t i ONofa TO PENNSYLVANIA'S IlE.;Trial List for April Term, 1849. ROES. FIRST WEEK. • !: , The following message from the Governor ' ~is transmitted to the two Houses on Tuesday ast.—As the subject sugggested in the mes mage is one of general interest, we lay it before our readers : , ITo the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. GICNTLEMEN :-I herewith transmit a list of lithe officers of the United States Army, natives ef Pennsylvania, who distingsished themselves in the late war with Mexico, with the Regi- , went or corps to which they were attached, land the date of their Brevet rang. It is believed that other States have taken hon- 1 orable notices of their officers in the regular ar my, who risked their lives and nobly maintain ed the national honor in the recent licontest with Mexico and their example should remind us that something is due to the brave and heroic officers yet living, who in the sanguinary battles of the late war, signalized themselves by meritorious conduct, and proudly sustained the just renown of our beloved Commonwealth. W. F. JOHNSTON. Executive Chamber, %Harrisburg, Mar. 20, 181 fl. The following are the names of the officers : Colonel—Persifer F. Smith. Lieutenant Colonel—H. Wilson. Majors—F. Lee,G. A. McCall, J. S. Simon son. Captains—C. F. Smith, J. McClellan, S. P. It eintzelman, T. B Linnard, J. B. Backenstos, A. Porter, G. Nauman, J. F. Roland, J. H. 'Miller, G. 0. Haller, J. P. J. O'Brien,G. Deas, G. W. F. Wood, Ed. H. Fitzgerald, and J. Van Horne. First Lieutenants—L. Sitgreaves ' P. W. Mc- Donald, S. K. Dawson, J. B. Gibson, W. A. Nichols, H. F. Clarke, J. F. Reynolds, J. C. Pemberton, A. W. Bowman, P. Farrelly, T. Hendrickson, and Charles S. Kilburn. Second Lieutenants—George McClellan, W. B. Franklin, J. Oaks, A. D. Tree, and W. T. Hancock—numbering in all thirty-seven. WOMEN AND THE GOLD REGION. A lady writes from San Francisco to her fi lend in Massachusetts, as follows : 4 , The demand for marriageable wo men seems to be as great as for goods. This is the only country in the world where women are properly appreci ated. The proportion of males in the territory is five to one of females, and the labor of females is as much needed in cooking, &c., at the gold region, as the male•. There have been more mar riages the last few months than in ten years previous, in this country.—The squaws, before they will go the re gion, make efforts to get white husbands, which they soon obtain in the present state of affairs. Father Manaque, the Catholic Priest, has informed me that he married the last month 110 white men to squaws. The consequence is, that the poor Indians will soon be left without any class of females from which they can choose—as certainly no white woman of whatever condition in socie ty, will marry an Indian, when she can readily marry a white man of some wealth and prominence. Some of the most ugly and slovenly servants here, merry traders, who have accumulated fortunes in a week." TIII GREETING OP OLD COMRADES.-.—The in terview between General Taylor and the offi cers of the war of 1812, on the 2d inst., was a very interesting scene. In reply to the admire- ble address of Col. Todd, the President said:— Ma. CHAIRMAN AND GENTLEMEN :-1 am happy to receive you as the surviving officers of the war of 1812, mid to rec ognize among you some with whom I have served in past years. I thank you kindly for your congratulations and good wishes on this occasion. In regard to my past services, to which you have been pleased to a llude in too flattering terms, 1 can only say that the merit of these services is main ly duo to the skill and bravery of the troops who served at different times un der my orders. Tu have led such offi cers and such men is itself a sufficient honor and reward for all my services. 