Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 29, 1849, Image 4

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    A Ruse for a Dinner. Avoid Rash Judgments. . I grog shops—and she, poor miserable
The following characteristic antidote of The prevalence of uncharitableness in girl, is obliged to take in washing, in
Theodore Hook, is given in Barham's the world, is a great evil. It is melan- order to support herself and her children.
life of this extraordinary man. Of the choly to perceive upon what slight I You who dislike the name of a me•
hoax so commonly told and so generally grounds men are willing to believe re- chnntc—whose brothers do nothing but
believed as taking place at the Spanish ports injurious to the character of others. loaf and dress—beware how you treat
Ambassador's at Woolwich, on the banks i The mere statement is often sufficient to young men who work for a living. Far
of the Thames, Mr. Barham has given a obtain reception and ensure propagation. better discard the well led pauper, with
triter and more authentic account. One The listeners take it for granted, that his rings, jewelry, brazeness and potn
of the streets near Soho square, either every thing is exactly as they hear it ; posity, and take to your affections, the
Dean street or Frit h street, was the real and without giving a hearing to the sup- calous-handed, intelligent and industri
scene of action.—Hook was lounging up posed culprit, judge him without law, ous mechanic. Thousands have bitter
one of those streets, in company with and without mercy. When light is ob. ly regretted their folly, who have turned
Terry, the actor, when they saw through tamed, it tvill very probably, happen their backs on honest industry. A few
the kitchen windoW, preparations for a that these rash censors have been entire- years of bitter experience have taught
handsome dinner. • ly in error. Either they have not heard them a lesson. In this country, no man
~ W hat a feast !" said Terry. "hilly the truth at all, or it has been so pervert- !or woman should be respected, in our
dogs ! I should like to tnake one of ed and distorted, that its character has way of thinking, who will not work bo
them." . been entirely altered. When you hear dily or mentally, and who curl their lips
"I'll take any bet," teturned Hook, any thing to the injury of another, ob- with scorn when introduced to a hard
serve the following rules. 1 working man.
"that I do , —call for me here at ten
o'clock, an you will find that 1 shall be I Ist. Note the character of the props-'
able to give a tolerable account of the gator of the report. is he malicious in 1 GRO:/:.l' , S
worthy gentleman's champagne and ven- disposition lls he not naturally credo- I OXYGENATED
loos. Has he an interest adverse to the
icon." So saying he marched up the
steps, gave an authoritative rap with party implicated 1 Or is he thoughtless 1 it Irrill.; it Pi,
and apt to speak at random, perhaps un- 1 Fon 'l' lIE CURE OF
the burnished knocker, and was quickly
lost to the sight of his astonished com- consciously exaggerate what he hears 1 DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY,
panion. As a matter of course, he was ' 2dly. Give the party accused the ben- &c., &c., &e.
efit of any good character which he may
immediately ushered by the servant, as
possess, and compare this with the area- This medicine is an excellent tonic. It im
room,an expected geust, into the' drawieg,
nation now brought against him. You parts health and vigor to te digestive organs sad
where n large party had already
are bound in equity to hold him guiltless thus ti tt , t e rezt n hen fo s r the whole system. Hence it is
assembled. Then partments being well
until positive evidence shall be adduced j s u o s in t ething st g rengthe i Ti7g . . w L i e le t n e s v o ery many e reed
nigh full, no notice was at first taken of
his intrusion, and a half-dozen people in support of the adverse charge. - "
the following cases, and if you have one or more
were laughing at his bon mots before idly. Sift carefully, the proof which symptoms like those inet.tioned, don't fail to try
the host discovered his mistake.—frffec. may be onred ; let it be full, and un- this invaluable medicine.
ling not to observe the visible embarrass. exceptionable, ere you admit it to influ- Severe Case of Dyspepsia.
ment of the latter, and ingeniously nvoi- ence your decision. From R. P. STOW, Esq., .9sst. Clerk
ding any opportunity for explanation, 4thly. Refuse to criminate, until you U. S. House Representatives..
