara. Seven days Later from Europe. rba Steamship Niagara, arrived at New York ,SaiurdAy eve.iing. She brings £2,000 in and 03 pistangers. he Europa arr.ved at Liverpool on Mender, ina,ins the ru.i in 9 days from New York cualin,reial affairs tner,is no particular I:1 t.lt: prospet. Al)..tey *continues I • vacua State Stock sold in London, on iSta, at 81, woo the only American ..c noticcci 19 toe paper, The chief dcmaind in American Ee:uritie s is on German account. Lire manufacturmg d.sti lets vairi.lly, iuint is 11,12 that tne goods sent away i• little or no profit whatever. deetiuss in France on the 13th passed off a single violation of good order. No ;..:;..iite opinion can yet be, formed as to the success of parties. NO doubt is entertain there is a large majority In favor of peace order. • Constitutionnel states that the election ;:ity-t.v, Departments known on Tllrsda, ,gives the :ji;u•.vin' result i—ls 3 Hepfe- Lt.,tives, of which 298 are moderates, SI dein ., or aad 73 friends of the eonsti- Anitci.ins entered the Papal States on the an.l %Vinpsin tareatened with . . . . and sword all who resisted him. In the the Neapolitans were advancing for the 6*.m: purpose, but their vanguard was met at by the Romans and defeated. The. Net, force conAsted of a body of 10,000 and, after a short conflict, they threw y :heir arms and "I. T., Romans had taken 30 prisoners and two of artillery, with whi,h they entered on the everting of the sth inst. A private, who was from Rome on the 18th iinnremcea the landing of the Spaniards at mssino ea tne previous day. A Ronan d.vieion, commanded by Roxelli I . .`.lazzirappo, is said to have mitered the Abru.r.,.ivad carried it. Garribaldi is believed to have arrived at another point of the frontier, rca.ly to support that movement. T to Neapolitans are fortify ing Valetti. a,counts concur that it will be impossi ble to restore the Imperial pd,r2r of the Papacy any farm. Th.! French expidition to reinstate the Pope 1,a.1 not effected an entrance into Rome at the sst advicea. The Neapolitan army has dot hoer. earn successful, having been defeated in an attack on the sth inst. Th. war in Hungary assumed no new feature, the figl,ting goes on unremMingiy, and the for t., of the Hungarians are reported to be in t, a3ct.ndant. They are said to be within a feW dap' march of Vienna, to which point the Wiss.an are passing foward as rapidly as possi bl,. It is thouzht that the strong protest of France, seconded probably by England, may have the effect to check the advance of the Rus sians. Soci v is :wain in a state of insurrection for thz time. It is stat.(l that the Danish question is all hut settled, tt;e only positive facts are, that the Danes have haisred another defeat, and that Lord P dlni•rq )n has infinite,' that the atten. tion of the British Government is still directed ' to that quater, with a view to effect a restora• tion of peace. The D aily Nost;r Isterte thrt Denmark has 'accePted - the'Prißfbitions Made by Lord Palmer- Itton, but what these prapositidths are, does not Appear. The plot gradually reveals itself in Germany. The Sovereigns have evidently combined for the overthrow of the Liberalists. There has been a formidable disturbance in Dusseldorf, on the Rhine, but it has been sup. pressed. At Frankfort the riot Was becoming more revolutionary and anarchical every day. All the moderate men have, in consequence, left it. Ireland continues quiet and as niiserable as ever. Details of the outbreak in Canada, were laid before-Parlament on the lath, which elicited some di4cussion of no inifinetittce, beyond the fact . that the Government evinced a determina• tion't, sustain Lard No forrind diseilsibn of Candian affairs would be had, tratil after the receipt of later intelli gence, which 'touched Liverpool probably on - the 20th,In'the'Canibria. . . Coati :I , liiitatcr.. , —A rather improved feeling pfeceils in the grain trade. The flour market is better than at the sailing of the Caledonia. Philadelphia and Baltimore 235. a 235. tid. per ak which price there is a moderate but steady inquiry. The best descriptions of Ohio are quoted at 21s. per bbl. _ , Com—The ingifiry for Indian corn still con tinues, and afurther a dvance has taken place in Meer. White is selling at 325. a 335. per qua ter. and 315. a 30s. for yellow. MEAL—The demand for Indian Meal is stea dy, but the supply is small. Sales atlss. fid. to 15s. Pd. per bbl. WHEAT.—The present sales of American Wheat are at ss. 10d. to 75. The London and Wakefield markets, held yesterday, were steady, but not active. LATEST FROM CALIFORNIA. Col. Fremont's .41 rrivol Out. The Mobile papers received on Tues day, 'contain Nil act...on:lllB'dt' the news brought by the Royal Mail steamer Sev- I ern from Vera Cruz, with the latest ad vices front California. The Severn am yeti at Mobile on the 21st inst., having left Vera Cruz on the itth•. She brought thirty-seven passengers and $147,000 1 in specie. Among the 'passengers by the SeVern, is Mr. Parrot, the American Coesttl at Mazatlan. He is on his ivav to Wash ington. He found the road from Vera Cruz to 'Mazatlan lined with travellers to California. A perpetual stream of emigrants and turnottirt , rs, travelling ! by every conceivable mode of convey ! Rove, in wagons, carts, Stc., 'on horses, 1 mules and a-loot—some Without hate or ! shoes—was pouring across the country, 1 intent on reaching the gold reigons of the West. The opportionities of con veyance in vessels from Mazatlan to San 'Francisco were abundant. Mr. Parrot has recently been to the latter place, and was of opinion, that unless some ac -1 rive mea,ures were adopted by our goy , erment, the inhabitants would organize ! a goverment for themselves. They coin -1 plain greatly of the neglect of Congress at the lust session to give them a terri torial goverment. A rumor reached Mr. Parrot, before leaving Mazatlan, that a mutiny had oc curred on the U. S. ship Ohio, in conse quence of the recapture and attempted punishment of a number of deserters, who had attempted to go to the gold re gion. Commodore Jones had succeeded ' in quelling the mutineers, and putting them in irons. It was believed that stitn*uf them would be capitally execu tit. Antiiher rumor of a revolt in the Sec- Ond Regiment, in California, had reach ed Mazatlan ; though the information wits not certainly reliable. City of Mexico papers to the 14th in stant, were brought by this arrival. I They contai,o news from San Francisco as late as the 9th April. It confirms thept:evions accounts of the abundance Of the prebitinit inetaliC The cOrise 7 (pence Was general g..mbllng, and, not withlstanding the scarcity of intoxicating liquors, general inebrity. Provisions nt the, pincers were still exorbitantly . 