Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 03, 1849, Image 2

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    THE JOURNAL *tong ot Politics. •
The' intideration which has marked the con
_. duct of the new Administration, (says the Bal
moister rxiscier.E.s—syrroarse so TRUTH.] i limiters American,) has not prevented the out
- . ' tty of certain inurnals whose columns abound
with such ph:sepses “proscription," victims,"
ksits -1 the i‘ guknotine," the working of the axe,"
sp h chopping off heads" and the like. These are
terms of daily use, and have got to be so much
of the political vernacular, as to be no longer
HUNTINGDON, TifEHDAY, ARIL 3. 1147 regarded as figurative.
Considering the source from which such out
- - cries come, the sensitive mind is touched.—
Hoover's Ink. These claimants of sympathy, these ministers
ROOTER'S SUPERIOR WRITING INK I of woe, who express such horror at the idea of
tor sale at this office. proscription, are peculiarly entitled to consid-
The "Hiwrintinott JOURNAL" is published at
the following rates, viz : $1,75 a year, if paid
in adv A nce ; $2,00 if paid during the year, and
$2,00 if not paid until after the expiration of 1
the year. The above terms to be adhered to in
all cases.
No subseriptidn taker' for less than six months,
and no paper discontinued until all arrearages
are paid, unless at the option of the publisher.
aj• All deficiencies in this number of the
Journal will have to be set down to the account
of moving and fixing up for the coming year,
and excused. We do not own a 44 homestead,"
and therefore Olt exempt” from the annoy
ance of mooing at the will of the landlords.
irrCol. A. K. Cornyn, has again laid us un
der obligations by his numerous favors during
the week. Colonel, you'r a clever fellow.
ta , " B. & W. SNARE, are in the market again
with an elegant stock of Ready-made Clothing,
which for quality and beauty they say can't be
beat. Look in and see their stock.
Mona New GOODS !—Donsyr & NAGVIRE,
and Col. Gee. Gwix, have created finite an ex
citement op town by the receipt of their splen
supplies of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS.—
Their stores are within a few doors of each
other, and we are pleased to observe are recei
ving a patronage which they eminently deserve.
Both these establishments were opened but one
year ago, and already enjoy en extensive and
rapidly increasing custom. Why is thtt ao ?
The answer is easy—they ADVERTF.W!—
And those who advertise not only sell the '
cheapest, but keep themselves supplied with
the best and most elegant assortment of goods. •
[1:7" A telegraphic despatch from Washing-
ton, on Friday last, says sixty Postmasters
have been appointed in the interior of Pennsyl
vania, all unimportant, however.
Among the inferior Postmasters appointed
to-day in Pennsylvania, are Lewisburg, Lewis
town, Gettysburg, York Springs, two in Blair
county, Mechanicsburg, Petersburg, Marietta,
&c. These were all made in the Post office
Department, and not in cabinet council.
A later dispatch informs us that Samuel
Roseberry, has been appointed Postmaster at
John N. Swoope, has been appointed Port
master at Alexandria, in this county. This is
an excellent appointment, and one that will
fully meet the wishes of the People.
The Legislature.
We committed an error in our last, in stating
that the supplement to the Pa. Railroad, in
which some of our citizens fee an interest, had
passed the Senate.
During the pact week a bill providing for
the cancellation and re-incur of the mutilated
Relief Notes passed the Senate. And we are
assured, on good authority, that it will pass the
House. This is welcome news.
The North Branch bill has again failed in
the House by a vote of 34 to 47. This kills
the bill for this session.
The' bill forming a New Judicial District
out of lluntingdon, Blair and Cambria, has pass
ed second reading in the House. It will in all
probability become a law.
Numerous changes have taken place in the
Public dowses of this place. Peter Livingston
has retired from the Exchange Hotel, and is
succeeded by A. Johnston. John Marks retires
from the Mansion House in Allegheny Street,
and is succeeded by Mrs. S. Hampson, who is
succeeded in the Black Bear Hotel by Jas. D.
McKinney. We hopo all may have lots of
good customers.
