Interesting Confab. NEW Goons! .Hob you get de *der Petel de The " old Locust Comer' , white oti yeitr eyes stn yeller as saffrum. 'Hush gout mouf on dose insinsidious Ahead!! risherSlOnzrtrio de. co., caparisons, Sanibel! Pse got the Calum. TTAVE i t i received a large and splendid as fornea gold 'fever — wen de crisis arribes ~ n ~,,„„;„u , °, of in de delirium stages, den die indervid• nal slim leabe: for the rogue of perpet- SPRING 86 SUMMER GO! OS ual ed. Dot is, Sambo i perwidecl Con. I which they ere ' , ee 11eg... usual, at extremely guess does not perhiblt; lit, to take our 1 l'w profits, Theit stack consists of a general 1 assortMeht, rid opted to the wants of all. Se.- and oder real estate %yid us.' sonable DRESS CIOODS for Ladies and Gen 'NV ell, Pete, you is insane! A Gem- tietnen; lintlY.M iDE CLOTHING, Bon man of your color to talk about foolishing \ nets, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, after dese visiumary white folks down Groceries, &c., Ore. In short, the o OLD LOCUST Cape Horn. 1 guess 'twill be in n horn I cottons" continues to be the dey'll find thnr de gold! If you includes "GRAND BAZAR ' ' , to take de stages, Pete, I shall detract b w a h where thing useful c,oa e a r ni t l ha o n .nalen b t e al, r LI! my remarks on your appear:me, and sub- , red elsewhere. Their motto is •, Quick P Lealts atertute darefore dui all ob a color, all All who desire to supply . sad t-mall Profits." over alike, you is de darkest, greenest themselves with good goods, at tow prices, will nigga in Belknap street., you is a disgrace' give them a call. to the whole colored sex! you is as green March 27,1849. ____ as geese!' ammovaL I Empty din buildin' of your presence Capt. David Hazzard, Snmbo, or I'm not 'ponsible for your ear- NU OULD respectfully informal! his cid friends ly decease.' VI/ and customers—whien includes about the entire population—that he hos removed DEM'S 'Ex.—A pious old negro, while Standing-Stone Head-Quarters saying grace at the table, not only used to the room next door to Prewell'a Store, directly to ask a blessing on nll he had upon his opposite Wallace's Washington Hotel,. Where he board, but would also petition to hove has fitted up au some deficient dishes supplied. One crzi.2,2litz 0,410011 s day it was known that Cato was out of shove ground, which can't he beat on the Juniata. potatoes, and suspecting that he would i The lovers of good Oysters can slway •be so pray for the some nt dinner, a wag pro- conunodated by giving him acall. vided himself with a small measure of 1 His new stand fitted up ni ,; o n n w p n urp , ose" torte n. ..old the vegetables, and stole under the win- c c 7 dow near which stood the table of our p n terit e herefor ' e " ho n pes g tha l t ' hie friends of both sexes will extend to him a liberal support. colored christian; soon Cato drew up a CONFECTIONARIES, APPLES, chair and commenced. NUTS, &c., &c., always on hand "Oh manna Lord! will dowdy provident March 6, 1849. kindness condesend to brass every tang before us; and be pleased stow upon us just a few tnters—and all de praise,"— (Here the potatoes were dashed upon NEFF BROTHER the table; breaking plates and upsettin g T_TA , V h , E i rjouisdt stand,ece i & i4n loo: Market; q i n u e t . r i ,, the mustard pot,) "Dery em, mnssa 1- Huttingdon, Pa. the most fashionable and su. Lord!" said Cato, "only jist lull 'em perb assortment of down a little easier next time!" Clocks, Watches di. Jewelry i ever offered is this place. Their stork consists' CURIOUS ERRATUM—TiIe editor of a' in part of English & Anchor Lever, Chronom country paper, speaking of the people ete•, Duplex and Lepine GOLD Vs ATCHES. of France, says, in a beautifull rui mina. Every variety of Levi r, L'Epine, Quartier anti tiny leader: "When the Provisional Gov- English SILVER WATCHES. Eight-Day I and Thirty hour BB ASS execs. ernment promised the laboring classes, Their Jewelry hes been selected with such that they should never again want either I care in regard to Fashion,Elegance and Quality work, or high wages, them asses acutal. , so to chellerice c omparison and defy competition ly believed it." , it embraces Diamond Breast Pins and Finger We thought this rather strong, and a Rings, Gold Rings and Pencils,Pe n n d s, Spect. little ungramatical, when the next . cleit, &, c ; , n t t oget her of ‘ii ,v withE; n at aIgAVCICLES. e x trusiv e .ley week's paper contained the following: , here also a well chosen Bopp'' , of Perfumery, ERRATUM.