THE JOURNAL. [IIOR.KCT YRINCIPLBS-..SIIPTOWYED BY TRUTH.] HUNTINGDON, TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1849. Hoover's Ink. HOOVER'S SUPERIOR WRITING INK for sale at this office. TERMS The .41'7NT:sr:nos JOURNAL" is published at the following rates, viz : $1,75 a year, if paid in advance ; $2,00 if paid during the year, and $2,513 if not paid until after the expiration of the year. The above terms to be adhered to in ull cases. No subscription taken for less than six months, and no paper discontinued until an arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. New Post Office. The Postmaster General has granted a new Post-office in Springfield township, this county, at Madden's Mills, to be called Moddensvills Post Office," and appointed ROBERT MADDEN, Esq., Postmaster. 13.37 ISAAC SMITH has been appointed Post master at Caasville, in this county, in the place of Robert Speer. Correction, It seems we did injustice to the Postmaster at Waynesburg, (McVeytown) Mifflin county, in our last paper. The paper returned to on, sent to a subscriber at that office, it appears had been forwarded at the request of our sub scriber, to Atkinson's Mills, in the same coun ty ; and that it had been returned by the Post master at that place, scribbled over in the man ner we stated. We therefore, withdraw our charges against the Postmaster at McVeytoWni with the remark, that if be had informed us of the change made by our subscriber, the injus tice done him by us would have been avoided. We make the above explanation, first, for the reason, that we do not desire to do injustice to any one; and second, because we received a very polite and gentlemanly note from Mr. Lusk, Postmaster at McVeytovvn, folly excul pating himself from the blame we attached to him. Temperance Discussion. According to promise, another number of a " Temperance Discussion" by Rev. James Nourse, will be found on fourth page. As we stated in our last, we do not concur in all the positions assumed by the author. But we will allow our readers to be their own judges, with out pointing out the positions to which we ob ject, The fearful ravages now making by in- ; temperance, makes it the duty 01 the press to I lend its aid, to stay, if possible, its destructive career. Almost daily are strong men falling beneath the fatal stroke of this relentless des troyer! Two have fallen in this community within the past two weeks ! And if we should record the names of all who have died from the effects of strong drink, since our connection with this press, within the bounds of Hunting don county, the list would be a most appalling one. And doubtless all the cases of this kind have not come under our notice. With a view, therefore, to check this evil, and without being by any means ultra in our Temperance notions, we shall frotmtime to time devote a portion of our space to the Discussion of Temperance. nuntingdou “Euterpean Hand.” • Music huth , harms"—there's no mistake about it ; and Huntingdon possesses the talent to give those charms" the best effect upon the human senses. At least so thought we the other night, when awakened from our slumbers by the Huntingdon EUTERPEAN BAND," dis coursing sweet strains of music under our cham ber window. This band has been organized under the direction of Dr. Josn RIGGER, and is composed of young gentlemen of this place, who have been practising but for a short time. On Thursday evening last they honored us by playing several pieces at the place above mentioned. The performance was excellent, and both sur prised and delighted us at the proficiency exhibit. ed. From the specimen given us, we venture to predict that this band is destined to take a very respectable rank in the musical world: From a card published in another column, it will be seen that the Euterpean Band" pur pose giving a public concert in the Court House, on the evening of the 17th inst. We hope and expect to see every citizen of our borough in attendance. A good Band will be a credit to Huntingdon, and every citizen should feel it to be his duty to contribute his mite to aid those who have incurred the expense, and are devo ting a portion of their time in getting up and sustaining one. In addition to this, all who at tend will receive an ample return, in sweet mu sic, for the small admission fee charged. B 7" From the last number of the "Blair County Whig," we observe that J. L. SLCNTZ, Esq., has disposed of that establishment to Gao. RAYMOND and Wu. I'. WILSON, Esq's, until recently of this place. Messrs. RAYMOND and WILSON are both' practical printers, and active, intelligent young men. During the last campaign, they both rendered efficient aid in swelling the majority in this county for Johnston and Taylor. We have full confidence that under thei: direction the Whig" will be an able and efficient auxiliary in the Whig cause, and we therefore commend them to the gener ous support of the gallant Whigs of Blair county. V' After a considerable drought, which was beginning to tell seriously on vegetation, we have been visited by a most refreshing rain.