Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 20, 1849, Image 4
lona Mr. Bullock's' AC Wren before the Wor cester (Mass.) Agricultural Society., Progress of Industry and the har mony of Labor. ''his, then, is the grand moral lesson of the hour—the progress of industry and the harmony of lasor. That progress is already proved and illustrated when this society remembers, on the one hand what its (ethers saw, and what they did, and on the other, casts its eye on the exhibitions, and gathers up the instruc tions, of this day. That harmony in HI- Weat and growth, in sentiment and purpose, is a bs(n, t wed by this pres• eat re-union of all the sons of labor at this annual civic triumph. These ex• hibitiona are teaching us that we are all producers and all consumers. These holidays are proving to us that the cir cle of all business and rill pursuits is a charmed circle, and that a single jar any whe-e spreads discord and disaster through the whole. There is no such thing here as an isolated interest, nor any such a man as an isolated laborer. In the formation and growth of commu nities, labor divides and sub-divides its elf—to the end, not that this pursuit or that may become easier or more Winora• blo than the other, but that each and all may be the more profitable and more productive.—Would any say that the divisions and suh-divisionsof human in vention in the Machinery we have wit nessed to-day, with all their nice and varied improvements from year to year, involve any encroachment on the rights of laborl Neither with any more truth wool you maintain that any fixed de partment of human pursuit, whether of the hand or the head, in the field or the shop, in the counting room or the office could be stricken out without imparting disturbance to the whole. There is one harmonious idea running through the whole scheme, and the whole fabric of society, the whole theory and the whole practice of the world—and that is, in creased profit and increased production, —greater capacity for producing, sus taining, educating, and at . vincing the race. The small and despised stream which flows through the heart of this city, is a wiser witness and a more liber al philosopher than we.—What growth and unbuilding, and expansion of ins dustry has it not witaessedl It very early beckoned to its banks a scattered, humble, dependant colony of mechanics. It kept them up through prosperous and adverse fortune, till now a score of smoking shafts penetrate the sky, and from the reservoir in the north to its southern (valet, its banks are vocal with the axe and hammer, the whirling wire and the building machine, the farming plough and the noisy plane, the fierce glow of the furnace and the heavy work ing of iron, the whiz of the car shop and the crack of the pistol—while a host of children whom no man can num ber, look towards it in the morning and in the evening for their daily bread. If . I were to call upon this productive riv ulet for its testimo•ty, what, think you, it would bel Why, to be sure, that the wire maker and machine builder combined to supply the cotton and wool en mill—that the plough maker furnish ed his ware for the whole agricultural world—that the iron man, with his five or six scores of hands, was at work for every body—and on to the end of the chapter, concluding with this essential and impressive fact, that as this com munity has increased from year to year, new churches and schools, a little more counsel and a little more medicine, yet other stores, for the wholesale and re tail, more boarding houses and shoe ',hope, and tailors and halters, and gr cers arid dress-makers, were demanded and came in upon us, till tie town has become, what Ave behold it to-day,—all helping one anuthar, AND TILE FARMER FEEDING THE WHOLE! I hold him to be a suspicious friend, who would scatter the seeds of dissension where Provi dence and natural causes have estab lished a coincidence of interest ; and against his testimony I place that ever speaking and benern ent stream, as it carries down to the waters of the Black- stone, to be diffused over yet larger com twinkles between this rind the Bay of the Narragansett', that large, universal truth of American life. YOUR SLN WILL FIND YOU OUT. Dr. Donne, afterwards the celebrated Dean of St. Paul's, when he took pos session of the first living to which he was inducted, wilked into the yard of the church where he was to officiate. It happened, that as lie sauntered along, the sexton was digging a grave, and the doctor stood for a moment to observe his operations. As the man was at work, he threw up a scull, which in some way or other engaged the doctor's attention.