Latest Foreign News. NEW YORK, May 11 The steamship Hibernia arrived at Halifax on Thursday morning last and was expressed to `'t. Johns, reaching there early this morning. She brings £83,000 in specie. The Navigation bill has passed the House of Commons by a majority of Cl. DENMARK. Hostilities still continue to be waged between Danmark and Prussia, without any marked pre ponderance on either side likely to affect the general issue. A large body of German troops entered Jutland on the 20th ult. TAU AURRICAN STEAMERS.-Information bad 'reached Liverpool prior to the sailing of the Hi bernia, that permission has been given by the Danish Goverment, which would enable the American steamships Herman and Wahington, to carry goods to and from Bremen, without Search or detention by the blockading squadron. Tue Fitaxcir EXV.ITION.—Affairs in France Continue tranquil. The expidition in aid of Pope Pius, sailed on the 22d alt., and arrived at Cevi ta Fecchia. and would immediately proceed to Rome. It is understood that the Pope will re main at Gaeta until the temper of his revolted subjects is first ascertained. SARDINI A The Sardinian Goverment have rejected the terms offered by Austria,and the twogoverments are again at issue. The Piedmontese Ministers have given fresh directions to the War Depart ment to prepare for the immediate resumption of hostilities. AUSTRIA AND HUNGARY Germany is torn by dissentions. The account from Hungary speaks of fresh disasters to the army of the Imperialist. The accounts how ever are of a conflicting character. NAPLES AND SICILY. The war between these two powers still con tinues. The advantages are all on the side of Naples. In addition to Catania, Soto has sur rendered to the Neapolitan troops. Palermo has also prepared to capitulate. THE MARKETS. The Hibernia brings Liverpool dates down to the 28th ult. Trade in Liverpool has been very dull. The London Money Market is represen ted as being steady. Consols closed at 92 to 91h, The French funds are firm. llcconsrrFF9.—ln Breadstuffs the market has been dull. Wheat has declined 2d to 3d. Flour declined tid to 9d. We give the following quo tations: Western Canal Flour, 23s to 23 6,1; Philadelphia and Baltimore brands 23s to 23 Gd. Fnrace and the Pope. By telegraphic despatches of foreign news re teived at Philadelphia, on the 4th inst., bringing dates from Liverpool to the 21st ult., inclusive, we learn that the French government has " re solved upon the extreme measure of an armed intervention to reinstate rope Pius IX in his temporal sovereignty at Rome ;" and that " a lorce adequate in number to the emergency, iris already been embarked and sailed for Civ i ts Vecchia." This is news indeed. Whatever comes to America fre;n the once renowned Rome, is read and heard with the liveliest interest; and the above announcement will doubtless, awaken a general anxiety as to the result of this step on the part of France. The aspiration of every republican is, that that country may be restored, without interruption, 1..) its ancient freedom and renown. We believe that her people have the unaffected sympathies of this nation, for we naturally rejoice at what ever promises liberty to Europe. The accession of Pope Pius IX as temporal and spiritual ruler of the Roman states and church, promised much to universal liberty. By personal concessions on reaching the throne, and the surrender into the hands of his subjects of many of his prerogatives, he was regarded as the friend of popular rights. He gave free slum to the Press, and because its patron ; he in yearned learning, and granted privileges to in dividual and corporate enterprise ; he gave them a constitution, and promised largely in favor of national freedom. But they asked more they asked for the surrender of the temporal sever ignty into their hands. Catching the spirit of the French republicans they rose in strength, and clamarously demanded a democratic govern ment. The Pope and his Cardinals of the Vati can, imagining that these popular outbreaks arose from