THE JOURNAL. [CORRECT PRINCIPLES-SUPPORTED DY TRUTH.] -kasak t • - HUNTINGDON, TUESDAY, MAY 22, 1849. TERMS: The "Ruxcixnnos ,TOURNAL" is published at the follow ink, rates, viz : $1,75 a year, if paid advanceadven , ; ' St',oo if pool during the year,and F,t2,50 if not paid until after the expiration of the year. The above terms to be adhered to in all cases. 'els than six months, No subscription taken for and no pap r discontinued - until all arrearages arc paid, unless at the option of the publisher. Ilooyer , s Ink. HOOVER'S SUPERIOR WRITING INK far sale at this offiee. Our Paper. A press of job work, which could not be de layed beyond Monday last, and to complete wllich required the moat industrious application of ell hands, is our apology for issuing but u half oheet thia week. This also accounts for the small amount of reading matter which we give: Our hurry is now over, and we shall hereafter he able to go on as usual. Exciting News, Under the head of by Telegraph," will be found an account of a molt appalling and destructive flee in St. Louis, threatened inunda tion' of New Orleans, spread of the Cholera, &c., to which we invite attention. Al though we have not had time to give our read ers much news hi this raper, what we do give is truly of an exciting character. Goon THINGS:—Every body who wants good things—fhat are good things, can be gratified to their hearts content by dropping into LOUIS SCHNEIDER'S confectionary. His Candies are•fresh and hie ICE CREAM can't be beat. We speak of that "which we do bnow,"—having frequently tasted. Boolcs !—The attention of Merchants and others visiting Philadelphia. is invited to the advertisement of " Appleton's Great Central Book Store." Ills assortment is good and prices low. Hon. R. T. Conrad has been appointed Deputy Surveyor of the Port of Philadelphia.— This is an excellent selection. The promotion of such man as Mr. Conrad affords us real pleas- Appointments by the Postmaster General. Psrsa C. Sworn's, has been appointed Post master at this place, in the place of F. B. WAL LACH. Although several other very worthy and deserving gentlemen were also applicants for this office, we hazard nothing in saying that the appointment is a good one, and will give very satisfaction to the citizens. Of the retiring Postmaster, Mr. WALLACE, it is but justice to say, he was an accommoda ting and faithful public officer. Since our con neCtion With this press, he has unifOrmly treat ed ui in the most gentlemanly and accommoda ting manner. He therefore has our beat wishes far success and prosperity in whatever calling he may hereafter embark. L. 0. KESSLER has been appointed Postmas ter at Mill Creek, in the place of Wm. Buchan an. This is also an excellent selection. co— A. J. JONES has been appointed Post master at Harrisburg. Mr. Jones has always been an active and efficient Whig, and we there fore congratulate him on his success. Give us your Et:r friend Jones ; suppose you subscribe for the 6. Huntingdon Journal," and pay in ad vance. What say you I You will, eh I Good! The Cholera. This alarming disease is still raging in the South and South West. It is also reported to have commenced its ravages in New York. {1 The Washington Examiner has been much enlarged and improved. Barring its pol itics, the Examiner is a well conducted paper. NEW YORK APPOINTMENTS. Hugh Maxwell has been appointed Collector at New York; Ex-Mayor Brady, Post Master, and Ex• Governor Young, Sub-Treasurer—all gentlemen of high character and well known devotion to the Whig cause. New York Riot. This disgraceful affair, owing to the vigilance, and praiseworthy determination of the authori tis, was quelled witi,out any further loss of life than stated in our last. Mobs should always be dealt with in the most summary manner. Cr" T. T. Woaru, Esq., editor of the Leb anon Courier, has been appointed Postmaster at Lebanon. We know of none more worthy than our friend of the Courier. Recent Appointments The appointments lately made in