Rules tot b u siness Men. Take advantage of moderate facili ties' and accomplish ns much in a sin gle day, as acquired weeks, months or years, formerly Use the means ; they are open to all. Don't depend upon your own lungs u!one—use the lunge of the Press. Mike it known that you are prepared to do business. Confess ignorance on subjects in which you are uninformed : live and learn. Be silent when a fool prates —he will cease the sooner : you cannot gain by converse. Be °shamed of nothing-but your own errors. He who arms his intent with virtue is invincible. Let the business of others alone, and attend to your own. Don't buy what you don't want—use every hour to the best advantage, and study even to make leisure hours use ful. Find recreation in looking after your business, and your business will not be neglected, in looking after recreation. Buy fair—sell fair—and take care of the profit.. Should misfortune overtake you, re. trench—work harder—hut never 'fly the track—confront difficulties with unflinching perseverance—should you then fail you will be honored, but shrink and you will be de.pised. Be civil and obliging to all—it costs nothing and is worth much. Rest satisfied with doing well, and leave others to talk as they will. Never complain of being ill used. Sell at stnall profits—for cash—and make it known through newspapers.— V. B. Palmer's business man's .11ma sae. A Cute Yankee, Some time since, a slab sided mortal from down East, who looked es if he had passed through a shingle mill, call ed at a respectable establishment in Philadelphia, and inquired. "Is this Burlap, Jean & Co's store." .. Yes Sir." 4. Well then, I reckon I owe you a small bill." What name sir." 4 . Zerubable Snooks." After overhauling the ledger, Zura belle was assured it could not be him, as his name was trot on the books. 4, A darned pretty way to keep 'em then ! I guess if a man owed me a matter of three hundred dnlliirq I ...Id ten the nate without looking. However I don't want to cheat you. I know this is the place. Just give me a receipt for two hundred and twenty-five dollail and fifteen cents." .4 Never mind the cents, Mr Snooks, here's your receipt for the dollars." Mighty careless you be of small matters. -One hundred cents make a dollar where 1 came from, fifteen cents aint to be sneezed at.—Gnnd morning." M sssrs. Burlap, Jean & Co. were elec trified nt the honesty of the down Fast ,er.. and would not let him tro so readily. They insisted on hie purchasing n bill of, goods, but Zernbable was unwilling. "It was darned hard to pay for them," he said, "he'd been all winter raising that," But to their•grent gratification„ they succeeded in securing so good a customer, by selling him a bill of a thousand dollars, for six months. When the time of payment had ar rived, and n note of ,the demand was forwarded to the address of the down easter, the letter remained unanswered. The account was sent to a limb of the law, resident in the town from whii•h he hailed, and the next mail brought Bar. hip, 'Jean & Co., the agreeable intelli gence, that no such man as Zerubnble Snooks ever lived there. Nov. FELTON, of Cambridge Univer sity, corrects a statement as to his hav ing been bitten by a mad dog, in a note to the Transcript, closing thus:— Having satisfied myself that he had not drawn blood, I did not experience the smallest anxiety. The poor beast has doubtless fallen a victim to "public sentiment".ere this: "The man recovered from the bite, The Dog it was that died." Very sincerely, but not rabidly yours, C. C. FELTUN. rg." An old Man," complains that boy a come to see bib darters, but say no thing about marrying them—this he does not lilte--he says, "gals must get husbands when they are young, if ever they gat them 1" and therefore, " those . fellers who have no notion of being mar ried, have no business to take up the gals' time for nothing, and thereby keep better boys away.'' NOVEL AIARRYING OPERATio:v —.t man by the name of Alvord, left this city and a wife 21 years ago, and event to South America. His wife married again, supposing that he was dead. Her sec• and husband died, and she married again. She lives with her third husband in this city at the present time. • Last week her first husband returned, safe and_sound.