1 feel that I am now entering a new career, in which 1 entertain a natural distrust of my ability to redeem the ex pectations of those who have called me to it. For your kind expressions in this re gard, I beg you to accept my sincere thanks. May you long live in the en joyment of health and happiness. The President then mingled with courtesy and cordiality among his ancient associates, and gratified them by some sportive remarks intro duced with admirable taste. Horrible Tragedy. A most horrible tragedy was enacted in War ren township, Bradford county, Pa., on the night of the 10th inst. The house and barn of Mr. Charles Corben was discovered about mid night to be on fire. Three persons were in the Wise at the time, Mr. Corbett and his two sons, one 7 and the other 13 years of age, and their bodies were burned. The father had com mitted suicide by cutting his throat, and it is supposed he first murdered the boys and then set the house on fire, He had also tied up in the barn eighteen head of cattle and a horse, and they would all have been destroyed had it not been for the timely arrival of some of the ' i neighbors who released the cattle. The only motive for this fearful crime which can be con ceived, is a brutal hatred of his wife, who only a few days before, he had driven from home.— He had a daughter also, whom he brutally mal treated, and who escaped from home only the day before this tragical occurrence. A HAPPY EXPRESSION.-It is said that a gen tleman of Washington city called at the White House, a few days since, accompanied by his family, consisting of three sons and six daugh ters, to pay hie respects to Gen. Taylor. They were received very cordially, and after shaking hands with all, he turned to the father andsaid 5 5 Sir, you are a rich man,—a nation's strength consists in the number of her people, and a pa rent's wealth in the =Veer of his children." Joseph Higgins et al vs Martin Gates. James Myton vs Samuel Myton. Milliken for Cresswell vs William Stewart. Cadwallader's heirs vs John Smiley et al. James Stewart vs Dennis Coder. John Stewart vs David McMurtrie et al. Samuel Caldwell vs George Davis. Christian Prough vs James Entrekin. Daniel Prough vs Same. George Prough vs Same. Henry Prough vs Same. Commonwealth vs James Steel, &c. Allen, Wilson & Co. vs Martin Gates. Walters for Isett vs Jacob Shoop, &c. Same vs Same. Same vs Same. Same vs Same. A. McAninch & wife vs Wm. P. Laughlin. Mott & Schober vs Geo. Taylor & D. Black &c. Smith, Murphy & Co. vs Dennis Coder. Mary Ann Hileman vs Butte & Johnston. SECOND WEEK. Reed Goe for use vs Martin Gates. Alexander Steel vs James Reed. William Harper vs James Wilson &c. Isaac Woolverton vs Elisha Shoemaker. James Siars' Ex'r vs Miller & Lane. Morrison for McMahon vs Daniel McMahon. McAninch & wife vs Wm. P. Laughlin. Robert Massey vs Robert Moore. Ewing for Gates vs James Ewing. James Entrekin's F.x'rs vs John McPherran. Rebecca Wall vs Dinsmore & Cromwell. Lewistown Bank for use vs Hardman Phillips. Wm. R. Thompson & Co. vs Penn'a & Ohio [Transp'n Co. D. N. Carothers vs Blair & Madden. M. Marble & Co. vs John W. Myton's adm'rs. James M. Conrad vs Same. James Ewing vs Ewing & Gates. John MeCahan vs E. H. Lytle. James A. Cummings vs Wm. H. Patterson. Ennis & Porter vs Andrew Stewart's lidos', John Edgar Thompson etal vs John W: Swoop°. George H. Steiner &c. vs John Zentmire. Moore & Steiner vs Same. George Jackson vs Conrad Wittick. Martin Orlady vs Lindley Hoopes. A. MeAninch & wife vs Wm. P. Laughlin. Nathaniel Kelly vs Anthony Murray. Russ fur 0. G. Scott's Ex'rs vs Wm. Shipley's Ex'r. - : THE MAIMETII. FIIILADELPUIA, March 23, 1819. FLOUR AND MEAL—With moderate receipts, the market for Flour has been rather inactive throughout the week, and sales are confined to about 5000 brls. taken for export at $4 75 for fair mixed and $4 87i for good bakers brands, including some small lots of Western at the former price and half brls. at $5 the pair ; the market closing quiet at our lowest figures.