—While he examined it, he perceived a headless nail, which perfo rated the temple, and which convinced him that some dreadful deed must have been perpretated. Taking up the skull, he demanded of the grave digger to i whom it belonged. The man instantly said, that he knew very well—that it belonged to a man who was accustomed to excess in the use of liquor ; and who one night, having been guilty of his usual intemperance, had been found dead in his bed in the morning. Dr. Donne then asked, "Had he a wife 1" The answer was in the affirmative.— .. What character does she beat 1" The sexton said " A very good one, only she was reflected upon for marrying immediately after the death of her hue. bend," Thie R tss enough for the doc- ! ----..... ' • • • , ..—.......... tor, who, upon the pretence of visiting MO3E NEW GOODS all his parishoners, soon called upon AT TES the woman in question ; and in the, GRAN I) BAZAR t course of conversation he inquired of i _ . • what sickness her husband died. She 1 gave him precisely the same account as Fisher, Thritiortrie & Co., the sexton had given before her. But Have just received a further addition to (heir the doctor produced the skull, and point- Fall and ‘N inter stock of Goods, consisting of ing to the place said, , t Woman do you everything useful and ornamental. Shawls of 11 ir E e nd all prices: Muslin de Loins at 10 know this nail 1" Th e unhappy crim , cis per ya d ; l.,alicozs at 3 and 4 cis ; Muslin. nal was struck with horror at the de- bleached and unbleached. at 3 cts, and yard wide 'nand and the sight, and instantly oven- at 0 cu.; l ishmeres. Gingham, B<r ; Water ed that she had been thr perpetrator of proof and other Boots for uteri and boys. Shoes the deed, which had hurried her lin , . of nll kinds, Buffalo socks, gum shoes, Yip Mo band, in a state of intoxication into the 'acorn , RoulY•amde ( 1011141 0• Holy and traps, , Trunk, Valises,Blatikets, &c., &c., cheaper eternal world. thin ever! ' , Hurtlngdon. Dec. b. 1898. Great Ziconorny iD Kindling Tires. THE attention of I ountry Merchants. Ped- I lava, and Dealers generally. anti families ate respectfully invited to a composition called EEVEWS PA PENT FIRE KINDLING, an article much needed and in demand from all quarters. FIFTY Carers wit supply one fire ev ery day for 6 month.. It is neatly done up in packager, each containing 24 cakes—each cake t 0 inches square,—one of which Instantaneously taking fire front contact with a lighted watch will ignite Charcoal. Wood and Bituntinoie Coal, and with one-fourth the ordinary quantity of mood or charcoal will kindle the Anthracite. For sale. Wholesale and Retail, at the KIND LING DE POT, No. 149 elouth 2nd street, Phil- J. W. GRAY. adel phia. Feb. 12. 1844-Im. Auditor's Notice. Non CE is hereby given to all pereone inter rated, that the undersigned was appointed by the Orphans' t ourt of Ilunitngdon enunty. at Jamb. cry loam last. auditor to apportion the balance in the handsof the administrators of ,amuel Myton, late of West township in s .id county deceased. and that he will attend to the dunes of his said appointment on Saturday the 10th day of March next, 10 hie Office in the borough of Huntingdon, at ten o'clock A. M. of said day ; when and where all persons interested are notifit d to attend. JOHN REED, Auditor. Feb 13, 1849. A.dministraters' Notice. Estate of-ILEXO.MT- GOMERY, late of West township, deceased. NOTICE Whereby given that Letters of Al. ministration on said