Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 01, 1849, Image 4

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    I and use 1 Who spread the cholera 1—
Who create one-half the ailments which
infest mankind 1 Dropsy, apoplexy,
shaking of the limbs, loss of sight, rheu
matism, epilepsy and death 1 The men
who make and vend ardent drinks.—
W Who send thousands of immortal souls
into eternity prematurely every year 1
Mn. EDITOR :—ln the present comma. Who thus encourage them first to walk
nication we propose, in ways of sin, and then to go down to
IV. To inspire briefly into the MORAL the chambers of eternal death? What
CHARACTER of the traffic and .sale of alco- shall it profit a man if he gain the whole
!colic drinks. Under this head we corn-' world and lose his own soul'? What
prehend the whole business of manufac- , shall it profit a man if he lose the whole
tare, transportation, transmutation and , world and lose then his soul also 1 and
distribution of these drinks. solemnly do we ask also—what will it
Finer. As regards the manufacture, profit a men if he should gain the whole
we ask, and we are sensible that we world lose his own soul and help to des
place the enquiry before professing troy that of his neighbors? Poor inebri
christians, who acknowledge the duty ate he dies—eternally dies—but "woe
of properly using the gifts of divine to him that giveth his neighbor drink—
Providence—is it right to convert so yea even maketh him drunken"—blood
many thousands of bushels of grain, crieth for vengeance. If the drunkard
Bze. every year into that which corrupts is a murderer—the man who encourages
mankind and produces the miseries and him to murder himself ispartaker of lets
evil we have enumerated 1 Is not every sin. The iniquity, the immorality of
man responsible for his use of divine this traffic, and his crying guilt before
gifts 1 Is not every boon n talent for the Omniscient One, is apparent.
which we must account' Can it be We should not omit to observe that
other than morally wrong, in other while the hand of human law may not
words, a sin for men to produce, from arrest and arraign the manufacturer, the
the gifts of Heaven which are bestowed merchant, the transporter and the ven
for the comfort and life of mankind, a der of intoxicating drinks, the princi
noxious compound or variety of corn- riles of the divine law seizes them all.
pounds, procuring directly and indirect- It condemns the farmer who sell the
ly the misery and death of multitudes 1 grain to the distiller—the merchant who
But one and the same answer cnn be buys by wholesale—the carrier from
given by any honest heart ; the unbias- port to port and round the world—the
ed conviction and verdict of millions of merchant or taverner who distributes it,
immortals is, that the manufacture, as a as well as the sinner who uses it. Odi
part of the system and the root of it is ous, detestable business ! which devils
wholly and totally wrong. Weighed in delight to see, and whose fruits are the
the balance it is found wanting in every woes and wailings of the damned. In
qualification which renders other kinds deed, whose work are these licensed
of business reputable, useful or virtu- trafficers performing, if it be not the
ous. It is no objection to our conclusion, work of the Tempter 1 They are Sa
that alcohol is needed for the purposes tan's agents—the works of their father
of the arts, &c. We are not speaking they do. Hence is it any wonder they
of alcohol, but of alcoholic drinks, as , also themselves become victims 1 This
drinks. Every gallon of these might is a remarkable fact, for it is ascertain
be converted into .alcohol—and then in- ed that 80 out of every 100 taverners and
temperance would soon die. Nor need ' s grocers who sell intoxicating drinks,
we stop now to answer an objection themselves become inebriates. Nor
which may be urged by the trine-bibber, I need we be surprised at this when we
that wine is spoken of and allowed in d iscover that the business is essentially
Scripture, therefore its manufacture can- wicked. What more reasonable than
not be unlawful. This we answer sat- ' that a dealer of poison and death, should
isfactory in another place by itself. himself be poisoned and diet Surely
SECONDLY. This traffic and manufac- , .t his wickedness should come down
ture renders multitudes, idle and disso- upon his own pate—and into the pit
lute, and thus by ruining their mornlwhich he hath digger] should lie fall
habits, plunges them into various per-, himself."
