Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 15, 1849, Image 2

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foomuter riuNcirtxs—.iPrortrEn BY riturit.]
'rho "01/NrINUDON JOURNAL" is publishedat
the following rates, viz : *1,15 a year, if paid
in advance ; $2,00 if paid during the year, and
$2 , 450 ff not paid until after the expiration of
the year. The above terms to be adhered to in
all cases.
No sabseription taken for less than six months,
and no paper discontinued until all arrenrages
ate paid, unless at the option of the publisher.
U 7" An unusual press of Job work, which
admits of no delay, has delayed our paper one
'nay this week. The same cause may prevent
our next paper from appearing before Wednesday
or Thursday of next week.
New Issue.
A portion of the "New Issue," to take the
place of the present ragged Relief Notes, have
been issued. They are on good paper and look
well. Hum for the " Bill Johnston Currency."
Gold Dollar.
We have in our possession one of the gold
dollars authorized by a recent net of Congress.
Like the celebrated Gen. Tom Thumb, it is ex
ceedingly small, but very handsome. It is
much less than half a dime.
We hope no one will forget the Concert to
morrow (Thursday) evening. Let us all turn
out, and give the new Huntingdon Uterpean
Band" a real benefit.
02" . The Globe tries to shift the responsibil
ity of not paying the laborers on the Canal from
the Locofocos, by saying that Mr. Power is
the t , active member of the board" ! Well, if
our neighbor is willing to admit that Mr. P.
knows more and does more, than both his Loco
foci, colleagues, we certainly have no objection.
The admission is anything but flattering to the
men elected Canal Commissioners by the Loco
loco party. If the Locofoco Canal Commis
sioners arc not "orrice" members of the Board,
can the Globe inform us why they draw three
dollars a day for their services
Dreadful Riot in New York.
In another column will be found an account
of a most disgraceful and bloody riot in the city
of New York. The causes which led to this
melancholy affair are also stated. Between
MActuzsor, an English actor, and FORREST, a
celebrated actor of our own country, there exists
a misunderstanding, arising doubtless from a
mutual jealousy, which has res . ilted in this
most disgraceful riot, and tha loss of many pre
cious lives! The latest accounts represent the
city as being still in a great state of excite
ment. The Mayor has issued his proclamation
requesting the citizens to refrain from large as•
aemblies, and declaring his intention to uphold
the laws. The number of deaths so far, are
stated at TWENTY-SEVEN, and a large num
ber wounded. We hope and trust that this, (to
every right minded American citizen) humilia
ting and disgraceful affair may be at an end,
although we have our fears that further melan
choly accounts are yet to be received.
The Canal Board.
Mr. Longstreth is still unable to attend to
business on account of indisposition. He has
not devoted three days to the public service
since October last, yet his partizans will not
permit him to resign. Messrs. Power and
Painter are not on speaking terms, and how the
business of the Canal Board is transacted, we
are unable to tell. ' ,Should this state of things
continue much longer, we hope an expression
of public sentiment will be had upon it.
National and Patriotic,
The Whigs of Tennessee have nominated
Gov. Niel S. Brown for re-election.
The following passage from his address on
the occasion, will show ho .v his Excellency thinks
and speaks on the subject of slavery as connec
ted with the new Territories. It is a bold, elo
quent and patriotic exposition of the enlightened
public sentiment of the whole South, with the
single exception, perhaps, of the State of South
Carolina, and will find a responsive cord in the
hearts of all true Americans in every section
of the Union
He congratulated the Whigs upon their suc
cess iii the Presidential campaign, and remarked
that some questions had recently arisen, to one
of which he should allude--the slavery question
—arising from the acquisition of new territo
ries. He said that on a question such as this he
need give no pledges—he had in his birth and
education something better than pledges. He
was in favor of the institutions of the South,
but he valued the Union above every thing else.