-11artford Times. ED- A robustious countryman meet ing a physician, ran to bide behind a well ; being asked the cause be replied, '•lt is so long since I have been sick, that I am ashamed to look a physician in the fate:" Groat Economy in Eindling rims. riIHE attention of nuttily Merchanta, Ped .t and Dealer. generally. ant fatndiee are reepect fully invited to a componition called I. I I,IEEVERI I PA ARM' FIRE KINDLING. an article much needed and in demand from all quoricre. From CENTS wil supply 011 e lire ov cry day' for 6 intillia. It in neatly done up in pwkagea, each containing 24 cnkce—eachcake 10 inchea rquare.—one of which inntanialiconely taking lire from contact with a lighted match will iguite Charcoal. Wood rind Biiuminctra Cyril, end with one-fourth the ordinaty quantity of , wood or charcoal will k; tulle the A othroritc. For sale. Wholesale nod RP.IoII, nt thy KIND. LING DEPOT,Nu. 149 south 2nd street, Phil• add Olin. J. W. GRAY. Feb. 13, 1848-11 n. Auditor's Notice NOTICE is hereby given to all persons inter ested, that tire undersigned was appointed by the Orphans Court of I luntingdon county, at Janu ary term last. auditor to apportion the balance in the handsof the administrators oft amen' Myton, late of West township in a , id county deceased. and that he will attend to the duties of his mid appointment on Saturday the 10th day of March next, at his Office in the borough of I luntingdon, at ten o'clock A . NI. amid elan ; when entrWhere all persons interested ere notified to attend. JOHN REED, Auditor. Feb IS, 1849. Administrators' Notice, .4 L EXANDER A7oJr.r. Estate of GOMERY, late of West towns/tip, dece'ased. NOTICE is hereby gin that Letters of Ad ministration on said Estote. hone been grunted to the undersigned, Persons indebted to the same, are requested to make payment and those hiving claims nt demands against the some, to present them dilly authentiest,;d f or settlement. ‘‘ !MIA M MONTGOMERY, THOMAS MONTGOME ItY, Feb. 20, 1849. [Administrators. Executors , Notice. LETTERS testamentary having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Matthew Garner, late of Penn town ship, in the county of Huntingdon, de ceased, all persons indebted to said es tate are hereby notified to call and make payinent,.and all persons having claims against the same are requested to pre sent them duly authenticated for settle ment to the subscribers. JOHN GARNER, Jr. GEORGE GARNER, Jr., Executors. Penn twp.,feb27•pd Executors' Notice. Estate of JOILIV .41ce RENEY, late of Henderson township, deed. NOTICE is hereby given that letters testamen tary have been granted to the undersigned on the estate of John Mc artney, late of Henderson township, deceased. Persons knowing thmnselves indebted will come forwardand make payment;and all those having claims will present them duly au thenticated fursettlenirnt. ISA BELL A McCARTNEY, Executrix, A PURELY VEGFTABLE MFDICINF. • WoradelPs Vegetable Restorative Pills A o fa v v E . r be a e m n os a i g r a t d h u e a f l a l i y ir • :vt e. s o n f r t el h r s c c o o m u i , i t g ry i n fo t r some years past They have done this entirely through their great worth as a FAMILY MI D IANE. Agencies have been appointed but no puffing and humbug sneh as is resorted to by quotas to sell their medicine has been done. The pills are offered fur sale and hove and will continue to he sold by all the p• inciple store keepers. The proprietors claim for their Medi cine the folluWing .Ivaningee over all others— viz: are PURELY Vt GETA They are CERTMN TO OPERATE. Their o . caution in FREE from all PAIN. They eon be used with EQCAI. ENEFIT by theyoeng est INFAN I and die STRONGEST MAN— Their efficiency in Fevers, Ague, Headaches, Habitual Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Cholera Mor ten; &c.. has been proven upon thousands.