Estate. hare been granted to the undersigned, Persons indebted to the rime, are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the some, to present them duly authenticated for settlement. ILLIAM MONTGOMERY, THOMAS MONTGOME hY, Fah. 20, 1849. (Administrators. Executors , Notice. LETTERS testamentary having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Matthew Garner, Into of Penn town ship, in the county of Huntingdon, de ceased, all persons indebted to said es tate nre hereby notified to call and make payment, and all persons having claims against the same are requested to pre sent them duly authenticated for settle ment to the subscribers. JOHN GARNER, Jr. GEORGE GARNER, Jr., Executors. Penn twp.,feb27-pd, Executors' Notice. Estate of JOHN .41cC.1REVEY, late of Henderson township, dec'd. NOTICE is hereby given that letters testamen tary have been granted to the undersigned on the estate of John Mc artney, late of Henderson township, ikeeaqed. Persons knowing themselves indebted will come forwardand make pay inentiand all those having claims will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. IBABELLA McCARTNEY, Exec,irix. A PURELY VEGFTABLE MFDICINF. Worsdell's Vegetable Restorative Pills ! - LT A VE been gradually hut surely coming into 11 favor. among the families of this Country for some years post They have done this entirely through their great worth as a FAMILY Ml D. !CANE. Agencies have been appointed but no putting and humbug anch as is resorted to by quaeav to sell their medicine has been done. The pills are offered lot sole and have and will continue to Ire sold by all :he p• inciple store keepers. 'rho proprietors claim for their Medi cine the following advantages over all others— via: They are PURELY V GETA BLE.— They are CERTAIN 'l'o OPERATE. Their o erasion is FREE from all PAIN. They can be used with EQUAL , ENEFIT by theyoong est INFAN 1 and the STRONGEST MAN— Their efficiency in Fevers, Ague, I leadaches, Habitual Costiveness. Dyspepsia, Cholera Moe bus. &c.. has been proven upon thousands.— They area C °twin Cure for Worms. The pro prietors possess a certificate from a gentleman in St. Louts who was cured of a TAPE W OR 5 , 1 by the use of them. Try them they will not fail. Travelling agent for the State of Pennsylva nia— . nunt.ns I'. Aster. For sale, price 25 cento a box containing FIFTY PILLS. with full directions by the following agents in Huntingdon County: Thomas Read & Son. Huntingdon. Thomas E. Orbison, Orbisonia. J. M. Lindsey, Hollidaysbor t s. Nair Co. A. WEEKS & Co. Proprietors, Laboratory No. 191 Chesnut street, Philadelpnia. January 23. 11149-Iy. . Administrator's Notice. Estate of Ja.NE 8..41?R, late of Jack son township, deed. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad mihtstrution have been ranted to the uhder signed on said estate. Persons indebted to said estate are requested to malts immediate payment and those having claims or demands against the same to present them duly authenticated for set tlement to JO' IN PARR, Pelt. IL ?899 —pd. A d nistrator. ROUSIMILL'S Perfume., Hair Oils, Snaps, Shaving Cream, &c. A very large lot of Roussell's unrivalled Shaving Cream, &c., icc., just opening at the Huntingdon Jewelry Store. It i■ decidedly the best assortment in town and will be sold very cheap. Boots and Shoes. rpHE: largest, finest and best assort ment of Boots and Shoes, aver brought to town, for sale by .I.kW.f.IAXTON. TO THE VOLUNTEERS AND MILITIA OF THE 2nd BRIGADE, 10th DIVISION, P. M. FELLOW CITIZENS :—At the solicitation of many friends, I offer myself as candidate for BRIGADE INSPECTOR, at the ensuing election. I respectfully solicit your suffrages, and if elected, promise to dis charge the duties of the office faithfully—and I trust to the satisfaction of the Brigade. Your Fellow Citizen, JAMES CLINGER. Pine Grove Mills, t Centre county, Jan. 9, 1849 r S3'CID LE Cni -_W Of Partition and Valuation of the Real Eestate of JO HAW ILL ER, late of Union township, Huntingdon County, deceased. THE heirs and legal representatives of the raid John