Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 20, 1849, Image 2

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    THE JOURNAL. Spring Election.
The election for Judge, inspector, Sic. in
The North Branch Canal. , -Small
__ this district on Friday last resulted in a very Hills &C.
(IMPRINT TRIIICIPLES+.4UPPOISTED HT TRUTH.] satisfactory manner to the Whigs. Last fall The Pa. Intelligencer says :—By reference to
. I the majority against Gen. Taylor was 51 i on ,
I Judehe proceedings, It will be seen that the-bill for
Friday last the Whig candidate for e recei- completion of the North Branch Canal came up
veil a majority of V. Both . parties Wad fixed again in the house of P.epteaentativcs on Satur
upon their candidates; add our democratic day last, when animportant amendment was sub
friends had put themselves to 'the trouble of
.mitted by Mr. BALL, and a Note taken which indi
holding a meeting at Couts' to nigaiiize their cater the passage of a bill of such a character
forces. As usual they took their candidate for as will insure the completion of the work with-
Judge from the ridges; and although the gentle- out entailing any additional burden upon the
man selected was a greet improvement on the state. The following PI a brief synopsis of
candidates usually presented by that party, mr. Ball's propo , i . ibn . 1
fror 4 that quarter, the democrats from Stone ,
Mr. Ball's amendment proposes appropria
, Creek demurred. They considered that the flog $1,200,000 from the State Treasury for the
ridges hect monopolised the township .and die- completion of the Canal—the money to be bor.
i f n rO t V e l e ie n itn a k ii ii i
ns w ta ll i c i i rn a e r n e ts tu;e
ha tl } T
trict offices long enough. The Whig candidates
being entirely unexceptionable, and the condi- to give ten per cent, on its capital stock. The
date for Judge, Geo. TAYLOR, E.q., known to banks have the privilege of issuing notes of ono
both parties as en honest, honorable man, who two and three dollars, which are to he counter
would treat both sides fairly, a number of the
tii,itni•ide, li ou t n i d i i r o c i g te i r ie etl, andco rt ril ti ed yapn
Stone Creek democrats resolved to support hint. Y
the amount necessary, a they are to receiVe cerPt'ifY
i This determination made decidedly " ROUGE ieates of loan, which are to run for twelve years
!SLEDDING" for the democrats of the ridges, and are to bear interest at two per cent. per an
' svho, notwithstanding they can make notnina- itni t 7 .ll l . 6 to ote ,
derived t° PaY t fi. k from ninterest,
North 4 ert.'•h
tions without consulting the wishes of the
are appropriated and the entire revenue of
, Stone Creek democrats, are unable to elect the canal is annually appropriated, or as much
without their votes. Our success therefore on as will be necessary, in the following sums : Ist
7 0 2 r -1 11, 0 , 00 r ? for p i az e m nt e n o t r of
the, loan:
3 :
d 2 i d iw s l e ft
. 0,0 i 0 . 0
this occasion is mainly owing to the independ
ence of our Stine Creek friends, and the popu- der of the tollsare to be paid to the sinking
larity of our candidates. . fund for the extinction of the State debt. The'
We give the vote on the candidates voted for coal going North is to:pay one per cent. per m:le.
by borough and township. For Judge and In
itfanYbank declines to issue notes, the tax on
s dividends will be increaser! as follows i 0.
spector Little Walker votes with this district. cent., on 6 per cent. dividends ; 10 on 7 per
Judge. Boro'. Hend'n. Walker. Total. cent.; 11 on 8; 12 on all over S.
Geo. Taylor, 94 60 15 159 When mutilated notes are presented at the
G. J. Fee, 95 37 132 Auditor General's office, new note% counter
signed and registered as provided for, are to be
respeeter. ,., issued.—The Auditor General is to have the .
Won. D. Zeigler, 89 33 1.5 ; . ',7 plates finely engraved, so as to prevent counter-
C. S. Black, 94 37 i• - " felting and to carry out the provisions of this
Assessor. act, relating to the issue of notes.
Jacob Fockler, 91 42 133 . Every bank applying for a re-charter, in to
David Black, 98 42 140 pay fifty per cent. on its increased capital stock,
A. AssesSors. to be applind to the payment of the loan or to
A. Allison, 83 36 lie the sinking fund, and will receive cert:ficntes of
Geo. Raymond, 81 36 121 State Stock, at the following interest : For the
C A Newingham, 88 32 120 first three yea] s, 2 per cent.: for the second
Wm. Porter, jr., 82 32 , 114 3 per cent. : and afterwards 4 per cent., paya
' Whigs in italics; locos in roman.