Hook rattled on till he attracted the grew- have heard what may .be said on the WASHINGTON, D. C.,June 15,1846.
ter part of the company in a circle near other side. Da. Ono. B. Gases:--Dear Sir—l feel it not
him, and some considerable time elapsed Remember who it is that says. " Thou i only a gleans' e, but a duty, to make known to
shalt not bear false witness against thy
ere the old gentleman was able to catch you and to the public, (if you desire it.) the stir
the attention of the agreeable stranger. . neighbor." Do you not incur the peril prising ellicts of the " Oxygenated Bitters," in
"1 beg your p ardon, sir," he said, .of this sin, whenever you repeat injuri- relieving me from that most discouraging disor
der, Dyspepsia. I have been afflicted for about
ous accusations, of the truth of which
contriving at last to get in a word ; , seventeen years with the usual attendant syrnp
q„ quite you have no evidence.
"but your name, sir—l did not toms, viz: constipation of the bowels headache'
catch it —servants are so abominable in- And, is it consistent with charity, to ~,,in i n t h e c h est , fl atu l ence acidity of .
the a
correct, and lam really a little at loss--L" propagate even truthful accusations, un- sell, sod severe nausea ; and for mo nths at a time
"Don't apologise, I beg," graciously less it be a matter of positive duty to do not the least particle of moisture would appeal
replied 'I beodere. "Smith—my name so 1 Bear in mind the excellent rule oat i!te surf:it:o of the chest in.
.limbs, and most
of the time I was extremely bilious. I have tned passed the 9th day of April A. D. 1849, we,
is Smith—and, as you justly observed, that "if you cannot speak well of anoth
arious remedies, have been cutlet in my diet. the undersigned Commissioners of Huntingdon
servants are always making some stupid
er, you will not speak of him at all."— have been osed with calomel and emetics day county, hereby notify the citizens of the several
blunder or another. I remember a re- . "Whatsoever ye would that men should after day by physicians, but all to no past/ per- School Districts of said county, that the share
markable instance &c."pose. do unto you, do ye even so to them." Hearing of the wonderful e ff ect. of the of each of the said districts in the State appro
"But really, my ,
dear sir," continued ' Granted, that your neighbor may have 1 1
"Oxygenated Bitter.," in the
cure of Dyspepsia, priation of $200,000 for the year 1850, is the
the host at the termination of the story, erred, may he not have repented 1 Or, , I be p t r t o i f s u o re c d t r o m n e w a d s ic a ,, l e ast resort . , hate used foul sum et opposite to each district respectively,
, and find the bad symp• as transmitted to us by the Superintendent of
illustrative of stupidity in servants, "I must you do your part to obstruct his toms of
moved, and myself „ ace more in t h e Common Schools, viz:
repentance, by spreading the knowledge $137 35
think the mistake in the present occasion enjoyment of health. None but the Dyspeptic
106 6f
of his fall, and thus destroying his char- Racier, who has felt a I the horrors of the dia. Brady,
does not originate in the source you al
(Craosisnwell, 158 f:
lode to: I did not expect the pleasure of acter 1 Look a little at home : are you ease, can at all appreciate the value of the medi-
Mr. Smith's company at dinner to-day." sb entirely "without sin" that it becomes chit , . I most sincerely hope that all will make Clay, '
trial of the medicine, and with me be able to re• Dublin,
61 '
you to blazon abroad a brother's failings. .
"No, I dare say not ; you said four joice in the return of health , •
Or if you were, indeed, yourself as holy Franklin,
in your note, and it is now, I see, aqua- a , . '• 1,011,
as an ange l , is it the office of an angel to •
, Lady Cored of Netwalgia. ' fiend
ter past five—you are a little fast, by the . Hopewell,
crush the offender to the earth , "to break ; From Rev. THOM.IIS KIDDER, of Jackson,
way, but the fact is I have been detained
the bruised reed, and attend) the smo- 1 Vermont. Morris,
in the city, and was about to explain ~ ' '
, king flax 1 How many hearts are em- WINDSOR, Vt., Aug. 5,1846. Penn,
bettered against each other, how 1
many I Duuu Sin :—ltgives me great pleasure to in-
"Pray" exclaimed the other as soon Springfield,
friendships blighted, how many families • form you that the ‘• Oxygenated Bitters," with
as he could stay the volubility of his estranged, the tongue ofscandal, tranged, by
guest, "whom, may I ask, do you sup- About two 'ears since , my
ear of cred ii I i ty, the eye of contempt, and , cure i w n r : e met ,, i c e r ?