Miller. deceased. viz: Christian Miller. John Mi ler, Matthew Miller, and Han nan Dell now intermarried with Michael Dell, are hereby notified that by virtue of a Writ of Partition n Valuation. issued to me out of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon County, I will hold an Inquisition on the Real Estate r f said de ceased, viz: a Tract of Land aitunte in Union township, Huntingdon county, • ontaining 339 acres and allowance, on TUESDA Y. MARCH 13th, 1949,0 n the premises, when and where all interested can attend if they think proper. MAPTtIEW CRO WNOVER, Sheriff. Saznirr's Orrlcx, Jan. 31.1849-4 t Sheldrake's Alleghany Ilouse, .Yo. 280 .Market Street, above Eighth, (South hide s ) Philadelphia. THIS large and splendid Hotel has been fur nished with entire new furniture. The bar Room is the largest in Philadelphia. The Par lors and ,itting-Roosts are entirely separated from the noise and bustle, consequent to the ar rival and departure of care. The Portico en lending the whole front of the house, affords a cool retreat in warm weather, and a splendid view of the greatest thoroughfare in the City. The Lodging Rooms are well furnished. The Table as well provided for as at any other Hotel, with every attention of the roanapers to woke it the hest Hotel for Merchants and Businers Men during their stay in the City. The terms will be one dollar per day, On the arrival of the Cars from the Wert, a Porter will be in attend ant•o to convey beagage,&c. to the Hotel, which is adjoining the depot. Feb. 13, 1819-6 m. Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Notice is hereby given that the SEV ENTH INSTALLMENT of FIVE Dot- LVRS per share on the Capital stock of this company is required to be paid on or before the Ist day ofJanuary ip3xt ; The eighth instalment of five dollars per share on or before the 2d day of March —The ninth instalment of five dollars per share on or before the Ist day of May, and the tenth instalment of five dollars per share on or before the Ist day of July next, at the office of Miles •ic norris. Payments will be received of one or more instalments, or the Stock may be paid in full, at the option of the Stock holders, and interest will be allowed from date of payment. Instalments not paid punctually will be subject to the penalty of one per cent per month, as required by law. GEORGE V. BACON, Tress. Dec. 12, 1848. Administrator's Notice. Estate of JOSEPH J./IC KSON (of David) decd, late of Jackson township, Huntingdon county. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad ministration on said estate have been grant ed to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate see requested to make immediate pay ment.and those having elaima ordemands against the same to present them duly authentiewd for settlement to GEORGE OLIVER. Adm'r, Oliver township, Mifflin county. Jan. 31, 1849-6 t.-pd. Administrator's Notice Estate of cas.nxDua LI.EC H, late of Union township, Iluntingdon county. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration on said estate have been grr, nt ed to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims oedema t de against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement to MUSES WOOPE, Administrator. Auditor's Notice. The undersigned, appointetEby the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, to appropriate the proceeds of the Sheriff's Sale of the real estate of Henry Dopp, hereby gives notice to all persons interested in said appropriation, that he will attend for that purpose, at his office, in Huntingdon, on Friday the 6th day of April next, at 1 o'clock, P. M. GEO. TAYLOR, Feb. 27. 1849. Auditor. M. & J. M. ROWE, BROOM & WOODEN WARP STORE, Ao. 03 orth Third street, One door above Arch, ',oat side, Pllll. %DELPHIA, Manufacturers & Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of Brooms, Brushes, Buckets, Cedar Ware.