— For city use there is a moderate demand at $4 75 a $5 and $5 25 for common and extra brands. Rye Flour has been in limited demand at $3 15 as 3 06k, with sales of 800 barrels. GRAlN—There is yet very little wheat ar riving, and buyer and seller are apart in their views, we notice sales of 000003000 bushels lair and prime reds at 100a1031 cts. in store. Rye is scarce, some small sales of Penna. Ire reported at 66 eta, and 1500 bu. northern, de livered in this market, at the same price. Corn with light receipts, has been in good demand for shipment, and about 30,000 bu. have been taken at 54 its. for both Southern and Penna. yellow, the latter in store, including a small lot at 51 icts. afloat. Oats have been in moderate request. Sales at 30 a3l cts. DIED. In Harrisburg, on Tuesdaymorning, 20th in stant, NARY KELTON, daughter of T. W. and E. S. Buffington, aged one year and ten days. " Her soul is at peace, With Jesus it rests, Her home is in Heaven, The land of the bless'd." DEMOCRATIC WHIG COUNTY MEETING. The Democratic Whigs and all friends of the National and State Administrations, of Hunting don county, are requested to meet in COUNTY MEETING on TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL fl, for the purpose of choosing a Representative Delegate to the Whig State Convention, to nom inate a candidate for Canal Commissioner, and selecting Conferess to meet similar Conferees from the counties of Bedford and Blair, to select a Senatorial Delegate to said Convention. A general attendance is requested. By order of the County Committee. J. SEWELL STEWART, March 27, 1810. Chairman. A EW GOOD g! The " old Locust Coruce, Ahead!! richer, Alattburtrie ck co.i HAVE just received a large nod splendid as sortroo.,t of SPRING Ba, SUMMER" GOC DS which they ore eel ling, as usual, at extremely low profits. Their stock consists of a general assortment, adapted to the wants of all. Sea sonable DRESS GOODS for Ladies and Gen tlemen; READ Y-Nt %DE CLOTHING, Bon nets. Hata, ( ape , Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, &c., &c. In short, the " OLD LOCUST . coma" continues to be the "GRANDIBAZAIIP where every thing useful and o•namental, can' be It ad, better and cheaper, than can be procu red elaew here. Their motto is .6 Quick Faits and t. mall Profits." All who desire to supply themselves with good goods, at low prices, will give them a call. March 27, 1949 EAGLE PkA LOU Major D avid Mc:divide TAKES great pleasure in ennounci g to the 1 public that he has leased tie basement etery, of %RE'S ROW, where he has fitted up in su?erier style an OYSTER SALOON, which has already become the FASIIIONA DUI krionT of all who love good Oysters, served up in the most superior style—including the choi cest kind of fixin's. The M iijur flatters himself that by unremit ting attention to the wants of his custome re' generally, he will receive a liberal share of pub lic patronage. A supply of Fruit, confection arms, &c., & c., always on hum!. Huntingdon, March 27,1849 . rot:twin:l LADIES. Milliner & Mantua-Maker. The undersigned respectfully begs leave loin. form the Ladies of Huntingdon and vieinfiy that she carries en the above named business at: the residence of %Tetthew Ctownover, at the Jail, where she will receive any work ire her line of hotlines.. She fee a confident that the neat nave as well se the durability of her work Will' recommend her to the patronage ell the Ladies( of 1-lantinvlon. MARTHA McCRUM. March 27, 1049—1 m. spring Millinery Goods , John Stone & it °ki,. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Silks, Ribbons and Millinery Goods, No, 46 South Second Street, above Chesnut, PHILADELPHIA, WOULD call the attention of Merchants and Milliners visiting the city, to their large andfich assortment of Spring Millinery Goods, Received by late arrivals from France, such as Glace Salks for casing bonnets, Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons—a large arid beautiful essortmcnt of all prices ; Plain Mantua and Satin Ribbons, from No. 1 to No. 12 French and American Artificial Flowers, (in great variety) ; Colored and White Crapes; Fancy Laces and Nets; French Chip Hats; Face Trim minas—Quillings ; Covered Whalebones—Cane: Buckram.