sonal excesses, indulgences and crimes , There is yet another reason why the
and prepares them for the pauper's destroyer and his victim should at last
home. The most careful investigations' be found in company. It is, that the
of the reports of alms houses in various conscience becomes depraved and all
States in different parts of our country, moral sensibility is destroyed.
show, that more than nineteen-twenti- SIXTHLY.—By the FRAUDS and nem.-
eths used ardent drinks. But more than sum of the trafic : And this we consid
ten times as many in proportion to their er one chief reason why catastrophies
number, are reduced by idleness and so fearful and woes so numerous are
dissipation to poverty, of those who use connected with. this whole business. 1.
ardent drinks, than from those who do Even whiskey of commerce is drugged
not use it. Hence we discover what a often times with poisons. Its taste,
fruitful source of temptation to idleness disagreeable to a novice, is rendered
and every excess and every kind of dis- more palatable by injurious substances
sipation is this business. Let it cense, and its color is supposed to be thereby
and there would be at once $8,000,000, improved. Thus Brandy—Holland gin
in labor gained to the country. It is —St. Croix rum—and Jamaica spirits
then a moral evil. (See Per. 'l'. Doc. p. are made. (see Albany Temp. Rec. 111.
80. 298-402. p. 5. 11. p. 100.) 2. Brandy is mixed
THIRDLY. We pass by the obvious with wine to increase its strength 'and
fact that all this waste of God's boon- to render it of a more desirable color ;
ties, and this whole traffic so fraught while to the mixture is added nux vom
with evil is needless and might be
,en-ica, logwood, juniper oil, or some other
tirely dispensed with—to observe that poison, to give that wine a name. 3.
all this traffic and manufacture is doing Much therefore of the wine sold in grog
injustice to others. The present profit genies and taverns, yea and by repute
of the manufacturer and trafficer and ble merchants, is only a mixture of sour
vender is the ultimate loss of the coin- cider, or sweet cider and brandy or
munity. The burden of supporting pan- , whiskey without one particle of the
pens, of prosecuting the vicious, the ex- r juice of the grape contained in the cask.
pence of juries, judges, courts and law- This is notorious. Many confessions
officers, is in a great measure the pro- are on record of penitent wine mer
duct of this business. But its efficient , chants, who, with remorse, hying aban
procurers are the manufacturers and cloned the trafic publishes their receipts
venders. For the sum of one dollar, by which these fictitious wines are man
nay even 25 cents, the tavern-keeper ufactured. Doubtless many strong men
has often caused the death of a wife or have thereby been thrown down—epi
a child or of both, by the hand of the lepsy, bilious cholic, apop:exy, were
drunkard. We need not cite cases, there deaths attributed to, but a more
scores are at hand, and unfortunately knowing coroner and captious jury
there are few whose memory cannot fur- ; would have returned the verdict—. Pei
midi cases of like character. But who coned by drugged brandy and water."