over indulgence and concession, drew the reins of state more firmly on the refracti on=. The potency, however, of the popular voice alarmed his Holiness, and with some dif lenity he fled to, and found an assylum in Gaeta, where he still remains. Italy is now a repub lic ! That Republican France, —just emerging from a long reign of tyrants,—should officially take measures to re-establish a Kingdom and monar chy over a people who, following their example thrust them firmly aside, seems strange indeed. We have no sort of objection to the Pope's holding his spiritual sovereignty over the Ro man church, and remaining at Rome, in person, to superintend its affairs; but we cannot see what good can result to either Europe or popu lar rights, by his reinstatement to the tripple crown.—tVuahengton Commonwealth. High Handed Outrage. On Thursday evening, about 9 o'clock, at Philadelphia, a young man, of rather genteel appearance, drove up to the house of Mr. John McCandless, and inquired for Mr. M. He was invited in, taken up into the parlor, and engaged in conversation about the purchase of a farm near Gray's Ferry, respecting which Mr. Mc- Candless had received a note through Blood's dispatch on Monday last, and not liking the ap pearance of the same, paid no attention to it. The villain advised him to go along with him in his carriage to the Ferry, on Thursday evening, and make the arrangement for the property, which he refused as he was lame, and it was too late, where upon the man rose from his seat, pulled a dirk from his pocket and stabbed him several times in the face, neck, arms, legs and sides, and then ran clown stairs, jumped in his vehicle, and drove away at the top of his horse's speed. Mr. McC. is strongly impressed with the idea that the assassin was instigated by another individual to take his life. The indi vidual referred to once paid his addresses to Mrs. McCandless, when the parties all lived in Ireland, and since they came to this country, he has annoyed Mrs. McC., and sent her a letter within the last few months. THE 111ARKE'rEl. PHILADELPHIA, May 12, 11319 There has been but little done to-day, as both buyers and sellers decline operating until after the receipt of the Hibernia's °deices. The only transactions in flour are small lots to the city trade at $ll '75 to $5 25 per bl. Rye flour we quote at $2 871, and corn meal at $2 75 per bbl. Grain--There is very little inquiry for wheat, as prices are comparatively higher than flour, and most of the receipts are going into store ; sales of 500 bus. good Southern red at $1 08. Rye=—Wc quote Pennsylvania at 59 cts. per bus. Corn continues in good demand; sales of 3000 bus. Southern yellow at 61 and 1000 bus. Pennsylvania round yellow at 611 eta. per 56 lbs afloat. Whiskey—Sales :n both lihds aml•bbls at 22 cts. MAIIRI lED. In Chambersburg, on Tuesday evening the Bth inst., by the Rev. Samuel Sprecher, JOHN SCOTT, Jr., Esq., of Huntingdon, to Mi. ANNIE E.,daughter of George S. Eyster, Esq., of the former place. On the 10th inst. ' by the Rev. J. Y. McGin nes Mr. WASHINGTON GAYER to Miss NANCY, youngest daughter of Matthew Tay lor, Esq., all of Dublin township, Huntingdon county. DIED. On Tuesday morning Ath inst., in this borough, JACOB AFRICA, aged about 55 years. On Thurrday night, 3d inst., THOMAS DO LAN, a contractor on Pa. Railroad, aged about 45 years. - - - In West township, on Thursday last, Mrs. MARY THOMPSON, wife of Samuel Thomp. son, Sr., aged 96 years. In this borough, on the 9th inst., Mrs. .TE MIMAH H. SUMMERS, wife of Joseph Sum• mers, aged 31 years 11 months and 11 days. Auditor's Notice. 'rho undersigned Auditor, appointed by the the various operations of cooking end baking in C.iiirt of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, a manner equal to any, and superior to most.