' A SINGULAR TRANSACTION.—We find "AT THE OLD STAND " ' ALEXANDRIA GREAT CENTRAL the following notice of a very singular ' 1 FOUNDRY. casein the last number of the Indiana State Sentinel: CHEAP 800 K S TORE 164 Chesnut Street, *. T [From the Dublin Freeman's Journal.] The marriage of Mr. Henry Apple SPRING and SUMMER Goon public that he is prepared to do work of all Is this to be forever and forever the and Mrs. Sarah Apple was solemnized Corner of Seventh, Swatin's Buildings, kinds connected with the Foundry bushman, in ath death I ! death !! ! We cry—de I . l at the clerk's office in this city, (Indian- PHILADELPHIA. GEORGE GWIN , the beat manner, end on the moat reasonable came to our o ffi ce yesterday hoping that I napa ii s s ) on the 7th inst., by Judge . terme. • KNOWING the wants of the com , 3 He has conatantly on hand wagon boxes, Ha, received and in now open ing a splendid plough, and plough castings,. hollow , ware, and we would not have to peruse the usual Smith, one of the associate Judges of munity, the Proprietor of this es stoek of Spring and Summer . G eode, amount 3f awful, heart-rending death this county. Mr. and Mrs. Apple have among stoves of various kinds arid sites, Ibe cooking tablishment has fitted up a store in the lists, but need we say that our heart been living together as husband and Willa MAI 110 found every variety of stoves which he manufactures are inferior to Mine most elegant manner, having due regard sank within us, and that our blood ran', wife for some twenty years, and have to the comfort of his customers, so that L adies'and Cl tiemens' Dress Goods, in the country, and ere warranted to perforaf cold as we rend letter after letter, and raised a large family of children. Their in part, Clothe of ell kind., French, 11elgien the various operations of cooking end baking in every stranger visiting his Book Store, a manner equal to any, and superior to tnost., found the burden of each to be the same ' end Fancy Casetiners, Kentucky Jeans , Croton , ' re.marriage was made necessary by the may feel entirely at home. H ht calculated for either wood 11p/willing cry—death, death, death.l following mysterious train of circum- Oregon and Tweed C.oths ; Vesting., Flannel. ,e " these 8 "v" . , .. The humane Protestant rector of Bal- HIS IMMENCE STOCK and Drillings, and a variety of Cotton Goods tor! or coal. He has lately procured iiiittcrne lo , ti stances, ns we learn by a friend who of Books ; ) . A linrobe addresses Lord John Russell to' is classified according to the ' summer wear ; Mouslin de Leine., French excellencewciotl and cannot parlor n b i e e ‘e excelled. which Alta, seves s for o Was present at the ex animation of the Lawne and Searle. Shawls and day, through our columns, and every l , case in the circuit court now in session widths Departments of Literature, so , Handke n ' r ri . t i l :'!' o ffi ces, shops. &c., ouch es egg stoves, cannon line of his eloquent, expressive, and in this city. Mr John Apple, many years that visitors can find the books they are Al ' a e P a ac o a f s. th A e r newest large ",:dr at t el h i: ,„,,,,,;! stoves, and others. HQ invites persons desirous philanthropic letter is as a voice from in search of for themselves. Buying ' Ea, Iston, French , t ft:d.:l:l: . and Domestic . Ging. , of purchasing to give him e_ en I. as he is dete*r ago left this county as a volunteer to the deed—a voice telling of over one his stock for the most part at the Aue , , the Black Hawk war. During his ab- e, an d L • hams and Balzorinee, French and Iriali Linens ; mined to sell so good . an article end ' at a i r 1 hundred and thirty-six registered deaths , conne cted and Checks ,] led Tk . Muslin:and sheet - iJALES, eeing with , le legs, I prices as can be (Mauled et any other place. sauce a t ra v e l er passed through thecoun- WILLIAM 011AFF109, occurring in one week in the poorhouse I t _. , 1 y who informed Airs. A. that her hus- one of the LARGEST PUBLISHING H o uses into. 80., &c. of Bnllinrobe I—a voice telling the in- , band had been killed, that lie the trave- in this country, besides publishing large— Boots, Shoes, Hats end Caps, Groceries, crease of the people's wretchedness and' ler, had aided in burying him, and had at himself, enables him to sell ALL Books Hardware, Queensware, &c., tnisery—a voice telling of the poorhouse marked with an axe, the tree under LOWER PRICES i with a great variety of