bear the expenses of pauperism and of , It is probable that at least one-half of
punishment of crimes? Who but that the wines of commerce are of this de
portion of the community chiefly who scription. We fear that many chris
are opposed to the traffic and use, and ' tian churches have been again and again
are doing what they can to overturn itl cheated by dealers who sold them for
Our various taxes for the support of the the communion table, alcoholic mixtures,
community are increased four-fold by in which not a drop of grape juice was
this business. Now all injustice is mixed. Perhaps some, though often
criminal—and injustice is necessarily times they partook of the Lord's sup
involved in this business. (Per. T. Doc. per, have never yet in that ordinance
p. 136, 210, 509, Sze.) This business used one particle of the fruit of the
of. therefore .necessarily immoral. vine. It is n fact that in the U. S. alone
FOURTHLY. The loss of property by the more Madeira wine is sold annually,',
carelessness or imbecility of the i ntent- than is made during the same space of
perate, may justly be charged to the time in that Island. And knowing this
manufacturers and venders of these fact and others of similar character, and
drinks, as its worse authors. A iner- that thousands of gallons of wine are
chant convinced of the danger to sea- yearly made in the wine cellars in Phil
men of the use of alcoholic beverage sdelphia, New York and other cities, we
protests against its being taken aboard have oftentimes questioned whether each
his vessels, but the captain regardless church ought not to make a special ef
of the owner's behest takes with him a Lfort to provide itself with true wine for
few gallons of . brandy. He drinks; is the use mentioned. It would bean easy '
shipwrecked; loses his own life—the matter to obtain the pure juice of the
lives of others are lost—the merchant grape, in almost every neighborhood in
is robbed of thousands. (p. 143.) This our country now. But laying this con- ;
is not a solitary instance—but where is siderution out of view, we repeat the '
the guilt It is shared by the captain, DISHONESTY of this business sears the
the maker and the vender. So in every conscience, and ruins the dealer. The
other ease, The guilt is with the par-, merchant knows it, the taverner knows
ties—not with the victim alone. I it.—They are brothers in guilt. Yet
FIFTHLY. To say nothing here of theithe worst of consequences fall upon the
diseases caused by this traffic—what is consumer. His nerves must be made
it that Of all antecedent causes most of iron and his stomach of platina to
ruins soubi ? is it not this demon ofwithstand the constant corrision of these ,
intemperance the o ff spring of the tra ffi c ,
mixtures saturated with poisonousdrugs.
" From the Good Samaritan.
Temperance Discussion - 6 ' Should
the Church DieciplinePP &cc.
" Weighed in the Balance, and found
Wanting !"
So common have these frauds become,
that whenever we see a friend using
wine we think we see his bowels con
torted with the gripes of nus: comics.
..\\ hat killed Gen. M--, of 8.1
what killed Maj. Gen. M , of W.
C. 1 bilious cholic after drinking wine !
What had nearlyakilled Rev. Dr. M—,
bilious cholic after drinking wine I The
list might be increased, but what need 1
—The dishonesty of the whislcey-bran
dy-wine-dealing gentry is notorious :
and the frauds proclaim the business
wholy and decidedly immoral. The
wholesale manufacturer or merchant
stands beside the streamlet heads, and
as the rills gather by his help, ho casts
herein the poisons which grow into
death: and the vender is the knowing tool
which lie employs to complete his accur
sed work. And the brewer of ale which
he draws from his rat-soaking vats, and
the ale and beer loving community par
take of their guilt. Were it not for
these lighter drinks thousands would
never use the stronger, and hence would
never become inebriates. (Comp. Per.
Tem. Doc. pp. 21-27, 136, 198-217,
328, 581-424 Barnes' Serm's, &c.
But, to sum up, for we do not wish
to be tedious.--is not THAT IMMORAL,
which creates unnatural appetites; which
perverts the bounties of Providence;
which creates and perpetuates Idleness,
pauperism and intemperance; which
diminishes the wealth of the people;
which impairs their health and spreads
disease ; which deterioates their intel
lect ;
which corrupts their morals and
fearfully increases crime; which increa
ses public burdens and taxes: which
shortens many lives ; which precipi
tates multitudes into eternal death ; and
does this too by deceptions and frauds
and dishonest speculations)—He that
cannot arrive at a definite conclusion in
this matter, and who cannot instanter
render a verdict of guilty, is incapable
of reasoning. He is an idiot and can
' not tell that two and two make four ; or
else his moral sensibilities are so blunt
ed by gain or self-love or prejudice that
lie has no heart to feel for the miseries
of his species. •
Let us suppose for a moment, that it
was arsenic and not alchohol, which thus
mixed up with water and drugs and su
' gar, &c. was sold in tasteful and be
witching draughts to our fellow men.
