A 1.1.1iN M. HAw., Esq.; iditUt of the Nash villa Whig, has been appointed fiegister of the Treasury. Old iNek deems tb know some of his friends at least, and has given substantial evith, his appreciation of their labors.- 1.1 speaking of the nomination of Mr. Hall, the Washington correspondent of the North Amer :can says: "In the selection of such officers, -,hose ability and character give the assurance of o wise and proper discharge of every trust that may be reposed in their keeping, the Ad ministration furnishes the best evidence of its determination to regard the ability and efforts of those who have toiled for its success ; and w•ho for years, have confronted a reckless op- I position at every personal sacrifice. Such men deserve to be considered, and the Secretary of the Treasury has evinced a judicious discrimi nation, which will equally attract confidence and respect." THINK or IT !—The Locofocos here abused Mr. Corwin most villainously for two years for his opposit ion to the Mexican War—denoun cing him as a traitor, a Mexican, an enemy to his country; &c., &c.,—and now turn round and elect Chase to the Senate, who has opposed the war more strenuously than Mr. Corwin!— We like to see consistency !—Piqua Register. Two Weeks later from Europe. ST. JOHNS, March '23-3, P. M. The Steamship Canada, Capt. Judkins with European news to the 16th inst. arrived at Hallifax on Thursday (last) evening, shortly after nine o'clock, hay ing experienced very heavy weather on the passage. The Express arrived at St. John's at half past two o'clock, this day. lhe Canada left Halifax at 12 o'clock to-day, and will arrive at New York ear ly on Sunday. The Canada brings out ninety-nine passengers. The terrible accounts from the seat of the war in India, united with the de cided tone of defiance lately assumed by Russia, and the attitude the Czar it evidently preparing to assume in the warlike operations in Italy, Austria, &c. has caused an uneasy feeling, and has operated injuriously upon the business of the country. But trade, not with standing, continues steady, and prices for most articles of produce, are very satisfactory. ENGLAND.—The frightful wreck of an emigrant ship has taken place on our coast, otr Harwich. The barque Flori da, of 500 tons burthen, E. D. Whit more, master, from Antwerp, for New York, the property of Messrs. E. D. Hurlbut & Co. chartered by a Ger man company, to convey emigrants, was wholly lost on the 28th ultimo, and, hor rible to relate, all on board perished, ex cept three individuals who were mirac ulously rescued from death. The details of the late warlike intel ligence from India, are of more interest but we can at present but make a brief allusion to the subject. The Bombay Telegraph says another murderous conflict with the Sikhs has occurred on the left bank of the river beim, between the army of the Punijub under Lord Gough, and the Sikh force. The Sikhs under Rajah Schwere Singh —a struggle in which the British have •to deplore the loss of 93 officers, and 2,- 500 mien killed and wounded—four guns Captured, and four or five regimental colors taken by the enemy. The struggle terminated in ' victo ry, but was disgraced by the flight - of the Bengal Cavalry regiment, anti the retreat, as yet scarcely satisfactorily explained, of two British corps of Dra goons. A struggle which left the con tending host so weak and scattered, that it was doubtful which had sust.iin ed the greatest injury from the conflict, and which yielded so few of the badges of triumph for the victors, that the op ponents took a new position and fired al salute in honor of its termination. Though masters of the field our len relit are drenched with blood, and it is the universal opinion that two more such victories would be virtual ruin. No attempt is made by the English press . to disguise the fact, that the news from India is of the most disastrous character. Lord Gough has been promptly au perceded in the command by Sir Chas. Napier, who was to have proceeded to the scene of hostilities on the 20th ult. FRANCE.