—Willow; Bonnet Crowns and Tips, Together with every article appertaining to the Millinery trade. March 27,1849. Great Centre of AttraetiOri!! NEFF & BROTHER EFAVE just received and ore now opening t t 11 their old stand, 1\ o. 1001 Market Square, Huntingdon, Pa. the moat fashionable and su perb assortment of Clocks, Watches & Jewelry ever offered is this place. Their stock consists in part of English & Anchor Lever, Chronom ete•, Duplex and Lepine GOLD lA' A'VCHES. Every variety of Lever, L'Epine, gnarlier and English SILVER. WATCHES. Eight• Day and Thirty•hour Buses CLOCKS. Their jewelry has been selected with such care in regard to Fashion, Elegance and Quality as to challenge coinpariron and defy competition It embraces Diamond Breast Pins and Finger Rings, Gold Rings end Pencils, Pens, Specie. cles, &c., together with a general and extensive assortment of t-lI.VER ARTICLES. They have also a well chosen auppOy of Perfumery, Soap nod Fancy Stationary. N. B. Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry prompt ly repaired and warranted. The public are po litely requested to call and examine their stock. SIMMS n &ULM'S Unrivalled Perfumes, Hair Oil, Tooth Paste and Powder, Soaps, Shaving Cream, The Largest, Cheapest and best assortment of the above named articles ever opened in hun tingdon, just received and for sale wholesale and retail by NEFF & BRO M arch 20,1849. riot AFIRST RATE new one horse wagon, which the subscriber will! sell cheap for Cash. R. A. MILLER. March 20,1849 NEFF & MILLER, SURGEON DENTISTS, HUNTINGDON, PA IMPORTANT ORANGE MRS. SUSAN HAMPSON, T AKES this method of informing her old cos• I turners and the public generally that she has leased the large and commodious house on Allegheny street, Huntingdon, Pa., known as the "MANSION 11101USE,I, occupied for several years by Mrs. E. Clarke, and lately by John Marks, as a public house.— She will he found there on and after the Ist of April, 1849, prepared to accommodate all who May favor her with a call in a manner that can not be surpassed by any other bowie in the county. L?...cuaua will always be furnished with the very best thnt the market will afford. In short, nothing will be left undone that will in any way add to the comfort of her customers, as she is determined not ori be beat. The location of the "Mansion T - Touse" is de cidedly the best in the borough; the rooms are large, will be well furnished, and made comfort able in every particular. Regular boarders will be accommodated at moderate prices. March 20,1849. NOTICE. THE subscribers to the capital stock of " the Spruce Creek and Water Street Turnpike Road Company," who hove neglected to comply with the previous calls of said Company for the payment of the several instalments, are again no tified that they are required to pay me at my res idence, in Franklin township, Huntingdon coun ty, for the use of said Company, on or be fore the tenth day of April A. D. 1849, any and all mo neys, now remaining doe and unpaid, by reason of or on account of their said subscription to said stock. Any subscribers who have subscribed to raid stock since July, A. D. 1847, are also notifiep that they are required to pay at the same time and place, ten per cent of the stock subscribed, and on or before the tenth day of each succeeding month the like sum of ten per cent until the whole is paid. JACOB 8 MATTERN, Treasurer of W. S. dc S. C. T. Co March 8, 1849.41. .RDMINISTR4TORS' NOTICE. Estate of MICHAEL H. DEITRICH, late of Warrio, mark township, deed. I\T°TICE is hereby given that Let ters of Admin istration on the estate of M. H. Deitrich, late of Warriormark twp.. Hunt. co., deed. have been granted to the undersigned. All persons in• debted to said estate are requested to make imme diate