— Willow and French Baskets, Shoe and 'A all Brushes,Sc uhp, Dusters, Mats, Blacking. East ermmade Wooden-ware of every description,&e. &c., at the lowest market prices. MANLY ROWE. JOHN V. ROWE. March 7,'4R, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. NTIUT NAT MANUFACTORY. The undersigned announces to the citizens o Huntingdon County, that he has just opened in the borough of LE W .SITOWN, a new HAT IMANUFACTORY, where he is pre poredto make every variety of Huts in uoe.out of the beat materials such no HEAVER, SILK, NUTRIA, FUR, WOOL,&c. The business of manufacturing is conducted by and under his own personal super vision, and his long experience in the business in the hest estatiliohniento of the country warrants him in guaranteeing to all who may purcharie from him good substantial and highly finished work. . . .. . _ Our Otnish fri nds shnll not he forgotten in the efforts we shall put forth to meet the wants of the commurity ,in our line of business, end h e w ill be really to answer their calls at prices that must p ease. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS, and all others who may desire to purchase Hots, hisestabliehment riffords superior inducements, both as regards quality nod price, which hall be of such a character 118 to l.•ave no room for grum bling. We the efore invite everybody, of every distinction of party or aect,to call and examine our stock; which is ths la , gest and best assorted one that has ever been introduced here. N. B. Hats of my manufacture can be hod nt retail at the store of WM. STE WART, in Huntingdon Borough. WM. G. ZOLLINGER Lewistown, Sept. '213,1848. CHEAPER THAN EVER If you want to get the worth of your money then Jbuy from GEORGE GWIN, where you will find the I irgest, best, and cheap est,' olortimmt of Goods, drat the town can pro duce; and that, too, at such low prices that all who purchase are fully satisfied t .at our motto is true,. A quick Six-pence is better than a alow shilling." Huntingdon, Oct. 17, 1849. CITIZENS OF HUNTINGDON COUNTY, NOW'S YOUR TIME TO GET TILE WORTH OF YOUR MONET ! J. & W. SAXTON,. Inform the public that they have received splendid and extensive 1050/flmclit of all kinds of FALL" &, WIN, ER GOODS, which they are determined in sell of prices to suit ALL. They invite the public to call end ex amine their Goods. Huntingdon, Nov. 21, 1898. FALL AND WINTER COODS. Great Redaction in Prices. DORSET di, MAGUIRE, Have just received direct from the Eastern Cities, and are now opening n splendid en.,orinn nt of NEW AND C EAP GOODS , consisting of every variety of nr.7-c.loonc, Suited to Ladies and Gentlemen's wear, including Cloths. Cassimers, Sattinetts, Veining, Silk., Sat ins, Alpachas tinehmeres, De Lninft. Plaida.Bom banines, Ginghanis, ahem, Checks.Shawla,&c. We have also a handsome assortmont of READY-MADE CLOTHING. They would also invite attention totheirstock o G-ROCE RIES Sugars— 5, 6 and 8 cents per pound— Molasses, from 371 to 40 cents per gallon ; and every other article usually kept in a Grocery Store, at equally low prices. Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hardware and Cutlery, hino, Glass and Queens wit re. Drugs. Medicines. Dye 8i Ws, &c. Alt of which will Ire sold at very reduced prices. The Ladies and Gentlemen are requested to call and examine three Goode, ae they cannot fail to please all both as regards style and price. DORSEY S• MAGUIRE, In the store room formerly occupied by Jacob Miller, opposite the residence of Judge Gwin, Huntingdon. All kinds of Country Produce ta ken in exchange for goods. [Sept. 26. Magnetic Telegraph Outdone! Likenesses taken in a <, leale less than no time." 9 'HE undersigned begs leave most respectfully I to announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Huntingdon and vicinity, that he has procnrcd an improved Daguerreotype Apparatus, which he has located at the Court House in this place, where he can he found at all times prepared to wait upon any of his friends who may favor hirn with a call. W. I'. WILSON. Jan. 9, 1849. 