Philadelphia are spoken of by the Evening Bulletin, a neutral paper, as excellent and altogether fit to be made. " The selection of Mr. Lewis" (as Collector) says the Bulletin, " is an eminently wise one." His appointment is declared to be one "directly complimentary to the mercantile interest and to Philadelphia," and will," the Bulletin adds, " we feel confident, ultimately prove as popular as it is wise." THE THREATENED INUNDATION OF Of Mr. Warm, appointed to the Post Office, I NEW ORLEANS. it is said to illustrate the truly democratic char- I BALTIMORE, May 18. actor of our institutions. This gentlemen, cce The New Orleans Delta of the 11th learn entered the Post Office at Philivlelphi;, inst. received this evening, gives further when but a lad, and rose gradually to the raid, particulars of the various crevasses in of chief clerk, which he has held for eight years, the levee, by which the city is threat solely in consequence of his industry, ability , reed with inundation. The water has and trustworthiness. " Affable in his manners, couinnenced rushing through the upper says the Bulletin," and of the Strictest integrity, crevasse, mid although 600 men ore nt his appointthent cannot but render general sat 2 work endeavoring to block up the gap, israction." ! the prospect is very discouraging. In addition, ice would say, lie appointments The Picayune says that three hundred us all right, 6 , , j' , O•. Let the machine work on ! , mot, armed to the teeth, were stationed NEWS MT TZLZGRAPIE. Int the new canal, to prevent the residents Tate Wons oats BRAVELY os.—A large corn- \ ---• ------ of the second Municipality from making I bar of important appointments were made at [Correspondence of the Public Ledger.] further breaches on the embankment, in Washington during the lost week. 'The puri- DESTRUCTIVE FIRE! order to direct the course of the tnrrent. f Loss Estimated at Five Millions of ying process will soon be completed, and the Dollars i I A row is apprehended. government will then be entirely in honest St. Louis, May lg.' The crevasse below the city nt the Whig hands. Hurrah for old Lack ! F.nglish Turn also threatens to overflow Our city was the scene last night of one of the i . MARRIED. most . destructive fires that ever accused in the the third Alunicipality. Three hundred Wednesday West. A fire broke out about ten o'clock on men are stationed there, and are doing boar,ti , f the steamboat St. Cloud, lying at ilia their utmost to avert the threatened evil. In Williamsburg, Ma t h- c h onnty , ,ol\lred nmn,r, last, by the Rev.. Mr. lig tmyr Air. E head of the levee, and the flames were almost instantaneously communicated to the. Edward Bates. The burning boats were cut from their moor ings and floated down the levee, setting fire to PRESBYTERIAN GENERAL ASSEMBLY bath . ' f PATTERSON to MI:3 MAlt It BERRYIIILL,O that place. ' On the 3d inst., by the Rev. 11. Heckerman, , PITTSBURG, May 18. Mr. Jane., Iluzart to Miss Canton 'NE Gsuarsir, 1 such boats as were onside to get out. The annual sermon before the Genes- both of Trough Creole valley. al'Assetnbly of the (Old Sbhool) Pres- On Thursday 17th inst., by the Rev. David', A strong wind prevailing, the boats 'almost the Williams, Mr. WILLIAM D. llssr.vr of Mount I byterian Church, was delivered by the , Scans length of the Lev, soon presented a sot- Union, and Miss S's J. DOYL3C, of Shirley. hl sheet of flame. By this time nearly the whole Rev. Dr. McGill, the Moderator of the burg, Huntingdon county. city became aronsed,and the utmost consternation last Assembly. The Rev. Dr. Murray, • prevailed. ofElizabethtown, New Jersey, was elect- i Orphans , Court Saks. The heat from the burning boats set the buil- 11)Y virtue of an order cribs Orphnns' Court, ed Moderator to-day. dings fronting on the Levee on fire, the flames 1 will be exposed to sale by public vendee or• communicated at the lowest street, the very heart Letters from the General Presbytery ~ ‘, outcry on the premises, on of