ently attacked with neutalgia in
pose you are addressing I" . the finger of scorn ! f the face through the chest in the wrists and - --"
‘'W horn 1 Why, Mr. Thompson, of , Far be from you, dear reader , the con- ankles, ' So violent was the disease, added to
course—old friend of my father ; I have ! temptible office of scandal monger, or general derangement of time female system, that 7,rater,
not the pleasure indeed, of being person- ' disseminator of the errors of your hreth. he , strength was completely prostrated, her flesh Alexandria borough,
ally known to you, but having received 1 ran ; let them have your pity, your sym-
wasted, and she rendered miserable indeed. I Birmingham,
feel gratefulfor the restoration of her health, and Huntingdon,
your k fee
!rind invitation on my arrival from ' pithy, your tears, anj your prayers : •
nlagive,priul.luirfliiiiyt, may
to the above y sburg
v shirle,
Liverpool—Frith street, four o'clock,— i " for so gatherest thyself a good reward fact s ,ulYthab;)uotnldiert:
family party—come in boots—you see I in the day of necessity," and shall be where to seek for curd. TrulyYetel
your friend, n
have taken you at your word. I am only', like Him who " maketh the sun to rise THOMAS KIDDER.
afraid I have kept you waiting." lon the evil and the good, and sendeth ' From Hon. MY RO.N* LaWRENC E,
"No, no, not at all. Butpermit me , the rain on the just and the unjust." of Mass.
to observe, my dear sir, my name is not 1
exactly Thompson, it is Jones, and—" 1 ly front humeral Asthma. I was compelled to
"Jones," repeated the soi-distant Smith, Indiana Whig gives a curious instance , sit up one-third of the night, and the rest of the
in admiraby assumed consternation, of a transfer of maternal affection and time my sleep was interrupted by tiolent fits of
solicitude. A young man who lived in m
coughing and great (Indict hy of breathing. In
"Jones! Why surely I cannot have— all y . attendance upon
i our cowls I never went
yes, I must—good heaven! I see it all. : Boone county, Kentucky, found a nest
to bed in Northampton n twenty years but twice
i of three young squirrels, and on carry-
My dear sir, what an unfortunate blun- land then was compelled to get up. Now I lie
them into the house, he placed them .i„ bed without difficulty, and sleep soundly. I
tier—wrong house—what must you! in g
with a bevy of young kittens, and, took the ii Oxygenated Bitters," according to
think of such an intrusion 1-1 am real
strange to tell, the mother cat adopted directions. The violent symptoms immediately
ly at a loss for words in which to apol
the little foundlings into her family, be- abated , and perseverance in the use of el o rem
ogise. You will permit me to retire at edy h. removed all its troublesome consequen
, stowing as much care and kindness upon
present, and to morrow ces. The value of such a remedy is incalculable,
' them as upon her own offs rim , • The .
"Pray don't think of retiring," ex- • • P er• and I hope ha virtues may he widely diffused and
squirrels are now about a month old, •
its beneficent agency extensively employed."
claimed the hospitable old gentleman : and have become entirely domesticated, • Gs KEN & Ficyroirtn, General Agents. No. 26,
"your friend's table must have been l • • South sixth St, Philadelphia.
e ing upon the same pap, andadopting
cleared long ago, if, as you sav, four Sold wholesale and retail by THOMAS Bros &
habits of their feline brothers and
was the hour named ; and I am too hap- sisters. Sax, Huntingdon, Pa.
py to be able to offer you a seat ati Price-131.00 per bottle : six bottles
mine." t for $5.00.
Hook, of course, could not think of May 8, 1849,
any such thing—could not think of tres
passing upon a perfect stranger; if too
late for Thompson's, there were plenty
of chop houses at hand. The unfortunate
part of the business was, he had made an
appointment with a gentleman to'call for
him at ten o'clock. The good natured
Jones, howeVer; positively refused to al
low so entertaining a visitor to with
draw, dinnerless ; Mrs. Jones joined in
the solicitation ; the Misses Jones smi
led bewitchingly ; and at last Mr. Smith,
who soon recovered from his embarrass
ment, was prevailed upon to offer his
arm to one of the ladies, and take his
place at the well furnished board. In all
probability the familly of Jones never
passed such an evening before. Hook
naturally exerted himself to the utmost
to keep the party in an unceasing roar
of laughter, and make good thd first im
pression. The mirth grew fast niid fu
rious, when, by way of coup de grace, he
seated himself at the piano forte, and
struck off into one of those extempore ,
semis effusions which had filled metre
critical judges than the Jones' with de
light and astonishment. Ten o'clock
struck, and, on Mr. Terry being announ
ced, his triumphant friend wound up the
perforniance with the explanatory stun
I am very much pleased with your fare,
Your cellar's as prime as your cook;
My friend's Mr. Tarty the player,
And I'm Mr. Theodore Reek.