—For "them asses" 111 our 1 Soap aid Fancy s int i onnry , last, read ..the masses." N. B. Clocks, %Vetches, end Jewelry prompt- However there is n deal of coarse ly repaired and warranted. The public ore po truth wrapt up in a bit of bad grammar : Mel) , requested to call and ex •e the: stock. sometitnes. For ourselves, we dectdediy prefer them asses London Punch THE ELOQUENCE OF MOTIUN—Every one has heard of action, action of Dem osthenes, and of what a variety of emo tions and passions Roscious could ex press by mere gestures; let it not be sup posed, however that such perfections of art belong to the ancients only. The fol lowing anecdote of W illinm C. Preston, is Illustrative of our remarks. Some years ago, among a thousand others, we were Henning to one of his harrangues from the stump. Besides us was one as deaf as a post, in breathless attention, catching apparently every word that fell from the orator's lips. Now the tears of delight would roll down his cheeks in an ungovernable extticy, lie would shout applause which might have been mista ken for the noise of a small thunder• storm. At lenght Preston launched out one of those passages of massive decla mations which those who have heard him know him to be so capable of utter ing. In magnificent splendor it was what Byron has described, the moun tain storms of Jura. Its effect upon the multitude was like a whirlwind. Our deaf friend could contain himself no longer—but bawling into our ear as if he would blow it open with a tempest he cried—' Who's that a speak ingl' 'Wil liam C. Preston!' replied we, as loud as our lungs would let us. 'Who!' inquir ed he, still louder than before. 'Wil liam C. Preston, of South Carolina!' re peated we almost splitting our throat in effort. 'Well! well! returned he, can't bear a darned word lie or your are say ing, but great Jerico don't he do tke motions splendid.' A. WEDDING IN JAIL.—The Cincinnati Dispatch gives an account of a Wedding in jail; the parties being a young man, confined for an offence which will, upon proof, send him to the penitentiary—the other, a young girl, his betrothed, who insisted upon marrying her felon lover. She persisted against all opposition, pro curul the license herself, and taking a magistrate with her went to the jail, and was united in the holy bonds of wedlock which the law must suon sever. A New SPECIES or Wl,EAT.—Advices from St. Petersburg state that a peasant, named Baltowish, in the district of Bender, has discov ered a new species of wheat, distinguished by its greater fertility, its deep amber color, and its early ripening, and by its being less affected by drought than any other variety Be obser ved in his crops certain ears which were longer and became ripe earlier than the rest of the crop.—These were collected, and sowed seper. ately, and the result was an abundant harvest and in the introduction of a new and valuable variety of wheat. (p- A h me!" said a pious old Scotch lady, "cur mini:ter was a powerful preac'ter; for the short time he minister• ed the word among us he kicked three pulpits t.) pieces, and banged the innards out of fire bibles." Great Centre of Attraction 1 FOR THE LAUXES I Milliner & Mantua-Maker. , The !Lilly ue‘ Active Loin form the Ladies of ifuntingdon end .ioinriy that she carries on the above named business ■t the residence of Matthew Illownover, at the Jail, where she will receive any work in her bite of business. She fee a confident that the neat. ness as well as the durability of her work will recommend her to the patronage of the Ladles of Huntingdon. MARTHA McCRUM. March 27, 1849—im. TOMES 8 MILE'S Unrivalled Perfumes, Hair Oil, Tooth Paste and Powder, Soaps, Shaving Cream, &c. The Largeet, Cheapest and beat assortment of the above named articles ever opened in h un tingdon, just received and for sale wholesale and retail by NEFF & nno March 20,1849. .9DMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Estate of _MICHAEL H. DEITR ICH, late of IVaeriot smack township, dee'd. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Admin istration on the estate of M. H. Deitrich, late of Warriormark twp.. Hunt. co., dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make imme diate payment, and those having claims or de mands agsinst the same to present them duly an thenticated for settlement to JAMES THOMSON, Administrator Feb. 27, 1840, spring Millinery Goods. Sohn Stone & lons, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Silks, Ribbons and Millinery Goods, No. 45 South Second Street, above Chesnut, PHILADELPHIA, WOULD call the attention of Merchants and Milliners visiting the city, to their large and rich assortment of Spring Mlillinery Goods, Received by late arrivals from France, such as Glace Silks for casing bonnet., Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons—a large and beautiful essoriment of all price.; Plain Mantua and Satin Ribbons, from No. 1 to No. 12; French and American Artificial Flower., (in great variety) ; Colored and White Crapes; Fancy Laces and Nets; French Chip Bats; Face Trin mings—Quillings ; Covered Whalebones—Cane : Buckrams—Willow ; Bonnet Crowns and Tips, Together with every article appertaining to the Millinery trade. March 27,1849. CITIZENS OF HUNTINGDON COUNTY, NOW'S YOUR TIME TO GET THE WORTH OF YOUR MONEY ! J. & W. SAXTON, Inform the public that they have received splendtd and extensive-aksortmentof all kinds of FALL & WINIER GOODS, which they are determined io cell at prices to suit •LL. They invite the public to call and ex amine their Goode. Huntingdon, Nor. 21, 1818. last of LeMery REMAINING in the Post Office at Huntingdon, Pa., on the 31st day of March, 1819, and which if not lifted on or before the first day of July next, will be sent to the General Post Office as dead letters. A. Lynn John Anderson William. Lungfeld Isaac B. Lavery James Brooks Letitia Benlaugh J. G. Revd. Montgomery William Brooks Mariah Mayer Henry Bacon Geo. V. Malloy Hugh Bowlen Patrick Manny Thomas Beckman Theodore McNally Peter Barnwell Sarah Murry John J. 2 Bales Simon Masson Edward W. Butler James Mannion Dan. Boyles Patrick McHugh Francis Barringer Joseph Marshall Joseph Beety Martin Mateer William Ball J. N. Malone Thomas C. Murphy Martin Crozier Ann B. Miss McCracken Joseph Corbin Nicholas McCartney Wm. F. 2 Coleman Velina Mußoy Thomas Convery John N. McMagan James Crotzer Wm. Morrison John Clark Patrick Morrison Eleanor Mc Cunningham John Murphy John : Couch Samuel McGrann Philip Campbell Charles Miller Henrietta Mrs Corbet Mary McLaughlin Patrick Cree David Mooney Thomas 2 Cocoon Patrick McCulloch Gco. Coningham J. At at L. Miller Sarah A. Creig John Manelis Patrick Corbet Steward McCay Hezekiah Conan John Messer Smith John Clinger James Cummings Robert Carlin Patrick Cornprobst Henry Cirtis John Canon Charles Comelieus Geo. W Cough Joseph Curtis Edward F Cowden Charles D. Doolan John Devine James Dolen Thomas Dolen John , Drinks Anthony I Davis W N. A. P. Nail Elizabeth O'Donnell James O'Donnell John 2 Oakmnn Joseph O'Donnell 'rim Patton James M. Proudfoot Alex. It Quinn Jame; Ross John Raker Jacob Richard Mary A. Mil Rowland James & Rutter Daniel Reidenour Levi Ryan John 4 Rox John Ricker George Reed Jane Miss Reily Edward Richardson Thomas Roles Richard E. Earnest Henry Evers Patrick Ford John Fox Bernard Fink Mary P. Fulton James Foster David G. Gorsuch Stephen 2 Gallaher Patrick Gray J. W. Gosnell Jno R. Goodman Wm Gorman James Goodman Marks Geiger John Gaynor John Galbraith James W. Garland Revd. M. Gavegan Murt Gaughan John H. Ilenegan Thos. Hicks Samuel 1 