goods of all kinds. being shunned as h peetilential snare which he Was interred. Apple did not I The above stock of Goods having been selec ihrough "the vain hope" of the victims , lreturh, and no doubt was entertained titan any other house of a similar char- ted with great care end purchareil at reduced "that death may not ell at once over- by his Wife cir her friends Of his decease, . acter on this continent. His facilities prices for Cash,l arn enabled to offer take them elsewhere'—ri voice telling r" ' iine pasied on, nothing was heerd to , for the IsteoneArioe of Books from En- ; Great Bargains, Pr the deplorable fact that the people '' discredit the traveler's story, and Mrs. , rope are unsurpassed, having n branch and hnpe all who want will at least examine my have neither food nor raiment in any ,A. after having continued for a proper 'of his Establishment in London, where ' stock before purchasing elsen bele, as I snide- Wily commensurate with their wants, length' of time in a state of supposed ' orders of private gentlemen are careful- termined to Emil on aa reasonable _tenn i. . ea any Iv executed and forwarded to this C olin- °"" in Pen""ivrthir" Pl e ase " II "18" my Or even the necessities of nature, and , widowhood was formally married to Mr. .' by that the painful consegnence is "they are . Henry Apple, a farmer of this county, ' try every STEAMER an dP ACKET. at all times. ,dropping into their graves in MULTI- ! with who'll she hatesince cohabited. A' A CATALOGUE All kinds of Country Produce taken in ex „ I I few months since, it was authentically of Books with the prices attached is is- change for Goods. March 31, 1849. Rev. Mr. Conway, the active, zeal- , ascertained that John Apple was yet ac- sited quarterly, containing Lists of New bus and humane Catholic citrate of the ' tually living. A divorce was obtained . Additions made to his large collection, -- , . same place, writes to us—and the burden 'by Mrs. Apple and she Was re-married I which are in all cases for sale at the bRPHANS' COURT' SALE. or of his letter also is the same fearful cry 'on Monday lost, as above stated, to I LOWEST PRICES, lertiiE undersigned will, in pureuance of an 1 der of Court, offer for sale as the property as that • which gives an awful interest to Henry Apple, the man with whom she or, from 25 to 75 per cent. below Pub-' of Alexander Gwin, deed., at public vendee on the communication of the compaasion- has been innocently living for many fishers Prices. Th ,s in buying even a TUESDAY, 12th day of June next, at the Court me Protestant rector. He says : ' years past as her supposed husband. ' few books, quite a considerable amount I House in Huntiegdon , a certain Lot of ground "We have dead bodies everywhere. I, We have beard no cause assigned for Is saved. in the Borough of Huntingdon, on the south am obliged myself to handle them, co(- the singular manner in which the first 1 As a still further west -corner of Allegheny and Path Streets, fin them, and bury them in the earth. husband acted. ! INDUCEM r EN' numbered 117 in the plan of said borough, and having thereon a two-story brickilweffing houne, We cannot procure a sufficiency of men ' , to strangers visiting the city, every one with a :noble, &c. Also the undivided third to bury the dead, or of coffins to contain INTERPRETATION OF DREADI s, —• 4 o who purchases One Dollar's worth of part of n tract of hind, situate on the Raystown them. Every village has dead bodies dream of a mill stone around your neck Branch of the Juniata River in Hopewell town- Books, will receive a copy of the lying unburied fur ninny days ; almost is a sign of • what you may expect if you ship, Huntingdon county, containing 227 acres, 5. • - - S TRAROE R IN PHILADELPHIA, an elegant every hovel in the suburbs of the town get an extravagant '.wit ' s. m e re or less, having a house and barn thereon. ' 18mo volume, the price of which is 25 Terms of Sale: One half of the purchase mo- has its corpse. We cannot, I repeat, I To see apples in a dream, betokens a cents. Hey to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and ecoffins,boards or men for the neces- wedding, because where you find apples "" FL the residue in one year thereafter with interest, try of the moment.