Ho deprecated the fanaticism that seeks toarray
one portion of this glorious Union against an
other; was opposed to the proposition, made in
i m e r o quarters, of non-intercourse with the
North in case of the passage of the Wilmot
Proviso, said he would not give one foot of
ground on Punter Hal, or Saratoga, or York
,for all the land west of the Rio Grande,
though all its Ida.r were studded with gold and
its valleys filled 100 sluves. He was oppo
sed to these who would ckny the Southern peo-
Tle their rights in the newly a.luired territories,
and thought that in the present aweatening as
pect of things a compromise shcult: be made ;
but he 44 was for the Union or AV. fIAORD.;" .'
for the South so long as he could be consistetiSlY
with the preservation of the Union, but for the
Union at all events.
The Cholera.
This appalling disease is ■till raging in the
South and West. In Cincinnati it appears to
be on the increase. A number of deaths have
occurred. Among others, Judge Brough, Pres
ident Judge of the Hamilton County Court of
Common Pleas, Ohio, and late Editor of the
Cincinnati Enquirer, died on the 10th inst.—
He wits attacked in the morning and died at
&dna in the evening.
The Past and the Present.
The workings of Providence—unbelievers
call it « chance"—are inscrutiable and its ways
past finding out. The experience of all ages
has proved the truth of this maxim of Sacred
History beyond a doubt, and we need not go
hack to the events of other days, or to search
the records of old and fabulous times, to estab
lish it. The events of our time afford abund
ant evidence of its truth if we but open our
eyes to facts and our minds to reflection and un
derstanding. We have distinctly before us the
chain of events which have conspired to place
ZACHARY TAYLOR—a man who three years ago
was almost entirely unknown to the great body
of the Amercan people—at the head of the
I I most powerful nation on the face of the globe,
—and it affords a most remarkable proof of the
proposition laid down by the ancient writer, as
' to the inscrutability of the workings of Provi
If we go back to 1937, we witness the com
mencement of a scheme set on foot by sundry
cunning politicians, having for its object the
strengtlining of the slave power of this country.
The means by which that object was to be ac
complished, the annexation of the infant Texan
Republic. Up to the second or third year of
the administration of John Tyler, this scheme
had gained so little ground so far as the public
was aware, so as to attract no great attention.
The Presidential Campaign which was soon to
open, however, brought it before the American
people for the first time, as a matter that must
be met and passed upon. It was fostered and
encouraged by John Tyler, but renounced by
Mr. Van Buren. The Whig party opposed it,
as mischievious in its design, and likely to re
sult disastrously to the country. Mr. Van Bu
ren lost his nomination in consequence of the
ground which he took against it. Mr. Polk—a
man of whom the great body of the people had
never heard, or hearing, had never remembered
his name—was nominated, elected, and entered
upon his duties with the scheme nearly comple
ted. So far the plan had worked well. No war had
as yet been provoked, and in his message, the
new President, in a vein of party exultation,
congratulated the country upon the great and
bloodless acquisition." So far again, the
scheme had worked to a charm—the American
people had been fairly bamboozled, and glory
enough had been manufactured to furnish an
auspicious prestige for many future democratic
administrations. The executive blustered about
the glory and success of democratic measures,
and every member of the party, great and
small, from Maine to Mexico, from the Atlantic
to the Pacific, and as far North in Oregon as
"d 0 deg.," clapped their hands with exultation
and joy. Democracy was to live forever! Far
down the mazy distance the thousand specks of
official favor hung in the political firmament,
in bigness as a star of smallest magnitude."
—But hark! The booming sound of cannon
comes sweeping on the Southern gale—then
the groans of the dying, and fol.owing, the
mangled corse and the "garments dyed in blood."
The cry of the widow and the wail of the or
phan is mingled with this strange discordant
sound ; the din of war is heard again ; the call
to arms ; and the " bloodless acquisition," after
a struggle of two years, and an expenditure
of sloo,ooo,ooo—the least important of all
.our losses—becomes ours. And the " glory,"
for which such a sacrifice was made, becomes
—not the reward of those short-sighted
men who let loose this carnage—but by the in
scrutable decrees of Providence, it is made to
work their overthrow.