—The French government continues to gather strength, and there is evidently a growing disposition in the nation to crush any attempt at public disorder—upon the whole, the prospects of tranquility are more favorable than they have been during the past year. JUDGE LoNntrarrn.--We regret to learn from reliable sources, that the health of Monais LONGSTRETH continues very feeble. The latest accounts represent b.im as in a very precarious condition. Irir The Hanover (Pa.) Spectator says that a copper mine has lately been discovered on the farm of Henry Gitt, Esq., near that borough.— He leased it to a gentleman skilful in mining, who pronounces it excellent copper ore. JUDICIOUS.—Hon. Geo. M. Peck, Postmaster at Lansing, Michigan, has resigned his office, giving as a reason the fact of his having active ly oppdsed the election of President Taylor. MA, GLN. SCOTT.—The Legislature of New York has adopted a resolution, without debate or a dissenting vote, tendering the thanks of the State to Winfield Scott, for his public ser vices. Q 7" Ex-Governor Wm. Pennington, of New Jersey, has been appointed,. and confirmed as Governor of Minesota territory, Labor. E A BEAUTIFUL iXTRACT.—Why man of idleness, labor rocked you in the cradle and has nourished tour pampered life; without if, the woven silks and wool upon your back would be in the silk worm's nest, and fleeces in the shep herds fold. For the meanest thing that ministers to human want, save the air of heaven, man is indebted to toil ; and even the air, by God's wise ordination is breathed with labor. It is only the drones who toil not, who infest the hive of the active like masses of corruption and decay. The lords of the earth are working men, who can build or cast down at their will and who retort the sneer of the "soft handed," by pointing to their trophies, wherever art, science, civilization and humanity are known.—Work on, man of toil ! thy royalty is yet to be ac knowledged, as labor rises onward to the highest throne of power. _ Bon., March 26, ARRIVAL OF CALIFORNIA GOLD.—The ship Czar, Capt. Kennedy, arrived here to day from the Sandwich Islands, having left Nov. 10th, and Tahiti Dec. Eth. She brings $70,000 in California gold. Her news from the gold region is no later than previously received. Ruoor.riius DICICINSON, lute a member of Congress from Ohio, died at Washington on 20th inst. THE MALUKETg. PHILADELPHIA, March 30, 1810. The market continues inactive, and prices with increasing stocks, are firm. We notice small sales of flour for export, at $4,621 per bbl. for common brands, and a lot of Rye flour at $3. Corn Meal is dull, with sales of 700 bbls. Penna. at $2,50 per bbl. Wheat is in limited request at 95a97c. for fair to prime red, and 101 c. for white. Sales of 3000 hu. corn at 53c. per bu. of 56 lbs. for Southern and Penna. yellow. Oats are dull at 30e. for Southern and 33c. for Penna. at which, yesterday, some 5,000 bu. were sold. Sales of whiskey in bbls. at 21c. 'and hlids. at 30c. per gal. MARRIED, I On Thursday 29th ult. by Rev. S. IL Reid, Mr. PETER D'ENVALT to - Miss CATHARINI! I HATFIELD both of Porter Township. On the 20th ult., by the Rev. Matthew 1 Crownover, Mr. NICHOLAS DECKER, of Hen derson township, to Miss SARAII E. ORLADY, of Brady township. DIED, At 6 o'clock on the morning of the 27th ulti , limo, Wit.r.tsm JONATHAN, eldest child of Sam- I uel and Elizabeth Mifflin, aged 4 years, 2 months ; and 11 days. DEMOCRATIC WHIG COUNTY MEETING. The Democratic Whigs and all friends of the National and State Administrations, of Hunting don county, are requested to meet in COUNTY MEETING on TUESDAY EVENING, Aram 9, for the purpose of choosing a Representative. Delegate to the Whig State Convention, to nom inate a candidate for Canal -Commissioner, and selecting Conferees to meet similar Conferees from the counties of Bedford and Blair, to select a Senatorial Delegate to said Convention. A general attendance is requested. By order of the County Committee. J. SEWELL STEWART, March 27, 1819. Chairman. LATEST ARRIVAL! Great Slaughter of high Prices! The Town in Commotion ! Nobody Killed, but Several Bad- ly Wounded ! DORSEY &, MAGUIRE Have the satisfaction to announce to the cit icros of Huntingdon and the neighboring coun try that they have just received from the eastern cities, a splendid stock of new SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, which have been selected with great cote. Our stock consists of all tho Val ions styles of LADIES' AND GENTLEMENS' DRESS GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, and HATS of all kinds.