Would any reasonable man hesitate for
a moment what judgment to form of
such A trafic 1 And suppose that this
arsenic were inserted into our bread
stuffs—each loaf containing a portion—,
diseases spreading and deaths occurring
all around. When discovered, one uni
versal cry of indignation would ring
through the land. The culprits enga
ged in such a nefarious business would
be dragged to condign punishment. But
why rouse public sentiment more aganst
; the mon who poisons the bread of man
kind, than against him who poisons
their drink 1 Is the brewer or distiller
less guilty than the baker would be, in
the case supposed 1 Not one whit.
But we must resume the train of this
argument in the next number.
Yours, respectfully.
• Valley, Pa. Feb. 14, 1849. •
Sheldrake's Alleghany House,
- -
No. 280 3farket Street, above Eight/c,
(South side ) )
rums large and splendid Hotel has been fur
l_ Wished with entire new furniture. The bar
Room is the largest in Philadelphia. The Par
tors and Sitting-Rooms are entirely separated
front the noise and bustle, consequent to the ar
rival and departure of cars. The Portico ex
lending the whole front of the house, affords a
cool retreat in warm weather, and a splendid
view of the greatest thoroughfare in the City.
The Lodging Rooms are well furnished. The
Table as well provided for as at any other Hotel,
with every attention of the managers to make it
the best Hotel for Merchants and HusinessMen
during their stay in the City. Tire terms will
lie one dollar per day, On the arrival of the
Cara from the West, a Porter will be in attend
ance to convey baggage, &e. to the Hotel,which
is adjoining the depot.
Feb. 13, 18.19 6m.
lot & a. M, flown,
Broom and Wooden ware Store,
No. 63 North Third Street, or.e door above Arch,
East Side,
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in all
kinds of Brooms, Brushes, Buckets, Cedar
Ware, Willow and French Baskets,
Shoe and Wall Brushes, Scrubs,
Dusters, Mate, Blacking,
Eastern-made Wooden Ware
of ci iption, &c., at the low
est market prices. Cash paid for Broom Corn.
March 20, 1849-3 m.
Inform the public that they have received
splendid and extensive assortmentof
all kinds of
which they ate determined io sell at prices to
suit ALL. They invite the public to call and ex
amine their Goods.
Huntingdon, Nor. 21, 1848.
Look out for Bargains !
Afore Watches, Jewelry, Silver Spoons,
• &c., 4T.
A NOTHER superior lot of GOLD and .SIL
VER IVATOHES of various descriptions,
will be received and opened this evening at the
" Huntingdon Jewelry Store." Also—Gold
Finger Rings, Gold Pens, Steel Reads, Pistols,
&G., &c. J. T. SeOTT.
Huntingdon, Feb. N, IS 10.
last of Leid , ert4
REMAINING in the Post Office at Huntingdon,
Pa., on the 31st day of March, 1810, and which
if not lifted on or before the first day of July
next, will be sent to the General Post Office as
dead letters.
Lynn John
Langfeld Isaac
Lavery James
Anderson William
Brooks Letitia
Benlaugh J. G. Revd.
Brooks Marinh
Bacon Geo. V.
Bowler! Patrick
Beckman Theodore
Barnwell Sarah
Bales Simon
Butler James
Boyles Patrick
Barringer Joseph
Beety Martin
Ball J. N.
Montgomery William
Mayer Henry
Malloy Hugh
Manny Thomas
McNally Peter
Murry John J. 2
Masson Edward W.
Mannion Dan.
McHugh Francis
Marshall Joseph
Mateer William
Malone Thomas
Murphy Martin
McCracken Joseph
McCartney Win. F.'.
Malloy Thomas
McMagan James
Morrison John
Morrison Eleanor Mu
Murphy John
McGrann Philip
Miller llenrietta Mrs.
McLaughlin Patrick
Mooney Thomas 2
McCulloch Geo.
Miller Sarah A.
Manelis Patrick
McCoy Hezchiah
Messer Smith John
Crozier Ann B. Miss
Corbin Nicholas
Coleman Vane
Convery John N.
Crotzer Wm.
