THE JOURNAL, [OOARROT PRINCIPLICS-..4I4PORTSD AT TAVTZ:j HUNTIX6bON, TIABDAY, APRIL 17, 110 ever% Ink. HOOVER'S SUPERIOR WRITING INK Sr We at this office. TERMS: The "HtniTIXCIDON JOURNAL" IS published at the following rates, viz ; sl,7h a year, if paid la advance ; $2,00 if paid d'aing the year, and $2OO if not paid until af'ter the expiration of the year. The above trews to he adhered to in all cases. No subscription t. , :g e n for less than nix months, and no paper dis•:ontinhed until all arrearages are paid, at the option of the publisher. Thanks. We return our sincere thanks to those of our patrons who assisted, during the past week, to replenish our dilapidated pocket book. We hope all still in arrears will come . and "do like. wise." 02 , Verses, by C. L. S., addressed to his friends in Marklesburg, shall appear next week. 07' SCOTT'S Jewelry establishment is all ra dient with new Jewelry, Watches, &c. &c. Look in and see then, COUNTY MEETING -The proceedings of the Whig county meeting held on Tuesday evening last, will be found in another column. The,Weather. The weather for a few days past has been such as would do credit to January. On Sat urday and Sunday, we were visited by cold north-westers accompanied by snow-showers. We very much fear that the fruit has been great ly injured if not entirely destroyed. GOOD.-J. K. SrroamAimi,Esq. editor of the ~ Whig," has been appointed Post Matter at Bellefonte. This is a good appointment. Mr. S. is not only well qualified, but eminently de ■erving. $3OO Exemption Law. Among the other important measures of the last session of our Legislature,*a law has been passed "to exempt property to the value of three hundred dollars from levy and sale on ex ecution, and distress for rent." This is an im portant and very proper measure. It was intro duced into the Senate by Mr. Johnston, the tal ented Senator front Erie, who warmly urged its passage. This law does not go into effect until the 4th of July next, and applies only to debts contracted on and after that date. We shall publish its provisions in our next. Our New Judge. Although so suddenly called upon to assume the duties of President Judge, Judge TAYLOn has already won golden opinions in the new and highly responsible capacity to which he has been called. On taking his seat on the bunch, on Monday last, he delivered a brief, yet ex ceedingly neat and appropriate address to the bar. At the request of the members of the bar it was furnished for publication, and wi,l be found in another column. We invite attention to it. The Foreign Market. What has become of the Foreign Market promised the farmers by the friends of the Free Trade Tariff of 1516? That Tariff as still in opration and yet Breadstuffs are going down, dawn, sown t Since the decline has taken place, we do not hear even a whisper from the locofoco papers of the benefits the Farmer re ceives from the Tariff of 1818. They know they have attempted to deceive the farmers on this vital quPstion, and hence their guilty si lence. The Relief Notes. It in with great pleasure we announce the pas :aze of the bill providing for the cancellation ..n,l re-issue of the mutilated Relief Notes. So tar as the convenience of the people is concerned, this in one of the most important acts of the session. It is a measure which was promised to the people as a result of the election of Gov. Johnston, and one which was strongly recom mended by the Governor in his last annual mes sage. And it is a measure called for by the people everywhere, of all parties, and opposed only by a few party hacks and partizan newspa pers, in the hope that its defeat would operate to the political prejudice of Gov. Johnston and the Whig party. On its final passage in the House, all the locofocos but three voted against it! Thus showing that the interdsts of party are al ways paramount with them to the interests of the people. If they had been successful in kill ing the bill, their political object would have been accomplished; but as the measure was car ried against their negative, instead of injuring Gov. Johnston and the Whig party, they have killed themselvre. We congratulate every body, on the pas of this important measure. Those who car ried it through are entitled to the thanks of the People. In a short time the torn and filthy bills now in circulation will pass away, and their places be supplied by new, clean notes. to another column will be found a copy of the bill providing for the re-issue of these notes, to which we invite attention. The Militia 83 stem. The bill