— They area Certain Cure for Worms. The pm prieiora possess a certificate from agentlemen in St. Louts who was cured of a TAPE W OR ti by the use of them. Try them they will not fell. Travelling agent for the Store of Pennsylva nie—' nAnctis P. Anne. For sole. price 25 cents a box containing FIFTY PILLS, with full direction. by the following agents in Huntingdon County: Timm.. Read & Son. Huntingdon. Thorne. E. Orhison, Otbieonia. 1. M. Lindsey, Hotlidayeburg. Hair Co A. WEEKS & Co. Proprietors, Laboratory No. 141 Chesnut street, Philsdelpois. January 23. 1849—:y FARM FOR RENT. rpHE undersigned offers for rent that valuable 1 farm (being part of a tract of land purcha sed from the heirs of Henry Swoope,) and ad join; lands of the heirs of ElizaSwoope Wharton, adjoining McConnellstown, lands of Frederick Lissinger, Daniel Buchwalter, and others, con taining 205 Acres, between 145 and 150 acres of which are cleared, and between 45 and 50 acres meadow land—the balance woodland. On said tract of land is sit uated a Grlid Mill, Saw Mill, Dwelling House and Bank Barn, and is about 5 miles from the borough of Hunting don and the Penn's. RaiWoad and Canal. Per sona wishing to rent' can obtain any information by applying to the undersigned, residing in Walker township, about emiles from the prop erty. GEORGE HAWN, DAVID HAWN. Dec. 19, ISIS Dissolution of Partnership. The partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers in the butchering business, was dissolved by mutual consent on Thursday 23d of January, 1819. All persons having unsettled accounts are requested to call immediately and settle the same. PETER SHULTZ, HENRY BUTTS. Grayaport, Jan. 30, 1849—pd. Administrator's Notice. Estate of J...I.ArE B✓IRR, late of Jack son township, dec'd. \TOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad. iN mihistration have been granted to the uhtler. signed on said estate. Persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those hating Maims or dementia against the name to present thorn duly authenticated for set tlement to JOHN HARR, Feb. !1,1943—pd. .4 tins i , tistra I or. MOTE NEW GOODS AT ME • GRAN o BAZAR ! rislier, 1111 , 1111urtrie & Hove just received n further addition to their Fall and \\ inter stock of Goads, consisting of everything useful and ornamental. 811swls of'. all kinds and all prices: Muslin do ',sins at 10 ris per d ; Calicoes at 3 and 4 eta ; Muslins, bleached and unbleached, at 3 cis, raid yard wide at 6 els; 1. ashmoires, Ginghants, &c; Water proof and other Boots for men and boys. Shoes of all kinds, Buffalo socks, glint shoes, Fin Mo lasses, Ready-made t lathing. Buts and Caps, Trunks, Valises, Blankets, &c., &c., cheaper than ever! Huntingdon. Dec. 5. 1848. TO THE VOLUNTEERS AND MILITIA OF THE 2nd BRIGADE, 10th DIVISION, P. M. FELLOW' CITIZEN,:-At the solicitation of many friends, I offer myself us candidate for BRIGADE INSPECTOR, at the ensuing election. I resilectfully solicit your suffraees, and if elected, promise to dis charge the duties of the office faithfully—and I trust to the satisfaction of the Brigade. Your Fellow Citizen, JAMES CLINGER. Pine Grove Mills, Centre county, Jan. 9, 1819 I ~J'CD zta Of Partition and Valuation of the Real Eestate of JOHN .IIILLER, late of Union township, Huntingdon County, deceased. . . • . _ . „ . THE heirs and legal representatives of the said John %tiller. deceased. viz: Christian Miller,John Mi ler, Matthew Miller, and Han nan Dell now intermarried with Michael Dell, are hereby notifled that by virtue of a Writ of Partition o Valuation, issued to me out of the firphr•ns' Court of Huntingdon County. I will hold an inquisition on the Real Estate t f said de ceased, viz: o Tract of Land situate in Union township, Huntingdon county, • ontaining 339 acres and allowance, on TUESDAY, MARCH 13th, 19 .19,0 n the premises. when and where all interested can attend if they think proper. •MA