payment, end those having claims or de mands against the same to present them duly so thenticattd for settlement to JAMES THOMSON, Administrator. Feb. 27, 1849. Look out for Bargains! More Watches, Jewelry, Silver Spoons, &c., A NOTHER superior lot of GOLD and sm. VER WATCHES of various descriptions, will be received and opened this evening at the , Huntingdon Jewelry Store." Also—Gold Finger Rings, Gold Pens, Steel Beads, Piefold, See., 84e. J. T. SCOTT. Ilentingdelf, Feb. I, 1049. Retailers of Merchandize. = . Classification of Retailers of Merchandise in Hunt.midon county, by the ,4 Appraiser of Mei., cantile 'faxes. for the year commencing Ist May, 1849, viz . . . Aniptint Class. of License. Alexandria borough Bucher & Porter, 12 $l2 50 12 12 50 12 12 50 13 10 00 14 7 00 Charles Porter, John N. Swoope, Dorris & Walker, Michael Siegler, Birmingham borough: James Clarke, 13 16 00 James Bell, 14 7 00 John Gaynor & co.,* 'l4 10 50 Petersburger & Ettinger, 14 7 00 Barree township: A. W. Graff & c 0.,• 14 10 50 John Cresswell & co., 14 7 00 James Gillam, 14 7 00 . _ __ 13 10 00 James Irvine; J. A. Jennings, 14 7 00 Brady township: Kessler & Brother, 12 12 50 J. & W. Saxton, 13 10 00 .- -- Irvin, Oreeii & Co., 13 10 00 Washington Buchanan, 14 7 00 Cass township James Henderson, t 4 7 00 Clay township: E. B. Orbison & co., 13 10 00 Cromwell township: Thos. E. Orbison er co., 13 to 00 Isett & Wigton, 13 10 00 .:. . George Sip es,' 14 • 10 30 David Etnire, 14 7 00 Dublin township: Brice X. Blair C co., 13 10 00 Franklin township: G. & J. H. Shoenberger, 10 20 00 Shorb, Stewart & c 0.,, 10 20 00 John S. Isett, 13 10 00 Ingram & co., 14 7 00 Isett & Harnish. 14 7 00 Huntingdon borough: Fisher, McMurtrie & co., 12 12 30 J. & IV. Saxton, 12 12 30 ..- A. P. Wilson, , 12 12 50 Thomas Rea & Son, 12 12 50 Willitim . Ddrrid 13 10 00 -- 13 10 00 Moses Strousd, Dorsey & Maguire, 13 10 00 George Gwin, 13 10 00 A. NVilloughtiy, Swoope & Africa, 14 7 00 Dr. William Swoope, 14 7 00 William Stewart,* 14 10 50 T. K. Simonton,' , George A. Steel, 14 7 00 Mayer Lisberger, 14 7 00 Benjamin Snare, 14 7 00 H. K. Neff & Bro., 14 7 00 James T. Scott, 14 7 00 Louis Schneider, 11 7 00 Levi Westbrook. 14 3 50 W. E. McMurtrie, 14 7 00 Jackson township : E. & A. Stewart, 14 7 00 Conch & Cummins, 14 7 00 Robert Mcßurney, 14 7 00 Hopewell township : James Entriken, 13 10 00 Morris township : George Steiner ' 12 12 50 George W. Patton & co., 11 10 00 Irvine, Kessler & ca., 14 f 00 , . Joseph• Law, 14 7 00 Porter township : S. Hatfield & eo., 13 10. 00 Jos. Green & co.. 12 12 50 Petersburg borough: Abraham Cresswell, 12 12 50 John R. Hunter, 12 12 50 Larimer & Beatty, 14 7 00 _ __ _ _ __ Irvine & Marks, 14 7 00 Shirleysburg borough : Sohn Long & co, 13 10 00 13 10 00 Henry Brewster, 14 10 50 John :Lutz,* David Fraker, William Johnston, 14 7 00 Shirley township : Samuel H. Bell, 13 10 00 Penn township A. & E. Plummer, 13 10 00 Frank & Neff,' 13 15 00 Tell township : A. C. Blair & co., 14 7 00 Jacob Filmaleei 14 7 00 Springfield township Madden & Gorsuch, 14 7 00 Tod township : Horatio Trexler & co., 14 7 00 Mordecai Chilcote, 14 7 00 Union township: Glasgow & Brother, 14 7 00 Walker township : James Campbell,• 13 13 00 Given & Orlady, 13 10 00 West township : Edwin P. Shoenberger, 13 10 00 Cunningham & My ton, 13 10 00 Warriorsmark township : Benjamin F. Patton, 13 10 00 Abednego Stevens, 13 10 00 Joseph B. ShUgarts, 14 7 00 Thcise marked thus (•) sell liquor. Notice is hereby given to the above named Dealers in Merchandise, that I will attend at the Commissioners' Office in Huntingdon, on Thursday the 12th day of April nett, for the purpose of hearing persons who may desire to appeal from the above classification._ • J. SMYTH READ, Appraiser of Mercantile Mess March 20, 1949. M. & J. M. ROW E, Broom and Wooden ware Store, No. 63 North Third Street, or.e door above Arch, Ent Side, Philadelphia, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealer. in all kinds of Brooms, Brueher, Bucket.. Cedar Ware, Willow and French Baskets, Shoe and Well Brusher, Scrub., Dusters, Mats, Blacking, Eastern-made Wooden Ware of every de c iption, &c., at the low- eet market prices. Cash paid for Broom Corn. MANLY ROWE. JOHN. M, ROWE, March 20, 1849-3 m. Administrator's NOtite. , Estate of J./INE B.RER, late of Jack son township, dec'd. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad milustration have been granted to the uhder signed on said estate. Pefenrie indebted to said estate are requested to make inimediate payment, grid those having claims or demands against the same to present them duly authenticated for set , Clement to JOHN HARR, All the right, title, and interest, of the defend ants, in and to a tract of land sitttate in Shirley township, containing 330 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Dr. James Lightiler, .fames M. Hell, Esq., John Huck, and othbrs, haring thereon erected three Dwelling Houses, and two log liar.. 200 acres clewed. Taken in execution and to he cold as the pro perty of Thymas Bigham awl Hobert Bighorn. M. CROWNOVER, Sheriff. Feb.lB,lB4o—pd: Adminish‘afer. I March 13, 1849. PROCLJAMTION. WWHEREAS, by precept to me directed,da- VI/ ted at Huntingdon, the 20th day of Jan. 1849, under the hands and seals of the .Hon. Abraham S. Wiloon, President of the Court of Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer and general jail delivery of the 20th judicial district of Penn sylvania, composed of the counties of Hunting don, Mifflin and Union, and the Hone. Jame. ()win and John Stewart, his ausociatee, judge. of the county of Huntingdon, justices aenigned, ap pointed to hear, try, and, determine all and every indictments and presentments, made or taken for or concerning all crimee,which by the laws of the Commonwealth are made capital or felonies of death and other °llene., crimes and miademeaaore, which have been, or shall be committed or perpe trated within said county, or all person. who are or ehallhereafter be committed or perpetrated, for crimes aforesaid, I am commanded to make proc lamation throughout my.whole bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, Quarter Seseiona and Common Plea., will be held,at , the Court House, iu the borough of Huntingdon, on Alia ',I Monday (and 9th day) of April 1849, , and, thoee who will prosecute the Bard ptiaoners, be then and 'there to prosecute them as it shall be just, and that all j wi ustices of the peace, coroner', and constable. thin the said county, be then and there in their proper Fersons, at 10 o'clock A. NI. of said day, with their records,inguirritions, • examinations end remembrance., to do those things which to their officesrespectively appertain. Dated at Huntingdon, the sth day of. March, in the year of our. Lord, one thousand eight hun dred and forty-nine, and the 73d year of Amer ictin Indspendejies. MATTHEW CRO WNOVER, Shedd. PROCLAMATION. WIER — DAS, by precept to me ditected by the idges of the Common Pleas of the coun ty of Huntingdon. bearing tint the 20th day, of January, A. D. 1849.1 am commanded to make public proclamation throtighout my whole baili wick that a Court of Common. Pled., will be held at the Court Howie in the borough of Huntingdon. in the county of Huntingdon, on the 3d Monday (and LOW day) of April, A. D. 1849, for the trial of all issues in said court, which remain un• determined before the said judges, when and where all jurors, witnestsrs and suitors, in the trial of all said issuea are required. Dated at Huntingdon, the sth day of March, A.D. 1919, and the 73t1 year of American inde pendence. AUTTHE W CROWNOVER, Sheriff. NOTICE. To Catharine McGrath, Margery McGrath, Bernard A, McGrath, and Hugh McGrath, grend children and heirs of Bernard O'Friel, dec'd., and to Francis McGrath, (who wan appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Hunti gdon county, to receive notice for acid grand