Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 20, 1849, Image 3

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    Jackson ; Oaks, Barree ; James Reed,
Alin • James Rudy, Hare, ; Calvin J. Smith,
Franklin ; Christian Shouts, Hopewell ; Jacob
Spanogle, Shirley; John Stem, Jackson; Daw
son Smalley, Shirley; Daniel Teague, Crow,
well ; Matthew Taylor, Dublin; Elias Wilson,
Cass; Isaac Wolverton, Brady.
Richard Ashman, Clay township; Thomas
Adams, Hendersod; Washington G. Baker, Tod ;
William D. Black, Jackson; George W. Bell,
Barree ; James Campbell, Walker • Lewis Ca
rothers, Cromwell ; William than, Penn ;
Thomas Duff, Jackson; Dgvid Foster, Brady;
David Henderson, Franklin ; Adam Hoffman,
Walket John Huyett, Porter; George Hall
man, West; John Jefteries, Tell; Joseph Law,
Morris ; Samuel Long, Shirley ; Henry Light-
no, West; George Miller, to; Robert MitO,den;
Springfield; Jacob Nearhoof, Warriqrsmark ;
James Neely, •Dublin ; George Pheeennt, Union ;
James Porter, Jackson ; John ,Porkr, Hender
son ; John Price, Shirley ; him Rung, West;
Richardson Read, Henderson ; James Simpson,
dp; James Stqwart, Wept; David R. Stonebra
ker, Franklin.; Jannis Wray, Henderson ; John
Wey ; , Elijah Weston, Warriors mark ;
Jr* Wright, Union; John Weeks,jr., Shirley.
• •
Retailers of Merchandize.
• Classification of Retailers of Merchandize in
Huntingdon county, by the « Appraiser of Mer
cantile Taxes" for the year commencing Ist
May, 1849, viz :
• -
Class. of License,
Alexandria borough
Bucher & Porter,
Charles Porter,
John N. Swoope,
Dorri• & Walker,
Michael Sissler,
12 Sl2 50
12 12 50
19 12 50
13 10 00
11 7 00
Birmingham borough :
James Clarke,
John Gaynor & c 0.,•
Petersburger & Ettinger,
Barree township
A. W. Graff & c 0.,•
John Cresswell & co.,
James - •
James Irvine,
J. A. Jet n'n4s,
Brady township :
Kessler & Brother,
J. & W. Saxton,
"Irvin, Green & co.,
„Washington Buchanan,
James Henderson,
Clay township:
E. B. Orbison & co.,
Cromwell township
'rhos. E. Orbison 4- co.,
het & Wigton,
David Etnire,
Dublin township:
Brice X. Blair C co.,
• • Franklin township
& J. H. Shoenberger,
Sherb, Stewart & co.,
John S. 'sett,
Ingram & co.,
Isett & Harniah.
Huntingdon borough
Fisher, NlcMurtrie & co.,
I. Sc'W. Saxton,
A. P. Wilson,
Thomas Read & Son,
William Dorris,
Moies Strouse,
Dorsey & Maguire,
George G win,
A. Willoughby,
Swoope & Africa,
Dr. William Swoops,'"
William Stewart,'
T. K. Simonton,
George A. Steel,
Mayer Lisberger,
Benjamin Snare,
H. K. Neff & Bro.,
James I'. Scott,
Louis Schneider,
Levi We,throok,
W. E. Mc Mort Ile,
Jackson township :
E. & A. Ste art,
Couch & Cummins,
Hobert Mcßurrizy,
• • Hopewell township
James Entrilcen,
Morris township:
George 11. Steiner,
George W. Patton & co.,
Irvine, Kessler & co.,
Porter township :
S. Hatfield & en.,
Jost Green & co.,
Petersburg borough :
Abraham Cresswell.
John R. Hunter,
Larirner & Bratty,
Irvine & Marks,
Shirleysburg borough
John Long & co.,
Henry Brewster,
John Lutz,.