PT itE ‘A , CRO WNOVER, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, t Jan. 31.1849-4 r Sheldrake's Allegheny House, No. 280 Market Street, above Eighth, . (South sid_e_ 2 ) Philadelphia. rpHis large and splendid lintel has baton fur -1 niched with entire new furniture. The bar Room is the largest in Philadelphia. The Par lors and rtitting-ltrioms are entirely separated front the noise and bustle, consequent to the ar- 1 rival and departure of cars. The Portico en lending the whole front of the house, affords a cool retreat in warm weather, and a splendid view of the greatest thoroughfare in the City. The Lodging Rooms are welt furnished. The T ! able as well provided for as at any other Octet, DORSET 42 MAGUIRE, with every attention of the manapets to make it t the best Hotel for Merchants and 'lushly. Men : Have just received direct front the Eastern Cities, during Air stay in the City. The terms w i ll and are .w opening a splendid a ssortment of be one dollar per day, On the arrival of the NEW AND C EAP GOODS, Cara from the West, a Porter will be in attend anceof to convey baggage , &c. to the Hotel, which consist el is adjoining the depot. I) 7. 'Y'-1 0 0 12 1 N, Feb. 13, 1819— 6m. Suited to Ladies and Gentlemen's wear, including Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Cloths. Ca zi ni . e .i r , s . ,. i Sa i t e t r i e i . ictt ) s, V: i ii r t , i ( n . g2 i i i t i ts i B ot at : Notice is hereby given that the SEV. i b t A ne l . l ,l h isigh u tthis l , " , alic ' oes, Check;.Showlso&c. ENTH INSTALLMENT of FIVE Dot- 1 We have also a handsome assortment of LVRS per share on the Capital stock of , READY-MADE this company is required to be paid on • or before the Ist day ofJantatry next ; CLOTHING. 'rite eighth instalment of five dollars per' , . . . , , , They would also invite attention t °the] rstocu o share on or before the 2d day of March —Tito ninth instalment of five dollars , GIt()CEIIt I E S , per share on or before the Ist day of i s ugars _ 5, 6 and 8 cents per pound— May, and the tenth instalment of five i Molasses, from 371: to 10 emits per dollars per share on or before the Ist day . gallon ; and every other article usually of July next, nt the office of Miles & kept in it Grocery Store, at equally Dorris. Payments will be received of one• or low prices. Boots, Shoos, flats and Caps, more instalments, or the Stock may be Hardware and Cutlery, hi., Glass and Queens paid in full, at the option of the Stock. ware,Drugs, Medicines. Dye Stuffs, &c. holders, and interest will be allowed I Alt of which willbe sold at very reduced prices. from date of payment. The Ladies and Gentlemen are requested to call Instalments not paid punctually „Hi, and examine these Coeds.. they cannot fail to please all both as regards style and prtre. - he subject to the penalty of one per 4-. cent per month, as required by law. DORSEY MAGUIRE GEORGE V. BACON Treas. In the store room formerly oecuitied by Jacob , Miller, opposite the, residence of Judge Gwin, Dec. 12, 1848. Suntinmion, Administrator's Notice. [re' All kinds of Country Produce ta iw ken in exchange for goods. [Sept. 26 Estate of JOSEPH JaCKSON, David) dec'd, late of Jackson township, Huntingdon county. \FOTICE is herehy given that letters of Ad -1.,t ministration on said estate hive been grant ed to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay inent.ond those having claims or demands against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement to GEORGE OLIVER. Atim'r, Oliver township, Mifflin county Jan. 31, 1949—Gt.-pd. AdministratotNNOtice Estate of cassixD I? Le EC H, late of Union township, Huntingdon county. /COTICE is hereby given that Letters of M IN ministration on said estate have been grrnt ed to the undersigned. All persona indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those havingelaims ordema ids against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement to MOttli.i WOOPE, Adinini.tra tor. Auditor's Notice. The undersigned, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, to appropriate the proceeds of the Sheriff's Sale of the real estate of Henry Dopp, hereby gives notice to all persons interested in said appropriation, that he will attend for that purpose, at his office, in Huntingdon, on Friday the Gth day of April next, at 1 o'clock, P. M. CEO. TAYLOR, Feb. 27.1819. . Auditor. X11.