Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 22, 1849, Image 1

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The Latest News from Europe---In• ced by intemperance, yet our moral sensibilitiesl
teresting from Hungary. seem not to be awake to their awful condition,
The New York Courier arid the Herald have Shall we continue longer to sit still and see our
telegraphic dispatches from London, with the fellows swept down in hecatombs by this foe,
latest news. The anniversary in Paris, on the whose appetite is never satisfied, and whose con
4th, of the Proclamation of the Republic, was stant cry is "give ! give !" Shall we securely
splen lidly celebrated. The despatch of the ' fold our arms when consequences so dreadfal
Courier gives this brief notice of it. Inuit certainly be the result of our inactivity 7
PRANCE.—PAHI%, Friday, 5 P. M.—Up to Shall the voice of weeping as it come, from the
this hour the fete has passed admirably. The abode of disconsolate wives and starving chil
weather has been splendid, and there was not teen, •
pierce the very heavens and we remain
the slightest attempt at disturbance; there were '
; unmoved ? In the name of temperance and ha
hut few cries of "rive la reprehlique" raised by
the people, who seemed to exhibit little entini- Inanity, we ask you to forbid it. Let us arouse
Mum. The President was greatly cheered, and from our sleep. It is no time for cold calcula
cheats of"rive Napo/eon" were universal. The tion now that the enemy is upon us.
religious ceremony was very impressive. The e
illuminations commence at nightfall, and nothing A Meesteeic.
likely to disturb public tranquillity is feared,i ""'"''''''""'"`
goverment --e--- ee- --e-•
The French goverment reports the necessity of Auditor's Notice.
reforming prison discipline in France. l'he Tae dridersigned Auditor, appointed by the
Bank of France returns for this week show that Cann of Ceininon Pleas of Huntingdon county.
the discounted bills account is not lower than it to distribute the moneys arising from the sale of
Las been since the revolution. the Properly of the firm of Mitchell. Vance &
ALSTRIA AND.SAILLINIA are about to sign on mexoittiot, to and saint' the
offensive and defensive treaty. Sardinia will ante, will attend for that purpose at his office in
pay eighty millions of francs to Austria, who
, the borough of Huntingdon , on Saturday June
will then evacuate Alexandria. I 16, 1849, at 10 o'clock, A. M., when and where
GEMNIANy--Foßcrii Disseitaerioe of THE 1 ,
all persons interested may attend.
A. W. 13 ENE DIC T, Auditor.
from Germany is full of interest. Later advice, I
Ma 15, 1849.
from Frankfort mention that it is more than prob- y
able matters will aesume nn unpleasant aspect AUDITOR'S NOTICE.
there. The arrival of Kinierach, with 5000
The undersigned Auditor e oppointed by the
troops, Prussian, is confirmed. Two thousand
Court of Common P leas of I I untingdon cou n
men entered Mayne° on the 29th tilt., Reports
say that they will enter Frankfort. A romp de ty, to distribute the moneys airing from the
suit against the Parliment is expected. There sale of the property of Frederick Gates, to and
was much excitement, both at Frankfurt and anion the respective claimants, will attend for
Coiogne. At the termer place, the Constituent I that toupee() at hie office in the berough of II un-
Assembly hell adopted a resolution to cause the tingdon. on Thursday the 14th June, 1849, at
armed force of the State and civic guard to take 10 o'clock A. M., when and where all persons
anew the oath of allegiance to the constitution. intcree led may attend.
The garrison is also to be. reinforced. A. %V. BENEDICT, Auditor.
PROCLAIMED--Sixteen hundred wounded were
brought in ox the 30th April. The seige of Co- AUDITOR'S NOTICE.
morn has been raised. The Hungarian dictator The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
is installed at Poste--lie has proclaimed the in- Court of Common Pleas of Huniin don coun.
dependence of Hungary. The Hungarian cause
~ to distribute the moneys g
y,arising from the
was daily gaining ground . . The 110,000 Rue- we of . rho personal property of Joseph Vance,
Mans will enter Austria in four columns. to and among the respective claimants will nt
lent:v.—Our advices from Rome state that
tend for that purpose at his office in the borough
the Constituent Assembly at Rome, on the 21th
nit., declared its sitting permanent, and passed a of H u ntin g'''. en I,l turdaY Ili. 161 h June,
resolution that any deputy who should desert his 1819, at 10 o'clock A. M.. when and where all
past should be considered a traitor to his country. persona interested may mired.