Heaton Joseph P. Harker Samuel Heslap Thomas Harper Wm. Hoffman George Hoban Michael Hawn George Hutchison Wm. Harvey & Son I Hight T. James Hubbell Alfred J. Jones Fanny Mrs. ! Jarboe Thomas A. Johnston John Jarboe Alexander Jarvis & Boatman Sipe George Swinehart William Sprinkle Absalom Stoufer Isaac Sheeter Henry Stewart John P. 2 Selfrich William Shaver John Snider Frederick Smith G. 2 Smith Gerome Shinefelt A. B. Saiher William Speck Adam Sharrer George Snyder Daniel Stare Jacob Stevens D. Shoffner Margaret Sinky Shem. Sam. Snyder Charles Schureman Henry Souders Catharine Mil Tipton Amos Tocklin Thomas Thompson A lexander Wight Eliza Wilson James Whittaker Thomas Welch Timothy Waldron Matthew White Adolphus P. Woods Samuel S. Watts Thomas Wright N. N. Worrell Alexander Wilt A. M. Y Yenter John M. K. Kelly James Knepp Jacob Kerns James Kurtz Josiah Kemp Mary Miss 2 Kyler Thomas Kunkle William L. Keelan Edward L Young Daniel Lewis John 2 Young Lewis Longenecker Jacob Yaw Elizabeth Persons inquiring for letters on the above List will please say they are advertised. Mr' Two cents in addition to the regular pos tage charged on advertised letters. F. B. WALLACE, P. M. Huntingdon, March 31, '49. M. & J. M. ROWE, Broom and Wooden ware store, No. 63 North Third Street, or.e door abort Arch, East Side, Philadelphia, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of Brooms, Brushes, Buckets, Cedar Ware, Willow and French Baskets, Shoe and Wall Brushes, Scrubs, Dusters, Mats, Blacking, Eastern•made N ooden Ware of every de m iption, &c., at the low eat market prices. Cash paid for Broom Corn. MANLY ROWE. JOHN. M, ROWE. March 20, 1849-3 m. Wm. T. W/LTEAI. CR•RLIII HARVEY. Wailers & Harvey, [Late Flaclohurst & Harvey] Produce and General Commiaeion Merchant:, No.. 16 & 16 Spear's Wharf, Baltimore. Liberal Cash advance. made on consignments of ell kinds of Produce. April 3,1849-3 m EAGLE LOON ! Major David McMurtrie MAKES great pleasure in announch g to the I public that he has leased the basement etory,of %RE'S ROW, where he has fitted up in au ?erior style an OYSTER !SALOON, which has already become the luau; . 'mon a of all who love good Oysters, served up in the inlit superior style—including the choi cest kind of fixin'a. The Major flatters himself that by unremit ting attention to the wants of his customers generally, he will receive a liberal share of pub lic patronage. A supply of Fruit, confectionartea, &c., &c., slway• on hand. Huntingdon, March 27, 1849. LANK DEEDS AND BONDS FOR D SALE AT THIS OFFICE. IMPORTANT 011 ANGE. I GREEMIS MRS. SUSAN HAMPSON, i OXYGENATED , MAKES this method of informing her older*. t HI TERN, ),. homers and the public generally that the 1 FOR THE CURE OF has Welted the large end commodious holm *" DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, Allegheny street, Huntingdon, Pa., known as Ze the n., &C•, &C. I •---- -- - ---- "TIANSION 111011SE,Il I STOP! S'T'OP! occupied for several years by Mrs. E. Clarke, Mr seas DIAN 11000 Tills if you have got and lately by John Marks, as a public house.—' DI-sex:es. of Asia.'" or suffer from general de- She will he found there on and after the Ist of briny, or any complaint resulting front derange- April, 1849, prepared to accommodate all who ' ment of the stomach. You would give a good may favor her with a call in a manner that can. I deal to get well, would'nt you 1 Then just give not be surpassed by any other house In Hiea "Free., and try tireen'e Oxygenated Bitter.. county. lite justthe thing for you. The Doctor discover- Ua qactACI.UU3 s , ed this medicine only after long and careful study —to cure a friend too—not to make money out of will always be furnished with the very best that . t Look t the evidence of its efficacy and you business, aitheirold stand , ' troo; sssssss tb• the market will afford. In short, nothing will ' ' !' will be satiefied. dwelling horse of J. G. Miles, Esq.. and directly be left undone that will in any way add to the . i Hon. Mr noo Lawnexce cured of ASTIMA. opposite