&.I,.11.R0W1;, BROOM & WOODEN WARP STORE, Ao. 63 orth Third .street, 011 C door above Areh,nasi side, ' PHIL DELPHIA, Manufacturers& Wholesale Dealers in allk inds or Brooms, Brushes', Buckets, Ceder Ware.— Willow and French Baskets, Shoe and Wall Biushe , g,Sel übs, Dusters, Mats, Blacking, East ern-made \Wooden•ware of every deseription,&e. &c., at the lowest market prices. MANLY ROWE, JOHN M. ROWE. March /,'4B. NWHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ISTEW 1111 PIZANTITACTORY. The undersigned announce. to the citizens n Huntingdon County, that he ban just opened in the borough of LKWISTOWN, a new HAT MANUFACTORY, where he in pre pared to make every variety of Hots in, mit of the bent materials such an IiHAN'BR, SILK, NUTRIA, FUR. MPOOL 4 tito. The business of manufacturing is conducted by and under his own personal super vision, and his long experience in the business in the best establishments of 'be country marmite hint in guaranteeing to all who may purchniut from him good trobittoutial and highly finished work: Our Omishiri ads shall not he forgotten in the efforts we shall put forth to 'noel the wants of the commurity, ,in out line of business, and he will he ready to answer their calls at prices that must rense. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS, and nil others who may desire to purchase ants. his establishment riffords superior inducements, both no regards qualiiy nod price, which shall be of such a character ns to I. ave no room for grum bling. We the eforo invite every body, of every distinction of. party or sect, to roll and examine our stock; which is tho la gent nod best assorted one that has ever hens introduced here. N. B. flute of my innnufaei ure can be hnd at retail at the store of WM. STEWART, in Huntingdon Borough._ WM. G. ZOLLINGER Lewistown, t3epl. 6, 11,48. CHEAPER THAN EVER IF want to get the worth of your money then GEORGE GWIN, where you will and the I trgesl, heat, and cheap est a4sorttn •nt of Goods, that the town can pro duce;and that. too. et such low prices that all who purchase are fully satisfied t .et our motto i 4 trite," A quick Six-pence is better than aslow shilling." - Huntingdon, Oct. 17, 1848. CITIZENS OF HUNTINGDON COUNTY, NOW'S YOUR TIME TO GET THE WORTH 01 YOUR MONEY ! J. V. SAXTON, Inform the public that they have received splendid and extensive . assotiment of all kinds of FALL BL, WIN, ER GOODS, which they ore determined io sell at prices to suit, atL. They invite the public to call and ex amine their Goods. Huntingdon, Nov. 21, 1848. FALL AND WINTER DODDS. Circlet Reduction be Prices Magnetic Telegraph Outdone! Likenesses taken in a " [cede less than no time." THE undersigned begs leave most respectfully to announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Huntingdon and vicinity, that he has proenred an improved Daguerreotype Apparatus, which he has located at the Court House in this place, where he can be found at all times prepared to wait upon any of his friends who may favor him with a call. W. I'. WILSON. Jan. 9, 1819.• 1001 ILLUMINATED ! x. NErr di. BRO., Invite the attention of the eitisens of Hunting don and persons visiting this place during the present Court to their immense stock of - CLOCKS, WA TornIES .1 9 :ewelry, and Fancy Articles _ - Just received at their store in MARKET SQUARE, One door east of the Exchange Hotel. They will sell Full jewelled Gold Levers, 18 _Perot, hunting case, for $OO 00 gold levers, 18 caret, single case, 30 00 Gold Lepine, finest quality, 25 00 Silver Levers, from $l2 to 40 00 ~ Lepines Btols 00 Verge Watches 1 to 10 00 Fight day brass Clocks it to 6 00 30 hour ~ ~ 3to 400 Areordeons, 1 to 18 00 Gold Pencils, ' 1 50 to 0 00 4 , Pens, 1 00 to 2 50 Gold Miniature Frames, 4 00 to 10 00 All kinds of Jewelry 20 per cent lower than heretofore. We are thankful for patronage heretofore re ceived, and would solicit all persons desirous of purchasing any thing in our line to give us a call. N. B. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repair• ea :tad warranted. Huntingdon, Nov. 14, 1803. G X OXYGMNATEM. AIN 6 - ii :44:*, FOR THE cURE DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, &c., &c., &c. S'i 441° s § 41. Mr nLnu 31Afi itaxn TIII; if you have got Oent'l roia of Awritm or soli. from gimorol linty. or uhy complaint resulting from , derange ment of the stomach. You • «•ould' give it good dual to get well, woultrnt you I Then just give LITTLE, and try Green's Oxygenated Bitters. Its justthe thing ('or you. The Doctor discover ed this medicine only after long and careful study —to cure a friend too—not to inakemioney out of it. Look at the evidence of its• efficacy and you will hesatisfied. lion. AITHON LLWIIENCE cured of Aornnt. BEi.cuiu•rowv, March 16, 1849 Dn. GRUEN K-1 take greet pleasure in inform ing foil of the elrects of the Medicine celled t tx• ygenated Bitters you had the kir.dnr•ss to send toe. For sortie twenty years I had suffered lie vorely from humored Asthma. I was compelled to sit up one third of the night; without going to b u d 0 1 ail; and the reot of the time my bleep MS interrupted by violent fits of coughing and grout difficulty of breathing. In all my attendance upon our courtel never went to bed in Northamp ton in twenty yeeis but twice, and then was coin % pelted to get up . . Nnw I lie iu bed without diffi culty, and sleep sound .y. I took your medicine according to directions. The violent symptoms immediately abated, and pere,vel mice in the ur,e of the remedy has removed ell its troublesome COIIMIIIPIICCS. TllO value of such a remedy i•- incalcultilde. and I hope its virtues lorry be wide• iy diffused and its benilicent agerrcy extensively omp. oy !d RespectfuUy yours. • MYRON LAWRENCE, DVSI C 1.1 EL! INV Pn. June 10, 1848 Nte.rei. Collier & Bro. Gentlemnn—ln reply to your note as to the effect of the 0 xygenrited Bitters in toy case. I would say, that I have been afflicted with Dyspep sia about six years, and have tried limy known remedies, but obtained no relief untila friend recommended the Oxygenated Bitters. • • • • I was flatly induced to procure two bottler of you, nod I hnd not taken hell a bottle before I felt its Oracle upo I toy system , anti after the uar itt the second bottle, I found myse.f in a state of health as unexpected ns it was. gratifying. To the afflicted I have no hehiintion ill remintinend mg the Bittern, as superior to any tnedieine I have ever heard of for the cu re of Dyspepeia. Very Respectfully yours, M A DSO N M. LEWIS. The following Certificates have re cently been received; WAVIINGTON, D. C., June :0, 1846. Honing inadr use of the, 'Oxygenated Bitters" prepared by Dr. Geo-13. Green. of A 1 indsur, Vt , nd from knowledge nlanined of their ellicady in other cases. we cheerfully recommend them to the public, believing that they will fully•sustain the recommendation of the Proprietor. 1\ e hope that this valuable remedy may be so generally dif fused tint:mahout the country that it may be tic. cessible to all the afflicted. SAMUEL PHELPS, U. S. Senators front WM. UPHAM, - S Vermont. JAMES F. Simmolis, U. S. Senator from Rhode 'eland. J. 'l'. MOREHEAD; U. S. Senator and for merly Governor of Kentucky. L. H. Aasor.o, Member of Congress and formerly Governor of R. I. Wm. WOODBRIDGE, U. S. Senator and formerly Governor of Michigan. M. L. MAR CI N, Delegate inn CollgrCSBflo7ll Wisconsin Territory. From the lion. Sown,. FMT. Member of Con. greys from Vermont. Gil Env & i.xTen mt. General Agents, No. 2G, South -ixth St, Philadelphia. - Sold wholesale and retail by 'nom,. HEAD EC S,N, Huntingdon, Pa. Price-141.00 per bottic: six bottles for $5.00. August 15. 