It also drew tip and despatched to Civita Vcc- I • A. W. BENEDICT, Auditor.
chi, a protest to Oudinot and issued an address May 15, 1819
to the people. The Assembly then summoned
the Triumvirate to its presence, to give an ac
count of the proposed French intervention ; who
Navin; attended, Maranni stated that they had
recaived no official communication ou the subject;
that they had faith in the good institutions of
France, but it was, nevertheless, necessary not
to neglect all mmsures requisite for the c00n
try's safety. The assembly then, at the sugges
tion of Kizanni, resolved, m conformity with
the n.w constitution, that though thorouly deter•
rritte.l to resist the union of temporal and spirit-
nal powers in one and the same person, they
were ready to assure the Pope the full and per
feet exercise of his ecclesinsticdl powers.
0. Delta, of the 27th ult., publishes the sub
joined letter, dated
MATAMORAS, April 20, 1819.
Parades is kicking up the &vit at present.
The pvnunciados (insurgents) took San Luis
Potosi on the 17th inst., and have marched on
(Neter°. The troops sent from here to put
down the revolt have rronottneed in favor of
Parades, and joined the revolutionists as soon es
they crossed the mountains."
Our previous nilvices from Mexico (says the
Delta) represented that a formidable inuurree
non had broken out in the vicinity of San Luis,
and that a large body of troops had bean sent on
by the Government to put down the insurgents.
If the above intelligence be correct, we may
expect the unfortunate republic of Mexico soon
to be plunged into the horrors of anarchy, if not
a civil w•ar.
From the Erie Gazette.
Tought9 on Temperance.
Messrs. EDITORS :—ln my lust, I attempted
to show that iiitemperance operated deleterious
ly upon the fatellect. In this I shall attempt to
show that its effects are equally injurious to the
physical constitution of man.
In the human system, the utmost order, har•
mony and dependence of parts is observable ;
and it is equally apparent that this order must
he preserved,or the most idarrning symptoms will
appear and the most fatal consequences ensue.
Experience and observation confirm us in the
opinion that the free and habitual use of ardent
spirits is directly calculated to destroy this or
der, lay the foundation of numerous and painful
diseases, and ultimate in premature death. In
deed drunkenness itself is n disease—a disease
which is performing the work of death with a
inore desolating vengeance than the yellow fever,
the Cholera or any other epidemic of which we
have any knowledge—a disease which in almost
every case proves fatal. In looking at the drun
kard, it is often difficult to say whether in taking
the census he ought to be nnmbered with the
living or the dead. Ile is already a naked skel
eton, or a bloated corps, or walking mummy,
(when he can wallc,) a mass of animated putre
faction, and a stench in the nostrils of every de
cent and respectable man.
This, evil however, comes not to us single
handed. By strongly exciting the stomach, it
soon destroys its tone, brings on loss of appetite,
induces dyspepsia, &c. By increasing arterial
action, it plays upon the delicate structure of the
lungs, paints the hectic flush upon the cheelc,
and causes the hoarse and deep-seated cough
which indicates with so much certainty the mis
erable end of the unhappy victim. Yet, with
these facts before us, how tame are our efforts to
save our friends from so shameful and wretched
an end. Though they are literally “rotting"
away under the influence of diseases euperindu.
Of Partition and Valuation of the Real Eslrt to
of Nathaniel Wilson, Eq.; late of Barrett town
ship, Huntingdon county :
NOTICE is hereby given to the heirs and legal
representatives, of Nathaniel Wilson, Esq.,
late of Barren township, Huntingdon county,
and ell others interested, that by virtue of a
writ of Partition and Valuation, issued sot of
the Orphans' Court of said county, and to me
directed, I will hold ar: Inquest to part and di
vide or value and,n ',praise, all that certain real
Estate, tract or plantation of land, situate in
Harms township, Huntingdon county, contain
ing about three hundred and thirty-five acres,
and adjoining lands of William Oaks, Robert
Massey, Daniel Mersey, William Johnston, the
heirs of Thomas Bell, deed., and others, hav
ing thereon erected three horses—one large stone
house, and two small ten ant houses and Bank
Barn, on the premises Wednesday the 27th
day of June 1899, at which time nod place all
p•rsens Interested may attend if they think
' proper.