the Printing Office of the • • flunting.len comfort of her customer., as she is determined not to be beat. Bsecueturowie, March 16,1818. Journal," where they will be pleased to furnish Da. Gie f e t rar e l— tre l ci t . ak o e r se e at p ed le i a ci s i u , :e c in all i e n d lo t r ) m , - i th ose who may favor them with their ellllll-111, le, it h The location of the "Mansion House" is de. . all articles in their line on the must rest, haler v ul a g en y o o t u ed o Bitter. you had ' the kindness to send , terme . Having supplied themse see with a !my , culeilly the best in the borough; the rooms are , I Me. For some twenty years I had suffered se- large and superior ' eck of afvff, they have no large, will be well furnished, and made comfort able in every particular. vereiy from humored Asthma. I was compelled ' hesitation in assuring the Public that they rate Regular boarders will be accommodated at to sit up one third of the night, without going to ' furnish work, which, for cheapness, brolly and moderate price.. , bed at all; and the rest of the ti m e my deep was durability ,cannot be purposed by any other shop March 20,1849. , interrupted by violent fits of coughing and great' in the county. ; SIDE BO4RDS, BvßEaus, 11111.NWOOD ACADEIIArk difficulty of breathing. In all my attendance . They will keep constantly on hand• sad make fTIHE subscribers, residents MPS hale' t u o P o on in o t u w r e c n , t u y rt y : e l a ci n ev b F t iv w e i i ie ; : :;: in i e r d e d d t 4N , Z i t s h. c uii , - .. i to order, Card Tables, Bedsteads, Centre Tables, I Gap, Huntingdon county, Pa., beo• ,Cu boards, Stands, Dough Troughs, = sleep „nf u oundly I I took y ' o v ur i' me t il min ?Nash Stands, Wardrobes, Secretaries, leave to inform their friends and the pub'. lie generally, that they hove es tablished according to dir r ections.. The violent eymptom: at the place above mentioned, a BOARD- immediately abated, and perseverance in the use ; ING SCHOOL for the education of of the remedy has removed ell its troublesome I Breakfast Tables, Pedestals, Ste. young men.consequences. The value of such a reined) , is I Old furniture repaired at the vary shortest ne- The course of instruction comprises, i inceleulable, andl hope its virtues may be wide, Lice. Cowers. rnude and funerals attended, either 'y diffused and its bentficent agency Oaten/11,1y in town or country, at the shortest notice. They in addition to the usual branches of a . re np. , oyed . krup a Hoarse for the accommodotion of their cup common English education: Philosophy, Respectful' y yours. turners. Mathematics, and the Latin and Greek .MY RON LAWRENCE. Gram of all kind. will be taken in exchange languages. The location is distinguished for furniture and work. for its healthfulness and the moral and ! DTSPE*I A CURED. Thank iulfor the very liberal patronage heretofore . Geria....,_.../u reply to your note a . t „ the tinunnceand increase of public patronage. ( .. , , A...,., , ,, Pa. hue 1 , , 1 , 48. extended to them, they astute the public that no religious character of the surrounding ; efforts will be spared 011 their part to deserve a con• community Every attention will be Mess.. Collier & Bro. paid to the health and morals of the Pu- effect of the Oxygenated Bitters in my c .iee 1 iii;ty 2, 184841. pHs as well as to their mental training would say, that I have been afflicted with Dyspep- r and advancement in scientific knowl- . ilia about. six years, and Ilene tried many known edge, and every facility will be afforded remedies. but obtained no relief Ulllii a friend for their personal comfort and conveni- recommended t i i: i e d, ° ‘, K .. ): l l:l i t i 7lert B r t' % ( ; '.. 0 .• L t . tlos of once. The year is divided into two ses- ' War "1”" sold after the use . 