1001 ILLUMINATED ! H. H. NEXT & BRO., Invite the attention of the citizens of H noting don and persons visiting this place during the present Court to their immense stock of CLOCKS, W A Teti E S, Jewelry, and Fancy Articles just received at their store in MARKET &vitas:, one door east of the Exchange Hotel. They will sell Full jewelled Gold Levers, 18 Carol, huntinc , case, for $6O 00 " gold levers, 18 carat, single case, 30 00 Gold Lepine, finest quality, 25 00 Silver Levers, from $l2 to 40 00 " Lepines Btols 00 " Verge Watches Itolo 00 Eight day brass Clocks 5 to 6 00 30 hour " " 3^to 400 Aecordeons, 1 to 18 00 Gold Pencils, 1 50 to 6 00 " Pens, 1 00 to 2 50 Gold Miniature Frames, 4 00 to 10 00 All kinds of Jewelry 20 per cent lower than heretofore. We are thankful for patronage heretofore re ceived, and would solicit all persons desirous of purchasing any thing in our line to give us a call. N. B. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repair ed and warranted. Huntingdon, Nov. 14, 184 F. GREEXIS OXYGENATED lit 11 Eno., FOR FIVE CURE OF DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY. &C., &C., &C. Si DIP : 1 %1 OP! MT noon MAN READ Tlllll if you have got Driirs.roro or As•ru+u °conifer from general de bility. or any complaint resuliing from derange ment of the stomach. You would give a good' deal toget well, wonld'nt you? Then just give a LITTLE, and try lireen's Oxygenated Hitomin. Its juc‘ttlie thing for you. 'flue [Moor discover ed thin medicine only after lung and careful study —to cure a friend too—not to make money out of it. Look at the evidence of its efficacy and you will he natisfied. Hon. Alrnotc LAIVIIENCe cured of ASTHMA. fitt.citismrowN, March 16,1848. _ _ Da. GRNENE.-4 take great pleasure in inform ing you of the effects of the medicine called Ida ygenated Bitters you had the kindness to send rne. For come twr my years I had suffered se -verely front [rumored Asthma. I was compelled to sit up one third of the night, without going to bed ut all; and the rent of the time my sleep was interrupted by violent fits of coughing and great difficulty of breathing. In all my attendance upon our courts I never went to bed in Northamp ton in twenty years but twice, and then was com pelled to get up. Now I lie in bed without diffi culty, and sleep roundly. I took your medicine according to directions. The violent symptoms immediately abated, and perseverance in the use of the remedy has removed all its troublesome consequence.. The value of such o remedy is incalculable. and I hope its virtnes may be wide• iy diffused and its benificent agency extensively imp oyed. Respectfully yours. MYRON LAWRENCE. DITSPEAiIA CURED. CARLISL • E Pc June 10, 1848 Mesas. Collier & flro. Gentlemnn—ln reply to your note tus to the effect of the Oxygenated Bitters in me cone. I would say, that I hay* been afflicted with Dyspep sia about six years, and have tried ninny known remedies, but obtained no relief until a friend recommended the Oxygenated Bitters. a • • • I me finally induced to procure two bottle' of you, and I had not taken half a bottle before I felt its effects upo, my system , anti after the use of the second bottle, I found mysel in a state of health as unexpected as it was gratifying. To the afflicted I have no hesitation in recommend nig the Bitters, as superior to any medicine I have ever heard of fur the cure of Dyspepsia. Very Respectfully yours, INADSON M. LEWIS. The following Certificates have re cently been received : WASIII;;GTON, 1). C., June :0. 1846 Having inade use of the .Oxygenated Bitters" prepared by Dr. Geo. B. Green, of I,‘ indsor, Vt , t nd from knowledge obtained of their efficacy in other eases. we cheerfully recommend them to the public, believing that they will fully sustain the recommendation of the Proprietor. e hope that this valuable remedy may be so generally dif fused 'throughout the country that it may be ac cessible to all the afflicted. SAMUEL PHELPS, U. S. Senator.? from WM. UPHAM, 5 Vermont. JAMES F. SIMMONS, U. S. Senator from Rhode Island. J. T. MOREHEAD, U. S. Senator and for merly Governor of Kentucky. L. H. ARNOLD, Member of Congress and formerly Governor of R. I. WM. WOODBRIDGE, U: S. Set.ator and formerly Governor of Michigan. M. L. MARTIN, Delegate