—May God forgive you may reasonably expect to find pairs. : 1.7"' 'rite limits or t hi s advertisement to be secured by bond and mortgage. , our rulers for their cruel conduct to- are too confined to enumerate the prices To dream that you are lame, is a to- _ V 1 Dl , P. olteleON, ward God's creatures here !" ken that you will get into a hobble. of any of the Books, or to give even a May 1., 1849. Adm'r. • Again and again we ask in anguish of 1% lien a young lady dreams of a col- I , faint idea of the immerse advantages to --------_ spirit will men be apathetic: while such fin, it betokens that she should instantly , be derived from purchasing at the Great is the fate of brother-men 1 Will erect- I discontinue the use of tight stays, and Central Cheap 800k -store, but let all who tures endowed with souls—with bunion always go warmly and thickly shod in . are in search of Books send for a Cate hearts—be silent while the very stones, wet weather. i lope, and buy the Books they are in had they voices, would cry to Heaven If you dreamclone , of a it is a token . want of, and when visiting the city, give , .. against such appalling horrors. that you will gain great credit—that is, . Appleton one call, and you will be sure 1 { Tuesday night we took up the eve- tic. . to call again. i and said, here at least the To dream of a fire is a sign that—if king papers, STATIONARY cry of death wont meet us at every line. you arc wise—you tell r, l see that the in all Its branches , furnished at the Low- We t were mistaken. It was still the lights in your house are out befor you go eat Prices. Ihe Initials of those pureha- ' same. The wail of the destitute poor to bed. sing Letter and Note Paper,. neatly ! was taken up by the Conservative Pack- To dreamh t-at your nose is red at the stamped in the corner without charge. et, and flung among our rulers with a tip, is an intimation that you had better Orders for any article may be sent by vigorous and truthful eloquence which I leave off brandy and water. mail, addressed to the Proprietor, and , few could command. The first thing To dream of walking barefooted, de- the directions in all ca. es will be fully that met our eyes in that journal, ever notes a journey that you will be boot- carried out , with great punctuality and true to the cause of suffering huntanity, less.. I despatch. was this : To dream of eggs, is a sign that you Orders for Catalogues should be pre- ''DOOM OF THE MERE letsii.'—We I will discover a mare's nest. paid. GEO. S. APPLETON, I feel it is not necessary to utter one syl- RESIAIiKABLE CASE OF FECUNDITY.— Bookseller, Publisher, Importer, and lable of comment when introducing the Stationer, 164 Chesnut St., corner of 1 Four Children at a Birth. , —Mrs. Moore, following letter to our readers. It has Seventh, Swainz's Building. wife of David More residing ai No. 139 l been communicated to us by a highly , . , Illay 23, 1849.-3 m. I 1 k ' Pi ' Washington De ar •et. ace, Sotitnwark, intelligent gentleman, who would be in- Sh• street,betw eenCra b d Filth,Juniata Cabinet Manufacturing ( ippen all capable of exaggeration, and the fruits lent' side,) yesterday gave birth to llstablishinent. of whose talent and learning have fee- children! The infants nee all , quently delighted and instructed our . JOHN H. W HITTAKER , boys, and they are ns fine, pretty and readers. i 1 healthy-looking babies as were almost Respectfully begs leave to inform his friends "There are some facts simply stated in ever seen. ' One was born about 10 o'- and centime. and the public generally ,that lie . this letter that are terrible suggestive of has built a large cluck, A. M , another about noon, the and ceninto i d d low= i o n f in le rd h i . .- i the state to . which our peasantry are re hird about . 5, P. M., and the fourth slily i ti Y i t t j :k t the ' i r . " o r ri l)f tli t e he lia Pt ik between ween ' t he rivet duced—our once happy, light-hearted t 'about '7 in the evening. The third child peasantry. The children fighting fo r,.: and canal, wh ite be will conetantly keep on is delivered dead : the others alive, hand furniture of al kinds, of the best quality, ! the nettle* is one of these. Childhood `'" , and the latter are as lively and natural emb acing all descriptions, kinde, styles and no. , strugg:ing with childhood—sti•uggling to-da •as man infants a month old. ' rictie. of parlor, medium end plain household for such means to exist a little longer in fu nituro, which will be offered for sale at the ; The c hild ren Y are all as near the same living death I The 'well-grown girls' .. very