— It commenced raining on Saturday afternoon last, and continued, with but little intermission up to Sunday evening. The prospect of another fire grain crop is flattering; although the dam lige done by the severe winter will, we think, pro rent the crop from being as large co last year let the season prove as favorable'ae it Maly. The Effect. The most natural result of a factious opposi tion in the present state of things will be seen, says the Baltimore American, in the reaction which it,must provoke in its own ranks. It can not be that gratuitous invect:ves and unjust ac cusations against a President who stands before his countrymen with integrity and honor and patriotism unquestioned, and whose brilliant deeds have illustrated by their own glory the bright records of our country's renown-4t can not be that virulent assaults against such a man, so honored, so respected, so beloved, can find a response in American hearts where party ran cor has left any elements of soundness. The people will judge the Administration fairly. If it should eject every political brawl er now in office the country would simply de mand that better men be put in their places.— This the country has a right to demand and to expect. But nothing can be more ridiculous than the solemn indignation which certain jour nals affect when, having never breathed any other atmosphere than that of party, they would now set themselves up as preachers of patriot ism and as critics of an Administration that , seeks truly to servo the country. Virginia Election. The Virginia election has resulted in a loss of several Congressmen to the Whigs. Among others JOHN M. BOTTS has been defeated by a volunteer Whig running in his district, and in deed the Whigs were quarrelling in almost ev ery di, trict in the State. The defeat of Borrs causes us no pain. He is one of those peculiar kind of Whigs who could not make up his mind to support Gen. Taylor last fall. He is now disposed of politically, and we are glad of it.— But we regret the disaster which has met us in several of the other districts. And we incline to the belief that Virginia—one of the most ultra slavery states in the Union—distrusts Gen. Taylor on that question. We believe this to be the true secret of our reverses there.— For, while the Locos are getting nearly all the members of Congress, the Whigs have gained as far as heard from EIGHT members of the Leg islature. The Richtnond Rrpuhliran ascribes the rever ses of the Whigs, as regards their Congressmen, to divisions and dissensions in their own ranks, and adds :--- 4 4 It is to be hoped, now that this election has closed, that these divisions may cease, and that the Whig family may once more be re-united. We see the rusults of division in the wreck of our common cause. We see ourselves the only losers, while the common adversary thrives and rejoices at our expense." A Man of True Spirit. The editor of the " Clinton County Demo crat," (loco) can't stomach the piteous whi nings which his locofoco cotemporaries are ma king over a score or so of removals. Ile thus expresses his contempt for "the martyred Stubbs:" One Edward Stahl., recently removed from a clerkship in the State department at Washington, is out in a long address to the people setting forth his grievances and pittifully beg ging the sympathy of the public for having suffer ed martyrdom at the hands of the Zacharyites. He says he has held the office 20 years I We doubt whether the reasons which effected his removal were such as should govern a no-par ty" President, but Gen. Taylor will do the na tion a service if he removes every man from of fice who has held his place for 20 years, or even half of that time. It is certainly bad policy to create a nest of government paupers at Wash ington, and the sooner General Taylor rids the public offices of the leeches who have been begging pap for 20 years the better will it be for the people. Reader, is there any thing so sickning as the can't of a political martyr, who has lost a good office ? How utterly absurd for a man, a free born American citzen, who should glory in be ' ing the Boa of liberty, dependent upon no other mortal—rather how contemptible is it for a creature who should be a man to complain to the public that he is not continued in office!! Such a man is worthy only of a political guillo tine." There is truth and force in this extract.-1 It speaks wLat must be the feeling of almost' every man—an irrepressible feeling of contempt for men, who, deprived of office, seek to make their imagined grievances a public matter. If the great body of the locofoco press is the advo cate of any one thing it lays claim to be, it scorns, as does the Clinton Democrat, and as do the people, the whinings of these pensioners of 20 and 30 years upon the public. Their im pudence is wily equalled by their cowardice.— They dare not work, and they are afraid to starve. Ca" The "Daily News" has been received very irregularly at this office for the past week. We have not received a copy when due during the week, and for one or two days we did not receive any. This irregularity should be cor rected, otherwise it will injure this deservedly popular paper. 07' At a meeting of the Whigs of York Co. held on the 24th ult., Messrs. J. J. Cochran, Samuel B. Prowell, Wm. M. Conkey and S. H. Menough were appointed delegates to the Whig State Convention. CONNECTI.T.