providing for the abolition of Mili tia trainings.aad making other important chan ges in the system, has passed both Houses of our Legislature. Should the Governor sign this hill, we will try and procure a copy at an early lay and publish it. We •understand that in lieu •f training it imposes a tux of 30 cents on each , erson subject to do Military duty. We think 111 , a ill h': very rpolir with all civic,. The Legislature. The Legislature adjourned on Tuesday last, after n session of ninety-nine days. And not wi'distanding the efforts of the a fifty" Locofo- WOs of the lower house to the contrary, all the important measures of the session, were finally passed. The Pa. Intelligencer says :---The ses sion was a business one in the fullest sense of the word.—The members labored Industriously and faithfully, and did more business, than ever was done by any previous Legislature assem bled in the State. An immense number of bills ware reported, and nearly five hundred were passed into laws, many of them of a public and very important character. The legislation gen erally, we believe, will be beneficial to the State, and redound to the interests of the peo ple. Amongst the public hills is the General Ap propriation bill, which embraces as important provision for the completion of the North Branch Canal, provided the Treasury is in a condition to appropriate the means, after paying the ordinary expenses of the Government, and the public interest, without entailing additional burdens upon the people. Provision is also made in the bill for avoiding the Philadelphia inclined plane. A Revenue bill was also passed, and a new License law, which will add to the revenues, The School laws have been revised, and new and important provisions enacted. The Judicial Districts have also been revised and three new districts formed. A law has also been enacted, providing for the cancellation by the banks of l i the present ragged and filthy relief notes, and issuing new ones in their stead. The charters of several banks have been renewed, and a new bank has been established at Danville, which was de manded and required by the business community of that region. A general Manufacturing law, which will place the citizens of this State on an equal foot ing with their neig:lbors, has passed. A bill revising and materially altering the Mi litia Laws was passed, but has not been signed by the Governor. Other important measures were also adopted which do not just now occur to us, but which we Will notice hereafter. Gen. Taylor and the Tariff. A despatch from Washington under date of April 7th, says :—I learn to-day that President Taylor, in a conversation with Mr. Robert M. Riddle, editor of the Pittsburg Commercial Journal, expressed the following opinions in re.. lotion to the Tariff. He avows that while ex pressly leaving to the representatives of the people in Congress the adjustment of the Tariff, he is in favor of protection, and of a tariff which will endure by virtue of not being too high; and gives a decided preference to speci , Pied duties over the ad valorem principle, which found favor with the last Administration. Glorious Whir Victories. Naw YORK ELECTIONS.-Not withstanding thd coalition between the old Hunkers and Free Soilers in New York city, the Whigs have achieved a most glorious triumph at the charter election held on the 10th inst. CALEB S. WOOD RUM., Whig, is elected Mayor by a majority of 4,232. The Whigs have also elected three judges of the Superior and two of the Marine Court, and 26 out of 36 menmhers of the Com mon Council. The whole city government is therefore in their hands, until the Ist of Janua ry, 1850, when the members of the Common Council will be superceded by those elected under the new charter, which we are glad to say has been adopted by a large majority. Mr. Wood hull, the Mayor elect, will hold his office until the Ist of January, 1851. The election in Albany remitted in the choice of Friend Humphrey for Mayor, by a majority of 231 over Dr. Thomas Han, who was re-nom inated and supported by both the Hunker and .Barnburner factions. Last year the Whig ma jority was 129. Edward Copeland, Whig, is chosen Mayor of Brooklin, by a majority of 500, over both his opponents. Of the Alderman elect, twelve are Whigs, and six of other sorts. NEw JERSEY ELECTIONS.