the business portion of the city—and extol- of Maine, and other places, against sia- ding from Locust street for three-quaters of a very, were read and referred, but little'' dalutdaYi 16th clay .of June next, Imile down the Levee, reaching back . far as discussion of the subject taking place a cerntin tract or pareal of Lime.stotze Le di. Second street. Within these bonds nearly every s lace. P in West township, Huntingdon county, • building is in ruins. To attempt to give par- I nilinining lands of Thomas Stewart. James and titulars in the midst a the excitement that now i Destructive Fire in Milwaukte. prevails, is utterly impossible. Mir.wstristr., May 17-6 P. M. con ic i n i n , TllOOl/18 If 01111S11, -----. Al 010110 ii, end others, ) The St. Loos Republican office, with eaten- A fire broke oat this morning,, between 3 and !k 7 ) dta ''''N ' 1.12 s, cn 1. - -435 sive materials and machinery, was entirely de- 4 o'clock, in the buildinga occupied by W. Ilan- - `-'''' stroyed, [Mr. Chambers, one of the proprie- kips as a planing and stave manufactory. and be the same more or less, on which is erected a tors of the Republican, is now in Washington from the combustible nature of the material's on story and ha'f log house, cabin barn and about City.] the premises, the building, together with the 40 acres cleaved thereon, with a good orchard The offices of the New E ra , the People's Or- store of David Moore and the livery stable of S. and a good spring of limestone tenter, lute the gnu, St. Louis Reville, and Angier d e s weetern, , Davis, w a s consumed before the engines reached estate of henry Whi teed, d eed. shared a simalar fate. Some of them hots-ever, ! the ground. TERMS: Ono third of the purchase money saved a great portion of their materials. I The lire spread with great rapidity and corn- Ito be paid on contirmat:on of the sale arid the The lliiuking Houses ofsjte M es s rs . Benbight, municated to Ludresidueington's brick building, ore,,- residuein two equal annual payments, with in- J. J. Anderson, Preslorry& Co., Clark& Bro.'s, ' pied by the Sentinel and Gazette offices the tarsal, to Ire secured by the bonds mid mortgage Nesbitt & Co., E. P. Tesson, and the Telegraph house of Mr. Hankins, (who lost everything ' f lit: r mehoser. M. F. CAMPBELL, office, were entirely destroyed. The operators and had no insurance,) the extensive buildings of' ' ' • . in the Telegraph office subsequently removed Doyl e & Moore,(who lost their stages, wagon, Attendance to the opposite side of the river. ! shop, barn, blacksmith shop, four post coaches THOMAS STE WART, Administrule•% The vaults of the different banking houses, an d e l' their stock.) Their loss is about $B,OOO however, are supposed to lie secure. —on insurance. May 22, 1849. The followinksteamboats, together with their The loss of S. P. Davis is about ssooo—insu- I ca r g oes, were totally destroyed:—White Cloud, ' red for $lOOO. All the buildings from the cor- LOIS OF GOOD THINGS ! ! Edward Bates, Bell Isle, Taglioni, Boreas, No. nor to Ludingston's on the west side of Water ICE CREAM, CONFF.CTIONARY & 3, Agrypean, Eagle, Sarah, Kit Carson, Mon - 'street, are destroyed, except Metcalf's market BAULERV. took, 'I . imour, Acadia, Alanneltike, Prairie State, and the saddlery shop of G. Dyer. The fire is, -- Eudora, St. Peter, Red Wing, Alexander Ham- supposed to have been the work of an incendia- 1 IL otifo *tit Itritler, ilton, Martha, Eliza Stewart, Mandan, Gen. rv. The total loss is between $50,000 and I Brooke end Frolic. A number of barges and 1;60,000. Thankfill for past favors, most respectfully in wood boats were also burned. 1 forms the citizens of Huntingdon and its skin- The burnt district embraces almost all the More News from the Gold Region. ity, Oita he has nisde every arrangement nee.