Clark Patrick
Cunningham John
Couch Samuel
Campbell Charles
Corbet Mary
Cree David
Comas Patrick
Coningham J. At at L
Creig John
Corbet Steward
Corran John
Clinger James
Cummings Robert
Carlin Patrick
Cornprobst Henry
Cirtis John
Carson Charles
Cornelieus Geo. W.
Cough Joseph
Curtis Edward F.
Cowden Charles
N. A. P
Nail Elizabeth
O'Donnell James
O'Donnell John 2
Oakman Joseph
O'Donnell Tim
Patton James M.
Proudfoot Alex. R
Doolan John
Devine James
Dolen Thomas
Dolen John
Drinks Anthony
Davis W.
Quinn Jame;
Ross John --
Raker Jacob
Richard Mary A. Mk
Rowland James &
Rutter Daniel
Reidenour Levi
Ryan John •1
Rox John
Ricker George
Reed Jane Miss
Roily Edward
Richardson Thomas
Roles Richard
Sipe George
Swinehart William
Sprinkle Absalom
Stonier Isaac
Sheeter Henry .
Stewart John P. 2
Selfrich William
Shaver John
Snider Frederick
Smith G. 2
Smith Gerome
Shinefelt A. B.
Saiher William
Speck Adam
Sharrer George
Snyder Daniel
Stare Jacob
Stevens O.
Shoffner Margaret
Sinky Sherri. Sam.
Snyder Charles
Sehuremen Henry
Souders Catharine Mis
Tipton Amos
Tocklin Thomas
Thompson Alexander
Wight Eliza
Wilson James
Whittaker Thomas
Welch Timothy
Waldron Matthew
White Adolphus P.
Woods Samuel S.
Watts Thomas
Wright N. N.
Worrell Alexander
Wilt A. M.
I:enter John
Earnest Henry
Evers Patrick
Ford John
Fox Bernard
Fink Mary P.
Fulton James
Foster David
Gorsuch Stephen 2
Gallaher Patrick
Gray J. W.
Gunnell Jno R.
Goodman Wm
Gorman James
Goodman Marks
Geiger John
Gaynor John
Galbraith James W
Garland Revd. M.
Gavegan Murt
Gaughan John
Henegan Thos.
Hicks Samuel
Heaton Joseph P.
Harker Samuel
Heslap Thomas
Ilarper Wm.
Hoffman George
Hoban Michael
Hawn George
Hutchison Wm.
Harvey & Son
Hight t. James
Hubbell Alfred
Jones Fanny MN.
Jarboe Thomas A.
Johnston John
Jarboe Alexander
Jarvis & Boatman
Kelly James
Knepp Jacob
Kerns James
Kurtz Josiah
Kemp Mary Miss 2
Kyler Thomas
Kunkle William L.
Keehn Edward
L Young Daniel
Lewis John 2 Young Lewis
Longenecker 'Jacob Yaw Elizabeth
Persons inquiring for letters on the above
List will please say they are advertised.
Erg — Two cents in addition to the regular pos
tage charged on advertised letters.
Huntingdon, March 31,'49.
Nos. 32 and 83 Arcade. and 83 North Third St,
COUNTRY Merchants can save from 10 to IF,
per cent by purchasing at the above stoma,—
By importing my own goods, paying but little
rent, and living economically, it is plain I can un
dersell those who purchase their goods here, pay
high rents, and lire like princes.
Constantly on hand. a large assortment of Pen
and Pocket Knives, Scissors and Razors. Table
Knives and Forks, in Ivory, Stag, Buffalo, Bone
and Wood handles; Carvers and Forks, Steels,
&e. Butcher Knives, Pirko, Bowie Knives. Re
volving and Plain Pistols, &c. Just received, a
large stock of Rodgers' an,l Wostenholm's fine
Pen and Congress Ku'
Also, a large amine
&c. Also, Fine Bn
iment of Accordeons,&e.,
igli.h Twiot and Gorman
j u ne c 2 K 0 L.