—The Charter elec tion in Newark, was held on Monday. Col. Miller, Whig, was re-elected Mayor by 175 majority over Judge King, Loco, and the Whigs have a majority of the Aldermen and other offi cers. The Common Council stands as it did last year, 12 Whigs to 8 Locos. Not much more than half of the vote of the city was brought out. In Trenton, Wm. C. Howell, Whig is elect ed Mayor by 101 majority. All the other city officers are also Whig. The officers of the West ward are all Whigs, and those of the last arc about equally divided. Henry J. Taylor was elected Mayor of Jer say city, by 136 majority over C. F. Durant, both being Whigs. CHOLERA.—The editor of the Charleston Mercury has had an interview with Mr. Gra ham, one of Col. Wehb's party, eu-route for New York, who gives a melancholy picture of the ravages of the cholera among the expedi tion. When Mr. G. left, ten had died, and twenty more were sick. The disease was ra ging dreadfully on the banks of the Rio Grande. The boat on which Mr. Graham was a passen ger, lost in three (lays the pilot, clerk, barkeep er, captain and one hand, all of the cholera. At Brownsville and Matamoras the disease was awfully destructive, the interments showing a large per tentage on the number attacked. 117 Toe GONERNMENT Jxweis.—Henry B. Jones arid Philander T. Jones were on Thursday afternoon arrested in New York, charged with the robbery of the government jewels. One hundred and twenty diamonds, and one hun doed and forty-three pearls, together with $3OO in gold bars, supposed to have been the scab bard of the sword presented to Commodore Biddle by the Emperor of Russia ; the gold snuff box, the pint bottle of otta of roses, were found burriad in the cellar of the house occupied by Jones. The prisoners have been coot to Washington. AWFUL PARRICIDE, A rather murdered by his Son. The Harrisburg Telegraph of Wednesday last says :—Our citizens who were engaged in mar keting this morning, about 5 o'clock, were shocked with the report that Mr. JOIIN 'Cate r..., a respectable citizen, had been murdered in his own house in Second street, just below the railroad; and upon going to the spot they found that he had been killed instantly, having been shot through the head by a discharge from a gun. A Coroner's inquest was immediately held on the body, whioh returned as their verdict, that Mr. Knepley was killed by a gun discharged by his son David, who was immediately apprehen ded, taken before Esq. Snyder, and by him coin mitted to prison to await his trial. The circumstances are said to be strong against his son, in whose rooms double barrelled gun was found, one barrel of which hod recent ly been discharged, the other being loaded. On the undischarged load being drawn, it was found to correspond in all respects to the charge taken from the head of the murdered man. It is said that Mr. Knepley was shot in the kitchen of his house, on his return from market. Gov. Johnston and the Locotocos. Locofocoism seems to be very much annoyed at the popularity of our excellent Governor, and from its wailing would seem to be sadly puzzled to find some point through which to as sail him—Driven to the fence by the manly course and intimate acquaintance of the Gover nor with the affairs of State, and the confidence reposed by the people in his talents and integ rity, there appears to be of late a concerted movement in the opposition ranks to impugn hie motives, prejudge his public acts, and pre judice in advance the public mind in relation to them. If this be so it calls for the exertion of his friends, and becomes the duty of the Whig press to stand boldly forth in his defence. If it is hoped, by a course of detraction and mis representation, to make the people believe the Governor of their choice to be an enemy to the great interests of the State—Locofocoism has a very different idea of their intelligence from that entertained by us. The latest fabrication we have seen, is contained in a correspondence (from Harrisburg) of the Bradford Reporter which asserts, notwithstanding the position as sumed by Gov. Johnston at the outset of the early completion of the North Branch, that he is secretly using his influence to defeat any mea sure adopted for that purpose. Out upon the shameless partizan spirit, which will stoop to falsehood to seek its own aggrandizement, at the expense if need be, of the interests of the Corn , monwealth.—Larkawanna Jour. important Hill The following is a copy of the bill entitled "AN ACT RELATIVE TO RELIEF IS SUES," providing for the cancellation and re issue of the mutilated Relief Notes, now in circulation, which--thanks to Gov. Johnston and the Whig members—has become a Law.