C:7" The Hon. Jesse Mitten, late Secretary
of the Commonwealth, has become associated
with Mr. Barrett in the Harrisburg Keystone.
From his opening address, we judge he intends
to give the Tariff and Bank portion of the De
mocracy particular Jesse, should they refuse to
follow his lead. What his thunder will amount
to, remains to be seen.
The Canal Board.
From the address of Jas. M. Power, Esq.,
published in another column, it will be seen
that the difficulty in the Canal Board in relation
to the proper answer to be returned to a resolu
tion passed by the House of Representatives, on
the 9th inst., was settled in a full meeting of
the board by the vote of Mr. Longstreth. A
report was lirepared by the Board, end Was
presented on Monday last. It *as understood
to be a unanimous report upon the subject, ins
til a communication from Israel Painter, sta.
tills his dissent from the report of the majority,
was presented to the House on the same day,
but at a later period of the session. Whilst in
Philadelphia, as we have learned, Mr. Painter
gave his adhesion to the report, but no sooner
:lad he got out of the presence of Mr. Long
streth and come into that of some one of his
masters at Harrisburg, than his views under
went a wonderful change, and in consequence a
counter report was submitted !
The strongest evidence that could be adduced
Ca" The Senate, in Extra Session, adjourned
that Mr. Painter Was in the wrong and Mr. I
sine die on Friday. Much of their proceedings
Power in the right, is the fact, that Mr. Long-
are of course not made public us yet.
tr.•th refused to sustain Painter in his course, r
withstanding he belongs to the same politi- ar Tom Hyer was found guilty by the Mt.
faith with himself. ryland jury of the assault and battery on Sulli
'e invite the attention of all to Mr. Power's van, and sentenced by the Court to pay a tine
. of $lOOO.
eratiOn from the fact that they are speaking in
behalf of a party that never proscribes. How
forcible is their appeal I They call upon their
friends in office to stay there—as long as they
can. One gentleman; in the possession of a
good place, has become a hero by announcing
magnanimously that he would do so; and a cer
lain journal has revived some reminiscences of
the saving of the Capitol by declaring that it
would put out its neck like an old Roman, ra
ther than leave its nest.
It is the beautiful propriety of the thing to
which we invite the reader's attention—the ad
mirable consistency! SATAN rebuking SIN ne
ver rose to a loftier attitude of tho sublime.—
Passing the bounds of ordinary impudence, the
demeanor of this outraged patriotism ascends
to the height of a most imposing effrontery.—
It is poetical in the boldness of its fanciful con
ceptim ; it illustrates the picturesque of poll
tics, the rhapsody of humbug.
The Black Hussars of proscription convert-
ed into meek, wayfaring pilgrims; political ad
• venturers, who have become placemen, turned
into patriots; devourers of spoils, the harmless
and tender nurslings of the Treasury Such a
metamorphosis has not been seen since the
days of OVID, who tells us how a hunter be
came a stag, and that Jupiter himself was dis
guised is a shower of gold.
It will be borne in mind that the new Admin
istration has not made itself liable to the charge
of proscription in any sense ;—but it is also to
be remembered that the ejection from office, or
the refusal to re-appoint men whose sole or
chief claim to place is founded upon the doc
trine of " spoils," is not proscription. Quite
the contrary. It is the very sort of reform
I which the times require, and of which good
men will approve. Not, indeed, that the places
of such shall be filled by new incumbents upon
the ground of the same doctrine; but by men
honest, capable and faithful, who are respected
for their worth, and whose occupancy, of office
will impart as much respectability to the place
as the place may confer distinction upon the
Destructive Whirlwind--Central
Rail Road Bridge Destroyed.
On Tuesday last the vicinity of Harrisburg
was visited by a tremendous storm of wind,
rain and hail. The Pa. Intelligencer says
The severe storm on Tuesday blew down six
spans of the wood work of the Railroad Bridge,
on the Susquehanna, five miles above Harris
burg. The lumber floated down the river,
parts of it lodging on the piers of the two
bridges, opposite our town. We learn that the
frame work of five other spans, ready to be put
up, was on the part of the bridge blown down,
and was also carried away with it. This is a
serious loss to the company and will greatly re
tard their operations. It will no doubt delay
the completion of the bridge several months,
which, but for this accident, would have been
finished by the first of June.