May 15. 1849-61. Sheriff.
Of Partition and Valuntitto of the Real Estate.
of Daniel Kurfmnn, late of Union township,
Huntingdon county, deed., and to nil others
interested, that by virtue of a writ of Partition
and Valuation, issued out of the Orphans Court
of said county, and to me directed, I will bold
an Inquest to part and divide or value and ap
praise all that certain tract, piece or parcel of
land, situate in ( nss township, Huntingdon
county, adjoining lands of Lewis Stever, Philip
Kurlman, I onrall Kurfmnn end Peter Kurfmnn,
and Shirlevs Knob, containing about two hun
dred and sixty acres or thereabouts, being lie
farm upon which the Fuld Daniel Kutfman
sided at the time of his death— on the premises,
on Friday the 20th July, A.D. 1849, at which
time and place all persons interested may attend
if they think proper.
May 15, I R49.11t. Sheriff.
Estate of John Miller, dee , d.
Huntingdon County, SS.
an Orphans' Court held at
Huntingdon, in and for the
county of Huntingdon, on the sec
ond Monday. (9th) April, 1849,
i before Hort. George Taylor. Presi
dent, and James Orrin, and John Stewart, Aaao•
Chili' Judges of said t'ourt on motion of A. W.
Benedict, Esq., the Court granted a rule on the
heirs and legal representatives of John Miller,
late of Union township, in said county, decont,tl,
to appear on the second Monday of August next,
and accept or refuse to take the Real Estate of
the said deceased at the valuation thereof. Cer
tified from the Record under the seal of the said
Court at Huntingdon the 23d day of April, A.
D. 1849, by M. F. LAMPBELL,CIerk.
May 8,1849-41.
sNirrui & SINCLAIR,
Wholesale Gtocera,
Produce & Commission Merchants,
and Dealers in Plusburg .7lfanufactures,
No. 86 Wood street, Pittsburg, Pa.
Ref, to Mr. GErinos GAVIN, ( Huntingdon.
Messrs. J. & W. SAXTON,
April 3,11349.
Warranted GOLD PENS, with silver
handles, can be had at ScoTT's Cheap
Jewelry Store, for $1.25 Other Gold
Pens, without handles, for 75 cents.
April 17, 1849.
HE subscriber respectfully stmoui ees to the
I public that ho is prepared to do work of all
kinds connected with the Foundry business, in
lathe best manner, end on the most reasonable
He has constantly on band wagon boxes,
ploughs and plough castings, hollow ware, and
stoves of vs riot. kinds and sizes. The cooking
stoves which he manufactures are inferior to none
in the country, and are warranted to perform
the various operations of cooking and baking in
a manner equal to any, and superior to most.—
He has these stoves calculated for either wood
or coal. He has lately procured patterns for
wood and parlor stoves, which for beauty rind
excellence cannot he excelled. Also, stoves for
offices, shops, &c., such as egg stoves, cannon
stoves, and others.' He invites persons desirous
of purchasing to give him a cal, as he is deter
mined to sell as good an article and at as low
prices as can be olitaiiied at any other place.._
May R, 1e46-Iy,
Orphans' Court Sale.
DY a decree of the (Indians' Court of the
II county of Huntingdon, made on the second
day of May in the year 1849, Walter B. Hudson,
Executor of Margaret Smith, dec'd., late of :Thin.
ley township, in said county, and widow and
der isee of James Smith, formerly of said county'
and township, was ordered and decreed to make
sale of the real estate of the said Margaret Smith,
in the said county and township, consisting of a
tract of Land, containing one hundred and fifty
acres, more or less, with about fifty acres of clear
ed land, and a log house, log stable, log spring
house, and other improvemr ids thereon. Tim
in pursuance of the said decree of the Orphans'
Court, the eoresaid tract of 150 acres of Land
in Shirley township, will Le sold at public outcry,
on the premises, to the highest and best bidder,
on Monday the 25th day of Juno 1849, at 10
o'clock A. M, of said day.