Gen. Zachary Taylor, the humble soldier,
who had in the short space of two years, asto
nished the world with his mighty genins, and
shed a lustre of imperishable glory notonly upon
our arms, but upon our national character, our
virtue and our forbearance, was called as if by
some miraculous power, to occupy and adorn
the place that had been filled by Washington,
Adams, Jefferson, Madison, and other guardian
spirits .of our youthful existence. Ilis triumph
was over one of the most unscrupulous and to
all appearances the strongest parties that the
history of our country ever furnished.
Thus failed the grand scheme of Annexation,
to which was devoted so many years of anxious
toil and watchfulness.—which required to be
sealed with blood and treasure before it could be
complete. Texas was annexed—a portion of
Mexico conquered—but Slavery was weakened
instead of strengthened, and the great and mar
vellous party miscalled 44 democratic," instead
of being perpetuated, was overthrown and put
to confusion. Their horsemen and their char
icts were destroyed, and their valiant men—i. e.
their office-holders—are every day being put to
the sword of justice.—News.
Another Present.
The Pittsburgh Commercial Journal says,
superb gold watch and chain, valued at two hun
dred dollars, were presented to JAMES BURNS,
late President of the Canal Board of Pennsylva
nia, by a number of our transportation men as a
mark of respect due to a faithful public officer
on his retirement." It further states that the en
ergy and zeal exhibited by Mr. B. on the occa
sion of the rebuilding of the , Burnt Aqueduct"
over the Allegheny, were the moving cause of this
neat compliment.—The names of the donors are
given, and are H. Graaf & Co, Clarke & Thaw,
W. Bingham, Taafe & O'Conner, Kier & Jones,
Willingford & Co, and John McFadden & Co.
Appointments by the President.
The _Philadelphia Appointments.—William
D. Lewis, Collector of Customs, vice James
Page, removed.
Wm. J. P. White, P. M., vice George F
Jno. W. Ashmead, Attorney for the Eastern
District of PennsylOnia. vice Thomas M. Pet
tit, removed.
Anthony E. Roberts, Mars;.all for the East
ern District of Penn's, vice Geo. M. Keim,
Peter C. Ellmakre, Naval Officer, Phila.
Thomas Ewbank, of N. Y., has been ap
pointed Commissioner of Patents, vice Edmund
Burke, removed.
The!NextCongress--Virginla Elec-
There have been already elected, including
those from Virginia, 165 members of Congress.
Conceding the election of the Locofoco candi ,
slate in the 11th Congressional District of Vir
ginia, we have the following result for the next
Congress compared with the last :
Neal Congress , . Last Congress.
Whig. L. F. Whig. L. F.
Maine, 2 5 1 6
New Hampshire, 2 2 2 2
Massachusetts,• 9 U
Rhode Island, 1 1
Vermont, 3 1 3 1
Connecticut, 1 3 4
New Yerk, 32 2 21 10
New Jersey, 4 1 4 1
Pennsylvania, 15 9 17 7
Delaware,l 1
Virginia, 1 146
South Carolina, 7 7
Georgia, 4 4 .1 4
Ohio,* 10 10 11 9
Florida,l 1
Michigan, 1 7 S
Wisconsin,f 2 1 2
Missouri, 5 5
Arkansas, 1 1
lowa, 2 2
Illinois, 1 8 41
'75 89
• One vacancy.
f The Act of Congress admitting Wisconsin
itto the Union, authorizes her to send three
members, from and after the 9th of March,
18.19, until the next apportionment.
There remains to be elected 66 members as
Whole Number. IV. L. P.
Maryland, 6 4 2
North Carolina, 99 3
Alabama, 7 2 5
Mississippi, 41 3
Louisiana, 41 3
Kentucky, 106 4
Tennessee, 11 5 6
Indiana, 10 4 6
Texas, 2 2
Vacancy in Ohio, 1 1
Do. in Massachuseets, I 1
Do. in Rhode Island, 1 1
66 30 36
Elected as above, 165 90 75
Whig maj. if remaining 66 members
are of same politics as in last Congress,
We take the above from the Baltimore Pat
riot of Saturday last. 44 There is nothing in the
statement," says the Patriot, 44 which is dis
couraging to the Whigs. On the contrary there
is every thing to stimulate them to exertion.—
If they only make the exertion which their
cause demands of them, they will increase this
majority in the House of Representatives. But
far the disaster in Virginia, by which we lose
i . our if not five members, this would now be
certain. That disaster is not to be ascribed to
any falling off in the strength of the Adminis
tration there, but rather to local divisions and
a culpable negligence on the part of the. Whig
districts, which allowed the opposition to suc
ceed, when it was only necessary for Whigs to
unite and vote, in order to have elected not
merely the number of members they had before,
but more than that. As it is, a very few votes,
perhaps not two hundred all told, were only
wanting to have secured every district in the
State that ever was represented by a Whig.
