Men and Things at Washington. PARSON BROWNLOW, of the Jonesborough, iTenn.) Whig, could not resist the temptation of being in Washington to witness the Inaugu ration of Gen. TAYLOR, and while there he bu sied himself in seeing sights which he commu nicated by letter to the readers of his spicy Journal. His impressions of men and manners I are decidedly original, and his descriptions are 1 rich in the extreme. A letter from him under date of March 2d, is so unique and like himself that we copy the following extracts from it: I have been present during • the dis- I cussian of the Territorial question, or the proposition to admit Californiti, and New Mexico into the Union, as a State, er as States, in both the House and - the Senate. I witnessed discussions i n I 1832, and again in 1844, and I sin sor ry to say that the tendency of men andl manners, is downward. Especially is ` 4l this the case in the Senate, more so in the Senate than in the House. Great confusion prevails in both, while that order and dignified deportment which characterized these bodies in the better days of the Republic, are numbered with the years beyond the flood. The Senate is the mast contemptible body 6f the two. There are but few fine and imposing looking men in the Senate. Benton, Badger, Bell, Mangum, Under wood, Webster, Calhoun, Upham, Phelps Metcalf, Johnson, and a few others, look like Senators aria will command respect. Most of the remaining Senators are young looking men, in a great degree inexperienced, and of disgusting mein and little carriage. Many of them are under size, and in their manners fool ish. Douglass, of Illinois, weighs 100 pounds, and wears dirty clothes. • a a « a a a The moat remarkable man in the I House, is Horace Greely, a New York editor. He speaks fluently, but with-, out the manners and•gesticulations coin mon to public speakers. He is an odd looking specimen of mortality. As he walks from you, you are struck with his stooping shoulders—his bald pate—his sandy whiskers—his hopping gated—he looks to be seventy _years of age, while he is really a young man. He. has a deep set, but benevolent eye—a eon . stela but simple smile plays upon his countenance." • • • • • • " President Polk is 20 years older in appearance than when he canvassed for the .office of Governor in Tennessee." " Cave Johnston looks grey, old, dry and feeble, and a stranger would sup pose he ad seen better days. Amos Kenchtli looks lean and lank, stooped shouldered and like the latter end of an ill spent life. Old Marcy looms up as usual, and whether drunk or sober, may fitly be denominated the upper crust of all political nastiness. George M. Dal las is the finest looking man in the loco foci) ranks, and is the best specimen of an English nobleman to be seen in Washington. Millard Fillmnre, is the is the finest looking man in the Whig ranks, and Speaker Winthrop is the next best in appearance. Mr. Calhoun is sinking fast, tinder the weight of years and of mental labor." • * • • • • A very large party of gentlemen and lathes dined with Mr. Polk yester day, upon a Special invitation, among whom were Old Zack, Gen. Cass, Col. Hell and Marcy, Filltriere and others. Gen. Taylor was as familiar and play ful with Marcy, us if he had never giv en him jesse in the Gaines letter,.and as polite to Cuss, as if neither of.. them had aver created any " noise and confusion" in the country." " I was not present, my name having been overlook (no doubt unintentional ly) in the hurry of issuing the tickets of invitation. Having eulogized the President's Grandfather, "Old Zeke," in former days, it is certain that he In tended me to be present." In a subsequent letter he thus de scribes the rows which oceurredin the souse just Arevious to adjournment: "After a majority of , the House be intoxicated, and many ,of them even beittly drunk, Mr. Meade of Vir ;ginia, loco, advanced upon old Giddings .ot Ohio—took him . by the throat, and ilbl;ed his fist under his nose , denoun cing with nittlies and bitterness : suited to ' the eccasion„ . c nosing gicat. excitement, . a roiv g e nerally on that side _Cif Housd! Mr. Clarke, of Kentuck y, a to-' co, advanced upon Wentworth, and cur sed thin for a d-----d thief and scoun and every thing elSe hs could think . of, till of which he bore like a christian, . . -but from's principle of cowardice. This Clark could charge with impunty, be cause Wentworth is known to