- business portion of the city. The merchants : : miry to supply all who may . favor Ilia with a mostly had on hand very heavy stocks of goods. ' 13osToN Alay 18. ' cell, the most choice varieties o f There wns very little moveable property saved. I Letters received here from San Fran nie loss is estimated at fire millions of dot- i eiseo furnish the following additional 1 - 1021- - 01 Zar- 1.3 . 1 : 23,- Ni. lore. How much is insured it is impossible to • it • . I Confectionaries, Cakes, Fruits and Nuts. i intelligence . state at this time. I His privnto rooms are fitted up in a hnndsome 1 There were 28 vessels in port, among I style, which will makethem a comfortable resort ' which wet. one American, the Tasso, • for Ladies and Gentlemen. from Valparaiso. I Parties can be furnished on the shortest notice Emigration to the mines had coin- with Ire Cream, Conftictionarica, ail kinds of menced in earliest. There were about' Cakes and Fruits. thirty-five hundred persons at Valparai- I Huntingdon, May 22, 1849. so, and five hundred at Talcapsino, awaiting an opportunity to go to the gold The Ovoflota at JV'etv Orlelits7Great ! Conste;:nation among the Inhabitants —The People taking Refuge in Boats— Immense Destruction of Prope7 ty.— BALTIMORE, May 17. The Southern mail of this evening brings New Orleans papers of the 10th. The crevasse in the levee above New Orleans, has increased, and the water defies all efforts to stop its pro poss.—The water was rushing down through the Second Municipality to the new canal. The inhabitants were escaping in boats. The whole of the Fauburg St. Mary is partially inundated. Nothing can equal the consternation visible among the inhabitants in the leading streets in that quarter. In Tahonpitoulas, Magazine, and Camp streets, the inhabitants arc moving off in a body, on with a few exceptions, scarcely at tempting to save their property. The whole scene is represented as being aw ful and sublime in the extreme. The roar of the waters can be heard for miles. In the first and third municipalities the greatest alarm prevails, fearing that - the whole city will be inundated. Some idea may be formed of the loss thus far, from the fact that 2500 Mid of sugar have been destroyed. CHOLERA AT NEW YORK. NEW Yona, May 17 It now seems to be conceded that the cholera' is in our midst—whether in a malignant and ep idemic form, a few weeks will determine. Six cases occured yesterday, in the Sixth Ward, (mentioned in the morning papers.) Of this number five have died Money is plenty under the influence of the foreign news. Li. S.,securities and Penesylva nia s's hove advanced. Fancy stocks are down —attributed to the cholera reports. THE CHOLERA REPORTS-SINKING OF THE STEAMER EMPIRE OF TROY DREADFUL OCCURRENCE. NEW YORK, May la Three more new cases of dhole - ra wore l reported this morning, causing much ex- i citement in the neighborhood where they occurred, and threats were made to burn the houses in which the malady is said to be located unless the sick are remov ed. The police are in attendance to prevent mischief. The inhabitants are sprinkling lime in the streets to prevent the spreading of the contagion. The sanitary committee, at n meeting held this afternoon, pronounce the dis ease not to be the Asiatic cholera, but merely cases of diarrhcca aggravated by the neglect and exposure of those at- I tacked. The sinking of the steamer Empire, of Troy, by collision with the schooner No ah Brown, opposite Newburgh last night, has caused much sensation. The steam ers Rip Van Winkle and Hudson suc ceeded in rescuing all the passengers save three. The steamer sunk imme diately to the hurricane deck, and alarge number of ladies in the cabin could only be got out by holes cut in the deck.