— Hardware, Queensw aro, Groceries, & c. We invite all to give us a call, as we take pleasure in showing our Goode. Thankful for past fbvors, We hope by strict attention to business to receive a liberal share of public patronage. • Huntingdon, April 3, 1849. W. H. SMITH. W. M. SINCLAIR. SMITH k SINCLAIR, Wholesale Grocers, Produce & Commission Merchants, and Dealers in Pletsburs , Manufactures, No. 56 Wood street, Pittsburg, Pa. Refer to Mr. GRORGE GWIN. I %Huntingdon. Messrs. J. & W. SAXTON, April 3,1849. " Beat the " Hall of Fashion , ' who Can R. & W. SNARE, No. 1, Corner Room of Snare's Row, opposite John Whittaker's Tavern, Huntingdon, Pa. The undersigned thankful for past favors, in f.= their customers end the pablic generally that they have just received from the city, the largest, cheapest and most splendid assortment of Itendy.illade Clothing, ever brought to Huntingdon. Their stock con sists of Drees and Frock Coats, Sacks and Busi ness ('oats, Pantaloons end Vests of every style and description suited to the season—warranted well made and fashionably rut. A splendid as sortment of Bleached Muslin and Linen Shirts and Plaited Bosoms. Cotton, worsted and woolen short Stockings; Suspend era and Hand kerchiefs. A genteel suit of clothes fot almost nothing. Nev styles of Hats and Caps, Boots & Shoes, Umbrellas, &c., all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. Please call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. B. & W. SNARE Ihntingdmi, April 3, 1849. List of Letters REMAINING in the Post Office at Huntingdon, Pa., on the 31st day of March, 1849, and which it not lifted on or before the first day of July next, will be sent to the General Post Office as dead letters. A. Lynn Sohn Anderson William. Lar.gfeld Isaac B. Lavery James Brooks Letitia Yt Benlaugh J. a. Revd. Montgomery William Brooks Mullah Mayer Henry Bacon Geo. V. Malloy Hugh Bowlen Patrick Manny Thomas Beckman Theodore McNally Peter Barnwell Sarah Murry John J. 2 Bales Simon Masson Edward W. Butler James Mannion Dan. Boyles Patrick McHugh Francis Barringer Joseph Marshall Joseph Beety Martin Mateer William Ball J. N. Malone Thomas C. Murphy Martin Crozier Ann B. Miss McCracken Joseph Corbin Nicholas McCartney Wm. F. 2 Coleman Velina Mulloy Thomas Convery John N. McMagan James Crotzer Wm. Morrison John Clark Patrick Morrison Eleanor Miss Cunningham John Murphy John Couch Samuel McGrann Philip Campbell Charles Miller Henrietta Mrs. Corbet Mary McLaughlin Patrick Cree David Mooney Thomas 2 Coroon Patrick McCulloch Geo. Coningham J. At at L. Miller Sarah A. Creig John Manelis Patrick Corbet Steward McCay Hezekiah Corran John Messer Smith John Clinger James Cummings Robert N. A. P. Carlin Patrick Nail Elizabeth Cornprobst Henry 0 Cirtis John O'Donnell James Carson Charles O'Donnell John 2 Cornelieus Geo. W. Oakman Joseph Cough Joseph O'Donnell Tim Curtis Edward F. Cowden Charles Patton James M. D. Proudfoot Alex. R. Doolan John Devine James Quinn James Dolan Thomas Dolen John Ross John Drinks Anthony - Raker Jacob Davis W. Richard Mary A. Miss E. Rowland James & Co. Earnest Henry Rutter Daniel Evers Patrick Reidenour Levi F. Ryan John 4 Ford John Rox John Fox Bernard Ricker George Fink Mary P. Reed Jane Miss Fulton James Reily Edward Foster David Richardson Thomas G. Roles Richard Gorsuch Stephen 2 S Gallaher Patrick Sipe George Gray J. W. Swinehart William Gosnell Jno R. Sprinkle Absalom Goodman Wm .. Stoufer Isaac Gorman James Sheeter Henry Goodman Marks Stewart John P. 2 ' Geiger John Selfrich William Gaynor John Shaver John Galbraith James W. Snider Frederick Garland Revd. M. Smith G. 2 Gavegan Murt Smith Gerome Gaughan John Shinefelt A. B. H. Saiher William Henegan Thos. Speck Adam Hicks