Borough Officers. I ble semi-annually.
The amendment was adopted by a vote of 47
The following officers were elected in the to 42—the Democratic members of Wyoming
borough' and Bradford voting in the affirmative. It is a
Constable—S. G. Houck. project which commends itself to the favor of
Overseers—John Flenner, T. K. Simonton. the friends of the canal, and of the business
Scheme Directors—Thos. Adams, John Scott, community of the whole state. For the small
Auditor—Peter Swoops. notes proposed to be issued the bill provides a
Township Officers. I tr'ple security. First. they have the .security
The following officers were elected in Hen-
of the Bank issuing them. Secondly, the rev-
The Canal. derson township - cubes or the canal are pledged for their redemp-
The navigation hat opened this year quite SSupervisors—John, till. And thirdly they have the guarantee of
early and under most favorable circumstances: Supervisors—John Porter, A. Decker.
the State itself. Thus the holders- of the notes
Overseers—John Snyder, Jas. Port.
Freight boats have been running for some days I will be secure against all possibility of loss to
School Directors—S. Gorsuch ' J. Colestock.
back, and the fi rst packet of the season is ex- Constable—Davis Hight. them, whilst their issue will drive out of dr.-
pected to reach this place this evening. Thus lotion the miserable, filthy rags and foreign bills
far no breaks have occurred, and everything The Legislature. ' . now in use, and otherwise work incalculable
looks favorable fOr a brisk trade on the Canal Nothing of a local nature interesting to the benefits to the whole business community. We
during the season. people of this county has been acted on by the rejoice at the favorable prospect of the final pas
r:Cr It is said. some of the Locofoco members
Legislature during the past week. The most sage of the bill. Nothing but the blindest Tar
of the Legislature declare that they will "head .
important public bills under consideration, is ty rancor can defeat it
Gov. Johnston or die !" We guess they'll die, the completion of, the North Branch canal and
then. Their efforts at heading "old Bill" will avoiding the inclined plane on the Columbia
prove about as effectual as the opposition of railroad. The former is under consideration in
. the House and the latter passes the Senate on
a certain animal belonging to one Slaymaker to
the onward cotta' of the Locomotive. 1 Thursday last by a vote of 17 to 13
50:7 sale at this office.
The I .I4UNTINODON JOURNAL" is published at
the following rates, vie $1,76 a year, if paid
la advance I $O,OO if paid during the, year, ei.c!
$4BO if not paid until altar the expiration of
the year. The above terms to be tulheted to in
all cases.
No subscription taken for less thin six months,
and no paper discontinued until all arrearages
arc paid, unless at the opticki of the publisher.
Ocr Our thanks are due to our old fr iend
PHILIP Wsesx, Messenger of the Senate, for a
public document. Also to our attentive and in
defatigatle representative, Col. - Comity+, for
many favors.
OT Norr & 800., have just received another
splendid assortment of clo,ha, watches, Jewel
ry, &e., &c., which they are selling at extreme
ly low rates. See advertisement.
2" The card of Nave & MILLeR, Surgeon
Dentists, will be found in another column. We
nnderstand they have procured nn entire new
set of instruments, and are prepared to attend
to all calls in the line of their profession in a
manner which cannot fail to give satiifaction.
From our knowledge of these gentlemen, we
have no hesitation in recommending them to
public favor. •
ble paper has recently been enlarged and other
wise improved. It is now the largest weekly
published in the interior. If the Whig of
Bucks county possess the intelligence and taste
we suppose they do, the Intelligcncer cannot
fail having a very liberal support. Every Conj•
ly in Bucks county would be the gainer by pay
ing five dollars per annum to such a county pa
per, rather than be in the weekly receipt of
r. Scott's Weeirly," Lippard's Quaker city,"
or similar publications, if furnished gratis.
SPIRIT OF THE Locofoco mem
bower the House who voted against individual
liability, are stigmatized by the Carlisle Vol
unteer, as "faithless, venal, corrupt, and self
damned traitors !" Among the gentlemen thus
stigmatized, is Mr. FRICK, of Northumberland,
a gentleman of intelligence and known integ
rity. And we will venture to predict that not
withstanding the denunciations of such papers
as the Volunteer and Pennsylvanian, Mr. Frick
an be re-nominated and re-elected by the
county of Northumberland, it he desires it.—
Mr. F. is a Locofoco, but it is a libel on his
character ; to insinuate that he has been actua
ted in his votes by venal and corrupt motives.
Collector of Philadelphia.