— The scene in the cabin was of the most frightful character, mothers were calling for their children, and wives for their husbands. Whilt cutting through the decks, a lady was accidentally killed by a blow with an axe. regions., i It was thought that the steamship Cal- ; ifornia would be able to leave about the 28th, manned by amateur sailors, con sisting of such persons as arc anxious to get home with gold dust—the result of their labors. The agent of the steamer offered reg- • I 'liar sailors $2OO per mouth, which was i refused. W. , THE GREAT" DEMOCRATIC" PRINCI The Nashville Whig says—The "lamenta tions". of many of the Loco-foco press on the one hand and their fierce attacks ou Gen. Tay lor on the other, ((or the few removals he has yet made,) show what they consider the greatest Democratic principle. You may beiit them in the elections and they will take it very kindly. Defeat any measure, however dear they may profess to hold it, and it is all well enough, if you will just let them hold the offices. But pull one of their office-holders loose from the public teat, and a7spontanemis howl of ;amen teflon will tic sent forth from all parts of the Union. It seems that the idea of as to the vic tors belong the spoils," has become the great one idea with them. Touch their pockets by removing a• few of them from office, and they become as venomous as vipers, and strike right and left like an irritated blind rattlesnake in the dog-days. A NOTIIER MAarya.—John T. Fenton has been convicted of robbing the Post Office at Winchester, ''a., and sentenced to .1 years' im prisonment. The late Locofoco Navy Agent at Wash ington, is a defaulter to the tune of $50,000 ! That's the way Locofoco office-holders feather their nests ! Old Zack ought to be ashamed of himself for proscrtbing such honest Locofoco Officers ! WILLIAM H. MacyELL, Esq., a brother of the Irish patriot and exile, has been appointed a Clerk in the Home Department, by Mr. See- retary Ewing CANADA.-There was another outbreak in Montreal last Wednesday. An attack was made upon the Hotel where the Governor,General and the ministers were dining. The troops were ordered out, and the mob dispersed, after doing what mischief they could. Rica.—Father Ritchie, speaking of what he calls the operations of the guillotine, says that "the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church." To which Prentice replies, that it must be a precious "church" that springs from such rascally blood as circulates in the vent of the mass of the ejected placemen of Polk's ad ministration. Err Mrs. John Quincy Adams still lies in a very critical state at Washington. She is coher ing under a paralytic stroke, with which she was attacked a couple of weeks since. The left side is said to be entirely dead. EFFECTS OF EATING CAMPHOR.--On Sabbath morning lest, the youngest son of Mr. James McKinley, jr., of this place, aged 18 months, almost lost its life by the eating 'of camphor. 'the child had gotten hold of a bottle which contained several lumps of Camphor, and swallow ed a portion of them before attention was directed to What it was doing. In a few minutes it was thrown into spasms. A physician was immediately called in, who by assidions attention restored the child to health.—Washiiigten APPLETON'S GREAT CENTRAL CHEAP BOOK STORE, 164 Chesnut Street, Corner of Seventh, Swazues Buildings, PHILADELPHIA. KNOWING the wants of the com munity, the Proprietor of this es tablishment has fitted up a store in the most elegant manner, having due regard to the comfort of his customers, so that every stranger visiting his Book Store, may feel entirely at home. HIS IMMENCE STOCK or Books is classified according to the various Departments of Literature, so that visitors can find the books they are in search of for themselves. Buying his• stock for the most part at the Atm 'HON SALES, and being connected with One of the LARGEST PUBLISHING HOUSES in this country, besides publishing large ly himself, enables him to sell ALL Boons at LOWER PRICES than any other house of a similar char acter on this continent. His facilities for the IMPORTATION of Books from Eu rope are unsurpassed, having a branch of his Establishment in London, where orders of private gentlemen arc careful ly executed and forwarded to this Coun try by every STEAMER and PACKET. A CATALOGUE of Books with the prices attached is is sued quarterly, containing Lists of New Additions made to his large collection, which are in all cases for sale at the LOWEST PRICES, or, from 25 to 75 per cent. below Piih. lishers' Prices. Thus in buying even a few books, quite a considerable amount is saved. As a still further INDUCEMENT to strangers visiting the city, every one who purchases One. Dollar's worth of Books, will receive a copy of the STRANGER IN PHILADELPHIA, an elegant 18mo volume, the price of which is 25 cents. 