The Packet Boat and Stage on their way up
were detained several hours, the wind blowing
• so hard that it was impassible to get along.
We observe by the papers that New York
and Baltimore were visited by a severe storm
on the same day.
The Coal Bushel.
The Legislature of this State has just passed
an act establishing a measure of bituminous
coal, the bushel of which shall be 2688 cubic
inches—or in other words—five pecks of the
Winchester or common grain measure. This
was greatly needed by suppliers and consumers
of coal, as no rule existed heretofore for its
measurement but the indefinite one of the Win
cheater bushel heaped. The want of any rule
for heaping, left the coal measure at an uncer
' tainty,—always creating dissatisfaction and
trouble. The present law puts that matter to
rest, and all carts, wagons and trucks employed
in the delivering of coal are now required to be
measured and sealed by a fixed and certain
, , standard.
Clerk of the Philadelphia Orphans
Gov. Johnston has appointed Jacob Broom,
Eeq., C•erk of the Orphans' Court for the city
and county, in place of David Hanley, deceased.
It will be recollected that Mr. Broom was pre
viously appointed to fill the vacancy occasioned
by the death of Oliver Brooks but the Supreme
Court, before which the matter was taken, de
cided in favor of Mr. Hanley holding over, on
the ground that no vacancy actually existed.—
Mr. Broom is a gentleman of much experience
as a Clerk, has an excellent legal education,
and will make a good officer.
Borough Officers.
The following officers were elected for this
borough yeterday :
Chief Burgese.—Wm. Rothrock.
assistants.—Geo. Taylor and Jas. Gwin.
..... _
Town Coursed.—*m. P. Orbison, Henry
Smith, Wm. Hoffinen, Geo. Jackson, Wm. B.
Zeigler, J. N. Proweil, Benj. °refine.
Tows Cleri.--John Albright.
Stepervisors.—Wm. H. King, John Africa.
High Constable.—B. J. Hight.
Assistant ilasessor.—Wm. Africa.
To the Public,
There are some allegations is the address of
Israel Painter, a member of the board of Canal
Commissioners, dated the 19th inst., to which I
feel bound to reply. My absence on oflicial bu•
siness at Philadelphia, prevented an earlier at
tention to the subject.
Mr. Painter charges that I allowed myself to
become excited withont a cause, and to indulge
in personal recrimnation which neither the facts
nor the occaion justified. He also alleges that
I was absent when the resolution was received,
as an excuse for his discourteous conduct to
wards that officer of the board through whose
hands all official communications to or from the
Board have heretofore passed.
Now, what are the facts 1 The resolution
was passed on Friday, the 9th inst. It reached
the Board, I presume, on the next day, Satur
day. On Monday I was in attendance in the of
fice, and was there every day during that week.
It was not until Saturday, when he presented
his report, that he even condescended to inform
me that such a resolution had been passed by
the House. Here was a week lost without his
informing me that the Legislature was waiting
for information upon an important bill, in the
speedy passage of which every laboring man on
the public works was steeply interested. He
took the resolution from the files of the office,
kept it from my knowledge for a week, and then
presented to ine a report prepared out of the
usual place of discharging official business.—
Will any person, placed in my situation, wonder
that under such premeditated disrespect, I re
fused to sign or read a report prepared for my
hands under such circumstances I I think not.
As another excuse for his conduct, Mr. Pain
ter says that he " knew that the Committee of
Ways and Means were impatiently waiting for
the information called for, that the delay would
keep back the passage of the appropriation bill,
and protract the time of paying the public cred
itors," which he said he wished to avoid. Now,
in reply to the effort to gain popularity with the
laboring classes at the expense of a reputation
of a colleague, it is only necessary to say that
all the delay was produced by Mr. Painter him
self, and all the responsibility of that delay
must rest at his own door, not mine. All the
information required to reply to the resolution
was in the office, and, if despatch had been his
object, that reply could have been transmitted
within twelve hours after the resolution had
been properly laid before the Board, yet he pre
ferred to hold back the information for the pur
pose of ministering to a morbid appetite for pop
ularity. lie talks of delay, and the suffering
condition of the public creditors; yet lie produ
ces the very delay, and protracts the suffering
of which he complains. If he had sought for
truth alone, as he alleges,that r truth" was con
tained in the official files of the office, instead of
seeeking counsel of irresponsible persons to ob
tain materials for making up his report.