We understand that lion. A. RAMSEY of Har
risburg, will in all probability, be appointed
Collector of the Port of Philadelphia. We
hope this may prove to be correct. The appoint
ment of Mr. R. would give universal satisfac
tion to the Whigs of the interior. He is known
to be deserving, honest and competent. As
Philadelphia has been pretty liberally provided
for both by the State and National Administra-
tions, it is hoped the claims and wishes of the
country, in the person of Mr. Ramsey, will not
be overlooked.
The Reason Why.
A leading Locofoco member of the House of
Representatives, says the Pa. Intelligencer, has
givenas a reason for his opposition to Mr. BALL'S
project for the completion of the North Branch
Canal, and the issue of small notes by the
Banks, that it will really be a beneficial meas
ure, and bring the state stocks up to par; and
that in proportion as it will work thus beneficial
ly for the interests of the state and the people,
will operate disastrously to the interests of the
Democratic party !—and for this reason it was
to be deprecated. Truly, this gentleman is
actuated by a worthy and patriotic motive !
When will the people of Pennsylvania send
representatives to Harrisburg who can look
above party, on question* of such vital impor
tance to the interests of the Commonwealth as
this really is
C' Information is wanted of DANIEL Mon.
PRY, who left his wife and child at Clark's
Ferry, about three months ago, for the purpose
of engaging as a laborer on the Central Rail
road, and bas not since been heard of. His wife,
Mary Murphy. will thankfully receive any in
formation respecting him at Davidsburg, Blair
county, Pa.
There has been but little ehange in the mar
kets since our last. Prices are slightly on the
decline, cad but finis le doing.
Tux members of the Philadelphia bar have
tandered Mr. M*eevtre a public dinner, as a
,tztotk of congratulating biro on his appointment
to the Tu.:wiry Parartro^fit.
The litesponse of the Press. I Death of Hon. John Blanchard. Flom the Centre Co. Demo trot of tie 14th is ,t
07 - The Philadelphia Enquirer says, !r 'the I The following resolutions of respect for the . • .' MIER, .
Inatigural address of Gen. Taylor has been re- I memory and character of our late representative On Friday last, at ;Columbia, Lancaster Co.
ceived with a burst of enthusiastic approbation in Congress, were unaßimously passed by the Pa., on hi, return front I;Veshington, lion. JOHN
in all sections of the Union, * so far as we are en- Legislatese. They were reported by .Mi . t il ii i i ., , A l N ,
i t
s " t l r i A I t D ,
i M m ainb po e t r i. of Congress from
shied to juege by the.publie journals the v aiM
:lae atthies of the Senate, and pending their pas- .
His ren l a ' ai l' n: gL r ' ca r elle ' i home on Sunday even
reached us since its promulgation. Theresponse sage in the House, appropriate remarks were ~
.. ,
1... d were conaMitted to the dust on Monday
of the Pre., not only Whig, hut inderielent, triode by Mtssrs„Meek,.pf Ctlitreo and Coroyn a l liwe 'll on at . cittwO'flltelc. The funeral was at
is most cordial. -The Administration has enter. of II utttingifon. s" seIeSL. 4 , 0' sf 4?` ! ten t ' a
by merners of the Bar and officers of
ed upon its high and responsible duties, under WHEREAS, This Legislature has heard, with the court in a hotly, , and`by delegations from the
auspices peculiarly favorable.—The masses are', feAries of profound regret, of the decease of , Bellefonte, Milesburg and Halfmoon divisions,
with it in spirit and in heart, and are prepared the lion. Joan BLANCH. RD, Representative in S t. e a n: e o d f , ' , l a e s m e p n era e n . c e e m , o l f ar s y vhi m eh en g e r r der un ti ti th
hy de i
to giye it a generous and cordial support. This
o c f ,"! n ti g•Z s L t rr e r
wi t i l: t e. l o 7 fi l ii ,TTf y res h s o i ni on e al
fr d o i t s n tr t i l c u t , large concourse of cll.. an3ioutt 0 pay ifig
lisas it should be. The President is lill'ilati - , scene of his labors in Washington; last mouthful tribute of reefed totthr hen'
tally a man of the people ; his life this far, has ;led whereas, It is understood that the r e . : virtues and varied talents of the deceased.
been devoted to the service of his country, and mains of the lamented deceased will..this after- i ...-- MEETING/ OFJEMEtiIIAM.