David Fraker,
William Johnston,
Shirley township :
-.Samuel H. Bell,
Penn township :
A. & E. Plummer,
Frank & Neff,*
Tell township:
A. C. Blair & co.,
Jacob Flimsier,
Springfield township
Tod township :
Horatio Trexler & co.,
Mordecai Chilcote,
Union township :
Illeegow & Brother,
Wttilcer township
James cempbell,*
Given &ladY,
West township :
Edwin. P. Shoenberger, 13
Cunningham te 1!4) ton, 13
Warriorsmark township
Benjamin P. Patton, 13
Abednego Stevens, 13
Yoseph B. Shugart:, 14
Those marked thus (•) sell liquor.
Notice is hereby given to the above named
Dolers in Merchandize, that I will attend at
the Commissioners' Office in Huntingdon, on
Thursday the 12th day of April next, for the
purpose of hearing persons who may desire to
lippesil from the above classification.
Appal'3or aj ,:ircroaptite T 0703.
MITe112 1 ), rBl9.
Great Centre Of Attraction
AVE just received end ere now OiStning ct
thtir olcl stand, I\o.lool Market brow,
ti iingJon. Pa. the moat hishionnole rind ser
perb adoortment of
Clocks; Watches cfc Jewelry
ever offered IS thin place. Their stock consists
in part at English & Anchor Lever, Chrottom•
eta.., Duplex and Lepine GOLD '‘A Al LEES.
Every variety ot Lev, r, L'Epine, Quattrer nod
English 'SILVER wAirt HES. Eight-Day
and Thirty•liour BA ASP CLOCAS.
Thcir Jewelry boa brut stleelcd will such
care in regard to Fashion. Elegance stir Quality
as to ehelien, comperi.on and del) ccmbetition
it embrares Diamond Breast Pins and Finger
Rings, Gold Rings and Pencils. Pens, ktpecta•
Iles. &c., together with a general and e-.ltrisive
assortment of ILVER ART CLES, They
have also a well chosen eupp y of Perfumery,
Soap add Fancy Stationary.
IN. 11. Clocks, %.1 etches, and Jewelry prompt
ly repaired and warranted. The public ere po
litely !crowed to call and examine their stock.
Unrivalled Perfumes, Hair Oil, Moth
Paste and Powder, Soaps, Shaving.
Cream, &e.
The Largest, Cheapest and best assortment of
the above named guild en ever opened in hun
tingdon, just received and for sale by
March 20,1849.
role. BALE.
A FIRST RATE new one horse, which
the subscriber willl sell cheep for Cash.
March 20,1849,
10 00
7 00
10 50
7 00
►TAKES this method of informing her old cul
-1 turners and the public nenerslly that she
has leased the large and commodious house on
Allegheny street, Huntingdon, Pa., known as
7 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
“ 111 A Sill)71 . 1101/S F.,”
occupied for savant; years by Mrs. E. Clarke,
and lately by John Marks, as a public house.—
She will be found tht re on and after the lot of
aril, 1849, prepared to accommodate all who
may favor her with a call in a manner that can
not be surpassed by arty other house in the
12 60
10 00
10 00
7 00
will alwaye be furnished with the very best tl•at
the market will afraid. In short. nothing will
be left undone that will in any way add t.. the
comfort of her customers, on she is determined
not .n be beat.
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
7 00
The torothon of the "Mansion If ouse" is de
ruleffly the best in the borough; the rooms ere
large, will be well furnished, and made comfort
able in every particular.
Reviler boarders will be accommodated at
moderate price..
March 26,1849.
10 00
20 00
20 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
Broom and Wooden ware Store.
No. 63 North Third Street, of e door above Arch,
East S•de,
P iladelphin,
Manufacturer. and Wholeeale Dealer. in all
kinds of Preeme, B , ushee, Pockets, Cedar
Ware, Willow and French Badrete,
Shoe tad Wall Drunken, Scrute,
Dustere, Mate, Blacking,
Eastern-mode Wooden Ware
of every de c iption, &c.. nt the low-
eat market prices. Cash paid fnr Broom Corn,
March 20, 1849-3 m.