One half of the purchase money to he paid on
the confirmation of the sale; and the other half
thereof in one year thereafter ; to be seen red by
bond and mortgage.
Attendance will be given on the day of sale,
on the premises, by my agent, James Ramvey,
Executor of Margaret Smith.
May 8, 1849.
The Girard Life Insurance Annuity and
Trust Company of MlMl&lelphia.
Office No. 159 Chestnut Street,
Capital $300,000
I lONTINUE to make Insurances on Lives on
kJ the most favorable terms, receive end execute
Trusts and receive deposits on Interest.
The Cr pital being paid up and invested, to".
getheawith accumulated premium fund. affords
is perfect sectseily to to t h e insured. The pre-I
maim Indy be paid in yearly, half yearly, or
quarterly payments. BOOTS it' 0 SHOES.
The Oompany add a BONUS et stated pert
ods to the insurances for life. This plan of in
surance is the most approved of, and is more
generally in use, than any other in Great Britain,
(where the subject is best understood by the peo
- •
ple, end where tlity have had the longest exec- LiTlk,
rience,) as appears from the fact, that out of 117
Life insurance Companies there, of all kinds, 87
are on this p . m.
The first BONUS was appropriated in Decent.;
LEin wEsTnnoon,
her 1844, amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum
insured under the oldest policies; to 8 3.4 per Has just returned from Philadelphia with a
cent., 7 1-2 ter cent., &c. &c. on others, in pro. general and elegant assortment of
portion to the time of standing, making BR addi- fools and Shoes,
lion of 4100; $87,50; $75, &c. etc. to every for Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's wear,
1,000, originally insured, which is an average of all of which have been manufactured of the best
mare than 50 per cent. un the premiums Poid, materials and after the latest and most approved
and without increasing the annual payment of style, mi d will be La „ ATE ,
the company. lie will also manufacture BOOTS and SHOES
The operation of the BONUS writ be seen by' to ardor, and all w h o h is . or hi m w i t h t h e i r mi ..
the following ettootPlce fthth the Life In s urance torn may rely upon having their work done neat-
Register of the Company, thus:
ly and ex peditionsly, and of the best materials.
A continuance of public favor is respectfully
May 1,1849-3 t.
I I Amt.ofpol.and
Sum Bonus or bonus payable
Policy.lnsured. Addition, at the party's
SI ,000
4,000 1
No. 585100.00 11,100.00
< ,I
88 250,00 2,750.00
„ 205 i 400,00 9,400,00
~ 270 I 175.00 2,175,00
333 I 437 , 50 5,437, 5 0
Pamphlets oontainine the table of rates, and
explanations of thesubject; forms of application
and further infotmation can ho had at the office,
gratis, in person or by letter, addressed to the
President or Actuary.
'B W. RICHA RDS, President.
JNO. F. JAMES, Actuary.
May 8, 1849.-ly
*.hrtiffli Aixit.
By virtue of a writ of Vend. Exp to me di
rested, will be exposed to sale, by public vendue
or outcry, on the premises, on the 26th instant,
the following real estate, viz:
A certain Lot of Ground, shunts in Barren
township, Huntingdon county, near to or ad
joining the village of tiau'sburg, containing one
acre, more or less, adjoining lands of John For
rest's heirs. John Armitage. Esq., and others,
having thereon circled a log house, tan-house
anal yard.
Seized and taken in execution, nod to be sold
as the property of John Snyder, with notice to
Adam Greer and all other terre tenants.
M. CROWNOVEIi, Sheriff.
Sheriff's 01lice, May 8. 1849.
Auditor's Notice.
TI -IL undersigned auditor, appointed to distri
bute the assets in the hands of Jacob M.
Cover's Assignees, among the creititoi a, will el
ute(' for that purpose nt his oilier in Huntingdon.
on Saturday tho 26th day of May, inst., at 10
eclock A. M., when and where 01l persona in
terested will present theiJ claims, properly au
JOHN HEED, A uditor
May 2, 1849
School Fund.