his every aspirapou must be for the welfare of g, residence n t At emeeting of the Bar and.setificers a the
tlie nation and • the success of its institutions. 'of his family, in Centre coithty. Therefore, : C ef o o u ri r t t e ,l o i t ld ti .l e t prothonot ary t n li , c or 's Of fi ce in Seli
g o fthe 12th 6:* March
We proceed to quote a few expressions of len- Rejoiced by the Senate, (if the HOU., roveue,) 1840, for the purpose of expressing their feel;
timent in relation to the Inaugural. The Haiti- That in the decease of the Hon. John Blanchard, logs on the death of the Hon. Johnillanchard, -
more Sun says: : - in view of his superior talents, purity of char- On motion, James Burnside Esq. was. called
integrity, and sound patriotism, to the chair, and D. C. Boat appointed Scene
king"The Address of President Taylor, upon to- I otter, sterling
has experienced a loss of no ordinary tary.
the oath of office, yesterday, will be read soc i ety.
, The object of the meeting having been stated
by the weole people. Its great claim upon tini- I kind, which will long be deeply deplored.
vassal attention no one will dispute, or resist— 1 /tree/red, The we sincerely sympathize with by the chairman. On motion, James T. Hale,
that is its brevity.' No document that has ever : the family and immediate connexions of the de- H. N. .McAllister, and Samuel Linn Esquires
emanated from an ineninbant of the Presidential ceased, in the bereavement they have sustained, were appointed a committee to draft resolutions
chair, has by its peculiar merit ever commended and hereby tender them our heartfelt condolence. expressive of the sense of the meeting.
itself to so diffusive a popularity. We shall, ! Re*olved, That a copy of the foregoing pre- the Committee having retired for a abort
of course, forego any synopsis Of it, for it is a i amble and resolutions be forwarded to the lam- ti me rep orted the following resolutions, which
synopsis itself. Neither analysis or synthesis Hy of the deceased. were unanimously adopted.
would aid the reader in its perusal.—lt is like
I Resolved---That we have heard with deep
one of the General's battles—Buena Vista for C7'' Mr. Com-emelt, of Vermont, now at the regret, the death of the Hon. John Blanchard,
instance—neat and complete in itself—the very ! head of the Post Office Department is a self late Member of Congress and Senior Member
bijou of its class." made man,—emphatically the architect of his
of the Bar of this District. Having long been
The New York Commercial :. associated with the deceased, we feel it's privi
own fortune. To ill s tad., his exertions and lege to bear our testimony, to the many. excel
“lf there is a citizen of the United States, in . his merits in this regard, we may without im- t h eduties of lif e,
!envies of his character, in all .
the possession of his faculties, who cannot !
propriety repeat a remark a writer in the Cour- but especially as a member of the Bar. For
riehtly appreciatea state paper no lucid and ex- .
plieit. there is but one course left for him—to go
upright, end in,
to school immediately.” : her heard him make e a dinner of the graduates more than thirty years, he has been a practising
or his Alm .2lna ter—the University of Vermont Attorney in th is Dist rict—able
defutigable, he acquired a reputation as one et
The N. Y. Express describes it as a modcl —over a year ago. Speaking of one of the ear- the first lawyers of his time. His life was
state paper, and remarks : 1 tier Presidents of that institution, who was in without a blemish either in his professional or
"Itis a plain ' straight forward, manly does- ' o ffi ce while he was in college, Mr. Collamer private relations. His integrity as a man and
meat, yet beautiful and elognent in expression, said he never heard him utter what seemed to a lawyer was beyondsuspicion. He wasindeed
"that noblest work of God, an honest man,"
unequivocal in its declarations, and breathing
withal,—what is tio'rare in mere officinl deco- I in" a harsh repro.
him f but once, and that w. kind and courteous to his juniors, he was de
ments—a high and morel sentiment, which will 1 when he directed him never again to appear in servedly esteemed by them and looked upon as
find a ready endorsement, over and over again, 1 the recitation room without shoes. The harsh- an example worthy of their imitation.—
in the hearts of the whole American people. I Hie sincere, upright anti manly character won
General Taylor is seen in every line of his In-
ness of the remark, he said, sprung from the for him the respect of all who had the good kit
augural." tact that he had nu shoes. lie procured some, tuffs to know him—to knots' him indeed was to
The N. Y. Sim . however, and, for the sake of eellnoney, carried respect and admire gun — we, who kpow him
well, can safel y, tere are men of
" The I eitigural Addrese of the stew Presi- them ia his hand to the door of the recitation
our acquaintanc y
e, Sa whose that
pla h ce it Would ew
be more
dent will be read with interest and admiration room, and then put them on. difficult to fill, or M-110S2 loss would be 'more
by every patriot and lover of the Reentry, . universally regretted. .
throughout the Union: Its tone is lofty—its ' Letter from Mr. Clay.