AL , _
Constantly on hand
and for sale by
J. PAL?dER, & Co.
Market St. Wharf,
Feb. 27, 1849.-Sm
Cromeliais & Firmlitr,
No. 11, Walnut Street, Philadelphia,
Wine, Liquor and General Commission
WINE'S, Brandies, Gin, and Champaigne of
dilferent brandeiruported direct, and sold on
accommodating terms to Country Dealers. Qual
ities and proof of Liquors wrrranted.
Philadelphia, June 20,1849.
Walters & Harvey,
[I .ate Hazlehurst & Harvey]
Produce and General Commission Merchants,
Noe. 16 & 16 Spear's Wharf, FOR BALE.
Ilalliniore.A FIRST RATE new one horse wagon, Which
Liberal Cash advances made on consignments ill the subscriber wllll sell cheap for Cash.
of all kinds of Produce.
April 3,18,19-3 m
r^A o K u B r, th i sarid
e l d u o t (* h i: l e o n r, ! ;l I v 2 e
l alt] t c a t
has leased the large and commodious, home on
Allegheny street,qluntingdon, Pa., honor!: as
occupied for seveml years by Mrs. E. Clarke,
and lately by John Marks, as a public house.—
She will be found tht re on and alter the Ist of
April. 1819, prepared to accommodate all who
may favor her with a call in a manner that can•
not he surpassed by any oilier house in the
will always be ruin ished with the very best that
the market will afford. In short, nothing will
be left nudene that will in any way add to t h e
comfort of her customers, as she is determined
not .o be beat.
The location of the "Mansion House" is de
cidedly the best in the borough; the rooms are
large, will he well furnished, and made comfort
able in every particular.
Regular boarders will be accommodated at
moderate prices.
March :20, 1849.
THE subscribers, residents of Shad.;
I Gap, Huntingdon county, Pa., beg
leave to inform their friends and the pub
lic generally, that they have established
at the place above mentioned, a BOARD
ING SCHOOL for the education of
young men. _
The course of instruction comprises,
in addition to the usual branch(:s of a
common English education: Philosophy,
Mathematics, and the Latin nod Greek
languages. The location is dirtingliished
for its healthfulness and the moral and
I religious character of the surrounding
community Every attention will be
paid to the health and morals of the pu
pits as well as to their mental training
and advancement in scientific knowl
edge, and every facility will be aflbrded
for their personal comfort and conveni
ence. The year is divided into two ses
sions of five months each ; the winter
session commencing on the Ist of No
vember, and the Summer session com
mencing on the 23rd of April.
Terms per Session :—For Orthogra
phy, Reading and Writing, $5. Arith
metic, Geography, Grammar, Philoso
phy, History and composition, sB.
Mathematics, Greek and Latin lan
guages, $l2. Boarding, exclusive of
fuel and light, $1.25 per week. Instruc
tion given in French and German, at an
additional charge. The subscribers, en
couraged by the liberal patronage which
they have already received, would re-
peat, that they are determined to spare
no effort in making the Institution one
that will commend itself to all parents
who desire to give their sons in thorough
preparatory education, without expo
sing them to the contaminating and im
moral influences that exist in more pop
ulous communities. For reference or
further particulars address
J. H. W. McGINNE . -.
Shade Gap, March 13, 1819.
Vegetable trtiveri,4lll
The only known jieclicine.that at the same
time purges, purifies and strenvhens
the system. _
LoNnoN,July 7, ISM
TIM LE ROY'S Pillitare a new mediciA which
jJ hasjust appeared,and isles' takingthe place.