7'he only knoWn Medicine that at the sat you, and I Lel not taken procure a bottle t before I : Vegeta ble Ills? time purges r purifics and strengthens " sions of five months each ; the winter felt it. effects upe „ . y 8 ,,,, e . , session commencing on the Ist of No-' of the second bottle, I found myseif in a ewe of, vember, and the Summer session com• health as unexpected an it was gratifying. l'o, the system. mencing on the 23rd of April. the iffilicted I have no hesitation in recommend- ' 1 )11. Lc Roy-s pins... a new medicine which Lonnow,July 7,184 e. in the Bitters , as superior to any medicine I 1 .. of all others of the same clam These pill. are Terms per Session :—For °allegro ate ever heard of for the corset phy, Reading and Writing, $5. Arith- has just appeared,and isfast taking the placer Very Respectfully yours, metic, Geography, Grammar, Philos°. MADSON M. LE V4'ISI. , play, History and composition, sB. _ composed of many ingredient., but the two prinei lial ones are Sarsaparilla and Wild ('1 e • ' Mathematics, Greek and Latin ran- The following Certificates have re- , 1 "" in ' while the other is strengthening the eye t that they act together; the one, through it guages, $:2. Boarding, exclusive of 1 cently been received: , admixture with other substance., purifying end Thus those pills are at the some time trmie fuel and light, $1.25 per week. Instrue- I w•anisaTos, D. c., June in, 1( . 446. ~ purging, e ared b Dr. Geo. B. Green, of Windsor, Vt e ' a g Ed opening ; a desideratum long and eegerly Having made use of the “Oxygenated Balers tom. lion given in French and German, at an I •orered. 111 other words they do the work ale 0 additional charge. The subscribers, en- t P i r iSfrom knowledge obtained of their efficacy in medicines. and do it much better than , mght for by medical men, but never before dip couraged by the liberal patronage which other cues, we cheerfully recommend them to the know of; for they remove nothing from s t o hn usl' vi n t' s they have already received, would re- public, believing that they will fully sustain the but the impurities ; and hen s c o e t t h h a e t y w c h a i i l i t , ;:h n e o v d p e u ,i r i g P i Y i e:t:l: 4 7 , , peat, that they are determined to spare recommendation of the Proprietor. %Ye hope able remedy may be so generally dif no re.action. Dr. Le 110,'. no effort in making the Institution one tli a I e fu e s . e g d ilii t e hr w ou zi a i nu te t t a ti ffi e k e te o d untry that it may be ac-' , , o , ougiiinii; that will commend itself to all parents who desire to give their sons a thorough c .O.AMUEL PHELPS, U. S. Senators front' sod a" follow, dby pills have a wonderful ntl ueace on the blood . ; thi ~• preparatory education, without expo- . tAr TT . M....,PHARI, Vermont, not only purify without weakening it • but tl • ra sing them to the contaminating and lin- ' JAMES F. Sim moss, U. S. Senator from 'wor ea ll • • ' " a noxious particles from the clo le betoreit ,moral influences that exist in more pop-' Rhode Island. is converted into fluid, and thu• milk,' inii ore ulous communities. For reference or J. 'l'. MOREHEAD, U. S. Senator and for- . blood an utter i rnpossibility. As there is no dibil. further particulars address merly Governor of Kentucky. itation,so there is no natiere orsieknesi. ant ndil g JAMES Y. McGINNES,the operations of this most excellent of medicines L. H. ARNOLD, Member of Con an d gress . • . • J. H. W. McGINNES. , winch no, cr strains . tortures the digest!, e funt - n, March 13, 1819. formerly Governor of R. I. ' tione,hutcauses them to work in a per( c 13 rotor- Wm. WOODBRIDGE, U. S. Senator and , fil enamor ; and hence persons taking the mdo nil t Magnetic Telegraph Outdone! formerly Governor of Michigan. I become pale and emaciated, but the cowl-airy ; Inc Likenesses taken in a , f leetteless than no time." while i.M L. MARTIN Delegate in C ong re s s f rom ' it is the property of the Sarsaparilla, united 9111 E undersigned begs leave most respectfully . . ,f , . as it is with other ingredients, to remove all that i• Ito announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of W i scons i n I err ttory. , _ foreign and impure, it is equally the property of Huntingdon and vicinity, that he has procured From the Hon. Se:rumor( Fool., Member of Co n • `-' " . the Wild Cherry to retain all that is natured al el an improved Daguerreotype Apparatus, which gress from Vermont. ' sound; in hence a robust state of I II ' tea t i ta the he has located at the Court House in this place, G lona &1' 1,1..1,11, General Agents, No. 26, ' certain result of • ' their united operation, where he can be found at all times prepared to South Philadelphia. j C•Price 25 Cep is per BOY' wait upon any of his friends who may favor Sold wholesale .d retail by Telexes READ b e , 1 AGENTS.