size as could well be imagined, weigh- i cowering before the writer Is another, . LOWEST RATES the b f d TI g• eat: 1 a out ive poun s. ius i I the agony of their shame —God help In order to accoinmodate the ',Odle with all will be perceived that they are as big ns In of work in his line al' business, he has, them I—surpassing the agony of their . , the average run of children at the ordi- just I supplied Intm.eir well a large lot of the , hunger. And what, in all the records narya single births. The three that are bast quality of Cherry, Walnut, Maple, Poplar, our of this' un ppyreleived fa e, mi can ne thhe at is more y d • ni slaing living exhibit every sypton of thriving' and all kinds of Veneering of the most popular unha peopl and doing well. The conditi nof tiro fiiiisoli.iiiii‘nii work waileor sale,olfi: r ,I , i n c d i t h w e i r il, : t botched ati timesor h e a u l b f : , monstrative .if the desert through which mother is astonishingly favorable, and oit c nrespondent passed, than the dri- mit hi s work to the most rigid Inspection. vet's significant words, 'You won't hear her physician and nurse anticipate no i Merchants, Professional inen, Farmers, Me the cry of a child from this to Limerick.' danger from the painful arid protracted ebonies, Hotel Proprietors, Laboring men—all, I , parturition she has passed through, un- are invited to call and examine hie furniture. be Not a child's cry in u district once fruit der circumstances so extraordinary. fore purchasing elsewhere. e Seeing in believ- ful and beantiful—once peopled with Her accoucheur is Dr. A. H Grahani. ' lig *" life and happiness— once filled at this on ingn . ry, 1 Collins will be made on the shortest notiee, of i we find the case to be a season with the bustle of harvest prep- either Cherry, Walnut or Poplar, as may be de ' remarkable one. The mother is a wo- sired, and funerals attended. aration—once musical with the glad mirth of young voices I Good God ! luau about 29 years of age, a native of ' lle flatters himself that by industry and close li•eland. r yas first husband, whose name ' attention to his bueiness. he will be able to please could volumes suggest a more appalling was Bell, ati Irish,man, and a mid- " ii " h° l -" u 1 " g iv " hi m " " ll ' change than the simple words, Y o u , , a ll times be repaired in die aged man. She was married to him thee,.)lndee te r :t i n t :l r d ' w n!o li st at diirable manner, at low won't hear the cry of a child from this aboutpresent bus-' ten years ago.—Her . rate.. All kinds o country pr o duce willle a • f t to Limerick 1" band, to whom she was married about , ken in exchange for furniture, repairing, &c. The following is the letter : "To the Editor of the Evening Packet . • ' nine months since, is a yomng man, on• I Huntingdon, May 1:9, 1849. • APRIL 28, 1849. 1 1y 21 years old. He is a carpenter by New Cabinet Ware Establishment. now engaged in bottling, "Dear Sir: I have been for the last I trade, but is . MURRAY ten days through the counties of Lime- : and keeps a little p strop where he resides. di WHITTANBE, riek, Galway, Clary, and across thence Phil. Bail., Friday. Respectfully beg leave to inform their friends to the King's county. - a shop at the head of Plumb alley, in the rear "All attempts to depict the existing THE MARKETS. of the ‘• Journal' , publication office, facing on state of tlin misery of the masses be- patf , Ablal'ittAi May, 25. Washington street, where they are prepared to - fond tte Shannon must come utterly There has been but little activity in the mar- manufacture to order all kinds of short of the truth. All that tract of ket to day. Further sales of eases bbl. flour FURNITURE. ebuniry from Killale to Portumna, on have been made for export at $4 50a1 58; per They feel confident that they will be able to • the Galway side of the Shannon, is ly• bbl., and some of a better brand at 84 621, but , pyuse all who may n y e favo e c te w ith t hei• custom. IL outo *clintiVer, Big waste tied uneultorated. About three the demand is limited. Rye Flour—Sales of 6001 Having proc ured th em nsive assortment of Thankful for past favors, most respe ctfully in • trot of. four of the miserable huts are un- bble. at $2 75. Corn meal continues in limited d d • theformsthe •' of Huntingdon . • ' . lumber they are prep.,. to eccomnio a.e (Amens an its men roofed. Some of the former inmates are dema n d ; , , nn his , ; Sits. 0. ...... ....8., P ennsy l van i a a. Th e y h a ve employed an experienced workmen ' eery to surely all who may favor him with a dead, some in the union, and some few $2 75 per bbl. Grain—the demand for wheat , f rom Philadelphia, so that the public may ronfi- ' ca n, with the most choice varieties of - huddled.together in one or two of the is tidtedwhiLal:ts sl of fair and e good ue rerl r at i O 3 lO i Jowly expect work done lathe meet fa. *enable zl ,m cza ,,,.. w. .. 