Y virtue of sundry writs of Vend
.l)Exp. to me directed, will be exposed
to sale on Monday the 9th day of April
next, at the Court House in the borough
of Huntingdon, at 10 o'clock on said day
the following described property, viz :
A certain piece or tract of land situ
ate in Jackson township, Huntingdon
county, containing about 6 acres, more
or less, adjoining land of James Alex
ander, David Miller and Robert Mcßur
ney, having thelfreon erected a three
story frame dwelling house. All clear
ed, and to bo sold as the property of Da
vid S. Vance.
10 00
12 50
10 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
12 20
12 SO
12 50
7 00
7 00
The right, title and interest of Joseph
\Vhitesell, in n certain tract of !mai sit
uate partly In. West and partly in Bar
ree township, Huntingdon comity, ad
joining lands of Thomas Stewart, Jas.
Harnish's heirs, David \Vhitesell and
others, containing one hundred and
eighty acres, or thereabouts, having
thereon erected a log dwelling house,
and Cabin barn—about 70 acres of which
are cleared, with an apple orchard. Ta
ken in execution and to be sold us the
property of Joseph Whitewall.
10 00
10 00
10 50
7 00
7 00
10 00
10 00
15 00
A certain lot of ground situate in Bra
dy township, (Mill Creek) Huntingdon
county, having thereon erected a two
story brick house and out buildings, ad
joining lands of James Irvin, & co. and
other lands of said defendants. Taken
in execution and to be sold as the prop
' arty of James Milliken and Joseph Mil
13 00
In oo
10 00
10 00
All the right, title. and interest, of the defend
ant*, in ar.d to a tract of I.nid 'imam in Shirley
township, containing 330 acres, mote or lees,
adjoining land* of Dr. James Lightner, James
M. NH. Eq.. John Huck, and other*, haying
thereon erected three Dwelling Houses, and two
log harry.. 200 acres cheered.
Taken in execution and to he cold as the pro
perty of Thurnris Bighorn int Robert Bighorn.
M. CROWNOVER, Sherif]:
March 13, 1849.
10 00
10 00
7 00
NOTICE. I , lo6l;4:llf:tricrv: ,• -
To the Honorable the Judger of the Court ..1 1, WHEREAS by precept to me directed, da-
Quart. Sessions of Ott county of Hunting-I toil at Huntingdon, the 20th din , of-Jan.
don. 1849, under the hends end seal,' of the Hon.
The Petition of John Whittaker, of Abraham S. AA i too, President of the Court of
the Borough of Huntingdon in said C'uniinon Plc., Oyer and Terminer end general
county, respectfully sheweth : That jail delivery of the 20th judicial district of Penn•
your Petitioner having for many years eylvania, composed of the counties of Hunting
t~.ou,jrizi union, and the lions. James
kept an inn or tavern at his old stand on
the south western corner of Allegheny the c o unty of Huntingdon , ":"' t'l6
re i " r e c i : Co
j e. j :„ d , g d e l
and Montgomery streets in said borough pointed to hear, try, and determine ell and every
of Huntingdon, he has provided himself iudictinerts and presentments, mode or taken for
with house room, stabling and other or concerning all crimes,which by the laws of the
conveniences necessary to accommodate Communwealth are footle capital or felonies of
the public, and entertain strangers and
which ha ve re :flnzs,==l47,7"'"
travellers, and is desirous of continuing Craned within said county , or all pfirsons h e o r in P r e e .
to keep an inn at the same place. He or :hall hereafter lie coininitted or perpetrated, for
therefore prays your Honors to grant crimes aforeartid, len commanded to Make proc
lamation throu 4 hout my whole bailiwick, that a '
him a license to keep an inn or tavern
at said place. And he will pray, &c. Court of Oyer and Terminer, Quarter -,'anions
JOHN WHITTAKER' and Common Pleas, will be held at the Court
House, in the borough of Huntingdon, the 2d
Marcel 6, 1849. Monday (and 9th day) of April 1849, and
, We, the undersigned citizens of the those who will prosecute the said prisoners, he
said Borough of Huntingdon, do certify then aid there to prosecute them ao it shall be
that we are well ncquainted with John Juan, and hunt all justices of the peace, coroner,
Whittalcer, the above Petitioner, that the
and c onetahles within the said county, be then
inn or tavern proposed to be continued
e A n d N ti l ie o re rs i a n id th d e a ir proper he r i e r r r s e o , nl at si o u
. o i ' t e io lo n e s k
and kept at the place mentioned in the examinations an y d remembrances, to do those .