-The Legislature of Connect icut has elected the Whig candidates for Gover nor and all the other State officers with the ex ception of Treasurer. Eleven of the Free Soil members voted for the locofoco candidate for Geyer nor and one for the Whig. j A great meeting was recently held in Philadelphia, at which measures were adopted to raise funds to complete the Pa. Railroad to Hollidaysburg. Philadelphia deserves great credit for the energy with which she is push ing this great enterprise. CANADA.-We have seen a letter from Mon treal, say. the N. Y. Tribune, dated Thursday, after the burning of the Parliament House, which states that it is almost impossible to de scribe the depth of feeling which pervades the people of that place in relation to political mat ters, and that the general cry is for annexation Ito the United States. The writs/ is an Amer ican merchant, and has resided iftfontreal sev eral years. ------ - "Turn them out.” Remarkable Temperance Law. Under this caption the Danville Intelligen- , A stringent bill relating t 3 intoxicating drinks cer, a Democratic paper, published by Senator has been passed by the Wisconsin Legislature, Barr, raps the Pennsylvanian and the Keystone consisting of ten sections. It requires all per- I over the knuckles in the following style : I sons who would vend or retail spirituous li• " The Penn./Wean/an, and a few other dein- , quors," to give bond to the town authorities, ocratic papers in this State, not yet satisfied with three sureties, in $lOOO, "conditioned to with their success in breaking down the Demo- , cratic party by their arbitrary, dictatorial and pay all damages the community or individuals insolent deportment towards members of the I may sustain by reason of such traffic ; to sup party, whom Jessie bids them to bark at, to' port all paupers, widows and orphans; pay the gratify his personal spleen, are still at their de- expences of all civil and criminal prosecutions structive work with an much zeal as ever. Do made, growing out of, or justly attributable to they expect to restore the democratic party power by turning more out f One of the late pre- such traffic." And it is made the duty of the texts for this continued piratical crusade against officer holding the bond to deliver it to "any Democrats, is founded on the passage of the I person who may claim to be injured by said new Judicial District Bill, during the recent traffic. " session of the Legislature. That bill was vo ted entire We quote the remaining provisions for by a number of Democrats of both 1 0 . branches of the Legislature,—by Mr. Pottei- Sec. .1. It shall be law any married ger, of berka, and Mr. Overfield, of Monroe, woman to institute in her e, a suit on Senators representing two of the strongest any such bond, for all dama 1n tained by her- I democratic counties in the State—older, better, seller children on account o such traffic ; and and purer democrats than ever Hamilton and the money when collected shall be paid over to Forney, have been, or ever will be—by Col. her, for the use of herself and children. John C. Myers, and David Zerby, of Becks, I Sec. 5. No suits for liquor bills shall be en- John M. George, of Pike, and other long tried, tertained by any f the courts of this State, and good and true members of the democratic party. I whenever it shall be made to appear to any And these political guillotine executioners of court before which a suit may bo pending, on a democrats, such as the editors of the Pennsyl_ promissory note, that such note was given in vanian, say " there is very little difference be- whole or in part for liquor bills, ouch court tween a wilful shrinking of responsibility and shall immediately dismiss such suit at the costs the open advocacy of shame, a Democratic of the plaintiff. member, voting for, or dodging a vote, on such Sec. (3. On the trial of any suit under the a bill, occupies the position, neither more nor I provisions of this act, the cause or foundation of less, of a trustee who dishonors the confidence which shall be the act of an individual under the and the trust reposed in his hand," Now this influence of liquor, it shall only be necessary, insolent slang of the Pennsylvanian, applies to in order to sustain the action, to prove that the a large number of excellent democrats, but one principal in the bond sold or gave liquor to the of whom we will now name, and that is Mr. person (so intoxicated or in liquor) whose, acts Fegely, the oldest democratic member of the are complained of, on the day previous to the House, from good and mighty old Berks Ile commission of the offence. was present in the House,, When the Judicial ' Sac. 7. Whenever a person shall become a District bill passed, and acquiesced in the pas- county, city or a village charge, by reason of sage of the bill by omitting to vote. None but intemperance, a suit may be instituted by the the most abandoned political prostitutes of a proper authorities, on the bond of any person party, such as Jessie's lacqueys of the Pennsyl- who may have been in the habit of selling or vanian, would make such an attack upon an old giving liquor to such person or pauper so be and faithful representative of Berke county, and coming a public .charge. others who have grown gray in the constant ser- Sac. S. Any person against whom s I.ldg vice of the democratic party. But it seems the ment may lie obtained, under the provisions of work of turning men out of the democratic this act, shall be entitled to maintain n suit ranks is to go on to gratify the vengeance of compel a contribution towards paying the link men who have ousted themselves and the whole merit against him, against all persons engaged in party in the State and Union, by the turning out such traffic in such county, city, town or village process. who may have sold or given liquor to such per . . . . Amongst those now to be turned out, we sou committing an office, or becoming a politic must suppose the Hon. N. B. Eldred is to be charge. included, as he has accepted the appointment of Sec. 9. Any person who shall vend or retail, President Judge under the new judicial arrange- or for the purpose of avoiding the provisions of merit. Well we have no doubt the Judge will this act, give away spirituous liquors without bear his excommunication with great fortitude, * first giving the bond required by the firstsection as he will be ready and willing, and can safely of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misde trust his ease to the people of his strong demo- • meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be erotic district, at the ballot box at anytime when fined in a sum of not less than fifty, nor more than that arrangement for his re-appointment may be five hundred dollars, and be imprisoned in the constitutionally made. ; county jail not less than ten days, nor more But what does the Pennsylvanian, and .Tes- than six months, and shall be liable in all re sin, expect to make out of this crusade against sports to the public, and to individuals, the democrats? Is all this flow of wrath occasion- same as he would have been had he given the ed merely by the fact that a Whig Governor had bond required in the first section of this act. the power to appoint some of the new Judges ? This remarkable expression of public opinion If so, who is to blame for this state of things Wisconsin, the subject of 4, spirituous li but themselves ? And do they expect to re plenish their avarice, " an d insatiable desire f or guars," passed the Senate by a vote of 10 to 3, office and dominion, sy vindictive denunciation and the Assembly 19 to 21. It goes some steps and blind insolence? I beyond any legislation on the subject in the country. CC-7" In Dark county, Ky., a number of indi viduals have been indicted and found guilty. of riot, in serenading a wedding party with tin pan music. The judge (Holt) in his charge thus comments upon the custom Some of the witnesses have spoken of a custom in that neighborhood to honor weddings with music of this kind. Such a custom is illegal; it belongs not to civilization, and should not receive the sanction of a court and jury sit ting in a civilized community. It has been said that 4 Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast.' It must indeed be a savage breast that can be soothed by the hideous sounds of cow-bells, horse-fiddles, rams'-horns, and like instruments rattling, ringing, and commingling together, and interspersed with the occasional explosion of gun-powder." The Lancasterian, a locofoco paper in Penn sylvania, has the following frank confession : 44 The democratic party requires purgation. —There is too much rottenness and corruption in it. It has blinked at deviations from politi cal rectitude so long that it may seem to think these deviations essentialities." If all that is corrupt is to be purged from the locofoco party, the result will not be unlike that of the fellow who took too powerful an emetic : he threw up everything but the soles of his boots.—N. . Courier. A GREEN PICTUR7I.—The editor of the City Item very ungallantly says that the Philadelphia ladies, in their Spring attire, are the greenest set he ever saw ! Just hear the slanderer Green—dark, medium and light green—plain, changeable and figured green—pea, olive and invisible green—apple, golden and grass green —indeed every hue of green has been drummed into the service of the fair—and such a green —such a thoroughly green set as they are ! The world has never seen the like since that silly old woman Eve devoured the green apple." REJOICING AT A REMOVAL.-A hundred guns are to be fired on Boston Common, on the occa sion of Mr. Morton's retirement from the Cus tom House of that city on the Ist of May next. The powder is paid for by Cass Democrats, who subscribed a dollar a piece for the interes ting object. Morton was a great free soiler, and voted for Van Buren. Tle Porte has signified his non-compliance to pass a part of the Egyptian fleet. It is said PROSCRIPTION.