Resolved—That we sincerely sympathize with
seutimei II bold, manly, and American. Gen. the family of the deceased, bereft of a kind hue-
Taylor has stamped his character as an Execn. band and an affectionate father.
tine with the seal of genuine greatness--agreat- Resolved—That we will attend the Litteral of
ners—that will be as m.ernoruble -in his Presi- the deceased in a body, from his late tesidenee
dential career, as are his victories over the Mex- this afternoon at half past one o'clock, and - that
icans in his military. For once in the latter we will wear crape on our left arm for thirty
days of the republic, there is no power behind days, as a taken of respect to his memory:.
the throne greater than the throne. • • Resolved—That the proceedings of this theet-
The Constitution and the example of the early ing be sienril by the President and Secretary,
Presideu s, especially Washingto •
• m—are to be and publi I&I in the papers of this District, and
General Taylor's guide. • Ile by leave of Court, be entered of Record in this
loves the Union, and will sanction any compro- county, and that the Secretary be directed to
miss to preserve it in tact. • • •He transmit a copy to the family elf the deceased.'
could not have better or more clearly avowed JAMES BURNSIDE, Prest.
himself. His first state piper .will cause repub- D. C. BOAL, Sect's*.
lican blood to course freer everywhere. God
bless the oil General, he has began his work
well, let him thus continue it to the end."
The N. Y. Cpnrier says:
4. The Inaugural address of President Taylor
will be read by every body; and, unless we are
I very much mistaken, it will be admired by eve-
The Offices--The Losers.
boy. In style, tone and entiments it ie
I Whether Gen. Taylor and his Cabinet will model for all pipers of this kind—a model,
remove many or few of those they find in offices which, it is to be hoped, will be followed in all
under their control, we do not know, nor do we time to come. The new President has two fa,
greatly care. There are some. incumbents of
cilities, which seem l essenti a l to public men, and
Gen. Shields. decided worth whom we stall gladly see retain- s v e hic . He saysc lea rly th
which, neverthel es s,
eaonile‘v public menos
ssPdistinctly what he
The committee appointed to inquire into the ed; there are others who Ought at all events to has to any—and when he has done Olathe stops.
eligibility of Gen. Shields, to a seat in She U. be put out, although their places were to' be The address is an admirable summary of the
S. Senate have reported 'adversely and the Seri- filled by men of precisely similar polities : principles which Me held by the great body of '
eoscrd and
they may
t enhur
ate adopted the report. The election is there- Many becabse they have prostituted their offi he Americ a n p
ces t overshadowed by the tierce
fore void, and the whole question goes back to to the lowest partizan uses I others because they political conflicts by which the country has been
the Legislature of Illinois. The constitution do not possess the necessary qualifications of divided."
requires a foreigner to be naturalized nine years integrity, capacity and industry. If there were I . These are, indeed, cordial, generous and man
he is elligible to a seat in the Senate. .no remaining grounds of Political difference, we :ly expressions of public opinion. ~,, j
believe the Public Interests demand very con
- Letter Writers. Mr. Meredith and the Tariff.
siderable changes in the incumbents of Federal
The Daily Ness's hits off in fine style the tone Some of our Free Trade Locofoco cotempo- '
offices. And beside, it i s unjust that the half
of oracular infallibility and self-imPortant an- caries have hinted, in noticing the appointment
thority assumed by some of the Washington let-
of our people who have held nearly all the de- of WM. M. MEREIJLTII as Secretary of the
sirable offices for twenty years, should retain
' ter writers. Independent readers throughout Treasury, that he teas an opponent of protee- I
them for an indefinite period yet future. We 1 i the country are both moused and Cliegusted with lion- What has gave rise to these hiuts—whe
are opp osed to all such monopolies .
the tone assumed by some of these writers re-I ther ignorance or a desire to misrepresent—we
If a highwayman were to meet you with a
cently. know not, nor do we care. We merely ask par
loaded pistol and the usual demand, and you readers, and' all who feel an interest in this
Locofoco Divisions. I were to knock aside his weapon and take him 'question, to read the following letter, written .
Loud complaints are made by several Loco- under your nrm, he would naturally beg to be by Mr. Meredith to a committee who invited
foco presses against the Locofoco Canal Com- let off, for the sake of his famishing wife and him to attend a celebration at Pottsville. If
missioners,onaccount of their late appointments, ' children, &e. &c. You might eery 'welt dismiss our free trade friends are pleased with the seri-
and grave charges are uttered against them.— him with a kick or a caution against asking timents it contains, they may rest assured it
The Union Times bitterly denounces Messrs. alms in future in that manner. -4 But . suppose he ai
Ii much rejoice tl e fr:ei.di of Protection.