1848. WASHINGTON HOUSF., ITARIIISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA. gnus Popular I louse has recently undergone a t ',wrangle repair, and been furnisher/ toi/h entire new fared, ure, of the best quelhy. Mem bers of the Legislature and others, visiting the Sent of Government, will find it y very denirable stopping place, ar Charges nnelernln. m. 'l. SANDERS,.4gcnt IliulYarrieburg, 14, 1848-6 m. FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS!! Clothing for Men and Boys. A. 11FILLOUGTIEY. Has received at biz; old Stand in Main Street, Huntingdon, a new, and large assortment iii Clothing, READY-MADE, of all sizes to suit men and boys, consisting o. the most ftishionttble Dress Pauttr?onn, and Vests, made of the best and finest 170, Ca.r•eiaunre.,, and Calulleil, And an equal a,- sortment of plain and substantial materials. suited for ille every day business of all He has a FULL essna•ratesT of every size and kind, and he will sell' • as Cheap as Mc Chcaptse. He only wants a small living profit; and he in vites all who wish to purchase to see his Goods, before purchasing elsewhere. Tayloring. is his trade, and hi knows twilit he says when he says he can and will accommodate all who call, on terms to suit. He also continues THE TAYLORING BUSINESS, and has an extensive assortment of Cloths, Cas simeres, Cassinetts and Vestings, which he will sell and make up to suit any and every body, cheap and well. He is determined to leave No ItoonY for Grumbling! septl9,lBlB. - JUST . ARRIVED, A SPLENDID assortment of Amer-- can Cottage, Cast . Iron, Air Tight, Parlor, Coal and wood Stovea, Russia Iron Stoves, Fancy 6 Plate, Parlor Radi ators, &c., &e., for sale by J. & W. SAXTON; lohnlicott, jr., A TTORNEY AT LA W,Huntingdon,Po.— / - 1 Has removed hisolßee to the middle room of . Bnare's RoW,"directlyoppositt Fisher M'Mur trie's store where he will attend with promptness and fidelity to all business with which he may be ontreeeetlin Huctingdon ortite adjcriningeounti. " Encourage your Own" [Cabinet Piare Rlantifaclorl, J. n. & D. WIIITTA.2ZER, W " ii l :l l „', l) ,.:Tr " ti t i l c ' i c , '" fr r i l ond ' s of an " d 'i t ' he me p t u h ti o l t i l c o a f t large that they COD ilillC to carry on the CABINET-MAKING business,. at their old stand, one door curt of tiro dwelling house of J. G. Miles. Esq., anti . directly opposite the Printing 011ico of the • Huntingdon , Journal," where they will he pleased to furnish those who rosy fst - , them with their (mon., with all articles in their line on the most rrasonallo terms. Haring supplied themse sea with a eery ' large and superior stock of skiff. they have )1, hesitation in assuring the Public that they CGI , furnish work, which, for cheapness, beauty' and , dumbility,connot be surpassed b y any other show . in the county. They will keep constaiilly on hand, and ma.o to order, SIDE BO.INDS, BUREJWS, Card s Tables, Bedsteads, Centre - Tables, Cupboards, Stands, Dottgh Troughs, Wash Stands, Wardrobes, Secretaries, Breakfast Tables, Pcdestals,&.c. Ohl furniture repaired at the very shortest no tice. C on-r made and funerals ettrnded,either in town or country, lit the shortest notiee. They keen a Hoarse for the accorninedotion of their cup !timers. Gram of all kinds will ba token in choke fur furniture and work. Tlintiltfullor the veryliberolpotronoge otelure extended to them, they nsoure the public that PM ell;)rtif will be spared oh their part to deseriT n con tinuaneentid increase of public patronage. may 2, 1848-tf. DR.LE Rotes I r egellable tisiVcre.sai itillro, The only known Atedicille that at the same time purges, purifies and strengthens the system. _ _ _ Losnox,July 7,1•846. T IR. LE ROV'S l'illEara a new medicine which 1.1 has just appeared,and iafuet taking the plum, of all others of the eater, class. Therm pills ar, composed of many ingredients, but the two pi Mei pal ones are riaraaparilla and Wild Cherry, so (wi red that they act together; the ono, through it admixture with other substances ; purifying did purging., while the other is strengthening the s) tem. 