—The Boston Post is one of that this application was instigated by Russia. those locofoco papers that do not cry over every Prince Carigno has ordered a levy en mass e mall the inhabitantssof the Lombardy-Arena an removal from office. It rather makes mer rovinces, of from 18 to 40 years. Those who over the matter, as thus : do not appear within five day -be consider ., How do you like General Tayfor 1" an old ed refractories. Whig was asked a few days since. "First rate" The article in Probon'shijourna which led to said the old coon. He turns out a great deal its seizure, implied directly that Louis Napoleon better than we expected." was under pecuniary obligations for pursuing his present course of politics. The Commissioners appointed to report upon the expenses of the Foreign Office at Paris, have proposed to abolish the title of Ambassador and substituting, as in the United States, that of Minister Plenipotentiary, with reduced sal- aries. Their number is likewise to be reduced, and the following places are proposed as requi ring a regular Minister: at St. Petersburg, London, Constantinople, Bern, the Hague, and Canton. By a later resolution, a Consul-Gen eral only is appointed at the latter place. Germany is occupied with a gigantic project, being no less than the junction of the Baltic with the North Sea. The medium proposed ie a canal without locks. FLOUR MARKET .—Philadelphia and Western Canal Flour 245. 6d. The article became dull again, and declined to 235. 6d. Wheat is dull. Indian Corn is in steady demand at better prices: White 315. to 31s. 64., Yellow 325. to 330. Corn Meal Its. to Its. 6d. Communication. Ma. EDIT.. :—The following passages may be fonnd in the as Penny Cyclopedia. of the So ciety for the diffusion of useful knowledge," vol. 17, page 422. This is a late English work, and is I believe not yet completed. In descri bing Pennsylvania, after giving considerable statistical information, it says : The seat of government is at Harrisburg, on the Susquehanna, not far from the place where the river issues front the mountains !" 4, None of the towns in the mountain region have risen into importance. Sunbury and Nor thumberland, as well as Wilkesbarre, are ad vantageously situated on the Susquehanna canal ; and Lewistown and Huntingdon on the Delaware and Erie cave ! Bedford, on the Juniata, which begins To be navigable at this place, has some commerce and manvfactures hats !"D L. Faou CALIFORNIA. -The Mobile Herald of April 22, announces the arrival of the British mail steamship Thames, from Vera Cruz, which port she left on the 17th. She had on board $410,000 in specie, $35,000 of which were for New Orleans. Great numbers of travellers were passing Vera Cruz on their way to California. A letter from Vera Cruz, dated April 11, an nounces intelligence from San Francisco to the 22d of February'. Some fifty vessels had arri ved at that port the preceding week, from vari ous points of South America, the cargoes of which had completely overstocked the market; prices of all kinds of Merchandize were conse quently very low. The letter says that the crew of the steam ship California deserted immediately on her arrival at San Francisco—as was expected.— The steamship Oregon arrived at Mazatlan on the 22d oft March. The accounts from San Francisco represent the abundance of gold as still on the increase, new and rich placers being discovered. A schooner had arrived at Mazatlan with 15,000 ounces on board which had been bought at San Francisco. Foreign News. We take from the from the North American of Saturday the following The steamship America, at Halifax, yesterday at 10 o'clock A. M., brings one week's later news from Europe. She had sixty six through passengers. The Canada arrived at Liverpool on the 10th in days. The French Government has come to the im portant resolution of an armed intervention to reinstate the Pope. A force adequate to the emergency has already started for Civita Vech ia. The warlike contest between the States of the continent continues with unabated fury, and with most disastrous results to all the parties engaged. The Danes are enforcing a strict blockade of all the German ports. It is stated that emi grant vessels will not hereafter be allowed to pass unmolested. Telegraphic despatches had been received at Frankfort, stating that the Prussian Ministry had sent in their resignation. Arrangements have been made for returning the visit of the French National Guards to Lon don. The Bank of France will shortly resume spc- cie payments The Riots at Montreal. Several telegraphic 4espatches announce that on Wednesday last, in consequence of the Royal Assent having been given to a bill passed by a very large malorlty in the House of Assembly of Canada, and agreed to in the Legislative Council, appropriating $400,000 toward the payment of losses and injuries sustained by in dividuals during the trouble in 1837 and 1838, a body of the Tory or Orange party, under its chiefs, some of whom are Said to havebeen since arrested fur High Treason, appeared in front of the Parliament Buildings, which they injured with stones and set fire to, destroying the whole of the Journals and Records of the Legislature since 1791, and one the most valuable Libraries iii America (a loss which is, in many respects, irreparable;) also, the splendid pictures, fur niture, &c. Many years since, one Ogle R. Gowan, who had been connected with what ilealled in Ire land the Orange Society, came to Canada and organized hundreds of Lodges, with oaths, signs, pass-words, degrees, party meeting's, songs, banners, music, &c. The Legislature tried to put down by law an association calcu lated to perpetuate religious strife, many of