Longstreth and Painter, and accuses them of were to turn ureund and say, " My' good sir! I , j
I. Bartholomew, Esq.,
hypocrisy and inconsistency. There is evident- , tried to take your purse by the law of the I My Dear Sir :--I had the pleasure of receiv
ly a strong division of the party who are deter- ' strongest, but you were too touch for me at . ing, a few days since, your letter on behalf of
mined to be revenged for the proscriptive course that; so please give it to me ! If you have a the Committee, inviting me to be present at the
a W n l d tig e Jubilee in Pottsville, on Saturday next,
presented towards them, and who will seek it hundred dollars about you, give me ninety ; 1
w i
it r pr g e r v e e t nt a n t i r e ci f in ro ly , r , t h at
aa i rl i t r L ez e gr o e c ri t t i e ,e lie i 7_
in a way calculated to be felt by those who have will do without the other ten, seeing I failed to
i sought their prostration. i get them by my pistol. Be clever now, and citation. There could be no occasion on which
The Merit of Brevity. I make me a present of the ninety."—what would I should more joyfully participate in the festiv
ashy I yogettay to so mean a being ? Would your loath- sties. The importance of the result of the late
The Washington Union says—" The, !election cannot be overrated. The passage of
ing allow you to say anything 1
1 President's inaugural address is the shortest I the Art of '4O, involved inseir as well aestil jury
document which has probably ever been deliv- I The great majority of the present incumbents to Pennsylvania, and the people must have been
of the offices in question have been all their .
ercd by any incoming President." We trust b l in d to their OM) honor end interest, if they
lives the boisterous champions of the doctrine , w ia h t ic not t rer p n . ted it. The triumphal manner in
' that the administration will continue this course h people, of the Cernmonwealth, and
that "To the victors belong the spoils of the in an especial and remarkable degree the people
with regard to all its public documents. Let
them be as brief as possible. The public at vanquished." They got in on that platform, of Schuylkill County, have vindicated their
did all they could to make their offices keep
large will then be able to peruse them. The rights d at the recent election!! not only Moros a
them in , and if Cass had been elected would
last annual message of President Polk was so i ;.irei ( a ) 7 , ati g en4i s : , t ,„ l , , ,, pi n -i u nr i l i pLe r s o o n f E T ,„ il a EJA m lt a - ,
voluminous, that many of the country papers have stayed in upon it. Having beeli handsome- their industry shall not, in future, be sacrificed
could not find room for it in their columns, ly beaten, they want to be kept in on the to the views of political partizan*, but exhibits
strength of Gen. Taylor's clemency mid kindly in a strong light the fact that the people cannot
Our Member.
! feeling for all. It inay be be to retain a good b f e or l
c o
e ng t e l fe e ee d it . ,e e d, anfl o t n h s % . l i li t ey
o qin t r e il r , X i I 1 1 2: , -
The following resolution, among others, was nutty of them, and it may not; but the whining servants. With " m s e P n able to do this, we mayma
passed at a recent Whig county meeting in Ve- . appeal. for them through The Union, Herald, be sure that the Republic will continue to be
nango county. The handsome and merited corn- &c. are absolutely sickening. A man that is a just, glorious, triumphant. 1 offer for the ac
icnrire of our brethren, time following senti
pliment paid to our talented representative,Col. man would sooner saw wood for a livin than eep
A. K. CORNYN, will be duly appreciat ed by the gain it by an office thus clung to.—N. Y. Tel:-
constituents of that gentleman is this county : b„„e. " NINNSYLVANIA—Proof alike against the
wisdom of her enemies and the subtleties of pro-
Resolved, That we view with gratitude and ,
fessing friends—she will always stand for the
delight the action of a three portion of the
rights of Industry and the principles of Free-
Whig members of the Legislature, in •standing thus far from New Hampshire are very lapse - d om ~
by and supporting our worthy Governor in the feet, but we presume there is no doubt of the . 1
am, Sir, with great esteem
improper and unjustifiable attack on gun in the election of the locOffico candidate for Governor,
House of Representatives, on account of his a
te o f S amue l C . Very respectfully,
lion on the bills remaining unsigned by the late Dinsmoor. The election of W. lg. MEREDITH
Governor ; and the thank. of the party are mole Messrs. Peaslee and Hubbard, locofocos to Con
espscially due to the Hon. ASIIISTES X. CORNYN gress, from the lid. and IVth district., is also
for his able defence of the Executive on that cc- regarded as certain. The chief interest the e •
_ _ ! fore is felt as to the result in the lit and Illd
ADJOURNMENT or THE LEGISLATURE.—The districts, where Gen. Wilson and Mr. Tuck Eve
Senate have passed a resolution fixing the 10th supported by the United Whigs and Free toil
of April as the day for the final adjournment of era against the Democratic candidates. The
I the Legislature. It ie' most probable that the f
indicatious thus far are that the former is eleet
fio,,, will eetwor. ed,
while there is torne'dtibt as to thehitter
Important Bill.