be a com mOn• thief and a public robber. The House last. session, had to pass a luw to prevent him from stealing and frank home all the stationery. And the mem bers throw up to him, his stealing enough wrapping paper one year, with which to print 9 paper of which he is the os tensible editor." The next scene of interest, and surpassing in grandeur, any thing yet named, was an attack upon Ficklin, of Illinois, a loco, by two other locos John son of Arkansan, and Inge of. Alabama. The former struck Ficklin with his fist, and the latter knocked him down with a cane. After removing Ficklin beyond the bar, and washing the blood off of him, the parties all returned and pro ceeded to business! One moved an ad journment, as the session had expired by limitation. Old Petit, of Indiana, .a *deco infidel, who was educated for the X f ini ry; inisve.d an adjournment of this TOWN MEETlNG . ,"'declaring the session to be nothing more. A third moved for the dispersion of this mob," while another called out from his seat for more whiskey. To this, another fellow replied, that it was contrary to rule to bring the article within the bar, Mit just outside, in an adjoining room, there was lots. Well, all in all I never witnessed such a scene." ARRIVAL OF TIER NIAGARA Two Weeks Later from Europe• ST, JOHNS, April G. , - The Niagara reached Halifax on Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock with 41 passengers. The Europa had arrived at Liverpool, March 20th. The Hermann had reached Southampton on the 20th for New York. The Sarah Sands made the passage out in 17 days. Trade had been depressed in consequence of the Continental news, until within three days before the steamer sailed, when favorable news caused an improvement in the cotton Market; cotton had fallen penny per lb., but rallied and the market closed with an improved de mand. Fair uplands and Mobile 1f ; fair Or. leans 4t. The sales for the week ending March 16th, 31,690 bales ; for week ending March 23d, 24,290. . . . . . . . breadstuffs had not improved, but prices con. tinne to recede. Flour—Western Canal 235. Failadelphia and Baltimors 235, Ohio prime 21s. . . _ . Grain—American , :vhest Gs tole. Indian corn is in moderate demand at 27 to 29s per quarter. Best yellow corn meal 12s Gd to 13s Gd. FRANCE. The clubs have beau abolished by the Assem bly. The socialists arc unusually active in sow ing disaffection among the troops. In consequence of the state of Italy, troops are embarking •at Toulonne, and the army of the Alps is to be reinforced. . . The . French funds have fluctuated. The King of Holland died on the 17th of March. 'Official notice has been given of the cessation of the Holstein Armistice. The Paris papers state that Metternich is shortly expected in Paris. An office has been opened in Havre for the purpose of registering the names of all who may wish to go to California. The election has been held throughout Prus sia, and so far give strong indications of a large Democratic majority. There has been consider able rioting and attempt at fraudulent voting in the Duchy of Posen, where the Democratic par ty are in a deciced majority. Some of the Legitimists and Red Republican papers of Paris mutually accuse each other in unmeasured terms of wishing to overthrow the form of government. It is reported that the Sicilians have pro claimed Lucian Murat, King of Naples. He is the so of Murat, formerly the King of that country under Napoleon. AUSTRIA An order has been given by Ih'indischgratzto hang all the inhabitants who may be found with arms in their hands, and that any place of which even a few inhabitants shall attempt to molest any Imperial .courier, shall be levelled to the ground. A motion to seperate Austria from the Ger man empire was carried in the Diet - sitting a't Frankfort, by a vote of 261 to 224. The mo tion created considerable excitement. An order had been given at Munich for 8000 Infantry helmets to be made in that city, which seemed to indicate an increase of the army. A letter from Berlin states that in conse quence of negotiations with the German Impe rial Minister, a Prussian envoy will proceed to• the United States shortly, for the purpose of buying both sailing vessels and steamers, to be commanded by American officers until the na , fives shall be qualified sufficiently for the pur pose. It is stated on good authority that the Ambas sador of Russia, Baron Kissals, has demanded his passport from the French government. It is said that the Emperor of Russia had de clared to the French Ambassador at Letlo, at St. Petersburg, that he should acknowledge the French Republic if Cavaignac were elected President, but since the election of Napoleon he has changed his tone. He considers this a sign of a still existing spirit of conquest. Gen. Lebo has left St. Petersburg in consequence. THE CHOLERA.