whose proceedings were wantonly insulting to the Roman Catholics, and which was likely to be entered by the factious and unprincipled in politics, and bent to serve their selfish purpo ses; but the Governor and his advisers encour aged Orangeism, and the Colonial Minister ap proved of his conduct in so doing. The Orangemen, or Tories, did much to pro voke revolt, and much to put it down. The Irish protestants are loyal to the crown of Eng land, but those of them who are associated as Orangemen, though individually well meaning, are, by the very nature of their organization, the blind instruments of a few artful politicians, some of whom may prefer British supremacy, while others are ready to use them as machin ery for the annoyance of political adversaries, utterly regardless of public interests. It is by no means improbable that men of the most op posite, views as to politics, including perhaps traders and others of desperate fortunes, may have been secret movers in the Montreal out ragas of last Wednesday night.. Howler Messrs. Stevenson, McNabb, Gugy, Prince, Sherwood, Badgley, and others of the minority who pro posed when in power the measure which they have since, as a minority, excited their reckless and deluded followers violently to oppose, are morally responsible for the swift destruction this day recorded, we cannot say ; but if it be true, (as we are told it is by those long and in timately acquainted with Canadian affairs,)that civil officers, guilty of the most violent and outrageous conduct, have been upheld in office, continued in it, and promoted ; and that many such are still so continued, what other results than such scenes as recently occurred at To fonto, and as now disgrace and disturb Mon treal, can be reasonably looked for ? After the occurrences last month at Toronto, which were so much calculated to retard Cana dian prosperity, by frightening away sober and steady emigrants, it might have been expected that some signal examples would have been made after prompt inquiry, and this as a means of shaking the mad career of faction for the fu ' tare, and quickening the officials to a sense of their duty. Nothing has been done, however ; the dignity of the law is altogether lost sight of, and a band of 1,500 drunken ruffians, under very appropriate ringleaders, have insulted and injured a peaceful community, seemingly wall entire impunity. The Montreal Tories saw all this ; and their unprincipled leaders saw, too, that by obstruct ing and defying the civil authorities, they would be bringing the country nearer toward the an archy which they covet, on the "rule or ruin" principle whenever they are ousted from impor tant offices which Tories have seldom fi d but to the injury of their country and the ads tion of the community, whether in th 'Col -1 onies or in the new. A majority of the citizens of Montreal are of French Canadian origin. We do not per ceive any of this class, or of the British, Irish or Anglo-Canadian reformers, took any part in the riots, so insulting to the Governor, Legisla ture and people, and injurious to society. To the best of our recollection, all the tumults, outrages and riots connected with politics in Canada, from 1819 to 1819, have been the work of one small faction, or instigated by its worthless chiefs, who were pampering when they ought to have been punished. When will it be otherwise?—N. Y. Tribrne. Progress of the Canadian Rebel lion. MONTREAL, April 28. Our city continues to be the theatre of ex citement and lawless violence. In consequence of the announcement that the government had armed five hundred French special constables, a fresh impulse was given to the already inflam ep spirit of the rebels. A party of about 20 English gentlemen en countered a body of these armed constables in the street, when a row ensued in which several shots were fired by both sides, and two persons wounded, but not mortally. After this occur rence it was thought best, by the government, for the sake of peace, to disarm the constables, which was immediately done. A meeting was held yesterday afternoon, on the Champ de Mars, at which the Honorable George Moffat presided. Petitions were got up to the Queen, to re-call Lord Elgin, and to dis allow the rebellion Indemnity Bill. The Hotels and Garrisons are all under arms, and cannon have been planted in the streets, to overawe and suppress any further attempts at rebellion. At 6 o'clock P. M. the streets are all quiet, and the row for the present is appar ently at an end. Rumors from Upper Canada state that the in fection has extended to Kingston, Toronto and other places, and that riots have occurred there but we have nothing authentic. MONTREAL, April 30. The mob assembled late on Saturday night, by the strenuous exertions of Col. Gully, they were prevented from doing any mischief. The city continued quiet last night. At Quebeck, on Saturday night, Lord Elgin was burned in effigy, amid the hootings of the excited populace. In Upper Canada the eame riotous feeling has been exhibited. The Governor's effigy has been burnt in various places. In this city to-day, the populace have been kept quiet by the assurance that the French should be disarmed. The Governor is to at tend the session of