—T. Rea ' * Rend de Son, Sweeps & Al. him with a call. W. T. WILSON. Sox, Huntingdon, Pa. !rice, Huntingdon • W. W. Buchnn Mil' ' Jan. 9, 1819. Price—sl.oo per bottle : six bottles ,and Ke . sier,mii ,..6 reek , S. Hatfield t nl / 4 1 1,3 1 ' o „ I cl ' I T Great Economy in Kindling Tires. for $5.00. 1 stn Iron Works ; Porter & Bucher, Moore . de . mini attention of Country Merchants, Peti- August 16 1848. I Swoope, H. C. Walker, A luxundi ia; G. I 1 stainer. 1 lore, and Dealers generally, and families ate WASHINGTON HOUSE, Wnterstreet. -- [Aug. 31,'47. respectfully invited to a composition called TENNENT , S CHEEVER'S PAT'EN'T FIRE KINDLING, ; HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA. an article much needed and in demand from all , THIS Popular House has recently undergone a Washington Gall e n' of Daguerrotyre#, quarter.. FIFT7 CENTS will supply one &ace- I I thorough repair, and been furnished with No. 234 I\ - orth Second Street, N. W. earner If Call. what Street , cry day for 6 months. It is neatly done up in entire new farniture,of the best quality. Mem- PIIII,,IDPLPIII4. packages, each containing 24 cokes—car h cake bets of the Legislature and others, visiting the . .., Likenesses taken and beautifully soloed 10 inches equare,—one of which instantaneously Seat of Government, will find it a very desirable tu t . . this well known establiblinient throw. not - Lakin g fire from contact with a lighted match will stopping place. Las, are universally conceded to Inc e at• AL in ea ignite Charcoal, Wood and Bitumincus Coal, I 0:2 - Charges moderate. and with one-fourth the ordinary quantity of 1 WM. 'l'. SANDERS, Aghtt. ' cry respect to ANT ill the city. Picture, taken equally well in cloudy and clear w rather. A wood or charcoal will kindle the Anthracite. I 11Julyarriaburg, 14,1848-6 m. For sale, Wholesale end Retail, at the KIND- 1 --. largo assortment of • • NI slur. eloN s and Lot ass s A PURELY VEGFTABLE ItIFDICINF. on hand, from S 2 to $5, including the picture. LING DEPOT, No. 149 outli 2nd street, Phil. 1 .del hie. J. W. GRAY 1 WorstlelPs Vegetable Restorative Pills ; The subscribers respectfully invite the citizens Feb. 13, 1849-Im, I TT AVE been gradually but surely coming into of Huntingdon County, to call and examine et e .la favor, among the families of this Country fur cimens of the latest improvements in the art of some years past They have done this entirely Daguerreotyping, which will be exhibited cheer - ' through their great worth ns a FAMILY MED- fully and without che ge. ICINE. Agencies have been appointed but no 'l'. &. J. C. TENNENT pulling and humbug ench as is resorted to by quacks to sell their medicine has been done. The pills are offered for sale end have and will continue to he sold by all the pi inciple store keepers. The proprietors claim for their Medi cine the following advantages over all others— viz: They are PURELY V I...GETABLE. They are CERTAIN To OPERATE. Their operation is FREE from all PAIN. They can be used with EQUAL BENEFIT by theyonng. est INFAN I' and the S'TRONGES'T' MAN— Their efficiency in Fever., Ague, Headaches, Habitual Costiveness, Dyespepsia, Cholera Mor bus, &c.. has been proven upon thousands.— They area Certain Cure for Worms. The pro- prietor. peerless a certificate from a gentleman in St. Loute who was cured of a TAPE WORM by the use of then'. 'Try them they will not fail. 