A few words in reply to another remark, and
have done with the " Address." I have stated
that a secret request was made to an oflicer re
cently appointed, for a report, in order to man
ufacture statements derogotary to the official
character of that officer's predecessor. That
remark was not intended to reflect upon the of
ficer making the report, but upon the member of
to- Board making the request. That request
was made by Mr. Painter, without the knowl
edge of any other member of the Board, through
the medium of the Magnetic Telegraph. If this
was not secretly done, I confess that I am igno
rant of what secrecy means.—That the report
was intended to be used to impeach the official
} character of a former o ffi cer, Is evidenced by
I the fact, that it contains matters not called for
by the House, and statements of indebtedness
since the first of December last, which of course
form a part of the estimates for the current year
contained in the Annual Report of the Board.
1 have not much to say in reply to Mr. Pain
ter's "financial report" to the House. It is a
tissue of blunders, and made up in an excusable
ignorance of the subject of which it treats. Let
me give an instance. After having mixed up
with his motive power expences, items notori
ously belonging to the repair department of the
Columbia Railroad, and endeavoring to show a
discrepancy between estimates of the former
and present Superintendents, he says that there
will be required the sum of $239,517 St to pay
the debts due and keep up the motive power,
from the Ist of December last, to the Ist of
December next, a period of twelve months.
Yet, when the officer who made the last report,
wee recently before the board, he only asked
$50,000 in addition to the amount estimated in
the Annual report, to pay debts and keep up the
motive power from the Ist of December 1848,
to the Ist of April, 1850.—1 n other words, Mr.
Painter in his report, requires $239,000 for
twelve months, and the officer upon whom he
relies., says, that $222,000 (in round numbers,)
will be sufficient for sixteen months.—So much
for this portion of his financiering.
I shall not trouble myself with his other
blunders, as it is my intention to close this con
troversy, by showing that l was right in sus
pecting that his elaborate report was designed
to extort more money from an exhausted trea
sury than was necessary for public purposes.
Mr. Painter estimates the appropriation for the
fiscal year at $1,038,462 87. He then asks
for repairing breaches by flood, $50,000; $50,-
000, for the purchase of materials, after the
Ist of Decemser 1819; and $150,000 for re.
pairs; and $150,000 for motive power expen
ses betwen the Ist of December 1849, and the
beginning of April 1850; making the enormous
sum of $1,438,442 87, to be appropriated at the
present session. The amount of debts due for
repairs and motive power, on the. Ist of Decem
ber last is, $280,995 41 which deducted from
the aforesaid sum, leaves the sum of $1.157,467
46 as modestly asked for by Mr. Painter, to be
appropriated to pay all expenses of the improve
ments for only 16 months. In making such an
exhibit, it was auperfluourt for him to say that
he was recently inducted into office. Every
one at all acquainted with the public wores,
knows that the heavy re pairs made in 1847, aro
1848, placed the Canals is a better condition
STUFFS. This issue is broadly made, an en
than they have been for several years, and that A MARKET FOR OUR BREAD ern . pretenders untie the guise of d i f , riltl i sli:p r .;
an appropriation to the amount required by Mr.