The Self-Sacrificing Devotion of a
In a long string of remarks about C' State
Pride," and a good many other matters and
things of ancient and modern times, all hetero
geneously mixed and conglomerated together,
the editor of the Democratic Union speaks of
the Hon. GEORGE M. DALLAS as having exhib
ited, 4, in his casting rote in favor of the pres
ent Tariff, the self-sacrificing devotion of a
Does the editor of the Union mean to justify
the act, or not 1 If he does, and it was a good
one, where was the sacrifice? How can a man
sacrifice himself by doing that which every
body should approve 1 On the other hand, if
the act was clot a good one, and was the direct
cause of the wide-spread disaster and ruin which
has followed, where was the patriotism?
It occurs to us that it would have been much
nearer the truth, if the editor of the Union had
called it the sacrifice of Pennsylvania to the
selfish ambition of a weak and time serving
That Mr. Dallas understood the true interests
of Pennsylvania too well not to have been fully
aware of the probable effect of the present Tar
iff upon them, cannot for a moment be doubted.
He knew that he was immolating every branch
of Pennsylvania industry upon the altar of Lo
cofocoism ; but he was willing to make the sac
rifice provided it should redound to his own
personal advancement. All the great interests
of Pennsylvania were but as dust when weigh
ed in the balance with his own sordid and
treacherous ambition. To place himself in a
position to have his name brought before the
Locofoco National Convention in 1848, he was
willing to extinguish the fires of every furnace
in the State, to ruin her agriculture, to stop
her spindles and her looms, and leave her vast
mines to a silence as profound as that of the
grave. And yet we are to be told by his un
scrupulous tools and parasites, even here, in the
heart of the State he has so shamefully betray
ed, ruined, sacrificed and laid waste, that he
was prompted to what he did by "the self-sac
rifieing devotion of a Patriot." It was a sae
rifiee and a patriotism that will not be soon for
! gotten by the people of Pennsylvania. They
not only appreciate, but they know how to
reward such devotion; and they will treasure
up in their very "heart of heart" a buining re
membrance of it. They will carry it with
them to their deserted mines and ruined furna
ces. It will accompany them to their fields
and their markets when they realize the pauper
wages of Europe for their labor, and the pauper
prices of Europe for their productions. It will
go with them to their political meetings. They
will canvass it in the newspapers and on the
hustings and we venture to predict that they
• will not forget it even at the POLLS.—Pritu'a.
Pa. Railroad Meeting.
A public meeting was held in the Chinese
Museum in Philadelphia, on the 2d inst., to
further the interests of this grand improve•
ment. The gathering was immense, and the
greatest enthusiasm prevailed; all classes par
ticipating, and manifesting an equally deep in
terest in the stiecess of the enterprize. lion.
J.S. R. INGEnsou. presided. Speeches were
ma de by the President, by Judge Kelley, Mor
ton McMichael, Esq., Hon, Henry D. Moore,
E. A. Penniman, Esq., and benj. C. Heywood,
Esq. From the remark. of Judge Kelley, (as
reported by the North American,) we learn
that the present subscription, of stock amounts
to $3,180,000, to which may be added a con
tingent fund of $1,000,000, to be paid when
the road is finished to a certain point. It will
be completed to Lewistown, a distance of sixty
miles, in July next—to Huntingdon, one hun
dred miles, in December next, and to Tyrone
Forges, one hundred and fifteen miles, in Janu
ary next ; and that when completed to that point
the present subscription will be exhausted, and
one million and a quarter of dollars more will
be required to carry it to the Portage railroad,
when the city subscription will become availa
ble and funds will be furnished to finish the
roast to within a few miles of Pittsburg. The
policy of the company has been to makc mo
lostu, and to construct the road only so far as
the funds available would pay.