TORY.-A subscription paper has been
started in Lancaster, and in three days
the sum of $90,000 was subscribed to
the third cotton factory in that city.—
The sum intended to be put in the mill
is $200,000, the machinery to be of the
best kind, the mill of the largest class,
and the article to be manufactured the
finest quality of shirting muslins. The
Union says it is gratifying to perceive
that the farmers in the neighborhood of
Lancaster are putting their money in
large amounts in this enterprise, which
with them is no longer an experiment,
i but is certain to pay handsome dividends.
Wouldn't Marry a Mechanic.
A young man commenced visiting a
young woman and appeared to he well
pleased. One evening he called when it
was quite late, which led the girl to in
, quire where he had been.
" I had to work to night."
" Do you work for a livingl" inquired
the astonished girl.
"Certainly,' , replied the young man
—" I am a mechanic."
My brother doesn't work, and I dis
like the name of a mechanic," and she
turned up her pretty little nose.
That was the last time the young me•
chanic visited the piing woman.
He is now a wealthy man, and has
one of the best women for his wife.—
The young lady who disliked the name
of a mechanic, is now the wife of a mis
erable fool—a regular vagrant about
spring Millinery Goods.
John Stone & Sons,
Silks, Ribbons and Millinery Goods,
No. 45 South Second. Street. above Chesnut,
ITOULD call the attention of Merchants and
Milliners visiting the city, to their large
and rich assortment of
Popriog Nllllliiiery Goods,
Received by late arrivals from France, ouch as
Glace Stlks for casing bonnets,
Fancy Bonnet and ( op Ribbonr—a large and
beautiful csoortmEnt of all pricer;
Plain Mantua and Satin Ribbons, from No. 1
to No. 12; . , .
French and American Artificial Flowers, (in
groat variety) ;
Colored and White Crape.;
Fancy Laces and Neta;
French Chip Hata;
Face Trio minge—Quillings ;
Covered Whalebones—Cane:
Bonnet Crowns and Tips,
Together with every article appertaining to the
Millinery trade.
March 27,1849.
Cl'olllolllll &U , •011,1•11*,
No. 11, Walnut Street, Philadelphia.
Wine, Liquor and General Commission
WNgN, Brandies, Gin, and Champaipne of
different brandeimported direetond so d on
accommodating terms to Country Dealers. Qual-
ities and proof of Liquors wrrranted.
Philadelphia, June 20,1849,
The Girard Life insurance Annuity and The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the WorsdelPs Veg e table Itestorative Pills
c.iurt of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county.
Trust Company of Phhiladelphia. from the sale of T_T AVE been graually hut surely coming into
to distribute the money,' arising
favor, among the families of this Country for
Office No. 159 Chestnut Street. the Property of the fi rm of Mitchell, Vance & -L e 1-
ome years past They have done this entirely
Alexander, to end among the respective claim
t'apital *300,000. through their greet worth ns a FAMILY MED
ants, will attend for that purpose nt his (Ace ill
CHARTER I'EIIPETUAL.WINE Agencies have been appointed but no
the borough of 11 until' gd on, on Saturday June . '
I IONTINUE to make Insuranceo on Lines on 10, 1849, at 10 o'clock, A. M., when and where ' Pulling end humbug seek as is resorted to try
quacks to sell their medicine ban been done.
I,_) the most favorable terms, receive and execute all persons interested may attend.
'Frusta and receive deposits on interest. The pine are o ff ered fat sale and love and sill
!'rusts W. BENEDICT, Auditor. 1
continuo to be sold by all the, p , iheiple store-
The Cl pital being paid up and invested, to- I May 15, 1849. keepers. The proprietors claim for their Medi
gether with accumulated premium fnird afford. --
a perfects ecurity to to the insured. The pre- AUDITOR'S NOTICE. , tine the following advantages over all others—
mune may Ire paid in yearly, half yearly, or The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the viz:
Court of Common P leas of 11 untingdon coon- ' TheY They ate PURELY VEGETABLE.—
are CERTAIN 'l'o OPERATE. Their
quarterly payments.o,,eration is FREE from all PAIN. They con
'flue Company add a BONUS at slated peri- ty, to distribute the moneys mising boin hie
he used with EQUAL bENEFIT by theyoung
oda to the insurances for life. This plan of in- sale of the property of Frederick Gates, to end
romance is the moot approved of, and is more among the respective claimants , will attend for cat INFAN 1 and lire STRONGEST MAN—
generally in use, than any other in Great Britain, that purpose at his office in the berough of Hun- Their efficiency in Fevers, Ague, headaches,
HabithalCostiveness, Dyspepsia, I. bolero Nor
(where the subject is best understood by trie ',co- tingdon. on Thuredny the 14th June, 1849, at .