-The cholera is disappearing. The total number of deaths in England is 3,464 It still rages in Ireland. In the manufacturing districts the demand, for goads has fallen off, and the price of manu factured iron had also receded. A Whole Family Lost The Keokuk (Iowa) papers contain the ac count of the loss of a family by the breaking up of the ice in the Des Moines river. Two families,:named Frederick and Cross, finding their dwellings suddenly surrounded by water, attempted to es cape in a canoe to the highlands.—The canoe being small, Frederick and fami ly left first; leaving Cross, his wife and two - children behind on a log. Fred erick and family reached the shore nearly : frozen, and sent a man by the name of Colvin back with the canoe to Cross, and all set out . for the shore in the Canoes. The . capoe upset, and Col .vin' held the children in his arms, hold ing on to the • branches, and kept all afloat. They were' in speaking distance of Ihe .. people on Shore; but •• no assist ance could be rendered. • Cross and wife after remaining an hour and a half in this situation, sunk. '!he children froze to death in Colvin's .arms. He held their bodies until two o'clock ; (five hours) when fearing he too would perish, dropped them. Col vin was rescued at 6.0 clock. TEMPERANCE VOTE IN VERRIONT.-The fol lowing is the official statement of votes cast at the recent election in Vermont for and ngainst granting licence for the sale of ardent spirits. For granting licence, Against granting, Majority for no licence, THE HARKETI4.' l'ultrk.i.riti : t, April, 6, 1849 The Market is dull and flour has further de clined. Sales of Ba9oo bbla. common and good shipping brands at 54,44a4,50 per bbl. Sales of Rye flour 'in small lots at $2,75 and Penna. Corn meal at $2,371. The demand for wheat continues limited, with small sales.of common and good red at 901195 e. per bu., and white at 97c. Rye is dull at 60c. Corn is in fair re quest at at 52a5211e. per bli. for good yellow; sales of Southern oats at 30c.per bu. Whiskey is chill, and priees fend to a further deline, sales of bbls. at ?.oe. per gal. DIED. On Monday morning the 2d inst., at Alexan dria, after a short illness, Mr. JOHN P. DEAN, aged 34 years. He has left a widow and five children to mourn his irreparable loss. BRIGADE INSPECTOR. Co, JOHN STEVER, of Case township, Huntingdon county, will be supported at the ensuing election for BRIGADE INSPECTOR, by MANY SOLDIERS. April 10,1849. FOR CALM. A large else ‘. Queen of the West" COOK ING STOVE for sa:e on the most reasonable terms. Any person wanting an article of this kind will please call at this office. April 10, 1849. BLACK BEAR HOTELS HUNTINGDON, PENN'A. JAS. D. McILINNEY, W O t U he LD pu r b e l sp ie e g c e t inform that friends and s n ie,,sed the above well known house, formerly kept by John McConnell, and is fitting it up for the ac commodation of all who may fovor him with their custom. In point of location, the "Bcscx B anti," Is the most pleasant and convenient in Hunting don. And► no pains or expense will be spared to make the accommodation. such as cannot be surpassed by any other house in the place. The wants of the stranger and traveller will always be carefully attended to. In !Mott, it will be the constant aim of the proprietor to make all feel at home, and perfectly comfortable, who step at the. Black Bear." His chatgcs will be mod erate. Permanent boarders will be accommoda• ted on reasonable term.. April 10, (849. Administrator's Notice. Estate of W1LL1.4.11 H. .8 L./1C K, late of th. borough of Huntingdon, dec'd. NOTICEis hereby given that Lettere of Ad ministration on said estate have been grant ed to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those havingclaims or demands against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement to Dr. JACOB HOFFMAN, DAVID BLACK, Administrators. Dissolution of Partnership. The Partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers in carrying on the Alexandria