Suicide from Slander.
A young woman named Woods hung herself
at Hagerstown, Md., a few days ago, in copse-
MP" Mitchell, the Irish Patriot, goose out as a quence of slanders circulated against her.
free emigrant from Bermuda to the Cape of
Good Hope, by permission of the British gov
ernment, for the benefit of his health
11:7 - We learn from the Pottsville Journal,
that the Hon. JAMES COOPER will take up his
residence in that place some time in April
Henry Clay has made a public expression of
his views and opinions through the columns cf
the Lexington Observer and Reporter, upon the
subject of Emancipation, as connected with the
agitation of amending the Constitution of Ken
tucky. Ile declares distinctively in favor of
Emancipation, and suggests the plan of gradual
ism adopted in Pennsylvania. He thinks that
a period should be fixed, when all born after it
should be be free at a specified age, all born be
fore it remaining slaves for life. The period
named is 1855 or even 1800, and all born after
it to be free at the age of twenty-five, and to
be liable afterwards to be hired out, under the
authorities of the state, for a term not exceed
ing three years, in order to raise a sum suit . ..lent
to pay the expenses of their transportation to a
colony on the west coast of Africa, and to pro
vide them an outfit for six month after their ar
rival there. The transportation of the blacks,
as they become free, lie eonaiders a condition
absolutely indispensah'e to Emancipation.
The following appointments have been made
by the new Administration:
Messrs. Evans of Maine, Payne of North
Carolina, and Smith of Indiana, as Commision
yrs to settle the Mexican claims. C. B. Pen
rose, Esq. oT Pa. Assistant Secrettrty of the
Treasury. Wm. Sloanaker as Navy agent, at
Among the nominations sent to the Senate on
the 12th was that of Mr. Loyal, naval officer
at Norfolk, re-appointedi Pulmer V. Kellogg,
in place of Jacob Gould, marshal of the West
ern District of Ne NV York; Gov. Gayle, repre
sentative to the last Congress, Judge of the
District Courts of the United States for Ala- '
barna ; Charles Hudson, a representative in the '
last Congress from Massachusetts, naval officer
of the port of Boston.
Col. Bigger, the present Postmaster at Rich
mond, .Va., has been nominated to the Senate
for re-appointment.
Mr. F. WARItEN, of lowa, has been appoint
ed Second Assistant Post Master General, in
place of Wm. J Brown.
Mr. McGaughey, of Indiana, has been ap
pointed Governor of Minesotta ; C. K. Smith,
of Ohio, Secretary, and Mr. Washburn of Illi
nois, Chief Judge.
Thomas L. Smith, who was superseded by
Mr. Graham as the Register of the Treasury
Department; has been re-appointed to fill that
Fletcher Webster has been appointed U.
District Attorney at Boston.
Destructive Flood—linintence Loss
of Property.
CitICAW, March I:l 7 —S o'clock P. M,
We have been visited by a terrible food,
which has destroyed an immense amount of
property. The damage occasioned to our com
merce alone is estimated at over $lOO,OOO.
The brig St. Louis has been sunk, and is an en
tire loss ' • the schrs. Norton and Diamond were
stove in by the brig Europe coming in collision
with them, cawing them to sink. They were
both loaded with salt.
The schr. IVhirlwind was also stove in and
The brigs Ashland and G,n. Worth and echr
11. Hagar and others were badly damaged.
The Gen. Wnrner was also stink.
It is impossible at the present time, to ascer
tain the correct amount of the damage sustain
ed by Propellers, vessels and steamboats,
which are all jammed into one another, some
even being forced up on the top of others. The
whole harbor is a scencc of the utmost confu
sion. The water is still rising, and great fears
are entertained that the destruction will will be
increased. All the canal boats, with the ex
ception of one or two, are entirely destroyed or
carried away into the lake. Several vessels
have gone out side of the harbor, and are now
anchored in the lake. One or two lives have
been lost by the falling of spars on board of
vessels in the harbor.