'Travelling agent for the State of Penneylva nia—I.IIAIILES P. AMET. For sale, price 25 cents a box containing FIFTY PILLS, with full directions by the following agents in Huntingdon County; Thomas Read & Son. Huntingdon. Thomas E. Orbison, Orbisonia. J. M. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg, Blair Co. A. WEEKS & Co. Proprietors, Laboratory No. 141 Chesnut street, Philsdelpnia. Januery 23, 1849—:y. Shade Gal TO THE VOLUNTEERS AND MILITIA OF THE 2nd BRIGADE, 10th DIVISION, P. M. FELLOW Cm...Ns :—At the solicitatton o many friends, I offer myself as candidate for BRIGADE INSPECTOR, at the ensuing election. I respectfully solicit your suffrages, and if elected, promise to dis charge the duties of the office faithfully—and I trust to the satisfaction of the Brigade. Your Fellow Citizen, JAMES CLINGER. Pine Grove Mills, ! Centre county, Jan. 0, 1819 Sheldrake's Allegheny House, .NO. 280 .]Market Street, above Eighth, (South side,) Philadelphia. THIS large and splendid Hotel has been fur nished with entire new furniture. The bar Room is the largest in Philadelphia. The Par- tors and ;sitting-Rooms are entirely separated from the noise and bustle, consequent to the ar rival and departure of cars. The Portico ex lending the whole front of the house, affords • cool retreat in warm weather, and a splendid view of the greatest thoroughfare in the City. The Lodging Rooms are well furnished. The Table as well provided for as at any other !fetal, with every attention of the inanspers to make it the beet Hotel for Merchants and Business Men during their stay in the City. The terms will be one dollar per day, On the arrival of the Cars from the West, a Porter will he in attend. once to convey baggage, &c. to the Hotel,which is adjoining the depot. Feb. 13, 1849-6 MACKEREL, SHAD, Constantly on hand and for sale by J. PALMER, & Co. Market St. Wharf, PHILADELPHIA. SALMON, HERRINGS, PORK, HAMS AND SIDES, SHOULDERS, LARD & Cnzess, Feb. V, 18411.-gm ILOUSSELL'S Perfumes, pair Oils, Soaps, Shaving Cream, &e. A very large lot of RousselPs unrivalled Shaving Cream, &c., just opening at the Huntingdon Jewelry Store. It is decidedly the best assortment in town and will be sold very cheap. Boots and Shoes. MHE largest, finest and best assort ment' of Boots and Shoes, evor brought to town, for sale by J. le W. MXTON. " Encourage your Own" Cabinet Hare Manntactor), Main Street, Huntingdon, Pa 3. H. & D. WHI2TA UDR, ULD avail themselves of this method of \V Informing their friends and the public .4 large that they continue to carry on the CABINET-MAKING DILLE Roles July 4; 1848 COLEMAN'S CHEAP CUTLERY STORES. Nos. 32 and 33 Arcade, and 8} North Third St., PHILADELPHIA. COUNTRY Merchants can save from 10 to IS per cent by purchasing at the above stores By importing my own goods, paring but little rent, and living economically, it is plain I can un dersell those who purchase their goods here, pay high rents, and livo like princes. Constantly on hand, a large assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, Scissors end Rumors. Table Knives and Forks, in Ivory, Stag, Duffslo, Bone and Wood handles; Carvers and Forks, Steele, &e. Butcher Knives, Dirks, Bowie Knives, Re volving and Plain Pistols, &c. Just received, a largo Mock of Rodgers' an.l Wostenholm's Sae Pen and Congress Knives- . ~- Also, a large assortment of Accordeont., dce., dm Also, Fine English Twist and German Guns. JOHN M. COLEMAN. june2o-Iy. ()munelinos No. 11, Walnut Street, Philade lphiel Wine, Liquor and General Comminien .Merchant:. ITINE'4, Brandies, Gin, andChampaivna of different brands imported direct, and so'd on accommodating terms to Country Dealers. Qual ities and proof of Liquors wrrranted. Philadelphia, June 20, 1845. Look out for Bargains! Afore Watches, Jewelry, Silver Spoons, &c., 4-c. ANOTHER superior lot of GOLD and SIL VER WATCHES of various descriptions, will be received and opened this evening at the " Huntingdon Jewelry Store." Also—Gold' Finger Rings, Gold Pens, Steel Beads, Pistols,. &c., &e. J. T. 61110TT. Pluntingdon, ?eh. 1, 1 E; O.