children and heirs.) W arrens, John Dougherty, John Bennet, Ed win k'.nh ocnberger,.lohn 11. Shoenbe rger, Geo. IC. Shoenberger, Peter 8 hoenberger, John M. Davis, James M. Davis and John McFaden, now or la.ely acting or trading tinder the firm of the Reliance Transportation t ompany, heretofore, in the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, to wit, in the term of April 1842, recov ered against Dr. CharlesO'Friel and John Dough erty, Executors of Bernard O'Friel, dec'd., a certain debt of three thousand, eight hundred end eighty eight dollars and thirty two cents, lawful money of Pennsylvania, as also fifty dollars end sixty four cents, like money, which to the said plaintiffs were adjudged for their damnes which they sustained by occasion of the detention of that debt, whereof the said John Dougherty and Ur. Charles O'Friel, Executors of said deceased, are convict.. And Whereas, Margery O'Friel is now adminietratrix, de bonis non, with the will annexed of said Bernard O'Friel, dec'd.; and Whereas. exectition of the &lit and damage. as aforesaid an'yet rernaineto be Arne, You, and each of you, are Itheiq nctiffed etal required to appear before the judge. of the Court of Common Vie.. of Huntingdon county, at a Court to be held in Huntingdon on the second Monday in April next, to chew if anything for yourselves you know, or have - to say, why Ex ecution should not be had against you for the debt and damages aforesaid, and why the lame should not continue a lien against the real entitle of said deceased, according to the form and effect of said recovery. Witness the Honorable A.S. Wilson, Presi- dent 3f the said Court, at Huntingdon, the 25th day of January, A. D. 1849. THEO. H. CREMER, Prothonotary. March 6,1849-4 t. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY. virtue of sundry writs of Vend- E , cp. to me directed . , will be exposed to sale on Monday the 9th day of April next, at the Court House in the borough of Huntingdon, at 10 o'clock on said day the folloWing described property, viz A certain piece dr tract of land situ= ate in Jackson township, Huntingdon county, containing about 6 acres, more or less, adjoining land of James Alex ander, David Miller and Robert Mcßur ney, having thereon erected a three story frame dwelling house. All clear ed, and to be sold as the property of Da vid S. Vance. 'LSO, The right, title and interest of Joseph Whitesell, in a certain tract of land sit uate partly in %Vest and partly in Bar ree township, Huntingdon coanty, ad joining lands of Thomas Stewart- Jas. Harnish's heirs, David Whiteseg and others, containing one hundred and eighty acres, or thereabouts, having thereon erected a log dwelling house, and Cabin barn--about 70 acres of which are cleared, with an apple orchard. Ta ken in execution and to be sold as the property of Joseph Whitesall. A certain lot of ground situate in Bra dy township, (Mill Creek) Huntingdon county, having thereon erected a two- Story brick house and out buildings, ad joining lands of James Irvin, & co. and other lands of said defendants. Taken In execution and to be sold as the prop erty of James Milliken and Joseph Mil liken. JILSO, *MOISTER'S: NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given to all per sons concerned that the following named persons have settled their ac counts in the Register's office at Hun tingdon, and that their said accounts will be presented E'er, confirmation and allowance at an Orphans' Court to be held at Huntingdon on Wednesday the 11th day of April neil; viz: 1. Abraham Hagan surviving admin. istratn of Charles liarhits,, late of the ! borough of Huntingdon; d6c'd.. 2., Elijah Weston, sating ex e cutor of Thomas Weston,late of WarrtOimarlc township, dec'd, 3. 