In pursuance of the provisions of the 32nd
Section of the Act of the General Assembly,
passed the. oth day of April A. 1). 1819, we,
the undersigned Commissioners of Huntingdon
county, hereby notify the citizens of the several
School Districts of said county, that the share
of each of the said districts in the State appro
priation of $200,000 for the year 1850, is the
sum set opposite to each district respectively,
as transmitted to us by the Superintendent of
Crimmen Schools, viz
Ilarree, $137 35
Dublin, 70 26
Franklin, 133 25
Ilenderson, 101 68
Hopewell, 70 22
Jackson, 127 92
Morris, 06 99
Penn, 71 21
Shirley, 111 01
Springfield, 67 21
Porter, 73 SO
Tell, 83 09
Tod, 93 07
Union, 18 38
Warriorsmark, 91 81
West, 138 19
Walker, 95 53
Alexandria borough, 50 02
Birmingham, 29 11
Huntingdon, 121 23
Shirleysburg, 28 70
May 1, 1819
Teachers Wasted
At a meeting of the School Directors of the
borough of Huntingdon, held 29th April, 1949,
it was resolved to employ two male and two
female teachers to take charge of the Common
Schools for ten months, commencing on Tues
day the sth day of June vox. Proposals from
teachers, diiected to the President,will be recei
ved until Saturday evening, 16th Mily, when a
meeting of the board will be held and applicants
will present themselves Pic ensmination.
THOS. TIVRCHINELt, l'res'dt.
Sonic ,Seorr, Sec'y.
May 1, 1849.
Auditor's Notice,
The undersigned Auditor appointed by . the
Court of Common Pleas of Hue tiepin. coo
to distribute the money arising from a Sherifl's
sale of the personal property of William John
ston of the borough of Hunt ingdon. toned nmong
those entitled by law to receive it, will attend to
the duties of this appointatent at hts office in the
borough of Huntingdon n ;Ire 121.1 k
day of June next, (A. D. 1849) at one o'clock
in the afternoon of snitl day, when and where
all permit s ore requivd to present thrieclaims
an said fund or be debarred thereafter from cant
ing in for any share thereof.
JOHN REED, Auditor.
Mny 1-, 1819.
"Beat the " Hall of Fashion" who
Can !
B. & W. SNARE,
No.l, Corner Room of Snore's Rote, opposite
John Whittaker's Tavern, Huntingdon, Pa.
The undersigned thankful for past favors, in
film their customers and the public generally
that they have just received from the city, the
largest, cheapest and most splendid assortment
Ready Made Clothing,
ever brought to Huntingdon. 1 heir stock con
sists of Dress and ' , ruck Cords. t-ne les and Busi
ness Coats, Paysloons and Vests of every style
and description suited to the season—worronted
well mode and fashlonshly cut. A splendid as
sortment of Bleached Muslin and Linen Shirts
and Plaited Bosoms. Cotton, worsted end
woolen short Stockings; Suspenders and Mend
kerchiefs. A genteel suit of clothes for almost
Nov styles of Hats end Qaps. Note & Shoes,
Umbrellas, &c., a'l of which will be sold at the
lowest prices. Please cal and examine before
purchasing elsewhere.
liunlingann, April 3, 1,,49.
Notice is hereby given that the NINTH IN
STALMENT of five do lore per share is re
quired to be paid on or before the lot day of May,
and the tenth instalment of five dollars per share
on or Ware tho rat day of July next, at the
office of Miles & Dorris.
Payments will be received of one or more in
stalments. or the stock may be paid in full, nt
the option of the Stockholders, and interest will
be allowed from date of payment.
Instalments not paid punctually wi'l be sub
ject to the pens by of one per cent per month,
as required by law.
April 24,1949. Treasurer.
In pursuance of an order of the Or
phans Court of Huntingdon county,
will be exposed to public sale, on the
premises, on
FRIDIJY, 25th .4ISY next,
A Tract of Land situate in Jackson
township, Huntingdon county, being the
property of Abraham Ditsworth, deed,
106 GO
158 26
71 62
69 70
100 .1 ICRES,
neat measure, and bounded ou the cast
by lands of J. Haftley, and on the west
by lands of G. W. Campbell. The im
provements are a small log house and
barn. About 40 acres cleared.