foregoing Petition, is necessary to ac- , thinuswhich to their officesrespectively appertain.
commodate the public and entertain Dried at i luntingdon, the sth day of March,
strangers and travellers, and that saidin theyear o f our Lord, one thousand eight hun-
Petitioner is of good repute for honesty dred and forty-nine and the 7311 year of Amer
ican independence.
niid temperanc3, and is well provided M TT HS W CRO WHO VER, Sheriff.
with house room, and conveniences for
the accommodation of strangers and PROCLAMATION.
travellers. NTTHEREAS, by precept to me ditectedhy the
T. K. Sitnonton, C. S. Black, W.Snnre; YV Judges of the common Ilea. of the court-
John N. Prowell, Thomas Foster, lease ty of Iluntingilen bearing tint the 20th day of
January, A. 1849.1'ant coinnotnded to' make
Lininger, hl in. Stewart, Robert Mil
public proclaniation throeghout my' Whore heti.
ler, Henry Bendel, ,s'amtiel Houck,
Alexander Osborn, Geo. A. Steel.
Alex wick that a Court of Common Pte..will I,e held
et the Court House m the borough of Huntingdon
CE)UC:n3LIO.' in the county of Huntingdon, on the 3d Monday
To the Honore)! Judges et the Court of (and "to day) of Aril. A. D. 1849, for the
Quarter Sessions of the I core in and fir the trial of all issues in said court, which remain un
county of Huntingdon, at April Term A. D. determined before the raid judger., when and
1849. where all jurors, witness). end suitors, in the
'rite petition of Abraham Moyer of the trial of all said issue. are required.
Inge of Waterstreet. in said county. respectfully Deed at Huntingdon, the sth any of March.
represents:—That your petitioner line leased that A.U. 1419, an I the 73.1 year of American lade
large and commodious brick tavern house situate Pend....
in said Village of Waterereet and immediately ALATTHE W CR 0 WHOVE R. Sheriff.
on the turnpike road leading from Philadelphia
tin Pittsburg and is well known Rs the AN ateistre t
Hotel—that said House is well calculated for
public hoe se of entertainuient, anti' from its,
neighborhood and situation is .uitehle no well an
very necessary for the accommodation of the
public and the entertainment of strangers and
travellers—that there is good stabling for horses
attached to the same. And sour petitionet has
provided all necessary convenience fir the arc...
mutation of the public. He therefore pray. the
Court to grant him a license to keep an inn or
tavern end public house of entertainment in raid
him,. And be will pray Lkc. A. MOYER.
March 6, 1f.,49.
' We, the sohscribere, citizens of the Village
and Yiriniry of Wateretreet do hereby certify
that we' are pentrir ally acquainted with Alan's:.
Moyer, the alone named petitioner, and know
him to be of good repute tor honesty and tem , '
perenee. end is well provided whit house room, '
Rte, for the accommodation of etrangers and
traveller., and that the void' tavern is necessary
for the accommodation of atiangels and tray- .
Robert Kinkead, John DRvie, Hen , y B. My
tinger.M ichael Duye. John My finger, John
1 Casper Weight, J. M.Yeung, Wiliam C. Bay, ly,
John M. Dickson, John'Renner, Job'PlYmptoir.
To Catharine McGrath, Margery McGrath,
Bernard A. McGrath, and Hugh McGrath, grand
children and heirs of Bernard 0 Friel, deed.,
and to Francis McGrath, (who wits appointed try
the Court of Common Pleas of Hunti gdon
county, to receive notice for said grand children
and heirs.)
tWnereaa, John Dougherty, John Bennet, Ed
win P. Iteenber g er, John ft Shoenberger, Geo.