in Congress from Wisconsin Territory. From the lion. SOLOMON FOOT. Member of Con _ green from Vermont. Gusts cgs F....r0t5:1, General Agents, No. 26, South - ixth St. Philadelphia. Sold wholesale and retail by TIIONAS REA. & Seri, Huntingdon, Pa. Price—s7.oo per bottlo. : six bottles for $5.00. August 15 1848 WASHINGTON HOGS', HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA. THis Popular I louse has recently undergone a 1 thorough repair, and been furnished mite entire new fu.i.niture, of the best quality. Mem- Itera of the Legislature and others, viaiting the Seat of Government. will find it a very desirable stopping place. CO — Charges moderate. \VAL SANDERS, Agent. FiJulyarrisburg, 14, 1848—Om. r.a.x.r. AND WINTER • 1 1 A S reo NS ! Cluthing for Men and Boy R. A. WILLOUGHBI. Has received at his old Stand in Main Street,. Huntingdon, a new. and large assortment of Clothing, READY-MADE, of all sizes to suit men and boys, consisting of the most fashionable Dress Coats, Pantaloons and Vests, made of the hest and finest Cloths, Cassimeres, and Ces.rinetta. And nn equal as sortment of plain and substantial materials, suited for the every day business of all classes. He has a FIT, ASSORT.ENT of every size and kind, and he will sell as Cheap as the Cheapest He only wants a small living profit; and he in vites all who wish to purchase to see his Goods, before purchasing elsewhere. Taylorhig is his trade, and he knows wnat he says when he says he can and will accommodate all who call, on terms to suit. Ile also continues THE TAYLORING BUSINESS, and has an extensive assortment of Cloths, Cos simeres, Cassinetts and Vest!ngs which he will sell and make up to suit any and every body, cheap and well. He is determined to leave No Room for Grumbling! septl9,lB4B. JUST ARRIVED, A SPLENDID assortment of Ameri -11 can Cottage, Cast Iron, Air Tight, Parlor, Coal and wood Stoves, Russia Iron Stoves, Fancy 6 Plate, Parlor Radi ators, &c., &c., for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. Tohn Scott, jr., A TTORNEY Al' LAW, Huntingdon,Pa.- 1 Hue removed hisollice to the middle room of • Snare's Row,"direcily oppomitt Fisher & WMur trie'etitore where he will attend with protoptnese and fidelity to ell business with which he maybe erroetedin iisrintingdon orthe siajoiningconatig " Encourage your Own" Cabinet itare Manufactoilo Main Street, Huntingdon, Pa. of informing their friends and the public at large that they continue to carry 011 the CABINET-MAKING' business, at their old stand, one door east of the dwelling holm of J. G. lilies, Esq.. and directly opposite the ('rioting Office of the •' Huntingdon Journal," where they will he pleased to furnish those who may favor them with their customovii It all articles in their line on the moat reasonable terms. Having supplied themse ses with a very Icrge and superior stock of stuff, they hove no hesitation in assuring the Public that they can furnish work, which, for cheapness, beat ty end durabithity,cannot be surpassed by .T other shop in the county. They will keep constantly on hand, and make to order, SIDE BOJIRDS, BUREAUS, Card Tables, Bedsteads, Centre Tables, - Cupboards, Stands, Dough Troughs,' Wash. Stands, Wardrobes, Secretaries,' Breakfast Tables, Pedestals, Ste. Old - futniture repaired at the very shorte:i. no tice. COFIIII9 made sod funerels rittend , a, either in town or country, at the shortest notl,e. They keep a Hoarse 19r the accommodotion of their ens. Comers. Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange for furniture end work. Thanklulfor the very I iheralpatronage heretofore extended to them, they assure the public that no efforts will be spared on their part to deserve a coa• tinuencoand increasie of public patronage. may 2, 18484 f. IDLLE R l'egrilaiile Gaoler Nal kills, The only known Medicine that at the same time purges, purifies and strengthens the system. Los ao,r,July 7,1840. TAR. LE ROY'S Pills are a new medicine which hasp.t appeared,and infest taking the places of all others of the same clam. These pills are composed of many ingredients, but the two princi pal ones are Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry, so uni ted that they act together; the one, through it admixture with other substances, purifying end purging, while the other is strengthening the sys tem. Thus those pills ore at the some time tonic sod opening; a desideratum long and en, rly nought for by medical men, but never before din cuiered. In other words they do the work elms medicines, and do it much better than any two we know of; for they remove nothing from the system but the impurities; co that while they purge they strengthen; and hence they cause no debilitation, and are follow, dby no reaction. Dr. I.e Roy's pills have a wonderful influence on the blood; they not only parity without weakening it hut they re move all noxious particles front the eh la beloteit is converted into fluid, and thus make impure blood an utter impossibility. As the, is no ;Irbil itation,so there iv no nausea or sickness 'wending the operations of thin most excellent of medicines which never strains or torturer; the digestive fun , . tions,buteanses them to work in n perfectly nattn• al manner; and hence persons taking them do not become pale and emaciated. but the eor ,nary ; for while it in the property of the Sarsaparilla, unit , tl as it is with other ingredir'nts, to remove all that is foreign and impure, it is equally the property ; f the Wild Cherry to retain ull that in natural at sound; and hence a robust state of health is the certain result of their united operations. (0 - .Priee 25 Cerrts per BOX. AGENTS.—T. Read & Son, Swoop, & Af rica, ; W. W. Buchanan, Millj i. and Kessler, reek ; S. H atfield LC Son. Jubi. eta Iron Works; Porter & Bucker, Moore Elvvoope, H. C.. Walker, A lexandi in; G. I I.Steitic r Woterstreel. (Aug. 31:47. TENNENT'S Washington Gallery of Dagnerrotypen, No. 231 North Second Street, N. W. corner of Street, PHILADELPHIA. qint Likenesses taken and beautifully colored 1 at this well known establishment far oat TOL. LA 11, are ouiversally conceded to be 1: AL in el*- ery respect to AST in the city. Pictures taken equally well in cloudy and clhir weather. A large assortment of AdmiALLioNs and LocKris on hand, from $2 to $5, including the picture. The subscribers respectfully invitt the citizent , of Huntingdon County, to call and examine 01 r. clowns of the latest improvements it the art of Daguerrentyping, which will ho exhibited cheer• fully sod without chit ge. T. J. C. TENNENT. Jay 4; 1848 COLEMAN'S CHEAP CUTLERY STORES. Nos. 32 and 33 Arcade. and 8} North Third Bt. , PHILADELPHIA. COUNTRY Merchants can site from 10 to lr per cent by purchasing al the above stoics --- By importing my own goods, pn3'ing but litylv rent, find living economically, it is plain I cin us, dersell those who purchase their goods here, p‘i' high rents, and live like princes. Constantly on hand, a large assortment of Fr, and Pocket Knives Scissors and Razors. Tehl lilliser and Forks, in Ivory, Slog, Buffalo, Bons and Woo,: handles; Carvers and Forks, Sleek', &c. Butcher Knives, picks, Bowie Knives. De• volving and Plain Pistols, Arc. Just seceikta large stock of Rodgers' an 1 Westenholm's fitye Pen and Congress Knives. Also, a large assortment of Accordeont, Are.. &c Also, Fine English Twist end Germ.' Guns. JOHN M. COLEMAN. june2o-Iy. Crouneliati & Brother, No. 11. Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Wine, Liquor and General Conzmissioft .merchants. Brandies, Gin, and Chnmpniyne• of VV V different brands imported direct, and sod ou, accommodating terms to Country Dealers. Qual ities and proof of Liquors wrrranietl. Philadelphia. June 20, IR4B. THE VE/IX LAST NOTICE. -- The sulascriber is forced' once more tp al upon his friends and patrons and ask them to conic and pay off their accounts' Necessity alone induces him to call upon them again at present, and necessity alone does dictate him to hanchover to the proper officer all accounts, that maY remain unpaid or unsettled by the Ist dig of February 1849 Tor collection. NS. 21t)i 1818. J. ti