Samuel Sharrer George Heaton Joseph P. Snyder Daniel Harker Samuel Stare Jacob Heslap Thomas Stevens D. Harper Wm. Shofther Margaret Hoffman George Sinky Shem. Sam. Hoban Michael Snyder Charles Hawn George Schureman Henry Hutchison Wrn. Souders Catharine Miss Harvey & Son T Hight T T. James Tipton Amos Hubbell Alfred Tocklin Thomas J. Thompson Alexander Jones Funny Mrs. W Jarboe Thomas A. Wight Eliza Johnston John Wilson James Jarboe Alexander Whittaker Thomas Jarvis & Boatman Welch Timothy K. Waldron Matthew Kelly James White Adolphus P. Knepp Jacob Woods Samuel S. Kerns James Watts Thomas Kurtz Josiah Wright N. N. Kemp Mary Miss 2 Worrell Alexander Kyler Thomas Wilt A. M. Kunkle William L. Keelan Edward Yenter John M. L Young Daniel Lewis John 2 Young Lewis Longenecker Jacob Yaw Elizabeth Persons inquiring for letters on the above List will please say they are advertised. 07' Two cents in addition to the regular pos tage charged on advertised letters. F. B. WALLACE, P. M. Huntingdon, March 31, '49. "AT THE OLD STAND," MARKET SQUARE, HUNTINGDON SPRING and SUMMER GOODS: GEORGE GWIN 3 Has received and is now opening a splendid stock of spring and Summer Goode, among which may be bound every variety of Ladies' and Gentlemens' Dress Goods, in part, Cloths of all kinds, French, Belgian and Fancy CassimerkAeLti ledy Jean., Crown, Oregon and Tweed 15:otffii Vestings, Flannels and Drillings, and a variety of Cotton Goode for Bummer wear; Mouslin de Leine., French Law. and Scuts, Shawls and Handkerchiefs, Alpacas, Merinoes, a large assortment of Cali coes of the newest style., and at low prices, Ear baton, French, Scotch and Domestic Ging hams and Balzotines, French end Irish Linens and Checks, Bed Ticking., Muslim, and sheet jugs, &c., &c. Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, &c., with a great variety of goods of all kinds. The above stock of Goods having been selec ted with great care, and purchased at reduced prices for Cash, I am enabled to offer Great Bargains, and hope all who want will at least examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere, as I am de. 'ermined to sell on as reasonable terms as any one in Pennsylvania. Please call and see my Goods,as it affords me pleasure to show than at all times, All kinds of Country Produce taken in en• change for Goode. March 31, 1849. NEFF . & MILLER, SURGEON DENTISTS, MARKET SQUARE, HUNTINGDON, rA. Wx. T. WALTERS. Crum... HARTEE. Walters & Harvey, [I ato I lazlehuret do Harvey] Produce and General Commission Merchants, Nos. 15 & 16 Spear's Wharf, Baltimore. Liberal Cash advances made on conHgnmenin of all kinds of Produce. April 3, 1849-3 m Nl.ltA' (O01)1! The " old Loch*t Corner , ' Ahead!! "fisher, IVlcMurtrie dr. co:, HAVE just received a large and splendid as eortmeht of SPRING 84, SUMMER - GOCDS which they are selling, as usual, at extremely low profits. Their stock consists of a general assortment, adopted to the wants of all. Sea sonable DRESS GOODS for Ladies and Gen tlemen; READY•M %DE CLOTHING, Bon nets, Hate, Cape, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, &c., &c. In short, the " OLD LOCUST cons Ea" continues to be the "GRAND BAZAR," where every thing useful and ornamental, can be had, better and cheaper, than can be procu red elsewhere. Their motto is Quick Salts and Small Profits." All who desire to supply themselves with good goods, at low prices, will give them a call. March 27,1849. EAGLE NALOAIN Major David DtCcDrurtrie TAKES great pleasure in announcii , g to the public that he has leased the basement atory, of SNARE'S ROW , vvhere he has fitted up in suArior style an OYSTER SALOON,' which has already become the ...mos", am: RESORT of all who love good Oysters, eer ved up in the most superior style—including the choi cest kind of firin's. The M ajur flatters himself that by unremit ting attention to the wants•of his customers generally, he will receive a liberal share of pub lic patronage. A supply of Fruit, confe ctionarrea, &c., &c., always on hand. Hunt mgdon, M arch 27, 1849. root mus ilAanos. Milliner & Mantua-Maker. The undersigned respectfully begs leave loin