— We copy the bill at length SECTION 1. Be'it enacted, &c. That the sev eral banks of this commonwealth, which have issued notes under the provisions of the act of the fourth of May, one thousand eight hundred and forty-one, and which shall accept the con ditions of this act, are hereby authorized to make, under the direction of the state treasurer, a new issue of notes of like denomination and character with the notes originally issued under said act, and not exceeding in amount the relief issues of each bank, respectively, remaining yet uncancelled. Sac. 2. That whey the State Treasurer shall notify any bank, which shall accept the provis ions of this act, that there are then in the treas ury one thousand dollars or upwards of relief issues of such bank, in a torn and defaced con dition, such bank shall immediately proceed to prepare and hand over to said treasurer new notes, equal in amount to the torn or defaced issues of such bank, then in the treasury; and it shall he the duty of the State Treasurer and Auditor General forthwith to cancel and destroy all notes in lieu of which new issues have been made and received. SEC. 3. That the banks which shall accept of the provisions of this act, shall be entitled to receive, out of the state treasury, as full compensation, a sum equal to two per centum upon the amount of new notes which each bank shall respectively issue under this act. SEC. •t. That if the president or cashier of any bank, or other person, shall make or issue, or cause to be made or issued, any note or notes, purporting to be notes issued under the author ity of the act of the fourth of May, one thou sand eight hundred and forty-one, or of this act, except as hereinbefore provided, they shall be considered guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon couvlction thereof in the court of quarter ses sions of the proper comity, shall be tined in a sum not exce , rding five hundred dollars, and imprisoned in one of the state penitentiaries for a period not exceeding five years, at the dis cretion of the court. Sec. 5. The state treasurer is hereby direct ed to communicate a copy of this act to each of the banks which have issued notes tinder said act of fourth of May one thousand eight hun dred and forty-one, and the banks which shall officially notify the said treasury of their accep tance of the provisions of this act, shall be en titled to make the issues and receive the com pensation hereinbefore provided for. Sac. 6. That the state treasurer is hereby empowered to authorize any solvent bank of this commonwealth to re-issue the torn or defa ced bills, issued under the authority of the said art, by any hank refusing to accept the provis ions of this act, or any bank wjtich may have suspended or gone out of operation, subject to all the conditions and restrictions of this act. Cincinnati Election. . The election in Cincinnati on the 2(1 instant, resulted in the success of the entire Whig ticket. H. E. Spencer is re-elected Mayor by a large majority, and James L. Ruffir, Marshal. FRZMONT'S Hats-Hoßsa, HALF.DEIitt AND HALF- , CAMEL.—This curious animal, that was said to have been found by Col. Fremont, in the river Gila, and which does not seem to fall un der any department of the prefent classification of Natural History, has arrived in New York, on its way to Europe. The Express says it is a great natural curiosity, made up of parts of as many different animals as Joseph's coat con tained colors—but it is rather full of the horse. r 7 A. H. Bitows, formerly of this place, has been appointed rest Master at Fairfield, Election of Judges by the People. A proposed amendment to the Constitution of this State has passed both branches of the Leg islature, providing for the election of Judges by the people, instead of their appointment by the Executive as at present. In conformity with the mode prescribed by the Constitution, the amendment will have to be acted upon again by the next Legislature, and if passed, it will be referred to the people for their final ratification at the succeeding election. Should the amend ment be approved by a majority of the citizens of the Commonwealth, it then becomes part and parcel of the Constitution. If a majority of votes are cast against it, it falls to the ground as a matter of course. The provisions of the amendment are as fol lows, viz :—The first clause provides that the Judges of the Supreme Court shall be elected by the qualified electors of the Commonwealth at large; the President Judges of the several Courts of Common Pleas, and of such other Courts of Record as are or shall be establiseed by law, by the qualified electors of the respec tive