— to distribute the moneys arising from the sale of Ho has these stoves calculated for either wood the Property of the firm of Mitchell, Vance & or coal. He has lately procured patterns for Alexander, to and among the respective claim- wood and parlor stoves, which for beauty and ante, will attend for that p urpose at his office in excellence cannot be excelled. Also, stoves for the boroughs of H unlined on, on Saturday. June offices, .11.1)P, &c., such as egg stoves, cannon 16, 1849, at 10 o'clock, A. M., when and w h e n, stoves,and others. Ho invites persons desirous all persons interested may of purchasing to give him a cal, as he is (Wei- A. W. 11 ENE DlCT;Auditor. mined to sell as good an article and at as lute May 16, 1849. I prices as can be obtained at any other place. I WII.LIAM GRAFFIUS. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. May 9, 1846-Iy. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of 11 untingdon coun ty, to distribute the moneys arising from the sale of the property of Frederick Cates, t o and among the respective claimants, will attend for that purpose at his office in the berough of Hun tingdon, on Thursday the 14th June, 1849, at 10 o'clock A. M.. when and whore all persons interested may attend. A. W. BENEDICT, Auditor. May 15,1849. AUDITOR'S NOTICE The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon coun ty, to distribute the moneys arising from the sale of the personal property of Joseph Vance, wand among the respective claimants will at- tend for that purpose at his office in the borough of Huntingdon, en haturday the 18th June, 1849, at 10 o'clock A. M.. when and where all persons interested may attend. A. W. BENEDICT, Auditor. May 15, 1849. ass Of Partition and Valuation of the Real Estate of Nathaniel Wilson, Esq..; late of Barre° town ship, Huntingdon county : Notice is hereby given to the heirs and legal• representatives, of Nathaniel Wilson, Esq., late of Barret) township, Huntingdon county, and ell others interested, that by vinue of a writ of Partition suet Valuation, issued out of the Orphans' Court of said county, and to me directed, 1 will hold an Inquest to part and di vide or value and appraise, all that certain real Estate, tract or plantation of land, situate in Barree township, Huntingdon county, contain ing about three hundred and thirty-live acres, and adjoining lands of William Oaks, Robert Massey. Daniel Maesey, William Johnston, the heirs of Thomas Bell, deed., and others, hav ing thereon erected three horses—one large stone house, and two small ten ant houses and Bank Barn, on the premises on Wednesday the 27th day of June 1849, at which time and place all persons Interested may attend if they think proper. MATTHEW CROWNOVER, May 15, 1849-6 t. Sheriff. 19'r.:iD '2 UC.M zm Of Partition and Valuation of ihe Real Estate of Daniel Kurfman, late of Union township, Huntingdon county, dec'd., and to all others interested, that by virtue of a writ of Partition and Valuation, issued out of the Orphans Court of said county, and to me directed, I will hold an Inquest to part and divide or value and ap praise all that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situate in Cass township, -Huntingdon county, adjoining lands of I.ewis Stever, l'hilip Kudrna!), Conrad Kul-linen and Peter Kurfman, and ShirleVa Knob, containing about two hun dred and sixty acres or thereabouts, being the farm upon which the said Daniel Kurfman re sided at the time of his death—on the premises, on Friday the 20th July, A.D. 1849, at which time and place all persons interested may attend if they think proper. MATTHEW CROWNOVER, May 15, 1849.0 t. Sheriff. Estate of John Miller, deVd. Huntingdon County, SS. A T an o:phone' Court held at ,!",)( r a Huntingdon, in and for the county of Huntingdon, on the sec and Monday, (9th) April, 1849, before Hon. George Taylor. Presi dent, and James Gwin, and John Stewart, Asso ciate Judges of said Court, on motion of A. W. Benedict, Esq.. the Court granted a rule en the heirs and legal representatives of John late of Union- township, in said county, deceased, to appear on the second Monday of August next, and accept or refuse to take the Real Estate of the said deceased at the valuation thereof. Cer tified from the