K. Shoenberger, Peter, 'Shoenberger, John ht.
Davis, James M. Davis end John lil eniden, now
or lively .acting or Betting tinder tine firm of the
Reliance Trensportistion ornpany, heretofore, in
the Court of Common Pleas of I funtingtion
county, to wit, in tire term of April 1842, recov
ered 'genet Dr, C helve U'Friel and John Dough
erty, Executors of Bernard O'Friel, dec'd., a
rennin debt of three.thousand eight hundred and
eighty eight dollar. and thirty two cede, lawful
money of Pennsylvania, as also fifty dollars and
sixty four cents, like truancy, which to the snid
identifier were adjudged fur their damages which
they sustained try occasion of the detention of
that debt, whereof the said John Doughet ty and
Dr. Charles O'Friel. Executor') of said deeeared,
ore convict. And Whereon, Margery O'Friel is
now adminintratrix, de bonia non, with the will
, annexed of said Benefit 0 Friel, deed. ; and
whereas. Execution of the debt and damages us
aforesaid as yet remains to be done,
You. and each of you, are hereby notified and
required to appear benne the •ludges of the Court
of Common • lean of Huntingdon county. at a
Court to be held in Huntingdon on the second
Monday in April next, to shew if anything for
yourselves you know, or have to say, why Ex
ecution should not be had against you for the
debt and damage,' aforesaid, and why the same
should not continue a lien against the real estate
of said deceeeed, according to the form and effect
of said recovery
Witness the Honorable A . S. Wilson, Presi-
dent 3f the said Court, at Huntingdon, the 25th
day of January, A. D. 1-49.
March 8,1849.4 t
THE subscribers to the capital clock of the
I Spruce Creek and Water Street Turnpike
Hoed t otnpany," who have neglected to comply
with the previous calla of said Company. rot the
pay merit of the several instalments.. are again no
tified t at they are required to pay me at my re.-
idence, in Franklin townehip, Huntingdon coun
ty, fur the use of said Company, on or before the
tenth day of April A. D. 1849, any and all too
neys, now feminine due and unpaid. by reation
of or on accrrunt of their said subscription to said
Any itthscrihers who hose subscribed to said
stock strict+ July, A. D. 1847, are also notified
that they ere required to pay at the same lime and
place, tea per cent of the stock sulis sr ib s d, an d
on or before (he tenth day of each succeeding
month the likt. sum of ten per cent until the
whole is paid.
Treasure!. of W. S. & S.C. 'l'. Co.
March 6,1840-4 t.
Boots arid Ihoeg.
THE largest, finest and best assort
mont of Boots and Shoes, ever
brought to town, for sale by
To the Honorable the Judges of the Court
of Quarter Sesssions of Runtingdon
County :
The petition of Joseph Forrest, respectfully
sheweth : That your petitioner occupies a com
modious house in the borough of Petersburg and
county aforesaid. which is well calculated for a
house of public enter taisiment, and suitable and
necessary for the accommodation of the public
and the entertainment of strangers and trave leis
—and that he is now occupying, and has hereto
, fore for some years, occupied the said house as a
public house. He therefore prays your honors to
grant him a 'ken., to continue keeping the said
h ruse as a public house. And he will ever p ay,
I March ta, 1849.
We, the undersigned, citizens of the borough
of Petersburg. being personally acquainted with
the said Joseph Forrest. and also having knowl
edge of the Vouse for which the license is prayed
do he eby certify that the said house is necessary
to accommodate the put-lie and entertain Oran
g'ers a rid travellers. That the said .Joseph For..
rest is a person of good repute for honesty and
iemperence, antrthat lie is well provided with
hiimre roein and conViMiences . for the lonizing
and accommodiaion'of elratteers apd travellers:
Geo. M. Cresswell, Jno R. Huntei, too: .
Irvine, H. Orladv John Lourimore,
Thomas S Kyler, George Stout, Jim.
J. Marks, James MeCatilei, Thomas
Morgan, William Wilson, Joseph
Johnston, Henry Neville, Win. B. Al e
phut), Bernard Sigler, Jno. P. Mur
phy, S. Reel.
To the Honorable the Judges of th. Court
of Quarter Sessions of Huntingdon
county, at rlpril Term, .1. D. 1849.
The Petition of Samuel -.telly, of the township
of Jackson in the t. ounty of Huntingdon, res
pectfully represent.: but your petitioner is de
sirous of keeping a Public House ire Tavern in
the house he now keeps. being in the towscihip
above named,on the rood from Pinegrova to Lew
istown—that he ha. provided hillier If with ne
cessaries for the accommodation of strangers and
travellers. and therefore prays your honors to
grant him a License to keep a public house of
entertainment in said house, and he will ever
pray, &c.