'l'llllB that, pills are al the same time len . ic ur.rl oprrning; a desideratum I clig and eitge'rly sought for by medical men, but never before di. eructed. In other wordathey do the work of me medicines, and do it much better than any Into toe know of; for they relative nothing from the sysreni but the impurities; so that while they puilte they strengthen; and hence they cause no debilitation, and ore followed by no re-action. Dr. re Roy's. pillshave a wonderful influence on the blood; they not only purify without weakening it ; but they re— movo all noxious particles from the chyle befot,it is converted into fluid, end thus make int! tire blood an utter impossibility. Adhere is nrr ti lor itationtso there kr no nausea or sickness rate ntlirtg the operationa of this most excellent of medic no n hick !truer strains or tortures the digestive fort - tions,buteauses then, to work in a perfectly natur al manner; and hence personxtalring dun) do not become pale and emaciated, but the contrary ; r,n. while it is the proprr - ty of the Sarsaparilla. naiad as it is with other ingredients, to removed' that is foreign and impure, it is equally the property or the Wild Cherry to retain all that is natural urn sound; and hence a robust Mate of health is the certain.rati It of their united operations. az' ' , Price 25 Cel,ft pet 110 X. AGENTS.—T. Raid & Sun, Swoop: & Hen, Huntingdon ; W. W. Buchnnun; hlilliki nod ljessier. ; S. Hatfield & ithm,Juni utu trim IVorks; Porter & Bucher, IfliSiire & 8;voope, H. C.. Walker, is; G. H .Bteincr Witersi rect. fAug.,31,'47. TENXII %T'S Washington Gallery of Divert nlypes, No. 1 Nora ScconerStrect, Ir. carper C' Iluarlill Strret, PITTLADRIPHIA. er HE Lilcenesses taken and beautifully colored at this well known eatublishment for ows AO). Lan, fko universally conceded to be EqUAL L iII ev ery respect to ass in the city. Piettireipuhen equally well in cloudy and clear weather. A large assortment of NI rnat. LIi,NA and Loci,' Ft 14 on hand, from $2 to $5, including the pictur.. The subscribers respectfully invite the citintim of Huntingdon County, to call and email? six cimens of the latest improvenit tits in than of Daguerreotyping, which will be exhibited chew fully and without'chit gr. T. Lkt..T. C. TENNENT. 4; 1848 COLEMAN'S CHEAT CUTLEitY STORES. Nos. 32 and 33 Arcade. and 8} North Third St., PHILADELPHIA. (lOUNTRY erchants can save from 10 to 15 kj per cent by ',motioning at the above stores By imparting my own goods, paring,bu t t little rent, and living economically, it is plain I con un dersell those who purehaee their goods brie, pay high rents, and Ike like princes. Constantly on band, a largo assortment of Pen sad Pocket Knives Scissors and Razors. Table Ki,:v,s and Forks, in Ivory, Stag, Buffalo, Bone and Wood handles; Carvers and Forks, Steels_ &e. Butcher Knives, Dirks, Bowie Knives, Re-- vol,in g and Plain- Pistols, &e. Just reeeived. large stock of Rodgers' owl Wostenholm's fin, Pen and Congress Knives. Also, a largo auortment of Accordeona, 4e.. &c. Al6O, Fino Engliah Twist and German. Guns. 301-IN M, COLEMAN. juneTo-Iy. • Crowell's/tom & Molter, No. 11. Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Wine, Liquor and General Commission Alert,/tants. _ ....—.. . • ITTINE'A, Brandies, Gin, — and Champaipne -NY *different brands imported direct, and stri.d . on accommodating terms to Country Dealers. Qnal - Wes and proof of Liquor. wrrranted. Philadelphia. June 20 , 1840. THE VERY LAST NOTICE. The subscriber is forced once more to cal upon his friends and patrons and ask tbeSl tv come and pay off their accounts. Necemity alone induces him to call upon them again at present, and necessity alone does dictate hitri hand over to the proper officer all accounts ' that may remain unpaid or unsettled by the lit of February 1849 for collection. Oct. ;-Bth 111148. I. B. Tarinitt