Foundry. under the firm of McGill & Gratfins, was by mutual consent dissolved upon the 31st day of March A.D. 1849. All persons having unsettled accounts will attend to them immedi ately. The books are for the present in the hands of William Graffi us. in Alexandria. April 2O , 1849—pd, DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The Partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, trading under the firm of Swoope & Africa, On the Mercantile business, was by mutual consent, dissolved on the let day of April, 1849. PETER BWOOPE, DANIEL AFRICA. Huntingdon, April 10,1849. NOTZO ALLpersons knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned by note, book-accoußt or otherwise will please call and pay off their re spective accounts, on or before the ist of July next. All persons who neglect this notice will find their accounts in the hands of a proper offi cer for collection. BWOOPE & AFRICA. Huntingdon. April 10, 1840. Administrators' Notice. Estate of WILLIAIIf LYTLE, late of Jackson township, dec'W NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration on said Estate, have been granted to the undersigned. Peisons indebted to the same, are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the same, to present them duly authenticated for settlement. BENJAMIN EVERHART, April 10, 1849. [Administrator. LATEST ARRIVAL! Great Slaughter of High Prices! The Town in Commotion ! Nobody Killed, but Several Bads ly Wounded ! DORSEY & MAGUIRE Have the satisfaction to announce to the cit izens of H untingdon and the neighboring coun try that they have just received from the eastern cities, a splendid stock of new SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, • which have been selected with great care. Our stock consists of all the various sty lee of LADIES' AND GENTLEMENS' DRESS GOODS, HOOTS, SHOES, and HATS of all kinds.— Hardware, Queenaware, Groceries, &c. Wo invite all to give us a call, as We take pleasure in showing our Goods. Thankful for past favors, wd hope by strict attention to business to receive a liberal share of public patronage. Huntingdon, April 3,1849.. "Beat the " Hall of Fashion , who Can I 11. & W. SNARE, No.l, Corner Room of's Row, opposite John Whittaker's Tavern, Huntingdon, Pa. 'rho undersigned thankful for pant favors, in firm their customers ana the public generally that they have just received from the city, the largest, cheapest and moat splendid assortment of 11,371. 23,81 G Beady-Made Clothing, ever brought to Huntingdon. Their stock con ' f Dress and Frock Coats, t-acks and Busi ness C oats, Pantaloons and Vests of every style and description suited to the season—warranted welrmade and fashionaly cut. A splendid as sortment of Bleached Muslin and LinCri Shirts and Plaited Bosoms. Cotton, worsted and woolen short Stockings; Suspenders and Hand kerchief's. genteel suit of clothes for almost nothing. Nev styles of Hats and Caps, Roots & Shoes, Umbrellas, &c., s'l of which will be sold at the lowest prices. Please call and examine before purchasing elsewhe to. B. & W. SNARE. liuntitigd on, April 3, 1949. 12,445 REMAINING in the PostOffiee at Huntingdon, Pa., on the 31st day of March, 1819, and which if not lifted on or before the first day of July next, will be sent to the General Post Offico as dead letters. A. Lynn John Anderson William. Langfeld Isaac B. Lavery James Brooks Letitia M Benlaugh J. G. Revd. Montgomery William Brooks Mariah Mayer Henry Bacon Geo. V. Malloy Hugh Bowlen Patrick Manny Thomas Beckman Theodore McNally Peter Barnwell Sarah Murry John J. 2 Bales Simon Masson Edward W. Butler James Mansion Dan. Boyles Patrick McHugh Francis Barringer Joseph Marshall Joseph Beaty Martin Mateer William Ball J. N. Malone Thomas C. Murphy Martin Crozier Ann B. Miss McCracken Joseph Corbin Nicholas McCartney Wm. F. 2 Coleman Velina Mulloy Thomas Convery John N. McMagan James Crotzer Wni, Morrison John Clark Patrick Morrison Eleanor Miss Cunningham John Murphy John Couch Samuel McGrann Philip Campbell Charles Miller Henrietta Mrs. Corbet Mary McLaughlin Patrick Cree David Mooney Thomas 2 Coroon Patrick McCulloch Geo. Coningham J. At at L. Miller Sarah A. Craig John Manelis Patrick Corbet Steward McCay Hezekiah Corran John Messer Smith John Clinger James N Cummings Robert N. A. P. Carlin Patrick Nail Elizabeth Cornprobst Henry ' 0 Cirtis John O'Donnell James Carson Charles O'Donnell John 2 Cornelieus