Record under the seal of the said Court at Huntingdon the 23d day of April, A. D. 1849, hy M. F. C AM PREM., Clerk. May 8,1849-41. W. H. SMITH. W. M;SINCLAIR. worm & SINCLAIR, Wholesale Grocers, Produce & Commission Merchants, and Dealers in Pittsburg Manufactures, No. 36 Wood street, Pittsburg, Pa. Refer to Mr. Gr.nnow GwrN, 1. Huntingdon. Messrs. J. & W. SA 'crux, • April 3,180. Grand Musical Concert ! The "EUTERPEAN BAND," under the direction of Dr. Josef RIGGER, will give a CONCERT in the Court House of this place ou MeeseAr EVENING May 17th. The entertain ment for the evening will consist of the follow ing PROGRAMME PART FIRST. OVERTURE. CALTrov 13ArrnAn,byBoighliert. QUICK MArtrit, Wal eh . FLUTE WALTZ, Kleber. GALLOPADE ISt, [Ater. IRISH EMIGRANT'S LAMEST, TV R. Deny- TAMBORN POLKA, Strauss. SILVER LAKE WALTZ, .Tohn C. Seheepf. QUICK STEP, Bendel. PART SECOND 9. PRAYER IN LA STRANIKRA, 10. GAT.LOPADE 2nd. 11. GRAND MARC!!, NAVARINO WALTZ, GALLOPADE, 3rd. 14. MARSEILLSS Hymn, Ronget .De Lisle 13. OLD ZACK'S QUICK .STEP, E. L. White 16. NATIONAL AIRS, Arranged by T. A. Beaet Doors open at half past seven. Performance to commence at eight. ADMISSION—Twenty-Five Cents. Tickets to be had at the Stores and Hotels in town and at the'door. [May 8, 1819. .ALEXANDRIA FOUNDRY. qinE subsmiber respectfully annom res to the 1 public that he is prepared to do work of all kinds connected with the Foundry business, in the best manner, and on the most reasonable terms. lie has constantly on brad wagon boxes, ploughs and plough castings, hollow ware, and stoves of various kinds and sizes. The cooking stavps which he manufactures are inferior to none in the country, and ore warranted to perform OrphanS' Court Sale. T)Y a decree of the Or,,hans' Court of the county of Huntingdon, made on the second day of May in the year 1849, Welter 13. Hudson, Executor of Margaret Smith, deed., late of hhir ley township, in said county, rind widow and devisee of James Smith, formerly of said county and township, was ordered and decreed to make sale of the real estate of the said Margaret Smith, in the said county and township, consisting of a tract of Land, containing one hundred and fifty acres, more or less, with about Cal) acres of clear ed land , and a log house, log stable, log spring house, and other improvements thereon. 'Flint in pursuance of the said decree of the Orphans' Court, the a!oresaid tract of 150 acres of Land in Shirley township, will he solti at public outcry, on the premises, to the highest and best bidder, on Monday the 25th day of June 1849, at 10 o'clock A. M, of said day. One huff of the purchase money to be paid on the confirmation of the sale; and the other half thereof in one year th, mailer ; to be secured by bond and mortgage. . . . . Attendance will he given on the day of eale, on the premises, hy my agent, Jame* Ramvey, WALTER D. HUDSON. Executor of Margaret Smith. May 8, 1849, LIFE UNSUItAiIICE, The Girard Life Insurance Annuity and Trutt Company of Phhiladelplna. Office No. 159, Chestnut Street Capital $300,000. CHARTLU PERPETUAL. fIONTINUE to make Insurances on Lives on j the moot favorable terms, receive and execute Trusts and receive depoeits on interest. The Cr pilot being paid up and invested, to gether with accumulated premium fund, affords a perfect security to to the insured. The pre mium may be paid in yearly, half yearly, or quarterly payments. The Company add a BONUS at stated peri ods to the ineurances for life. This plan of in surance is tire most approved of, and is more generally in use, than any other in Great Britain, (where the subject is best understood by the peo ple, and where they have had the longest expe rience,) as appears from the fact, that out of 117 Life insurance Companies there, of all kinds, 87 are on this Wan. The first 'BONUS woe appropriated in Decem ber 1844, amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum insured under the oldest policies ; to 8 3-4 per cent., 7 1.2 ?er cent., &c. &c. on others, in pro portion to the time