form the Ladies of Huntingdon and vicintiy that she carries on the above named business at the residence of Matthew CI ownover, at the Jail, where she will receive any work in her line of business. She feels confident that the neat ness as well as the durability of her work will recommend her to the patronage of the Ladies of Huntingdon. MARTHA McORUM. March 27, 1849-Im. Spring Millinery Goods, Sohn Stone 4 . Sons, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Silks, Illbbons and Millinery Goods, No. 45 South Second Street, above Chesnut, PHILADELPHIA, WOULD call the attention of Merchants and Milliners visiting the city, to their large and rich assortment of Spring Millinery Goods, Received by late arrivals from France, such as Glace Silks for casing bonnets, Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons—a large and beautiful essortment of all prices ; Plain Mantua and Satin Ribbons, from No. 1 to No. 12 ; French and American Artificial Flowers, (in . , great variety) ; Colored and White Crapes; Fancy Laces and Nets ; French Chip Hats; Face Trill mings—Quillings ; Covered Whalebones—Cane: Buckrams—Willow ; Bonnet Crowns and Tips, Together with every article appertaining to the Millinery trade. March 27,1849. Great Centre of Attraction ! ! NEFF & BROTHER HAVE just received and are now opening Et their old stand, No. 1001 Market Square, Huntingdon, Pa. the Moat fashionable end in perh assortment of Clocks, Watches & Jewelry ever offered is this place. Their stock consists in part of English & Anchor Lever, Chrottpm ete•, Duplex and Lepine GOLD Vs ATCHES. Every variety of Lever, L'Epine, Quartier and English SILVER WATCHES. Eight-Day and Thirty-hour Buses Cuicxs. Their Jewelry has been selected with such care in regard to Fashion, Elegance and Quality as to challenge comparison and defy competition It embraces Diamond Breast Pins and Finger Rings, Gold Rings and Pencils, Pens, Specta cles, &c., together with a general and extensive assortment of SILVER ARTICLES. They have also a well chosen supply of Perfumery, Soap add Fancy Stationary. N. 11. Clocks, VVatches, end Jewelry prompt ly repaired and warranted. The pubiic are po litely requested to call and examine their stock. =LES EL AZLE'S Unrivalled Perfumes, Hair Oil, Tooth Paste and Powder, Soaps, Shaving. Cream, &c. The Largest, Cheapeet and best assortment of the above named articles ever opened in It un tingdon, just received and for sale wholeeele and retail by - _ _ NEFF & BRO March 20, 1849 Tom. BALE. ARATE new one horse wagon, which the subscriber willl sell cheep for Cash. R. A. MILLER. March 20, 1049 ADMINISTRSTORS" NOTICE. Estate of MICHAEL IL DEITRICE, late of Warrior staark township, dee'd. NOl`lOE is hereby given that Letters of Admin istration on tlio estate of M. H. Deitrich, late of Warriormark tarp., Hunt. co., dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All persona in debted to said estate are requested to make imme diate payment, and those having claims or de mands againstthe same to present them duly au thentiteted for settlement to JAMES THOMSON, Administrator. Feb. 27, 184 Y. Retailers of Merchandize. Classification of Retailers of Merchandize in Huntingdon county, by the 6, Appraiser of Mer cantile Taxes" for the year commencing let May, 1949, viz: Amount Class. of License. Alexandria borough Bucher & Porter, 12 $l2 50 Charles Porter, 12 12 50 12 12 50 13 10 00 John N. Swoops, Dorris Ikr Walker, Michael Siasler, 11 7 00 Birmingham borough : James Clarke, 13 10 00 James Belt, 14 7 00 John Gaynor & co.,* 14 10 50 Petershurger & Ettinger, 14 7 00 Barree township: A. W. Graft & co.,* 14 10 50 John Cresswell & co., 14 7 0,0 James Gillam, 14 7 00 _ . _,.. 1:3 10 ob 11 7 00 James Irvine, J. A. Jennings, Brady township Kessler & Brother, 12 12' 50 J. & %V. Saxton, . l 3 10 00 Irvin, Green & co., 13 10 00 Washington Buchanan, 14 7 00 Cass township : James Henderson, 11 7 00 Clay township : E. B. Orbison & co., )3 10 00 Cromwell township': Thos. E. Orbison 4. co., r 3 10 00 Isett & Wigton, 13 10 00 George Sipes,' 141 10 50 David Etnire, 7 00 Dublin township: Brice X. Blair C co., 13 10 00 Franklin township: . G. & J. H. Shoenberger, 10. 