. •
, March 13, 1319.
We, the subscribers, citizens of the t. , wnship
of Jackson. in the county of Huntingdon. do
certify that the tavern prayed for above, by Sam
uel Steffy, is necessary fur UK accommodation of
the public and the entertainment of strangers and
traveller.--that the said applicant is a man of
good repute fur honesty and temperance, and is
well provided with house room and other conve
-1 iiiences for the accommodmion of strangers tied
i traveller.
George NKilson, Samuel Rudy, Thomas
Crayles, Matthias Lightner, Simon
Woribourn c Her.ry Worlboure,Roland
Wilson ; Wm. Mears, James Fleming,
sr., Nicholas Rudy, John Rudy, Geo.
Rudy, George Maiiney, Geo. Steffy,
J. B. Ozßurn ; M. Grinninger, Daniel
Estate of MICHAEL 11. DEITRICH, hots
of IVarrio, smirk toionship, dee'll.
NOTWE is hereby given that Letter, of Admin-
IN !titration on th , estate of M. H. Denny!),
late of Wurriormark top. Hunt. co., deed. have
been granted to the undersigned. All persons in
debted to said estate are requested to make imme
diate payment, and those having claims or de
mands agiinst.the same to present them duly on•
thettlimnsd for settlement to
• Feb. 27,1840.
Look out. for Itargaius
Afore Watches, Jewelry,, Silver Spoons,
&c., 4-c.•
A NOTHER sup erior lot of GOLD and SIT.-
.VE of various descriptions :
will be received and opened this evening at the
Huntinethrn Jewelry Store." Also—Gold
Finger Rings, aoid.Pens, Steel Beads, Pistols,
&e., J. T. SCOTT
iiiintingdam, Feb 41, ta4S.
- vOTICE is hereby given to all per- To the Honorable Me Judges of tie Court of
1 sons concerned that the following Cameron Pleao ft" Quarter qmio—
named persons have settled their ac- Pea
B .L'Lr A.
counts hr the Register's office at Hun- The
pet ,,,.
„4. D. 1849.
Shiler of the liar
tingdon, and that their said accounts ough of Alexandria in the county of Huntingdon,
will be presented for confirmation and sheweth That he keeps a public Inn or Teton,
allowance at an Orphans' Court to be in the house lin now 'steeples in the aaid borough
held at Huntingdon on Wednesday the of Alexandria, and tuat the mid lon or Tavern
11th day of April next, viz: ibneceesory to accommodate the public, and to
1. Abraham Hagan, surviving admin.
istratyr of Charles finrnits, late of the license fur the continuance of thu saute, and your
borough of Huntingdon, dec'd. I petiiionor idifl over pray. &c.
2. Ellijth Weston, acting executor of . . MICHAEL BILLER.
Thomas WePtiM, late oi Warriormark Maich 8, 1849.
township, deed,We , the undersigned eitixtns of the tort:ugh
of Alexandri . hereby cm iffy that the Louie
3.• Moses Robison and William Per
ke t by Mieha ' el Sisley, es se Ina or Tavern tn
ter, executors of John Watt, late of the p borough of Alexandria, is neerertuy to ae-
West township, dec'd. commoilate the initilfc end entitioiii strangers
4. Samuel Houck executor of Jacob .ntf travellers, and that the said Michael Bis'er
Houck, late of Tod township, dec'd.' ix df good repute lot honeety and temperance,
an n d ie is n w e e s llprovided with house room end cot,
5. Dawson C. Smalley, administrator'
forthe accommodation of stranger. and
of Margaret Smalley, late of Shirley
township, dec'd.
6. William Vandevender and John
John N. Swoops, Carpus Patterson, Ja.
' cob Haman, deorge Walker, W i lli am
administrators or rsaac antler Stitt, Enoch Kline, William
Vandevender, late of Walker township, Moore, John Coneley,, John Hisbin,.