Geo. W. Oakman Joseph Cough Joseph O'Donnell Tim Curtis Edward F. P Cowden Charles Patton James M. D. Proudfoot Alex. R. Doolan John Q Devine James Quinn James Dolen Thomas R Dolan John Ross John Drinks Anthony Raker Jacob Davis W. Richard Mary A. Miss E. Rowland James & .Co. Earnest Henry Rutter Daniel Evers Patrick Reidenour Levi F. Ryan John 4 Ford John Rex John Fox Bernard Ricker George Fink Mary P. Reed Jane Miss Fulton James Belly Edward Foster David Richardson Thomas G. Roles Richard Gorsuch Stephen 2 S Gallaher Patrick Sipe. George Gray J. W. Swinehart William Gosnell Jno R. Sprinkle Absalom Goodman Win Stoufer Isaac Gorman James Sheeter Henry Goodman Marks , • Stewart John P. 2 Geiger John Selfrich William Gaynor John Shaver John Galbraith James W. Snider Frederick Gm'land Revd. M. Smith G. 2 Gavegan Murt Smith Gerome Gaughan John Shinefelt A. B. ROGER C. McGILL, WM. GRAFFIUS. H. Saiher William Henegan Thos. Speck Adam Hicks Samuel Sharrer George HeatonJoseph P. Snyder. Paniel Harker Samuel Stare Jacob nerdap Thomas Stevens D. Harper Wm. Shoffner Margaret Hoffman George Sinky, Shem. Sam. Hoban Michael Snyder Charles Hawn George Schureman Henry Hutchison Wm. Souders Catharine Miss Harvey & Son T Hight T. James Tipton Amos Hubbell Alfred Tocklin Thomas J. Thompson Alexander Jones Fanny Mrs. Jarboe Thomas A. Wight Eliza' Johnston John Wilson James Jarboe Alexander Whittaker Thomas Jarvis & Boatman Welch Timothy K. Waldron Matthew Kelly James White Adolphus P. Knepp Jacob Woods Samuel S. Kerns James Watts Thomas Kurt. Josiah Wright N. N. Kemp Mary Miss 2 Worrell Alexander Kyler Thomas Wilt A. M. Kunkle William L. Y Keclan Edward Yenter John M. L Young Daniel Lewis John 2 Young Lewis Longenecker Jacob Yaw Elizabeth Persons inquiring for letters on the above List will please say they are advertised. B:r Two cents in addition to the regular pos tage charged on advertised letters. P. B. WALLACE, P. M. Huntingdon, March 31, '49. "AT THE OLD STAND," MARKET SQUARE, HUNTINGDON. SPRING and SUMMER GOODS. GEORGE GWIN, Has received and is now opening a splonaid stock of Spring and Summer (foods, among which ma) be bound every variety-of Ladies' and Gentlemens' Dress G oods, in part, Cloths of all kinds, Fr6tich, Belgian and Fancy Cassimers, Kentucky Jeans, Croton, Oregon and Tweed Csoths ; Veatinga, Flannels and Drilling., and a variety at Cotton Goods for summer wear; Muualin de Lames, French Lawn. and Scants, Shawls and t landkerchiefs, Alpaca., Merino., a large assortment of Cali coes of the newest style., and at low prices; Eau Won, French, Scotch and Domestic Ging hams and Balzorines, French and Irish Linens and Checks, Bed Ticking., Ignatius and sheet ing., &c., &c. Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Groceries, • Hardware, Queensware, &c., with a great variety of goods of all kinds. The above stock of Goods having been selec ted with great care, and purchased at reduced prices for Cash,l am enabled to offer Great Bargains, and hope all who want will at least examine ray stock'before purchasing elsewhere, di I am de termined to sell on ea reasonable terms a■ any one in Pennsylvania. Please cat! and see my Goods,as tt affords me pleasure to show them at all times. All kinds of Country Produce taken in en change for Goode. March 31, 1849. NEFF & MILLER, SURGEON DENTISTS, MARKET SQUARE, List of Leiters HUNTINODON, W*. T. WALTER.. (:n• HA liVrr. Walter% & Harvey, [Late Haslobular. & Harvey] Produce and General Comminion Merchant., Noe. 16 & 16 Spear'. Wharf, Baltimore. Liberal Cub advance. made on conaignmcnta of ell kinds of Produce. April 3,1849-3 m NEW GOODS! The " old Locemt Corner' ) Ahead!! Fisher, McMnrtrie & co., H AvE L, jus t t received large and splendid es- SPRING & SUMMER GOIDS: which they are seding, as usual, at extremely low profits. Their stock consists of a general assortment, adapted to the wants of all. Sea sonable DRESS GOODS for Ladies and Gen tlemen; READY-M ‘DE CLOTHING, Bon nets, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hardware. Groceries, &c., &c. In short, the uto toccaT conssa" continues to be the "GRAND BAZAR," where every thing useful and o•namental, can he had, better and cheaper, than can be procu• red elsewhere. Their motto is Quick belts end :mall Profits." All who desire to supply themselves with good goods, at low prices, will give them a call. March 27,1849. EAGLE PeA LOON Major David McMurtrie