of standing, making an addi tion of $100; $87,50; $75, &c. &c. to every 1,000, originally insured, whiclf is an average of more than 50 per cent. on the premiums paid, and without increasing the annual payment of the company. _ . The operation of the BONUS will be seen by the following examples from the Life Insurance Register of the Company, thus: P°lieY*Sum Donue or honue payable Insured. Addition. at the party's ,decease. $lOO.OO 250,00 400,00 175.00 437,50 No. 58 I $l,OOO „ 89 2,500 „ 205 , 4,000 • 276 I 2.000 • 333 5,000 Pamphlets oontaining the table of roles, and explanations of thesubject; forms of application and further information can be had at the office, gratis, in person or by letter, addressed Is tlia Pi esident or Actuary. [B W. RICHARDS, President. 3NO. F. JAMES, Actuary. May 8, 1849;.l•y Sbhcrift% Sale. By virtue of a writ of Vend. Exp. to me di recoil, will be exposed to sale, by public vendue or outcry, on the premises, on the 26th instant, the following reel estate, viz: A certain Lot of Ground, situate in Barret, township, Huntingdon county, near to or ad joining the village of riau'sburg, containing one acre, more or less, adjoining lands at John For• rest's heirs, John Armitage. Esq., and others, having thereon erected a log house, tan-house and yard. Seized and' taken in' execution, and to lie sold an the property of John Snyder, with notice to' Adam areer and nit other terre tenants. • M. OROWNOVER,eheriff. Sheriff's Office, Mt 8, 1849. Brigade Orders. TN pursuance of General Orders, No. 1, issued 1 by the Adjutant General, the militia compo sing the Second Brigade, 10th Division, P. M., are hereby notified that the Company and Bat talion Trainings, heretofore advertised to be held during the month of May, will not take place, in consequence of a law having been pas eed at the last session of the Legislature aboli-h -ing said trebling JOHN BURICET. Brig. Inap'r 2d B. 10th D. P.ll Brigade Inspector's Office, Philipsburg, May 1, 1999,5 School Fund. In pursuance of the provisions of the 32nd Section of the Act of the General Assembly, passed the oth day of April A. 1). 1849, we, the undersigned Commissioners of Huntingdon county, hereby notify the citizens of the several School Districts of said county, that the share of each of the said districts in the State appro priation of $200,000 for the year 1830, is the sum set opposite to each district respectively, as transmitted to us by the Superintendent of Common Schools, viz : BeUhl Mrlone, fileinecke, Berme, Brady, Cromwell, Cass, Clay, Dublin, Franklin, Henderson, Hopewell, Jackson, Morris, Penn, Shirley. Springfield, Porter, Tell, Tod, Union, Warriorsmark, West, Walker, Alexandria borough, i Birmingham, Huntingdon, Shirleyshurg, ROBERT CUMMINS, JOSHUA GREENLAND, WILLIAM HUTCHISON, May I, ism, Teachers Wafted At a meeting of the School birectors of the borough of Huntingdon, held 28th April, 1349, it was resolved to employ two male and two female teachers to take charge of the Common Schools for ten months, commencing on Tues day the sth day of June prox. Proposals from teachers, directed to the President,will be recei ved until Saturday evening, 26th May, when a meeting of the board will ho held andapplicants will present themselves for examination. THOS. BIiRCHINELL, Pres'dt. Jour SCOTT, Seey. May 1, 1849. Auditor's Notice. The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, to distribute the money arising firma Sheriff's sale of the personal property of William John ston of the borough of Huntingdon, round among those entitled by law to receive it, will attend to the duties of this appointment at his office in the borough of Huntingdon t n Tuesday :he 12th day of June next, (A. D. 1849) at one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, when and where all perm,' s ore required to present their claims on said fund or be debarred thereafter front cost ing in for any shore thereof,. May 1, 1849. BOOTS AND SHOES. .4:grJ LEVI WESTBROOK, Has just returned from Philadelphia with a general and