Painter, would he a fraud upon the people of Mii,t of the enquiring and reflective intellects
the Commonwealth. of the country have regarded, with distrust, the driven or cajoled from it.—Dai ly News.
having assumed her position . can neither he
A full meeting of the Board was held at Phil-
splendid promises of the advocates of Free TherPostinaster General.
adelphia, on the 22d inst., at which the resolu- •
"'rade, who have assured our farmers that, un- A large number of the citizens of Vermont,
lion of the House was fully discussed, and a re-
der their system, ample and stable markets then in Washington, culled at the residence of
port unanimously adopted of the amount neces
would be furnished abroad for our bread stuffs. the Hon. Jacob Collamer, the new Postmaster
sary to pay debts and keep the Canals and Rail- Warring against the American system which, General, on Thursday last, to congratulate him
roads in order, and pay cash for every item re- by a proper division of labor and by establish- on his appointment to a seat in the Cabinet of
quired from the Ist of December 1848, to the
ing manufactures near the farmer, afforded him President Taylor. It is said that every Vet
-Ist of April 1850. To that report, (being over
a safe and steady home market, they have advo-
' monter in the city was present. They were a
300,000 less than th e es ti ma t e presented by him cated a policy which must soon double the vast ' fine looking set of men. The best feeling pre ,
to the house,) Mr. Paiuter assented. But when ' surplus of bread stuffs now raised in the coup- I veiled among them all, and it was quite evident
he returned to Harrisburg, he suddenly discov- i try and leave the agiiculturalist without the that all were highly gratified at the compli
ered that the unanimous report of the Board I means of exchanging his produce for the mans- ment paid to the unflinching integrity of Ver
would not sustain his financial flight, and he ac- factored articles which he must require. We mont by the appo ntment.
cordingly dissented from hie colleagues and him- cannot imagine that the friends of free trade Mc. Hale, in behalf of the delegation, briefly
self, and made a seperate report. That report were themselves so far deluded as to believe it addressed Judge Collamer as follows i
I have not seen. If it differs in amount from possible that their promises of a sufficient for- oi We have come here, sir, in this informal
that unanimously agree d upon, t h e excess should eign market could ever be realized. A tempo- manner, to congratulate t you personally on your
i t i i iti c ir j a i i n t rs e t i o i t tut, a.
be placed to the credit of the man's fondness ear y demand, occasioned by a visitation of Prov
for his first born, and not be extracted from the idence, gave, for a time, the aspect of probabil- llideenctomTapYlii:irCositet'llus
paid to our State, not less than to yourself, is
coffers of the treasury. The majority report ity to their assurances ; and the high price and highly gratifying to us all. We are confident
contains all that is sufficient t o pay debts due, great demand for our bread stuffs was hailed as also that this gratification wilt be shared gener- 1
and keep ti the cash principle. a triumphant evidence of the benificent influ- ally by the people of Vermont. We knew
. you _
will discharge the dunes of your new position l„
In conclusion, lam not to be placed in a false I ence of the British Tariff. It seems, however, 'in such a manner as will be creditable to your
position. My sympathies have always been and we regret that such is the fact, that this Reif, and we doubt not, satisfactory to the coun
perhaps more strongly enlisted in favor of the promised market already begins to fail us. The try. We hope your success may be equal to
laboring classes than have been those of my unfavorable intelligence le ciived by the Canada Yourc
in t Toerit and
o a
are n i y i r u t r n e a , n vo ,,t i i l t i m b b e t t
t s o i i n flij o ila
colleague. I will go as far as any one to see of the state of the grain trade throughout the 1 ,
fo which Mr. Collamer replied as follows :
every public creditor paid. But I will not go leading markets of England, and the prospect i ii I thank you, gentlemen for this friendl ex- '
beyond that point, to swell an appropriation from the pressure of heavy arrivals from abroad pression of your regard for me personally, y and
bill to advance my political scheme, much less that a still greater depreciation will take place, for the kind manner in which you have received
one emanating from political adversaries. The appointment
affords good ground for apprehension that the my appointment- ~however,
The majority report asks for all that is want- , was doubtless d intended as a compliment to Ver
extravagant promises of free trade Loco Foco- ,
ed. If the Legieiature grants more, the re- n ot as a reward for any services of
mont, an n .