A series of resolutions were submitted by
Mr. Ellmaker, declaring that prompt and ener
getic measures should be taken to obtain the
requisite subscription of 2.5,000 shares, and
pledging the members of the meeting to use
their best exertions to effect it ; and authorizing
the President to appoint block Committees to
solicit subscriptions to the stock of the compa
ny. The Chairman then presented the follow
ing letter from Mr. Thompson, the Chief En
gineer of the road, which was read by one of
the Secretaries.
Engineer Department, Penn'a R. R. Co.
HARRISBURG, April 30th, 1819.
Dear Sin—l send you, agreeably to your re
finest, the following estimate of the anticipa
ted business of the Pennsylvania Railroad
when it reaches the Allegheny Portage. It
will then make a continuous road of 279 miles
from Philadelphia to Johnstown, 137 miles of
which will belong to this Company.
This estimate of revenue will fall very far
short of what may be expected from this por
tion of the road, when the whole line is com
pleted to Pittsburg- It will then meet the
Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad, which, by that
time, will be extended into the heart of Ohio,
and by connecting lines now in progress, joined
also with Cleveland on Lake Eric. This is an
important point, and to it the prominent inter
ests of Ohio are endeavoring to concentrate the
travel and transportation between the Valley of
the Ohio and the Northern cities.
The distance from Cleveland to New York is
many miles less via Philadelphia than by any
of the routes North of us, and consequently all
the travel between these cities must necessarily
pass over our road. When the Pennsylvania
and Ohio Railroad is finished, which I have no
doubt will be ere we reach Pittsburg, I should
then consider 130,000 through passengers as
entirely within the range that may reasonably
be expected.
Ertirnate of Revenue al:hen completed to tht Po,
rage Railroad,
42,000 through pa;sengere!hat are
now known to take the B. and 0.
Railroad and the Cumberland Val
ley Railroad, that must necessari
ly be diverted to our road at $4,25. $178,500
2.1,000 through passengers that now
go over the State works, including
the probable increase on the open
ing of our road at $4,25. 102,000
The revenue from local travel on the
B. and Ohio Railroad is 42 per cent
of the whole amount received from
travel. The sparse population of
the valley of the Potomac,compa
red with that of the Juniata, would
lead us to est.nate the local equal
to the present estimate of through
travel, but to be on the safe side
we will place it at 50 per cent. of
it, which is equal to 140,230
20,000 emigrants and similar travel
at $2,50. 50,000
United States Mail, 31,000
Express packages, 15,000
Merchandize, live stock, &c., say
50,000 tons, at an average of $5
per ton
Deduct annual expenses,
Leaving the nett revenue more that 10 per
cent. upon the estimated cost of the road and
I believe this estimate will fall below the ac
tual results,
and may be regarded as considera
bly within the mark. The revenue of the Bal
timore and Ohio Railroad, which is only thirty
nine miles longer than ours to the Portage, was
last year, (with the turnpike connection over
the mountains,) $1,250,000, or 50 per cent
more than I have claimed for our route, while
its length is but 25 per cent. greater.
That this road will pay ample dividends, ad
mits of no doubt ; as I have before remarked,
it w.ll only be a question with the Directors, to
what extent they may reduce the rates to keep
the profits within reasonable limits.
What renders this stock peculiarly desirable
as an investment for cautious capitalists, is the
entire freedom which nature has guaranteed to
the road from competition, for the local trade
and travel of a rich and populous region suffi
cient of itself to support the road, and pay more
than legal interest on its cost. Very respectful
ly, &c.
J. EDGAR THOMPSON, Civil Engineer.
To S. V. IHEftnics, President P. R. R. Co.
Col. Bliss.