of all others of the same class. 'These pills ere
composed of many ingredients, but the two princi
pal ones are Sareaparilla and Wild C berry,. uni
ted that they act together; the one, through it
admixture with other substances, purifying and
purging, while the other is strengthening the sys
tem. Thus those pills are at the some time tonic
and opening; a desideratum long and eagerly
nought for by medical men, but never before din
coeered. In other words they do the work of taco
medicines, and do it touch better than any two we
know of; for they removenothingfrom the system
but the impurities; so that while they purge they
istiengthen; and hence they eause no debilitation,
and are followid by no reaction. Dr. Le Itoy's
pills have a wonderfulinfluence on the blood; they
not only purify without weakening it. but they re
, move all noxious particles from the chyle bermeit
1 is converted into fluid, and thus make impure
blood an utter itoposeibility. As there is no debit
itation,so there is no nausea or sickness attending
the operations of this most excellent of ntedicinea
I which never strains or tortures the digestive fuse
' tions,butcauses thorn to work in a perfectly natur
al manner; and hence persons taking them do not
become pale and emaciated, but the contrary ; for
while it is the property of the Sarsaparilla, united
as itis with other ingredients, to remove all that is
foreign and impure, it is equally the property of
the Wild Cherry to retain all that is natural and
i sound; and hence a robust state of health is the
certain result of their united oporatione.
(1:). Price 25 Cenhper BOX.
AGENTS.—T. Read & Son, Swoop() & Af
rica, Huntingdon; W. W. Buchanan, Milliki
and Kessler, M ill-C reek ; S. H atfield & Son,Juni
eta Iron Works; Porter & Bucher, Moore &
Swoope, H. C. Walker, A lexandria; G. .Steiner
Wateretreet. [Aug. 31,'47.
Washington Gallery of Daguerrotypes,
No. 231 North Second Street, N. W. corner of
Callotehill Street , rirrLADELPllll.
rpHE Likenesses taken and beautifully colored
jet this well known establishment, for UNE DOL
LAR, are universally conceded to be zuusz in ev•
my respect to ANY in the city. Pictures token
equally well in cloudy and clear weather. A
large assortment of N i EDALLIONS and LOCKETS
on hand, from $2 to $6, including the picture.
The subscribers respectfully invite the citizens
of liunsi,,gdon County, to call and examine ape
ciinens of the latest improvements in the art of
Daguerreoty ping, which will Re exhibited cheer
fully and without chat go
.fitly 4; 1248
T. - &. J. C. TENNENT
M arch 20, 1849,
G Id t; EA'S
&c., &c., ckc
MY DEAD MAN READ THU if you haw got
DrseErstA or ASTIIMA conifer front general lia
bility ,or any complaint resuliing from derange.
inent of the stomach. You would give a good
deal to get well, woultritt iou ? Then just give
a LITTLE, and try Green's Oxygenated Bitters.
Its justthe thing for you. The Doctor discover
ed this medicine only after long and careful study
—to cure a friend too—not to make money out of
it. Look at the evidence of its efficacy and you
will he satisfied.
BituneliTOWN, March 16, 1848.
DR. GREENE—I take great pleasure in inform
ing you of the effects of the medicine culled Ox
ygenated Bitters you had the kindness to scud
me. For some twenty years I had suffered se
verely from humored Asthma. I was compelled
to sit up one third of the night, without going to
bed at all ; rind the rest of the time my sleep war
interrupted by violent fits of coughing and great
ihfficulty of breathing. In all my tittendance
upon our courts I Dever went to bed ill Not thump.
ton in twenty years but twice, and then . was com
pelled to get up. Now I lie in bed without diffi
culty, and sleep soundly. I took your medicine
uccerding to directions. .The violent symptoms
immediately abated, and perseverance in the use
of the remedy hoe removed till its troublesome
consequences. The value of such a remedy is
incalculable, and f hope its virtues may be wide
ly diffused and its benificent agency extensively
cm p °yell.
Respectfury yours,
Can Po. Juno 10, 1848
Messrs. Collier & Bro
Gentleman—ln reply to your note as to the
efliict of the Oxygenated Bitters in my case. I
would say, that I have been afflicted with Dyspep
sia about nix years, and have tried many known
remedies, liut obtained no relief, until n friend
recommended the Oxygenated Bitters. * * • *
I was finally induced to procure two bottle; of
you, and I hod not taken half a bottle before I
felt its effects upon my system , and after the use
of tho second bottle, I found' nrysel in a etato of
health as unexpected as it was gratifying. To
the afflicted I have no hesitation in recommend
ing tho Bitters, as superior to any medicine I
have ever heard of for the cure of Dyspepsia.