29 huts still existing. The men generally brisk demand for corn el, t r irices . are fu l l sus! ' B" G' c o . flins will be made and funerals ettended, Confectionaries, Cakes, Fruits and Nut.. have _perished. tained ; sales of 800 bus. Southern and Pennsyl - large tracts of land lying un- vania yellow at 59a80 cis . per 56 lbs., but prin. either in town or country. His private rooms are fi tted up in a handsome Repairing wi lat all tinter be attended to - with style, which will make them a comfortable resort cbitivated, a few miserable men are em- cipally declined ., at the latter rate. Outs ore disnatch in the neatest manner and on the most for Ladies and Gent' emen. i played on the roads—at what wages ' dull I sales of Southern at 31a32 cts. and Penn- . ' sylvania at 3301 cts. 'ion erbus. There is rather '"7, -enable terms. Parties can be furnished on the shortest notice think you . 1 One pound of yellow meal nt v Pro d uc e will be taken in exchange with Ice Cream, Confectionaries , all kinds of I more activity in the cot market and tees are s'" ---r • • —i. S. less than Id per diem I!! Great I fully maintained. Whiskey i s d u ll ; ,oto, of for all kind. of furniture. I Cakes and Fruit,. God, how is this to cure famine !" ' hhds at 21, and bids. at 214 eta. ; Huntingdon, May 29, 11349. I Huntingdon, May 2?, 1849. From Ireland. DEATH I DEATH ! ! DEATH ! I ! APPLETON'S 1 LATEST ARRIVAL! Great Slaughter of High Prices! The Town in Commotion ! Nobody Killed, but several Bad, ly ‘Vounded ! DORSEY 81. MAGUIRE' Have the satisfaction to announce to the cit izens of Huntingdon and the neighboring coun try that they have just received from the eastern cities, a splendid stock of new SPRING & SUMNIER GOODS, which have been selected with great cat e. Our stock consists of all the in , ions sty les of LADIES' AND GENTLEMENS' DRESS GOODS. BOOTS, SHOES, and HATS of all kihils.-: Hard ware, Queens Ware, Groceries, &c. We e all to give us a call, as we take pleasure in showing our Goods. Thankful for past favors, we hope by strict attention to businrss to receive a tie,al share of public patronage. Huntingdon, April 3, 1849. Administrator's Notice. Estate of JO DEILY, late of Porter township, deceased. N O :s f ir f . C it E ion is h l a te v r e e b b e y e g n i s g e r9 n n t t l e t n d t t i o e t i t h e: u so n f d ereign ed , on the estate of JOHN DEAN, late of Porter township, Huntingdon county. All per sons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement. WILLIAM GRAFFIUS, Administrator, April 17,1849 Orphans' Court Sale. BY virtue of an order cf the Orphans' Court, will be exposed Insole by public vendue or outcry on the premises, on Saturday, 16th day of June next, a ceratin tract or parcel of Limestone Land, situate in West township, Huntingdon county, adjoining lands of Thomas fitewurt James and Thomas Herman, - ftlelchoir, and others, contriving ec). be the same more or lose, on which is erected a story and ha f log house, cabin barn and about 40 acres cleared thereon, with a good orchard and a good spring of litnestone water, late the estate of }fenry Whitesel, dec'd. TERMS: One third of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale and the residue in two equal annual payments, with in terest, to be secured by the bonds a d mortgage of the purchaser. M. F. CAMPBELL, Attendance given by Clerk. THOMAS STEWART, Administrator, May 22, 1699. LOTS OF GOOD THINGS!! ICE CREAM, CONFECTIONARY & BAKERY. May 8,1846-13, Orphans , Court Sale. BY a decree of the Wilton.' Court of the county of Huntingdon, made on the second day of May in the year 1849 Walter B. Hudson, Executor of Margaret Smith, dec'd,, late of ley township. in said county, and widow and devisee of James Smith formerly of said county and township, was ordered and decreed to make sale of the real estate of the said Margaret Smith, in the said county and township, eohsistihg of a tract of Land, containing one hundred