A correspondent of the Boston Atlas gives a
short biography of Cell. Bliss, the gallant aid
and accomplished secretary of Gen. Taylor.—
W. W. S. Bliss was born in August, 1815, and
passed the earlier years of his life, in Lebanon,
N. IL His father, Captain John Bliss, gradu
ated at West Point in 1811, was promoted to
the rank of Captain in 1813, and died at Mobile
in 1822. Col. Bliss entered the military acad
emy at the early age of fourteen, and graduated
at the age of eighteen, with the highest honors
of his class, which led to' his immediate ap
pointment as Lieutenant. Eor his bravery and
prompt discharge of daty, he was promoted in
1810, and served through all the Florida war,
as Assistant Adjutant General with the rank
of Captain. When our army repaired to Texas,
he discharged thit duty of Adjutant General,
with the rank of Major, and in all Taylor's
hard fought battles tlgr.duty of first Aid.
The city of New York Was the scene of a
most dreadful riot and bloodshed on Thursday
night Of last week. On the Monday evening
previous, Mr. Macready, (an English actor),
who has become obnoxious to a portion of the
American public, on account of the ill-usage
received by Fonnzsr, (an American actor), in
Ireland and England some time since, was driven
from the Astor Place Theatre. Mr. M. then
determined to close his engagement, but at the
request of a number of eminent gentlemen, re
considered, and announced his reappearance on
Wednesday evening. The spirit of mobocracy
being in nowise satiated by the exhibition of
Monday evening, it became evident that prepa
rations were being made, immediately Upon this
announcement, for a renewal of the scenes of
violence. One evidence Of it was the pasting
of a placard about the streets, asserting that
the crew of the British steamer had threatened
violence to all who dared to oppose Mr. Mac
ready, and calling on American laborers" to
defend their rights. During Thursday there
was a general anticipation of a collision, and
large bodies of the police and military were
called out by the authorities, with the purpose
of repressing any disorder and maintaining the
supremacy of the law.
The New York Herald says:
As early as half past six o'clock persons be
gan to assemble about the theatre; and, at
about seven, crowds were seen wending their
way thither from all parts of the city. By halt
past seven, there were several hundreds in the
street, irr front of the Opera House, and the
rush to get admittance was tremendous. Tick
ets for a sufficient number to fill the house were
soon sold, and the announcement was made on
the placard that no more would be sold. Mean
time the crowd outside was increasing every
Every avenue to the theatre soon became
densely crowded. Astor Place was occupied
by an immense assemblage, almost all of whom
had been, apparently, attracted by curiosity.—
The portion of the Bowery adjoining the theatre
was also crowded, and, in Broadway, which had
at that point been opened for the purpose of
constructing a sewer, hundreds of persons were
seen crowded together on the top of the mound
of earth thrown up from the centre of the
While the scenes which we have described
were proceeding outside the building, the play
went on with more or less interruption, arising
from the shouts and groans of those inside, the
volleys of stones, and the yells of the mob on
the outside. At length the play came to an end,
and Mr. Macready made his exit from the house
in disguise, reaching his hotel in safety. The
performance of the atter-piece commenced, and
had proceeded but a short way, when the first
discharge of musketry startled the whole house
—some one called out that the house was to be
blown up."
All started to their feet, when Mr. Ex-Justice
Merritt addressed the house, and requested the
audience to keep their scats. as there was no
danger. This somewhat restored order, till a
few minutes afterwards, when it was announced
that a man had been shot outside. All was now
confusion—the performance was instantly stop
ped, and the auditory rushed out of the building.
There were a great many persons wounded in
addition to those whom we have referred to, se
riously or slightly, who either went away or
were taken away by their friends. There were
several hair-breadth escapes. A musket ball
went through the hat of one man, tearing it to
pieces, but without injuringhirn. A policeman,
of the Seventh ward, received a flesh wound in
the back, and had a narrow escape from being
Immediately after the first volley, several
medical men rushed to the scene, for the pur
pose of attending the wounded. In the drug
store, where some of the wounded were brought,
a medical man proceeded to examine the condi
tion of a man who was very seriously injured.
While performing this duty, the sufferer ex
claimed, "Come, Doctor, look around, before
you attend me. See if there is not somebody
else worse oft than I am."