elegant assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's wear, allot which have been manufactured of the best materials and after the latest and most approved style, and will be sold at EXTRICMELY LOW HAT.. Ho will also manufacture BOOTS and SHOES to order, and all who favor him with their cus tom may rely upon having their work done neat ly and expeditiously, and of the best materials. A continuance of public favor is respectfully requested: May 1,1849-3 t. NEVI MI37'.6.3LICEIvIENT. Saddle & Harness planntattorg. WILLIAM GLASSGOW Respectfully informs the public, that he has commenced business for himself in the room lately occupied by F. Krell nearly opposite the Post Office, in Main Street, Huntingdon, Pa. All kinds of Harness and Saddles wi.l be men• factored on the shortest notice, of the best mate riots, and as cheap as can be had at any other establishment in the county. He respectfully cake o share of public patron age. May 1, 1849. LAmt.ofpol.and 151,100,00 2,750,00 4,400,00 2,175,00 5,437,50 "Beat the " Hall of Fashion" who IL & W. SNARE, No, 1, Corner Room of Snare's Row, opposite John Whit taker's Tavern, Huntingdon, Pa. Tho undersigned thankful for past favors, in film their customers and the public generally that they have just received from the city, the largest, cheapest and most splendid assortment of Beady-Made Clothing', ever brought to Huntingdon. Their stock con sists of Dress and Frock Coats, t-acks and Busi ness Coats, Pantaloons and Vests of every style and description suites) to the season—wnrranted well made and fashionnhly cut. A splendid as sortment of Bleached Muslin and Linen Shirts and Plaited Bosoms. Cotton, worsted and woolen short Stockings; Suspenders end Hand kerchiefs. A genteel suit of clothes for almost nothing. Nov styles of Hats and Caps. Boots & Shoes, Umbrellas, &c., all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. Please call and examine before purchasing elsewhere B. & NV. SNARE Buntingdon, April 3, 1849. LAW ARRIVAL I New Goods! New Goods! J, & W, SAXTON receivedAVE just II ap;eodid Lso, tnien a t n o d ,. are non opening a SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, Their stock has been selected with great care, and at lower prices than those who purchised earlier, and comprises a general variety of evert• thing called for by the public. They have a beautiful variety of LADIES and GENTLE MEN'S Dress Goods, of the very latest styles, which fur quality and cheapness cannot be sur passed. In addition to their large stock of Dry Goods, Housekeepers can be supp'ied with Fresh Groceries, of a superior quality, very cheap ; liErdworr, Queensware, &c., &c. They invite the public to call and examine their stocic. They make no charge for showing their Goods. May I, 1849. MERCHANT TAILOR, W3uld respectfully inform his old friends and the Public generally that he hes resumed busi nesses NIERCHAN'I"PAII.CR, in the loom next door to C. emits' Hotel, formerly occupied by the Globe Printing office, Huntingdon, Pa. He has just received from Philadelphia e splendid asoltment of ( LOTHs, cAssi- ItIERS and VES'I'INGS of the best finish which he in prepared to make up to order of prices that cannot fail to suit the views of all. A perfect fit will in all cases be guaranteed. Work will also he ;lone for those who prefer purchasing their cloth elsewhere. May 1, ISM JACOB SNTDEIt would infoim those indebted to him, that he has left his accounts with D. Snare, Esq., for collection. Those knowing themselves indebted will savo costa by calling at his office soon and paying up. May 1. 