117. The limits pf this advertisement are too confined to enumerate the prices of any of the Books, or to give even a faint idea of the immense advantages to be derived from purchasing at the Great Central Cheap Book-store, but let ull who are in search of Books send for a Cata logue, and buy the Books they are in wont of, and when visiting the city, give ' Appleton one call, and you will be sure to call again. STATIONARY SPRING 86 SUMMER COEDS : in all Its branches, furnished at the whichLow „,l,.:,n: o.rp : :imoo t teDi l i tt, e ,ii y . E n as.j, t ; e st ~ps i tre lp dl . i sk o t e h ce tt ow s n y i: l tt , : a : t if. e : x li t g. t e elZ aa y i. est Prices. The Initials of those purcha sing Letter and Note Paper, neatly Administrator's Notice. stamped in the corner without charge. Estate of JOLLV DE./I.A”, late of Porter GOODS 'for Ladies and Orders for any article may be sent by township, deceased. Gen tlemen; READY-hi XDU CLOTHING, Bon mail, addressed to the Proprietor, and NTOTICE is hereby given thatletters of admim ' nets, Hats. Cape, Hoots and Shoes, Hardware, the directions in all cases will be fully IN istration have been granted In the undersign- Grocerres,&e., &e. In short,the " etm teees , carried out, with great punctuality arid cd, on the estate of JOHN DEAN, late of CORNER" continues to he the Porte, township, Huntingdon county. All per- , where every thing and AU . 3" despatch. ! . i : n t n is w in . tl . c . b e ted to said estate are requested to make ' at t invment and those havingclaims or' b e had, bat e , ai g i d e b,, ar ,,, 4,, ° n l T: n en b t o l: ro c c a u n pai o d. rders for Catalogues should be ,s-tre ' demands against l the ' some to present theta duly red elsewhere. Their motto is " Quick Bakst and, authenticated for settlement. and Small Profits." All wile dtekre to supply Bookseller, G P E n ° blis S lier A , P h it P p L e E r t i e r O , , i Statiotitek, 164 Cha'nut St., turner of : WILLIAM •GRAFFIUS, themselves with good geode, at low•pneea, will &tithe*, 'Sim:tines iltatliihg. 1 Administrator. give them a call. May 23, 1849.-3 m. ; April 17, ism, i March 27, 1549. Administrators' Notit ea Estate of W LLI.d.II WARD, late of Walker township, decid. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration on said Estate, been granted to the understened, Poisons indebted to. the same, are requested to make pay nidnt.ehd those having claims or demands against the snore, to present theta duly'authenticated far settler...rd. JAMES MOORE, pidminittralor. May 22, 1849, LAST ARRIVAL! New Goods ! New Goods 1 J. & W. SAXTON H Azp en j d u i s d t . I ,, .e . c o e i i t % i i n e e d ii n t n o d f are now opening a -- • SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. Their stock has been selected with great care, and at lower prices than those who purchased earlier, and comprises n general variety of every thing called far by the public. They have a beautiful variety of LADIES and GENTLE MEN'S Dress Goods, of the very latest styles, which for quality and cheapness cannot be sur passed. In addition to their large stock of Dry Goods, Itousekeepers can be stippled with Fresh , Groceries, of a superior quality, very cheap; fltrdware, Queonscvnte, &c., &c. They invite the public to cull and examine their stock. They make no charge for showing their Goods. . May I, 1840. "AT THE OLD STAND," MARKET SQUARE, EUNTINC DON, SPRING -And SIJMNSUR- GOODS, GEORGE GIVIN Has received and is now openings aplontlid stock , of Spring, and Summer Goode, among which ma) be found every