Generals Sandford and Hall Caere, as we are
informed, repeatedly struck by the pacing
The scenes at the 15th Ward Station House,
at the Hospital and other places where the dead
and wounded were carried, is represented as be
ing shocking. Some of the wounds were fright
ful, and besides those killed, there are a large
number wounded more or less seriously. As it
usually happens, the severest sufferers are inno
cent persons, and some of them not even cul
pable to the extent of gratifying curiosity as
The Tribune gives the following:
The first two scenes passed over with a vocif
erous welcome to Mr. Clarke as Malcolm. The
entrance of Mr. Macready in the third act, was
the signal for a perfect storm of cheers, groans
and hisses. The whole audience rose, and the
nine-tenths of it who were friendly to Macrea
dy, cheered, waved their hats and handkerchiefs.
A large body in the parquette, with others in
the second tier and amphitheatre hissed and
groaned with equal zeal. The tumult lasted
for ten or fifteen minutes, when an attempt was
made to restore order by a board being brought
upon the stage, upon which Was written "The
friends of Order will remain quiet." This si
lenced all but the rioters, who continued to
drown all sound of what was said upon the
stage. Not a word of the first act could be
heard by any one in the house. The policemen
present did little or nothing, evidently waiting
orders. Finally, in the last scene of the net,
Mr. Matsell, Chief of Police, made his appear
ance in the parquette, and, followed by a num
ber of his aids, marched directly down the aisle
to the leader of the disturbance, whom he secu
red after a short but violent struggle. One by
one the rioters were taken and carried out, the
greater part of the audience applauding as they
Before the second act was over, something of
the play could be heard,and in the pauses of the
shouts and yells, the orders of the Chief and his
men in difliment parts of the house could be
heard, as well as the wild uproar of the mob
without. Mrs. Coleman Pope, as Lady Mac
beth, first procured a little silence, which end
ed, however, immediately on Mr. Macready's
The obnoxious actor went through his part
with perfect self-possessi ion, and paid no regard
to the tumultuous scene before him. As the
parquette and gallery were cleared of the nois
iest rioters, the crowd's without grew more vio
lent, and stones were hurled against the win
dows on the Astor-place side. As one window
cracked after another, and pieces of bricks and
paving -stones rattled in on the terraces and lob
bies, the confusion increased till the Opens
House resembled a fortress besieged by an inva
ding army, rather than a place meant for the
peaceful amusement of a civilized &immunity.
Sometimes hen/•y stones would dash in the
boards which bad been nailed up as protection,
and a number of policemen were cons•nntly oc
cupied in nailing uji and securing the defences;
The attack was sometimes on one side and
sometimes on the other, but seemed to be most
violent on Eighth street, where there was a
continual volley of stones and other missiles.
The retiring-rooms were closed, and the lobbies
so « raked" by the mob outside, that the only
safe places were the boxes and parquette. A.
stone, thrown through au tipper wisdow,k„nock
ed off some of the ornament of the splendid
The fourth and fifth acts were given to com
parative quiet, so far as the audience were con
cerned, a large number of whom assembled in
the lobby, no egress from the building being
possible. At these words of Marbeth,
I will not be afraid of death and bane,
'Till Birnam forret come to Dunsinane,"
an attempt Was made to get up a tumult, but
failed. The phrase,
Otir cagtie's strength
Will langh a Siege th'scorn,"
was also loudly applauded. But' in spite of the
constant crashing and thumping of stones, and
the terrible yells of the crowd in the'street, the
tragedy [too truly a tragedy to many] was
played to an end, and the curtain fell. Afnerca
dy was of course called out and cheered, as was
Mr. Clarke. Cheers were also given for the
Police, and for many other things which we did
not hear in the general tumult.
Towards the close, a violent attack was made
by the mob on one of the doors, which was part
ly forced. A body of policemen armed wills
their short clubs, sullied from it and secured a
number atilt) leaders.
The Courier and Enquirer says.