On the lath inst., by the Rev. H. Beckerman,
to Miss FRANCES MEREDITH, of Hunting
On the 15th inst., by Rev. A. A. Anderson,
LLOYD, ti.2oi pf Blair county.
Trial List for April Team,. 11S41).
Joseph Biggins et al vs Martin Gees.
James Myton vs Samuel Myton.
Milliken for Creswell vs William Stewart.
Cadwallader's heirs vs John Smiley et al.
James Stewart vs Dennis Coder. • .
John Stewart vs David MeMurtrie-et 4.
Samuel Caldwell vs George Davit. •
Christian Prough vs James Entrekin. •
Daniel Prongh vs Some.
George Prough vs Same. - •
Henry Prough vs Same.
Commonwealth vs James Steel, &e. • .
Allen, Wilson & Co. vs Martin Gates. •
Walters for Nett vs Jacob, Shoop, '&e.
Same vs Same.
Sarno vs Same.
Same vs Same. .
A. MeAninch & wife vs Wm.. P. Laughlin.
Mott & Sehober •vs Geo. Taylor & P. Black &c.
Smith, Murphy & Co. vs Dennis Coder.
Mary Ann llileman vs Butts & Johnston.
Read Goo for use vs Martin Gates.
Alexander Steel vs James Reed:
William Harper vs James Wilson &c.
Isaac Woolverton vs Elisha Shoemaker.
James Siars' Ex'r vs Miller & Lane. -
Morrison for McMahon vs Daniel McMahon.
McAnineh & wife vs WM. P. Laughlin.
Robert Massey vs Robert Moore. -
Ewing for Gates vs James Ewing.
Jam'. Entrekin's Ex'rs vs John MePherrsn.
Rebecca Wall vs Dinsmore.& Creswell.
Lewistown Bank for use vs Hardman Philli
Wm. R. Thompson & Co. vs Penh's & Ohio
(Tran4p'n co.
D. N. Carothers vs Blair & Maddcu.
M. Muriile & Co. vs John W. Myton's adm'ra•
James M. Conrad vs Same.
James Ewing vs Ewing& Gates.
Jahn McCahan vs E. H. Lytle. • 7 •
James A. Cummings vs Wm. H. Patterson.
Ennis & Porter vs Andrew Stewart's adm'r.
John Edgar Thompson et al vs John W.SwoOpe.
George H. Steiner &c. 'g John Zentruire.
Moore & Steiner vs Same.
George Jackson vs Conrad Wittick•
Martin Grimly vs Lindley Hoopes.
A. McAninch & wife vs Wm. P. Laughlin.
Nathaniel .Kelly vs Anthony Murray.
Russ for 0. G. Scott's Ex'rs vs Wm. Shipley's
Grand Jurors, April Term. 1899.
Richard Colegate, Cromwell township;. Chris
tian Curfman, Clay; William Campbell, Tell;
David Etoire, Shirley; John B. Given, Walker
David Grazier, Warriorsmark ; Geo. W. Gla
zier, Henderson; William Geisinger, Walker;
Joshtia Hicks, Porter; Julia Henderson, Jr.,
Tod; Adam Keith, do; John Long,tfitillr;
James Lynn, Springfiehl ; Samuel Mosier,
West; William McDivitt, do; Thomas Marlin,
Cromwell; John Morrison, Shirley; William
Porter, West; Joseph Par, Cass; John Stever,
do; James Saxton, Henderson; Isaiah Shore,
Cromwell ; James Stewart, Sr., Jackson ; Peter
Tippery, Morris.
Robert Armstrong, West township; Thomas
Bell, Barren; John Brewster, Shirley; Josiah
Cunningham, Barree; Richard Chilcote, Union;
Mordecai Cilcote, Tod ; Henry Davis, West ;
John Duff, Jackson; Mark Evans, West; Sam
uel Friedley, Sr., Henderson ; Peter Grazier,
IVarriorswark ; Jacob Heffner, Penn ; Adams
Houck, Tod; Joseph Heaton, Penn; Michael
Householder, Walker; William Hairier, Tell;
John Jackson, Jackson ; James King, Shirley ;
Daniel Knode, Porter; Lewis Knode, do; John
Kiner, Franklin ; George ,Keith, Tod; John
Ker, Walker; Ilenry Lias, Tod; Miles Lewis,
West Robert Morrow, Tell ; John B. More
land, Clay ; Abraham Morrison; Dublin ; James
Moore, Walker; Isaac Malin, Porter; Joseph
McCracken, Brady; Robert Mattson, do; Jesse
Muthersbaugh, Warrioramark , David. Mitchell,
Jact,on ;. Daniel Neff Porter;John Oaks,