districts over which they are to preside, and the Associate Judges of the Courts of Com mon Pleas by the qualified electors of the sev eral counties respectively. The second clause provides that the Judges of the Supreme Court are to hold their offices ' for fifteen years, the President Judges of the several Courts of Common Pleas, &c., 10 years, and the Associate Judges five years. They ' are to be commissioned by the Governor, and be liable to impeachment as at present ; and for any reasonable cause which shall not be sufficient grounds of impeachment, the Gover nor shall remove any of them, on the address of two-thirds of each branch of the Legislature. The third clause, which we quote at length, ! provides that " the first election shall take place at the general election of this Commonwealth, next after the adoption of this amendment, and the commissions of all the Judges Who may be then in office shall expire on the first Monday of December following, when the terms of new Judges shall commence. Thp persons who shall then be elected Judges of the Supreme Court shall hold their offices as following:— one of them for three years, one for six years, ' one for nine years, one for twelve years and one for fifteen years, the term of each to be de cided by the said Judges as soon after the elec tion as convenient, and the result certified by them to the Governor that the commissions may be issued in accordance thereto. The Judge whose commission will first expire shall he Chief Justice during his term, and thereafter each Judge whose commission shall first expire shall in turn be the Chief Justice, and if two or more commissions shall expire on the same day, the Judges holding them shall decide by lot which shall be the Chief Justice. Any vacan cies happening by death, resignation or other wise, in any of the said courts, shall he filled by appointment by the Governor, to continue till the first Monday of December succeeding ! the next general election. The Judges of the i Supreme Court and the Presidents of the several Courts of Common Pleas, shall at stated times receive for their services an adequate compen sation, to be fixed by law, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office, but they shall receive no fees or perquisites of office, nor hold any other office of profit under !, this commonwealth. The Judges of the Supreme Court during their continuance in office shall reside within this commonwealth, and the other Judges during their continuance in office shall reside within the district or county for which they were respectively elected." These are the main features of the amend ment. The vote upon its passage in the Senate was 19 to 11—in the blouse 52 to 25—being a majority of 35, or two thirds in its favor on joint ballot. It is thought the next Legislature will be even more decided in its favor. Of its ratification by the people there can scarcely be a doubt. Hot ItiovsTrtv.—We find in the National Intelligences, a communication from ,4 A South erner," who says It is indeed passing strange that all the Southern States do not unite in solid phalanx in favor of protecting home in dustry of every description, and by consequence elevate their fortunes. By their own arts ars they gradually impoverished. If the frugal, industrious people of the New England States had possession of the South, they would in a few years make the South the Eden of the world." There is truth in these sentences.— The worst foe of the South is faction. She is sacrificed by her selfish and ambitious politi cians. No section of the country devotes so much talk and time to public affairs, and in a spirit so decidedly anti-utilitarian. One might suppose that the height of Southern political glory was to excite angry passions, check pro gress, and secure the largest notoriety by the most expansive mischief." DISTRESSING CASK OF HYDROPROSIA.-A let ter from a friend at Newberrytown, in thin County, states that on the 6th inst., Mr. CoN RAD ZIMMER MAN, residing near Kilter's Tavern, in that township, was attacked with Hydro phobia, and suffered all the horrible torture of that terrible disease. During one of the parox ysms he succeeded in releasing himself from the cords with which his arms had been secured and casting his attendants from him, seized a razor and put an end to his existence by cutting his throat. He leaves a wife and child to mourn his death. Dr. OREN, of Newberrytown, and Dr. DEAN, of New Cumberland, were the atten ding physicians-- Fork Rdpubliean, COL. FRUIONT.