TERMS :—One half of the purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of the
sale, and the other half in ene year
thereafter, with interest, to be secured
by the bond and mortgage of the pur
April 13, 1849,
Would respectfully Wenn his old fricrolt• and
the Public generally but hr ban reFuntrd busi
ness as MERCHANT TAILOR, in Cite reom.
next door to b. Couts' H otel, fottnerly occupied
by the Globe Printing office, Huntingdon, Po.
. .
$251 18
Ho has just received from Philadelphia a
splendid norm tment of ( LOTHS, CASS!.
EHS and VbBTINGS of the bent finish o!iich.
he is prepared to make up to order at picot that
cannot fail to suit the views of all. A perfect
At will in all cases be guaranteed.
Work will also he done for those who prefer
purchasing their cloth elsewhere.
May t, 1840.
Saddle tv, Harness
Respectfully informs the public, that 1.6 lies
commenced buCiness for himself in the room
lately occupied iv F. Krell nearly opposite the
Post Office, in Main Street, H untingdon, Pa.
All kinds of Harness and Saddles wi I be man.
factored on the shortest notice, of the best mate
rials. and as cheap as can be had at any other
establishment in the county.
Ile respectfully t,slia 9 share of public patron-
Ree. illy 1, 1849.
The undersigned has just returned
from Philadelphia, with a large and very
superior assortment of Clocks, Watches,
Jewelry and Fancy Goods, which he is
enabled to sell
20 per Cent. Cheaper
than heretofore! Persons wishing to
purchase are invited to call and satisfy
themselves of this fact.
Ire• Particular attention will be paid
to the repairing of all kinds of Watches,
Clocks and Jewelry. An experienced
workman from one of the eastern cities
will be constantly employed for thisi
• did gold and silver bought and ex-
changed for which the highest price will
be allowed.
Huntingdon, April 17, 1849.
The subscriber, residing in Pcnn
Huntingdon county, gave two premisary cotes
in the month of June )848, for s.lis each to J.
S. Shull, of ‘Villionisburg, Blair county, one
payable six months after dote, the other in one
year; bring in part consideration for building
for him he said Shull at saw mill, which he has
never finished according to contract. This is to
caution all persons against purchasing said notes
as I ism detelinincd not to pay them until the
work is finished, unless compelled by law. If
Mr.Shull's honor will not prompt him to come
and finish his job, I hereby invite hinito institute
n suit for the collectien of the note dte, and Is
will test the matter with him.
Penn township, April 23,1849.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of JOHN A ARSIIIILL, late
of 4ringfield towns/zip, dec'd.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad
ministration have been granted to the under
signed on said estate. Persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate payment.
and those having claims nr demands against the
some to present them duty authenticated for set
tlement to
April 24, IR4O
Executors , Notice.
LETTERS testamentary hawing been
granted to the undersigned on the estate
of JOHN WALL, late of West town•
ship, in the county of Huntingdon, de
ceased, all persons indebted to said es
tate are hereby notified to call and make
payment, and all persons having claims
against the same are requested to pre
sent them duly authenticated for settle
meet to the subscribers.
Erecu Inr.
April 24, 1849.
VOL. XIV, NO, 19
13 I'l''4' IF, R Pi,
This medicine is an excellent tonic. It im
parts health and vigor to the oligestiveorgsne and
thus strengthens the whole system. Hence it is
Just the thing for :Spring. when so many n eed
enmethin,g strengthening. Let every one real
the following' cases. and if you have one or morn
symptoms like those ineLtioned, don't fail to try
this invaluable medicine.