variety of Ladies' and Gentlemons' Dress Goods, in pact, Cloths of all kinds, French, Belgian and Fancy Cassimers, Kentucky Jenne, Croton, Oregon and Tweed C ; Vestings, Flannels and Drillings, and a variety of Cotton Goods for summer wear; Mouslin de Laincs, French Lawns and Scads, Shawls and Handkerchiefs, Alpacas, Mermoes, a large assortment of Cali coes of the newest styles, and at low prices, Es• Won, French, Scotch and Domestic Ging ham and Balzorines, French and Irish Linens and Checks, Bed Tickings, Munlina and sheet ings, &c. Boots, Shoes; Hats and Caps, Groceries, Hardware, Quecnsw•are, &c., will, a great variety of goods of all kinds. - The above stock of Goods having:been selec ted will, great core, and purehared at reduced prices.for Gash,f um enabled to offer Great Bargains, and hope all who want will at least examine my stock before purchasing f`IFCIN here, or I am de termined to Pell on on terms as any 011 C in Pennsylvania. Please call raid see any Goods,. at, affords no pleasure to show them at all timer. All kinde of Country Produce taken in ex change for Om& March 81, 1849. Books ! Books ! Persons de.irous of purchasing BOOKS of almost any description, can he supplied al cll!, prices, by leaving their orders with the subset'. her. All orders will meet with prompt attention. J. T. SCOTT. May 8, 184 9. ORPHANS' COURT if ALE. THE undersigned will, in pursunnte of an or der of Court, offer for WC us the property of Alexander Gwin, deo'd., at public ventlue on TUESDAY, 12th day of Juno next, t the Court House in Huntingdon, a certain Lot of ground in the Borough of Huntingdon, on the south west -corner of Allegheny and Path Streets, numbered 117 in the plan of said borough, and having thereon a two-story briekdvvelling house, with n stable, &c. Also the undivided third part of a trite'. of land, situate on the Raysiown Bret gh of the Juniata River in Hopewell town- Alp, Huntingdon counly,contnining 227 acres, more or less, having a- house and barn thereon. Terms of Sale : One half of the purchase mo ney to be paid on confirmation of ill, sale, and the residue in one year thereafter with interest, to be secured by bond and mortgaire. VN M. P. ORDNON, :My 1., 1949. Adm's. LATEST ARRIVAL! Great Slaughter of fligh Prices! The 'row') in Connnotion ! Nobody lidlvd, ,:everal Had: Iv WW'otu ! DORSEY& MAGUIRE Tlrve the sathfsel ion to announce to the cit. inane of 11 untingdon rind the neighboring coun try dill they have jtw received Irvin the eastetn cities, n splendid stock of new SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, v..biA have been eeleciud with greet vele. Our s.tock consiFis of all the ,I If, of LADIES' AND GENTLEMENS' HESS HODS, BOOTS, 1.-110 E, and I lATS of all kinds.— Hard ware. Queensware, Groceries, We invite all to give us a call, as we take pleasure in showing our Goode. Thankful for past favors, we hope by strict attention to businrss to receive a liberal share of public patronage. Huntingdon, April 3, 1849. BRIGADE INSPECTOR. Cot. JOHN STEVER, of Cass township' Huntingdon county, will be supported at the ensuing election for BRIGADE INSPECTOR, by MANY SOLDIERS. April 10, 1040. A l'UltgLY VEGFTAI3LE MFDTCINF. WorstlelPs Vegetable Restorative Pills grattil,ue.fivi fa b milies of ou coming ntry in fo lo r They have done this entirely at worth n FAMILY MED ppointed but no I l i .. ; 71: I o N :A: E Y4Vhr . : rri A l:".; g prel c lang' i on : . e tg: e s have been puffing and humbug snch an is resorted to by quacks to sell their Medicine has been done. The pills are offered fie sale and hare and will continue to he sold by all the pi ineiple store keepers. The proprietors claim for their Medi cine the following advantages over all others— viz: They aro' 'PURELY VEGETABLE,-- They are CERTAIN TO OPERATE. Their rv,erntion in FREE from all PAIN'. They ewe be used with EQUAL. BENEFIT by they Ming est INFAN I . and the STRONGEST MAN— I Their efficiency in Fevers, Ague, Headaches, Habitual Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Cholera Mar ! bus, &c.. has been proven upon thousands.