Benj. J. Williams, Michael Richisoni
7. Peter Secrist, guardian of the mi. G. W. !ones, Cresswell, Sample
nor children of John Flesher, late of 1 Fleming„ Stephen Ringer, Samuel
Cromwell township, dec'd. i Spyker, And rew•M'Clure, H. Fockler.
8. Samuel lsett, guardian of Cornelia March 6 1849
Scott, late of the borough of f3irming-
ham, dee'd.
9. Samuel Isett, guardian of Ellen
Eliza Scott a minor child of Dr. Oliver
U. Scott, late of the borough of Birm
ingham, dec'd
10. Thomas Postlethwait and John
PostlethWait, executors of William Pos.
tlethwait, late of Shirley township, dec'd.
11. William AlcNite, administrator
of %% ifliaar Peebtes,late - of Tell town
ship, dec'd.
12. Partial account of Atn:ahatritea
administrator of Daniel D. Miller; late
of Warriorsmark township, deed
• •
13. James Gwin, acting executor of
Patrick Gain, late of the borough of •
Huntingdon, dec'd.
11. George Jackson and John Jack.l
son executors of Joseph Jackson, late '
of Jackson township,'d,
15. General Guardianship of James •
Potter guardian of the minor children
of Silas Moore, late of the borough of
Hollidaysburg, dec'd.
16. Samuel Dean and William Cald
well, executors of Robert Dean, late of
Morris township, deed.
M. F. CAMPBELL,, Regi'stee.
Register's Office,
Huntingdon, March 10 '49. t
rrHE subscribers, residents of Shade
I Gap, Huntingdon county, Pa., beg
leave to inform their friends and the pub
lic generally, that they have established
at the place above mentioned,a BOARD
ING SCHOOL for the education of
young men.
The course of instruction c'ompri'ses,,!
in addition to the usual branehes of a 1
coalmen English education: Philosophy;
Ariathernatics, and the Latin and Greek
langnages. The location is distinguished
for its healthfulness and the'rnoril and
religious character of the surrounding
community Every attention will be
paid to the health and morals of the pu
pils as well as to their mental traininc ,
and advancement in scientific knowl
edge, and every facility will be afforded
for their personal comfort and conveni
ence. The year is divided into two ses
sions of five months each ; the winter
session commencing OR the Ist of No
, vember, and the &timer session com•
mencing on the 23rd of April.
Terms per Session :—For orthogra
phy, reading and writing, $5. Arith
tnetic, Geography, Grammar, Philoso
phy, History arid composition, sB.
Mathematics, Greek and Latin lan
guages, $:2. Boarding, exclusive of
fuel andlight, $1.25 per week. Instruc
tions given in French and German, at an
additional charge. The subscribers, end
couraged by the liberal patronage which'
they have already received, would re ,
peat, that they are determined to spare
no effort in making the Institution one
that will commend itself to all parents
who desire to give their sons it thorough
preparatory education, without expo
sing them to the contaminating and im
moral influences that exist to more pop
ulous communities. For reference or
further particulars address
WOULD respectfully informall his cid friends
and customers—which includes about the
entire population—that he has removed
Standing-Stone Tlead-Quarters
to the room next door to Prowell a Mime. directly
opposite Wallace's Washington Hotel, where ho
has titled up an
above ground, which can't be beat on the Sunk,.
The lovers of good Oysters eon always be ac
commodated by giving him 'call.
His new stand in fitted up t• on purpose" lose
commodate l.edito and ge tlemen. The i'old
Captain" therefore hopes that hie friend, of both
sears will extend to him n liberal support.
NUTS, &c., &c., always on hand.
LASS dr Cams,
Shark Gap. March 13, 1849.
an MOVAL f
Capt. David Ilazzard,
'1A7 .1 1 1 1118 aA.II,©TIT,
Starch 6, 1848
Constantly on hand
and for sale by
.1. PALMER, & Co.
Market St. Wharf,
Feb. 27, 1849.-3 m
To the I,Euponiblgthc Judges of the Court of
Common Pleas, dud Quarter Sessious of tko,
Peace for the County of Huntinirdon, at April
Sessions A. D. 1810.