bus, &c.. has been proven upon thousends.—
ple, and where they have had the longest rope. 10 o'clock A. M.. when and where all persons
They area Certain Cure for Worms. The pro
rience,) on appears from the fact, that mint of 117 interested may attend.
Life insurance Companies there, of all kinds, 87 A. W. BENEDICT, Auditor. prietors poeseska certificate from a gentleman in
are on this plan. May 15,1849. ; St. Louts who was cured of e TAPE WORM by
' the use of them. Try them they will not fail.
The first BONUS was appropriated In Decem
ber 1844, amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum AUDITOR'S NOTICE. , Travelling agent for ilie Shire of Penney lea
, insured under the oldest policies ;to 8 2-4 p er The undersigned Auditor, appointed try the flirt—l ii•ni.ts P. AMY., For vale, price 20
cent.. 7 1-2 ?er cent., &c. &e. on others, in pro- Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon coon- cents a box containing FIFTY PILLS, with full'
portion to the time of standing, making an addi- ty, to distribute the moneys raining from li ne directions by the following agent. in Huntingdon'
tion of $100; $87,50; $75, &c. &c. to ever y : stele of the personal property of Joseph Vance, Count) ,
1,000, originally insured, which is an ave rage of to and aiming the respective claimants will at- . 'Thomas Rend & Son. Huntingdon.
more than 50 per cent. on the Premiums paid, tend for that purpose at his office in the borough Thome. E. Orbison, Orbisonia.
and without increasing the annual Payment of of Huntingdon, en haturdny the I ffili June, J. M. Lindsey, Hollidayslimg, Moir Co;
the company. ! 1849, at 10 o ' clock A. M. , when and where all A. WEEKS & Co.
The operation of the BONUS will be seen by , Persons interested may "tic". , Proprietors, Laboratory No. 141 Chesnut street,
the following exemplcs from the Life Insurance A. W. BENEDICT, Auditor. 1 Philadelpnia.
Register of the Company, thus: May 15, 1849. 1 January 23. 1849- 1 y ,
A mt. of pol. and
Bonus or bonus payable
' Insured. Addition at the party's
$l,OOO I $;00.00 $1.100,00
2,500 250.00 2,750 00
4,000 900.00 9,400,00
2.000 175.00 2,176,00
5,000 437,50 5,437,50
No. 58
88 \
„ 205 ,
„ 276
„ 333
Pamphlets oontoinine the table of males, and
explanations of the subject; forms of application
and further infoinuition eon be hod at the office,
gratis, in person or by It tter, addressed .to the
Pi esident or Actuary.
B W. RIC H A RDS, President.
JNO. F. JAMES, Actuary.
May 9, 1849.-ly
School Fund,
In pursuance of the provisions of the 32nd
Section of the Act of the General Assembly,
May I, DUO. Commissioners.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of JOILY ..11faRSH./ILL, late
of Springfield township, dec'd.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad
tnihistration have been ranted to the under
signed on said estate. Persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims or demands against the
name to present them duly authenticated for set
tlement to
April 24, 1849
Executors , Notice.
LETTERS testamentary having been
granted to the undersigned on the estate
of JOHN WALL, late of West town
ship, in the county of Huntingdon, de.
ceased, all persons indebted to said es
tate are hereby notified to call and make
payment, and all persons having claims
against the same are requested to pre
sent them duly authenticated for settle
ment to the subscribers.
April 24, 1849.
Teachers Wanted
At a meeting of the School Directors of the
borough of. Huntingdon, held 28th April, 1349,
it wns resolved to employ two male and two
female teachers to take charge of the Common
Schools for ten months, commencing on Tues
day the sth day of June prox. Proposals from
teachers, directed to the President.will be recei
ved until Saturday evening, 46th May, when a
meeting of the board will be held and applicants
will present themselves for ex atninnlion.
May 1, 1849.