tarn arc about to be, wofully falsified. We re -which I
sponsibility rests with them.mine , or any merit may possess. In
I shall not be drawn into any further notice gard this indication with sincere regret, but this view it may well be gratifying to us all
of this subject. without the least surprise. The bitter fruits that the hang tried and never failing virtue nrd
integrity of our State has at leant been reward
of the system which has been forced upon the ed by a Cabinet appointment. Ours is the only
country are already realized. Our mines, our Whig state in the union which has never swerved
forges and our factories all feel the blight; and from her political faith, and almost the on
now the agriculturalists, for whose especial t ir ie on e v n h e i r c a li Inazunired t. llt,hee
e on a ar of
benefit, the war against domestic industry—so been appealed to in the hour of t ial. Ira
it was proclaimed—was originally commenced, r'ght we should be remembered in the hour of I
are about to share the general calamity. tiurnph. This was doubtless the main Iron, d
The Tariff of 1810 could not have been pas- o tn i wilc t lLtli tt e ni spfoiiltmcn ti t J e as an cocf,:r t rcd up, a
Fel but for the votes of the grain producing i sitiom—There are seventeen thousand ilig.r i g;
sections of the country. The farmers were de- post offices in the country, all requiring con
luded with the hopes of better prices and en- ' stunt r ti r , e c li t id ai gila t i i i r t t„ supe rvision. But, how
larged markets, when, in fact, the Tariff never F" efarili}3,Ndilityieio may
be, she ' ll endeavor at lenst m
rroduced the slightest influence upon either.— charge them. And whatever ability I maybring
Let England clothe us, furnish us with every to my aid in the administration of the depart
article that is produced by labor except food, meet which has been committed to my charge,
and we will grow rich by supplying her with 1
ze n e t d riot a t zu eg re ti i , y ou n t . h , a d t v t i h t e th e e ha t r t e i Ve n r ev o e f i y 7;
food. Such was the language of free trade.— ' compromised by me."—Ner. Intelligente,
The labor of our own people was to be crushed 1— -
—the home market disregarded—and our coun
try placed in a condition of industrial vassalage i
to her former mistress and oppressor. Yet it
was then, as it is now, known that the world , '
afforded no market for the entire surplus of our
bread stuffs; and that in discouraging manufac-
tures and driving fresh multitudes into agricul
ture, that surplus must be increased to au extent
that would make us rich enough in food, but
poor in everything else. The system, instead
of being one of progress, was calculated to
freeze all the currents of our prosperity, and to
check, discourage and degrade our people. I
Where was this market to be found 1 We de
rive the following facts from a statement drawn
by Mr. Cheever from the last report of the
Patent Office—acknowledged free trade author
ity :
MAncn 27, 1819.
Tranquility;at the Capitol.
The United States Senate having adjourned
and the Supreme Court closed its session, Wash
ington will be left to her Summer slumbers.
The eruptions of the Goths and Vandalsin quest
of office, has somewhat abated—the fortunate
few having returned in hot haste to taste the
delights of rewarded patriotism, and the heavy
hearted many, with laden feet and lowering
brows, crawled back—a funeral train,
"That like a wounded snake, drags its slow
length along."
Alas, for the disappointed ! The dazzling vis- I
ions of honor, leisure and rorgent that danced
through their brains have left as not a race be
hind" except the racking sense ottnortffied am
bition and unrequited merit—in a few weeks
Washington, so recently crowded with all sorts
of people from, and for, all sorts of places, will
be dull as one of Ritchie's editorials on the
Virginia and Kentucky resolutions. The Pres
ident will resume his wonted equanimity and,
no longer haunted by the lean and hangry crowd
become as placid as when enjoying the stirring
music of Buena Vista. Even the members of
the Cabinet will be privileged to smoke an after
dinner segar, and sleep in spite of political
Tee Cuoisns.—Dr. Graves, one of the most
prominent English physicians, asserts that the
C:icilera is contagious. He strongly recom
mends the use of acetate of lead. He nays
A scruple of the acetate is combined with
a grain of opium, and divided into twelve pills,
amt of these one is to be given every half hour,
until the rice-water discharges from the stom
ach and the rectum begin to diminish. In all
cases where medicine promised any chance of
relief, this remedy was attended with the very
best effects. It gradually checked the dischar
ges from the bowels, and stopped the vomiting.