and fifty acres, more or less, with about fifty acres of clear. ed land , arid a log house, log stable, log spring house, and other improvements thereon. That in pursuance of tin said decree of the Orphans' Court, the a'oresaid tract of 160 acres of Land in Shirley township, will Le sold at pub' Ic outcry, on the premises, to the highest and best bidder. on Monday the 25th day of June 1949, at 10 o'clock A. M, of said day. One half of the purchase money to be paid art the confirmation of the sale; and the other half thereof in one year tit. reofter to be secured by bond and mortgage. Attendance will be given on the day of sale, ad the premises, by my agent, James RamreY; Esq. WALtER B. HUDSON,,., Executor of Margaret Smith. May 8, 1899. Estelle of John Miller, deed. I • Huntinkdon County, SS. WILLIAM CLASSGOW, . . ~,,,, 0 , A T an Orphans' Court held at i, t. Li Huntingdon, in and for the ( , 'county of Huntingdon, on the sec ft ,„,, 4 _.:s: and Monday. (91h) April, 1843, ,4131) Respectfully informs the public, that he has commenced . business for hunaelf in the room lately occupied ay F. Krell nearly opposite the Poet MR,. in Main street , Huntingdon, Pa. ' before Hon. George Taylor. l'resi- All kinds of Harness and Saddle. wi Ibe man; factored on the shortest notice, of the beat Male-dent, and James Hwin, and John Stetvart, Asso ciate Judge. of said I ourt on Motion of A. W. risk. and as cheap . can be had at any Othe Benedict, Esq. the Court granted a rule. t h e establishment in the county. I heirs and legal representatives of John Mill e r, He respectfully Lake a share of public patronl.: late of Union township, in said county, deceased,' Oft. May 1, 1849 to appear on the second Monday of August next, and accept or refuse to take the Real Estate of the said deceased ut the valuation thereof. Cer tified from the Record under the seal of the said Court at Huntingdon the 23d day of April, A. D. 1849. by M. F. L A MPBELL,CIerk. May 8,1849-4 t W. H. SMITH, W. M.l-ANC LAIR. smiTel R sINCLA IR, Wholesale Grocers, Produce & Commission Merchants, and Dealers in Pntsburg Manufactures, No. 56 Wood street, Pittsburg, Pa. Refer to Mr. GEnnot Gwio, t Huntingdon. Messrs. J. & W. SAXTON, 5 April 3. 1849. GOLD PENS. Warranted GOLD PENS, with silver handl , ls; Can be bad at SCOTT'S Cheap Jethelry Store, for $1.25 Other Gold Pens, without handles, for 75 cents. April 17, 1849. Administratoks' Notice. Estate of W1LL1.9.11 W.:IRD, late of Walker township, deed. NOTICE is hereby gisen that Letters el Ad ministration on said Estate. hat e been granted to the undersigned. Persons indebted to the same, are requested to make payment. and those having claims or demands against the some, to present them duly authenticated for settlement. MME,; MOORE, [Administrator LAST ARRIVAL! Mny 22, 1849. New Goods ! New Goods! J. &' W. SAXTON H AVE .p endedjustLe . c o r i i i % m T i ln o d r a re now opening a SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. Their stock has been selected with great care, and at lower prices than thnee who purchased earlier, and cothprises a general Variety of every thing called for by the public. They have a beautiful variety of LADIES and GENTLE MEN'S Dress Goods, of the vety latest sty!iii, which for quality and cheapness cannot be aur passed. In addition to their large stock of Dry Goods, Housekeepers can be supp'ied with Fresh Groceries, of a superior euslity, very cheap ; Hardware, Queensware, &c., &c. 'Choy invite the public to call and examine their stock. They make no Charge for showing their Goods. May 1, 1849. PENN'A. RAILROAD COMPANY. Notice is hereby given that the NINTH IN STALMENT of five do fors per share is re quired to be paid on or before the Ist day of May, and the tenth Instalment of five dollars per share on or before the lot day of duly next, at the (Alice of Miles Lk Dorris. Payments will be received of one or more in stalments. or the stock may be paid in full, at the option of the Stockholders, ehd intereetwill be allowed from date of payment. Instalments not paid punctually be sub r ject to the penalty of one per cent per month, as required by law. GEORGE V. BACON, Apri124,1849. Treasurer. Last Notice. JACO. Svrosit would inform those Indebted to him, that he has left his accounts with D. Snare, Esq., for collection. Those knowing themselves indebted will save costs by calling at his office soon and paying up. May 1, 1849. BRIGADE INSPECTOR. CoL. JOtiN STEVER, of Case township. Huntingdon county, will he supported at the ensuing election for BRIGADE INSPECTOR, by MANY EOLDIERI3. April 10,1849. Wan. T. WALTEIIII. CUARLItiI n• .11111, Wolters & Harvey, [bate Haslehurat & Harvey] Produce and General Commission Merchants, Nos. IS & 16 Spear'. Wharf, Baltimore. • • Liberal Carib advances m ade on consigtin cats of all kinds of Produce. April 3,1849-3 m COLEMAN'S CHEAP CUTLERY STORES. Noe. 32 and 33 Arcade. end ei North Third EH., PHILADELPHIA. COUNTRY Merchants can save from 10 to lb per . centbyinitchaaing at the above mores.