Auditor's Notice•
The undersigned Auditor appointed by the
Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county,
to distribute the money arising fre m a Sheriff's
sale of the personal property of William John
ston of the borough of Huntingdon. toond among
those entitled by law to receive it, will attend to
the duties of this appointment nt his office in the
borough of Huntingdon • n Tuesday 12th
day of June next, (A. D. 1849) at onr o'clock
in the afternoon of sold day. when and where
all persot s ore requi'rd to present their claims
on said fund or he &Inured thereafter front com
ing in for any share thereof.
301 IN REED, Auditor.
May 1, 1899.
Of Partition and Valuation of the Real Estate
of Nathaniel Wilson, Esq.; late al llarree town.
ship, Huntingdon county : •
NOTICE is hereby giver: to the heirsand legal
representatives, of Nathaniel Wilson, Esq.,
late of Barren township, Huntingd..n county,
and all others interested, that by virtue of a
writ of Partition sad Valuation, issued out of
the Orphans' Court of said county, and to me
directed, I will hold an Inquest to port and di
vide or value and appraise, all that certain real
Estate, tract or plantation of land, situate in
Barre° township, Huntingdon county, contain
ing shoot three hundred and thirt)•liive acres, •
and adjoirdr,g lands of William Oaks, Robert
Massey, Daniel Massey, William Johnston, the
heirs of Thomas Veil, deed., and others, Iran- .
hie thereon erected three horses—one large stone
!loose, and two small ten ant houses and Bonk
Barn, on the premises on Wednesday the 27th
day of June 1849. at which time and place all
parsons interested may attend if they think
May 15. 1549-61. Sheriff'.
:L'Y 7.. e
Of Partition and Valuation of the Real Estate
of Daniel Kurfumn, late of Union township,
Huntingdon county, dec'd., and to all others
interested, that by virtue of a writ of Partition
and Valuation, issued out of the Orphans ( ourt
of said county, and try me directrd. I will hold
au Inquest to part and divide or value and
praise all that certain tract. piece or parcel of
land, situate in ass township, Huntingdon
county, stljnining lands of Lewis Stever, Philip
Kuritnan, t °mad Kur fman and Peter Kudrna'',
land Shirley. Knob, containing about two hun
dred and sixty acres or thereabouts, being the
farm upon which the said Daniel Kurfninn re
sided at the tune of his death— on the premises,
, on Friday the 20111 July, A.D. 1849, at which
time and place all persons interested may attend
if they think proper.
May 1.5,1849 6t. Sheriff.
rut-1E subscribers, residents of Shade
I Gap, Huntingdon county, Pa., beg
leave to inform their friends tied the pub•
lie generally, that they have established
at the place above mentioned, a BOARD
ING SCHOOL for the education of
young men.
The course of instruction comprises,
in addition to the usual branches of a
common English education: Philosophy,
Mathematics, and the Latin and Greek
; languages. The location is distinguished
' for its healthfulness and the moral and
religious character of the surrounding
community Every attention will be
paid to the health mid morals of the pii-
Huntingdon County, Ss. ZCIICDUCM3'..:a. pill as well as to their mental training
and advancement in scientific
to Robert Molson, late of the
edge, and every facility will be afforded
Atv The Commonwealth of Pennsyl-
kv,` county of Huntingdon, Greeting: for their personal comfort and conveni
here., Rachel I'. :Viola., by once. The year is divided into two ses
_ ~ • her father and next friend. Nathan sions of five months each ; the winter
Scofield, did on the 24th day of November lest, session commencing on the Ist of No
past, prefer her peti ion to out Judges of the
vember, and the Summer session corn-
Court of Common Pleas of said county, at a 2
3rd of April.
n ‘ cing on the
Court held at Huntingdon in and for said coun-
ty, playing that for the causes the sin set forth, Terms per Session :—For °allegro
she might be divorced from the bonds of rggi r i. pity, Reading and Writing, $5. A rit h.
mony entered into with you the said Robert; metic, Geography, Grammar, Philos°.
We do therefore command you as you were play, History and composition, sB.