20 00 Shorb, Stewart & co., 10 20 00 John S. Isett, 13 10 00 Ingram & co., 14 7 00 Isett & Harnish. 14 7 00 Huntingdon borough : Fisher, McMurtrie & co., 12 12 50 J. & W. Saxton, 12 12 50 A. P. Wilson, 12 50 ._ __ Thomas Read & Son, 12' 12 50 13 10 00 William Dorris, 13 10 00 Moses Strouse, Dorsey & Maguire, 13 10 00 George Gwin, 13 10 00 A. Willoughby, Swoope 14 7 00 Dr. William Swoope, 14 7 00 William Stewart • 14 10 50 T. K. Simonton, 14 7 00 George A. Steel, 14 7 CO Maier Lisberger, 14 7 CO Benjamin Snare, 14 7 00 H. IC. Neff & Bro., 14 7 00 James T. Scott, 14 7 00 Louis Schneider, 14 7 00 Levi Westbrook, 14 3 50 W. E. McMurtrie, 14 7 00 Jackson township E. & A. Stewart, 11 7 00 Couch & Cummins, 14 7 00 Robert Mcßurney, 14 7 00 Hopewell township : James Entriken, 13 10 00 Morris township: George H. Steiner, George W. Patton & co., 1 Irvine, Kessler & co., 12 12 50 1:3 10 00 11 7 00 11 7 00 Joseph Law, Porter township S. Hatfield & co., Jos. Green & co., 13 10 00 12 12 50 Petersburg borough Abraham Cresswell, 12 50 John R. Hunter, 12 12 50 Larirner & Beatty, 11 7 00 Irvine & Marks, 11 7 00 Shirleysburg borough John Long & co., 13 10 00 Henry Brewster, 13 10 00 John Lutz,* 14 10 50 David Fraker,l I 7 00 William Johnston, 14 7 00 Shirley township : Samuel H. 8e11,13 10 00 Penn township A. & E. Plummer, 13 10 00 Frank & Neff,* 13 15 00 Tell townsgi eu township: A. C. Blair & co., 14 7 00 Jacob Filmalee, 14 7 00 Springfield township : Madden & Gorsuch, • 14 7 00 Tod township : Horatio . Trexler & co., 14 7 00 Mordecai Chilcote, 14 7 00 • Union township: Glasgow & Brother, 14 7 00 Walker township : James Campbell,' 13 13 00 Given 8/ ()tidy, 13 10 00 . West township :, Edwin P. Shoenbergef, 13 10 00 Cunninghatri & Sty ton, 13 10 00 Warriorsmark township: Benjamin P. Patton, 13 10 00 Abednego Stevens, 13 10 00 Joseph B. Shugarts, 14 7 00 Those marked thus (') sell liquor. Notice is hereby given to the above named Dealers in Merchandizc, that I will attend at the Commissioners' Office in Huntingdon, on Thursday the 12th day of April next, for the purpose of hearing persona who may desire to' appeal from the above classification. J. SMYTH READ, Appraiser of Mercantile Taxes. March 20, 1849. Zit, & .7 . M. ROWE, Broom and Wooden ware Store, No. 63 North Third Street, ore door above Arch, East S!.le, Plafiadelphia, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of Brooms, Brushes, Buckets, Cedar Ware, Willow and French Baskets, Shoe and Well Brushes, Scrubs, Dusters, Mats, Blacking, Eastern-made Wooden Ware of every de cription, &c., at the low- cat market prices. Cash paid for Broom Corn MANLY ROVVE. JOHN. M, ROWE March 20, 1849-3 m. Acintinistratoes Notice. Ease* of J./INE B.IRR, late of Jack= son township, dec'd. NTOTICE is hereby given that Letters Of Ad .ol mih tetra lion have been grarited to the Older signed on said estate. Persons indebted to said estate are regtiestetito make immediate payment, and those having claims ni demands against the same to prevent them daly autherieated for set tlement to JOHN BARK, Feb. 13,1819—pd. Adminiatralor. 1 IMPORTANT UN,AN an MRS. SUSAN HAMPSON, MAKES this method of informing her old C, F• tomes and the public generally al at 'he has leased the large and commodious houre on Allegheny street, Huntingdon, Pa., know:: at. the "MAN*IO3I HOUSE,” occupied for sevetal years by Mrs. E. Clarke, and lately by John Mirka, as a public home.— She will be found there on and after the let of April, 1899, prepared to accommodate all who may favor her with a call in a manner that can. not be aurpaaeed by any other boom In the county. zmraulaa ciaziaQ.Ll3ZtsaLlEl o will always be famished with the very best that the market will afford. In abort, nothing will be left undone that will in any way add hr the comfort of her customers, as she is determined not 'e be beat. The location of the "Mansion House" is de cidedly the best in the borough; the room. are lerge, will be well furnished, and made comfort able in every particular. Regular boarder. will be accommodated at moderate prices. March 