TAKES great pleasure in announch g to the I public that he has leased the basement atory,of SN %RE'S ROW, where be has fitted up in suierior style an OYSTER SALOON, which has already become the eAsaton•aLe assone of all who love good Oysters, served up in the most superior style—including the choi ce.' kind of fixin's. The Major flatters himself that by unremit ting attention to the wants of his customers generally, he will receive a liberal share of pub lic patronage. A supply of Fruit, con lectionaries, &c., &c., always on hand. 1 Huntingdon, March 27, 1849. ron TEE LADIES. Milliner & Mantua-Maker. The undersigned respectfully begs leave loin• form the L-tdies of Huntingdon and vicintiy that she carries on the above named business at the residence of Matthew Crownover, et the Jail, where she will receive any work in her line of buaineos. She fees confident that the neat Heel as well as the durability of her work will recommend her to the patronage of the Ladies of Huntingdon. MARTHA McCRUM. March 27, 1840-Im. Spring Millinery Goods John Stone 4r, Sons, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS Silks, Ribbons and Millinery Goods, No. 45 South Second Street, above Chesnut, PHILADELPHIA, WOULD call the attentlon of Merchants and Milliners visiting the city, to their large and rich assortment of 4itiving M.Maier)* GOods, Received by late arrival. from France, such as Glace Silks fur casing bonnets, Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbene—a large end beautiful assortment of all prices; Plain Mantua and Satin Ribbons, from No. I to No. 12 ; French and American Artificial Flower's (in great variety) ; Colored and White Crepes ; Fancy /Aces and Nets; French Chip Hats; Face Trio mings—Quillinga ; Covered Whalehones—Cane : Buckram.—Willow ; Bonnet Crowns and Tip., Together with every article appertaining to the Millinery trade. March 27,1849. Great Centre of Attraction!! NEFF Sr, BROTHER AVE just received and are now opening Et H their old stand, 1 0.1001 Market Square, Huntingdon, Pa. the most fashionable and su perb assortment of Clocks, Watches•dt. Jewelry ever offered is this place. Their stock consists in part of English & Anchor Lever, Chronom etc-, Duplex and Lepine GOLD 11 ATCDES. Every variety of Lever, Quartier and English SILVER WATCHES. Eight-Day and Thirty-hour BHA. CLOCKS. Their jewelry has been selected with such care in regard to Fashion. Elegance and Quality as to challenge compari,on and defy competition It embracea Diamond Brew, Pies and Finger Rings, Gold Rings aml Pencils, Peps, Specta cles, &c., together with a g neral and extensive assortment of ILV ER ARTICLES. They have also a well chosen su pp y of Perfumery, Soup mail Fancy Stationary. N. B. Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry prompt ly repaired and warranted. The pubiic are po litely requested and exa mine their 'stock. STYLES S &VIM'S Unrivaled Perfumes, Hair Oil, Tooth Paste and Powder, Soaps, Shaving • Cream, lici The Largest, Cheapest and best assortment of the above named articles ever opened in bun= tioadon,juat received and for sale wholesale and retail by NEFF & BRO March 20,1849 'OR SALE. AFIRST RATE new one twine wagon. which the aubscriber will cell cheap for Cash. R. A. MILLER. March 20, 1840. ..ID-lIINISTR.4TORS' NOTICE. Estate of MICHAEL H. DEITRICH, late of Warrio, smark township, deed. NOTICE is hereby given that Lettere of Admin istration on dlr. estate of M. H. Deitrich, late of Warriormark twp.. Hunt. co., dee'''. have been granted to the undersigned. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make inre dime payment, and those having claims or de mands against the same to present them duly au. thentican.d for settlement to JAMES THOMSON, • Administrator. Fob. 111EPORMNT WIA*4III. MRS. SUSAIN. HAMPSON, 'FAKES this method of informing ber old cos lumen and the'publd itiLersilY lb.( she has leased the law end commodious house on Allegheny street,, Huntington, Ps., known, as the “MANSION HOUSE,” occupied for eeyetel yeses by Mrs. E. Clarke. end lately by John Mark., es a public house.-- She will be found on end slier the let of April, 1849, prepared to accommodate all who may favor be, with a cull in o manner that can not be eurpeeeed by any other hoceo In the county. lath:23M l 'a's‘lMUsol - 30 . 