11cit;es Robison and William Pur• ter, executors of John Watt, late of West township, dcc'd. _ _ 4. Samuel Houck executor of Jacob Houck,, late of Tod township, dec'd. 5. Dawson C, Smalley, adinliiixtrutor of Margaret Smalley, late of Shirley township, dec'd„ 6. William Vandevender and John Householder, administrators of Isaac Vandevender, late of Walker township, deed. 7. Peter Secrist, gunrdian of the mi nor children of LIM fl Sher, lath of Cromwell tc,iwiiship,. deg d. 8. Samuel isott, gutiedian of Cornelia Scott, lath of the borough of Birming ham, deed. 9. Samuel (sett, ghardian of Ellen Eliza Scott a minor fi child of Dr. Oliver G. Scott, fate of the borough of Birm inghain, dec'd _ . . 10. Thomas Postlethwait and John Postlethwait, executors of William Pos tlethwait, late of Shirley township, dec'd. _ _ 11. William McNite, administrator of Nk illiana Peebles, late of Tell town ship, deed. 12. Partial account of Abraham Buck administrator of Daniel D. Miller,' rate of Warriorsmark township, dec'd. 13. James Gwin, acting executor of Patrick Gwin, late of the borough of Huntingdon, dec'd. 14. George Jackson and John son executors of Joseph Jackson, late of Jackson township, dec'd. 15. Gbneral Guardianship of James Potter guardian‘ of the minor children, of Silas Moore, late of the borough' of Hollidaysburg, dec'd. . _ 16. gar/meiDean and William Cald well, executors of Robert Dean, late of Morris township ' decd.. M. F. CAMPBELL, Regiiter. Register's Office, Huntingdon, March 10'49. MILNWOOD ACADEMY HE subscribers, residents of Shade I Gap, Huntingdon county, Pa., beg leave to inform their friends and the pub lic generally, that they have established at the place above mentioned, a BOARD ING SCHOOL for the education of young men. The course of instruction comprises, in addition to the usual branches of a common English education: Philosophy; Mathematics, and the Latin and Greek languages. The location is distinguished for ifillitalthfulness and the floral and • . religious character of the sufrounding community Every attention will be paid to the health and morals of the pu pils as well as to their mental training and advancement in scientific knowl edge, and every facility will be afforded for their personal comfort and conveni ence. The year is divided into two sea sions of five months each 1 the winter session commencing on the Ist of No vember, and the Summer session cbm mencing on the 23rd of April. Terms per Session :—For Ortho'gra phy, Reading and Writing, $5. Arith , metier Geography, Grammar, Philoso phy, Ilialory and composition, sB. Mathematics, G're'ek s and Latin lan guages, $l2. Boarding, exclusive of fuel and light, $1.25 per week. Instruc tion giiren in French and German, at an additional charge. The subscribers, en couraged by the liberal patronage which they have already received, would re peat, that they are determined to spare no effort in making the Institution one that will commend itself to all parents who desire to give their sons n thorough preparatory education, without expo sing them to the contaminating and im moral influeuees that exist in more pop ulotis comthunitleis. For reference or further partidulars address JAMES Y. McGINNES, J. H. W. McGINNES. Shade Gap, March 13, 1849. ANIKOVAL! Capt. David Ilazzard; WOULD reapeetfully inforMall his cid friends and euatnmert—which includes shout the entire population—that he has removed . . Standing-Stone IteadAgiarters to the room nest door to Prowell a Slope, directly opposite Wallace's Washington Hotel, where he has fitted up an 4173ZZlit 0.4124001 T, aboveground, which can't he beat on the Juniata . The lovers of good Oysters can always be etc commodated by giving him a coll. - , - His new stand is fitted by on purpose" to ae commodate Ladies and ee , denten. The "old. Captain" therefete hopes that hie friends of both sexes will extend to him aliberal support. CONFECTIOARIEg, APPLES, &c., always on hand NUTS, &c March 6, 1848. MACKEREL, ) SHAD, Constantly on hand SALMON,I , and for sale by HERRINGS, t .1, PALMER, & Co. PORK, ( Market St. Wharf, PHILADELPHIA. HAMS AND SIDES, SHOULDERS, Num Sr Otero, Feb. V, 15149.-361