20,1849. NOTION. THE subscribers to the capital clock of tho Spruce Creek and Water Street Turnpike Road Company," who have neglected to comply with the previous calla of said Company , for the payment of the several instalments, are again no tified' that they arc required to pay me at my res idence, in Frankiiii township, Huntingdon coun ty, fur the use of said Company, on or before the tenth day of April A. D. 1849, any and all mo neys, now remaining due and unpaid, by reason of or on account of their said subscription to raid stock. Any subscribers who have subscribed to raid stock since July. A. D. 1847, are also notifiep, that they aro required to pay at the same time arid' place, ten per cent of the stock subscribed, and on or before the tenth day of each succeeding month the lilts sum of ten per cent until the whole is paid. JACOB S. MATTERN, Treasurer of W. S. & S.C. T. Co. March 6, 1649-41. stbussiaire Perfumes, Hair Oils, Soaps, Shaving Cream, &c A very large lot of Roussell'; unrivalled Shaving Cream, &c., &c., just opening at the Huntingdon Jewelry Store. It is decidedly the best assortment in town and will be sold very cheap. teirs,Stika(fro ACADEMY THE subscribers, residents of Shade Gap, Huntingdon county, Pa., beg leave to inform their friends and the pub lic generally, that they have established at the place above mentioned, a BOARD ING SCHOOL for the education of young men. _ The course of instruction comprises, in addition to the usual branches or a common English education: Philosophy, Mathematics, and the Latin and Greek languages. The location is distinguished for its healthfulness and the moral and religious character of the turronndilig community Every attention will be paid to the health and morals of the pu pils as well as to their mental training and advancement in scientific know!. edge, and every facility will be afforded for their personal comfort and conveni ence. The year is divided into two ses sions of five months each ; the winter session commencing on the Ist of No vember, and the Summer session com mencing on the 23rd of April. Terms per Session :—For Orthogra phy, Rending and Writing, $5. Arith metic, Geography, Grammar, Philoso phy, History and composition, sB. Mathematics, Greek and Latin lan guages, $l2. Boarding, exclusive of fuel and light, $1.25 per week. Instruc.: Lion given in French and German ; at an additional charge. The subscribers, en couraged by the liberal patronage which they have already received, would re peat, that they are determined to: spare no effort in making the Institution one that will commend itself to all parents who desire to give their sons a thorough preparatoq: education,• witliont expo sing them to the contaminating and im moral influences that exist in more pop.' ulous comdtariit4s. For reference or further particulars address JAMES Y. McGINNES, J. H. W. McGINNES. Shade . Gap, March 13, 1819. REMOVAL! itapt. David liaz.sard, o . ll n respectfully customer—which rt ifor Il includes h isci sto rr u i t " the entire population—that he has removed Standing-Stone head-Quarters to the room' next dour to Prowell's Store, directly opposite Wallace's Washington Hotel, where he . . has fittedsup an OTOWIZM 34/1017.4L above ground, which' can't he Leal on the Juniata. The lovers of goad Oysters can sheep' be aC• commodated by giving him acall. His new stand is fitted up plapp.e" to ac commodate Ladies and gentlemen. The ...Id Captain" therefore hopes that his frielids of both sexing will extend to him a liberal support. CONFECTIONARIES, APPLES, NUTS, &c.,&c., always on hand. March 6, 189. MACEEMEL, SHAD . , SALMON, H MINGO, PORN,. HAMS AND SIDES, &rot= az s, tau & CMEESE, Constantly on band and for sale by J. PALMER, & Cu. , Market St. Wharf, I PirILADELPHrA. ) Feb. 27, 1849.-31 u. Look out for Bargains 1 More Watches, Jewelry, Silver Spoons, &c., 4w. A NOTHER superior lot of GOLD and VER IVATCHES of various descriptions, will be received and opened this evening at the "Huntingdon Jewelry Store." Alan.—Gold Finger Rings, Gold Pens, Steel Reads, Pistols, &e., &c. J. T. SCOTT. Huntingdon, Feb. 6, 16I'J.