— By irpporting my oten goods, pating but little rent, and liv . ing economically, it is plain 1 'on un dersell those who purchaSe their goods hate, pay high rents, and live like princes. UonstantlY on hand, a large assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives. scisaor. and Razor.. Table Knives and Forks, in Ivory, Stag, Buffalo, Bone and Wood handle.; Carvers and Forks, Steele, 4ce- Butcher Knireg, Dirks, Bowie Knives, Ea rolving and Plain Piatola,,&c. Just received, a large Bloch 9f Rodgers' on .I Wostenholm's fine Pen and Congress ICnivea. Also, a large assortment of Accordeona, &c., &c. Also, Fine English Twist end German Guns, JOHN M. COLEMAN. june2o-Iy. iNY~~`Yt, JACOB MERCHANT TAILOR , %Vauld re , ectfully inform hie old friends sod t..e Public generally that he has resumed busi ness as MERCHANT TAILOR, in the room next door to C. Couts' Hntel, formerly occupird by the Globe Printing office, Huntingdon, Pls. He has just received from I hiladelphin a splendid assortment of LOTH CASSI MERS and VESTINGS of the best finish which he is prepared to make up to order at prices that cannot foil to suit the views of all. A perfect fit will in all cases he guaranteed. Work will also be done for those who prefer purchasing their cloth elsewhere. May 1,1840. 1T377 Iat3TIL3.IT,OIIIr3I\7T; Saddle & Harness pAanntactorg. WAR AGALNST HIGH PRICES ! CHEaP W./ITCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, tik F.JJVCY GOODS!! The undersigned has just returned from Philadelphia, with a Itftge and very superior assortment of Melts, Watches, Jewelry and Fahey Goods, Which he is enabled to sell 20 per Cent. Cheaper than heretofore! Persons wishing to purchase are invited 'to call and satisfy themselves of this fact. [p- Particular attention will be paid to the repairing of all kinds of Watches,' Clocks and Jewelry. An experienced workman from one of the eastern cities will be constantly employed for this purpose. Old gold and silver bought and ex• changed for which the highest price will he allowed. J. T. SCOTT Huntingdon, April 17, 18.19. BOOTS AND SHOES. 1,,;,•`• LEVI WESTBROOK, Has just returned frorti, Philadelphia with a general and elegant assortment of Honig and shoes. for Ladies, Gentlemen's and Children's wear, ell of which have been manufactured of the best, materials and lifter the latest and post approved style, and will be sold at ENTII6I , II6LI LOW BATAS. ' He will also manufacture BOOTS and SHOES to order, and ell who furor him with their cus tom may rely upon having their work done neat ly and expeditiously, and tif the best materials. A continuance of public faiOr fa respectfully requemeth May 1, 1R49-3t "Beat the " Hall of Fashion" who Can! B. & No.l, Corner Room of Snare's Row, opposite John Whittaker's Tavern, Huntingdon, Pa. The Undersigned thankful for past favors, in firm their customers and the public generally that they have just received front the city, the largest, cheapest and most splendid assortment of Ready-Made Clothing, ever brought to Huntingdon. 1 heir stock con. slats of Dress and Frock Costs, `arks and Nutti ness t oats, Pantaloons and Vests of c,ty style and description suite) to the season—Warranted well made and fashionably /Mt. A splendid as sortment of Reached Muslin and Linen Shirts and Plaited Bosoms. Cotton, worsted and woolen short Stockings; Suspenders and Hand kerchiefs. A pulite, suit of clothes for almost nothing. New style. cif Hata and Caps, Boots & Shoe., Umbrellas, ere., s'l of which *lll he sold at the lowest e rioos. Please call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. B. & W. SNARE, buntintrtion, April a, 1,49. MACKEREL SHAD, SALMON, HEttRINGS, PORK, HAMS AND SIDER, SHOULDERS, LARD & CHEER* Constantly on hand and for sale by J. PALMER, ,& Co. Market St. Wharf, PHILADELPEIA. ) Feb. 27, IS4L.•9m