—The St. Louis Era of the 30th ult. says— We are rejoiced to learn from later intelli gence just reached this city from Santa Fe, that the first accounts of the loss of Col. F re mont's party was greatly exaggerated. As it is, however, it is bad enough in all conscience sale. Eleven of his comrades have perished from fatigue and hunger, and the sufferings of the survivors were greater than was ever before endured by man. To sustain life they were compelled to feed upon the Oodles al their dead enatrad• a resort whirls nothing but the ex treme of desperation would have driven them to. THE COURT. 111 , NTINono:v, Aptil 9, 1819 HON. Geo. TAYLOR :-Dear Bir :—The un dersigned, members of the bar of Huntingdon county, take this method of expressing to you the pleasure and gratification afforded them in listening to the very appropriate address deliv ered by you upon taking your seat as President Judge of the twenty-fourth judicial district of Pennsylvania. Knowing that its perusal will afford equal pleasure to many of our fellow citizens, who had not the privilege of being present, we would respectfully request of you to furnish a copy for publication. Respectfully yours, Ike., John, Scott, jr., R. A, McMartrie, J. Sewell Stewart, J. Williamson, S. S. Wharton, Jno. W. Thompson, 'rho. P. Campbell, John Reed, Sain'l. Calvin, William Dorris, jr., A. W. Benedict, Wm. P. Orbison, David Blair, A. P. Wilson, H. N. McAllister, G. A. Madson. HtIXTINGDON, 11th April, 1949 Gentlemen:—The short address, delivered on the occasion to which you refer, and which you deem it proper to publish, is herewith furnished. Respectfully, your ohd't serv't, CEO. TAYLOR. John Scott, jr., Esq. and others, members of the Huntingdon Bar. ADMEN'. The following i■ copy of the address called for by the above letter of the members of the bar GSNTLCMEN :—Although it is not in accord ance with custom, and might not be, under other circumstances, proper or called for, I cannot take my seat, as the President Judge of this Court, under the Commtssion which has just been read, without addressing a few words to those before me, and, particularly, to the mem bers of the Bar. One of more mature age, more extensive knowledge, and more enlarged experience, would still be wanting in a more essential requi site, if he could ascend the bench, and take upon himself' the important duties of the judicial office, without feeling deeply the responsibility of the trust. And, being sensible, as I am, of my own present deficiencies, in sonic respects, at least, I would be yet more unequal to the discharge of the duties before me, if I did not feel that responsibility in all its weight. I meet it, however, determined to shun no labor I am capable of enduring, in order to discharge the duties of my high office, if possible, to the sat isfaction of the Bar, and citizens, (so far as that is, in any case, practicable) of the twenty fourth judicial district. A determination to , c lay aside every weight," and devote myself exclusively and laboriously to the study of the law; to cherish and culti vate a strong and ever wakeful sense of right; to try causes upon their real merits, and adminis ter substantial justice in every case, so far as it can be done in consistency with established legal rules; to know no man, sect, or party, on the bench ; to treat the members of the liar, uniformly, and always, with the strictest pro fessional and gentlemanly courtesy, as I have not a doubt they will ever treat me; and, in all things, to tax my powers to the utmost, that 1 may discharge my whole duty impartially and with fidelity, according to the heat of my under standing, so as to acquit my conscience before God, in view of the oath I have taken,—is all the pledge of future success, gentlemen, I cao give. It shall be a leading aim of the court, (how ever successful we may be in it) to dispose of the large number of suits, untried, upon the docket here, no that parties may have a chance of trial, as should ever be the ca., within a reasonable time after the commencement of an action. This we propose to accomplish, first, by industrious sitting: and, secondly, with the assistance and co-operation of the bar, who are as much interested in the dispatch of business as any others,—by introducing a few brief rules for the government and direction of proceedings before the court, witlithe view to a more orderly, systematic, and speedy transaction of its busi ness. That, in the discharge of my official duties, I will often fail to satisfy parties before me, and frequently incur the censure of one or the