1 high prie&l. . • According i 8 the Alta Californian, the ' I magistrates of the principal towns were about to present to Governor Smith and Commodore Jones a memorial Of the • stag , of the affairs of the provincial government, begging their assistance to carry out the plans which they had , I adopted to preserve good order, political and I Cointnercird. Also the legislative assembly of the district of San Francis co had prepared to lay before the Gov ernor and C'ornmOdone a statement df the means adopted rd. , the protection of the life, liberty and prOperty of ItidiVid 'tale. It was also desired that oh the first of August tl deputation should Meet at Monterey to form a Constittition ftir California, supposing that the Congness of the Union will onmediately erect the province into a sovereignty of the Con federation. A weekly paper called the "Placer Times," is soon to be published at Sac ramento. It is to give accurate infor , mat itin in relation to the mines. Sacra mento has grown very rapidly and con tains many handsome houses. Plans were on foot to establish regu• lay line of mails though California. In the port of San Francisco there were eighty vessels, which number was daily augmented by new arrivals. The town of Snn Francisco was un der great excitement which arose from rumors that were afloat that the roilitaL ry were preparing to titinelc it, and that Gen. Smith had abolished all measures 'of Safety taken by the legislature. The alende and the council of the town were displaced by justices df pact and pi)- lice officers. The disorder which reign ed in all branches of the administration was attributed to the conduct of the late govenor, Col. Mason. The reporter of the "Alta clalifor inn" says he has seen a peice of gold, foand in the river Stanislativ, by a man of the name of Weber, weighing 78 ounces and valued at $1248. The Charleston Courier of 20th, has the following telegraphic dispatch, un der the date of NEW ORLFANS, Mky'22. e barque Florida arrived tit ew Ttr Florida arrived IV r lettios `on Monday from Chagres. Mr. rif *the U. S. Navy, came plasm ger in the Florida. Mr. B. has a lump of gold in his possession worth two thortared dollars. The accounts of the abundance of gold heretofore published, are said not to be exaggerated. The Florida brings the gratifying in telligence that Col. tremeat had arri ved in California. "The Groans of the Britons." 0:7 - The "noise and confusion" of the Loco foco office-holders, as they, one by one, "klik the bucket" under the operations of the Rough and Ready "guillotine," is a source of infinite amusement to the Whigs. One would think, that after a long life of infamous polititical in iquity, the rascals would prepare themselves to die in something like a decent, penitent manner. Like all old hardened, hopeless sinners, however, they give "up the ghost" amid vollies of blas phemies and imprecatiofis against the over-ruling, inexorable hand that brings them unprepared, to their final account. Nevertheless, if theie is anyteMsOlistion in the beautifully expressed truth that There is a tear for all that die, A mounrer o'er the humblest grave," they have it ; for that hoary old sinner, Father Ritchie, has volunteered to act as chief mourn er for the whole crowd. We wish him goA luck in the low price of onions. By the way, nine out of hen of. these fellows have failed to fill the Jeflersonian s‘arnlard—and they ittotr it. 'they ought, therefore. to themselves the justitelfo die deceritly.—Cham bersburg DEATH OF A CENTENARIAN. —Died, Inst week at Noblestown, Allegheny Co. Mr DARI3Y DUNLAVY, in the 102 d year of his age. Mr. D. was born as we learn in Ireland, but for many years has resided in this county, a substantial and respectable farmer where many of his decendants are now living. PICTURE OF A GUILLOTINE.—The Pitts burgh Post has a picture of a frightful looking instrument wich it calls a guil lotine, with a dozen or fifteen heads scat tered all around it. We could not pos sibly imagine, says the Louisville Jour nal, a more striking and palpable justi fication than this picture affords of the doings of the administration. A mea ner, villanous looking set of heads and faces were never seen on human shoul ders— or off. PITTSBURG AND ALLEGHENY SCRIP.-IV C learn that the Scrip of Pittsburg. and Allegheny County is now purchastd by brokers at ten per cent discount. Alle gheny City Seripis not so ready sale, in Alle gheny of some defect or doubt that exists to regard to the right of the cor porate authorities to dispose of the c;ty property. A DANIEL COME TO JUDGMENT.—Sir Edward Ryan's chief officer's servant had leave to go on shore ; as he was going over the side, the mate thought he recognized one of his own shirts on his black boy ; he of course stOppCd hilii and ekattiined it, and found that it real. ly was his; he then ord'er'ed the boyii hex to be searched, and prOperty belong to hint and the 2d officer was found in It. The boy was taken before Mr. Bird for examination. The Conaular Agent, after patiently hearing the case, stated that he Would give his decision On the following , day, The following ddy eame .. and ttl : deeisidti with it: I have iiirtde particular inquiry;