0 will always be furni! , hed with the very be that the market will afford. In short, nothing will be left undone that will in any way add to the comfort of her customers, as she is determined not eo be beat. The location of the "Mansion House" is de cidedly the beat in the borough; the rooms are large, will be well furnished, cud made comfort• able in every particular. Regular boarders will be accommodate,' at moderate prices. March 20.1849. MILNITOOD ACADEMY. riiHE subscribers, residents of Shade I Gap, Huntingdon county, Pa., tieK leave to inform their friends and the pub lic general that they have established at the place above mentioned, a BOARD ING SCHOOL; for the education of young men. .The course of instruction comprises, in addition to the Usual brunches of a common English education: Philosophy, Mathematics, and the Latia anal Greek, languages.. The location is distinguished for its healthfulness and the moral and religious character of the surrounding community Every intention will be paid to the heailii and morals of the pu pils as well as to their mental training and advanceinent in scientific knowl edge, and every facility will he afforded. for their personal comfort and conveni-. ence. The year. is divided into two sea-• alone of flee months each this winter session commencing on the .Ist of No vember, and the Sumner .session com• mencing on the '23rd of April. Terms per Session :—For Cfithegra phy, Reading and Writing, $5. • Arith-. metic, Geography, Grathmar, Philosci •phy, History and composition, Mathematics, Greek -and Latin lan guages,. $12.• Boarding, exclusive of fuel and light, $1.25 per week. Instruc tion given in French and German, at an additional charge. The subscribers,. en couraged by the liberal patronage w hich they have already received, would re peat, that they are determined to spare no effort in making the Institution one that will commend itself to all parents who desire to give their sone°. thorough preparatory educatiOn, without expo sing them to tue , sad inj moral influences that exist in more pop.- ulous communities. For reference or further particulars address . JAMES Y. McGINNES, J. H. W. McGINNES. Shade Gap, March 13, 1849. REMOVAL! Capt. David hazzard, TXTeULD respectfully informal' his chi fu lends VV and castotner4--which include. about the entire population—that he has removed Standing-Stone Head-Quarters to the room nest doer to Prowell *Note, directly opposite Wallace's Washington Hotel, where he has fitted up an •rntal DAZAZIN• above ground, which can't he beat on the Juniata. The lovers of good Oyaters can always be sc. giving bun a call. His new etaul is fitted up on purpose" to ac commodate Ladies and ge. tlrmen. The old Captain" therefore hopes that his friends of both sexes will extend to him • liberal support: CONFECTIONARIES, APEI4tS, NUTS, &c., &c., nlwaye on head. March . R. 184 t re:KKKEL, SHAD, 'SALMON, HERRINGS, PORK, HAMS AND SIDES; • SHOULDERS, LAIP,D & Cnr.zus, Feb. !7, 11149.:81it Constantlx nu band and for asle•bv T. PALMER, & Co. Market St. Wharf, PHILADEITRIA.. Look out for Bargains! More Watches, Jewelry, Silver Spoons, dtc., 4:c: A MOTHER superior lot of GOLD and 811. Vk:R WATCHES of various descriptions, will be received and opened this evening at the Huntingdon Jewelry Store." Also—Gold Finger Rings, Gold Pens, Steel Beads, Pistols, &c., &e. J. T. SCOTT :don, Feb. 6, 1849 NOTICE. THE subscribers to the capital stock of the Spruce Creek and Water Street Turnpike Road Company," who have neglected to comply with the previous calls of said Company, for the payment of the 'several instalments. are again no- . titled that they are required to pay me et my res idence, in Franklin township, Huntingdon coun ty, for the use of said Company, on or before the tenth day of April A. D. 1549, ens and ull mo neys. now remaining due and unpaid by reason of or on account of their said subscription to said stock. Any subs , ril4rs who hrt7e subscribed to enid stork since July. A. D. 18-47, are also notikp that they aro required to pay at the same time and place, ten per cent of the stock subectibed, and on or before the tenth day of each succeeding month the like turn of ten per cent until the whole is paid. JACOB B MATTEMV. Treasurer of W. 8. & SM. T. Co March 8. 1849-4 t. W. IL Shill' 11. W. M.• IN , LAIR. &MVP k SINCLAIR,' Wholesale Grocers, Produce & Commission Merchants; and Dealers in Pittsburg afanufactures, No. 66 Wool street, Pittsburg, Pa. Refer to Mr. GEORGE Messrs. J. & SAITOT, a • April 3, 1849,