Parliament at 7 o'clock this evening, and trouble is anticipated. A Singular Case. We find in the New York Sunday Dispatch an account of a very . ' singular' affair. It is full of interest. The Dis patch says:—A newly married couple arrived in this city from Baltimore,' three or four weeks ago, and took apart ments at the— Hotel, in B--- street. The bride was a mere child, certainly not more than sixteen years of age. Her . husband was older, and exhibited to the knowing ones certain characteristics of the sporting gentleman. He cultivate* a moustache, and his rig-out was after the most approved flash-dandy model. After running up a bill of some sev enty-five dollars, the husband left the" house after break-last and did not return to dinner. In the afternoon a coach drew up to the door, and the choachman . called for and delivered a letter to the young wife. It was from her husband• and directed her to take with her. her finest dresses, Old leave the hotel, the . coachtrian knowing where to drive'her. One of the proprietor's of' the . h'otel was observant of the movement, and just as the lady was entering the coati', lie-stepped out, accompanied by a friend' and naked her if she was going to ride out alone'? She replied that she bad received a note from her husband, re questing her to join him. The hotel keeper asked the coachman where he was directed to take the lady.—The coachman replied that he had been for bidden to answer any questions. Tho lady then refused to enter the coach, • unless the hotel keeper and the other gentleman present would accompany her. The coachman said that lie had been ordered to bring only the lady. Af-' to n moments private conversation with the lady, the hotel keeper induced her to get into the coach, which speedily drove oft. The two gentlemen to another carriage, and followed in pur suit. At the corner of Chambers Si. the first coach drew tip, and presently the gentleman of the moustache walked' out of the Park gate, and jumped into the coach to the side of his wife. The horses then set °fret a dashing speed,- but our friends of the hotel were in pursuit. Taking a circuitous route,• the first coach after half an.hour's drive drew up in front of one of the most no , torious houses of ill fame. The gentle man of the moustache jumped from the carriage, handed out hisyoung and help less wife, and rang the bell. Before the door was opened, however, the hotel keeper atulhis friend arrived, and spring ing from he carriage arrested the la dy's steps, just as she was entering the hall. Her husband was ahead of her and not observing the rescue called out to his wife to hurry in. Turning as he spoke, he saw the two gentlemen stand ing on the steps, and his face suddenly changed to the ashy hue of death. "Do you know the character of the house'?"the hotel keeper inquired of the poor girl. " No, sir, I am entirely ignorant of it —my husband told me he had engaged board here." Without another word being said, the gentlemen passed the lady into the car-- riage, and all three returned to the ho tel. The ladies residing in the house soon drew from the poor girl the history of her connection with the rascal who had so nearly effected her ruin. She had known him but a very few weeks. He represented himself as a merchant doing a in this city, and gaining her confidence and love, she married him against the wish of her pa. rents, and came immediately to New York. The gentlemen boarding in the hotel, after talking the matter over, concluded that they would like to look upon the face of that man once more." They accoriing)y proceeded to the loose, er, tered it vi armies, discovered the ras cal concealed in a closet, and brought him down to the hotel, where for three mortal hours he was tortured in the moat refined manner. The design of the villain was apparent ; he intended to have abandoned his young wife, and ' leave her in that den of shame. The wretch did not deny that such was his purpose. He was linally allowed to depart. . . A subscription twig taken up in the hotel, and the next morning the young lady's passage was paid to Baltimore. Her kind rescuers have since reeeived ts letter from her friends announcing her safe return home. PREVENTATIVE OF THE CHOLERA.—ne physicians at Constantinople have rec commended the use of figs, with great success, as a preventive of cholera. The fruit is said to exercise a salutary influ ence upon the stomach and bowels, amt is highly useful in diseases which man ifest themselves in a derangment of the digestive function, and cemmonly pre-. cede an attack of the cholera. Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad Subscriptions. PITTSBURG, April 30. The individual subscriptions to the stock of . the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad, amount. here to four thousand two hundred and eighty eight shares—equal to s2l4,4oo—and the com mittee expect to be able to increase the amount to six thousand shares—equal to $300,000. This, in addition to subscription heretofore. received, amounts to considerably over one million—the amount required to secure the charter. NEVER DESPAIR,-The daughter of Enoch was five hundred and eighty years old 'when she was married. What maid will lose hope after that?'