1849. $225.1 18 THE undersigned auditor, sppointedto distri bute the assets in the hands of Jacob M. Cover's Assignees, among the creditors, will at oted for that purpose athis office in Huntingdon, on Saturday the 26th day or May inet., at 10 t'clock A. M., when and where all persons in terested• will preseht theiJ claims, properly am , hentkated. Commissiolters, May 2,1849. Dissolutior. The Partnership heretofore existing between the undetaigned, in the Caliinet.M eking business, under the firm of J. H. Sc D. Whittaker, was dissolved on the let of April, 1849, by mutual consent. All persons haying unsettled accounts with said firm will please come forward and net tle them without delay. J. H. WHITTAKER, wiiirrmait. May 1, 0149. The subscriber, residing in Penn township, Huntingdon county, gave two promitary notes in the month of June 1848, fur $55 each to J. S. Shull, of Williamsburg, Blair counts, one payable six months after dote, the other in one year; being in part consideration for building for him by said Shull a saw mill, which he has never finished according to contract. This is to caution all persons against purchasing said notes as I stn . determined not to pay them until the work is finished, unless compelled by law. If Hr.Shull's honor will not prompt him to come and finish his job, I hereby invite himto institute a suit for the eollectien of the note duo, and I will teetthe matter with hint. SAMTTEL REED. Penri townettip,April 23,1849. JOIIN REED, Auditor, PENN 9 A. RAILROAD COMPANY. Notice is hereby given that the NINTH IN STALMENT' of live dolars per share in re , quired to bo paid on or before the Ist day of May, and the tenth instalment of five dollars per shore on or before the Ist day of next, at the office of Miles & Dorris. Payments will be received of one or more in stalments, or the stock may he paid in full, at the option of the Stockholders, and interest will be allowed from date of payment. Instalments not paid punctually wit be sub ject to thepenn Ity of one per cent per month, as required by :ow. oEonGt V. BACON, April 24, 1940. Treasurer. Administrator's Notice. Estate of JOHN 31.4R5H.41,L,- late of Springfield township, dcc'd NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ntl - - mihistration have been granted to the under signed on said estate. Persons indebted to said estate are requested to snake immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same to present them duly authenticated for set tlement to April 24, 1842. LETTERS testamentary having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of JOHN WALL, late of West town ship, in the county of Huntingdon, de ceased, all. persons indebted to said es tate nre hereby notified to' call and !Italie payment, and all persons having claims against the same are requested to pre sent them duly authenticated for settle ment to the subscribers. Cant April 24, 1848 COL. JOHN STEVER, of Cuss township' Huntingdon county, will be supported at the ensuing election for BRIGADE INSPECTOR, by MANY SOLDIERS. April 10,1849. Have the satisfaction to announce to the cit izens of Huntingdon and the neighboring coun try that they have just received from the easteirt cities, a splendid stock of new Administrator's Notice. SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, Estate of JOHN DEJLA", late of Porter which have been selected with great me. Our' stock consists of all the vat ious styles of township, deceased. 1 LADIES' AND GENTLEMENS' N ° i TICE sion i lit r e et bo Y e g n iv g e l t t h e a dt el i t h e e r ltd: d l ' g ln .: I ed, on the estate of JOHN DEAN, late of I DRESS GOODS 4 Porter township, Huntingdon county. All per- BOOTS, SHOES, and HATS of all kintla.- , - sone indebted to said estate are requested to make I Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, &c. immediate payment, and those having claims or 1 We invite all to give ua a call, as we take demands a g ainst the acme to present them duly pleasure in showin g our Goods. authenticated for settlement. Thankful for past favors, we hope by strict WILLIAM GRAFFI US, attention to to receive a liberal share. Administrator. of public patronage. Huntingdon, April 3,1849. April 17,1840 JACOBONIrnr..r.. Last Notice, Auditor's Notice. JOHN REED, Auditor, NOTICE JEREMIAH NEED, Administrator. Executors , Notice. JAMES WALL, Executor. REBECCA WALL, Executrix. BRIGADE INSPECTOR. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. ' In p oan order of the Or plans' Court ursuance or ( Huntingdon county, will be exposed to public sale, on the promises, on FRID.IY, 25th MAY next, A Tract of Land situate in Jackson township, Huntingdon county, being the property of Abraham Ditswortli, dec'd, containing 00 . 3CIiES, neat measure, and bounded oil the" east I by lands of J. Hadley, end on the west by lands of G. W. Campbell. Thd irn prpvements are a small log house and barn. About 40 acres cleared, TERMS :—One half of the purAnse money to be paid on confirmation of the snle, and the other half in one yenr thereafter, with interest, to be secured by the bond and mortgage of the put , chaser. JAMES GILLAM,• .Idner de bonis non: April 13, 1849. WAR AGAINST HIGH PRICES ! ! CHEAP WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, 4• F.ANCY GOODS!! The undersigned has just returned from Philadelphia, with a large and very superior assortment of Clocks; Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods, which he is enabled to sell 20 per Vent. Cheaper than heretofore`.' Pdrstins Il'ishinfl to purchase are invited and satisfy themselves of this fart: ID- Particular attention will be paid to the repairing of all kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. An experienced workman from one of the eastern cities will be constantly employed for this purrnse, Old gold and siler bought and ex changed for which the highest price Will be allowed. T. SCOT' Hunting,don,. April' 17, 1849. " AT THE OLD STAN 6," MARKET SQUARE, HUNTINGDON 'SPRING and SUMMER ,GOODS. GEORGE GIVIN Hae received and is now openiiig a splontlid stock of eiprittgr and tibmrher (roods, among which may be fornd every variety of Ladies' and Gentleinens' Dress Goods, in part, Cloths of all kinds, French, Belgian and Fahey Cassimers, Kentucky Jeans, Croton, Oregon and Tweed C oths ; Vestings, Flannels and Drillings, and a variety of Cotton Got* for summer wear; iNfouslin de Laines, French Lawny and Scotia, Shawls and Handkerchiefs, Alpacds, Merrnoes, a large assortment of Cali coes of the newest styles, and at lo* Eat Iston, French, Scotch and Domestic Ging hams and Balzorines, French and Irish Line. and Checks, Bed Ttekings, Misting and sheet." ings, &c., &c. Boots, Shoes, hats and Caps, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, with a great variety of gootliof all kinds. The above stock of Goods having been peke.; fed with great care, and purchasetlat minted prices for Cosh, I am enabled to offer *rest Bargains, and hope, all who want will at least examine toy stock before purchasing else% lime, as I aril de- termined to sell on as reasonable terms as any ono in Pennsylvarila. Please mill and see my Goods, as il affords' finfpleifsure shots at all times. All kinds of Country Producia taken in cx change for Goods. March 11, 1849. Books! Books! Persons desirous of purchasing 11001c9 .of almost any description, can be supplied ni thy prices, by leaving their orders with the subset] , bor. All orders will more with prompt attention. J. T. scurf. May 8, 184 9. ORPHANS' COURT SALE: E undersigned will, in pursuance of an di- Or of Court, offer for sale as the property of Alexander Owin, dee'd., at public vendue on TUESDAY, 12th day of Juno next, at the Court House in Huntingdon, a certain Lot of ground in the Borough of Huntingdon, on the south west •corner of Allegheny and Path Streets, numbered 117 in the plan of said borcugh, and having thereon a two-story !trick dWel!tri . o house, with a stable, Ace. Also the undivided third part of a tract of land, situate on the Raystown Branch of the Juniata River in Hopewell town ship, Huptingdon . county, containing 227 acres, more or less, haying a house and barn thereon. Terme of Sale : One half of the purchase md ney to be paid on confirmation of tha sale, and the residue in one year thereafter with interest, to he secured by bond and mortgage. WM. P. 011131150 N,. Adm'r. May 1„ 1819. LATEST AltasvAL: Great Slaughter of high Prices! The Town in Commotion ! Nobody Killed, but Several Bad• ly Wounded ! DORSEY &, MAGUIRE