Very Respectfully yours,
The following Certificates have re
cently been received :
WAsur :rwro,r, D. C., June 10, 1846.
Having tnade use of the ”Oxygenated Bitters"
prepared by Dr. Geo. B. Green, of NA' indoor, VI ,
r nd from knowledge obtained of their efficacy in
other crises, we cheerfully recommend them to the
public, believing that they will fully sustain the
recommendation of the Proprietor. V 1 o hope
that this valuable remedy may be so generally alit.
fused throughout the country that it may be ac
cessible to all the Alicia.
SAMUEL PIIELI'N, C. S. Senators from
Wm. UPHAM, S Vermont.
JAMES F. SIMMONR, U. S. Senator from
Rhode Island.
J. T. MOREHEAD, U. S. Senator and for
merly Governor of Kentucky.
L. H. ARNOLD, .llember of Congress and
formerly Governor of R. I.
Wm. WOODBRIDGE, U. S. Senator and
formerly Governor of Xichigan.
M. L. MARTIN, Delegate in Congressfrom
Wisconsin Territory.
Pram the Hon. SOLOMON FOOT, Member of Con
grass from Vermont.
GtrEEN & FLETCHER, General Agents. No. 28,
I South Sixth St, Philadelphia.
Sold wholesale and retail by Timm sa HEAT •de
Sox, Huntingdon, Pa.
Price—sl.oo per bottic: siz !mulch
for $5.00.
August 15, 1848.
THIS Popular House has recently undergone a
thorough repair, and been furnished will,
entire new furniture, of the best quality. Mem
bers of the Legislature and others, visiting the
Seat of Government, will find it u very desirable
stopping place.
07 - Charges moderate.
WM. T. SANDERS, Agent.
HJulyarrisburg, 14,1848-6 m.
Worsdell is Vegetable Restorative Pills
TA A VE been gradually but surely coning into
favor, among the families of this Country for
some years post They have done this entirely
throubh their great worth as a FAMILY Mk El
win. Agencies have been appointed but no
puffing and humbug such as is, resorted to by
quacks to sell their medicine has been done.
The pills are offered fot sale and have and will
continue to be sold by all the pi inciplo store
keepers. The proprietors claim for their Medi
cine the following advantages over all other:—
viz: They eta PURELY VEGETABLE.—
. They are CERTAIN TO OPERATE. Their
el:oration is FREE from all PAIN. They can
be used with EQUAL PENEFIT by they ming
Their efficiency in Fevers, Ague, Headaches,
Habitual Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Cholera Alm
' bus. &c.. has been proven upon thousands.—
' They area Cousin Cure for Worm.. The pio
prietors possess a certificate front a gentleman in
' St. Louts who was cured of a TAPE WORM by
the are of them. Try them they will not fail.
Travelling agent for the State of Pennsylva
Ma—CHARLES P. AMET. For sale, price 2.1.
cents a box containing FIFTY PILLS, with full
directions by the following agent. in Huntingdon ,
Thomas 'Read & Son. Huntingdon.
Thomas E. Orbition, Orbisonin.
J. M. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg, Illair CO.
A. WEEKS & Co.
Proprietors, Laboratory N 0.141 Chesnut 4treer,
January 23, 1849—1 y,
Perfumes, Hair Oils, Soaps, Shaving Cream, &c.
A very large lot of Roussell's unrivalled.
Shaving Cream, &c., &c., just opening at the
Huntingdon Jewelry Store. 1t is decidedly the
best assortment in town and will be sold very
Boots and Shoes.
THE largest, finest and best assort
_l ment of Boots and Shoes, ever
brought to town, for sale by
J. JrV. SA 3C WIN'