"Those who took an active part in storming
the buildings, were only fifty or sixty in number,
and were in good part boys. They took up
• stones from the street, and•men among them took
large flag stones and broke them in pekes, dis
tribiting them among the mob, who hurled them
at the windows In regular succession, beginning
with the Bowery end and going towards Broad
way. The blinds were all closed, but being
slight, were of course easily smashed in. • •
We passed, at diflerent times, through every
part of the crowd—which could not have number
ed less than 25,000 persons • and yet among
them all, we do not believe there were more
than fire hundred, if there were so many, who'
took an active part in the riot—and of these •
nearly or quite half were boys.
As regards the arcing, it states that it leas
done after the military had received several' or.
ders tocharge and not until after the riotact had
been duly read, which last occurrence some of
the papers mention as being doubtful. The mil
itary had been saluted with vollies of stones,
&c. The Courier says
We are told on good authority, that several
pistols were fired by the rioters at this time.
Seeing that the men under his command were fal
ling around him and carried away wounded, Gen-
Hall reported to the Mayor the condition of
things, and stated that unless the riot net were
read, he would withdraw his troops.
Upon this the Recorder,
Mr. Tallmadge, came
forward, rend the Riot Act, and ordered tha
mob instantly to disperse. The slid not do so—
but continues', their assault upon the troops—
were therefore ordered to fire. They tired
first upon the squad between them and the Row
cry—and immediately after upon the other crowd
near Mr. Langdon's house. Most of the mus
kets, we were told, contained only blank car.
tridges—some, however, were loaded with ball.
By this discharge one or two were killed, and
several others wounded.
The noise of the firin went like an electric
shock through tie vast multiude congregated in
the adjoining streets. Every one seemed as
tounded—all were intensely excited--and all who
had taken part in or sympathised with the riot
ers, were exasperated to the highest pitch.
Some one or two wounded persons were carried
on shutters through Broadway to the drug store,
corner of Eighth street. This added fuel to the
flame. Many of the rioters seized stones in
Broadway—where the pavements had been torn
up to make a sewer—and rushed through Astor
Place, and presently another roily of musketry
told of their reception. After ten or fifteen min
utes, a third volley was fired—and the mob
then mainly left the street, and gathered in sep
crate crowds at different points in the vicinity.
In concluding its narrative, it adds:
Our laws and the ability of our rulers to carry
them out, have been put to the test,—to such a
test as we trust ig God they may never be called
to undergo again. But see aye glad to helices
i that they hare Leen SI7STAINED.
FOOD FOR rue SeAt • ror.n.-Within a few
months from the present time, nine men and
one woman will, according to the terms of the
sentences, ascend the scaffold. Vender at Bal
timore, for the murder of Mrs. Tego Cooper.
Wood,.at New York, for the murder of hie
wife. Baldwin, at St. Louis, for the murder of
his brother-in-law. Lettitia Blaisdell, at Am
herst, N. 11., for the murder of the mother and'
child of her adopted father. Washington Goode,
colored, at Boston, for the murder of a rival'
lover of his mistress. The Rev. Ezr Dudley,
at Haverhill, N. H. for the murder o(his wifo
while returning with her from a prayer meet
ing. The negro Shorter, at Buffalo, for.the mur
der, in the frenzy of his abolition zeal, of a
young white man, who presumed, in conversa
tion with a companion to say something about
niggers." Two slaves at Lexington, Ky., on
Ist of June, for the murder of Henry Yellman:
Alex. Jones, colored, at New York, 22d June,
for arson. And there are some half dozen late
murder committals yet to be tried, Truly will
the annals of the scaffold be not tho least re
markable feature in the history of the year 1819
in these United States.
A Fearful Scene.
The steam ship Palmetto arrived nt New Or-
leans on the 25th tilt., froin Galveston.
At a place called "The Point," in Pinola
county, a bloody scene occurred. Some men
were plhying cards—two of them, a doctor and
a young man, (names not remembered,) fell 'out
and concluded to have a fight. After a few mu
tual stabs, the doctor killed him. His brother
then took it up, fought, and was also killed. The
other brothers of the two, of whom there were..
in all, eight ; now attacked the doctor and killed
The Allegheny river rose very suddenly last:
night, and the waters, overflowing the embank
ments, carried off a large amount of property:
The damage has been very heavy, and worse ,
results• am apprehended. The water is still