other, or both, is to be expected. Each of the parties litigant, in every case, believes he is in the right; while the decision must declare one of them to be in the wrong. Counsel, too, partic ipate in the feelings of their clients, and are pe culiarly liable to be influenced in their opinion,, by dwelling upon what tends to establish one side of a cause, and overlooking, or not weighing im partially, what may be urged insuprort of the oth er. On the other hand, aJudge—even one the most capable,—though he occupies the most favora ble position to form an unbiased judgment, is fallible. The wisest and best men, in all situ ations, have erred i and surely I could not be guilty of the presumption, nor could any one else be chargeable with the folly, of supposing that I will not, and frequently, fall into error. While, however, it shall be my aim to preserve 1 0 conscience void of offence,' the generous con fidence extended to me heretofore, by my breth ren, and others, encourage me to trust and be lieve, that every member of the Bar, and all who know me, will ascribe my errors, numer ous as they may be, to the head, rather' than to the heart. I will have your kind indulgence, gentlemen of the Bar, during the present court. To be thrown, so suddenly and unexpectedly, into the midst of judicial labors, it would be in vain for me to attempt to conceal, is a circumstance in no small degree embarrassing. It is one, how ever, which you can all appreciate; and for which, I know, you will all feel disposed to make due allowance. Business in Quarter Ressions. Com'th vs Samuel Beigle. Indictment for keeping Tippling House. True Bill. Deft. plead guilty and aubmitted. Sentenced to pay a fine of $25 and costs of prosecution. Com'th •s John Madden, Elias Brown, Geo. Moore, Abraham Madden, Wm. Gutshall, John Ramsey of Benj., and John Madden, Jr. In dictment for cutting timber trees. Verdict, Defts not guilty, and the county to pay the costs. Com'th vs Wrn. Penh.•. Indictment for Larceny of a silver watch. True Bill. Tried and found guilty. New trial granted on the ground that the Jury separated &c. before ren dering a verdict, and without leave of Court.-- Tried a second time and found guilty. Senten ced to four months imprisonment in the county jail, costs of prosecution and a fine of $l. Com'th vs James Boyd. No bill sent to the grand jury, and twit prosequi entered by leave of Court. Deft discharged and the county to pay the costs. Com'th vs James Alexander. Indictment for Assault and Battery on the person of Wm. Miller. True Bill. Verdict guilty. Deft sen tenced to pay a hue of $.50, and costs of prose cution. Com'th vs Leonard Weaver. Indictment for keeping a Gambling True Bill. Vcr diet guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of $26, and costs of prosecution. Com'th vs same Deft. Indictment for Tip pling Iltn;se. True Bill. Deft plead guilty and submitted to the Court. Fined $4O and costs of prosecution. Com'th vs Wm. Frees. Indictment for Gam- bling. Noli prosequi entered by leave of Court upon payment of costs by Deft. Com'th vs Alex. and David Steffey. Indict ment for obtaining goods under false pretences. Bill returned t , Ignoramus" and prosecutor to pay the costs. Com'th vs David Mitchell. Indictment for Fraud, secreting and disposing of property to defraud creditors. True Bill. Verdict not guilty, but that Deft pay the costs of prosecu tion. rrr All of the ebare Criminal business was disposed of by Friday evening last, and on Sat urday morning a commencement made on the Civil List. The court now calls at 8 o'clock in the morning, instead of 9 o'clock, as hereto fore. Whig County Meeting, Agreeably to public notice a large and highly respectable meeting of the friends of the pres ent National and State administrations, was held at the Court House in this borough, on Tuesday evening last, and was organized by calling Col. JOHN STEVER to the chair, and appointing Jona GARNER, SAMCEL COEN and James Moan, Vice Presidents; and Maj. Geo. Raymond, and Elias Wilson, Secretaries. The object of the meeting having been sta ted by the chair, on motion a committe of five were appointed to draft a preamble and resolu tions expressive of the sense of the meeting, viz:—Col. Jas. Chair, John Vanleet, Thomas McCahan, John Morrison and Samuel Coen. The committee after retiring a short time re ported the following preamble and resolutions, which, on motion, were unanimously adopted : WHEREAS, niter a manly struggle of really years, victory has at last perched upon the Whig banner, and brought into power