Oro before cotnmanded, that. setting aside till Mathematics, Greek and Latin
.-es $ 2. Boarding • exclusive of
other business and excuses whatsoever, You le gen
and appear in your proper person before our
Judge. a , Huntingdon at a t Dort of Common fuel and lig ht, $1,25 per week. Instruc-
Plea. there to be held for said county, on the 24
Lion given in French and German, at an
Monday of August next to answer the petition additional charge. The subscribers, eti•
or Mid of the avid Rachel, and to spew cause I eouraged by the liberal patroimge which
if ""Y you have. why. the " id 11 whvi your wire I : they have already received, would re
agreeably to the act of Assembly , in sue h peict,,that they are determined to spare
o not be divenra from the band of mnui
cases made and providtd. And hereof you are no effort in oinking the Institution one
not to fail. Witness the lion. George Taylor, thilt will commend itself to all parents
President of our said Court at Huntingdon, the who desire to give their sons n thorough
13th day of April u. D. 1849. I preparatory education, witlioni expo-
T.ii", 0. it. evEmEn,
: sing them to the contaminating and int-
April 24,1849.
moral inflect:cos that exist in more pop
ulous communities. For reference or
further particulars addiess
JA: I3I I : IE ivi S si Y , ..2 e I G c i G N I N NN E E s. S,
Shade Gap, March
52254 18
Sheldrake , s Alleghany House,
Xo. 280 Alarket Street, above Eighth,
(South suit)
MIIIS large and splendid Hotel has been fur
nished with entire new tumitut e. The bar
Room is the largest in Philadelphia. The Par
lor. and Ming-Rooms are entirely separated
from the noise and bustle, consequent to the ar
rival and departure of cars. The Portico ex
tending the whole front o f the house, affords a
cool retreat in worm weather, and a splendid
view of the greatest thoroughfare in the City
The Lodging Rooms are well furnished. The
Table as well provided for as at any other Hctel;
with every attention of the managers to make it
the best Hotel fur Merchants and llusiurst•Men
during their stay in the City. The lerms will
be one dollar per day, On the arrival of the
Cars from the West, a Porter will be in attend
ance to convey baggage, &c. to the Rotel,which
is adjoining the depot.
Feb. 13, 1819-6 m.
M. & .T ! WI ! ROWE,
Broom and Wooden ware Store,
No. 63 North Third titrcet, rite door above Arch
East Side,
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in all
kinds of Brooms, Brushes, Buckets, Cedar
Ware, Willow end French Baskets,
Shoe end Well Brushes, Scrubs,
Dusters, Mats, Blacking,
Eastern-made V 1 °mien Ware
of every da c iption, ete.. at the low-
ebt market price,:
March 20, 1849-3 m
Cosh poi(' for broom Corn
JOll,l. M, ROWE
MAKES this method of hilot ming her old cur
turners and the public eenerall tl at diC
has leased the large and commodious house on
Allegheny street, Huniingeon, Pa., known as
occupied for timid years by Mrs. E. Clarke,
and lately by John Musks, an a public house.—
She will be found there on and after the Ist of
April, 1849, prepared to accommodate all who
may favor her with a cull in n manner that can•
not be surpassed by any other house in the
LEI 123
will always be furnished with the very best that
the market will aGrd. In short, nothing with
be left undone that will in any way add b. the
comfort of her customers, as she is determined
not 43 be beat.
The location of the uMansion House" is de
cidedly the best in the borough; the rooms are
large,will be well furnished, and made comfort-
able in every particular.
Regular boarders will be accommodated at
moderate prices.
March 20,1899. •
Executors' Notice.
Estate of .41a! 1 l 13.4LD STITT, late
of Dublin township, deCd.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters testamen
tary have been granted to the undersigned on the
estate of Archibald Stitt, late of Dubli n" .
township,deceased. Persons knowing theturell ea
indebted willcomeforwardand make pay mentiand
all 'home having claims will present them dui) au•
thenticated lot-settlement.
April 17, 1849
The 4. Old Locutit Corner,'
hvn d .
Fisher, IV/anurtrie & co.,
HAVE just received a large and splendid as ,
annum, t of
which they are se.iing, as usual, at extremely
low prolits. Their stock consists of a general
assortment, adopted to the wants of all. Sea
sonable DRESS GOODS for Ladies and Gen
tlemen; READY-M 'DE CLOTHING, bon
net., Hat., Caps, Boots and Phoee, Hardware,
Groceries, &c., etc. In short, the " Pim LOCUST
cannon" continues to he the
where every thing useful and omemental, cart
by bad, better and cheaper, than can be proru
red elsewhere. 'their motto is ' , Quick (sal. a
and , mall Profits.' All who desire to supply
themselves with good goads, at low prices, will
give them a call. •
March 27,1849.