The petition or Sample Fleming, -ei
the borough of Alexandria, in the coun
ty of Huntingdon, sheweth : That he
keeps a public Inn or Tavern in the
house he how occupies in the said bor
ough of Alexandria and county afore
said, and that the said Inn or Tavern is
,to'accommodate the public,
and to entertain stra.fgers and travel
' lens. Your petitioner therefo'ro. prays
your Honors to grant him a license fur
the continuance of the same, and your
'petitioner will pray Itcc.
March 6. 1849
We, the undersigned, citizens of the
borough '‘of Alexandria, hereby certify
that the house now kept by Sample
Fleming as an Inn or Tavern in the bor- -
ough of Alexandria, is necessary-to ac
comrmadate the public and entertairt
strangers and travellers, and that the
said Sample Fleming is of good reptile
far honesty and temperance and is well
prepared with house mom and conveni
ences for the accommodation of stran
gers and travellers.
John Sister, B. J. Williams, Itttiiel
' Richeson, Vi illtam Kemp, Thomas
Mitchell, Philip Piper, Frederick
G. W. Jones, John Piper,
jr., Michael Sisler, Jacob Baker,
Francis Conner, Abraham Piper, N..
Cresswelt, John N. Swoope, Caress
Patterson, John Concley, W. Walker.
To the Ho.roble the Judges of the Court of
Quarter Seerrions of Huntingdon counts :
The pelition of Zacarieli Pheasant respectfully
shewetit : That your petitioner, residing in Union
eke} county, is well proVided with.
house room and conveniences for the lodging
and accommodation of strangers and traveller..
Your petitioner, therefore, prep the Honorable
Court to grant him a license to keep an Inn or
Tavern in .aid house, t nil your petitioner wilt.
March 6,1849.
We,tho undersigned citizens of Unioc town
ship, in which the above Inn or Tavern is prayed
(or, do certify that such Inn or Tavern rs neces
sary to accommodate the public and entertain
strangers and traveirers— and that Zvearish
fihesant, the above named petitioner. le of good
repute for honesty and temperance, and is well
provided with house room and conveniences for
the accommodation of strangers and travellers.
William Eastep, Henry Pheasant, Peter
Posten, Philip Curfman, jr., J. K.
Hainpson, John MeCombe, Jacob ,
Miller, Wm. Smith, W. S. Flampson,.
J. M. Humpson, Jacob H.
B. F. Glasgow.
.'T CS) %X' L1C521:311.
To the Court of Quarter Session., of Mining
don county, at April Term, A. D. 1849
The Petition of Alexander Carmon of the bor
ough and county of Huntingdon, respectfully
represents :-.-that he is desirous of keeping an
Inn or Tavern in the house now occupied by
him for the ensuing year—that said house is sit
uated in the borough and county of Huntingdon,
on the corner of the Diamond in Main Street,
and has been kept by him as a public house for
Many years past=that be is well provided with
everything necessary for the accommodation of
the publics , afid the entertainment of strangers
and travellers. He therefore prays the Honor
able Court to grant him a license for said pur
' pose, and he will ever pray, &c.
March 6, 1819.
We, the undersigned, citizens of We borough
of linntingdon, do certify that such Inn or Tav
ern as prayed for above, by Alexander Carmon,
in the house occupied by him as an Inn or Tar•
ern for many years past, is necessary to accom
modate the public and entertain strangers and
travehers—and that the said applicant is a man
of good repute for honesty and temperance—
, and is well provided with house room and coo
-1 veviences for the accommodation of strangers
and Travellers.
Jacob'Snyder, C. S: Bina, T. K. Simon
ton, William Rothroefk, Louis Schnei
der, Sam'l Steel, Jno. Armitage, Hen
ry Alexander, C. Cants, Jacob Dach
enbach, David Colestock, IVilliam A.
Saxton, Jas. Clark.
ildnxinuitraters' Notice.
I\l'one g is hereby given that telly!, or admit•
istrstion hove been granted to the undersign
or the estate of JAMES DA Vl6. late of
Wegrtown.hip, Huntingdon county. MI per
sons indebted to maid estate are regnest(it to tanks
ianmediste payment. end those having Helm, or
demands ageinst the same to present them duly
authenticated•fos settlement.
Meth t a, 180-0