Whig rulers, soon to be followed by Whig measure. ; And Whereas, this is the first county meeting held since our glorious and we twit permanent triumph, we esteem it a pleasure to review the brief. reign of the triumphant party. There fore, Resolver!, That the Administration of Gen. ZACHARY TAYLOR has thus far met our most sanguine expectations, and in common with the patriotic citizens throughout the length and breadth of the land, we heartily approve the truly American sentiments contained in the President's admirable Inaugural Address. Resolved, That we hail with natural pride the elevation of WM. M. MEREDITH of Pen. Sylvania to the exalted post of Secretary of the Treasury, under President Taylor, as well on account of his splendid abilities and sterling honesty, as the unmistakeable assurance it gives us that the present National Administration will faithfully stand by the peculiar interest, of Pennsylvania. Resolved, That our attachment to a Protec tive Tariff is not only unshaken, but greatly strengthened, by the tried experiment of the Free Trade Tariff of 1846 ; and that the de pressed condition of our manufactures and this low price of our agricultural products loudly demand the Protection of Home Industry, and the establishment of llmus MAassrs. . . Resolved, That the removals already made by the National Administration meets our most hearty aorobation, and we hereby express the hope that the goad work may steadily progress until the lazzaront that have for years been preying upon the public purse, and interfering in the elections of the People, may be purged from all public places. Resolved, That we recognize in Wir.r.i.txt F. JOHNSTON, our talented and patriotic Governor,• a Chief Magistrate ' who is an honor to Penn sylvania, and who has already given evidence that his administration of State affairs will be marked by the honesty of Simon Snyder, and the sagacity of the most gifted Statesmen. ReLlreri, That the appointments by the State administration are such as meet our moat' hearty approval ; being made as they appear to' have been according to the true Jeffersonian standard, 4, honesty and capability." Reno/red, That the industry and zeal uniforri, ly manifested by our talented Senator, A. Kuno,- Esq., in attending to the interests of the Ped pie of thin district, deserves the applause of those he has so faithfully served; and we there fore return to him the thanks of the Whigs of this county for his valuable services. Resolve;%, That in our present Representative,. Col. A. K. COANTN, we have an able, faithful' and industrious Representative, and an eloquent advocate of our cherished principles; and that his course meets our undivided approbation.-- With such public servants at the wheel of gov ernment we are never in danger of sticking. Resolved, That we recommend to this meet ing the name of W. S. Afrita, as Representa tive Delegate to the Whig State Convention to nominate a candidate for Canal Commissioner, to meet at Harrisburg, in August next. Received, That we recommend Capt. John Watson as Senatorial delegate to the Harris burg Convention, and appoint Maj. George Raymond, Win. H. Peightal and A. W. Bene dict, 17.,,r'5, Senatorial Conferees, to meet sim ilar conferees from the counties of Bedfore. and Blair, at Hollidaysburg, on Thursday of June Court next, to elect a Senatorial delegate. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meet ing be published in the Whig papers of this Sen atorial district, and in the Telegraph" and Intelligencer," Harrisburg. Canal Commissioner. The Ea.tion Whig pays the following com pliment to Mr., the able member from Luzerne We are pleased to find that HENRY M. FULLER, Esq., of Luzerne county,• is strongly recommended as a candidates for Canal Commissioner. Mr. Fuller is now a member of the House of Repre sentatives, which station• he fills with distinguished ability. To his immedi- - ate constituents as well as the public at large, he has been a valuable legislator. In private life Mr. Fuller is an accom plished gentleman. Though young in years he has much experience in pub lic business, and posesses excellent qualifications for a Canal Commission er. As an evidence of his popularity with the people we would only advert to the fact that in Luzerne county, which is strongly locofoco, he was triumphant ly elected to the Legislature. EARTIIQUARE.-The Hickman (Kr.) News Letter says :-- 4, The citizens of our town ex perienced the severest earthquake on Monday night, March 12, that has been felt in these re. glove since the year 1811.