— . They. area Certain Cure for Worms. The pro , pi ietors possess a certificate from a gentleman .in St. Loos who was cured of a TAPE WORM by the eve of there. Try them they will not fail. Travelling agent for the State of Pennsytta niti-s—CirmiLLs P. Amer. For role., price, 25 cows a box containing FIFTY PILLS, with full 1 directions by the following agents in Huntingdon County: . _ . 'lsbomawiteed & Son. Huntingdon. Thomas E. Orbison, Orhisonis. .1. M. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg., P lair Co. A. WEEKS .& Co. Proprietors, Laboratory No. 141 C4reonut street, Philndelpnis. January 23, 1849-1 y IMPORTANT. CILANOR MRS. SUSAN HASIPSON, MAKES this method of informing her old c‘is 1. turners end the public generally flint he hos leased the large end commodious hnuee on Allegheny street, Huntingeon, Pa., known ns the "MANSION HOUSE, 9) occupied for seem; years by Mrs. E. Clarke, and lately by John M arks, as a public !tattoo.— She will be found thrto on and after the Ist of April, 1849, prepared to accommodate all who may favor her with a call in a manner that Cale not be outputted by any other house in the county. LES will always be furnished with ihe very best that the market will afford. In short, nothing will be left undone that will in any wiry add to ilia comfort of her customer., na she is determined not .o be beat. The location of the °Mansion House" is de cidedly the best in the borough; the rooms ore large, will be well furnished, end made comfort. able in every particular. Regular boarders will be accommodated at moderate prices. March 20,1849. MILYWOOD ACADEMY rpm subscribers, residents of Shade I Gap, Huntingdon county, Pa., beg leave to inform their friends and the pub lie generally, that they have established at the place above mentioned, a BOARD ING SCHOOL for the education of young men. The course of instruction comprises, in addition to the usual branches of a common English education: Philosophy, Mathematics, and the Latin and Greek languages. The location is distinguished for its healthfulness and the moral and religious character of the surrounding community Every attention will be paid to the health and morals of the pu pils as well as to their mental training and advancement in scientific knowl edge, nnd every facility will be-afforded for their personal comfort and corn•eni ence. The year is divided into two sen t sions of five months each ; the winter session commencing on the Ist of No vember, and the Summer session com• mencing on the 23rd of April. Terms per Session :—For Orthegra phy, Reading and Writing, $5. Arith metic, Geography, Grammer, Philoso phy, Ilistory and composition, sB. Mathematics, Greek and Latin lan guages, $ Boarding, exclusive of fuel and light, .2:i per week. Instruc tion given in French and German, at an additional charge. The subscribers, en couraged by the liberal patronage which they have already received, would re peat, that they are determined to spare no effort in making the Institution one that will commend itself to all parents who desire to give their sons a thorough preparatory education, without expo sing them to the contaminating and im moral influences that exist in more pop ulous communities. For reference or further particulars2iddress JAMES Y. MeGINNES, J. 11. W. McGINNES. Shade Gap, March 13, 1819. Executors' Notice Estate of .IRCHIB.ILD S'l'll'7', late of Dublin township, doe'd. NOTICE is hereby given that letters testamen tary hove been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Archibald Stitt, late of Dublin township, deceased. Persons knowing themselves indebted will come forwardand malty payment; and all those having claims will present them duly au thenticated for settle ITI e n t . BENJAMIN E. STITT, Executor. April 17, 1849. ?YEW GOODS! The " old Loeowt Corner” A hcad !! richer, XVIc2/Zurtrio dd. co., HAVE just received a large and splendid as sortinact of