The acetate of lead will succeed when all other
astringents fail. Dr. Thom, surgeon of the
86th regiment, speaks highly of the acetate,
' combined with morphia, in the treatment of
13y the census of 1810, adding 22 per cent. for
increase to 1817, being the same rate of increase
as is ascertained to be that of population, we
have 114,245,500 bushels of wheat as the ag
gregate crop in the United States in 1817. De
ducting seed for the next crop, 11,44.1,550, and
the consumption of our population,3 bushels to
each person, 62,239,700, and we have a surplus
of 40,581,750 bushels. The quantity of corn
produced in the United States in 1847 was 539,-
1 330,000 bushels. Deduct fot seed 6,000,000,
MAKING IT 'rue IssuE.—The Washington cor- ; consumed
consumed tl ' e i C le '. s oi t i l i s eh a d 4 3 l o o o 3 ;:
respondent of the New Yost Post says, t ha t for and othe y r purposes, 25,000,000,
when the Cabinet nominations were under dis- leaving a surplus of 173,654,904. We have
cussion, in Executive session of the Senate, I also a surplus of about 5,000,000 bushels of rye,
Mr. Weatcott, of Florida objected to Mr. Col- ! and about the same amount of buckwheat, ma
lamer, kin an aggregate of about 224,000,000 bushels
lamer, because he was "tainted with abolition- surplus of grain.
ism." After the objection had been debated ut From the best information that could be oh
some length, Mr. Seward of New-York rose, tabled at the Patent Office. the grain buying
I countries take in wheat about the following
and remarked that he himself represented the
most radical opinions upon Slavery that were 111 =3 r 7 t - a i n,
held in any considerable body of the people at France,
the North; and that he supposed Mr. Collamer West Indies,
would substantially agree with him. With re- I g r o i r t t i t s i h A t r l i :t:,S7 a k i l lie ''
spect to the objection made to this nomination, South America generally
it was time there should be an understanding.-- Holland
He would therefore simply defy them to make
this issue, to vote against this man upon this
ground, and establish this principle. He had
nothing more to say at this time, and lie took
his seat, sub sitentio. There was a sensation,
and after lie had settled himself back in his
leathern cushions, there was a general buzz.--
Mr. Collainer's nomination was confirmed
NEWSPAPER CASE : -In the Supreme Court of
Rhode Island, in the case of Jesper Harding e•.r.
Henry D. Wolf, for nine years' subscription to
the Pennsylvania Inquirer, from 1835 to 1811,
it was ruled that the regular mailing of a news
paper for a length of time was at least prima
facie evidence of its reception, and that receiv
ing a paper for a certain time and not ordering
the same discontiued, was sufficient to hold the
person liable for the subscription price, not
withstanding he may never have ordered that
paper sent. A verdict was accor dingly given
for the plaintiff—Daily News.
Virginia Counterfeits.
The following new counterfeits are mention
ed:—Exchange Bank of Virginia, Norfolk
810's spurious. Paper exceedingly white.—
The note is altogether unlike the genuine.—
Those seen were dated at Petersburg.
Northwestern Bank of Virginia—slo'a letter
8., pay to H. D. Browne, date February 18,
1847; left hand vignette two females and a
steamboat ; right hand, full length portrait of
Gen. Lafayette. The Bank has no issue of this
Exchange Bank, Norfolk—sloo's spurious, ' In the State of Pennsylvania it is fortunate
vignette bee hive. Rawl:Cop, Wrightand Hatch, that the foes of her prosperity no longer fight
England. It is likely these bills have been tilled under false colors. Those who would crush
up to each of the branches, ; those seen are her coal, iron, agricultural and manufacturing
made payable at Clarksville. interests, can no longer betray her to the South-
The countties furnishing surplus of wheat,
whence the bread-buying ccuntries can be sup.
plied, are—
Russia on the Black Sea,
Russia on the Danube,
Russia, northern ports,
Egypt and Syria,
Pt ussian and Danish ports on the
, Total. 37,600,000
To supply this demand of 30,000,000 bushels
of wheat, the United States has a supply of
40,581,750 bushels ; and the European, Asiatic
and African fields a surplus of 37,600,000
Thus, it will be seen that the entire demand
I for breadstun would be more than supplied, if
this country does not furnish a bushel. It will
also be observed that if Europe, &c., sent no
portion of their 38 millions of bushels surplus
to market, if the demand of the world were
exclusively supplied by us, it would still leave
us 189,000,000 bushels for which we would
have no market. The settlement of the West,
the discouragement of manufactures, and the
consequent rush of labor to agriculture, would
enormously increase this vast surplus. And
where would it find a market ? or without a
market what would be its value ? And how,
without au adequate price for our staple, could
our people be supplied with the numberless ne
cessaries, comforts and refinemenss to which,
' under a wiser system, they might and should
aspire /
Gen. Taylor's Benel nlence.