CIT re CPSe el Dyspcpsia
From R. P. STOW, Esi., ✓Jsst. Clerk
U. S. House Representatives.
Da. Gnu. 13. GIIKEN ....-11pr Sir—l feel it not
only n pleaeut e, but a duty, to make known to
you and to the public, (if you desire it.) the sur
prising effects of the tt Oxygenated Bitters," in
relieving me from that most discouraging disor
der, Dyspepsia. I have been afflicted for about
seventeen years with the usual attendant symp
toms, viz: conctipntion of the bowels. headache,
pain in the chest, flatulence acidity of the stom
ach, rind severe nausea ; and for months nt a time
not the lenst particle of moisture would appear
on the surface of the cheat or limbs, and most
of the time I was extremely bilious. I lie4e used
various remedies, have been stiiel in my dirt,
have been dosed with calomel and (metier, day
after day by physicians, but all to no gtoct/
pose. Hearing of the wonderful effects of the
tt Oxygentited Bittrrs," in the cure of Dyspepsia,
I procured some as n last resort , have used four
bottle. of the medici c, and find the had, sy
toms all removed, and myself' once more in ton
enjoyment of health. None but the Dyspeptic
sufferer, who has felt a I the hotrora of the di.
onn e, can at all appreciate the value of the medi
cine. I 'oust sincerely hope that ell will make
trial of the medicine, and with me be able to re•
juice in the return of health.
,Idin'r de bonis non
Lady Cured of Neuralgia.
From Rev. T110.11.1S KIDDER, of
Sin gives nie great pleasure to in
form you that the . oxygenoted Bitters," with
which you furnished my wife, has wrought a cure in - her ease. About two yeari sitter. my
wife was violently ettacked with neinalgia in
the face, through the chest, in the wrists and
ankles. So violent was the disease, added to a
general derangement of the female sy stem, that
her strength was completely prostrated, her flesh
wasted, and she rendered miserable indeed.
feel grateful for the restoration of her health, and
in duty bound to give publicity to the above
facts, that others similarly afflicted may know
where to seek for cure. Truly your friend,
F7'olll Hon . ; MYRON' L. 4 WRENC E,
For some twenty years if had sulTered severe
ly from humoral Asthma. I veto compellid to
sit up one-third of the night, and the rent of the
time my sleep was interrupted by idulent fits of
coughing and great dither Ity of breathing. In
all my attendance upon our courts I never went
to bed in Northampton in twenty years but twice,
and then was compelled to get up. Now I lie
in bed without difficulty, and sleep soundly. I
took the " Oxygenated Bitters," according to
directions. Thu violent symptoms immediately
abated, and perseverance in the use of tl a rem
edy has removed all its troublesome consequen
ces. rho value of such a remedy is incalculable,
and I hope its virtues may he widely diffused and
its beneficent naviiex extensively employed."
thi E n t e & Po :Truss, General Agents. No. 26,
South Sixth St, Philadelphia.
Sold wholesale and retail by THO3IAB READ &
§4124. i I untingdon, Pa.
Price-1.00 per bottle: six bottles
for $5.00.
May 8, 1849.
spring Miliinnry foods
Silks, Ribbons and Millinery Goods;
No. 45 South Second Street, above Chesnut;
w ine ou li L li Dc r u a v llt i t
i tintg the trnt city,
o their
largo lonof !ll t t , cl:ontaa rg nd e
and rich assort nirrit !if
%prism Goodx,
Received by tale arrivals from France, such as
Glare Silks for easing bonnets,
Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbenr—a laqe anti
beautiful essortmrnt of all pricer;
Plain Mantua and Satin BibLons, from No. 1
to No. 12;
French and American Artificial Flowerg, (in
great variety) ;
Colored and White Crapes;
Fancy Laces and Nets;
French Chip Hats;
Face Trite minas—QuiWags;
Covered Whalebones—Cane:
Buck rams—Wi now ;
Bonnet Crowns and Tips,
Together with every article appertaining to the
Millinery trade.
March 27,11949
M. & J. M. ROWE,
Broom and Wooden ware Store.
No. 63 North Third Street, ore door above Arch
Eat Side,
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in all
hinds of lirooms, 13 rushes, B uckets, Cedar
Ware, Willow and French Baskets,
Shoe and Wall Brushes, Scruf,s,
Dusters, Mats. Blacking.,
Enateinsmade Wooden Ware
of mil.) , do ci ilii on, &c.. at iho
eta mirkei
March 20, 18 19-3 m
6lt in F.V I S
&c., &c., &C
WASHINGTON . D. C.. June 15,1846
Pt., A ug. 5,1846
of ,ifoss•-.
Sohn Stone & Bons,
Cobh paid for Broom Corn