A Washinitnn letter writer tells the follow•
lug story of General Taylor:
A venerable white headed men, MI years old
having tottered up to the White House, early in
the morning, had the good fortune to meet the
President almost at the threshold. The cente
narian introduced himself; told Gen. Taylor
tint he w•as feeble, and that his blood was al
most dried up in his veins, for the snows of one /'
hundred hundred and five winters, and the effects of hardar
service in the wars of our country, had left hit. y
but a short remnant of the evening of his long
and eventful life. Gen. Taylor, moved by the
patriarchal years and voice, and simplicity or
the old man, shook him warmly by the hand and
said Well, grandfather, I am glad to see
you. Have you been to breakfast 1" old
man replied he had not. « Well, then, you
must come and take some breakfast with me."
No your time is too precious. I desired only
to pay you my respects and I sl.allget abrea•
fast at the market house, for I am a stranger
among these people, and an olu man must he
satisfied to do the best he can." " Well, then
you twist come and breakfast with roe."
your time is too valuable, and I will not tres
pass upon it; good morning, General and may
Providence guide you." <, Well, if you will
go," said Gen. Taylor, extending his hand and
slipping into that of the old man three half
if you will go," God bless y, u ; and
s'c that you have a good cup of coffee for bre:
fast, and come up and dine with me before ycu
, leave the city." And, leaning upon his staff,
the old man, older than this republic of twenty
millions of people, by thirty years, went wvitis
a greatful heart, along his way.
Dreadful Sufferings of Col. Fremont / I
and his Party--The Whole Company
Reported to have Perished, except the
ST. Loris, March 2C. e
Intelligence from Santa Fe to February 2ndl
has been received at Independence. Missouri.
The Republican contains letters from Tons, •
which represent the winter as having been co
very severe, that Col. Fremont, while passing
through one of the mountain gorges, lost 330
mules in one night. Being then on foot, h
came to the conclusion that it was impossib ,
to proceed further, and finally he despatched
three men to seek the nearest settlement and
procure succor. This party not returning in
twenty days, Col. Fremont started himself for
Toss, distant 350 miles, where he arrived iu
nine days. Maj. Beale immediately despatch
ed a .party of dragoons with mules and provis
ions to relieve Col. Fremont's men.
Col. Fremont, though much emaciated and
worn out by anxiety, and the deprivations to
which he had been subjected himself, accompa
nied the dragoons.
The sufferings of the party are represented
to have been so very great, that they were even
reduced to the extremity of feeding upon lb
bodies of their comrades.
Mr. Greene, who brougliktiiis news to Ind
pendenee, left Santa Fe Ilferal days after i N
Later reports say that all of Col. Frem
party perished except himself, and he is •a t ..,,
frost bitten. mr
Our correpondent at Independence exprce. 1
doubts as to the correctness of this news,
we do not see with what reason.
. '
Terrible Disaster.
Our neighboring city of Allegheny Was tii.frin
into a great state of alarm and excitement by
the explosion of the boiling of the Cotton Fac
tore of Messrs. Fife & Brother. The boilers
were thrown forty feet, and the roof raised
from the building. Five of the c''..steent build
ings were destroyed by the explosion.
Fife, one of the proprietors of the factory.
was illed, and the bodies of five others have
been dug from the ruin,.
Four persons were badly injured by the fal
of a chimney, and it is feared that several per
sons are yet buried in the ruin!.
Mr. B. E. BIDLACK, of Pennsylvania, U. S.
Charge d'Affaires at Bogota, died in that eity
on the sth of January, as we learn by an arri
val at New York.